Process as a topic (9 articles)
A bosom friend
2023-10-30 05:29:40
topic of conversation

Process as topic (1)

A blind old zither player and a blind apprentice roamed the world, playing zither for people everywhere. The old zither master told him that there was a prescription for blindness in the zither, but it could not be taken out until 100 strings on the zither were broken. By this time, the old zither player had broken 99 pieces. Looking back on his life, he had never wasted: he not only brought endless happiness to others, but also enriched his life. Finally, he was lucky enough to have a look at the world and died without regret. A clear sound went by, and he broke the 100th string. When he opened the piano excitedly, took out the prescription and ran to the pharmacy, the boss said that it was just a blank sheet of paper... For others, it might be a bolt from the blue, but the old zither player was not sad, but he understood something. He said to his apprentice, "The master has made a mistake. It's 120 pieces instead of 100 pieces. Remember, you must play with your heart!"

What the old musician lost was a chance to recover his eyesight, but what he got was the whole life! If we only pay attention to the tragic fact of blindness and do not enjoy the process of life with the belief of regaining vision, I think the old zither player may not become an "old" zither player.

Although the result is important, because it is the final destination of the process, if you only stay at this point, you will lose a lot of things.

In ancient times, some people planted gourds, but they didn't take care of them. Finally, even the leaves didn't grow well. When others accused him, he calmly retorted: "What I want is a gourd, not a leaf! This is a philosophy of life. Many people ignore the process and resort to any means in order to get the result, and finally end up with a tragic fate. It is said that those corrupt officials, for the sake of nihilistic fame and wealth, committed monstrous crimes, which caused great harm to society. History is fair, and so on, will be rewarded. As Zang Kejia wrote, "Some people are alive, but they are dead."

The process is so important, but it does not mean that we can do what we want to do regardless of the consequences in order to enjoy the process. article

The relationship between process and result tells us that we should first think about the results of doing things, and more importantly, experience the process!

People often say that father is the ladder to the sky, and father is the ox pulling the cart; Others say that father is the spiritual pillar of the family and the safe haven of the whole family.

For a long time, I have been looking for an action that can represent father love --- smoking

In the hearts of others, my father is like a soldier standing tall in the wind and rain. My father is a tall pine on the edge of a cliff. In short, my father is a man who can stand up to the sky. However, in my heart, my father is just a smoker, an authentic smoker. His fingers, which had been burnt yellow by the smoke, were still holding a cigarette for a moment.

Father loves smoking, which has always been the case. I don't know why. No matter at home or out, there is a strong smell of smoke on his body, which I can't bear. Especially when I was near school, the smell of smoke became more thick and unbearable. At this time, I was worried about the insufficient tuition fees, while my father was still leisurely smoking his cigarettes, seemingly indifferent to my affairs. Seeing him smoking deeply all day and then spitting out gently, I wish I could drive him out of the house. This situation makes me want to cry without tears, and I can't bear to hate it. Is this my father? Is this the so-called "stand up to the sky and earth"? He is so "great", what can I say?

Even so, I was sent to school on time, which confused me. I seem to be slowly aware that while he smokes deeply, he is also thinking carefully and worrying silently. After tasting the smoke again, I found that it had a slight fragrance; When I saw the smoke again, I felt a lot of sadness that enveloped my father.

Process as topic (2)

A blind old zither player and a blind apprentice roamed the world, playing zither for people everywhere. The old zither master told him that there was a prescription for blindness in the zither, but it could not be taken out until 100 strings on the zither were broken. By this time, the old zither player had broken 99 pieces. Looking back on his life, he had never wasted: he not only brought endless happiness to others, but also enriched his life. Finally, he was lucky enough to have a look at the world and died without regret. A clear sound went by, and he broke the 100th string. When he opened the piano excitedly, took out the prescription and ran to the pharmacy, the boss said that it was just a blank sheet of paper... For others, it might be a bolt from the blue, but the old musician was not sad, but he understood something. He said to his apprentice, "The master has made a mistake. It's 120 pieces instead of 100 pieces. Remember, you must play with your heart!"

What the old musician lost was a chance to recover his eyesight, but what he got was the whole life! If we only pay attention to the tragic fact of blindness and do not enjoy the process of life with the belief of regaining vision, I think the old zither player may not become an "old" zither player.

Although the result is important, because it is the final destination of the process, if you only stay at this point, you will lose a lot of things.

In ancient times, some people planted gourds, but they didn't take care of them. Finally, even the leaves didn't grow well. When others accused him, he calmly retorted: "What I want is a gourd, not a leaf! This is a philosophy of life. Many people ignore the process and resort to any means in order to achieve the result. In the end, they end up in a miserable situation. It is often said that those corrupt officials commit monstrous crimes for the sake of nihilistic fame and wealth, which has caused great harm to society. History is fair, and so on, will be rewarded. As Zang Kejia wrote, "Some people are alive, but they are dead."

The process is so important, but it does not mean that we can do what we want to do regardless of the consequences in order to enjoy the process.

The relationship between process and result tells us that we should first think about the results of doing things, and more importantly, experience the process!

People often say that father is the ladder to the sky, and father is the ox pulling the cart; Others say that father is the spiritual pillar of the family and the safe haven of the whole family.

For a long time, I have been looking for an action that can represent father love --- smoking

In the hearts of others, my father is like a soldier standing tall in the wind and rain. My father is a tall pine on the edge of a cliff. In short, my father is a man who can stand up to the sky. However, in my heart, my father is just a smoker, an authentic smoker. His fingers, which had been burnt yellow by the smoke, were still holding a cigarette for a moment.

Father loves smoking, which has always been the case. I don't know why. No matter at home or out, there is a strong smell of smoke on his body, which I can't bear. Especially when I was near school, the smell of smoke became more thick and unbearable. At this time, I was worried about the insufficient tuition fees, while my father was still leisurely smoking his cigarettes, seemingly indifferent to my affairs. Seeing him smoking deeply all day and then spitting out gently, I wish I could drive him out of the house. This situation makes me want to cry without tears, and I can't bear to hate it. Is this my father? Is this the so-called "stand up to the sky and earth"? He is so "great", what can I say?

Even so, I was sent to school on time, which confused me. I seem to be slowly aware that while he smokes deeply, he is also thinking carefully and worrying silently. After tasting the smoke again, I found that it had a slight fragrance; When I saw the smoke again, I felt a lot of sadness that enveloped my father.

come back

Another time my father sent me to school. Before he left, he didn't say anything and didn't even leave a smile. He turned around and left. In the face of such a cold father, I can't understand, let alone accept. Suddenly I had an idea: to spy on him secretly. Just as he came to the corner, he stopped and turned his head. His affectionate eyes seemed to be looking for something. Oh, he wanted to look at his son again, but he didn't see it. He turned around again, and I was finally found by him. From his face, he finally showed a faint smile that he had never seen before. The smile was as crystal clear as dew in the morning, as short, as rare. From his eyes, I finally found the most beautiful thing in the world - selfless love.

Since then, this exquisite movement has gone deep into my memory treasure house. What a moving look back!

Finally, I thoroughly understood: I am not lack of fatherly love, but lack of discovery. The smoke is full of fragrance, and the back is full of affection. At the same time, I also understood the father's love: father's love is like a mountain, father's love is like a sea, father's cold appearance is filled with a red hot sense of responsibility, is a sincere love of son.

Where is fatherly love today? In a wisp of smoke, in a moment of turning back.

Process as topic (3)

A pupa must undergo several transformations before it can become a butterfly, and an ugly duckling must go through countless hardships before it can become a white swan. However, it is these hardships that breed the ultimate brilliance. Behind the success, there are often all kinds of unknown bumpy processes.

Madame Curie is a famous female scientist in Poland. He won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the radioactive element radium. What a supreme glory in science! But few people really realize the hardships of her struggle. This is what she and her husband Curie bought by thousands of tireless days and nights after thousands of experiments. Edison, the well-known master of invention, also experienced numerous accidents and failures before providing us with those inventions that have now gone deep into life. Women's volleyball girls won the Olympic Games because of the seemingly endless hard training and more pain than others? It can be seen that it is often the hard process, the blood and tears we shed on the road that lead us to the final destination.

Not only are we familiar with celebrities, in fact, our life is not so?

When I was young, there were already many students who could go to school by bike. I admired them very much, so I decided to learn to ride a bike. The process of learning to ride was much more difficult than I thought. At the beginning, I could not control my direction well, so I fell many times, making myself black and blue. On one occasion, I even hit the wall and almost knocked me out. Gradually, I learned a little, and gradually I could ride my bike, but I still had to stop riding, so I practiced harder. Finally, I was able to completely control the car. My heart was filled with inexpressible sweetness, so I didn't feel hard looking back at the process.

In fact, it's not just success itself that really shines. Process - This is not only a road to success, but also a rich wealth in success, which is enduring.

Process as topic (4)

Life is like brocade, life is like programming, focusing on process, and beauty is in process. Life has a starting point and an end point. People always run on the road. People are on the road. This is life. It is the common desire of people to travel through reality and reach their dreams. But we must be clear: think and get, the intermediate link must be done. However, we often pay too much attention to the results and ignore the importance of the process, thus ignoring the profound experience of the beauty of the process.

There is a beautiful and ancient legend that has been lingering in my ears. It's like a lingering sound lingering in my ears for three days! It is said that there are only two animals in the world that can reach the top of the pyramid, one is the eagle, and the other is the snail.

I would like to say that these two animals are actually the same, that is, they have successfully reached the top of the highest pyramid in the world. They have become the representatives and models of many outstanding winners in the world, and have become the models that tens of thousands of ordinary people who pursue success follow and learn from.

Some people choose to be an eagle, hoping to achieve success by virtue of their talents and advantages. Others choose to be a snail, relying on their own step by step, steady steps, slowly approaching like success. I certainly agree with these two choices, because the final result of both is success! However, I want to say that eagles and snails are quite different. In addition to their different ways of success, I think their biggest difference lies in the process of success! If I had to choose between an eagle and a snail, I would not hesitate to choose a snail. Although most of the time, the snail looks so inconspicuous, even insignificant, but I still want to be a snail. Compared with the snail, the eagle certainly has many advantages, many innate advantages, faster than the snail, less difficulties than the snail, and even no difficulties for it, You can easily reach the top of the tower to get what it wants. After success, you can be proud of all the heroes. But I don't envy the eagle, because it has almost nothing except success, but the snail is different. It has a seemingly hard but brilliant process!

In the process, maybe the snail encountered a gale, maybe a rainstorm, maybe he often climbed to the middle of the tower and fell down again and again, leaving himself bruised. But such an insignificant and stupid animal, he climbed up again and again, and firmly believed that one day he would reach the top of the pyramid. This is what I like, Learning to be strong through failure after failure is what the proud eagle that snails get doesn't have.

In the process of climbing the tower, it also reaped the happiness and joy of every step, and also had the courage and faith to face all kinds of setbacks and failures. In this process, the snail may have shed tears or been injured, but I believe that when it succeeds in climbing the top, these will become the most precious wealth of its life, the most precious and beautiful memories, This is what I appreciate, that is, a kind of maturity after experiencing the joys and sorrows of life and the vicissitudes of life! In my opinion, this is the essence of process beauty!

Once I was a fool who only paid attention to the results but often ignored the process! Mistakenly thinking that the most beautiful moment of the seed is to bear fruit, naively thinking that the happiest moment only stays in the moment of success; Who knows, the process of germination and flowering is the most beautiful, because a seed has been beautiful since the moment it fell to the ground. During this period, it may be exposed to the sun, rain, wind and snow, and may be suddenly destroyed by all kinds of things. However, it still enjoys this process and yearns for the dream of flowering, And I firmly believe that one day I will be successful! How beautiful! How magnificent! Who knows, the happiest moment is the process of your success. Bing Xin has a little poem: "The flower of success, people only admire her present brightness, but her original bud, soaked in tears of struggle, sprinkled tears of sacrifice".

What I want to say is that happiness is the tears of struggle and sacrifice. If people really care about the results, then his life is doomed to be a tragedy! Because the most valuable thing in the world is your life, and the final result of life is to go to the grave step by step! Dust to dust, earth to earth! But smart people can still live a full life every day, neither sighing for yesterday nor worrying about tomorrow, because they know that the true meaning of life is not the result, but to enjoy the beauty of the process leisurely!

Process as topic (5)

Don't envy the beauty after success. In fact, the process is also a kind of beauty. You should know that once you close your eyes and open them, the day will pass; When you close your eyes, if you don't open them, the whole life will pass, and this is actually the end of life. So we should enjoy the process, enjoy the little things in the process, and learn to appreciate the beauty of the process.

When we participated in the running race, we rushed out of the starting line with the sound of the starting gun. When running, we may run ahead or fall behind, but it doesn't matter; We may stumble over small stones, or have a good journey, but it doesn't matter; We may get cheers and encouragement from our relatives and friends, and we may also get gossip from others, but it doesn't matter; We may be successful, or we may be the last one, which has nothing to do with the flower medal. Because we enjoyed the process, when the roaring wind passed through our ears, when sweat soaked our skirts, we felt the joy of running. We have learned to encourage ourselves, we have learned to stand up from where we fall, we have exercised our character, our psychology will be more sunny, and our body will be healthier. Enjoy the process, we will see different beauty.

When I read, I will focus on every word, and I will enjoy the experience brought to me by every page. After reading the ending, I was reluctant to put down the book, so I opened it again, smelled the beautiful ink fragrance again, enjoyed the process of reading again, and was once again moved by the enthusiasm between the lines, tasting the good and noble character of the hero. So I love the process of reading. I understand that no matter whether the ending is happy or sad, there is no importance of the process.

Life is a process. From birth to death, life is the beginning and death is the end. But what we want is not the end, but the process of life. In this process, we experienced wind and rain, but also bathed in the sun, we will fall many times, but we also learned to stand up. So we understand the beauty of the process. Maybe the end will come one day, but we enjoy the process. Whether the outcome is happy or sad, the process is always a kind of beauty.

Process as topic (6)

In my childhood, there were many interesting things. These things were like countless stars in the sky. Making dumplings was the most interesting of these things.

One night when I finished my homework, I heard my mother put things on the table. I was puzzled and asked, "Mom, what are you doing?" My mother replied, "I'm making dumplings." I said excitedly, "Let's do it together." "OK."

We took flour, mallet, meat stuffing and began to wrap dumplings. My mother and I added a lot of water to the flour. The naughty one also took a dough and pinched a white rabbit. My mother smiled and said, "Little naughty, you know how to play." My mother originally wanted to pack meat stuffing, but I was so imaginative that I added some cucumbers and fungus to the meat, and also added some pepper. I scooped some meat stuffing with a spoon and put it on the dough. I wrapped the dumplings in strange shapes, some like rabbits, some like elephants, some like dogs, and some like nothing at all. In short, there are many different shapes. My mother could not help laughing when she saw it: "You are really a little naughty."

At noon the next day, we ate the dumplings made yesterday. My mother said that they were the best dumplings she had ever eaten in her life. I was very happy after hearing that. I think it must be because my mother and I made them together.

Ha ha, it's fun to make dumplings. I finally tasted the benefits of labor.

Process as topic (7)

Summer vacation has always been our favorite holiday, because the summer vacation has bright sunshine, as well as the warmth and happiness of summer, and this summer vacation I think is particularly meaningful, because my mother signed up a summer camp for me. This summer camp is our friends of the same age, as well as some foreign mixed race children. I am particularly happy and enjoy the summer camp life in half a month, It can be said that I have always enjoyed the process of this summer camp.

We went to a village near the city. Friends who often attend summer camps said that this village is specially covered by summer camps. The scenery in this village is very good. Every day, I would get up in the morning according to the teacher's requirements, eat, and play games with my friends. I especially enjoy this process. When I attended the summer camp, I always thought that if I made many friends and added anything, I would have a good experience of this process, because my mother always taught me that the beauty of the process is more important than the result.

I love the life of this summer camp. In the process of this summer camp, I made many good friends, saw beautiful scenery, more peaceful countryside than the noise of the city, more natural flowers and trees than the pruned flowers and plants in the city. Each tree has a smell of summer exuberance. I enjoy this process and enjoy this beautiful summer camp life more.

Process as topic (8)

The process of growth is the topic of composition 1

Growth is like a diary, every page has our footprints. Growth is also like a string of pearl chains, each of which has a precious and beautiful memory. People grow up in various environments. Some grow up in difficulties, others grow up in insipidity, while I grow up in honeypots.

I remember when I was a child, my mother always gave me a large plate to eat first, and then they ate again. Especially when I eat prawns, there were a total of a dozen prawns, eight or nine of which were eaten by me. Because I ate too much prawns when I was young, I now feel dizzy at the sight of prawns. This is the "happiness" brought to me by the honeypot. In terms of food, my mother dotes on me, and my grandparents also dote on me. They often buy delicious food for me secretly, which makes me feel like I live in heaven. They not only spoil me in terms of food, but also play as I like. When I was young, my parents often took me to the toy store, and whenever I liked it, my parents would buy it for me. Once, my family went out to the shopping mall, and everyone walked to the children's exclusive area. I liked the bicycle there, and my mother insisted on buying it for me, but my mother refused to let me, saying that I could not get it home. I insisted on buying it. Grandpa heard about it, and he decided to buy it for me, Finally, he bought me the best bike. I was so happy that I kissed my grandpa several times. Grandpa smiled kindly. But until now, I have left nothing but a remote control car. My father brought it back to me on a business trip. I remember it very clearly. My father showed me this funny thing as soon as he got home from a business trip. He assembled it for me without even stopping. I was very moved when I saw my father's expression of concentration. I live in the favor of my family. I live in the honey pot. I am happy and carefree all day. I love my relatives. Although they are loved, I am growing up and not spoiled. I know that while receiving the care of love, I also have to pay my love and pay my responsibility.

In a twinkling of an eye, I have changed from a child who haunts my mother every day to a young man who will help my mother and father. In the process of growing up, I learned a lot, and I learned to be strong and independent. I think everyone's growth process is different. Growing up in a honeypot has its advantages. Growing up in frustration also has its advantages. But these cannot stop the pace of growth. I grew up in the honey pot, and I will give it to my relatives.

The process of growth is the topic of composition II

Success is what everyone wants, but failure is the mother of success. Growing up in failure may bring us greater success.

At the Beijing Olympic Games, Olympic athletes from all over the world returned with full loads after making impressive achievements. Our Olympic athletes have won countless honors for our country, and we are proud of them. Presumably, this is the success of a sports athlete. But how can we ever realize the sweat, blood and tears behind the success of these athletes? It can be said that they grow from failure to success.

Yang Wei, as the captain of the Chinese men's gymnastics team, has a reputation of "the second in a thousand years", which is a great shame for him! However, he believed that there would be rewards for his efforts. He often analyzed the reasons for his failure in the 20xx Olympic Games. He endured hardships and forged a sword for four years. Finally, he grew up from failure! He won the title of "all-around king" in men's gymnastics at one stroke. His growth has changed history, and his growth is a great success!

Although we cannot succeed on the world stage of the Olympic Games like them, we are the flower of our motherland, or rather, the flower of our motherland, and we are trying to absorb nutrients and grow.

We have been indoctrinated with the idea of "being the first" since childhood. In the exam, the first became our burden. For the first, we had been studying day and night; For the first, we are willing to devote our energy to cheating; In order to be the first, we even forget the existence of our own innocence. First, it has become a success in our eyes. However, what we need now is sharpening. Maybe the second will gain more growth experience than the first. As long as this time is better than the last time, we are growing, and we want to take a step forward successfully.

In the speech contest, I was not the first, but my score was higher than that of the last time. I was very satisfied, and I also gained more speech skills in the contest. I feel that my speech level is constantly improving. Therefore, I am growing up.

In the composition contest, my articles were plain and tasteless, but I learned novel ideas and vivid language from many "rivals" 'articles, imperceptibly influencing and improving my writing skills. Therefore, I am growing up.

In the long-distance race, I did not and could not win the first place, because my physical quality was obviously inferior to others, but I insisted on running down. It has honed my will. At this moment, I am as proud of myself as Liu Xiang won the Olympic gold medal. Therefore, I am growing up.

I think that the flower of our success is still in bud, and he needs to be tempered by the wind and baptized by the rainstorm. Didn't win the first place? We are not afraid! When we gain the experience or lesson of growth from it, it is a small success and the best reward for our efforts!

In the process of success and growth, let's choose growth!

The process of growth is the topic of composition 3

Each person's growth story is full of joy, anger, sadness and joy; Each person's growth story is worth remembering by ourselves. The growing stories are very colorful and continuous. The hot one is pepper powder, and the bitter one is homemade painstaking powder

As I unfolded my memory scroll, something happened last summer seemed to come back to me.

One day during the holiday, I was reading on the balcony, and suddenly found two gray pigeons beating outside the balcony, oh! I looked carefully at the two pigeons with two twigs in their mouths and thought, What are they doing? I stood on tiptoe and hid behind the curtain. I found that they put down the twigs and flew away. After a while, they took the twigs and flew back, oh! I see. They were afraid of my loneliness, so they came to be neighbors with me! In this way, I flew around again and again without seeing them rest. The next afternoon after school, I rushed to the balcony and found that their small home had been built at some time.

Before long, the mother pigeon laid two eggs. Since her baby landed, she squatted down and wrapped it with her warm wings. She never left again, as if she was afraid of being robbed by someone. Where's the male pigeon? I haven't seen it again. It seems that it has evaporated and disappeared. My curiosity finally made me unable to control myself. I gently pushed open the screen window and reached out to touch her feathers. Suddenly, she suddenly stretched her neck and pecked at me with her sharp mouth. All the feathers stood up and my wings slapped. I felt like I had touched the high-voltage electricity. My God, I was scared to death! I quickly closed the window and made a move to rob her "baby" through the glass. I saw that her eyes were about to explode, her wings were beating the window desperately, and the glass was almost broken. I was a bit funny, and I thought to myself, don't you know I was playing with you? Suddenly, I found blood stains on the glass, ah! It turned out that its wings were cracked.

From that day on, I put the rice and millet in my house, which pigeons like to eat in a word, on the plate and put it beside it. It still thought I was hostile to it, raised its feathers and glared at me. I didn't dare to look at it, and hurried away quietly.

Maternal love is really the greatest and selfless love in the world! In order to protect her children, regardless of her own safety, her small body dared to fight with human beings. I used to be ignorant. I grew up slowly. Look at my mother, why not? Afraid of my hot, cold, hungry, warm clothes

Maternal love! The most selfless love in the world!

Process as topic (9)

A blind old zither player and a blind apprentice roamed the world, playing zither for people everywhere. The old zither master told him that there was a prescription for blindness in the zither, but it could not be taken out until 100 strings on the zither were broken. By this time, the old zither player had broken 99 pieces. Looking back on his life, he had never wasted: he not only brought endless happiness to others, but also enriched his life. Finally, he was lucky enough to have a look at the world and died without regret. A clear sound went by, and he broke the 100th string. When he opened the piano excitedly, took out the prescription and ran to the pharmacy, the boss said that it was just a blank sheet of paper... For others, it might be a bolt from the blue, but the old musician was not sad, but he understood something. He said to his apprentice, "The master has made a mistake. It's 120 pieces instead of 100 pieces. Remember, you must play with your heart!"
What the old musician lost was a chance to recover his eyesight, but what he got was the whole life! If we only pay attention to the tragic fact of blindness and do not enjoy the process of life with the belief of regaining vision, I think the old zither player may not become an "old" zither player.
Although the result is important, because it is the final destination of the process, if you only stay at this point, you will lose a lot of things.
In ancient times, some people planted gourds, but they didn't take care of them. Finally, even the leaves didn't grow well. When others accused him, he calmly retorted: "What I want is a gourd, not a leaf! This is a philosophy of life. Many people ignore the process and resort to any means in order to get the result, and finally end up with a tragic fate. It is said that those corrupt officials, for the sake of nihilistic fame and wealth, committed monstrous crimes, which caused great harm to society. History is fair, and so on, will be rewarded. As Zang Kejia wrote, "Some people are alive, but they are dead."
The process is so important, but it does not mean that we can do what we want to do regardless of the consequences in order to enjoy the process.
The relationship between process and result tells us that we should first think about the results of doing things, and more importantly, experience the process!
People often say that father is the ladder to the sky, and father is the ox pulling the cart; Others say that father is the spiritual pillar of the family and the safe haven of the whole family.
For a long time, I have been looking for an action that can represent father love --- smoking
In the hearts of others, my father is like a soldier standing tall in the wind and rain. My father is a tall pine on the edge of a cliff. In short, my father is a man who can stand up to the sky. However, in my heart, my father is just a smoker, an authentic smoker. His fingers, which had been burnt yellow by the smoke, were still holding a cigarette for a moment.
Father loves smoking, which has always been the case. I don't know why. No matter at home or out, there is a strong smell of smoke on his body, which I can't bear. Especially when I was near school, the smell of smoke became more thick and unbearable. At this time, I was worried about the insufficient tuition fees, while my father was still leisurely smoking his cigarettes, seemingly indifferent to my affairs. Seeing him smoking deeply all day and then spitting out gently, I wish I could drive him out of the house. This situation makes me want to cry without tears, and I can't bear to hate it. Is this my father? Is this the so-called "stand up to the sky and earth"? He is so "great", what can I say?
Even so, I was sent to school on time, which confused me. I seem to be slowly aware that while he smokes deeply, he is also thinking carefully and worrying silently. After tasting the smoke again, I found that it had a slight fragrance; When I saw the smoke again, I felt a lot of sadness that enveloped my father.
come back
Another time my father sent me to school. Before he left, he didn't say anything and didn't even leave a smile. He turned around and left. In the face of such a cold father, I can't understand, let alone accept. Suddenly I had an idea: to spy on him secretly. Just as he came to the corner, he stopped and turned his head. His affectionate eyes seemed to be looking for something. Oh, he wanted to look at his son again, but he didn't see it. He turned around again, and I was finally found by him. From his face, he finally showed a faint smile that he had never seen before. The smile was as crystal clear as dew in the morning, as short, as rare. From his eyes, I finally found the most beautiful thing in the world - selfless love.
Since then, this exquisite movement has gone deep into my memory treasure house. What a moving look back!
Finally, I thoroughly understood: I am not lack of fatherly love, but lack of discovery. The smoke is full of fragrance, and the back is full of affection. At the same time, I also understood the father's love: father's love is like a mountain, father's love is like a sea, father's cold appearance is filled with a red hot sense of responsibility, is a sincere love of son.
Where is fatherly love today? In a wisp of smoke, in a moment of turning back.