Composition describing the head teacher (16 recommended)
I'm flirting with juvenile mania
2024-04-28 08:03:47
Junior 1

Composition describing the head teacher (1)

Day after day, year after year, we were promoted to the first grade. The cruelest thing is that we have a new head teacher. I really don't like this new head teacher very much.

School finally started. I was very bored in this summer vacation, so I came to this school that I am familiar with with a happy mood. Just entering Class 87, I saw a middle-aged man collecting invoices and filling in materials there. I was thinking that this male teacher has a good face and dark skin. He should be a strict person at the sight of his medium height. In fact, part of the reason why I don't have a good opinion of this teacher is that he replaced Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen is very kind to us. Although he is sometimes strict, he treats us as his own children. When asking questions, Mr. Chen is always patient and careful to explain the questions to us. Even if he doesn't understand, Mr. Chen will teach in another way. As for Mr. Hong, when he asked him questions, he always felt that he had a tone of impatience. We answered the wrong question carelessly, and he even said: You don't listen to me and don't want to talk! God, this is what a teacher should say to his students. If you don't want to tell me, I don't want to ask! However, I still like Mr. Hong's class, because he likes to interact with students in class, so that students can keep up with the progress. The reason why I like Mr. Hong's class is that I am a person who loves raising hands. Therefore, I answer the most questions asked by Miss Hong.

Miss Hong also has one major shortcoming - she is too good at swearing. I remember that on the first day of school, the teacher finally asked the students one by one if they had any missing books. When asked about the math book, the teacher said: Who dares not have a math book? I remember several times that the teacher said something about TM. The teacher also took the lead in setting a bad example - writing names on paper money. The teacher asked us to write our names on the paper money in order to prevent anyone from failing to pay the 60 yuan at the beginning of school. As we all know, it is uncivilized to write names on paper money. But the teacher did such an uncivilized thing and didn't look like a teacher at all. Teachers should take the lead and teach us something civilized rather than uncivilized.

This is my new head teacher, Miss Hong

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (2)

The head teacher of our class is surnamed Liu, and the students affectionately call her Miss Liu.

Miss Liu has a pair of eyebrows like willow leaves, big eyes full of wisdom, a talkative mouth under her high nose, and she often has short hair, which makes her look lively and energetic.

At ordinary times, Miss Liu is very kind to us, but if she gets angry, she will immediately look like a child in June. She will change when she says something, and look at you silently, making you feel 'scared. This wordless look is more effective than a storm of criticism. But Miss Liu also has a gentle side. In class, her magnetic voice deeply attracted every student in our class. Her vivid explanations brought us into the beautiful mood of the text again and again. Miss Liu is also very fond of playing. After class, she always gets along with us. Sometimes she even fights with us like a child to win or lose.

Dear Mr. Liu, you give us love and care just like your mother, and give us meticulous care just like your own children. In the future, we will study hard and report your love for us with excellent results. We will make the teacher's face always wear a satisfied and sweet smile.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (3)

Teachers are gardeners of our country. They work hard for our students every day, teach us knowledge every day, and are busy every day. They ignore their families, individuals and everything, and only care about our study. It's really hard!

There are many "great" people's teachers in Class 2, Grade 2, Junior High School. Among them, Mr. Xia, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Yuan have the most obvious deeds. They are strict but funny and care for students. Their deeds are common, especially the "elder" (Mr. Yuan).

One day at noon, Xiao Ge in our class was having a meal in class. At that time, Mr. Yuan came into class. As soon as he saw Mr. Yuan, Xiao Ge hurriedly hid his lunch box in the table. Unexpectedly, Mr. Yuan saw this scene. He walked up to Xiao Ge and said meaningfully, "Xiao Ge, you are so thin, and you eat so little at noon. Aren't you hungry? Don't hide your lunch box when I enter the class. You can eat more. Don't be afraid that I will have enough to eat. I will have the strength to go to class in the afternoon! " Xiaoge nodded in embarrassment. The students were moved by Teacher Yuan's caring behavior. At this time, I had a good meal and was ready to drink water, but the cup was too tight to open. I found several strong boys, but the cup was indifferent. At this time, I turned my eyes to Mr. Yuan. I handed the cup to Mr. Yuan as quickly as I could, and Mr. Yuan opened the cup gently, Teacher Yuan kindly said, "Teacher Yuan is the elder, and the elder is dedicated to wring cups for students." The whole class laughed when they heard this sentence, so from then on, the class "spread" the nickname of teacher Yuan - "elder".

Although the teacher is very hard, he still welcomes us with the best spirit, the most beautiful smile and the best teaching every day. Teacher, you are so hard!

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (4)

From kindergarten to now, there are many teachers who have taught me. One of them has taught me the longest and enlightened me the most. That is my head teacher, Miss Li.

From the first grade to now, Miss Li has been my head teacher, and taught us mathematics, and we have a deep relationship.

Mr. Li is very serious about his work. In order to encourage us to learn, as long as we are excellent in homework or have made progress, we will get a star, and five stars will be replaced by one homework book. In order to get more stars, we are more serious in our homework.

Teacher Li not only works hard, but also cares about us. Once in class, I suddenly felt sick and told Teacher Li, who immediately took me to the office. First, she called my mother and asked her to pick me up. Then she poured me a cup of hot water and told me to drink it quickly. I immediately felt warm in my heart, and the pain seemed to be alleviated. I found that Mr. Li was a good teacher who was conscientious.

It takes ten years for trees to grow and a hundred years for people to grow. From a young and ignorant child in the first grade to an excellent student in the fifth grade, I am very grateful to Miss Li, because she has helped me the most.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (5)

Our head teacher is a very excellent teacher. We all call her Miss Zhao. She is about 165 meters tall and usually wears a pair of black pants and a dark green coat. She often wears a ponytail, a pair of big water eyes inlaid in a melon face, a small nose and a small cherry mouth. She is very beautiful. She always has a kind face on her amiable face. She treats me as carefully as her own children. When the teacher was lecturing, the students listened very carefully, even did not move. When the bell rang, we did not know... Especially one thing, it was still fresh in my memory.

In the first semester of the third grade, one rainy morning, my grandmother sent me to school. As usual, she went back to the school just before the school gate. The path at the gate of the school is pitted. When it rains, a "small river ditch" will form. I came to the "single tree bridge" beside the "small river" and walked carefully. My feet got stuck in the mud when I was careless. My shoes and socks were all muddy. I was very sad and cried. At this time, my classmates helped me to find our teacher, who took me to the office, After I was settled down, I called my grandmother, and then collected water for me to wash the mud off my feet. When my grandmother came, she helped me put on clean shoes and socks. I was very moved and thought: It's my honor to be such a teacher's student. When we are ready, we go to the classroom with the teacher. In the classroom, the teacher is so approachable.

He is really a good teacher. I want to be such a teacher when I grow up.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (6)

The teacher is a bright light, illuminating my future. The teacher is a stream, let me flow farther, the teacher is a book, let me learn more knowledge.

Mr. Lu is our head teacher and our math teacher. He is a medium-sized man. He has shaved a small black shiny flat head, dark skin, and a pair of neat and white teeth that look particularly bright on his face. I always feel that he is like the "African talent" in my eyes. They are very strict with us in study, and are better than our relatives in life. He also has a wide range of hobbies, such as painting and playing table tennis. Every Friday, he will prepare a unique activity for us.

The most memorable activity was the "Lu's Popcorn Festival". With the careful preparation of Mr. Lu, the atmosphere became active. "Pipa" "Pipa" bloomed! Blossom! We rushed to the place one after another. Wow, it's so fragrant! One after another pale yellow popcorn bloomed in the pot in an instant. The first pot of popcorn came out fresh in our expectation and cheers. We lined up with paper cups, which made me chew popcorn one by one in my small mouth. This pot is not very large, and we haven't eaten much. Seeing that we didn't have enough to eat, Teacher Lu immediately shouted, "Boys and girls, the second pot will be cooked right away. Please wait patiently.". At this time, we danced happily. Several students gathered around the pot tightly, with two eyes staring at the boss. I was afraid that the popcorn in the pot would slip away in a flash. Suddenly, a classmate said, "Oh! It's not good, it's scorched" "What's the matter? We all talked about it. At that time, Teacher Lu was already busy with sweat. Seeing our disappointed expression, she could not help comforting us." Don't worry, don't worry, I will continue to do it for you next time. ". Although we didn't eat much popcorn today, our hearts are full of sweetness and love.

Teacher Lu will always be a shining star in our hearts.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (7)

Here, I want to tell you about my primary school head teacher, Mr. Ma.

Teacher Ma is our head teacher. When we talk about the head teacher, many people will say that the head teacher cares about our life and study like his mother. Just like Xiao Nan's mother in our family yard often said that Xiao Nan's head teacher puts raincoats on children in their class, wraps book covers, reminds them not to forget to take their bags home, and so on, My mother's eyes were full of envy. But our teacher Ma is not like this at all.

I remember one day when I was just in the first grade, it was raining heavily. My mother put on my raincoat for me in the morning. But when school was over at noon, I couldn't put on my raincoat. The students all put on their raincoats and went out to stand in line. I was extremely anxious and several other friends who couldn't wear raincoats waited for Mr. Ma to help us expectantly, but Mr. Ma just gave us a bland look, He said, "If I can't wear it, I will go out in the shower. I will practice hard when I go home. I must do my own thing!" So I got soaked when I came home. I swear to myself that I must learn to wear a raincoat. After several days of practice, I finally learned to wear a raincoat quickly and well. Another rainy day, I not only put on my raincoat quickly, but also helped several other students who could not wear it learn how to wear raincoats. Teacher Ma gave me a approving look. My heart is sweeter than honey.

It is a common thing for students to play small games. If children are bullied in kindergarten, they will complain to the teacher and ask the teacher for help. In the first grade, I soon encountered such a thing. One day, my deskmate Huang Xinning and I fought with the same rubber. I hit her on the head, and she scratched a long blood print on my face. I cried loudly and went to the teacher to complain, but Mr. Ma just led me to the infirmary to disinfect the wound, and did not "punish" Huang Xinning as I wanted, nor did I seriously explain the truth to us, just said, "In the future, try your best to find a way to solve such things, and better find a better way than force." Since then, I have had conflicts with my classmates again, Instead of looking for a teacher first, I used my brain to think of ways to communicate with my classmates and solve problems together. In this way, I never fought with my classmates again and became good friends with many of them.

Let's talk about homework. I used to forget what homework the teacher left. Several times it was my mother who called to ask Mr. Ma. One day, Mr. Ma asked me sternly, "Did you listen to me when I left my homework? Don't put your ears in your pocket in class, OK?" I blushed at that time. Since then, I have always been conscientious in the classroom, and I dare not leave even a little errand. In order to be on guard, I have also prepared an exercise book. In this way, not only did I never forget my homework, but my academic performance has also improved rapidly because I listened carefully. As for Xiao Nan, it is up to her mother to ask her teacher what homework she left.

Maybe you will say that my head teacher, Mr. Ma, doesn't care about students, but that's not the case. One day, Yuan Man in our class suddenly covered his stomach, sweating with pain and looking pale. It seemed that he was very ill. I quickly raised my hand and told Mr. Ma. As soon as Mr. Ma saw that Yuan Man's condition was urgent, he immediately called his mother. Mr. Ma personally took Yuan Man to the Municipal People's Hospital. Because of the timely treatment, Yuan Man's illness soon recovered. I told my mother about this. My mother said that the children should be entrusted to such a responsible teacher, so parents can rest assured!

This is Mr. Ma, a strict and careful teacher. She taught us knowledge, and also taught us to learn independence, self-improvement, good thinking and tolerance. Although I am only in the second grade of primary school, I have learned a lot of life principles that my older sister and brother do not understand, and learned a lot of ways to conduct themselves that my parents are also deeply inspired by through the teaching of Mr. Ma.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (8)

As the saying goes, "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes.". Our head teacher is such a person, we all call her "glasses" teacher. We like her very much.

My head teacher is not very beautiful. He has big eyes, short golden hair, glasses and a very gentle personality. But occasionally he loses his temper. The method she taught us is very simple, but it can let us know a lot of truth.

I remember one time when I was concentrating on my homework. Suddenly, a warm hand was placed on my shoulder. I slowly raised my head. It was the "glasses" teacher. Her big bright eyes looked at me as if to say, "Keep your head straight and your shoulders flat... Why forget it again?" I smiled slightly and straightened my body straight at once. Since then, every time I did my homework, it was like a hand on my shoulder to remind me. Another time, I forgot to write my homework. The "glasses" teacher asked me to go to the office after school. I went, but the teacher had not come yet. I waited there for a while. I cried and the teacher was making me laugh. When I got to my homework, I was still crying. Finally, the teacher said a word, and then I went to school with a smile every day.

My head teacher is such a teacher. She is tireless, meticulous and exemplary. We always look at her and keep her in mind.

Want to know this selfless glasses teacher? Let me tell you that she is my former head teacher, Miss Chen Liuhong.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (9)

In the first semester of the third grade, a new head teacher named Lei came to our class.

Mr. Lei's round face has a pair of big eyes, a small straight nose, and a talkative mouth. The teacher likes to wear red down jacket, dark blue pants, and black cotton boots. It seems very neat.

Mr. Lei is very strict with us. Each student should strictly observe the discipline, listen carefully in class, and finish the homework on time without delay. Under the strict requirements of the teacher, my handwriting became more and more beautiful, and my writing also made great progress. As the saying goes, a strict teacher makes a good apprentice, so our class wants to win the first place in everything. Once, the school held a speech contest, and Ma Xinyu of our class gave a very good speech, which moved the judges and won the first prize, winning honor for our class.

Teacher Lei's teaching method is also very unique. Before learning a new text, she asked us to preview it. If we had any questions, we could write them down, or draw a question mark on the lower right corner of words or sentences. In class, the teacher would answer these questions one by one. The teacher knows so much that no problem can make her difficult. Another time, in a composition class before New Year's Day, the teacher asked us to make greeting cards for our best friends and write a composition. The students were very excited. My composition entitled "Making Greeting Cards" was praised by my teacher.

I like Mr. Lei very much.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (10)

Our head teacher teaches Chinese. She looks very beautiful: her hair style is child hair, light eyebrows, bright eyes, wearing a neat woolen skirt, wearing black high-heeled shoes below, and her body still exudes fragrance!

She works hard and cares for students. Each class is so interesting that we can gain a lot of knowledge in pleasure. We all like to listen to her class. When she changed our homework, she was very careful. She explained the wrong questions carefully until we understood them. After school, she used her rest time to correct our homework.

Once, when we were in class, I suddenly had a stomachache and wanted to go to the toilet. The teacher immediately noticed it and asked me: "What's wrong with you?" I touched my stomach and hesitated to say, "Old master, I have a stomachache." The teacher smiled slightly and said, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" "Well" I nodded and rubbed my stomach, thinking: Old master really knows me.

My teacher gets along well with our students. In PE class, she played rope skipping and hula hoop with us... everyone had a good time.

Our head teacher is really a good teacher.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (11)

My head teacher, Miss Huang, is the most amiable teacher I have ever seen. She has a smile on her face every moment, which makes people feel kind at first glance. What's more, her lectures are lively and interesting. Let me take an example: in the Chinese class, the courseware made by Miss Huang often lets us study in play and read the text aloud, Miss Huang will also use pictures or text content to make the classroom atmosphere become active.

Although Miss Huang is very thin and weak, she is always energetic when she talks, her voice is loud and vivid, and the students sitting in the last row can hear clearly.

In order to let us manage ourselves, Miss Huang made every student in the class take on certain duties, such as team leader, health team leader, sports committee member, discipline committee member, housekeeper, flower guard, health guard, art helper, civilized guard, math assistant, regular guard, safety officer, sorting committee member, early school teacher, thrifty guard The team leader, the team leader, the president of Honghua, the cleaning master, the eye guard, etc., do their jobs, and everyone has a job to do. They manage others as well as themselves.

At the class team meeting, after Mr. Huang specified the theme, each group should hold the theme class meeting in turn every week, and the content should be vivid and interesting, and the knowledge should be wide. It shall be presided over by the organizer.

In terms of homework, Mr. Huang's "third type" is: 1. Reading; 2。 Write, 3. Record. Reading is reading and reading stories; The daily arrangement of writing exercises our writing ability; Memorizing an idiom every day enriches our language skills and improves our understanding of Chinese culture. Before the mid-term and final exams, we announced that we would stop writing and begin to review quickly so that we could get good results.

Miss Huang wrote us vivid and beautiful comments every semester, summarizing our characteristics and advantages, and we were very encouraged after reading them.

Miss Huang has made careful preparations for every parent meeting, summarized the problems of learning interest, learning methods, behavior habits, etc. that have existed in the class since a semester, and wrote nearly 10000 words of Analysis Report on the Results of Parent Meeting Questionnaire. The Report is very targeted and targeted, and many parents use it as a model for educating their children.

Mr. Huang is not only a good teacher, but also a successful educator. Her daughter is very excellent. She is now a doctoral candidate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She studies well and can earn many scholarships for her own life, so she usually doesn't need money from her family.

Mr. Huang is an old teacher. It is estimated that he will retire after teaching us this session. When he taught us this session, he won the title of "excellent head teacher" in Anning District, received the certificate, and wore a big red flower. We really admire him.

Miss Huang is a respectable teacher. I like her very much.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (12)

Our head teacher is a beautiful lady. But her character is like pepper.

Green pepper

Once we entered the school, we were greeted by Mr. Cen.

She is very gentle to us, and her classmates like her very much. We talked with her after class, told jokes, talked about various things

When the door of memory opened, what I found was the gentle touch of Mr. Cen towards me.

I was in the fifth grade. It happened that the ground was wet after the rain that day. I fell down accidentally because I was chasing my classmates. My legs hurt, but I didn't care much about it. I kept running. However, as the pain became more and more intense, I opened my pants and took a look.

I found that my trouser legs were bloody red, and my feet were injured! It was bleeding down all the time. The students also saw it with their sharp eyes and rushed to help me to the teacher's office.

After knowing all the things, Mr. Cen first told me, then went to the medicine box and took out the red potion, and gently wiped it for me with cotton. Looking at the teacher's fear of accidentally hurting me, I seemed to feel no pain in my feet, and stayed for a while.

In class, although the teacher was lecturing to the students, his worried eyes could be traced to me from time to time. A warm current flows through my heart.

red pepper

"What's the matter? Why so many people haven't finished..." The owner of this voice is the gentle teacher Cen.

Because today, most of the students said they didn't finish their homework because of various excuses. The teacher is angry! Like mature peppers; Like a mad lion.

Seeing such a teacher, we couldn't help thinking: How terrible the teacher is. At the same time, we also know that the teacher is for our good, and we have agreed to not offend the teacher in the future! For the teacher's gentleness and her youth (because anger will lead to aging); Also for our "safety".

After meeting our chili teacher, do you think she is like chili. Green pepper, red pepper. No matter what kind of "pepper" you are, you are the teacher we love!

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (13)

"Teacher Liu is so handsome!" "Teacher Liu is so handsome!" During the lunch break today, many students praised our head teacher on the screen. What's going on here? Listen to me carefully.

After lunch this afternoon, when Mr. Liu was showing the pictures of kittens to everyone, the next page appeared with a wave of his hand. The students felt very magical and wanted to learn this special function.

Finally, the teacher decided to choose several students to be his disciples when it was time to learn the supernatural function. Everyone rushed to raise their hands, eager to call their own names. I will stand on tiptoe with my left foot, hold the table with my left hand to keep balance, leave the ground with my right foot and wander in the wind, and extend my right hand as high as possible. I didn't expect that my move was really effective. The Lucky Goddess blessed me. When Mr. Liu called my name, I couldn't help shouting: "Yeah!" At the same time, there were sighs and sighs all around me.

When I came to the teacher, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I was afraid that if I couldn't learn, I would make a fool of myself in front of my classmates. Mr. Liu approached me, folded his hand into a trumpet and whispered in my ear, "You can whisper that Mr. Liu is really handsome, and then point to the screen.". "Come, Hongyan, try." Teacher Liu encouraged me. The following students were also impatient and kept urging: "Hurry up, try!"

I took a deep breath and read in an inaudible voice, "Teacher Liu is really handsome." Then I waved my right hand to the big screen. In an instant, a miracle appeared before my eyes, and the slides really changed! Just now the little yellow cat on the grass has become a little white cat lying on the tree! I looked at the screen blankly and didn't know what to say, but I heard the students' exclamations: "Wow -"

During the free activity, I and several other students who learned the supernatural function told our good friends the mantra. Soon, a large group of students gathered around the screen and shouted, "Teacher Liu is so handsome! Teacher Liu is so handsome!" Then they waved desperately at the screen. But the screen didn't respond at all.

Maybe, if they shout too loudly, their special function will disappear.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (14)

The head teacher of our class is a math teacher. His surname is Wang. He is tall, loud, thin and humorous. He often said such two words: in class is the enemy, in class is the friend; I always remember what others owe me, but I can't remember what I owe others.

In class, Mr. Wang likes to catch those students who are distracted or not listening. After catching them, he will punish them to copy the knowledge points in today's class 10 times. If it is serious, they will be screwed to the front for a class. But after class, he will sit in the students' seats and chat, talk or talk about other subjects and teachers. He often told jokes that made us laugh.

Once, a student in our class boasted, but he accidentally showed his tail. Teacher Wang said, "Look, even the cattle have been praised by you. I said how the price of beef has doubled recently."

Another time, there was a picture of a chicken in our math book. Mr. Wang gave a blackboard report that a duck was missing. Then he saw the chicken in his math class. As a result, Mr. Wang did not distinguish between chicken and duck, and said, "Great, finally we found a duck." We said, "Mr. Wang! That's a chicken or a duck."

During the midterm exam, because of nervousness, some students were always distracted in class. Teacher Wang punished them to copy the content reviewed today. Some students didn't want to copy it, so they kept it there. As a result, after the mid-term exam, Mr. Wang still remembered the matter and asked them to take out the copied content. Later, none of the students dared to owe Mr. Wang anything.

He remembers clearly what others owe Mr. Wang, but he can never remember what he owes others, which makes some students always think about what Mr. Wang wants to return to them. Because Mr. Wang always can't remember what he owes others, as a result, the number of people is increasing, which has provoked public anger. Everyone came to him to ask for something. Then Mr. Wang remembered.

This is our head teacher, a humorous and funny head teacher.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (15)

Our head teacher is simple and ordinary. Although he usually treats us with "high standards" and "strict requirements", he has a heart of caring for students.

He attaches great importance to the cultivation of habits. He often said that a child with good habits can go anywhere! Although my habits are not so good, the teacher's words are deeply engraved in my heart. I am now trying to correct my bad habits every day and form more good habits.

He said to our classmates: "As long as the whole class insists on four days without deduction of points and one week without deduction of characteristics, we will reward everyone with a movie on Sunday!" Everyone was united in this goal. The teacher is so good that he can always come up with some new ideas to convince us.

The teacher is really funny in class. Sometimes even a "class" is called in English, which makes everyone laugh. The teacher's teaching method is also very novel. It depends on luck to answer the teacher's questions. The teacher asked us to draw chalk. If we draw short chalk, we will fail. If we draw long chalk, we will succeed, and we will have the opportunity to answer the teacher's questions. Sometimes the teacher also uses the way of "driving the train" to spot test us. No one knows who the next station of the "train" will be, which makes the students nervous and excited. Even completing the improvement of ability is interesting. When you write on the blackboard, the highest score is "5+1". Everyone wants to get this score very much, so you are very careful. The teacher also told us that we should use historical language to answer history questions, and we should answer them in sections and points, so our classmates were very organized when answering questions in exams. It is just so many lively and interesting history lessons that make us fall in love with history and cultivate the feelings of teachers and students bit by bit.

In the evening of every day's education, the teacher always reminds us that we should make a little progress every day and never relax even when we reach the peak.

This is our good class teacher, Mr. Ning Huwei.

Composition Describing the Head Teacher (16)

Head teacher

My head teacher, Mr. Wang, is in his thirties. He is very beautiful, tall, with short brown hair, a pair of bright eyes, a tall nose, and two rows of white teeth. He always wears a pair of sunglasses.

Miss Wang is a strict and kind teacher. Whenever students encounter problems, she will patiently and carefully explain. He is not only a teacher, but also our friend. I remember that one morning before the winter vacation in Grade One, it was snowing heavily. The fourth class stopped snowing, and it was covered with snow. Beautiful. The teacher said, "Let's go to have a snowball fight and make a snowman". The students were very excited and came to the playground. We rolled snowballs and had snowball fights with Mr. Wang. Bursts of laughter echoed over the playground. Although it was a severe winter, the students had already left the cold behind. How happy they were!

This is my teacher Wang and my friend. Have you met him!

Head teacher

"Spring silkworms die until the silk side is exhausted", and the wax torch turns to ashes and tears begin to dry. Speaking of these two words, I can't help but think of my head teacher, Mr. Liu Jing.

She is not very tall, has a good temper, and speaks like a lark. He is always good at persuading and enlightening us in learning, and takes care of us in life.

I didn't like learning English very much at first. When Miss Liu learned it, she used my funny characteristics, her vivid body language and lively and interesting lectures to arouse my fun. I remember that it was Unit 4. The teacher asked our class to make word cards and asked me to make two. I was happy to do it. Since then, I have developed a certain interest in English. Teacher Liu has taught us to make a series of cards about English learning and other ways of learning English. In our English class, the teacher always talks fascinating, which makes the students unconsciously fascinated.

At the beginning of the sixth grade, Mr. Liu found that the students in our class had a disadvantage - poor font; It happened that she was also our art teacher. She told us that writing is like being a human being. The beauty of the characters represents the beauty of people's hearts and our people. Our students must be more beautiful! We should examine our words from an aesthetic point of view. Since then, the students have actively practiced font, and in a short time, there has been a great change. Before, my characters were too big, crowded and scrawled to see clearly. Sun Yongfei's characters were even worse than mine. Now, our fonts have made great progress, but Sun Yongfei's characters are more beautiful than mine.

Not long ago, Miss Liu found that our class and other students were not polite. On the fourth day of that Thursday morning, I made a New Year card for each of us. Most people in our class, including me, thought they were ugly and changed it again. After school, most of the boys in our class left, and our teacher Liu was still writing blessings for us until very late. Through this event, students learned how to respect others and their labor achievements.

Often after several consecutive classes, the teacher's lark like voice has become a bit hoarse, but it has not delayed our course at all.

Teacher Liu endows us with talent with her profound knowledge; Moisturize our growing seedlings with her hard sweat; Use her beautiful heart to render the truth of our life; Cultivate these future flowers with her selfless dedication.

Without the silent red candle, there is no fragrance of flowers in the courtyard; Without hardworking gardeners, there would be no general glory.

Hard work, our teacher Liu!

Head teacher

Now, I'm in the third grade! I think I have established a deep relationship with my favorite head teacher, Miss Li, and become more and more familiar with her character and characteristics.

When I get home, I can't help sharing my school experience and my favorite teacher Li with my mother.

A pettish doll

Miss Li is sometimes very strict, but sometimes very cute.

I remember once in class, when the students were quietly writing the new words of Book One, Miss Li suddenly remembered something, called a girl to her, and slowly said to the student with a thin, soft voice: "Your composition is about people you know. You must seize his characteristics and write a detailed account of what happened to him. This paragraph of yours is not well written, so you should write it again. Do you remember? " Teacher Li's voice sounds like a babe!

Talking eyes

You know what? Miss Li's eyes can speak.

When the bell rang and the students were still in the classroom, Miss Li appeared at the door of the classroom. She held the textbook in her arms, stood at the door, looked around without saying anything, and the students knew what the teacher meant. They immediately sat down, calmed down, and stopped all small movements.

Miss Li's eyes have told the students that it's time for class. The teacher asks you all to sit down and listen carefully.

A reluctant mother

I think Miss Li is just like my mother, which makes me have a feeling that I can't part with her.

Because Mr. Li leads us to read early every morning, we have memorized many classics such as "Disciple Rules", "Ancient Poetry and Prose Reading, Speaking and Reciting" in the early reading of our first and second years. Teacher Li in the third grade will lead us to recite the Three Character Classic in the morning reading.

I remember Miss Li once said to us in class, "If I continue to be your head teacher next year, I will take you to read the Analects of Confucius." After listening to this sentence from Miss Li, my heart was very nervous. Why did Miss Li say that? Is it possible that Miss Li will not be our head teacher next year? If so, I really hate her.

Miss Li is like my mother. I wish I could stay with her all the time!