Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (17 refined articles)
Warm bosom before dawn
2023-11-26 03:27:41

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (1)

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and every household has a thick fragrance of zongzi. Laughter and laughter have spread all over the streets. My family is not excluded. We are all busy making zongzi.

Zongzi needs reed leaves and glutinous rice. If you like what kind of stuffing, you can add some in glutinous rice. Grandma and I first came to the river bank to pick reed leaves. The green leaves were dancing on the river bank. Grandma asked me to pick big and bright reed leaves, because they are good for making dumplings. More than ten minutes later, the reed leaves were finally picked up. Put them in hot water and soak them until they are soft. I began to make rice dumplings. I clumsily wrapped them like my grandmother. As a result, I took reed leaves, scooped rice, and rope. I carelessly loosened my hands and scattered rice all over the ground. My first rice dumplings failed. I was discouraged and felt that I could not learn. Just when I did not want to do it, my grandmother's words suddenly echoed in my ears: "Failure is the mother of success." So I gathered up confidence to learn.

This time I did not like last time, I learned the lesson of making dumplings for the first time. I paid attention to the posture of holding Zongye and the method of wrapping Zongzi. I first rolled Zongye until the hole was pointed, then put a spoonful of glutinous rice in a spoon, then put my favorite red beans, and finally wrapped the reed leaves in order until they were firm and tied with thread. A Zongzi was wrapped, although it was not as beautiful as Grandma's, But it was my first work at last. I felt happy and looked at the fruits of my work happily.

After cooking for an hour, the fragrance of zongzi wafted out. I tasted the zongzi made by myself and felt that the taste was really unusual.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (2)

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Noon Festival, the May Festival, the Ai Festival, the Duanwu Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, the Noon Festival and the Summer Festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people across the country are the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is an old custom in China for more than 2000 years. Every day, every household hangs a statue of Zhong Kui, hangs wormwood leaves and calamus, races dragon boats, eats zongzi, drinks realgar wine, swims through diseases, wears sachets, and prepares animals.

Eating rice dumplings: people in Jingchu boiled glutinous rice or steamed rice dumplings and threw them into the river on May 5 to worship Qu Yuan, so as to avoid fish eating, they used bamboo tubes to contain glutinous rice and throw it down. Later, they gradually used rice dumplings to wrap rice instead of bamboo tubes.

As the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, I have wrapped dumplings to cook my space online.

Select the best reed leaves, which are old and tender, 45cm wide and 30cm long, and put them in a pot with water over the leaf surface. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for about 45 minutes. It softens and increases elasticity, and also has the function of disinfection and sterilization. The leaves are crisp when getting up early, and waste when getting up late.

After boiling, put it in cold water to wash, cut off the petiole for use. The coir grass (to be boiled with reed leaves) is used for binding, and now it is mostly disassembled into single strands with nylon thread or snakeskin bags.

When wrapping, take 3-4 reed leaves and form a funnel in the big head nest. Push the big head forward as far as possible to make it tight without leakage. After feeding rice (you can add dates, bacon, raisins, etc. according to your own taste), clamp it separately with your right finger and ring finger, and press your thumb from back to front to make it tight and flat. The left thumb and index finger push the funnel mouth inward to form an equilateral triangle, then cover the leaf surface pushed by the thumb on the triangle, and use the left thumb and index finger to pinch the funnel mouth together, and then fold the remaining tail handles along the corner. Then take the thread to bind, the tightness should be moderate, too tight, the dumplings are hard, the taste is poor, and even sandwiched; It is too loose, and has no strength. It even breaks down. Finally, cut off the excess tail.

After that, the water should be less than all the rice dumplings. It should also be boiled over high fire and then simmered for more than 45 minutes. Put it in a pot and let it cool naturally before starting the pot. Delicious dumplings are successful.

Maybe someone wants to say: This is a matter for women. Why are you? I just like to do it. I can't help it.

By the time I was about to finish playing this word game, a faint fragrance had drifted from the kitchen. This is the so-called sense of achievement. Let's count the last sentence as lyric.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (3)

The Dragon Boat Festival originates from the story of Qu Yuan: the patriotic poet Qu Yuan came up with a good idea to enrich the country and strengthen the people, but it was not adopted by the king, and instead was expelled from the palace. He was so angry that he jumped down the Miluo River. Local fishermen rowed boats to sprinkle rice from bamboo tubes into the Miluo River to Qu Yuan. Later, people changed rice filled with bamboo tubes into zongzi and rowed boats into dragon boat races to commemorate Qu Yuan. We celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Because the Dragon Boat Festival and Children's Day are very close, the art teacher taught us how to make "Zongzi". On the one hand, we learned how to make "Zongzi". On the other hand, we prepared for the upcoming Children's Day.

At the beginning, we all thought it was very simple. We didn't listen to the teacher's "tutorial", so we wrapped it up on our own. Unexpectedly, we couldn't get it up when the third part came. But at this time, Chen Yang packed it up. Some of us went to ask Chen Yang for advice, and some let Chen Yang help him pack it. Chen Yang was so busy that I looked at Chen Yang's bag beside me so that I could find out for myself. However, I still failed. I didn't give up. I took the paper apart and folded it again and again, and repacked it again and again. Then I summed up my experience (in fact, it was a failure experience): every time I took the fourth step, it was always not three-dimensional. I had to ask Chen Yang to fold one for me.

Later, I carefully observed the "Zongzi" that Chen Yang helped me with. It turned out that I wanted to put it on. I was thoughtful. Later, I folded several times, but I still thought that at the beginning, the edges were not aligned, which made me angry.

When I got home, I felt dizzy when I thought of making a string of zongzi and a string of thousand paper cranes. It seems that I have to slowly explore, or go to consult adults.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (4)

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, every family needs to eat zongzi. So why should we eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival? Experts recently explained this.

Zhao Zhiheng, a director of Tianjin Astronomical Society and a folklore expert, said that the ancient zongzi was also called Jiaoshuo and Tongzong. Jiao millet is named after the shape of Zongzi, which is angular and contains glutinous rice; The original rice dumplings were made by cooking rice stored in bamboo tubes. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Zhou Chu wrote a book called "The Record of Local Customs", which said, "In midsummer, we cook corns during the Dragon Boat Festival." In the Book of Continuation of Harmony of Qi, which was written by Wu Jun of the Southern Dynasty, it also recorded that after Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river, the people of Chu mourned him and threw rice stored in bamboo tubes into the water every year during the Dragon Boat Festival.

By the Tang and Song Dynasties, Zongzi had become a delicious food in the market in festivals and folk seasons. Chang'an has a shop specializing in making zongzi, and the skill is quite high. At that time, there were many kinds of nuts in the filling of zongzi, which tasted much better than only millet. In the Song Dynasty, there was "Ai Xiang Zongzi", which was wrapped in rice soaked with wormwood leaves. Lu You's "green rice dumplings in the dish, and a branch of wormwood will be hairpin in sorrow." It means "fragrant rice dumplings with wormwood".

During the reign of Ming Hongzhi, reed leaves were used to wrap rice dumplings. There were more rice dumplings stuffing, including honey, bean paste, pork, pine nuts, dates, walnuts, etc. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Lin Lanchi's "Three Chants of Hanjiang River" included a "ham zongzi", which is still popular today. Modern zongzi is most famous in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. Nowadays, Zongzi, together with the Lantern Festival in the first month and the moon cake in the mid-autumn festival, is known as the three major seasonal foods in China.

According to folklore experts, the custom of eating zongzi has not only been popular for thousands of years, but also spread to Japan, Vietnam and other countries.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (5)

Last year's Dragon Boat Festival, I learned to make zongzi from my mother. After a year, I had forgotten how to make zongzi. On Friday, my mother asked me to make dumplings with her, and I happily agreed.

At first, I thought it was difficult to wrap it up, but my mother taught me step by step. I learned slowly and practiced slowly. After a while, I learned it.

When making zongzi, you should first select two zongzi leaves of the same size, and then two zongzi leaves overlap one end by half, and then make them into a funnel shape. Put glutinous rice, dates, raisins, peanuts, etc. into it, and then cover the cover of the funnel. Finally, tie it firmly with cotton thread, and one zongzi will be wrapped.

After the rice dumplings were cooked, we ate happily. The rice dumplings made by ourselves tasted delicious and sweet! What a happy day!

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (6)

There are so many traditional cultures in China! Even foreigners say that China's traditional culture is "quack quack". Then, let me introduce our traditional culture - the Dragon Boat Festival!

The Dragon Boat Festival came to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in China. Qu Yuan grew up in the State of Chu. At that time, the King of Chu was ignorant, which made the State of Chu face extinction. Therefore, Qu Yuan was very angry and threw himself into the river with a big stone. In order to prevent the fish in the river and the legendary dragon from eating Qu Yuan's body, people went home to make dumplings and boiled salted duck eggs to throw into the river, so that the fish and dragon in the river could eat dumplings and salted duck eggs instead of Qu Yuan's body.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival, people still want to wrap dumplings in memory of Qu Yuan as usual. I said to my mother, "Mom, let's also make dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan!" My mother said, "OK!" "Yeah!" I danced happily. Then my mother took me to the supermarket by taxi. I bought some glutinous rice and white granulated sugar in the supermarket. Then I went to the food market and bought some zongzi leaves for making zongzi.

When I got home, my mother told me the procedure of making dumplings. She said, first, soak the glutinous rice in a basin, and then told me to soak it for one to two hours; Then wash the leaves and soak them for a while. After soaking, put the leaves into a hot pot and boil them. Finally, fold the Zongye into a funnel shape, put the soaked glutinous rice in it, and be sure to fill it. Then bind the rice dumplings with cotton thread to prevent them from spreading, and the rice dumplings will be wrapped. At this time, boil a pot of hot water, put the wrapped dumplings into the pot and cook them.

After a few hours, a plate of delicious dumplings was freshly baked. Looking at the rice dumplings, my saliva was all flowing out, so I ate them greedily.

In this way, the Dragon Boat Festival has become the traditional custom of our Chinese nation, and zongzi has also become a traditional food passed down!

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (7)

There are many traditional festivals in China, such as the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival... But what I like most is the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the traditional festivals.

The traditional custom of Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi. As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, every household is busy making zongzi. Adults first fold two pieces of bamboo leaves together, then add various spices such as glutinous rice, wrap them into a three-dimensional triangle, and then wrap them with string.

There are many flavors of zongzi, such as sugar, meat, egg yolk, etc. Even the shape of zongzi is also various, such as round, triangular... Let me see dazzled.

After a while, my mother brought the wrapped dumplings to steam. After half an hour, my mother put the dumplings on the table. I saw that the dumplings looked like a little fat doll. I couldn't wait to pick up a dumplings, poke its bamboo leaves, and I saw the glutinous rice inside changed from meat color to yellow. I couldn't help but taste it, ah! Delicious beyond description

Suddenly, I heard a series of "hey yo" and "hey yo" shouting outside. I quickly looked out of the window and saw a person beating drums on the dragon boat in the lake, and eight people paddling. Moreover, the competition team members were shouting and paddling regularly, all alive and energetic. Look at those dragon boats rushing forward like sharp arrows. The cheerleaders on the bank also shouted loudly; "Come on", "Come on!" When Dragon Boat heard everyone shouting "Come on" for it, it seemed to become faster.

Ah! The Dragon Boat Festival can not only eat delicious dumplings, but also watch the wonderful dragon boat race. It's really fun! I really hope it's Dragon Boat Festival every day!

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (8)

Today, Grandma's family also wrapped dumplings. I learned to make dumplings from my grandma. Grandma took a piece of zong leaf and rolled it with her hand. The zong leaf became a hollow cone. I took a piece of zongye, like my grandmother, and wanted to roll it into a round cone shape, but it was not good, and it was still a straight tube to roll back and forth; Grandma saw this and pointed out: "Hold one corner of the Zongye tightly with her left hand, roll the other corner of the Zongye inwards with her right hand, tighten it hard below, and relax it on the top." Under Grandma's advice, I rolled the Zongye well.

Then, Grandma inserted a chopsticks into the hollow conical Zongye, scooped some glutinous rice into it with a spoon, and shook the chopsticks evenly until the glutinous rice was tightly wrapped. I also put chopsticks and glutinous rice in Zongye. When shaking the chopsticks, either the leaves are punctured or the glutinous rice is not tightly wrapped. Grandma said, "Shake the chopsticks gently and wrap the leaves tightly. Look..." Grandma demonstrated while she said, and I listened and learned. ha-ha! My dumplings look like something.

Then the twine. Grandma squeezed the leaves with both hands, wrapped the rope around the sharp corner of the dumplings twice, tied the rope head, and wrapped a beautiful dumplings. I also tied the first rice dumplings. Then, the second, the third... I packed several bags in a row.

The last step is to cook dumplings. Put the bound dumplings into the pot one by one, and then put the cold water over the dumplings about 1cm, ignite the fire... After 15 minutes of boiling water, change the position of the top and bottom dumplings in the pot, and then boil it for an hour at low heat.

At this time, I realized that making Zongzi is a handicraft, and it is very difficult to wrap it up.

I feel that people commemorate Qu Yuan's great patriotism through various colorful activities, and the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival have formed over time. It contains the deep feelings of the people of the motherland and carries the splendid culture of the Chinese nation. It originated in China and developed in China. We should protect it and pass it on, so that people around the world know that the Dragon Boat Festival is our own festival.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (9)

It was the Dragon Boat Festival again. I wanted to experience this atmosphere, so I asked my grandmother to teach me how to make dumplings.

To make zongzi, first wash the leaves and soak them in hot water. Then prepare dates, eggs, meat, etc. to make pits, and cook your favorite pits until they are fragrant. First, fold the long Ruo leaves to make a nest, and put the prepared glutinous rice and japonica rice in the middle to wrap the edges and corners. Then put the sink in the rice, knead it together, and finally make the Zongzi wrapped in Ruo leaves into a four corner shape.

The skill of making dumplings is all in the last process. Whether your dumplings are well made depends on whether the four corners are symmetrical and stylish; When I started learning, I always made four corners crooked, either into six corners or into a ball.

Grandma looked at my "masterpiece" more than once and laughed, "Well, can it be called zongzi? Where do you tie the string?"

I faint! Emotional zongzi has four edges and corners that are easy to hang with thin lines. Why is there no round zongzi in the world? Put the wrapped dumplings into the pot and boil them over high heat. After about 1 hour, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

In the process of cooking rice dumplings, I am always impatient to remove the lid to see the situation. Because the aroma of the dumplings wafted from the pot, my mouth watering.

The waiting time is always very long. When I saw the steaming dumplings finally "liberated" from the pot, I danced with joy. Put it in the bowl, peel it off with chopsticks, and you can see the golden and soft "Zongrou" inside. One bite is delicious, and I almost bite off the chopsticks.

This Dragon Boat Festival, I learned to make zongzi and tasted the fruits of my own labor, which was not generally sweet.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (10)

It was the Dragon Boat Festival again. I wanted to experience this atmosphere, so I asked my grandmother to teach me how to make dumplings.

To make zongzi, first wash the leaves and soak them in hot water. Then prepare dates, eggs, meat, etc. to make pits, and cook your favorite pits to a delicious flavor, and you can start work. First, fold the long Ruo leaves to make a nest, and put the prepared glutinous rice and japonica rice in the middle to wrap the edges and corners. Then put the sink in the rice, knead it together, and finally make the Zongzi wrapped in Ruo leaves into a four corner shape.

The skill of making dumplings is all in the last process. Whether your dumplings are well made depends on whether the four corners are symmetrical and stylish. When I started learning, I always made four corners crooked, either into six corners or into a ball.

Grandma looked at my "masterpiece" more than once and laughed, "Well, can it be called zongzi? Where do you tie the string?"

I faint! Emotional zongzi has four edges and corners that are easy to hang with thin lines. Why is there no round zongzi in the world?

Put the wrapped dumplings into the pot and boil them over high heat. After about 1 hour, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

In the process of cooking rice dumplings, I am always impatient to remove the lid to see the situation. Because the aroma of the dumplings wafted from the pot, my mouth watering.

The waiting time is always very long. When I saw the steaming dumplings finally "liberated" from the pot, I danced with joy. Put it in the bowl, peel it off with chopsticks, and you can see the golden and soft "Zongrou" inside. One bite is delicious, and I almost bite off the chopsticks.

This Dragon Boat Festival, I learned to make zongzi and tasted the fruits of my own labor, which was not generally sweet.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (11)

"Little sluggard! Get up quickly. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Mom and you make dumplings together. Why are you still sleeping?" Mom shouted cheerfully. On a rare holiday, I really wanted to have a good sleep. My mother stirred me up. But I promised my mother to make dumplings with her yesterday. I thought I could eat delicious dumplings. I got up quickly and learned to make dumplings from my mother.

Mother took out Zongye soaked in water, glutinous rice and soaked pork, and we were ready to "operate". First of all, my mother taught me four steps to make dumplings: ① choose materials and choose suitable leaves; ② Put the glutinous rice in the folded Zongye and wrap it; ③ Put the pork in the glutinous rice dumplings; ④ Wrap the wrapped rice dumplings with thread and tie them. Such a zongzi will be wrapped. I thought to myself that there was knowledge in making zongzi.

Mother began to pack. She looked serious and very careful. Layer after layer, layer after layer, two hands like butterfly wings expertly fly up and down. After a while, a chubby meat dumpling was wrapped up, angular, but it seemed a little straight and powerful. It's true that practice makes perfect. Mom, a good hand at making dumplings, has already made dozens of dumplings, which are arranged neatly. What about my progress?

Let's see - I practice carefully and step by step according to the steps my mother said, but it seems that I am a child, so I have to have a little temper, or I don't like it. After working hard for a long time, one of the dumplings didn't explode well. The little dumplings seemed to laugh and said, "Oh... just you... still want to tame me... that's more difficult than going to the sky." I'm "unconvinced". Can this little dumplings defeat me? It's too belittling of myself. My mother also patiently taught me hand in hand, and I tried to learn with some vanity. If my kung fu really pays off, I will be enlightened. It's great! I finally made the first rice dumplings. Looking at the small rice dumplings in my hand, although they are not as beautiful as the ones made by my mother, they look like a shining pearl in my hand, especially precious. The joy and excitement are hard to express.

When the dumplings were wrapped, they began to cook them. Mother added a lot of water to the pot, and then began to boil. After cooking for a long time, the dumplings were ready. At this time, the smell of brown seeds was everywhere in the house, and finally we could eat delicious dumplings.

Today, I not only learned the "craft" of making zongzi with my mother, but also tried the happiness of making zongzi. It's really an unforgettable and happy day. Let's share such happiness with everyone, "Happy Dragon Boat Festival"!

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (12)

In China, there are many festivals, big and small, such as the Double Ninth Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the happy Spring Festival, and the Children's Day. Each festival is very lively and very happy. What I can never forget is the happy Dragon Boat Festival.

It is said that Qu Yuan, an ancient poet, threw himself into the river on the Dragon Boat Festival. People fished everywhere but couldn't find his body. In order not to let fish and shrimp hurt him, the worshippers wrapped cooked glutinous rice with zong leaves and threw a little meat paste into the river to feed fish and shrimp. When fish and shrimp were full, they would not eat Qu Yuan's body. Now, people no longer throw this kind of thing into the river, but it has gradually evolved into zongzi, an indispensable custom of the Dragon Boat Festival every year. So on the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother and I chose to make dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

Mother first brought Zongye from the kitchen, washed it carefully, then boiled it with boiling water, cooled it and put it aside to keep the leaves from yellowing. Then, chop the meat, beat in the eggs, grasp them well with your hands, add the cut red dates, mix them together, quickly pick up a leaf, roll it into a triangle, add rice and stuffing, roll it diagonally, tie the red rope, and make a triangle dumplings. Like my mother, I folded the leaves into a funnel shape, but the leaves in my hand were like a naughty little doll. They just didn't listen to me, and they broke in a hurry. I was not reconciled, and I folded another leaf. This time, the leaf was folded well, but as soon as rice was added, the Zongye missed a hole, and the rice jumped out like flying beads and rolling jade, scattering all over the table. When my mother saw me like this, she quickly folded the two corners in half, rolled them into a corner cylinder, put in a small amount of glutinous rice, and then put the stuffing. Finally, she covered the top with a layer of glutinous rice, tied it firmly with a rope, and finished the job.

Under my mother's meditation instruction, I made a small dumpling in a green coat at noon. In the evening, I peeled the rice dumplings, white rice, red dates, and smelled again, a burst of fragrance came to my face, and took a bite, leaving my lips and teeth fragrant. Eating my own dumplings, my heart is sweet.

This Dragon Boat Festival, I had a very full life, and also understood the truth of "do it yourself, have plenty of food and clothing.". Let me never forget.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (13)

”On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, every family's rice smells "is a popular lyric in our hometown. In previous years, I bought dumplings. This year, Grandma decided to teach me how to make dumplings.

In the afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival, we began to wrap brown seeds. Grandma took a palm leaf and rolled it with her hand. The palm leaf became a hollow cone. I also took one but could not roll it up. When Grandma saw it, she said, "Hold one corner of the palm leaf with her left hand, roll the other corner of the palm leaf in with her right hand, pull hard at the bottom, and relax at the top. "With Grandma's advice, I pulled the rice dumplings. Then Grandma inserted a chopsticks in the hollow rice dumplings and scooped some glutinous rice tightly. But I either punctured the brown leaves or the glutinous rice was not tightly wrapped." When shaking the chopsticks, be light and squeeze the leaves tightly. "Grandma said while demonstrating, I also learned to make while listening. Ha ha! The dumplings I made finally look good. The last process is to tie a knot. I can, and soon made a beautiful bow. I went on making them with great interest, and my craftsmanship became more and more exquisite.

Through making Zongzi this time, I learned that method is the foundation of success, and that a good method can lead a person to success.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (14)

I also wanted to try the fun of making zongzi myself, so I asked my grandmother to teach me how to make zongzi. When I arrived at my grandmother's house in the morning, my grandmother had already prepared the things to wrap Zongye, including Zongye, glutinous rice, stuffing, and some lines to tie Zongzi. Glutinous rice is as white as snow. I followed my grandmother's example, picked up a few zong leaves and arranged them in order, and then folded them into an egg shell. I put a lot of glutinous rice, and then my grandmother said, "You put too much, where do you put the dates?" I quickly poured back some rice, and then chose a round, crystal clear jujube to put in. Grandma said, "You can also put some red beans." I thought, this is the best red bean and jujube dumplings. I quickly put a lot of red beans in, and then began to make dumplings, but then I found that I put too much rice and red beans, and I could not wrap them up at all. I was a little discouraged. Then my grandma comforted me and said, "Don't give up, dump some rice and red beans, and you will succeed if you try again." With my grandma's help, my first rice dumplings were finally wrapped. I worked hard and made several dumplings one after another. Although these dumplings are not as exquisite as Grandma's, I still like them in my heart. You see, some are like fat pigs, some are like skinny monkeys, with different sizes. It's just an exhibition of animal dumplings.

The dumplings are wrapped, including red bean and honey dates dumplings, bean paste dumplings, egg yolk dumplings, and pork dumplings. Grandma put them in the pot and boiled them. After a while, the fragrant and attractive smell of zongzi floated out of the pot, and I kept swallowing, thinking: After the zongzi is cooked, I will eat the little fat pig first? Or the little skinny monkey? I thought it over and over to decide whether to eat or not. I will give my grandparents, father and mother the fruits of my work to eat, so that they can experience my filial piety. Although zongzi is not beautiful, they will eat it in their mouth and sweet in their heart.

In the process of cooking rice dumplings, I am always impatient to remove the lid to see the situation. Because the aroma of the dumplings wafted from the pot, my mouth watering.

The waiting time is always very long. When I saw the steaming dumplings finally "liberated" from the pot, I danced with joy. Put it in the bowl, peel it off with chopsticks, and you can see the golden and soft "Zongrou" inside. One bite is delicious, and I almost bite off the chopsticks.

This Dragon Boat Festival, I learned to make zongzi and tasted the fruits of my own labor, which was not generally sweet.

Part 2: Making Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival

Today is Dragon Boat Festival. My dear mother is busy, so she "entrusted" me to Wang Biege's house.

As soon as I rushed through the door, I saw Wang Biege and Aunt Yue working at the dinner table. When Wang Biege saw me coming, he asked me to make dumplings together. What should I do? I am a "big vegetable bird" making dumplings! It's OK to ask me to eat zongzi. It's better to let me destroy zongzi than to ask me to make zongzi! I was sweating. I stood there dumbfounded. "Come here quickly!" Wang Bigger shouted at me again. I was forced to go up and said, "Well, I won't." Wang Biege said disapprovingly, "I won't. The first time I made dumplings, I made them into an hourglass, and when I let go, the rice flowed down.". I had to pick up a piece of bamboo leaf to learn from her. "First, fold the bamboo leaf in half, and then fold a small corner." Wang Biege came to check how I folded after he showed me. "Oh, this is food. Don't take her as a cardboard fold!" Wang Bigger said to me. I had no choice but to do it again. "Well, it's not bad this time." I was relieved to hear what she said. It seems that she won't ask me to do it again. "Then open the Zongye and hold the bottom" Wang Bigger looked at it and said, "It's not bad. Now we need to put stuffing. First put a spoonful of rice, then a spoonful of beans, then a spoonful of rice, then half a jujube, and finally a spoonful of rice." Wang Bigger said too fast, and I was dizzy, So she said to her, "You can just tell me how many spoons of rice, beans and dates I want, and I can match them myself." Aunt Yue said, "In fact, this can be matched according to my own taste." I: "Then I will just add rice, no beans, no dates." Wang Bigger said, "No, you like that kind of filling, and others don't like it. Who knows which dumplings you made? " I immediately retorted: "Just make a mark?" Since I couldn't do it down, the semi-finished product was sent to Aunt Yue, who was asked to help "fix the face" and "sew the skin".

It's time to cook dumplings. Aunt first poured the dumplings into the "basin" (small pot), and then poured a basin of water into the "basin", so that the water could not pass the dumplings, so that all the dumplings "drowned", no one was spared (of course, there can be no survivors, otherwise, how to eat). Then, after two hours of cooking and half an hour of stuffiness, the dumplings are ready.

As soon as Wang Bigger heard that the dumplings were ready, he flew to the table. As soon as Aunt Yue brought up the rice dumplings, she couldn't wait to push one away, split the rice dumplings in two with chopsticks, and after tasting them in small mouthfuls, she was full of praise for them. I was forced by her to "pay without return", but she forced me into most of the dumplings. I rolled my eyes and had to run to relieve the pressure on my poor stomach.

This is really a Dragon Boat Festival with both joy and sorrow.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (15)

We first put the glutinous rice in a bucket for a day, then went to the market to buy palm leaves, and then put the palm leaves in a bucket to soak after coming back.

We will personally go to the bamboo forest to find some bamboo leaves, which look like fans and are green. Take it home. We tear the top of the bamboo leaf one by one, soak it with water, and then dry it. It will be used to bind rice dumplings. We still need to find superior bamboo leaves on the mountain. I was in a good mood when I was looking for bamboo leaves. I also wanted to have a full Dragon Boat Festival. We had fun looking for bamboo leaves.

After preparing these materials, we started to make dumplings. First, we used a long stool to erect it. Then hang one end of the bamboo leaf on it. Then wash the palm leaves soaked in water in advance, and drain the glutinous rice out of the water, then filter the water with a sieve.

We use a good mood to make dumplings. First, find two or three pieces of zongzi leaves, roll them with both hands, like a funnel, and seal the bottom to prevent leakage of rice. Then we put glutinous rice inside, press the glutinous rice down with chopsticks, cover the glutinous rice with the palm leaves on the top, and bind them tightly with bamboo leaves. A zongzi will be wrapped. My mother also told me: "Daughter, remember not to leak rice!"

Then we wrap the second rice dumplings and repeat the above steps. While making dumplings, we told a story: after Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river patriotic, people made dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan. In order to be patriotic, people made dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival and threw them into the river for fish and shrimp to eat, so that fish and shrimp would not eat Qu Yuan. I thought: Why is Qu Yuan so important? Why do so many people like him?. I can't finish thinking, so I wrapped up dumplings again. I am a quick person, and I wrapped dumplings one by one, but my mother could not compete. I had to think silently in my heart: I can certainly do that at my mother's speed.

In a short time, the rice dumplings were finished. We took the bamboo leaves off the stool. At first, dozens of rice dumplings were bundled on a bamboo leaf that was originally like a fan. When the water in the pot boiled, we put the whole rice dumplings in the pot and boiled them. After they were cooked, we picked them up. We cut them one by one with scissors and ate them with sugar.

The dumplings made by myself are especially delicious. I think the story of Qu Yuan shows a deep truth. Qu Yuan is patriotic, people eat dumplings, and people like Qu Yuan.

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (16)

Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, every family needs to make dumplings. Zongzi is not only popular with its unique shape, color and taste, but also can cause us to remember an ancient person.

Zongzi is very special in shape, neither square nor round. People make zongzi with green zongzi leaves wrapped with white glutinous rice and bright red dates. When cooked, the color darkens. Peeling off the dark green Zongye, I saw several deep red agate dates embedded in the white pearl ball. The three colors of green, white and red match each other, making it very attractive.

The taste of zongzi is even more beautiful. It gives off a light and elegant fragrance. When you take a bite, it is really sweet but not greasy, sticky and refreshing. It is not only an appetizer, but also a nutritional supplement, so adults and children like to eat it.

It is said that Zongzi was handed down in memory of the ancient patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan wrote many patriotic poems in his life. Later, the king did not accept his patriotic ideas, which led to the loss of his land. Filled with grief and anger, he threw himself into the river with a stone in his arms. People miss him and revere him. They always wrap food with Zongye every Dragon Boat Festival. Throw into the river, let the fish eat the food thrown down, so that Qu Yuan's body will not be hurt.

The old people said that after eating rice dumplings, they should learn Qu Yuan's patriotic character. No wonder when people eat zongzi, old people always tell stories about Qu Yuan.

Part II:

Zongzi is the festival food of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it was invented for the sacrifice of Qu Yuan who threw himself into the river. It is the traditional food with the deepest cultural accumulation in the Chinese calendar so far.

In the past years, my mother always bought ready made dumplings in the market or supermarket. This year, I pestered my mother to learn how to make dumplings. Mother could not beat me, so she had to agree. In the afternoon of the fourth day, I learned to make zongzi from my mother. Mother took a piece of zong leaf and rolled it with her hand. The zong leaf became a hollow cone. Like my mother, I took a piece of zongye and wanted to roll it into a round cone shape, but it was not good. When my mother saw it, she pointed out: "Hold one corner of the Zongye tightly with my left hand, and roll the other corner of the Zongye inward with my right hand. Pull hard at the bottom, and relax at the top." Under my mother's advice, I rolled the Zongye well.

Then, my mother inserted a chopsticks into the hollow conical Zongye, scooped some glutinous rice into it with a regulating spoon, and shook the chopsticks evenly until the glutinous rice was tightly wrapped. I also put chopsticks and glutinous rice in Zongye. When shaking the chopsticks, either the leaves are punctured or the glutinous rice is not tightly wrapped. Mother said, "Shake the chopsticks gently and wrap the leaves tightly. Look..." Mother demonstrated while she said, and I learned while listening. ha-ha! My dumplings look like something.

Then the twine. My mother held the leaves tightly with both hands, wrapped the string around the sharp corner of the rice dumplings twice, tied the end of the rope, and wrapped a beautiful rice dumplings. I also tied the first rice dumplings. Then, the second, the third, and the fourth... I packed several bags in a row.

The last step is to cook dumplings. Put the bound dumplings into the pot one by one, and then put the cold water over the dumplings about 1cm, ignite the fire... After 15 minutes of boiling water, exchange the top and bottom dumplings in the pot for positions, and then boil them for an hour at low heat. The delicious dumplings were cooked, and I couldn't wait to taste the fruits of my labor. Ah! Really delicious.

Through making Zongzi this time, we not only tasted delicious Zongzi, but also learned a truth: to learn a skill well, we must be sincere, careful, and persistent, so that we can learn it well.

Part III:

I love to eat delicious dumplings, and I have seen others make dumplings, but I have never started. The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again, and I decided to do a meaningful thing - learn to make dumplings. The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, when we returned to our hometown, Grandpa had already prepared the raw materials for making Zongzi: glutinous rice, Ruo leaves, square meat, Chinese chestnuts... Thinking that they would soon become fragrant Zongzi, my saliva would flow out.

At the beginning of wrapping, my mother picked up two Ruo leaves and gently rolled them into a hollow cone, but I rolled them back and forth in a straight tube. When my mother saw it, she pointed out: "Hold one corner of Ruo Ye tightly with my left hand, and roll the other corner in with my right hand. Pull it tight below, and loosen it on the top." Under my mother's advice, I rolled the corner tube. Then put some glutinous rice into the corner tube, stuffed with pork and chestnuts, and covered it tightly with glutinous rice, but the glutinous rice jumped out one after another like a naughty child. I was so worried that I stamped my feet. Fortunately, my mother helped me out - pouring out the extra glutinous rice, and then I felt relieved.

After a little setback, we finally got to the simplest step - tie the coir rope. People who like to eat dumplings know that they need to be well wrapped to taste good. I took the palm rope, tied the rice dumplings in a colorful way, and made a lovely bow. When I finished, I picked up the rice dumplings to put into the bucket, but accidentally pulled the thread and heard a "clatter". The glutinous rice was scattered on the ground like flying beads and rolling jade. I had to start from scratch again, and after much effort, I finally learned to make dumplings.

It takes patience to cook dumplings. We put zongzi into a big pot, boil it, and then simmer it over low heat for one night. In the early morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, the fragrant dumplings were cooked. I can't wait to taste the dumplings I made, and I have an unspeakable joy in my heart. Through learning to make zongzi this time, I learned a truth: to learn a skill well, you must be sincere, careful, and persistent.

Part IV:

Zongzi is the festival food of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it was invented for the sacrifice of Qu Yuan who threw himself into the river. It is the traditional food with the deepest cultural accumulation in the Chinese calendar so far.

In the past years, my mother always bought ready made dumplings in the market or supermarket. This year, I pestered my mother to learn how to make dumplings. Mother could not beat me, so she had to agree.

In the afternoon of the fourth day, I learned to make zongzi from my mother. Mother took a piece of zong leaf and rolled it with her hand. The zong leaf became a hollow cone. Like my mother, I took a piece of zongye and wanted to roll it into a round cone shape, but it was not good. When my mother saw it, she pointed out: "Hold one corner of the Zongye tightly with my left hand, and roll the other corner of the Zongye inward with my right hand. Pull hard at the bottom, and relax at the top." Under my mother's advice, I rolled the Zongye well.

Then, my mother inserted a chopsticks into the hollow conical Zongye, scooped some glutinous rice into it with a regulating spoon, and shook the chopsticks evenly until the glutinous rice was tightly wrapped. I also put chopsticks and glutinous rice in Zongye. When shaking the chopsticks, either the leaves are punctured or the glutinous rice is not tightly wrapped. Mother said, "Shake the chopsticks gently and wrap the leaves tightly. Look..." Mother demonstrated while she said, and I learned while listening. ha-ha! My dumplings look like something.

Then the twine. My mother held the leaves tightly with both hands, wrapped the string around the sharp corner of the rice dumplings twice, tied the end of the rope, and wrapped a beautiful rice dumplings. I also tied the first rice dumplings. Then, the second, the third, and the fourth... I packed several bags in a row.

The last step is to cook dumplings. Put the bound dumplings into the pot one by one, and then put the cold water over the dumplings about 1cm, ignite the fire... After 15 minutes of boiling water, exchange the top and bottom dumplings in the pot for positions, and then boil them for an hour at low heat.

The delicious dumplings were cooked, and I couldn't wait to taste the fruits of my labor. Ah! Really delicious.

Through making Zongzi this time, we not only tasted delicious Zongzi, but also learned a truth: to learn a skill well, we must be sincere, careful, and persistent, so that we can learn it well.

Article 5:

Every Dragon Boat Festival, the streets are filled with sweet dumplings fragrance. My greediness was also picked out.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. We came to my grandma's house and asked her to teach me how to make dumplings. Grandma first prepared the materials for making dumplings. I started to make dumplings. One by one, dumplings were born in Grandma's hands. They were green, exquisite and attractive. I couldn't help but be eager to try. Because I witnessed it by my grandmother's side, I always thought that simply making zongzi could not help the genius, and I didn't learn to teach myself. Who knows, when I really went to make dumplings, I just understood that making dumplings is a craft, and it is not easy to make them beautiful and strong. First of all, I took out two pieces of zong leaves, one large and one small, folded them together like Grandma, held them in a funnel shape, and then put the soaked glutinous rice inside. On the top of the glutinous rice, I put several big and sweet red dates, and covered them with glutinous rice. I am proud, and I have successfully completed more than half of it. When I covered the leaves again, the glutinous rice didn't listen to me and jumped out one after another. I was so worried that I stamped my feet. Fortunately, Grandma helped me to "get rid of" some glutinous rice, which made me feel relieved. Ha ha, after a small setback, we finally got to the last and simplest step -- tie the palm rope. It's trivial. Let me show my skills. Everyone on earth knows that zongzi is delicious only when it is well wrapped. I took the palm rope, first tied up the rice dumplings in a big way, and wrapped a "ugly eight monsters" that did not leak rice and looked like rice dumplings. I thought it was a success, so I picked up the dumplings and prepared to put them into the pot to cook, but before I could put them into the pot, I heard a "clatter", and the leaves of the dumplings scattered, and the glutinous rice fell to the ground one by one like flying beads rolling jade. I'm not reconciled. All kinds of zongzi were born in Grandma's hands, but I can't even wrap one. I can't help being discouraged. But how can I do things halfway? I started again, and finally I did well. I succeeded in making several dumplings. Although they were ugly in shape, they were also made by myself, with a sense of achievement. Eating the lovely dumplings made by myself, I have indescribable joy in my heart.

There is knowledge everywhere in life. It is a lot of happiness to learn life skills.

Chapter 6:

"Hey, baby is up!" I went downstairs with my father's call. Come down and look, there are two zongzi on the table. When I was young, my mother told me that as early as 2000 years ago, Qu Yuan was killed in the river. At that time, people were very sad, so they threw dumplings into the river to prevent fish and shrimp from hurting Qu Yuan's body. Thinking of this, I am a little surprised that Zongzi has such great significance! How do people make dumplings? I turned on the computer and collected information online. People cut bamboo leaves in half, wrapped sticky rice, red dates or bean paste in bamboo leaves, wrapped them with colored ribbons, and steamed them in a pot. Zongzi was born in this way.

I wanted to do an experiment, so I took glutinous rice, red dates, bamboo leaves, and multicolored thread, and prepared all the materials according to the online requirements. I surrounded the bamboo leaves into a cone shape, filled the dumplings into it, and then folded the bamboo leaves to really wrap the dumplings into a triangle. I tied the dumplings firmly with colorful lines. It's done! I wrapped one after another. After wrapping, I took the dumplings to the pot and steamed them for 20 minutes. Open the pot and see, zongzi lying lazily in the pot! I peel off the bamboo leaves and the yellow glutinous rice glitters! A big red jujube smiled in the middle, like a lovely girl. I licked it with my tongue. It was sweet and fragrant. It really made me salivate three times! One bite, soft, moist, smooth, sweet, really memorable ah! Just now I was busy making dumplings. I forgot the two dumplings on the table. Look! They are still waiting for me to taste! I opened my mouth wide and put it into my mouth. The sweet taste has been rippling in my mouth.

Today, I had a happy festival. Not only did I eat sweet dumplings, but also because I learned to make dumplings. I look forward to the next Dragon Boat Festival!

Article 7:

When I was young, as long as the Dragon Boat Festival came, I would ask this grandmother to make me more than a dozen small dumplings. But last year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my grandmother said to me, "Xiaoxu, you are not too young. It's time to learn how to make small dumplings by yourself." I nodded happily, because in my eyes, making dumplings is a very interesting thing.

I started to make dumplings. Grandma helped me prepare the dumplings filling and leaves, and she began to teach me to make dumplings step by step. Grandma said, "To make dumplings, first roll the leaves into the size you want.". Grandma demonstrated to me while saying, "Then put glutinous rice in the rolled leaves, and press the glutinous rice tightly, so that the wrapped dumplings are delicious, then put a jujube in the middle, and finally wrap the leaves and tie them with a rope." In this way, a cute little dumplings will be wrapped. I couldn't wait to take the Zongye, rolled it into a very small "nest", and then made Zongzi according to the steps my grandmother taught me. But the obedient Zongye in Grandma's hand didn't obey me when she came to me. Before I could tie it with a rope, the stuffing was all gone. The second, the third I've packed several bags in a row, all of which are the same. I'm a little discouraged. Zongzi is delicious, but it's so hard to wrap it! Grandma saw my change and said to me earnestly: "Everything will encounter difficulties, but you can't bow in front of difficulties." After listening to Grandma's words, I was embarrassed to give up, so I had to continue to pack. I don't know which is the first. The first dumplings I made have finally "come out". Although it is not as beautiful as Grandma's, I am still very happy. I finally learned to make dumplings. One afternoon later, I made a lot of small dumplings. Later, the dumplings were much more beautiful than those made before. Grandma watched them and praised my ingenuity. Grandma also strings small dumplings together, which is said to symbolize good luck.

I not only learned to make dumplings, but also learned to be afraid of difficulties.

Chapter 8:

Talking about Dragon Boat Festival, I can't keep my mouth shut. Because last year's Dragon Boat Festival, I personally tried to make dumplings. Don't worry, listen to me slowly!

The fifth day of May last year was the annual Dragon Boat Festival. My father told me that the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat rice dumplings, which is in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. As soon as I heard about food, my interest came up. Dad turned the subject around and said, "However, you can't eat free food today. You should also do it yourself."

After listening to my father's preaching, I was busy. Don't you just make dumplings? This can still baffle me. My father doesn't think about it. His daughter is absolutely smart. Starting to make dumplings, I was both excited and nervous. It is said that the quality of Zongzi Bao can detect a person's carefulness. Alas, I don't know what masterpiece I will have. Although I am confident on the surface, I am still playing drums in my heart. After all, I have never played drums!

Grandma demonstrated to me once, and I hurried to do it. First, I folded three pieces of zongzi leaves together, then folded them into a funnel, and then loaded them with glutinous rice. But the difficulty came. After I put the glutinous rice in, these naughty glutinous rice dolls all ran out at once. I looked left and right, but I still didn't find any clues. Grandma knew what was wrong when she saw my movements. She said quickly, "Xiao Feng, there is a small hole in the tip of your funnel, from which the glutinous rice came out." I quickly squeezed the tip of the funnel. Now the glutinous rice doll was more honest and stayed in the Zongye. I said to myself, "Grandma is really an expert in dumplings." I put a coin in my dumplings when my parents didn't pay attention. Anyone who eats the rice dumplings I made will be able to make a lot of money, have good luck and be even happier

After the dumplings are wrapped, they are put into the steam oven to steam. I quickly mixed the dumplings I made with those of my grandparents and parents. It didn't take long before the dumplings were ready to eat. Each of us took a rice dumpling and ate it with relish. I slowly untied the leaves and ate them one by one. I found that they were full of chopped pork, which made me happy in vain. I watched carefully. My grandfather ate pork dumplings, my grandmother ate pork dumplings, my father ate pork dumplings, and only my mother ate coins. This shocked my grandfather, grandmother and father. I told them the truth that I put coins into dumplings.

After hearing the reason why I put coins, they all laughed with joy. This labor experience made me feel happy and let me eat a mouthful of fragrant dumplings, which is really worth it.

Chapter 9:

More than 2000 years ago, Qu Yuan, the great patriotic poet, raised his head to the sky and sighed at the edge of the Guluo River and plunged into the torrent. More than 2000 years later, the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival, was held at the beginning of May. Everyone made dumplings, rowed dragon boats and boiled eggs to commemorate the great patriotic poet in various ways.

It was the Dragon Boat Festival again. I wanted to experience this atmosphere, so I asked my grandmother to teach me how to make dumplings.

To make zongzi, first wash the leaves and soak them in hot water. Then prepare dates, eggs, meat, etc. to make pits, and cook your favorite pits to a delicious flavor, and you can start work. First, fold the long Ruo leaves to make a nest, and put the prepared glutinous rice and japonica rice in the middle to wrap the edges and corners. Then put the sink in the rice, knead it together, and finally make the Zongzi wrapped in Ruo leaves into a four corner shape.

The skill of making dumplings is all in the last process. Whether your dumplings are well made depends on whether the four corners are symmetrical and stylish. When I started learning, I always made four corners crooked, either into six corners or into a ball.

Grandma looked at my "masterpiece" more than once and laughed, "Well, can it be called zongzi? Where do you tie the string?"

I faint! Emotional zongzi has four edges and corners that are easy to hang with thin lines. Why is there no round zongzi in the world?

Put the wrapped dumplings into the pot and boil them over high heat. After about 1 hour, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

In the process of cooking rice dumplings, I am always impatient to remove the lid to see the situation. Because the aroma of the dumplings wafted from the pot, my mouth watering.

The waiting time is always very long. When I saw the steaming dumplings finally "liberated" from the pot, I danced with joy. Put it in the bowl, peel it off with chopsticks, and you can see the golden and soft "Zongrou" inside. One bite is delicious, and I almost bite off the chopsticks.

This Dragon Boat Festival, I learned to make zongzi and tasted the fruits of my own labor, which was not generally sweet.

Article 10:

"Little sluggard! Get up quickly. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Mom and you make dumplings together. Why are you still sleeping?" Mom shouted cheerfully. On a rare holiday, I really wanted to have a good sleep. My mother stirred me up. But I promised my mother to make dumplings with her yesterday. I thought I could eat delicious dumplings. I got up quickly and learned to make dumplings from my mother.

Mother took out Zongye soaked in water, glutinous rice and soaked pork, and we were ready to "operate". First of all, my mother taught me four steps to make dumplings: ① choose materials and choose suitable leaves; ② Put the glutinous rice in the folded Zongye and wrap it; ③ Put the pork in the glutinous rice dumplings; ④ Wrap the wrapped rice dumplings with thread and tie them. Such a zongzi will be wrapped. I thought to myself that there was knowledge in making zongzi.

Mother began to pack. She looked serious and very careful. Layer after layer, layer after layer, two hands like butterfly wings expertly fly up and down. After a while, a chubby meat dumpling was wrapped up, angular, but it seemed a little straight and powerful. It's true that practice makes perfect. Mom, a good hand at making dumplings, has already made dozens of dumplings, which are arranged neatly. What about my progress?

Let's see - I practice carefully and step by step according to the steps my mother said, but it seems that I am a child, so I have to have a little temper, or I don't like it. After working hard for a long time, one of the dumplings didn't explode well. The little dumplings seemed to laugh and said: "Oh... just you... still want to tame me... that's harder than going to heaven." I'm "unconvinced". Can this little dumplings defeat me? It's too small to look down on myself. My mother also patiently taught me hand in hand, and I tried to learn with some vanity. If my kung fu really pays off, I will be enlightened. It's great! I finally made the first rice dumplings. Looking at the small rice dumplings in my hand, although they are not as beautiful as the ones made by my mother, they look like a shining pearl in my hand, especially precious. The joy and excitement are hard to express.

When the dumplings were wrapped, they began to cook them. Mother added a lot of water to the pot, and then began to boil. After cooking for a long time, the dumplings were ready. At this time, the smell of brown seeds was everywhere in the house, and finally we could eat delicious dumplings.

Today, I not only learned the "craft" of making zongzi with my mother, but also tried the happiness of making zongzi. It's really an unforgettable and happy day. Let's share such happiness with everyone, "Happy Dragon Boat Festival"!

Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Composition Junior High School (17)

Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. There are many customs, such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, hanging wormwood leaves, etc. In my memory, every Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma would make dumplings, boil salted duck eggs, steam garlic, and make fragrant incense for me with five colored lines. Grandpa inserted the bought wormwood leaves on the door to exorcise evil spirits. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a Saturday. My grandparents have prepared all the things for the festival on Friday, waiting for us to go back.

When I returned to my grandma's house, she brought me the fragrant incense and five color thread. I was intoxicated by the fragrance of Ai Ye. I volunteered to learn how to make dumplings. Grandma said, Bao asked a question before to see if you knew. Why are the leaves of Zongzi green outside and white inside. I can't answer. Grandma said that the moral was to be pure and innocent, just like Qu Yuan. After listening to my grandmother's explanation, I sighed: It's a good tradition to commemorate Qu Yuan on the Dragon Boat Festival, not only for us to eat delicious food, but also for educating people.

I started to wrap brown seeds. I picked out a large green leaf from the reed leaves. It was green like jade, and the straight texture was clearly visible. It was very beautiful. I rolled the leaves into a pyramid like roll. Somehow, the naughty brown leaves were always disobedient. When they were rolled and ready to put rice, they returned to their original shape. Looking at my grandma, they had already wrapped several bags, and I was very anxious. My mother looked at my embarrassment and said with a smile: "It seems simple to make dumplings, but it is not easy to make them well. Just like you study hard, you can learn."

After listening to my mother's words, I calmed down and carefully looked at my grandmother's bags. (I was wrong to roll the leaves into a pyramid like roll.) But they rolled the leaves into a cone.

I went to the battlefield again. This time, I learned the lesson from the last time, rolled the Zongye into a cone like shape, and then grabbed a large handful of rice and stuffed it into the cone tube. Who knew that Mi Baobao played with the slide - missed it, and I transformed the tube again. Finally, it was OK, and it would not be missed. Then I put the stuffing in.

At the beginning of wrapping, I quickly wound the rice dumplings into a tight "space", but when I looked at the shape, it was simply horrible. Forget it, it was not easy to wrap it like this. It's ok, start winding. So, I recalled the process of my mother's thread wrapping, wrapping the middle of the rice dumplings for several circles, and then tying a knot.

After hard work, a zongzi was wrapped. Although it was not beautiful, it was my first time to wrap zongzi. I was also proud of my work! I also took pictures of the dumplings I made and put them on QQ as a souvenir. Don't mention how happy you are when you eat the dumplings made by yourself. My zongzi is the world eating zongzi!

Part II:

In China, there are many festivals, big and small, such as the Double Ninth Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the happy Spring Festival, and the Children's Day. Each festival is very lively and very happy. What I can never forget is the happy Dragon Boat Festival.

It is said that Qu Yuan, an ancient poet, threw himself into the river on the Dragon Boat Festival. People fished everywhere but couldn't find his body. In order not to let fish and shrimp hurt him, the worshippers wrapped cooked glutinous rice with zong leaves and threw a little meat paste into the river to feed fish and shrimp. When fish and shrimp were full, they would not eat Qu Yuan's body. Now, people no longer throw this kind of thing into the river, but it has gradually evolved into zongzi, an indispensable custom of the Dragon Boat Festival every year. So on the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother and I chose to make dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

Mother first brought Zongye from the kitchen, washed it carefully, then boiled it with boiling water, cooled it and put it aside to keep the leaves from yellowing. Then, chop the meat, beat in the eggs, grasp them well with your hands, add the cut red dates, mix them together, quickly pick up a leaf, roll it into a triangle, add rice and stuffing, roll it diagonally, tie the red rope, and make a triangle dumplings. Like my mother, I folded the leaves into a funnel shape, but the leaves in my hand were like a naughty little doll. They just didn't listen to me, and they broke in a hurry. I was not reconciled, and I folded another leaf. This time, the leaf was folded well, but as soon as rice was added, the Zongye missed a hole, and the rice jumped out like flying beads and rolling jade, scattering all over the table. When my mother saw me like this, she quickly folded the two corners in half, rolled them into a corner cylinder, put in a small amount of glutinous rice, and then put the stuffing. Finally, she covered the top with a layer of glutinous rice, tied it firmly with a rope, and finished the job.

Under my mother's meditation instruction, I made a small dumpling in a green coat at noon. In the evening, I peeled the rice dumplings, white rice, red dates, and smelled again, a burst of fragrance came to my face, and took a bite, leaving my lips and teeth fragrant. Eating my own dumplings, my heart is sweet.

This Dragon Boat Festival, I had a very full life, and also understood the truth of "do it yourself, have plenty of food and clothing.". Let me never forget.