Lvchuanxing's quotation is very
Happy life
2023-06-03 07:48:09

1. I want to see Ah Jin and touch Ah Jin.

2. But once loved, you can't forget it.

3. All these are a prosperous encounter.

4. Worrying too much is not what my family will do.

5. Once loved, to love, can not forget.

6. I don't know when, lying has become a habit.

7. Don't human beings always look for something and forget something?

8. Unconsciously, we are used to living in lies.

9. In order to see through it one day, we should focus on it every day.

10. A person feels lonely because he is afraid of taking the first step.

11. There are many things that human beings cannot do, but they always forget this.

12. Every girl has a forest of fireflies in her heart, where a teenager lives.

13. Whether it is a human or a monster, as long as you give your heart to treat it, there is no difference.

14. No, I'm staying with him now. Until that fleeting day comes.

15. Because I can see, I will cry, feel troubled, and then be betrayed by them.

16. I don't know what happened to that child, his gentle smile and sad wish. Has the child got back his smile now?

17. Loss is in a moment, a moment of negligence. No matter how precious things are, they will not be touched in a moment.

18. I want to be a gentle person, because I have been treated like a gentle person, and I deeply understand the feeling of being treated like a gentle person.

19. Ying, I can't wait for the next summer. Every time I leave, I want to meet Ying again, even if I push away the crowd.

20. However, even if they only meet once, even if they are too weak to be noticed, it is also an important encounter that can support the soul.

21. As a monster, I don't understand the human heart, but a person is very sad. I still know this, and I still know this.

22. Human beings do not bring misfortune to others. Oh, you are a gentle child, a gentle and simple child. I am very happy to meet you.

23. I can't see the fireworks because I am blocked by a huge guy. However, I can still feel the splendor of fireworks. Because that guy is so fascinated.

24. Yes, I also like the feeling of being gentle, warm, pursuing mutual attraction and struggling to live. I also like Xiamu.

25. Fluoride. thank you. Although we want to live with Ah Jin all the time, Ah Jin finally has someone to touch and finally can be embraced by others.

26. Recently, the trouble is that small farewell always makes people feel lonely, so I plan to accumulate and cherish the fragments of those short encounters and farewell.

27. I will graduate in three years, and I want to find a job here. In this way, I will have more time to stay with you. It can always be in autumn, winter, spring.

28. What I saw may not exist. No one understands my fear of walking alone in that unstable world. What I saw may not exist, that unstable world.

29. There is no need to agree completely. It is very difficult to understand each other, no matter who it is. When it is difficult, you can consult with me at any time. I also want to be a friend.

30. Every time you leave, I want to open the sea of people to see you. Spring also wants to see you, autumn also wants to see you, winter also wants to see you. One day, I will die in a place you don't know. And every summer that goes round and round but ends quickly.

31. In fact, I called countless times, and each time, no one answered. No matter how you call or pray, there are things you can't reach. Then, I decided not to call those things that did not respond even if they called.

32. Don't human beings always look for something and forget something? It is not because it is a human or a monster, but whether it is important for us, whether we can accept the memory and happiness of that moment, and follow the true feelings in our hearts without hesitation.

33. Arrange the lost warmth one by one, and use your colorful fragments to depict a smile and create memories. I'm still not good at it. When I step too fast, I will sleep on the tatami for a long time. Where am I going? How many times do I have to say goodbye in front of the dark, and your fragments twinkle in the heart, far away.