Primary School About Sharing (19 practical articles)
Proud snow and setting sun
2024-04-19 04:46:09

Primary School About Sharing (1)

I said: Maybe life is like this, always indifferent to some big ups and downs, but I was moved to tears by those who occasionally come with a faint fragrance greetings.

You said: This is the challenge life gives us. No matter how hard the road is, we can't put our fate on the shelf.

I said: only occasionally, there will be sadness, loneliness and melancholy, often helplessly looking at the sky in a daze, often let the thoughts drift far away.

You said: I want to borrow your wings to fly with you; I want to give you some strength, so that the sky is no longer just yearning.

I said: From now on, I will try not to be sad, I want to give myself a hope.

You said: This is a new beginning, comb your wings, start flying from here!

I said: OK. Even if the meteor across the night sky is just a trace in the wind of years, I will try to grasp the beauty of this moment.

You said: Let your heart fly. There will be many sceneries on the long road. I will accompany you on the way to success.

I said: The sky is just a dream for me. Even if I fly high, I can't fly out.

You said: The future is still a long way to go. Fly to the vast sky, and you will see the sunshine all the way.

I said: I just hope that there will be you along the way. No matter how beautiful the story is, I will share it with you.

So, we are moved, not because of loneliness, but because of the bottom of my heart, a trace of understanding and a trace of attachment

Buddha said: Five hundred times of looking back in the previous life, it was the first time to wipe the shoulder in this life.

I said: It's a long cherished wish to share with you because there are so many opportunities

Primary School About Sharing (2)

One sunny afternoon, in PE class, Mr. Lu asked us to play football, so we couldn't wait to take the ball to the football field. After a while, the football match began, and we rushed forward. As soon as we saw the ball, we would kick it indiscriminately. Again and again, we lost the chance to score goals, but we kept working hard. However, the other team's main attacking player quickly and easily avoided the heavy obstacles of our team members. Soon, he arrived at the goal. The other team's player tricked our goalkeeper with a fake action. Then he flew to the left and shot the ball quickly. Gu Boxiong leaped, hugged the ball, and immediately threw the ball to Wang Xiaohan. After receiving the ball, Wang Xiaohan went through the challenge alone and broke through the defense. He kicked the ball hard and scored.

The members of our team were jubilant. Wang Xiaohan's foot made us one point ahead. I shouted, "You are so great!" So we got up our spirits and the other party's attack was defeated again and again. At the end of the class, I held the ball firmly. I wanted to attack the whole line at the last moment and go straight to the other side's restricted area. I kicked the ball hard, and it hit Xia Ruoyu's leg. I sighed. Although we lost 2 to 3 to the other side, we were not unhappy because we lost the game, because we knew that we all tried our best.

Football can help us increase our sense of teamwork, work together, and make people smart and resourceful. I like football.

Primary School About Sharing (3)

This afternoon, our school - Sunshine No. 2 Primary School and Sunshine No. 5 Primary School held a wonderful football friendly match.

We came to the football field. Look, the players on the football field are in good shape. They are lining up to enter the football field!

Those wearing orange sportswear are our athletes from Sunshine No. 2 Primary School, and those wearing blue sportswear are our athletes from Sunshine No. 5 Primary School. The referee whistled and said, "The game is officially starting." I saw the players kick the ball in the football field. After a long time, no ball flew into the goal. At that time, I was anxious because there were only 10 minutes left. I watched the other side's No.7 carrying the ball straight into our restricted area. At the critical moment, our defender was keen to attack and decisively snatch the ball. Then he kicked the ball gently with his right foot and passed it to the guard. After the guard got the ball, he flew up with his right foot and kicked it hard. The ball curved in the air and landed at the foot of the center, We managed to save the day.

After two minutes, the situation on the court changed. The centre forward flexibly changed his pace, carrying the ball to avoid the two players coming to besiege, then suddenly flashed to the left, flew a foot, the ball flew over the head of the opposing defender, the waiting No. 9 jumped, kicked the ball with his foot, the ball brushed the goalkeeper's hand, and rushed into the goal.

"1 to 0, it's a small victory." Hearing the referee's cry, the friends jumped three feet high and cheered repeatedly, "We have won, we have won..." The cheering echoed in the school for a long time!

Primary School About Sharing (4)

Today, the teacher assigned a special assignment to observe a plant. I asked my mother for an onion and soaked it in water to let it take root and sprout. How is his daily growth recorded?

On the first day, onions didn't grow roots. You thought that onions needed to change water every day, so I helped her change water every day. On Wednesday of the third week, the onion grew roots. I was very happy and helped him change water more actively. The little onion grew up day by day and followed more and more. One day, a small bag protruded from his head. The next day, I found that it had green buds. Onion teeth grow longer and longer day by day, and slowly grow a second, third, fourth, and fifth root. But when it grows the sixth bud, the onion, somehow, rots? When I asked my mother, she said, "Onions are planted in the soil. When they sprout, they will grow a new onion. So it is normal for them to rot.". I said, "But my onion is not planted in the soil. Will it die?"? So I go to see onions every day. See if he will die. Every day, the area of onion rots is getting bigger and bigger. Every day I worry about it, I will add one more point. A month later, all the onions rotted and gave off a bad smell. I wanted to throw it away, but I couldn't wait for it to grow new onions. One day my mother tried to throw away the onion she had seen in cleaning the house, but she picked it up and found it had grown a new onion. I was very happy! He won't die, he won't die. I cried happily. The next day, the teacher asked us to take the plants we observed to school. The students looked at my onions and felt envious of me.

My little onion, you are great!

Primary School About Sharing (5)

My sister will come back to see me every New Year. Although my sister was able to start working at the age of 15, she has a very harmonious and holy light in my heart. I don't know why my mother dislikes her very much, but it is undeniable that she has taught me a lot about life. I think if I learn how to be patient or forgive others, Or share with others, it is because of her!

Since I was young, I have lived among my cousins. Because I am the youngest, they will let me go. Naturally, I also take these for granted, and then I am arrogant and arrogant. But every time I see her, I still have fear. I think only she can hold me down. Every time she came back, she would tell me a lot of things. She would teach me to sing songs that were not very popular but very pleasant with her broken voice. But what I remember most is the word "share" she told me that day.

When my sister just came back, I took her some rough hands and arched them into her arms to listen to her tell me stories. I can't remember the content of the story for a long time, but I vaguely remember that at the end of our chat, he did not know how, and he said to me: Do you want to know about sharing? I looked at him puzzled and asked: What is sharing. My sister said with a half smile that she would not eat alone! I said vaguely that I never eat "poisonous" food, and he nodded. But what I didn't know at that time was that this poisonous food was not the only food. I also thought cleverly that only idiots can eat poisonous things!

A few years later, when my parents came back, I had to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters. But before my sister got married, I still would get together with my brothers and sisters every year. However, I am no longer as arrogant as I used to be. I really understood the meaning of sharing and learned to share

Primary School About Sharing (6)

Bacon once said, "If you tell happiness to a friend, you will get two happiness, and if you tell sorrow to a friend, you will be divided into half of the sorrow." In life, if you really do this, you will realize how magical it is.

That day, my uncle brought me some rare gadgets from Hangzhou, including puppets. Diabolo, etc. Once I got these things, I was so happy that I wouldn't even let them go. I was playing with diabolo by myself. I didn't want to play for a long time, and I didn't know what was going on. I always thought it was boring. I lay on the table, thinking about why I felt this way. Suddenly, my mind turned and I came up with a wonderful idea - let my good friends play and see if they will feel the same

It was also a chance. I really realized how amazing it was.

When I told my good friend that I had such a rare thing as diabolo, he jumped three feet high happily. Surprised, he asked me, "You can't lie to me, can you? Do you really have the diabolo in the legend?" I nodded proudly, drew diabolo from behind with a smile, and said: "How is it, not bad?" He immediately opened his eyes in surprise and could not put it down. At this time, I looked at his excitement. I felt happy when I was excited. Much happier. I also played diabolo happily with him with a happy smile, which was not boring at all

At that time, I really realized that with friends. When partners share their happiness, how happy they will be!

Primary School About Sharing (7)

Hi! How do you do. Have you ever shared happiness with others? I tell you, I have. It is this sharing that makes me understand the sweetness of sharing. Previously, I was a very selfish child, unwilling to share things with others.

I remember that when I was six years old, I was on a summer vacation class. It was very hot. My mother brought me two apples, but my good friend Wang Lulu just didn't have any water. She was thirsty, so she said to me, "Zhou Zihui, would you please give me some apples?" I just wanted to give her an apple, and suddenly remembered that I had brought these two apples. If I had one for lunch today, I would give it to her again, I have nothing to eat this afternoon. So I frowned and said, "No," and then I ate the apple myself.

In the afternoon, before our class, the teacher came into the classroom and said loudly, "Wang Lulu, your mother has sent you oranges." Wang Lulu ran over and said thank you to the teacher. She didn't eat immediately when she returned to her seat, but smiled and said to me, "You must be thirsty now? Here you are." I looked at her, but was embarrassed to answer. She said, "Eat, sharing is happy."

From then on, I learned the joy of sharing.

In the past, my aunt's little sister came to my house to play. I always hid all my delicious and interesting things. If my sister touches my things, I will lose my temper with her. Today, my sister came to my house to play again. I didn't hide all my things like before, but put them out. As soon as my sister came in, she cried happily, hugged this toy, kissed that toy, and looked at her happy appearance. I also felt very happy.

It turns out that happiness can be shared, and the taste of sharing is sweet.

Primary School About Sharing (8)

Have you ever known that there are two inland seas in Pakistan? The Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. There are all kinds of aquatic life and fish in the Sea of Galilee, because after it receives the water source, it distributes the water to the downstream, forming live water, full of vitality, while the Dead Sea does not have any living things inside, so it does not know how to share.

The sea is like this, why people?

That time, in my first day of junior high, I had a fight with my classmates. At that time, the final exam was coming, and the students entered a tense review stage. I formed a partner with my friends, worked hard together, reviewed together, and shared the information books we had made; The other party is to review by himself. We agreed to see which effect is better. He and I made plans for the day every day to help each other, learn from each other's strengths, share their own learning experience and methods, work together, give and share, which is two-way and our common progress.

In the review stage, I would occasionally glance at my opponents. They did their own things and ignored each other. Therefore, the relationship between them became very stiff. After meeting each other, neither of them paid any attention to the other, but also went to speak hard to the other. I told them before I bet that sharing is very important, but they are obstinate and I have no choice.

It's time to test us - the final exam. After going to the examination room, I was able to answer the questions easily thanks to the help of my classmates. Finally, the results came out. Ha ha, as I expected, the opponent could "fall" badly. Since then, I have understood the importance of sharing.

Sharing is an important prerequisite for success. Only by sharing can we have the courage and strength to overcome difficulties.

Share, I understand you: you are a manifestation of wisdom; It is a kind of disclosure of mind, a kind of blending of hearts

Primary School About Sharing (9)

How can we be happy? Maybe some people say that happiness is a lollipop, a beautiful new dress, and a book that has been waiting for a long time.

These things that people say can make people feel happy, but the happiness they feel is only temporary, such as lollipop, which will disappear after eating. What's the fun?

So, what can we do to make ourselves feel happy and others feel happy at the same time?

There is only one answer: share.

If you give students a lot of delicious food, do you choose to enjoy it alone or share it? Do you choose solo music or group music? Some students may say: I'm afraid that such a lot of delicious food can last for several days. Why give it to others?

But if the students would share, the results would be quite different. The student must say, "What's the point of eating so many good things by himself? I'd better ask my friends to share them." As a result, the student not only ate delicious food by himself, but also his partner joined in. The student will certainly receive a sincere friendship.

Although the student who ate alone had a good meal, he didn't gain friendship, and he might feel a little lonely. Do you know? Happiness is actually very simple. As long as you share it with others, you will gain friendship.

Gorky once said that "giving" is always more pleasant than "taking". That's a good saying. If you ask for your favorite things from others, you might as well give them to others. At that time, you must feel as sweet as honey. Others will also look at you admiringly. Can you be unhappy?

I heard a story: there was a king who was very stingy. He ordered people to work every day, but he didn't give any money to support them. Several years later, the king saved a lot of money. He was afraid that others would steal it, so he hid in a secret place. But when he saw good people donating money, he felt bad. Later, he thoroughly repented and became a wise king. He was very considerate of the people, and he was gradually loved by people. You see, if you don't share it, you will feel a bit bad. I hope you can learn to share it, learn to spend every day happily, and enrich your heart.

I sincerely wish you all can learn to share and have fun!

Primary School About Sharing (10)

Science and technology and sharing are two major concepts in today's society—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

With the development of science and technology, more and more novel things appear in our lives. It is precisely because of innovation that today's life can become comfortable, convenient and peaceful.

"Share bicycles, share bookstores, share basketball"... More and more shared resources are closely related to each of us. Yes, when walking on the street, young people can be seen everywhere with mobile phones, scanning the QR code on the shared bike, unlocking with a "ding" sound and starting to the destination by bike. I have even seen old people over half a hundred years old ride the "city bus" to buy vegetables before. I cannot help sighing that technology has really changed people's life philosophy in the 21st century.

I have to admit that these shared resources really give people a lot of convenience. What should we do if there is a traffic jam during the rush hour? You can use shared bicycles to shuttle in the crowded roads; The mobile phone has no electricity, and there is no charger nearby. What should I do? You can use the shared charging station to keep your phone running; What should I do if the old people around me suddenly feel unwell when shopping? You can use shared wheelchairs to make shopping easier for the elderly

I once saw a report, which probably said that some people maliciously unlocked shared bicycles, causing damage, and even some people locked the keys of bicycles that should have been shared for everyone. The society is still the same, with both good and bad... Sharing means sharing, which means that anyone who uses a bicycle through the correct process can use it. Those shameless people who occupy themselves are simply social corruption. Mencius said, "A person should not be shameless. If he is shameless, he is shameless." That is to say, a person should not be shameless. If he is ashamed of being shameless, he will no longer be ashamed. As a student, I have no ability to stop these people's behavior in real life, but I think I can make selfish people know how to share through this article.

Therefore, sharing technology is not only to provide convenience, but also to advocate the social concept of learning to share. "Convenient with others, convenient with ourselves". As long as we start from ourselves and try to improve the usability of shared bicycles, I believe that there is always a part of people's hearts that is kind. As long as everyone starts from themselves, we will be able to create a better society.

Science and technology and sharing are two separate words, but as long as we learn to share in science and technology, we can combine them well and create a better future together!

Primary School About Sharing (11)

Sharing is a bonus item. It can make two people communicate with each other, double their happiness and halve their worries. At the same time, it can add a touch of brightness to their growth.

Sharing is the beginning of friendship.

I remember that when I first entered primary school, I timidly looked around this strange class and felt extremely lonely. I saw that the children around me were also like this. Everyone's eyes were full of anxiety and loneliness. At this time, a girl came to me and sat beside me. So we became deskmates.

In the next few days, we didn't say hello, but sat quietly reading until one day, the teacher said that we should take paintbrushes with us. As a child, I had a poor memory and often lost everything. So I forgot to bring it that time. At the time of class, I suddenly found that I had forgotten my paintbrush. At that time, my heart was very anxious, and I was afraid that the teacher would blame me for it, so my tears fell down. She guessed the story when she saw that I was secretly wiping away my tears and there was no paintbrush on the table. She carefully selected some of her brushes, held them in her hand, and put them in front of me. She patted my shoulder with her hand, comforted me, and said, "Look, you also have a brush." I looked at her and smiled happily. At that moment, my heart seemed to have been irradiated by the warm sun. For the first time, I felt the warmth from this strange family. Since then, she and I have become a little deeper and more talkative.

Sharing is the sublimation of friendship.

She has been my best friend for six years in primary school, and she has been my deskmate for six years. The sharing after growing up seems to be much simpler, "I just bought a piece of candy for you to taste". "The taste is not bad, it's my favorite taste". Or "students take out a piece of paper, we will have a quiz". "Hurry up, tear one for me, I'm too lazy to take it". "Well, I'll give it to you soon". The sharing after growing up seems to have a new meaning. It is not only the sharing between things, but also the sharing of new things, their own small secrets, and their own views on something. Because of these sharing, the distance between her and me is closer.

It is because of sharing that we have more common memories and bright colors on our way of growth.

Primary School About Sharing (12)

Sometimes, my sister and I would quarrel because of a snack or a toy; My mother will come to us and tell me to learn to share, because sharing will make people feel happy, and I don't know what sharing means, so I asked my mother; What is sharing? My mother took two apples, one for me and one for my sister. She said to me, "Hong Ling, my mother has two apples, one for you and one for my sister. This is sharing.

When I was older, my mother told me again: "Sharing is happy. When you have something unhappy, sharing your troubles with others will reduce your troubles by half; sharing is happy, and sharing with others will make you more happy." Once, when I was playing with my cousin at my husband's house, he took out a small electric remote control car.

He gently pressed the button of the remote control, and the small car ran quickly. I wanted to play too, so I asked him to borrow it, but he shook his head and said, "My toy is very expensive. What should I do if you break it or lose it?" I said, "I will be very careful not to break it. If it's really broken, I'll let my father buy you a new one, OK? " He thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, no," Then he picked up the toy and turned away. I had to look at her back with longing and disappointment. "It's too stingy. It's just a toy. I want my father to buy a more beautiful one, and I won't let you play with it."

Soon, when we played together again, I brought some delicious snacks. While I was playing and eating, he looked at my snacks from the corner of his eyes. After a while, he came to me and said, "Give me some snacks, OK?". On second thought, he was also afraid that I would damage his favorite toy, which was also a normal reaction. It was no big deal. So I gave her snacks. I was very happy to see him eating snacks happily.

Since then, whenever we played together, no matter what was delicious or interesting, we would take it out to share. It was sharing that made me happy. This event made me really understand the meaning of sharing, and I also really understood the meaning of the words my mother told me. Let's learn to share, because sharing makes people happier!

Primary School About Sharing (13)

The lotus wind sways slightly, and the clouds shake themselves. You can also feel the broken lace of your skirt singing softly.

You said that I should study hard with two dreams. I turned to see your beautiful side face, and you looked far away. I said, yes.

Remember the three years of blooming and falling, you always wipe my tears, give me shoulder to rely on, share my sadness; You always give me all your happiness, let me share your happiness.

In the shade of a tree, where even the dim light can not spread, sit you and me. It was a weekend, my parents quarreled, and I didn't dare to go home. I leaned on your shoulder and unconsciously shed tears. You always reached out your hand to dry it for me. In this way, we sat for three hours. In one gesture, I totally forgot that you would be tired, and you just sat there quietly with me. At that moment, I cried again and asked what you thought. You said mischievously that you were thinking about me. What's on my mind? In fact, it is so small that you have pondered it for so long. Fool, I remember saying this to you at that time, and you laughed foolishly and said that I was stupid. I really believe you. I complained and lied to me! Pretend to ignore you, and you cooperate to beg for forgiveness. In retrospect, there is no lack of childishness, but I remember it clearly.

In fact, fool, I believe everything you say. I believe you are guessing my mind. Three hours, I believe. That day I swore to remember you forever, the girl who borrowed my shoulder under the shade of the tree.

On the balcony, you talked about the legend of how you defeated the heroes and won the first prize. You said that God bless you and let you be a yellow haired girl to take this responsibility; You shout "Long live my emperor", your happiness is unbridled; Listen to your story, often laugh to drink water will spray out; You look like a hero in the wind. I still remember that cute look. You said you would be happy to see me smile. At that time, I was afraid that I would never forget the girl who could make me smile until my wrinkles deepened.

But now your share, my share, all upside down. You want to go back to the countryside to study in high school, while I stay here to study. You said that we could only share our joy and sorrow wine. There are tears in your eyes. You don't look at me, you always stare at the distance, you are afraid of my sadness, you are afraid of leaving.

I am also afraid of your sadness and separation. I turned your shoulder and said softly, let me accompany you to be sad once, ok? Let my happiness also infect you once, ok?

A tear slipped across your cheek, and you leaned gently against my shoulder. Tears, the wind will dry. Sadness and happiness come together, seemingly contradictory, but very real. Share and share together. One smile and one shoulder is enough.

Primary School About Sharing (14)

I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer are both seventy years old and live in the country

Summer view of the countryside is very i can do many interesting things i am used to getting up early in the morning, breathing the fresh air,listening to the birds singing, and enjoying the green trees, red flowers and the i like fishing with my

When night comes, i sit under the tree with my grandma, listening to her telling me many funny and i tell her some new things happening in the when i have to go back,i am always reluctant to

I really feel happy living in the

During the summer vacation, I often visit my grandparents. They are all seventy years old and live happily in the countryside.

The countryside is beautiful in summer. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early, breathing fresh air, listening to birds singing, enjoying green trees, red flowers and rivers. I like fishing with my friends.

When the night came, Grandma and I sat under the tree and listened to her tell many interesting stories. I told her something new happened in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go.

I'm really happy living in the countryside.

Primary School About Sharing (15)

Last summer I have visited Hainan the holiday I have a good Hainan the best interesting things is scuba the seabed the coral reefs were very beautiful!

I like it very much,and I have taken many photos by my also the scenary of Hainan is beautiful, for examplethe edge of the sky and the rim of the very famous and it means Tianya

And there‘s even a deer park,in the park we can see mang kinds of deer are very lovely,I like it very conclusion,I have interested in my last

Last summer I went to Hainan for vacation. I have a very good Hainan. The most interesting thing is the scuba at the bottom of the sea. The coral reef is very beautiful!

I like it very much. I also took many photos. The scenery of Hainan is also beautiful. For example, the edge of the sky and the edge of the sea are very famous. It means the ends of the earth.

There is even a deer park where we can see many kinds of deer are very cute. I like its conclusion very much. I am very interested in my last holiday.

Primary School About Sharing (16)

This summer holiday I plan to go to the will go there with my parents and

We'll stay there for three days at the local trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at

I'm really looking foward to

I plan to go to the beach this summer vacation. I will go there with my parents and cousins.

We will stay at the local hotel for three days. This trip will be the best I have ever experienced. Because we will do many things there, such as playing volleyball, windsurfing, barbecue at night.

I'm really looking forward to it.

Primary School About Sharing (17)

An apple divided by two people is half an apple. One smile for two people, but two smiles.

People busy with work, when you are working hard, have you ever thought that your parents are staying at home alone with the TV, and when you are busy with social phone calls, have you ever thought that at the moment your parents are staying at home with the phone calls, hoping that you can make a warm call to your family; When you and your friends are drinking at the table, have you ever thought that at this moment, your parents have prepared a large table of delicious food, waiting for you to have dinner with them.

When they live alone on TV, when they sit there waiting for the phone, when they are waiting for you at the dinner table, busy people, don't you want to say something?

When I was young, my parents were the main source of income in the family. They worked hard every day, but they made delicious food to share with us every day. Our innocent and lovely smiling faces are gifts for them. On holidays, our parents always put away those social activities and accompany us wholeheartedly at home; Share these happy moments with us when we play heartily. When we are unhappy, our parents are our confidants. Let us rekindle the flame of hope and share the happy face after rain with us.

Now, when we grow up, some people have jobs and some have families. They focus on their work and gradually alienate their parents. This is contrary to the tradition of filial piety in China.

Be filial to your parents and share your happiness with them. Go home often. Going home is not only our moral obligation, but also our way to save the lonely old people.

It's a piece of cake. There is still much we can do. Call home every other time. They will be very happy every time. Sharing your happiness with them on holidays is also a way to share happiness.

A person who knows how to share and respect his parents is a truly successful person. No matter how big his career is, if he does not know how to share and respect his parents, he will still be a loser after all.

Sharing apples with parents is one third of apples. Sharing smiles with parents is three smiles.

Primary School About Sharing (18)

Know how to share composition 1

There is no wind at all. The temperature is nearly 40 degrees. Even if the air conditioner is turned on, the house still looks so stuffy. My sister and I were lying on the sofa watching TV. Maybe we were dissatisfied with the program we watched at that time, or we wanted to change the program out of curiosity. In short, we had differences.

Perhaps because the weather is sultry, we all seem to be a little irritable. My sister and I had a quarrel. I squinted, my brain somehow, like a paste, everything stuck together - swear words in my mouth were like cannonballs, one after another. After scolding, I opened my eyes and looked at her as if she wanted to cry. I was even more angry than before. In the end, I fought hard and threw the bamboo pillow with both hands. With a bang, the bamboo pillow rubbed her arm and landed heavily on the ground. She was stunned, as if she could not believe what had just happened. After a while, she came back to her senses and started to throw the bamboo pillow at me.

There was another "bang", and the bamboo pillow landed on my stomach, causing a sudden sharp pain. Ignoring the pain, I stared at her and walked towards her. I pushed her to the ground with my strength. She cried, rubbing her eyes and yelling, "You always do this! You can't stand beating me... I'm your own sister... Sister, why are you so selfish?" Her words were intermittent, sad and plaintive, and the word "selfish" sounded like a thunder on the ground, which was so harsh to me.

I let her go, and she sat up and sobbed. I closed my eyes as if the scene just happened again. My tyranny and impulse have pushed me into the ranks of selfishness. If I knew how to share at that time, I could let her go and accommodate her a little, maybe the scene just now would not happen. I was so selfish that I thought the whole world had to let me go, but I didn't know that my own sister would be greatly wronged. I'm not a good sister! I reached out my hand to pull her up. Unexpectedly, she pushed me away before my hand touched her. I stared at the pushed away hand, heartache incomparable. Step by step, I walked to the window.

Outside the window, it's stormy. The cool rain sprinkles on the earth, and the dry earth is nourished. People feel the long lost cool. This is the love that nature has given us. Another flash of lightning. I hurriedly turned to my sister and covered her ears with my hands. She is afraid of thunder.

Know how to share composition 2

My sister will come back to see me every New Year. Although my sister was able to start working at the age of 15, she has a very harmonious and holy light in my heart. I don't know why my mother dislikes her very much, but it is undeniable that she has taught me a lot about life. I think if I learn how to be patient or forgive others, Or share with others, it is because of her!

Since I was young, I have lived among my cousins. Because I am the youngest, they will let me go. Naturally, I also take these for granted, and then I am arrogant and arrogant. But every time I see her, I still have fear. I think only she can hold me down. Every time she came back, she would tell me a lot of things. She would teach me to sing songs that were not very popular but very pleasant with her broken voice. But what I remember most is the word "share" she told me that day.

When my sister just came back, I took her rough hand and arched it into her arms to listen to her tell me stories. I can't remember the content of the story for a long time, but I vaguely remember that we talked and finally he did not know how. He said to me, "Do you want to know about sharing?"? I looked at him puzzled and asked: What is sharing. My sister said with a half smile that she would not eat alone! I said vaguely that I never eat "poisonous" food, and he nodded. But what I didn't know at that time was that this poisonous food was not the only food. I also thought cleverly that only idiots can eat poisonous things!!

A few years later, when my parents came back, I had to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters. But before my sister got married, I still would get together with my brothers and sisters every year. However, I am no longer as arrogant as I used to be. I really understood the meaning of sharing and learned to share

Know how to share composition 3

Sharing is the sublimation of spirit, the witness of friendship, the expression of kinship, the release of pressure, and the blooming of flowers------ I remember that I once read a story about a Vietnamese boy sharing his life with his sister, who was seriously ill and needed blood transfusion. Although his brother, who was only ten years old, thought that blood transfusion would kill him, he still said, "Please share half of my life with my sister!" A simple sentence shocked all the medical staff present, It also shocked countless readers. Because sharing is selfless love, this love is the most beautiful, and it is also the most needed by human beings.

Sharing will not make the poor rich, nor will it make the rich poor, but this small act of kindness will slowly bring the soul closer, make happiness into pairs, and reduce sadness in half. Er Bacon once said, "If you tell a friend about happiness, you will get two pieces of happiness. If you tell a friend about sorrow, you will get half of your sorrow." No doubt, this is the best interpretation of sharing.

Maybe the honeyed lips in the market, the Yin Fengyang violation in the love field, the sword light and sword shadow in the sand field, and the deliberate foul in the game field will make you feel that sharing is far away from us, but these are just a few clouds floating occasionally in the clear sky. In fact, sharing is everywhere around us, and truth is everywhere. Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen took root in mountain villages to share knowledge and civilization with children of Miao villages for education. Li Li, who is accompanied by a wheelchair, shares the beauty of life with her love. At this year's Shanghai Olympic Games, the Chinese people and the people of the world share Chinese culture. These are all sharing. Life is enriched by sharing, and the world is beautiful by sharing. San once had a report: "An old hunter killed a pregnant doe by mistake. He was so guilty that he built a shelter in the mountain and guarded the forest day and night to ensure that the animals in the forest were not injured." So sharing is not only between people, but also between people and animals.

Sharing has taught me that we should not neglect sharing just to satisfy our own selfish desires. We should go into the natural state of mind, share the earth with all things, and share peace and comfort. Sharing is a knot, a thousand year complex, connecting you, me and him. Sharing is a net, a boundless big net, which holds everyone's heart. Sharing is a kind of love, a kind of selfless fraternity, which constitutes the highest realm of human emotion. Share, you let me know love, let my life benefit

Know how to share composition 4

If a happiness is multiplied by 1.3 billion, it will be a greater happiness; If a share of sadness is divided by 1.3 billion, it is a small sadness. This is really sharing!

Sharing it is like a balance. As much as you give to others, they will give you back. We often share with each other, the joy of success, the sadness and a little discouragement when we are in trouble. Sometimes, when you try to share all these things with people around you, you will find that the world is so bright, full of warmth and warmth, which makes people feel that they are always sharing and in the halo of love.

In ancient times, there was a saying that Kong Rong gave way to pears. From one point of view, it said that Kong Rong was filial to his elders and respected his brothers, which was humility. But I think this is not a manifestation of sharing. In the child's world, everything is so beautiful and pure. When Kong Rong picked up the big pear, he first thought of giving it to his parents and brother, rather than eating it himself, which is a small manifestation of sharing. The same is true of "where is the father going". Those children who have not yet learned much about the world have not learned what sharing is. But when they are faced with the choice of whether to have breakfast or not, some children choose to enjoy the delicious food alone, and some know how to share it equally between them, which is a small sharing.

Maybe some people can't help but drop their hands when they see that fyman only cares about himself. They think he is too selfish. But friends, you have to ask yourself, how much better will you be than those children? Duoduo is a good boy. He knows how to share and how to share with others. But my father was right in saying that sharing is not just about good things. When we are faced with a bad situation, we should also learn to share. This is also sharing. So sharing is always with us.

We are all big children or adults, so we should understand the meaning of sharing. We share happiness, sadness, literature, and past history... If we share sadness, we can talk about it quietly; If sharing is happy, the person who is given will be happy for you. So, take action and share your emotions with people around you. Learn to share, know how to share, and grow in sharing.

Primary School About Sharing (19)

When you are happy with your achievements, do you want to share them with others? In my life, my parents are the first to share happiness with me. Sharing is a beautiful behavior!

At four or five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, as soon as I got home from school, I shouted, "Dear mother, I'm back! Mom immediately got up and said happily, "Really! It's your father's real girl. You always put the shot first when other balls were not good at school!" I finally knew the reason why I won: inherited! I said to my mother, "I will tell my father right away, and I will leave a message for him." I left a message saying, "Dad, I'm old enough for the June 1st Sports Meeting: I won the first place in shot put, didn't I humiliate you? I'm your kiss girl!"

I think my father will share my happiness when he sees the message!

400 word composition about sharing happiness [Part 2]

Happiness is a sweet and happy feeling, just like the rain after a long drought, which moistens our dry hearts. Often, we feel happy and enjoy happiness, but have you ever thought of sharing this joy with others?

When I feel depressed and frustrated, I always like to listen to music alone. Music really has a soothing effect. It can cheer me up and give me courage. But I always feel that something is missing. Until the graduation party, I finally realized that what I needed was a group of "partners" who could enjoy music together. At that time, everyone sang with the singing voice, and their bodies swayed with the music, even screamed and screamed. The greatest happiness is "sharing". When a person is happy, he will naturally emit a passion to drive the surrounding world.

Living in a large group, personal happiness, anger, sadness and happiness will affect others. When you feel happy, be an angel spreading joy and share the joy with others! Through the communication and exchange with others and sharing each other's feelings, I believe that happiness will only be doubled and there will be no loss. Build a bridge with happiness to connect you and me, close the heart, open your heart, accept others, and enjoy the happy feeling together!

When we spread happy flowers, we will also leave fragrance on our bodies. Inject happiness into the growing environment, and you will get more rewards.