That Moment Me (Collection of 20)
imbued with supreme heroism
2024-02-05 07:26:52
topic of conversation

At that Moment I (1)

Life is like a photo album, with pictures recording scenes in my life.

Open the album and you can see the ups and downs. The eyes stayed at that moment.

It didn't happen to me, but it moved me. This is a very real thing. There is a family near my home. Almost all the disasters that I can think of happened to them. The family used to herd cattle, but later they became what people called "mental illness" because they didn't know what had happened, so the family became penniless.

In my opinion, their son is the most bitter among them. Due to the mental problems of his parents, the child can't speak, doesn't know how to warm or cool, and doesn't know how to live a normal life. Every day when I go to school or go to school, I can see a child about seven or eight years old rampaging on the road, sometimes giving out that pure and pathetic laughter. Maybe it is his only way to speak to the world! Every time I see him, I can't help pulling my heart.

That morning, when I was eating at the breakfast shop, I saw a woman about 30 years old coming in hurriedly and saying, "The boss wants two cups of soy milk and five yuan steamed bun to take away." The voice was very clear and attracted my attention. His eyes followed his figure and caught a scene outside the window. He smiled and handed the breakfast to the mentally ill mother, who just nodded all the time. There is no aversion and hostility in the personal gaze. This indifferent street forms a different landscape. This moving picture deeply touched my heart.

The mother and son who walked out of the breakfast shop had disappeared. Turning the corner of the road, I saw them again. The mother holds the child in her arms, and the thin clothes touch each other, conveying the warmth of love. The child just ran out. Even though he tried his best to break free, the mother just calmly sent the food to his mouth. She never took a bite.

At that moment, my nose suddenly became sour, which may be the warmest emotion in the world. The words "I will never forget to love you even if I forget the whole world."

I was moved at the moment when my eyes slowly flowed down from their sockets.

At that Moment I (2)

I remember when I first transferred to Jinan for school, it was September this year. I feel a little uncomfortable with the learning life of the new school. Although there is not much homework every day, there are many things to recite; It's totally different from my previous school. I wrote a lot of homework before, but I just recited a little. And I am very slow to carry things, so I often worry about it. In the past, whenever I met with difficulties, I thought of my mother's comfort; Now my mother has not been transferred to work in Jinan, so I can only work in a hurry.

One day, the teacher assigned me to recite a very long text, and I immediately panicked, "Ah! How long will it be?" I was surprised. But the students who have been used to carrying many things are complacent. They all say that it is easy to carry these things and they will be familiar with them soon. I also try to adjust my mind so that I can finish the recitation work smoothly.

When I got home, after finishing other homework, I quickly took out the book, quickly turned to the required article and forced myself to recite it. However, soon I got depressed again, because I had recited it for half an hour and had not recited it for a while. At that time, I thought of my mother. I was eager to talk to her on the phone. Besides, I hadn't seen her for two weeks. I grew up with her when I was young, and I felt uncomfortable leaving her suddenly.

I picked up my mobile phone, went to the balcony and sat down. After pressing the familiar 11 digit number, I gently pressed the phone to my ear and looked forward to it. "Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink," Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink, Tin; I listened to my weak breathing and felt uneasy. Until the ninth sound, "Hello?" I heard my mother's familiar voice, and I was excited. My fingers gently touched the phone. My hands shook violently. At that time, I could not speak. I kept sobbing.

"Hello", my mother repeated the words just now, without any change. I was afraid that my mother would hang up, so I tried to say, "Mom Yangyang, what's the matter?" My mother said gently. At this time, my mother must have realized that I was crying, and I was shy. I decided to break the jar and tell my mother everything I wanted. Because of this, I can not only get my mother's sympathy, but also relieve my heavy heart.

"Mom, the study here is very tight!" I opened my mouth wide and said. "Well, tell me about it." Mother listened to me patiently. "There are too many things to carry here!" I began to argue. "This Chinese teacher seems to be honest, respectful to parents and leaders, and strict with students. Although he always smiles, he is more angry than anyone else." I took a breath. Mom suddenly understood: "Ah! When I went to report with your father, I saw that he was honest. How could he actually be like this? Hmmmmm" I said in a long, hoarse voice.

"What's more, he asked us to recite all the key texts, and not a single word could be wrong. He also said that we should strive for the first place in the Lixia District. That was not enough. He also asked us to recite 118 sentences and read! When I heard this, I felt uneasy all over. Well, it was a bit stricter than that school. But this is not what we want!"

My mother paused for a while, and suddenly said to me with confidence: "Let's study hard. It depends on whether he is strict or we learn more. I look forward to your progress!" My mother's words suddenly excited me, and at the same time increased some confidence in learning.

A cold breeze blew on my moist eyes, and I felt a bit cool. "Well, I will work hard." I said firmly. I suddenly felt a strong driving force hidden in my body. I stood up, rushed to the study, sat down suddenly, read the text with great interest, and recited it in a short time. I then asked Grandma to check. Grandma was surprised and said that I was too familiar with it, without any mistakes or pauses. I am filled with a sense of achievement that I have never had before. That night, I finally had a most peaceful sleep.

Later, I gradually got used to this learning life; Reciting various texts and poems is much faster than before. Every morning, I insist on getting up at 5:30 and reciting the contents of each subject. When encountering difficulties, I always think of the words my mother said: I try my best to learn. It depends on whether I learn more or he is strict. It was at that moment that I gained confidence in learning.

At that Moment I (3)

The wind is howling, like a beast tearing people apart, and the rain is splashing down, each drop of which has a bone chilling chill. Pedestrians on the road are all wearing cotton padded jackets and holding umbrellas trembling. But I didn't feel cold, because my heart was warm.

I remember that day, it was sunny in the morning, and I only wore a long sleeved thin cotton padded jacket. But the weather was not good, and it began to rain near noon. Who knows that the rain is getting heavier and heavier, from drizzle to torrential rain. Looking at the cloudy day, I was not only worried about how to go home today. My parents were not at home, and no one picked me up. I had to walk back by myself. But I haven't brought an umbrella, and my clothes and hat.

When I was late at school, I couldn't help feeling a bit sad when I watched the students being picked up one by one. I wanted to wait for the rain to be light before I left, but it was raining harder and harder. I didn't mean to stop. I was melancholy and had to leave.

As I ran in the rain, I was afraid that the road seemed to have no end, and I could not walk any way. I was drenched and my heart was soaked.

Suddenly, just around the corner, a broad figure came into my eyes. I looked closely at my grandfather. He was holding a small umbrella and could hardly cover it. His steps were steady and firm. Stepping on the ground step by step, the mud, water and stones splashed on the ground ran out together. I was stunned, my feet unconsciously followed me, and my eyes were shining with hope.

As he approached, he looked at me in silence. Then he said seriously, "Why don't you come back? I'm worried.". Ten words, including full love for me, he held up an umbrella for me. All the way, we didn't say a word. I didn't find that the hand holding the umbrella was always on my head, but he was wet. We held hands, and my beating heart was warm. For a moment, I could not feel the cold just now, but felt as if it was about to burn. It was scorching, and my blood was boiling. It was like tens of degrees below zero and hundreds of degrees of water. My body was warm, and the air was inexplicably quiet. I could only hear the "tick" sound of rain dripping on the road. I looked at my grandfather. He took back his serious face and turned to smile kindly at me. Her hair is already wet, tightly attached to her scalp, and her clothes can wring out of water. The rolled up trouser legs have changed color. My eyes are crystal clear. I don't know whether it is tears or rain

In the rainstorm, two people with one umbrella formed a magnificent scenery, full of invisible affection. At the moment when he smiled at me, I learned what is love and what is moving? What is kinship? Maybe it's a figure, a word, a look.

At that Moment I (4)

Life is composed of many lenses, some of which are very short, some of which are just a moment, but it is this moment that gives us infinite reverie. Only by carefully tasting can we taste the taste of it.
At that moment, I grew up. This is what I felt when I was eleven years old.
At that time, my family was not very rich, but I was very happy. On my eleventh birthday, my mother told me: "You have already had eleven birthdays, and you are about to become an adult." I think my mother is so hard, so I will also give my mother a special birthday and give her a special gift.
As soon as I asked my mother about her birthday, I began to think about what gifts to give. Buy one, no, it seems insincere. Send a card, an idea came to my mind. Yes, just send greeting cards. Gift is light and affection is heavy.
Prepare the money to buy materials first. I saved money on snacks. My mother gives me one yuan every day, two weeks before my mother's birthday, so I can just save more than ten yuan to buy materials, which should be enough.
It was summer and the weather was very hot. I began to take water with me every day and stopped buying my favorite ice cream.
On the first day, I saw the hawker on the roadside shouting incessantly. I walked past as usual and remembered that I would make greeting cards for my mother. My heart was crossed and I walked home reluctantly.
Two weeks have passed, and now I have ten loud coins in my pocket.
Now, I will start making greeting cards. First, I went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy colored paper and pens.
When I got home, I first folded the colored paper in half, and then cut off the excess with scissors. A lively horse was painted on one side of the colored paper, and grass, white clouds and butterflies were painted around it. Color it with a coloured pen.
On the inside of the colored paper, I wrote seven big words: Happy birthday to my mother! The card is finished.
On my mother's birthday, I gave it to my mother, who was moved to tears. Mom said, "Baby, your love has been received." At that moment, I suddenly felt that I had grown up.
Life is so wonderful that every moment will leave lasting memories.

At that Moment I (5)

Growing up is a kind of surprise, growing up is a kind of sadness. When you grow up, you have happiness, and when you grow up, you have trouble.

I always want to grow up and imagine having a job and a happy family like my parents. Therefore, I often stand on the threshold to measure whether I have grown taller again.

Finally, I grew taller, and my body changed with my height. I said happily: "I have finally grown up!" So, with a trace of expectation from my parents, I soared like a young tree in the rain.

But growing up is not as beautiful as I thought, and many troubles come one after another. Study, friendship, contradiction with parents, rebellious psychology. I often confront my parents, especially my mother. I don't know how many times I have to talk with her one day. Although there is not much pressure in learning, I feel uncomfortable when I sit at the learning desk. I always feel compelled... These troubles are always around me, and I can't get rid of them. It's boring. Only when I stay alone in the wild can I feel relaxed. In the eyes of others, I am very happy and playful. But I know that I am sad, almost close to autistic!

But soon, I should change my mind.

At the invitation of my third aunt, my family went to his home for dinner. On that day, there was almost no restriction from adults. I played with my brothers and sisters happily and freely, enjoying the feeling I had never had before. After lunch, we went for a walk. It was a quiet road. Few vehicles passed by. Listening to the birds and insects, smelling the unique smell from the forest, wandering among the trees, it was really a pleasant feeling! But I was wrong. On the way home in the evening, I felt endless emptiness... Yes, it was really good to feel free, but I didn't feel full - because I didn't study.

It was clear at this moment that I had a new view of growth, and I began to try to control my temper. I'm happy again. Because it is also a kind of growing up to know how to restrain myself. This is the first gift that my life gives me when I grow up, and it should be treasured.

Really, I really grew up.

At that Moment I (6)

Fireworks are gorgeous and beautiful, but their blooming time is very short; Epiphyllum is bright and brilliant. It is eye-catching when it is in full bloom, but it withers quickly. Although beautiful things will disappear, they are unforgettable. Remembering that moment makes me remember it all my life

I'm a junior high school student now, and I can't always accompany my friends out to play like before. My mother likes to let me go out to relax. Well, when the National Day came, my mother asked me to invite my brother and his girlfriend to go to Lavender Manor to play.

On the way, my mother also brought a bag of things. At the gate of the manor, I was fascinated by the scenery in front of me. Colorful windmills are turning with the wind, purple flowers are holding leaf poles, like weak girls. Children are laughing on the silver beach... Mother seems to be infected by this warm scene, and her face gradually shows a smile.

At noon, my mother finally opened the mysterious bag, and I looked in curiously. My God? All my favorite snacks. My mother smiled and said to me, "What are you doing? Eat quickly." As she said, my mother carefully pinched the opening of the packaging bag and gently tore a small opening to prevent water from flowing out.

When I was young, I loved to eat bittern eggs, especially the bittern inside. I was stunned again. When my mother saw that I didn't move, she held the seam in one hand and held it under the other. She asked me anxiously, "Take it quickly. What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" I took the eggs hurriedly and ate them one by one. Finally, I kept a portion of yolk I didn't like. I looked at my mother a little embarrassed, but my mother took the yolk kindly, ate it and rubbed my head and said, "My mother likes to eat the yolk." I looked at my mother's kind eyes, which were full of a mother's deep love for her children. That moment made me understand why my mother likes to eat egg yolks and why she always said to me, "Mom doesn't like to eat them. You can eat them." That moment made me unforgettable all my life.

On the way home, the warm sunshine passed through the window, stroked my mother's laborious hand against the window, ran through the jagged groves, and hid the beautiful flowers... I could not help sighing: beautiful things always disappear, but my mother's loving eyes made me remember!

At that Moment I (7)

Boom! "The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the cries and cries mixed together. The magnitude 8 earthquake suddenly arrived in Wenchuan, Sichuan. Life stopped at that moment; life became extremely fragile at that moment. At that time, I didn't know anything about it.

14:28。 I took my biology class in that warm class, roamed in the ocean of knowledge, looking for "hot dogs", "hamburgers", colas "I wanted... I had a happy day. At that time, I was not allowed to watch TV, so I didn't know anything until the morning.

On the way to school, I met Zhang Hongtao, who had a good relationship with me in the primary school. It was still he who told me about the earthquake. He always said "nonsense", so I didn't care too much. I just smiled and said something pitiful. I don't think it's a big deal, because I've never experienced an earthquake, even if it's magnitude 12, I don't know the seriousness of it, because I didn't pay attention to it before.

Only a few days later did I know that it was a devastating disaster. Many children as old as me died. At that time, I could not help but think of my careless smile and the poor sentence. Until now, it will turn red and feel ashamed. He can only deceive himself with such a lie that he has forgotten, so he will feel more comfortable. (Language is the most terrible feeling)

Since I began to pay close attention to the Wenchuan earthquake three minutes ago on the mourning day, I have also learned that people are insignificant in the world, although some people say that the Holy Heaven. Family and friendship are even more precious. In an instant, I seemed to grow up.

I don't know when or what the reason is. I always think I'm a genius and a very powerful person. Now I think it's really naive! I am nothing. I am not so great. Even the little money I donated can't buy clothes from people in the disaster area, let alone rebuild my home. I have a desire, a very strong desire, "I am a big boss, and I have a lot of money to donate to the disaster area and rebuild my home. Don't talk empty words, I have a goal to strive for, and I will strive towards it.

Looking at the increasing number of casualties, I am also very anxious and hope to have some strength to help those suffering people. In the news, I also saw many moving pictures, which reminded me of my desire to become a soldier. I know that many wishes are bad and easy to get lost. I can't be a soldier. When the heart of helping the people will always be in my heart, maybe in the near future you will hear such a name: Xu Wenbo.

At that Moment I (8)

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, five flavors in the world, each flavor has its own unique place. But none of the five flavors can describe my mood at that moment. This flavor is called "moving".

With the farewell of winter, a heavy rain ushered in spring. Since then, rainy days have become frequent. My mood, also gradually rose. I like to walk in the rain with an umbrella, because the splashing water can bring me happiness. But one day, walking in the rain, I saw the picture that still reminds me of a new picture.

The rain came suddenly that day, but I was still prepared for rainy days, so I was not drenched. But a father and son not far from me have already been soaked. They nestled in the phone booth, and the heavy rain stopped their progress. At this time, the little boy sneezed and didn't go to his father's arms crying to go home. The father picked up the little boy, hesitated for a moment, and wanted to rush forward. But before he took a step, he stepped back and saw a bright light.

Just when I wanted to give them a helping hand, the father took off his coat, put it on the little boy, picked him up quickly and walked into the rain. After a few steps, my father put on the coat again more seriously. The raindrop can no longer invade the little boy's weak but love wrapped body. But the father was getting wetter and wetter. I think that the little boy must be proud of his father, because his father gave him great fatherly love and happiness!

It took less than a minute for the father to take off his coat and they disappeared from my eyes. But at this moment, my heart was baptized. I knew that it was the silent father's love that baptized me. It was the silent father's love that woke me up and made my young heart. From then on, another flavor called moving was added, and this flavor will always grow with me and will never be erased.

I still can't forget that moment. Because it has brought me an unusual taste beyond the five flavors in the world - moving.

At that Moment I (9)

In my life, my life is colorful. Sometimes it is sad, sometimes it is happy, sometimes it is happy. But sometimes I understand the truth of the world.

That afternoon, school was almost over, and the weather was overcast. Just listening to the thunder of "Long!", it began to rain cats and dogs outside.

After school, we walked to the school gate with the teacher, and parents who had been waiting for a long time poured in. (.) A few minutes later, the parents picked up the students one by one, while I stood alone (to the ground) under a big tree and waited quietly (to the ground) for Mom. There was another burst of "Long! Long!" The rain was even more fierce. At that time, I saw my mother through the lightning. She was running towards me with an umbrella. My mother gently took my bag off, put it on her shoulder and said, "It's been a long time. Just after work, Dad and Dad have already cooked at home. Let's go."

My mother and I were walking quietly on the road. Suddenly, my mother inexplicably asked, "Is there anything going on at school today?" I quietly replied, "Nothing." Then my mother asked, "Did you listen to the teacher carefully at school today?" I replied, "Well, I listened carefully today." My mother asked again and again, I answered again and again) My eyes looked at my mother, and suddenly saw that my tired mother had already been wet for more than half of her body. My mother held an umbrella in her hand and leaned towards me. The big raindrops hit my mother's shoulder, and there were many wrinkles on her fuzzy face. I thought to myself: my mother and I talked so much, just to cover up their little acts of love! Thinking about it, I shed tears, which are smooth and sweet.

Gradually, the rain stopped, and the sun came out. The bright sun quietly sprinkled on us. The sun moistened my tears and my heart.

At that Moment I (10)

(The number of words is not enough, no less than 450.)

I am already a fifth grade student. I have one thing that I will never forget for a long time. (The sentence is not complete and there is no point.)

It starts from the first grade (sick sentence). When I walked into the school gate when I was just in the first grade, I felt that I didn't dare to go in with a strange face (sick sentence) and shrank behind the parents, but the parents said, "Be strong". I think what I said is right. I am already a first grade student, not a kindergarten child, so I had to walk forward with my head down. My parents said: "The class entering is Class One, and the head teacher has greeted me at the door. I went in to have a look. Many people dared not go in. I cried to go home, but my parents smiled and nodded, as if you could do it, so I stopped crying. (The whole description is very simple, without any details, without reading "nervousness and fear", without reading "firmness", without reading "parental encouragement", try to describe psychology, action and demeanor.)

My parents and teacher said a few words, so let me in. As soon as I entered the door, many people stared at me with curious eyes. I stood on the stage, and the teacher asked me to say a few words. I watched so many people staring at me, looking at me, and I said in my heart: "You can do it, take them as air". At last, I said a few words in a small voice, but the students didn't hear me. The teacher said, "Everyone, this is our new student. Are you welcome?" "Everyone applauded. The teacher also said (there is no description of the teacher's and students' expressions and actions):" Let's invite the new student to make a speech, so that the students can better understand you and get along with you. ". I was so confused that I had to make a speech. Suddenly, my heart beat a retreat. (Tension and fear can be expressed in rhetoric.)

I walked onto the stage in fear. I even sweated. Suddenly, I saw the encouraging eyes of my classmates, and I felt confident. I couldn't believe that I could finish every word fluently, (Write again: after you have finished speaking, the affirmation and encouragement of your classmates and teachers can be written from the aspects of demeanor, tone, eyes, etc., and then incorporated into your psychological changes. These are descriptions of "specific moments".) I finally understood a sentence: "At that moment, I grew up." (Point: the relationship between self-confidence and growth)

At that Moment I (11)

At that moment, I was moved 600 (1)

The moment that touched me

The moment that touched me

That moment deeply touched me.

On the other day, my mother and I went to buy flowers. At an inconspicuous street corner, a large circle of people surrounded us, from which came the passionate singing. I was attracted by the emotional singing, and walked to see what was going on.

In the middle of the crowd was a middle-aged man with a microphone. On the two plastic chairs beside him sat an aging woman and a middle-aged woman with a child about 3 or 4 years old. It can be seen that this is a family, but different from ordinary people, they are all blind, and there is a white board on the ground. I don't know who is kind enough to write for them: We are all cataract patients, and now we are blind, but we hope to raise enough surgery fees so that young children can see the beautiful world!

I can't use an accurate word to describe my feelings at that time. I have regrets, sympathy, or even a trace of grievances.

When I was meditating, it happened that a song ended, and the middle-aged man began to sing a new song. The middle-aged woman, probably his wife, happily reported for him, and then became immersed in his song. "Three minutes is doomed, seven minutes depends on hard work, love to fight will win", suddenly, the crowd resounded with warm applause and applause. I stood there for a long time, I just want to listen to this song from the depths of life.

They are different from the ordinary beggars who only lie on the street, block the pedestrians and look at you with the eyes of begging for mercy. They have their own thoughts and actions. They use their own songs to bring joy and touch to the audience, bring notes to the world's life, and express their determination and courage to declare war on fate.

At that moment, I was deeply moved. I think cowardice is the kneeling of the soul. On that day, we saw real warriors in their lives. Maybe their status is low, maybe they don't enjoy much, maybe they even have their own name

I can't write. Maybe they haven't seen what their children look like. Maybe... I can't imagine what difficulties they have to overcome in their daily life in a family almost completely composed of blind people! But they are still brave to shoulder the burden of life with their own shoulders and support themselves. They are tall, noble and noble!

I will never forget the look of those two women sitting on the bench who yearn for light but are optimistic, the creatures waiting for light, and the firm tone of the man's voice and his powerful arms constantly waving in the air. They are the extraordinary people in this ordinary world.

Everyone present was moved by this scene, because we saw the orphans of this strong and beautiful world, the forgotten soul, and the belief that this tiny life brings us to fight with fate.

I want to say that their heartfelt singing is the most exciting singing in the world.

Since then, I have always been dedicated to the worship of heroes. I began to see a grain of sand, a flower, and even every ordinary citizen. In the depths of these things, I realized the true greatness and eternity. No matter how simple life is, it is also an immortal masterpiece!

At that moment, I was moved by 600 (II)

That moment moved me

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, five flavors in the world, each flavor has its own unique place. But none of the five flavors can describe my mood at that moment. This flavor is called "moving". ("Moving" is not a taste. Such a beginning is too stylized and templated. Change!)

With the farewell of winter, a heavy rain ushered in spring. Since then, rainy days have become frequent. My mood, also gradually rose. I like to walk in the rain with an umbrella, because the splashing water can bring me happiness. But one day, walking in the rain, I saw the picture that still reminds me of a new picture. (It's basically nonsense. Delete it.)

(Every word in a composition of 500 or 600 words is precious. If you want something you can't use, you must delete it. If you don't want something from your heart, you can't take it.)

The rain came suddenly that day, but I was still prepared for rainy days, so I was not drenched. But a father and son not far from me have already been soaked. They nestled in the phone booth, and the heavy rain stopped their progress. At this time, the little boy sneezed, but he didn't come to his father's arms and cried to go home. The father picked up the little boy, hesitated for a moment, and wanted to rush forward. But before he took a step, he stepped back and saw a bright light. (Why is it "bright at the moment"? Who is bright? Be clear.)

(It is suggested that this place write about the heavy rain, the environment, the tense atmosphere, and the cold. Only in this way can my father's performance be impressive.)

Just when I wanted to give them a helping hand, the father took off his coat, put it on the little boy, picked him up quickly and walked into the rain. After a few steps, my father put on the coat again more seriously. The raindrop can no longer invade the little boy's weak but love wrapped body. But the father was getting wetter and wetter. I think that the little boy must be proud of his father, because his father gave him great fatherly love and happiness! The sentence that is discussed too early is the most boring sentence in the composition, the sentence that should be most vigilant, and the sentence that should not be used as far as possible should be deleted. We are writing compositions, not answering political questions.)

It took less than a minute for the father to take off his coat and they disappeared from my eyes. But at this moment, my heart was baptized. I knew that it was the wordless father's love that baptized me. It was the wordless father's love that woke me up and made my young heart. From then on, another flavor called moving was added, and this flavor will always grow with me and will never be erased. Answer the political question. Not only are they not smooth, but they are slogans, which are unnatural. Delete them and rewrite them.)

I still can't forget that moment. Because it has brought me an unusual taste beyond the five flavors in the world - moving.

(Suggestion: Write the rain well. Write the father's embarrassment well. Try to contrast it with the environmental description, and try to contrast it by imagining the son's safe appearance in his father's arms. Don't be overly lyrical. Write sincerely and realistically. The beginning and end should be natural. Don't put a bright and noble tail on it.)

At that moment, I was moved by 600 (III)

Moved by that moment

On Wednesday, October 26, 2011, our Xiamen Yingcai Primary School welcomed the 15th annual autumn sports meeting. The three-day sports meeting passed in a twinkling of an eye, and many wonderful moments were still vividly remembered. Many students also had many unexpected gains in this sports meeting: some achieved good results in a certain project, some received medals and certificates, and some "" "" "I gained a lot when I was an athlete for two days. What I gained is friendship and moved. Let me share with you today this move!

On the morning of the second day of the sports meeting, the sun was bright, cloudless, and the autumn was crisp. The birds stood on the branches early and sang loudly. All kinds of competitions are in full swing. My mood on this day is not different from that of the past, but a fierce battle is coming, and I still don't know anything. I only know that I will participate in the men's 400 meter race at 9:45 today, and I don't know how many places I will run? What kind of experts will you meet? What happens in the process of running? Everything is unknown, as if it is a thick layer of fog.

At 9:45, I hurried to the 400 meter terminal to check in. I was in the second group. I thought I could easily win the race, but when I looked around, I was dumbfounded. My second group was like a cloud of experts, and my confidence fell to the bottom. It's almost time for our group to compete. To my surprise, at the critical moment, a person came - my good brother——

Wang Zhiyi came to me breathlessly to cheer me on. He also taught me some of his experience of running fast for many years: "When you run, you should keep up with your breath, and you should rely on the swing of your arm to speed up!" After listening to his words, my confidence returned, and I thought: I must win, I can't lose! Because that is my good brother's encouragement and trust! With the sound of a gun, the game began. I thought Wang Zhiyi would leave after cheering me on, but he unexpectedly started running with me and said, "I'll run with you!" This undoubtedly increased my confidence. I ran quickly. He seemed to realize that I cared about him, so he said: "You don't care about me, as long as you can keep up with my rhythm!" I listened to Wang Zhiyi's words and did so. Running, running, I gradually feel exhausted, but when I think of Wang Zhiyi's words, my body is full of strength again, and my steps become brisk. Then I arrived at the end third. After I ran 400 meters, I was already limp, not to mention Wang Zhiyi, who also participated in the 100 meter race before my race. I could not help feeling grateful, so I turned back to thank Wang Zhiyi. But when I turned back, there was no trace of Wang Zhiyi behind me, only a green field.

I thought: "He should have gone to the camp because he was exhausted!" Sure enough, I found Wang Zhiyi in the camp. He was breathing heavily while drinking mineral water! As soon as he saw that I was back, he asked me in a hurry, regardless of hunger and thirst, "What's the first place you ran?" "Fifth or sixth, please!" I gasped. Then I leaned over his ear and said, "Thank you, Wang Zhi

Yi! " As he patted me on the shoulder, he said, "Don't thank me, this is what I should do!" I recognized friendship from his words and mutual help that true good brothers should have! The feeling of that moment is not just a moment, but also the strong friendship between Wang Zhiyi and me! I am very proud to make friends like Wang Zhiyi!

That touching moment left a deep memory in my heart! Sometimes when I think of it, I can't help but leave tears.

Huang Shengjie, Class Two, Five Year Plan

At that moment, I was moved by 600 (IV)

The Moment That Moved Me in 2008

The Moment That Moved Me in 2008

Hu Siying, Class 9 (5)

The year 2008 is a very special year for China. The snow disaster in January, the earthquake in May, the Beijing Olympic Games in August, and the Seven Ascensions of God in September... Each month has been given a special meaning, and every moment in it is worth remembering. However, May is the most impressive for me, because the departure of my compatriots is too painful; Because the victims are strong and really shocked; Because the world care, very warm; Because of the moment that deeply touched me. Time: One day in May

Location: a charity donation station in a certain area

Character: An old beggar in rags, with gray hair and a face full of vicissitudes of life, who has reached 60 years of age.

He went straight to the donation box. Nobody knew what he was going to do, so he looked at him blankly. When he respectfully put a new one hundred note into the donation box carefully, everyone at the scene was stunned, and then his eyes were wet

This is the moment that touched me in 2008.

Beggars are the lowest, most helpless, weakest, and most pitiful people in the society! However, when Sichuan needed care most, they also stood out. Raise your hand and carefully put in the box the new 100 yuan that just came out of the bank. Every time I think of that moment, I always think that he is a great warrior. I always think how his bent back is straight, how firm his slow steps are, how powerful his tiny figure is... Although it is only 100 yuan, only such a small amount, But the heartfelt touch permeated my insides. How I want to embrace him and feel the sincere love... Every love is unforgettable, even small and humble, but it is worth praising and praising. The heart behind donating one yuan is the same as that behind donating ten million yuan, The sincere help of donating blood and rushing to the front line to search and rescue the trapped people's father is equally worthy of applause. The candle light is weak, but it can also illuminate the whole room, even the whole sky. So is the small love,

At that Moment I (12)

That moment touched my composition

In daily study, work and life, everyone is indifferent to the composition. The composition must focus on the theme and make in-depth exposition around the unified theme. Do not ramble about, lose focus on the theme or even have no theme. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the composition that impressed me at the moment when I made it carefully. For reference only, I hope it can help everyone.

That moment moved me Composition 1

"Come on, there's still half an hour left!" "I'm almost ready! Eh, what's going on here? Oh, I forgot to put on the brake..." This is an unusual day. I went to the computer room of the school to practice as usual after school. However, I didn't think of it, nor did I realize it. I forgot to call my parents.

I continued to practice watching and listening. Unconsciously, it was almost six o'clock, but I forgot the time, even though it was in the lower right corner of the screen. "Oye, it's past!" I cried happily. At this time, Mr. Ge's mobile phone, who had been sitting beside me, rang. When he finished calling, he came to tell me: "Your father is waiting for you downstairs!" I woke up after listening and found that it was already 6:00. I quickly pulled out the USB flash drive, said "Bye bye, teacher!" and went downstairs.

I rushed downstairs and saw my father walking alone in the dusk, full of anxiety. When he saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief. On the way home, he began to chatter about "educating" me: "Don't go home after school, talk to your parents, or we will be worried. Do you know..." This is the first time I heard my father say so much.

When I entered the community, I was almost home. I only heard my father's mobile phone ringing. It was my mother. "Has your son received it?" My mother's worried voice came into my eardrum. It turned out that my mother had been worried about me, and the teacher's phone was also called by her mother. When I think of my carelessness and feel the anxiety of my parents, my heart has been locked together. When I got home, a gust of vegetable fragrance floated into my nose. It's delicious. Hurry to eat. Eh, the food is cold. It turned out that the meal had been cooked for a long time, and I was waiting for home. At this time, my heart tears.

Since then, I have never forgotten to call my parents no matter what. I was really moved by this event. Yes, the love of parents for each child is in this bit by bit, and everyone of us should learn to cherish and be grateful.

That instant moved me Composition 2

At that moment, I thought of him and the person I hated but admired, my brother.

As I said earlier, I don't like my brother very much. He is smart and has many clever ideas. He also likes to embarrass me with his words and deeds. After more than ten years of being together with him, it seems that I can't feel a trickle of brotherhood. On the surface, he has a good relationship with me in the eyes of the world, but in fact, he often troubles me behind my back. So I hate him to the bone, but I can't help but lament, how can this fate be changed?

But today afternoon, I went to the office to ask the math teacher to correct the problem set. As usual, the teacher told me a few words to reflect. As I was about to leave, I was stopped by a teacher beside me and said, "XX is your brother. I saw his composition posted on the display board outside their class. It's good writing. It should be you. I can go and have a look at it when I have time..." I was very curious at that time. How could it be me? With the teacher talking and laughing, I got excited and walked out of the office.

I went straight to the display board. Although I was only one classroom away from their class, I could always see him, but I never took the initiative to say a word to him. I stood there dumbfounded and saw a composition with bright five pointed stars in it. I was stunned for a moment, but it was really me? I felt a myriad of thoughts when I tidied up. An unconscious glance, those few sincere words, instantly passed through my cold and ignorant heart, instantly melted, leaving tears of remorse and remorse. I quickly wiped away my tears and wiped my eyes with my skirt. I couldn't help but look down again. All these are little by little between him and me, which is a happy life with us, pure and worry free. Doesn't he hate me? Perhaps it is love that gives birth to all this, which is annoying but full of the length and differences of love. At that moment, my brother's image became taller and taller, which made me admire him very much. I am obviously a petty and selfish person. Our gratitude and resentment disappeared at the moment I understood.

Family love is the most precious friendship in the world. At that moment, I felt the value of family love.

At that Moment I (13)

Life is like a movie with complicated plot, which includes sadness, joy, happiness, anger and emotion. These feelings always hit me, enrich me, only moved, let me remember, moved the moment, I shed tears.

Under the yellow street lights, heavy snow is flying wantonly, and the cold wind is as sharp as a blade, trying to cut people's cheeks. This winter in 2012, I saw this scene.

Let me help you go. Look at you, as if you can fall down when the wind blows. The old man, with a hoarse voice, extended his hand to the old lady as if he cared for a child, trying to hold her. No, I can still walk. The old lady knocked off his hand and stubbornly walked forward, the street lamp shining on her thin face, like an old walnut that had been put away for a year, full of wrinkles.

The thin and inhuman old lady slipped again.

The old man tried to reach out again, but he pulled back his hand wisely.

Looking down the slope from afar, a group of children with red faces like persimmons happily skidded on the small ice path they made.

The old lady quickened her pace and walked down the slope. The wind made her thin and weak body shake. The old man quickly overtook her and worried about her. With an imperceptible smile on her face, the old lady shook off his hand: Lao's husband and wife are all here, and they are still hugging each other. Hurry up, and let's go later. The grandson will finish school! I continue to follow them. Today, I have been on the way with this old couple for some time.

At this time, I saw a young woman not far ahead angrily blaming the skidding child, pulling the child's hand and leaving. The other children were also surprised and scattered one by one, leaving a smooth ice path.

The old lady's thin body swayed back and forth in the wind. He still swung his arms and continued to move with the old man, but he did not see the gloomy light of the ice road in front.

The old man seemed to be shaken by the light. He immediately noticed the ice road and subconsciously reached out his hand. It was too late, and the old lady had entered the hell where she could be smashed to pieces. She is really old. The old man just kept up with the old lady and fell to the ground in front of her, with blood running from his hands.

I didn't know what to do at the moment. I was stunned for a long time. I hurriedly took out my pocket, found out the waterproof Bundy, wrapped it around the old man, and hurried away without even looking back

Tears flow with the blood, as warm as blood, hot, moved tears!

At that moment, I shed tears and was moved and shocked by the love I had never met.

At that Moment I (14)

I am a very strong man. No matter how hard I suffered, how difficult I encountered, or how badly I was injured, I would not cry. But at that moment, I cried sadly.

I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, I didn't go to the big recess because I had a headache. When the big break was half done, I got up and went to the toilet. When I came back, the big break had been finished, and the students returned to the classroom. At this time, a classmate found his pen was missing, so he went to report it to the teacher. After a while, the Chinese teacher came to me and asked me seriously: "Song Zehua, did you take your classmate's pen? Tell me the truth. As long as you tell me the truth, I will not disturb you. " "But I didn't take it, teacher." The teacher was very angry after listening to it, shook his head and said to me: "Oh, Song Zehua, I didn't expect you to be such a person, so I was disappointed!" How I said that the teacher didn't believe me, and at that moment, tears could not help flowing down. Just as I was crying bitterly, the classmate ran to me again and said, "Sorry, teacher, my pen fell on the ground and was found again." When the teacher heard this sentence, he realized that he had wrongly blamed me and hurried to comfort me, but I had already cried, and nothing could be done to help me.

At that moment, I was wronged, and I was wronged, crying sadly!

At that Moment I (15)

The sun shines on the earth, spreading out a roll of golden memories, and I chew that moment carefully.

That day was our school's annual sports meeting. I ran the 200m sprint. When I came to the venue to watch the game and sat in my own position, I was always uneasy: if I failed, I would not get the first place. I always felt ashamed of my classmates and myself. From time to time, such thoughts come to my mind. But Mr. Mao was not worried at all. He encouraged us and said, "It doesn't matter if we can't get to the first place, as long as we try our best.

Finally, it's my turn. The contestants are in their places. I'm in the fourth lane. Although the angle of the turn is very large, I'm in the front. I don't know whether I'm nervous or... just listen to the "bang". The gun sounds, and the four athletes rush out like arrows leaving the string. No good. I beat slowly, and my forehead was sweating. I glanced at the left and right sides with my spare time. Fortunately, no one caught up. I should speed up. At this moment, I suddenly sprained my foot. The original vigorous pace slowed down and my foot felt very sore. I wanted to give up. At this time, I heard that my classmates would encourage me: "Zhou Chenwen, come on!" I bit my teeth, I thought: "No, I can't live up to everyone's expectations for me. I'm not a withered flower or a sunset. I'm just a little hero with super perseverance. Run ahead and don't fall!" I finally crossed the starting line first!

At that moment, I suddenly felt that I had grown up. I overcame setbacks and learned the truth of "where there is a will, there is a way"!

At that Moment I (16)

In spring, I was moved by the revival and vitality of everything; In summer, I was moved by the verdant trees and flowers; In autumn, I was touched by the rich fruits and abundant grains; In winter, I was touched by the snow and snow... Today, I was touched by a small thing done by an ordinary cleaning aunt.

After school this afternoon, I was walking home when I saw a cute puppy playing beside the flower bed. Its naughty appearance attracted me to the past.

At this time, I saw a cleaning aunt in a gray uniform cleaning up the water pipe for watering the flower bed, so I stopped paying attention to the dog and turned my eyes to the aunt. It was very interesting to see her put away the huge snake like water pipe.

The flower bed is very close to the road, and the water pipe is placed on one side of the road. The water inside is not clean, and the aunt needs to pour the water inside before collecting the pipe. So she picked up one end of the pipe and let the water flow out from the other end. But in just a few seconds, a large pool of water flowed on the road, which made it inconvenient for people to walk. She seemed to find this and immediately walked over, carefully picked up the end of the water, put it in the tree pit where the land was still dry, and then let the water flow into the tree pit without a drop, which not only facilitated people's walking, but also let the big tree drink enough water. It was really killing two birds with one stone!

At that moment, I was moved. She is not an ordinary cleaner. Because she thinks of others; Because she thought of small details that others could not think of; Because she has the quality of gold. Maybe you think it's exaggerated with "golden", because it's just a detail. But I don't think it's an exaggeration - the water on the ground affects the mood of many people every day. You certainly don't want to go to work and listen to classes unhappily every day, do you? Although it is small, it reflects a person's thinking quality of thinking for others and saving.

It's not terrible for one person to throw a piece of paper, but it's terrible for everyone to throw a piece of paper. Isn't that exactly what the famous saying says: "Don't do it because it's good, and don't do it because it's evil"?

At that Moment I (17)

Liu Yuxuan, League branch secretary of Class 1, Grade 9, Bayan No. 3 Middle School. She is lively and cheerful, has a wide range of interests, and is diligent and eager to learn. She has always been a capable teacher.

Time is like flowing water. It's gone forever. In my memory, it's like a pearl hidden deep in the sea.

On that day, the moonlight was just thick, and there were several tiny pebbles on the flat path. The dark red roses opened quietly on the roadside, with a touch of sadness.

I was walking on this path, and the evening wind mixed with a little chill, which hurt my heart.

It's another time that I failed in the exam. I can't count how many times it is... It's the third day of the junior high school, and I will face the high school entrance exam soon. My pressure is doubled. I don't know what to do, not to mention how to face the teacher's teachings, parents' efforts, my tears poured out unconsciously... The roadside rose was blown off a few petals by the wind, as if it fell not on the ground, but on the abyss, so did my mood

I don't know where to go and dare not go home to face my parents' disappointed eyes. So he sat on the bench beside the road and wept silently at the broken moon

At this time, suddenly someone patted me gently on the shoulder. I turned my head and saw that it was my mother! Her anxious eyes convey concern and pity; The thin coat could not shield the cool wind; She was still wearing slippers... I guess she ran out of her home anxiously to find me when she saw that she hadn't come home after school in the evening. The messy hair told me that she had been running around in the night to find me for a long time... My heart felt cramped, but I didn't dare to look up at my mother's face, let alone let her see my face full of tears.

But my mother didn't blame me. She just sat on the bench and held me in her arms and said, "Nothing, baby! You can do it!" Just such a short sentence made me cry again at that moment, and the night was no longer cold and hard to endure

Yeah! As long as we work hard, what difficulties and obstacles in the world can not be overcome? I gently raised my head. Unexpectedly, Yu Guang saw the rose again. It had only one petal, but it stood proudly in the cold wind and never fell. The fiery red color seems full of hope, isn't it like my mood at this time? I am indomitable, fearless of difficulties and brave to fight. My eyes are full of fire.

I took my mother's hand and said to her, "Mom, you can rest assured! I will never give up until the day of the high school entrance exam!" I was full of confidence and smiled like a flower.

The moon lights our way home

At that moment, I will always remember!

At that Moment I (18)

Maybe the turbid eyes can't take away the exhaustion of the heart, and let the last tear drop from the deep socket of the eye, passing in the lost years.

On the streets of Beijing, we often see some beggars on the overpass, most of whom are old people in their fifties and sixties. Sadness becomes a heavy sigh in bright beauty.

Passers by came and went, and the beggar's eyes showed begging. Time has taken away youth and vanity, making the lofty ideals become a heavy sigh.

Among many old beggars, only one young man, wearing an old school uniform, half kneeled with his knees rubbing against the ground. There are two holes in his pants. There are needle angles sewn sparsely beside the holes, exposing some white lines. The young man looked at the people coming and going, as if the scene in front of him no longer existed. The two thin lips trembled slightly. There is a newspaper clipping beside it. There are some loose change piled on it. I am nearsighted, so I had to read the words on the newspaper. It is a few lines of small words. It says that three students in Beijing Sanfan Middle School died their father. Here are some reports. Just as I looked up, I just touched the student's eyes. His face was thin, and his hair was messy and unkempt. He looked at me calmly. Only those who felt pain from the heart could have that kind of eyes. When the father died, the notice was pressed on the precarious eaves. Silence and vagrancy are your only choice. Standing at the fork of life, where is the road?

My eyes were opposite, and I was stunned like an electric shock. Out of pity and sympathy, I gave him a 5 yuan note. He still looked at me intently, and didn't feel the 5 yuan falling, but my feathers fell first.

Frustration can sometimes be a desert. The vastness of the desert makes you know how to trek, cross and resist. When your heart is exhausted, faith is a good spring.

Do not lament for what you have suffered, for there will be no crows floating on the top of the trees.

At that moment, my feather fell on the shoulder of a poor student.

The falling feathers form a white world, in which there are only you and me.

At that Moment I (19)

I remember that it was a hot summer, and the weather was extremely sultry. A round of hot sun overhead, all the trees are listless, standing there lazily, the branches are still. The hot sun is baking the earth, making the ground very hot. But I am still training to run on the playground. The teacher stipulates that we should run ten laps of the playground. A hot wind blew, and a heat wave rolled up from the ground. The fire made people feel suffocated. The grass beside the playground withered, bent, and bowed, accepting the vicious test of the sun father.

I ran round and round. On my forehead, beany sweat dripped across my cheeks one by one, soaking my clothes. I was so tired that my face was red, I was panting, sweating heavily, my limbs were soft and dizzy, as if I was about to fall on the ground. After seven laps of running, I was exhausted and started to walk. I had no strength to run anymore. Seeing that I had no perseverance, the teacher quickly came up to me and called me, "Hurry up and keep running! If you stand back before victory, you will often only embrace failure; if you persist in difficulties, you will often get new success. Don't lose confidence, as long as you persevere, you will eventually get results! You have already run more than half of the race, you must persevere!" After listening to the teacher's words, I immediately got up my confidence and thought to myself: I will definitely finish the last three laps! I ran twice and my hair was wet with sweat and stuck to my face. I was already exhausted and was about to give up. But when I thought of what my teacher had taught me, a driving force from nowhere pushed me to stick to it. I began to read: "Stick to it, stick to it, stick to it..." Finally, I survived the last lap and reached the end.

Yeah! Achieving great things does not depend on strength, but on how long you can persist. At that moment, I learned to persist

At that Moment I (20)

When my sister went to school by car, I always cried to go home because I was afraid that my sister would not come, but my sister always comforted me before she got on the bus. I would be a little happy, but they don't know. After they leave, I still cry, tears flow down like a waterfall. I have left the former one in the mirror. I became brave. I was about to enter the sixth grade, so I had to make up lessons, so I couldn't go to my aunt's house this year. At that time, my tears climbed into my eyes. I told myself, I can't cry, I have been enduring. The moment my sister stepped on the bus, I looked at her familiar and lovely face, and also suffered the taste of tears in my eyes. I felt that I was growing up and I learned to be strong. No more crying. I thought to myself: my sister will come back. I'm sure she dare not not come back. I have been using these two words to dispel my doubts and tears in my heart. These two words "hover" in my mind and I am happy again.

I grew up at the moment when my sister left.