Reflections after midterm exam 600 (3 in general)
Lone ranger
2024-04-19 09:41:30

Reflection after midterm exam 600 (1)

After the mid-term exam, I had expected the fiasco of the exam before the results came out. I think the fiasco of the exam is related to these points:

1. I didn't study hard before the exam.

2. When taking the exam, he was in a poor mental state and very nervous.

3. During the exam, I was in a bad mental state and listless. I didn't have the heart to take the exam. I just wanted to finish the exam as soon as possible.

4. During the exam, some of the questions could not be done. They were put in the back to do it. As a result, there was no time behind them, and I forgot to have these remaining questions.

The scores came down the next day. The results were very surprising and unbelievable. There were many mistakes and forks everywhere. Last time, there were 222 students at the end of the term, but this midterm exam turned out to be 409, a straight decline of 187, nearly doubling. If the situation is still like this in the second half of the semester, it is hopeless and impossible to stay in Hongzhi class, Because there are many people behind me who want to come to Hongzhi class, while I am retreating, they are advancing, so I must work hard in the second half to achieve the following:

1. Every day, all the spare time is used for learning, doing homework, reading, except going to the toilet.

2. Improve the quality of each assignment, including Chinese, math, English and other subjects, and do your best to complete the problems you can do.

3. When doing homework, carefully review the questions. When encountering multiple choice questions and blank filling questions, do not scribble and fill in the blanks. Be determined to review the questions first, then think about and finally answer the questions, and do not guess blindly.

4. Do not use the computer when going home without necessity, and only use the computer when learning.

5. Do not talk with your deskmates and the people around you in class, and ignore the discussions and events irrelevant to the class.

6. Try to concentrate in class and not be in a daze.

7. Don't sleep in class, especially in math class.

8. Do not do anything irrelevant to this class in class, such as doing homework in other subjects in math class.

9. Change my concept of self abandonment and broken pipes.

This 9 points, I must persist in more than 40 days in school, strive to get the top 200, stay in this group, time is running out, can't I persist in the remaining 40 days?

Reflection after midterm exam 600 (2)

As examination reflection, the first thing to reflect is the usual learning attitude. If in the exam, too many points are lost on memorizing topics, especially on memorizing subjects (such as basic questions of biology, geography, Chinese and English), it is obviously a problem of insufficient investment and learning attitude. If there are many errors and lack of computing ability in the application of many simple knowledge, it is a reflection of insufficient training at ordinary times, which is also a problem in learning attitude. Reflect on whether they consciously study and review at ordinary times; Do you have a fluke mentality and think it's OK to procrastinate at ordinary times, as long as you are serious a few days before the exam. Reflecting on whether they are blind in learning, some students just play the bell every day as monks, and just muddle through; Some students have many plans and goals every day, but none of them can be achieved by the end of the day. Reflect on whether your learning is solid, and whether new knowledge stays at the level of understanding and memorization, and whether you have mastered and applied it. Most students are in a state of half understanding of knowledge, and do not know how to write when solving problems. In fact, learning attitude is the prerequisite for good or bad grades. In order to achieve good results, we must have a good learning habit and correct learning attitude.

Secondly, students should reflect on their grasp of examination skills. Every time I take an exam, I always find that some students lack certain exam skills. For example, I feel that the exam time is not enough, the handwriting is illegible, and even I can't see clearly; The answers are written in the sealing line and cannot be seen when binding; Some students even blazed a new trail, starting from the last question and so on. As the basic knowledge of the exam, the habits of easy before difficult, standardized writing, and reasonable allocation of time should be exercised in ordinary unit tests.

Third, students should also reflect on their examination mentality. At the end of each exam, some students always said that they were too nervous to play well. This is the question of exam mentality. Among them, there are those who are eager to show themselves, so that their eyes are high and their hands are low; Have you done enough review to fear the exam as required by the teacher. Without a good attitude, you can't play at a normal level. When taking an exam, overemphasizing scores and ranking will undoubtedly increase tension and affect the exam results. If you take the exam as a way to find out problems and facilitate future study, you will not be nervous. On the contrary, you will like to take the exam as a means to test your learning effect. In fact, the process is the most important. As long as you do your best in the process, you will not be afraid of no results.

There must be a way to succeed, and there must be a reason for failure. Take a fall and gain wisdom. It is important to sum up and reflect after the exam, but more important is to find a new starting point. Some students will be depressed after failing an exam. I think it is unnecessary to do so. We should be a strong learner and find our own starting point again. We must firmly believe that there can be no rainbow without wind and rain. With a good mood and a calm mind, I will devote myself to the next round of learning and believe that as long as I pay, I will be rewarded. With a new starting point, we must move forward and strive for a new goal. Some students are very motivated after the exam. They have listed a lot of review plans and made a lot of determination. But after a few days, they will be the same as before. So perseverance is very important in the learning process. If they keep the same as before and do not make changes, they may fall behind in the next exam. Just like 0, if you don't draw a 1 hour in front, 0 is still 0.

Reflection after midterm exam 600 (3)

When I came home, I felt very happy. The sky seems bluer; The wind seems to become soft; Grass, as if nodding to me. When I got home, I turned over the previous test paper and saw that the score of progress was more than four points! However, modesty makes people progress, and conceit makes people lag behind. I can't be proud. I have to look carefully at where I was wrong, so that I won't be wrong next time.

There are four aspects in this exam: basic knowledge, knowledge in and out of class, reading ability and writing ability. The reason for losing points this time is that the knowledge in and out of class is unstable and the writing ability is poor. In the knowledge inside and outside class, the mistake is that I didn't want to be complete and didn't contact the text, which caused such a loss of points. Therefore, these two points can be saved if I read the text several times before the exam. I regret that I didn't study hard at that time!

It's normal to lose marks in writing. The teacher did not know where this score was wrong, so this composition was deducted for nothing, otherwise it would be the first in the exam.

Although this midterm exam is good, we should not be proud of it. We should do better next time!