Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (6 in total)
Children chasing dreams
2024-01-15 07:34:12
Junior two

Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (1)

Life will always face many choices, and the premise of choice is to give up first. Giving up correctly is the success of choice.

When Yu Dan was interviewed by a magazine, the reporter asked: "If you can't persist in doing something, what force makes you persist?" Yu Dan replied: "If you can't persist, I will give up." "When the cost of persistence is far greater than the cost of giving up, giving up means another new start."

Who says success must lie in persistence? Why insist on the impassable road sometimes? Maybe giving up is also an option.

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Fan Li helped Gou Jian, the king of Yue, to achieve hegemony, and then resolutely gave up prosperity and wealth, went into business, and finally became a successful entrepreneur. His close comrade Wen Zhong was killed because he was reluctant to give up power.

On the long road of life, there are always many difficulties. Sometimes, if you know how to give up, find another way, and then work hard, you can also succeed.

The great writer and thinker Lu Xun, in order to transform the soul of Chinese people, save the nation from danger, and pursue independence, resolutely gave up the medicine that was about to be learned, and took up the fast knife of literature, which pierced the heart of the enemy.

There are numerous examples of this. The truth is in front of us. Only by learning to give up and choose the most suitable path can we achieve success.

There is no gain without giving up. When you can give up all seemingly indifferent choices, it is actually a kind of transcendence, thus laying a major foundation for our life. In the face of the crossroads of choice, you may leave gracefully to get a pair of wings, so that you can fly higher and higher and closer to the sky of your heart. Therefore, giving up is also a kind of!

Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (2)

From childhood to adulthood, we were taught how to work hard, how to persist, and how to never give up. In fact, many times, giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Abandonment is a kind of elegant wind that expresses feelings for mountains and rivers and does not go hand in hand with the secular world. "Anneng broke his brows and bent his waist to deal with powerful people, which made me unhappy" was his expression of uneasiness in reality. How could he bear the bondage of the royal court when he was free by nature? He abandoned his generous salary and faced the world with a broad-minded attitude. The mountains and rivers of love made him different from ordinary people. His talent was left to later generations, but also his elegant style of not being in the same boat with the secular world was left to future generations. His poems annotated the true meaning of life. His giving up made Li Bai, a poet of the generation.

Abandonment is a harmonious wind of seclusion and leisure. "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely". He was eager for freedom, and resolutely resigned from office and returned to his hometown. He was content with the farming life of "cleaning up the wasteland in the morning, and returning with the moon lotus". His interest, his wisdom, his broad-minded, because of abandoning the dark and dirty officialdom and become increasingly evident. His abandonment made Tao Yuanming, the greatest pastoral poet in literary history.

Giving up is the heroic wind of being able to bend and stretch, and to rally. "Sleeping on the brushwood and tasting gall, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu". He was defeated in the war and became Fu Chai's prisoner. He abandoned the respect of the emperor and suffered humiliation. After three years of slavery, he was finally released back to the State of Yue. He endured hardships, never forgot the past humiliation, rallied, worked hard, and successfully restored the country. His abandonment made Goujian, the last overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period, the King of Yue.

Abandonment is not compromise, failure or incompetence, but to gain better. The brook gave up its flatness to return to the boldness of the sea; Deciduous leaves give up the trunk in order to look forward to the verdant spring; The candle gives up the perfect body, can have a lifetime of light; Only when the mood gives up the mundane noise can we have a tranquility

Sometimes, giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (3)

Giving up does not mean cowardice, it is also a kind of beauty, a spiritual sublimation.

I remember at that time, I just entered the first grade, and the strange environment made me feel nervous. In PE class, many of my classmates had made good friends, but I sat beside them looking up at the sky in a daze.

Just then, a little girl with long hair and big eyes came over and made a face at me when I didn't notice. Suddenly, I jumped up in fear. But she was out of breath laughing. She said, "Classmate, what are you thinking so crazy about?" I was very shy and just smiled at her. She was surprised: "Hey, little sister, how dare you ignore me!" Then she pushed me to the ground and scratched me ceaselessly. I was the most ticklish person, so she immediately fought back... In this way, we became good friends and vowed to be good friends forever.

My friend is Xiao Tang. After having her, my after-school life has become much more interesting. However, can our friendship really last as long as the oath?

In a twinkling of an eye, we were already grade three pupils. It seems that the contradictions between us are getting more and more. Sometimes, we can argue with each other because of a trivial matter. However, I still like Xiao Tang very much. Maybe she is the first good friend I have made since I entered school, and she has given me a lot of warmth.

I thought that as long as I humbled her in everything, everything would be smooth, but the fact is not so.

One day, a transfer student named Xiao Chen came to the class. She was an intelligent and versatile person. She was very popular with students, and Xiao Tang was no exception. At noon one day, Xiao Tang pulled Xiao Chen over to me and said, "Now there is a new member of our team - Xiao Chen!" After hearing this, I felt a little sore, but I still accepted her.

Once, when we played a game called "Journey to the West", I excitedly said, "I want to be the Monkey King, the great sage of heaven!" But Xiao Chen said with a look of disgust, "Just you? Don't tease me. Look at your big fat body, you'd better be the Pig Bajie!" I was very sad. I looked at Xiao Tang to get her comfort. But she made it worse: "Yes, yes, I agree!" After listening, I ran back to the classroom with tears streaming down my face.

Along the way, my heart like covered with countless weeds, let me sad. What is a good friend forever? How can Xiao Tang throw away the friendship between her and me for so many years? I can stand her speaking ill of me to Xiao Chen behind his back. I can also stand her ignoring me and playing with Xiao Chen; But this is the only thing that broke my heart. I finally saw Xiao Tang clearly, but I don't want to break off with her like this. Without her, my life would be gloomy

The bell rang for class. When Xiao Tang ran into the classroom, he turned a blind eye to me. Suddenly, it dawned on me that she really didn't care about me. If the earth could still turn without her, give up

After class, I walked up to them and held out two hands together. As long as she cut off my merged hands, we would no longer have friendship. She took a look at it and then cut it open without hesitation

Every day after that, I gradually became more and more cheerful. Without her care, I learned to make friends by myself. I finally came out of that sad friendship. My life was not as bad as I thought, and my daily life was also full of laughter. What's more, I have made a good friend again. We are inseparable every day, and we are happy!

So giving up is also a kind of beauty!

Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (4)

The eagle has wings to fly high, and is destined to be superior to all the others; The bird has small wings, and is destined to swim in green mountains and waters; The small river does not have the rush of the Yangtze River. It chooses gurgling; The grass is as dazzling as a flower. It chooses red to add green. Different choices are doomed to different abandonment. Sometimes abandonment is beautiful, beautiful.

It is beautiful to give up, such as the rising sun, such as the sunset, such as the beautiful flowers. Harvest is a kind of beauty, but giving up is more beautiful.

Wang Anshi said, "If you can't get there as far as you want, you can have no regrets!" Try your best, do not force anything. When you get there, you should be like a waterfall pouring down, and when you get there, you should be like a tiger descending the mountain. Giving up does not mean failure, only that you choose the wrong path.

He was looked for thousands of times in the crowd. When I looked back, the man was in the dim light. Only by giving up your lofty vision and focusing on your feet can you make your life colorful.

Tao Yuanming gave up his officialdom life, and then he had the leisure of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing the southern mountains leisurely"; Li Bai gave up the shackles of the imperial palace, so he had the free and easy way of "raising a glass to invite the bright moon and making three people of his shadow"; Wang Wei is far away from the prosperity of the city, so he has the comfort of "letting loose the wind and playing the piano in the light of the mountains and the moon". It can be seen how beautiful giving up is. It purifies his mind, makes his life easy to think about, and opens up his confusion. It's beautiful to give up.

Different choices lead to different lives. Sometimes we need to have the determination to "sail straight to the sea when we meet", and also the determination to look back suddenly. In this way, life will be manipulated by me, and we will become the masters of life.

Giving up is relative. If the goal is as elusive as a mirage, you must face the reality and choose to give up.

It's beautiful to give up, such as dazzling fireworks. Although it's decided to be in that moment, white is eternal.

A give up, a gain. Give up and gain are equal on the balance. It is beautiful to gain, but beautiful to give up.

Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (5)

One day, staying at home was really boring, so I went shopping in the supermarket. When I was strolling around, I heard the crying of a child. Out of curiosity, I went to the party.

Following the cry, I saw many guests watching, and several salesmen there, all with helpless expressions on their faces. In the middle stood two women and two crying children.

At first, I didn't know what had happened. Later, I heard some guests tell me the story. It turned out that the two children liked the Buxiong beside them very much. They refused to give in to each other and insisted on getting Buxiong. As a result, both of them began to cry. The crying attracted the attention of many guests, and the mothers of the two children also hurried to come. When the mothers of the two children saw this situation, they could not say anything. They asked their children to give the Buxiong to each other to avoid more embarrassing things. But children don't understand this. They just want to get the Buxiong they like. No matter how mother and salesperson advised them, they kept crying.

I think these two mothers must want their children to get Buxiong, because they love their children and do not want to see their children crying. At this time, both mothers did not know what to do, neither said anything, and probably both hoped that the other side would make concessions. Facing the onlookers, they looked embarrassed and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified. After the two children gradually stopped crying, a mother finally said, "Give this cloth bear to your child! I can buy another one for my child."

In these simple words, she gave up the fight for Buxiong instead of her child, making the scene no longer awkward and the atmosphere no longer dignified. She picked up her child and went to buy another cloth bear.

I admire this mother's behavior. If they don't give in, it will be very bad and even more embarrassing. Sometimes, mothers can choose to give up for their children, because giving up is also a kind of beauty. Although they lost Buxiong, they gained more. In some cases, we should learn to give up, because giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Giving up is also a beautiful 600 word composition (6)

Beauty and ugliness coexist in the real world, but what people pursue is beauty. People believe that life cannot be without beauty, and it is unimaginable to live without beauty.

People have had many different interpretations of what is beauty from ancient times to the present, but there is no universally accepted definition of energy. There is beauty beside us. When we observe the morning light, we will observe beauty; When we listen to the stream flow, we will hear the beauty; When we look at the liveliness of young people, we can see beauty?? It can be seen that beauty is everywhere, and there is no limit to the definition of beauty.

For me, beauty is a kind of perfect meaning. Of course, if "beauty" is too perfect, it will become not beautiful. So sometimes I think "giving up is also a kind of beauty". When I say this, many people will be very surprised. "Giving up is a manifestation of weak will, is it also a kind of beauty?" At this time, I will say to them: "In today's world, beauty is everywhere, which also determines that the meaning of beauty is not limited, so beauty in the world is not the same. Who doesn't know that you can appreciate a kind of fragmentary beauty when you appreciate a painter's works. Is there any beauty that is incomplete, but it has not been abandoned?

In our learning career, we encountered various things, such as: a student wanted to be a monitor in his class, but he was not elected after voting. He was not discouraged, but very confident. In the next round of the election of the study committee member, his speech led the students to unanimously elect him. Doesn't this reflect that giving up is a kind of beauty? If he does not give up the idea of running for the position of monitor and still refuses to face the reality, he will not become a study committee member in the next election. There are many such examples in our life. Don't these examples just reflect the beauty of giving up?

There are many people who do not have the right way to deal with many things. For example, we will encounter difficult problems in the course of examination, and we must finish the questions in the limited time. Some people spent a long time on one question, and still didn't work it out until the time of paper submission. This seems to be a small problem, but once the score is given, we can find the problem. It turned out that the student made many simple mistakes due to carelessness when he was working on the problem. And because he didn't check it again, the problem came out. Why doesn't he have time to check? Because he was too stubborn, he wanted to finish every question. He felt that it was a kind of beauty to finish a whole test paper. He was very confident that he would get high marks. In the end, practice proves that it is not.

This example shows that persistence is sometimes a mistake, and giving up is sometimes a beauty. Don't fill our minds with the image of "complete beauty", which will make us make beautiful mistakes.

Therefore, giving up is also a kind of beauty!