Mistakes (Collection of 20)
regard with equanimity
2024-03-29 05:57:08
Grade 3
fairy tale

Mistake (1)

Under the moon, whose look back, let the world suddenly pale.

In the wind, whose tears make the sword feel lonely.

Horses neigh, dragons roar, smoke and flames.

Pulling out the sword is just a promise.

The setting sun is like blood, the moon is like a river.

Eyes droop only for the desolate city.

For thousands of years, I still remember that day.

Long drunk, but unforgettable, a zither harmony.

The thought of resentment has become empty.

A first sight is a mistake.

Mistake (2)

It rained intermittently in the south of the Yangtze River. The misty sky, the pink and willow green ground, and the black tiles were shaking with grass. My mother leaned against the window and looked. Although she applied some makeup, her haggard and old face was still vaguely visible. Now it was dusk. My mother leaned against the window and looked at it all day. My mother said that she was waiting for someone. The man left his mother seven years ago to take the imperial examination. He was a scholar and went to the capital to take the imperial examination.

Seven days after leaving, my mother found that I already had me, and she looked forward to his return every day. Oh, my father and father, like those who reply letters, send a letter to my mother. The letter said let my mother wait for seven years.

Seven years. Seven years. Seven years.

What is this concept. Not seven days. Seven weeks.

Or seven months. Seven years. For a woman.

From the girl in the flower beauty season to the old and lonely woman. docosa-. nonacosa.

My mother is no longer young. yes. I miss you all the time, but never see you.

Tears wash my face all day long. Every day I sleep with tears in my eyes, and I weep in my dreams. I said, mother, you are a tearful person.

My mother asked me to learn martial arts and said that I must learn a skill in the future. In the future society, I am not like my mother. Like all ordinary girls, I can tune the net, make tea and sew. My mother never allows me to cry. She said that she had shed too many tears in her life, so I was not allowed to cry.

A sudden sound of horses' hooves broke my memory. In the dusk, the dove fleeing from the rain flew to the clouds with its wings flapping. The mother slightly cut her hair and walked out, only to see a young man in blue riding away. A drop of sweet tears mingled with the reflection of the bridge at dusk, and the silk and mother's sorrow of the opposite people fell quietly.

Mother said. I had expected that the seven-year wait would come to nothing. It's really true.

The sound of his horse's hooves was a beautiful mistake. He is not a returnee, but a passer-by. it is raining cats and dogs.

Postscript: pay homage to Chou ^ ^ said it was a document. The result is this length Silence---- 07。 09。


Mistake (3)

On Sunday afternoon, after finishing his homework, Xiao Ming picked up the bananas his mother bought yesterday and walked downstairs while eating. He wanted to play football with the children. He went to the stairs and ate the bananas happily, humming a tune while eating. After eating, he threw the banana peel on the ground. Just then, Fangfang passed Xiaoming with the basin in her hand. Suddenly, he heard a "Ouch", and then a basin of cold water poured down from Xiaoming's head. Xiaoming was shocked and thought, "What's the matter? How can I pour water on my head?" He looked back quickly! It was Sister Fangfang who fell to the ground, and the basin of water poured on her. So, Xiaoming shouted to Fangfang, "Fangfang, what's wrong with you? Look, the water has poured all over my body, and my clothes are wet, and I'm all soaked!" Fangfang said hurriedly, "Xiaoming, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Xiaoming said quietly, "It's OK. You are so big, and you still fall with a basin of water. Why don't you pay attention?" Fangfang said loudly, "I have been very careful, but I don't know who threw the banana peel over, which made me jump. As soon as I walked forward, I stepped on it, and then I slipped. No, the water just spilled all over you." Xiaoming's face turned red when he heard that, and he thought to himself, "Isn't this the banana peel I threw? I just want to suffer!", Xiaoming said to Fangfang, "It's my fault. I threw this banana peel." After saying that, he confessed to Fangfang, bent down, picked up the banana peel, and threw it into the dustbin. From then on, Xiao Ming never littered with peels again.

Mistake (4)

I made a lot of mistakes. My mother took me to see a doctor. The doctor said that my eyes were better and I should keep my sight. When my mother came home, she immediately told me, "You can't read or eat anything on fire..."

When I finished my homework, I read on the sofa again with relish. When my mother saw it, she reminded me, "Why did you read again?" I could only say, "I was wrong.".

When I was 9 years old, my father caught me a mantis. I know that mantis likes eating insects and put it in the sun because there are ants in the sun. I took it back in the afternoon, when it had become a mummy. I didn't expect it to be so afraid of the sun. I killed it. I was wrong.

Mistake (5)

I once did something wrong, which impressed me deeply. I was seven years old at that time. During the summer vacation, I went to Xiamen with my mother and friends. My little turtle was not taken care of, and one died. There were five at home, but unfortunately, when I got home after traveling, one turtle did not move. I regret that I should put more food before I leave, and then walk in the water. Maybe the little turtle will not die.

I have another mistake. I got a gift - lollipop in school because of my seriousness in class. In class, the teacher also stressed that we should not eat snacks in school, but eat at home. I put my lollipop in the drawer and sniffed it after class. But in the afternoon, my mouth couldn't help but eat the lollipop at one gulp, which was found by the teacher, and I was criticized by the teacher. "How can you eat sugar in school?" I lowered my head and had nothing to say.

Now think about it, I really regret that I will never eat snacks when I see them at school.

Mistake (6)

On the way to growth, no one missed it. But if you don't listen carefully in class, why is it not a worrying mistake?

When the bell rang as scheduled, everyone went home in twos and threes. Only I walk alone on the dark road home. Slowly, slowly, step by step... What should I do when I go home? Should I tell my mother? My heart struggled and hesitated.

Finally, when I got home, I dared not face my mother's gentle eyes. I ate quickly and began to write my homework obediently. What's the scary thing? Mom came to me unexpectedly: "Zhang Yi, didn't you clear your English week? How much did you take the exam?" "Hmm... I took the exam... 69 points." I buried my head deep in my chest, hesitated, and my voice was so weak that I couldn't even see it, but my mom's sensitive ears could hear it clearly.

"69 cents? Bring me the English roll paper!" I slowly handed over the roll paper and waited for the second storm. Mom looked at the paper seriously. Without saying a word, she picked up the phone and called the teacher. "Du Du Hello, who is there?" "I'm Zhang Yi's mother. How is Zhang Yi doing recently?".

They had a private discussion outside and began to conduct interrogation. A bunch of big truths hit me face to face: "Is it easy for Mom and Dad to get up at 5:00 every day? You still don't listen carefully in class? The hope of the whole family is pinned on you, you..."

Yes, my family's hopes are pinned on me. My grandparents and grandparents expect me to enter a good university? The pain in my heart came in bursts, and I couldn't help shaking: Yes! This cannot continue. I should change myself to make their expectations come true. I made up my mind secretly, but my tears could not help falling down. "Why are you crying?" Dad's words were extremely harsh and sharp

Dad! Do you know that my son's tears are not due to grievances, but to blame his own stupid mistakes! Please believe me again, I will make the flowers of success bloom brilliantly

Mistake (7)

Recalling the past, I found that I had done a wrong thing. In the past, I was a wayward girl; No matter you are wrong or right, you will never bow your head; This has brought a lot of difficulties to parents. But my parents never blame me; Therefore, I became more and more presumptuous. Finally; One day, my father was angry... At first, I didn't understand why I would never scold my father before, but this time I actually scolded me; I cried and he ignored me. From this second on, I was thinking: he must not love me, if he loves me, why would he ignore me; Because of this, there is a gap between my father and me, and it can't be better; A chance chance to hear the conversation between parents; Mom asked Dad, "Why don't you tell your daughter clearly? You are like this now..."; It's not that I don't want to make it clear to her. You also know her temper. What can I do if I go out without changing it? She dotes on her too much, which is why she is like this now; This time, she did something wrong and refused to admit it. Do you know that this will harm her? As Dad said, I cried again; It turned out that I was really wrong; It is my stubbornness, my capriciousness; I crept back to the room as if I hadn't heard anything; In this way, I am no longer as headstrong as I used to be. I will admit my mistakes if I do something wrong; The estrangement with my father has disappeared; One day, my father asked me why I was so obedient. I deliberately played with my temper. "Hum! I'm both good and bad. Why is it so difficult to be your daughter? I'm wrong... When my father heard this, he smiled and said," OK! Look who wants you, I will send you to him. I was shocked when I heard this, ah; right! Dad, you don't want me? I threw myself into my father's arms and smiled... Only later did I know that my father always loved me, but in different ways.

Mistake (8)

In the afternoon, it was drizzling outside. They fall from the sky like transparent threads. Thousands of raindrops shuttle between the gray sky and the earth, and the whole world is hazy. The rain watered the cracked trees, and the trees sang a happy song: "Sands, Sands"; The rain moistened the thirsty grass, and the grass gave out a happy laugh: "cluck, cluck." After the spring rain washed, the trees and grass became particularly green, and the leaves of the grass became cleaner and clearer. In the distance, the farmer uncle was fertilizing the crops with the light rain. Although the rain wet the clothes, they still seemed happy.

I love spring rain! Cherish the beautiful time of spring rain!

Mistake (9)

Did you put down pop songs to listen to nursery rhymes when you were not studying? Have you put down the star magazine to read Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Thousand and One Nights and Green's Fairy Tales? Maybe not? Do you still remember the melody of those nursery rhymes? I'm sure some people will remember, especially those of us who are in the second year of junior high school. Facing the upcoming third year of junior high school and the first year of junior high school that has gone away, we will have hesitation while dreaming. But when we stop to have a rest after studying, we can't help asking ourselves: What makes us forget the appearance of our childhood playmates? What makes us forget the dream that Andersen once brought us? What makes us forget the nursery rhymes we used to hum? What is it that we forget everything we have ever had

Today, do we still remember the little friends who played "police catch thieves" and "hide and seek" together at the door of our home when we were children? At that time, we imagined growing up together, imagined the future together, cried together, and laughed together as partners; Do we still remember the stories of "Snow White", "Cinderella", "Lettuce Girl" and "Daughter of the Sea"? That was the common dream of girls when they were young! There are also "princes", "Monkey King" and "Nezha". Do boys still regard them as their dreams when they grow up? After entering the school, we no longer have time to dream of any so-called "little princess" and "little prince"; "Diududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududidididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididididid , "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle." When we sing these songs again, we will feel ridiculous and childish. But do you still remember the scene when we stood at the gate of the kindergarten waiting for parents to pick up these songs when we were children? Can you remember?

When someone asks about it, many people will say with no care: "I can't remember, the burden of learning is so heavy, who can still remember." Is that right? Now in our minds, has the burden of learning swept past our childhood?, In the face of the "radical" in the book, the "it; hu; zhe; ya" in the book, and the "A, B, C, D" in the book, who has the leisure to miss the past? Who has time to turn over the "Andersen story"? Who will sing those nursery rhymes? Is that true? Everyone always blames learning for any regrets. What's the truth? Is there any mistake in learning? No, learning is not wrong, it is our own fault, it is our own "empathy", it is that we have new friends, ignoring childhood playmates; So that we like pop songs, ignoring childhood favorite nursery rhymes; We have new idols and neglected the dreams of the "little princess" and the "little prince". It is our own fault, not learning. "Learning" is just an excuse we find, just an excuse for our own fault, isn't it? Who dares to pat his conscience and say, "No!"? Really?

There is no mistake in learning. On the contrary, we are the ones who are wrong! It's us!

Mistake (10)

When I came home from school, I just walked to the door and was about to open the door, I found the key was not in my pocket. So I turned my schoolbag upside down, but still couldn't find the key. I was surprised: "I forgot my key!"

I had no choice but to rush back to the school office to call my father. After hearing this, my father was shocked, "You know I'm busy now, and there are many things to do, what if I can't finish today..." But finally, my father had no choice but to hurry to pick me up and go back to work.

When my father came home from work that day, he firmly criticized me on the spot, "You were careless once, do you know how much trouble you will cause my father..."

Since then, I will never forget to bring my keys. Every time I use them, I will put them back in my bag. I will check them again and again for fear that they will cause trouble to my father.

I honestly got scolded and thought: I can't leave my keys at home again!

Mistake (11)

When I was in second grade, I used hand sanitizer as toothpaste to brush my teeth, but it made me miserable.

At that time, I was about to brush my teeth. Suddenly, I found that there was no toothpaste. When I looked around, there was no toothpaste. Suddenly, I found the hand sanitizer. I thought: the hand sanitizer is for hand washing, and the toothpaste is for tooth brushing, so it must be interchangeable. So I put hand sanitizer on my toothbrush and put it in my mouth.

"Bah! How so bitter!" I was surprised and felt my mouth was smoking. I quickly rinsed my mouth. I felt that my mouth was still "smoking". I had to take a bottle of mouthwash to rinse my mouth. "Hey! Can I be poisoned? Hey! I really brought myself to suffer! It's really unlucky! This stink has really hurt me!" I sighed deeply after rinsing!

If I hadn't taken the risk of using hand sanitizer to brush my teeth, this terrible thing would not have happened. This bold attempt should also be scientific!

Mistake (12)

If everything is wrong, then man is the most evil.


From ancient times to the present, human beings have made many mistakes, but they still know their mistakes and make them knowingly.

Overindulgence is human's fault. The crime rate is getting higher and higher. About half of the criminals are teenagers, which is the result of parents' indulgence. Since they have chosen to have a child, they must raise the child well. They must not develop the bad habit of reaching out for clothes and opening their mouth to food, so as to embark on the path of crime.

It is human's fault to be rigid. With the development of modern science and technology, some people can't keep up with the times. If they don't understand modern science and technology, they will not let future generations learn and understand it. They will suppress the next generation with old ideas.

Waste is human's fault. The felling and utilization of trees make human life more beautiful, and the application of water resources makes human relax and clean. But people are not satisfied. They use water excessively for their own interests, cut down trees and waste a lot of precious resources.

Enjoyment is human's fault. The ancients said, "If you eat hard, you will become a person." Maybe life is a process of hard work, and you don't care what the result is, nor do you care about it, because this process has reflected our meaning. People should not enjoy it. If you just enjoy it, eventually your life can only be summed up in one word, that is, "lazy". We should try our best to help people in need, and we should fully publicize and sing.

People, in some way, are really wrong to the point of no remedy. Wake up early and return the earth to "nature"

Mistake (13)

Some things are like this.

Even if you tried, it was just like this.

Just like the clouds in the distance, dazzling, gorgeous and nostalgic.

Those people, like the kite in my hand.

Sometimes, we know we have no way, but we are still moving forward because we are used to it.

There is still a lot of enthusiasm for life and dreams.

The values of life have just taken shape, and there is still a great longing for the unknown.

As a result, I didn't choose the way to give up.

In the sight of those inconspicuous setbacks, slowly move forward.

What I want to get again, I haven't got it yet, but now I have lost it forever.

Do you think I'm a little confused.

Suddenly, I found that after fighting for so long in such a battle, maybe I should stop and have a rest for a while.

Then, he began to say some incomprehensible words, breaking away from the ordinary.

Maybe some things are really not worth mentioning.

Then, let the so-called time choose to forget and fall in an instant.

What are the few things left after things change. Can you continue to grasp.

If only we could go back to the past.

Maybe you are now. I really should take good care of myself.

Some people, some things, once past, leave us only memories

Who cares if the future is so long in advance.

Said so many words "I protect you". How many have been realized?

When I am tired, I always want to rely on my own shadow.

You love it forever. It loves your vulnerability.

If one day, I can finally forget you.

Then life will be easier. But this is drama.

I can't find out the original manuscript, and then erase you.

Now, every encounter makes me feel more and more sick.

Never thought that I would hate you so much.

It is great to hate a person like this.

It's just sad to have memories of such a hater

I'm still like this for a certain period of time

In which corner did I read this time. It is also common.

I will choose a day for myself.

Gather all the bright time on this day.

I will be the same as I am now. Or really different.

Although now I hold hands and let them fly

But one day.

The line broke and the kite flew.

I can't see or touch it.

I can't come back. I can't go back.

Some things, we know is wrong, but also to adhere to, because not reconciled;

Some people, we know is love, also want to give up, because there is no end;

At the end, I was out of sight and out of mind. What I should put and what I should keep was left.

Those things that hurt people.

It just disappeared.

I will be very quiet.

Maybe like the clouds in the distance

Smile. An angelic look

Some care makes me warm

Some care, let me think

Mistake (14)

Last night, I heard my mother quarreling with my father in the next room. Who's to blame?

Mother is a strong woman. On the positive side, she loves life and hopes her life is better than others. For this reason, she often works overtime and takes part-time jobs outside. In short, in order to improve the living conditions at home, she can say that she has paid more sweat than others. In order to improve my academic performance, she will check my homework every day. When she finds mistakes, she must mark them out and help me correct them the next morning. Sometimes, when she found that I made many mistakes in my homework, no matter whether I slept or not, she had to drag me out of the bed and babble. Dad always quarreled with her about this, but he always lost his fight. Therefore, for a long time, the position of mother's first hand in our home is unbreakable. My father and I are obedient.

Because of her strength, she added a lot of pressure to herself. After she was tired and became ill, her mother changed a lot. However, the price is too high. Because she is ill, her mother's position has changed. My father is the leader both at home and abroad, and my father's attitude seems not very good. But last night, they quarreled again: "Tell me, you look at me every day to see if I am ill and look down on me. If I were not for the sake of this family and for your two fathers to live a good life, would I be tired and sick?" Mother said with a cry. "Come on, your personality is no better than others. Everyone has his own destiny. We just need to work hard to live. Life loyalty sometimes has to exist. Don't try to force it." Dad replied. The more noisy they are, the lower their voice is. Listen through the door. It seems that they have reconciled later

My mother was weak and suffered from a fracture. Her mood was more like the weather, sometimes good and sometimes bad. She pitied me and my father and had to be careful at all times. Otherwise, my mother would make a noise again like menopause. Alas.

I don't know the quarrel between my father and mother, who is right and who is wrong, but since my mother was ill, I know that life at home is more difficult.

Mother's illness, whose fault?

Mistake (15)

At school, I made a very serious mistake.

In the classroom, the teacher handed out a ball with a plastic hook. I put it on Huang Hongying's head for fun, but I couldn't take it off after catching her hair. I was so worried that I felt like an ant on a hot pan scratching my head. So she cut her hair a little with scissors and then took the ball down.

I thought it was over, but Huang Hongying's hair fell off when she combed it. Her mother was very angry and called the teacher. The next day, I was called to the office by the teacher and severely criticized, saying that I was too naughty and had to write a 500 word review.

I will never be naughty again. I also said to Huang Hongying, "Sorry!"

Mistake (16)

Who can be faultless in life? Why is it not a low-level mistake to play tricks on your classmates?

Standing in front of the classmate who used to be very indifferent to me, I finally realized my irrationality and childishness. The eyes that looked at me as if I were a stranger, but they were like a bright spring, which made me regret

On that day, he came to me with great excitement and danced to tell me the news that he was about to join the League, but my heart, which should be happy for him, was filled with a trace of jealousy and evil.

When he went to hand in his photos in high spirits, I suddenly snatched his photos from behind and showed them in front of many classmates. In the photo, he looked a little immature and wooden, and the students all joined in the laughing team. When the extremely harsh sound of ridicule came to my ears, I even felt a little funny, and continued to tempt me to laugh. He looked at me helplessly from afar, but his eyes gradually became indifferent and increased a little hatred, and the crystal tears in his eyes slowly turned.

At that moment, I seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter. From the bottom of my heart, I didn't want to lose such a bosom friend, so I apologized hurriedly, but he didn't look back, leaving only a sad figure.

Suddenly, I realized that what was wrong was not only my mockery, but also my own heart that did not respect others and was extremely indifferent.

Soon after, he finally gave me an answer that I admired with tolerance and understanding when I made sincere apologies again and again.

Who can be faultless in life? The key is how to face it.

Mistake (17)

I have a secret that almost nobody knows. When I was in the first grade, I sat on the bed in my room and thought of Hou Yi in the cartoon. My favorite is the bow and arrow.

Thinking about it, I suddenly saw that the hair hoop my aunt put beside the bed was a little like a bow and arrow, so I took it over and played with it. I pulled it hard, and the hair hoop was pulled into two pieces by me. At this time, I remembered the scene of my aunt looking for a hairband the night before yesterday, and I hurriedly hid it.

Aunt asked: "Feifei, where is the headband I put here last time?" I hesitated and replied: "No... I didn't see it!" Aunt thought for a while and said: "I seem to have brought it back to my hometown last time, hey, why didn't I bring it back..." I think it was dangerous just now!

But since then, when my aunt came to the place where I hid it, I was very nervous.

Ah, aunt, I was wrong.

Mistake (18)

I don't want to write about this topic because I chose the wrong one. This may be your misunderstanding. Before writing this article, my friends saw this topic and thought so. It's not your fault. Originally, I added a comma between "choice" and "wrong", but it was removed. I don't know why, but I feel that it can't express my meaning. Perhaps to make my article a little hazy is also a little reason!

When we are young, we always believe in our choice before making it, but we often regret it after making it, because then we will know that our choice is wrong. In fact, we do not know it, but find it.

My heart beat faster when I said this, because I knew I was lying. In fact, we all know that we are lying, because before many choices, we knew that this choice was wrong. But in order to pursue the differences of the new generation, and to reflect the common ground of our generation, "rebellion", the former point seems to have included the latter point, but in order to explain everything more clearly, I'd better say more! Maybe it is also to pursue the flavor of Han Han. What I want to explain here is that I am not belittling Han Han. In fact, I also like reading Han Han's articles, but when it comes to treason, no one is more representative than Han Han. I have made this clear in the previous articles.

We often do this when we are at school. Our parents told us not to talk about love and so on, but to study hard. But we don't want love. When we saw other students go to the podium to get scholarships or fail the entrance exam, we regretted that we knew we were wrong before choosing "love", but what was it for ********? I don't know what many people think here. We made the wrong choice. Later, that is, now is regret! Starry Night thought about her future and cried, but it was useless. There was no regret medicine. Go on! There is still a long way to go.

Parents and teachers choose to go to vocational schools for us, but in order to pursue the free life and the hard life we want, we choose to go out to work. Their reason is that we have to live on our own.

When we can't find a job outside, or work without a shift, even manual work can't be found. We shed tears of regret again in the noisy city at night. But under the neon red light, no one will know or see your tears. Even if they do, they won't hand you a paper towel.

At this time, you really understand what they mean when they are at home and at school. Only then did I know that school is the simplest place. Only then did I understand that the noise of the city does not belong to you, and the bustle is only for others.

Regret, tears, some experience, some training. We are also mature. It's nothing if there are more, just more rebellious and "obedient"! Less rebellious! More looking up, less bowing. Less perhaps more is young frivolous ignorance!

Mistake (19)

What's wrong? The day I knew the answer, I really understood.

That morning, I was reading a borrowed comic book. The funny content made me laugh and beat my chest. I felt my chin was falling off.

When I was in high spirits, my mother opened the door and said, "I'm going to buy vegetables. You should review at home. Don't be lazy."

I said "Oh!" without looking up, I was still immersed in the plot of the comic book, laughing all the time.

My mother coughed heavily twice, so I had to put down the comic book reluctantly and pick up the Chinese book. My mother didn't leave until I began to read the text.

Listening to my mother's footsteps getting farther and farther, and hearing the soft sound of closing the door, I felt that the words in the Chinese book were dancing, and I could not read a word anymore.

"Hey! Stop reading. There's still one afternoon left anyway. It's OK to read the comics again!" A rebellious voice passed through my head, and I stopped reading.

"No, no! The exam is coming tomorrow, and it will be over if it goes on!" It seems that there are two camps fighting in my mind, namely "rebel" and "obey". Their arrival made my mind completely out of the book, and I was in a trance.

Finally, the "rebellion" won. I put down the Chinese book, picked up the comic book, and looked with interest. Those interesting plots, funny actions and witty dialogues in the book made me laugh, sometimes making me cry. At this moment, it seems that I have entered the comic book to show myself heartily in the vast world of meditation.

Suddenly the door opened! Mother stood in front of me with a serious face!!

When I panicked and shook my hands, the comic book slipped out of my hands and fell heavily on the floor. "Bang!", the harsh sound cut through the quiet space. My heart closed tightly, and I felt suffocated in an instant.

My mother's serious face seemed to be extremely cold, as if my tongue was frozen stiff. I stammered to my mother and said, "Mom... Mom... Mom?" My voice was full of trembling and trembling.

I have never been so nervous. I could hear a needle falling on the ground in the room. I could really hear the beating of my heart. Time seemed to stop at this moment.

Finally, a voice broke the deadlock: "Why are you looking at this?" My mother's hoarse voice made me feel uneasy. The blame let me know that although my mother was angry, she tried to keep calm and not angry with me.

I immediately felt very ashamed and got up the courage to confess everything to my mother.

My mother's face gradually calmed down, and her eyes also showed the tenderness of the past. She gently said: "It is beneficial to open the book. I hope you can read more nutritious books and let yourself have fruitful books!"

From then on, my mother's words were like spring rain moistening my heart, meaningful and unforgettable.

What's wrong? The answer is "let you learn to change". My friends, this is the "wrong password" I found!

Mistake (20)

The mistakes we made in those years were frivolous and happy------ When love was desperate for a relationship, we could be late to buy her a cup of milk tea, but had no time to take care of the inferiority of our parents who were called to school by the teacher. You can drop a lot of homework in order to wait for him to say good night at night, but you have never thought of the feeling of watching you fall behind dozens of parents who are at a loss in their transcripts. In order to create a seemingly coincidental romance for her, you can be excited and dazed for several self-study classes, but completely unaware that your parents who think you are studying hard and working hard for a day are doing everything they can to make your favorite dishes at home in order to make you laugh. In my memory, your favorite coffee shop seems to be a dusty black and white photo in the corner. Ambiguous conversations in the space also disappear like the system cache that affects the boot speed. Those unforgettable vows in the deep of my mind seem to have been gradually forgotten in the bottom of my heart with the healing of the wound. Everything around you will change, school, friends, teachers and even your own personality. But only your parents did it. So, in their lifetime, when they are still working hard for you to take care of you, please show a little attachment to your feelings and patience to treat your parents, and try to express your love for your parents with actions. At the end of the military training, it seemed that the scorching sun softened with the faint excitement and relaxation in the team. Seeing the crowd of parents waiting in front, I breathed softly, and finally it was about to end. At this time, I saw my father's tall figure. To my surprise, he hurried to see me, as if he had not seen the procession, and bent down to pull off my luggage bag. I couldn't help blushing, and even felt a little angry. I thought to myself: How can I still be a child when I am a freshman. However, when he saw his father leave, he was moved again. From childhood to adulthood, his father was dignified and steady both at work and at home. Only for his own children will he be so anxious, eager to help him, and don't want to make him suffer. Learn to accept the love from our parents, because we are always children for our parents. We rebelled at that time when we were teenagers. We could fight until dawn for a game online to occupy several rows of the Internet cafes, but also worried about being cheated by lies late at night and worrying about whether you can sleep well at your classmates' home. At that time, you could still feel at ease when you slammed the door in a fit of pique. Have you ever thought of the helplessness and strangeness of parents who could not find their children in this struggling city for most of their lives. Those who can tolerate you and those who can be hurt by you are the ones who love you. Your parents have exhausted their efforts and love for you from the day you were born, and they never stop. No matter how many mistakes you make, how angry they are, they never give up. In those years, we made mistakes, we must use today's love to make up. Who dares to rush his blood everywhere when he is young and frivolous