Gao Yimei's 600 word composition beside me (3 compilations)
Blue lotus
2023-11-30 06:55:01

Gao Yimei Composes 600 Words with Me (1)

Beauty is a magic thing. It can not only represent people's external beauty, but also represent people's internal beauty. But if a person is asked to choose, he will definitely choose the external beauty. Why? Nowadays, people spend almost half of their efforts on their appearance and clothes. They all want to be a shining point in the crowd outside. This is basically true of all the people I have met, including me.

Beauty, do people all over the world think so? That's not necessarily. Although most people think so, there are always some people who are kind-hearted and have helped others but have not been thanked, and they do not regret it.

When I was a child, my family lived in the countryside, and people from my hometown who did not know how to dress were very enthusiastic. However, when I entered the city, everyone in the city dressed very nicely. I thought that our hometown people were so enthusiastic, and I believe that the city people are more enthusiastic than their hometown people! Who knows, the city people are so selfish. What makes me angry is that I have gradually become a person who pursues external beauty with the change of environment.

Until one day, when I was walking in the park, I heard a child crying. I thought to myself: I'd better leave it alone. When I was about to leave, a cleaning aunt went to pick up the child and went to the main control room of the park to broadcast to find the child's parents. After a while, the cleaning lady came back, and I asked her: "Why do you do this?" She said: "It's fun to help others! This is the foundation of life." Right! This is the real beauty, a kind of beauty from the heart.

Beauty, in fact, is around us, but we did not catch it. The inner beauty is like a door, but we didn't choose it. Instead, we entered a door that looks better than this one, but it is not too late. As long as we go out of that door, we come back to this door. It is such a simple beauty that can lead people to a place where there is no turning back, so we should make good use of beauty.

The beauty is around us. We only need to cherish this beauty. This beauty is the inner beauty. Therefore, as long as we help others, the world will become very beautiful! We should remember one sentence: beauty is beside me!

Gao Yimei Composes 600 Words with Me (2)

There are many beauties in life, some of which are spiritual and some of which are physical. There are many people who are beautiful in appearance, but not in mind. But one day, this beauty finally appeared beside me.

That day was a weekend. I got up at seven o'clock on time as usual and ran around the road for several times. Just as the first lap was almost over, I tripped over a stone. I thought, how could there be a stone on the road, and I didn't usually run. Could it be that the stone had wings and flew to the middle of the road to trip me? At that moment, an environmental sanitation worker came up and said, "Sorry! I saw garbage under the stone on the lawn just now, so I moved the stone to the road." I said, "You can never move to the road. Don't you think there is a vacant land next to it?" She said, "Although there is vacant land here, there is grass under it. I'm afraid the grass will be crushed." Because I was affected by a stone, I returned home early.

The first thing I want to do when I go back is to check my legs. Although I didn't complain on the road, my legs hurt deeply. I pulled my pants up, and they swelled so much. Because my legs and feet were inconvenient, I didn't get out of bed. Instead, I sat on the bed and thought about what happened just now. I thought that the woman had big, watery eyes, With a narrow nose and a small mouth, how can you do this? I think she should also be a kind woman! If I were you, I would not put a stone in the middle of the road because some lowly grass would be hurt. But think about it in another way. You are afraid that she is also a miserable person. Otherwise, who would do that dirty and tired work at a young age? So I decided to ask her for clarification.

The next morning, I saw her again on the road, and I asked her: "Hello, auntie, you are about the same age as my mother, but why do you work as a cleaner here?" She said: "I get up before dawn every day. The father of the child had a car accident a few years ago, leaving me and the child. I can only provide tuition and living expenses for the child in this way every day." I didn't say anything, just walked away silently. I kept thinking about it when I returned, and I was still thinking about it when I went to bed. From this incident, I felt that this aunt not only has the beauty of appearance, but also has the beauty of soul.

Beauty is right beside us. Let's find it together!

In our ordinary life, there are all kinds of people who show up in different forms before our eyes, and beauty is interpreted in these ordinary people.

Gao Yimei Composes 600 Words with Me (3)

Some people say, "Our life lacks beauty, which is why our society is so chaotic." But I want to say, "Our life does not lack beauty, but we do not see it.". The sweat shed by the cleaning lady is beautiful; The voice of the police uncle is beautiful; The rough palms of farmers' uncles are also beautiful

Beauty is not necessarily magnificent, nor is it beyond our reach. God gave people a beautiful heart when he created human beings. I think he should be for people to find beauty and feel beauty better! On the bus, at home, at school... where can't you see beauty and where can't you feel beauty?

The scene on the bus made me feel beautiful: on a drizzly afternoon, I went to the stadium by bus. The car slowly moved forward, after one stop after another, everything was so ordinary. The crying of babies, the comforting voice of mothers, the talking voice of young people... At the bus stop, an old man slowly came up. Her hair was white, the wrinkles on her face were countless, and her sunken eyes contained her life experience. She looked around. There were no seats left, so she stood beside one seat. The car began to move slowly again and gradually disappeared in the busy street. Unexpectedly, the driver came to a sudden stop and almost threw the old lady out. Fortunately, a young man helped him, but this is not a long-term plan! I had to let her sit down. Just as I was about to give up my seat, a middle-aged man beat me to the front. He had a pair of bright eyes, and his words were so powerful, as if they were the voice of the pillars of the country. Yes, he is the pillar of the motherland. The old woman politely declined a few words, but finally sat down.

I think this moment should be frozen. Although this is not a great achievement or a national event, it is a symbol of beauty and a witness to our discovery of beauty.

The middle-aged man grabbed the handrail and swayed in the carriage. The old man silently turned to the thin spring rain outside the window, thinking about something

The car is still moving slowly, and the spring rain outside the window is still dripping, but it is softer than before

Beauty is right beside us, waiting for you to describe it!