Visit Dazong Lake (5 in total)
Clear water and clear clouds
2024-04-11 07:45:36

Visit Dazong Lake (1)

I have been to the Dazong Lake in Yancheng twice. It is surrounded by grass and trees. It is a beautiful scenery!

Entering the main gate, the big trees on both sides grow luxuriantly. A gust of wind blew, and the leaves rustled, like green elves dancing on the branches.

Going further, you will see a long corridor with various snacks on both sides. We had a delicious lunch there near noon.

Then, we came to the Dazong Lake. The rippled Dazong Lake sparkled in the sunshine, making people squint.

Beside Dazong Lake is a place for entertainment and leisure, where many people play.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, I went to the theater to watch acrobatics. Two people were jumping on the stage. Come to the woods, there is no strong sunlight here, only the cool shade of the trees. I have been walking along the path for a long time, but a big stone blocked my way. I was about to leave when I was surprised to find a very narrow path beside the stone.

I stopped walking along the path until I reached the gate. When I looked back at the Dazong Lake, the sunset glow reddened the sky and the lake surface.

The beauty of Dazong Lake makes me forget to return. It's just so beautiful!

Visit Dazong Lake (2)

On September 30, the teacher strode into the classroom with a happy smile on his face and told us: "Students, today the teacher announced a good news, that is, the National Day holiday will be 7 days." As soon as the speech ended, the class was boiling, and the students cheered and laughed.

As soon as I got home from school, I planned our long vacation with my mother. On the first day of National Day, my mother said that she would take me to Dazong Lake to play. When I heard that, I went to Guantianxia Travel Agency to register with my mother happily. When the trip started, my mother and I got on the bus, and our guide aunt explained some stories about the scenic area of Dazong Lake to us. Near noon, we arrived at Dazong Lake. The tour guide aunt took us to watch the water show first, and saw the actors performing that kind of difficult action on the water. They also rose up under the pressure and stopped in the air like birds. It was amazing to see such a scene for the first time. Then we went to see the water wedding, and saw the "bridegroom and bride" wearing ancient clothes sitting on the boat, the boat gently floating in the water, the cool wind blowing in the face, the bride's dress also fluttered back and forth in the wind, extremely beautiful! It seems that I have a feeling of going through history, and I am deeply intoxicated.

At noon, the guide aunt took us to the Sunshine Restaurant for lunch. The lunch was very rich, and all kinds of farm dishes smelled delicious. After dinner, we went to visit the Tofu Workshop, where there were all kinds of stone mills made of stone. They were different in size, strange in shape and unique in characteristics. I also tried to push the biggest stone mill. Because it was too big, I had to push it but could not pull it back. However, after experiencing it personally, I deeply felt the hard work of the ancient working people. Thinking about the new life today, I felt extremely happy.

In the afternoon, we went to visit the reed marsh maze by boat. The guide said that the reed marsh maze of Dazong Lake had been listed in the Guinness World Record. I can't wait to see. There are many forks in the reed marsh maze, which looks like a gossip array from afar. While enjoying the scenery on both sides of the river, we watched the fish in the water and listened to the guide explain the legend of Dazong Lake. My mother and I are intoxicated with the beautiful and picturesque scenery. It was getting dark. My mother and I packed our bags and reluctantly said goodbye to Dazong Lake.

Dazong Lake is really beautiful! I'm looking forward to my next visit.

Visit Dazong Lake (3)

In the summer vacation, we came to Yancheng Dazong Lake to play.

At the gate, three striking and natural characters of "Dazong Lake" appeared clearly in my vision. With a burst of cheers, we rushed to the gate, eager to see what the Dazong Lake looked like.

As soon as you enter the gate, the green grass, colorful flowers, tall and straight trees, and winding paths come into view, just like a beautiful garden. A few steps further on, you can see a small part of the Great Vertical Lake. From a distance, the Great Longitudinal Lake is like a crystal, connected with the sky. Close up, the lake is clear and rippling, with fish jumping from time to time, and trees along the road are covered with branches. This scene seems to give people a feeling of relaxed and happy, like a cool wind blowing under the scorching sun. Dazong Lake is really a water green world with beautiful scenery.

Then we came to the reed marsh scenic spot, which is said to be the largest reed marsh in the world. We got on the motorboat and walked into the reed maze. It was like entering a natural green oxygen bar world. The air was particularly fresh and pleasant. The waterway is winding with many forks. It seems that we are shuttling through the maze. Look, rows of reeds are tall and thin, green with yellow, gently swinging in the breeze, like a group of beautiful girls in the diving ballet, or like countless tall and powerful warriors guarding this area, for fear that others will pollute the water and damage the beautiful ecological environment here. There are many birds in the reed marsh. They fly up and down from time to time, enjoying the happiness brought by nature. Listen to the guide introduce that the water of Dazong Lake is not only the source of drinking water for Yancheng citizens, but also the second national protected water source. I looked down at the lake water, didn't I? The lake water was clear to the bottom, and there were many water plants floating on the lake. I couldn't help holding some water in my hands and putting it to my mouth to taste, ah, it was so cool! It has a slightly sweet taste, which is memorable. I brought an empty bottle and filled it with a full bottle of water. I also let my grandparents taste the sweet water. According to the guide, there are 33 crossings and 66 waterways in Reed Pond, and only one of these waterways can lead to the exit. I have to admire the magic skill of nature's ghost axe.

At noon, we tasted the delicacies of Dazong Lake. Ah, the food here is fresh and delicious. It's really delicious.

As soon as we finished eating, we went to watch the water wedding performance. The process is very simple: the "bride"'s "parents" sit on both sides of the table filled with fruit, the host invites a "groom official" from Shanghai from the stage, and then the "bride" comes out. They hold hands, cross the brazier, come to the "gift boat", perform "three salutations", fire firecrackers, and finally sit on the "gift boat" to enter the bridal chamber.

Then we came to the Jiuqu Bridge and saw an old fisherman standing on a small wooden boat with a bamboo pole in his hand, singing loudly and beating rhythmically with his feet. At this time, I found several water birds swimming in the water. They were all black, smooth and beautiful, with a sharp and long beak. The end of the beak bent slightly. According to adults, they were cormorants. I saw them swinging their elegant posture and weaving freely in the water. Soon, they had several big fat fish in their mouths. Just about to swallow it, the old fisherman hooked the rope tied to the cormorant's leg with the hook on the bamboo pole, lifted them up one by one, stopped beside the wooden boat, and then lifted their hind legs to open their mouths, so the fish fell out of the cormorant's mouth. After a while, the boat was full of fish. What's going on here? It turned out that a rope was tied around the neck of each cormorant, so some of the big fish caught could not be swallowed, but stayed in the throat of the cormorant, so the fisherman only needed to turn the cormorant upside down, and the fish naturally slipped out of its throat. It turns out that some fishermen use this ingenious method to easily get fish with the help of animals! The cormorants are very helpful! Look, the old fisherman is comforting them - give them fish to eat!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was blazing, and we ran a long way to the children's playground. The amusement items in the amusement park are really fun and exciting, including seesaw, swing, and many adventure items that can't be named... We can only enjoy ourselves if we sweat a lot.

Then, we take a tour bus to Zhenhu Tower. From a distance, you can see the top of the tower. The Zhenhu Tower is red, tall and majestic. It has seven floors in total, and there is a Buddha statue in each floor. We walked along the stairs to the highest floor. Looking down from each window on the top of the tower, I saw spectacular scenes immediately in front of me - this is the whole view of the Great Vertical Lake - everywhere is green, like a green ocean! It's really beautiful and spectacular! If you look at the reed marsh again, you will be surprised. It really looks like a super maze! The lake is like a silver ribbon floating in the vast green ocean. This scene makes people think of the Old Summer Palace like a fairyland in ancient times. The Great Longitudinal Lake is like our "Old Summer Palace" today.

Finally, we reluctantly left the Dazong Lake and looked back at the unforgettable scenery, which made it more beautiful. Dazong Lake is the pride of the people in Yancheng. How I wish it could stand forever on this rich land and in people's hearts. This piece of green will never disappear

Visit Dazong Lake (4)

On October 4th, I finished all my homework. My father also fulfilled his promise: take me to visit Dazong Lake. I'm so excited!

Before I chartered the bus, I looked at my residence in imitation of Chopin looking back at Warsaw City. My father said, "Get on the bus soon, it's late." This sentence pulled me back from looking at my residence affectionately. I was embarrassed to say, "I'm sorry!" The car ran quickly on the road, and the trees on the roadside moved quickly from my sight.

When I arrived at the Dazong Lake Tourist Resort, my father cut the ticket price a little because of his acquaintances. I went in to have a look. Wow! There are many pictures of Water Margin generals drawn with brush, many of which I know. Such as Lin Chong, Wu Yong, Song Jiang, etc. There are many small chrysanthemums on both sides of the sidewalk.

We came to a lawn, which looked very big. I didn't want to stay on the lawn. I kept walking. My father said, "Wait for me, don't walk so fast." I didn't listen, and my steps were getting faster and faster. Suddenly I said loudly to my father, "There is a pavilion in the lake, and there is a tower and a temple. I'm going to play." Then I ran to the pavilion in the lake, Opposite the small and medium-sized pavilion on the lake is a small building with an ancient image. The doors and windows are antique. I wanted to see which daughter's study this ancient house is. There must be calligraphy, ancient zither and traditional Chinese painting in it. But when I squint into a line and look at the crack in the door, wow! The room is not like what I imagined. It is not a place for people to live. I went downstairs disappointed. Walking towards the temple, my father caught up and said, "Damn girl, what are you doing so fast? I'm so tired!"

What kind of temple did I think it was? There was only a incense burner at the door. I also put a stick of incense on the incense burner and entered the temple. Wow! What a big bronze Buddha statue. I was just joking and serious. After all, it's Buddha! There are two rows of candles on the left side of Buddha, in the shape of "s". I also took a picture with my father at the door. oh I forgot about the two towers. After playing in this place, I called my father again: "There is a windmill in Liubao". After listening to this, Dad immediately became energetic and ran faster than me. When he got there, Dad looked at the windmill affectionately and was about to recite a poem, but he patted his head and said, "It's over, I forgot the words." Alas, Bai was happy.

At 3:30 p.m., we came to the last place: the lawn. My father and I left Shan Mu first. My father walked smoothly, and I walked slowly. At this time, I saw my favorite swing. I immediately sat on it and asked my father to push. Ah! How high! I cried out excitedly because others were willing to take pictures of me. I thought it would be good to take free pictures, so I asked my father to sit on the swing. Unfortunately, my father still had a cigarette in his hand at that time.

On the way back, I also looked back at the places I had played, and then reluctantly got on the bus. In the car, I said to my father, "When I took a picture, I smiled very sweetly..."

Visit Dazong Lake (5)

In the summer vacation, we can experience the mountains and rivers of nature and watch all kinds of rare birds and animals. Today, I am lucky to visit Dazong Lake.

After a long journey of more than 40 minutes, we finally arrived at the destination - Dazong Lake.

When I entered the gate of Dazong Lake, I saw the green plant world. Among the flowers, the morning glory bloomed in groups of three and five. On both sides of the green path, it is even more green. Two rows of big trees like soldiers protect the beautiful "ecological environment". No more words. Let's go.

Then go on, flowers are everywhere, one cluster there, one cluster here. Eh? Why is there no way ahead? Oh, it was covered by towering trees! This can be said to be "the mountain is too heavy and the river has no way to go, and there is another village"!

The most unforgettable thing for me is the "reed maze". We carefully stepped on the boat and watched the uncle rowing skillfully grasp the direction and strength. We couldn't help being impressed by his skillful skills. Labyrinth is really a maze, not only beautiful scenery, but also the "waterway" paved by clumps of reeds. The water splashed by the boat slid to both sides, just like a dragon moving at full speed under the boat. The reeds on both banks are rustling, as if welcoming us. Dragonflies "roll" on the water, which is very lively. Passengers soon get together with the driver and talk happily.

We visited the "fish swimming in the water", "fish drying island", "farmhouse restaurant", experienced the "water cart", "field expansion training camp", and watched the singing and dancing performances full of rural flavor.

Willow Yiyi, suddenly spit new green; Flowers are blooming and butterflies are flying; The lake is rippling, and the fish are flying at the bottom; Pavilions and pavilions, winding paths and corridors. Happy time is always short. Another gentle breeze blew, and the graceful "lotus girls" gathered together, as if to say goodbye to us one after another: "Come next time!" "Yes, I will!" I replied silently in my heart.

Class 6 (5) of Jianjun Road Primary School

Instructor: Lu Ronggan