Impressions of Dolphin Bay
Life is a play
2023-09-13 03:50:24
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

I just saw a documentary film "Dolphin Bay" on the Internet, and it's hard to calm down. I don't know where to start. We humans are too arrogant, brutal, stupid, ugly... or those dolphins are too kind and pure... Why have we never heard of dolphins hurting people, and always heard of dolphins saving people. But in reality, human beings have to brutally slaughter the creatures like angels!
The earth is the home of human beings and other creatures. We really have no right to treat other creatures like this, let alone these creatures are our friends. Will you kill your friends? If you kill your friends, are you still human? You will be condemned by public opinion, rejected by people, and punished by law! Then those people who killed dolphins were sheltered and protected by the Japanese government.
For benefit! They don't think much of it if they damage the interests of others, other lives, or even their lives for their own private interests. They are ugly like "evil spirits" from hell, trying to devour "good souls"!
The rapid development of commerce and technology has brought us convenient and rich life today. But it also brings us a lot of things we ignore - pollution, environmental damage, energy depletion, resource waste, climate change, which has sounded the alarm bell for us again and again.
There is nothing else to say. When doing reflection, first think about how to save those pure creatures! Dolphins are our high IQ friends on earth. And they are the top of the food chain like us, so they have a lot of toxins deposited in their bodies, and those toxins are released to the earth by our human beings. Through the deposition of the food chain, the higher the biological accumulation of toxins will be more. Dolphin meat contains a lot of mercury, which is highly toxic and cannot be eaten. Just from this point, please stop killing dolphins. I sincerely hope that they can live freely in the sea, and will not be hurt by the toxins we release! No longer be ruthlessly killed by human beings! Please save the dolphins!