Composition on Dream Pursuit 600 (3 required)
2023-11-26 02:35:20

Composition on Pursuing Dreams 600 (1)

It is a big tree's dream to bear rich fruits; Swimming in the blue sea is the dream of fish; My dream is to become a writer who can bring happiness to the world with his pen, although the road of pursuing dreams is rough.

At a composition contest in the third grade of primary school, my dream sprouted. At that time, I had never participated in the competition, let alone the taste of success. From the bottom of my heart, I told me, "You must write this composition well." After several days of meditation, I finally got the idea. From submitting the composition to publishing the results, I would miss it every night. Finally, the results came out. My name is printed on the list in large gilt characters. That night, I went to sleep with the certificate in my arms.

Since then, various small successes have made me firm in my goal and learned to work hard. Success on the way to dream taught me to persevere.

A few years later, I have read all kinds of books and can calmly face each exercise. But that day, I made a mistake. "It's another exercise. How can there be so much homework today?" I muttered to myself. Looking at the mountains of homework, I made a decision: write the composition in ten minutes. The crisis came quietly. The next day, my name appeared "honorably" in the list of unqualified composition. The teacher looked at me with surprised eyes and said, "This is your composition?" I lowered my head in embarrassment and seemed silent, but my heart was full of regret.

Since then, setbacks have hit me again and again. In the pursuit of dreams, a variety of setbacks taught me modesty and prudence.

In junior high school, learning pressure is heavy. One Saturday, my aunt from the newspaper asked me to send him a copy of my manuscript. After class, I went straight to the newspaper office. I rode my bike at full speed on the road. Suddenly, an uncle and I fell on the side of the road - I hit someone. I bowed my head and apologized to him. "It doesn't matter". He smiled and lifted my bike gently. "My child, you must be busy in your hurry. Go quickly, don't miss anything, and pay attention to safety!" I thanked him with grateful eyes and completed the "task" on time.

That time, a stranger's love gave me endless warmth. On the way to pursue my dream, the love between people makes me feel the taste of happiness.

Success taught me persistence, failure taught me prudence, and love brought me warmth. With them, I believe that the door at the end of the dream path has been opened for me!

Composition on Pursuing Dreams 600 (2)

Dreams are glamorous and fascinating at any time. Many people think that the dream is far away from themselves. In fact, as long as you make a little effort for it, it will be closer to you. However, most people only wait for their dreams to find themselves, instead of trying to pursue them.

My dream is to be a famous writer and write excellent works for everyone to share.

I don't want to imitate anyone. I just want readers to read my unique style from my works. I will not wait foolishly for the dream to come, I will start towards the dream!

So, I followed my dream. Like bees collecting honey, I deeply plunged into the stack of books, read a lot of books, and carefully savored the good words and sentences in the classic classics. I knew that the most attractive thing about Shen Shixi's animal novels was that he could break away from the bustling city, come to the paradise of animals - the primitive forest, and get along with the animal dreams day and night, thus entering the hearts of animals, He wrote about the complexity of the animal world and the unfairness of the law of the jungle. Compared with those books describing urban life, Shen Shixi's works are very fresh and refined. I also like Qin Wenjun's works very much. The highlight of her masterpieces "Male Jia Li" and "Female Jia Mei" is that she can start from the students' point of view, which is different and makes people never tire of reading. The exciting thing about Goosebumps is that its theme is novel and original, and its ending is mysterious, which makes people dream.

After reading books and mastering the writing styles and characteristics of writers, I began to practice writing. I write every article conscientiously and earnestly, trying to write better and better; Write more carefully and more carefully. Finally, my first composition was published! When I read it in front of my classmates with excitement, I felt that their fascinated expressions and thunderous applause told me that my efforts were not in vain, and my dream was closer and closer to me.

After that, my articles were often published in the class, and my interest in writing became increasingly high, and my writing level soared. Last year, I got a chance to participate in the "Zhanhe Cup" composition contest in Pingdingshan City. With excitement, I wrote an article in the form of a letter to praise maternal love, expressing my love and gratitude to my mother sincerely between the lines. After the game, I was looking forward and waiting anxiously. Finally, I got an exciting news - I won the first prize! With the bright red award certificate, I was very excited. At this moment, I seemed to see my dream talking with me, and I smiled happily.

In fact, the dream is not far away, as long as you dare to catch up, you can catch up. Now, let's set out towards our dreams. Every moment is the time to pursue our dreams!

Composition on Pursuing Dreams 600 (3)

Some people walk around in order to find a warm place to stay. Someone keeps saying goodbye because no one can keep his step. Some people continue to surpass because the guidance of dreams cannot stop.

Dream, an equal stage. It stood still without a smile. We, children who are full of longing for the future, are working hard for our dreams without stopping! Just to win its smile and a clear conscience!

Who is recalling in a trance? Who is confused?

Who is making efforts in ignorance? Who is struggling?

Since I was young, I have a very big dream, that is to explore the outside "world" - the universe. Although it may not be difficult from the current scientific progress, at least many countries have a deep understanding of outer space, but that is only local. How big is the universe? What is the sun like? A lot of problems have been around in my mind.

So my dream pursuit began:

1、 Have a dream in mind

Dreams can create a beautiful myth

Carmen Dale Oliphis, a model grandmother

With her ordinary appearance, she created an extraordinary myth.

She had a dream when she was young - to be a model. Although she has two doors

Big ears and imperfect neck, but she still does not give up her dream. She never gave up until she finally became a model, and has been thriving for ten years. She did it - she had a dream in her heart.

My dream has already taken root in my heart, and the guidance of my dream cannot stop.

2、 Always strive for dreams

Only through hard work can your dream come true.

Bill Gates, a successful man who can be called a global millionaire, devoted his whole life to the software industry and made his dream come true. At first, he showed a strong interest in computers, and then he decided to set up a company by himself to make his dream a platform to show. So he studied hard every day, worked hard and struggled hard. Finally, he succeeded. He did it - always fighting for his dream.

I usually have a heavy workload in my studies, and I will spare some time to collect all kinds of materials in the library to enrich myself and let myself know more about the changes in the universe.

3、 Fly with dreams

They moved us; They make us admire them. We should strive to surpass them and create our own myths. Today, we must fight for our dreams! We, who have studied hard for three years, should collect the fruits and share the sweetness. With dreams, pursuits and ambitions, we are going to fly with dreams.

My dream, it still stands, it stands tall in the distance, so far away, I am still pursuing, even if it is far away

Dream chasing, dream chasing, life has power only because of you!