Compositions on Calm (4 compilations)
Lingding Shengfeng
2023-10-15 06:31:13

Composition on Calm (1)

Guide: There is always a period of suffering, which is true for everyone. Many memories are produced in the process of suffering. They are so classic that we cannot bear to abandon them for a long time. The following is the composition of calm life from suffering. Welcome to read it!

[Part 1: Calm life comes from suffering]

"The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". If you want a colorful life, you can't live without wind and rain, if you want a smooth and spacious road, you can't live without bumps, if you want a broad sky, you can't live without dark clouds and haze. The tribulation has made a turning point in our life.

The ancients hanged their beams and stabbed their shares, dug walls and stole light, and studied hard for ten years to gain fame. Now Jobs has braved the hardships to develop Apple products, and Helen Keller has spent her life searching for light. In contrast, I seem to lack perseverance and courage.

Who will reject success? Who will shut the door to success? But most people don't know that success is in front of them, and then they give up easily when they encounter setbacks, so we will miss success.

There is a person who can't hear the beautiful melody, see the beautiful scenery, and speak gorgeous sentences. But she found the splendor of life. She is Helen. She was also desperate, but under the guidance of Miss Sullivan, she finally saw her own rainbow after going through the storm.

There are countless disabled people like Helen Keller, but few of them can face the wind and rain like Helen. I have also been intimidated and pushed back by failure and suffering, and I have stopped only one step away from success, which finally makes me regret it. In fact, the setback in front of you is just a "paper tiger". When you bravely fight with it, you will find that "difficulties are not terrible, but you dare not face it".

Life is like a ticket. How high and far you fly is up to you. Don't land easily because you are young and frivolous, and don't dare to fly because you are afraid of heights. When you look back on the past, you can proudly say: "I flew so high and so far!" Indeed, the richness of life is contained in suffering and troubles. If you have not experienced hardships, how can you live beautifully and win brilliance?

[Part II: Calm life comes from suffering]

Everyone's life is different, but we must go through a process - suffering. Suffering may lead to a successful life, but it may also make people depressed.

Luo Qi is one example. Her life is like a roller coaster. She has climbed to the top several times and also fallen to the bottom several times. When she faced one difficulty after another, she faced it calmly and optimistically. With strong perseverance, she survived one difficulty after another. Whenever her life falls to a low point, she will pick herself up and face new challenges.

Calmness can be tempered by suffering. After countless experiences, caterpillars can transform into colorful butterflies. The little lion also has to fight with the enemy before he can grow into an eye-catching king of beasts.

Many successful people have experienced many hardships in their life. For example, Beethoven was troubled by deafness. With strong perseverance, he overcame many difficulties and finally created a melody that will last forever.

Everyone has different attitudes towards suffering. Some people believe that suffering is the tempering of life. Only after suffering can the will of life be like steel and stand the test. Others believe that suffering will erode people's will and make them vulnerable. Successful people are often the former, because only the courage to try and innovate can make a better life.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, and this preparation refers to those who have knowledge and can withstand setbacks. Calm life comes from suffering, and life needs setbacks. Otherwise, you will just do nothing.

Iron and steel need to withstand the burning fire in order to be invincible. If the will of life is to be as tough as steel, it needs to be tempered for a long time, because it can precipitate a wonderful life.

[Chapter 3: Pain Tempers Calm Life Composition]

Following the suffering, she sang an unyielding song for us; With amazing perseverance, she will achieve a better future. She is Luo Qi. With her footsteps, we come to sing a song of praise

Five flavors of life

Suffering is bitter. It always comes out quietly when people are not aware of it, and it always makes people feel extremely painful. Some people can't bear this kind of pain, and are depressed for life; Some people can't resist the pain and die. Alas, the suffering is so hard.

Six tones in unison

Suffering is low. It will not make life smooth, but will always make people fall into the valley and despair. Less suffering? Who knows? Only know that it makes people hard to cheer up. If six scales sound at the same time, the sound of suffering is definitely the most obvious low. Ah, the suffering is so obvious.

Colorful life

Suffering can also be colorful. Because there must be hope in despair. As long as you bravely step on the suffering under your feet and raise your head, you will see a rainbow dancing in the distance.

In prison, he wrote Records of the Historian, perseverance led to How Steel Was Tempered, and soul shaking If You Give Me Three Days of Light?

The weak are defeated by suffering, and life will be gloomy;

The brave face the suffering, and the light is not far away;

Wise people are better than suffering. Colorful stage makes brilliant life!

Composition on Calm (2)

Following the suffering, she sang an unyielding song for us; With amazing perseverance, she will achieve a better future. She is Luo Qi. With her footsteps, we come to sing a song of praise

Five flavors of life

Suffering is bitter. It always comes out quietly when people are not aware of it, and it always makes people feel extremely painful. Some people can't bear this kind of pain, and are depressed for life; Some people can't resist the pain and die. Alas, the suffering is so hard.

Six tones in unison

Suffering is low. It will not make life smooth, but will always make people fall into the valley and despair. Less suffering? Who knows? Only know that it makes people hard to cheer up. If six scales sound at the same time, the sound of suffering is definitely the most obvious low. Ah, the suffering is so obvious.

Colorful life

Suffering can also be colorful. Because there must be hope in despair. As long as you bravely step on the suffering under your feet and raise your head, you will see a rainbow dancing in the distance.

In prison, he wrote Records of the Historian, perseverance led to How Steel Was Tempered, and soul shaking If You Give Me Three Days of Light?

The weak are defeated by suffering, and life will be gloomy;

The brave face the suffering, and the light is not far away;

Wise people are better than suffering. Colorful stage makes brilliant life!

Composition on Calm (3)

"The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". If you want a colorful life, you can't live without wind and rain, if you want a smooth and spacious road, you can't live without bumps, if you want a broad sky, you can't live without dark clouds and haze. The 'suffering' has achieved the turning point of our life track.

The ancients hanged their beams and stabbed their shares, dug walls and stole light, and studied hard for ten years to gain fame. Now Jobs has braved the hardships to develop Apple products, and Helen Keller has spent her life searching for light. In contrast, I seem to lack perseverance and courage.

Who will reject success? Who will shut the door to success? But most people don't know that success is in front of them, and then they give up easily when they encounter setbacks, so we will miss success.

There is a person who can't hear the beautiful melody, see the beautiful scenery, and speak gorgeous sentences. But she found the splendor of life. She is Helen. She was also desperate, but under the guidance of Miss Sullivan, she finally saw her own rainbow after going through the wind and rain.

There are countless disabled people like Helen Keller, but few of them can face the wind and rain like Helen. I have also been intimidated and pushed back by failure and suffering, and I have stopped only one step away from success, which finally makes me regret it. In fact, the setback in front of you is just a "paper tiger". When you bravely fight with it, you will find that "difficulties are not terrible, but you dare not face it".

Life is like a ticket. How high and far you fly is up to you. Don't land easily because you are young and frivolous, and don't dare to fly because you are afraid of heights. When you look back on the past, you can proudly say: "I flew so high and so far!" Indeed, the richness of life is contained in suffering and troubles. If you have not experienced hardships, how can you live beautifully and win brilliance?

Composition on Calm (4)

Grass sticks to the ground under your feet. Although your steps are small, you have your own heaven and earth. It is calm to not compete with the sun and the moon, nor compete with flowers.

To be able to stick to the direction of their pursuit, not lost and not attracted by the outside world, is to believe in themselves and stick to their true colors calmly in the face of noise and turmoil.

Drink alone under the moon, and make three people in pairs.

The wine is crisscrossed, the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, and you will drink three hundred cups at a time. In the eyes of the world, you are independent and stick to your own nature. You go your own way, not to like things, not to grieve for yourself, not to worry about gains and losses, not to change yourself with the words of the world. No matter what honor or disgrace, you laugh, and a thousand words are put into a cup of wine, how free and unrestrained, the beautiful spring scenery is beautiful. "Five flower horses, a thousand gold furs, Hu'er will trade for good wine, and we will share the eternal sorrow." "My talent will be useful, and the thousand gold will come back when it's gone." Do not follow the crowd, do not covet power and money, leave the world and become independent, do not associate with the secular world. "Sometimes we can ride the wind and waves, and sail straight to the sea." There is a ravine in our hearts. We have the world in mind, and we are ambitious. One person, one sword and one glass of wine is enough. Although the world is big, we can't go anywhere. You are free and should not be bound. Political life is not suitable for you. You should have a broader world. The sea is wide with fish leaping and the water flowing into the sky with lotus.

After a thousand cups, in a thousand volumes of poetry, you can drink all the Tang Dynasty in the yellowed history page.

In troubled times, I leave you alone to sigh.

You should have had a happy life. A sudden war destroyed the once prosperous city. Foreign invaders fled, mountains and rivers were broken, and you sought a foothold in the chaos of war. The death of your husband Zhao Mingcheng left you a weak woman to fight against the fate alone. The fate can defeat you, but it did not defeat you, You are still tenacious to live, although the poem reveals your deep sorrow and misery, you still stick to yourself. Sadly and miserably, how can I be black when I watch the window alone and guard the last piece of pure land in my heart. This is something that many men can't do absolutely. Based on the troubled times and losing the protection of their husbands, how much courage do you need to have to live, endure loneliness and pain, stop everything when things are different, and cry first. When she was young, Peach Blossom accidentally got lost by mistake. She fought Zhao Mingcheng for her wife's sake by singing poems. Her life of playing the zither and playing the zither is gone forever, just like an old dream, which has gone into nothing. The curtain rolls the west wind, and people are thinner than yellow flowers. This is your persistence. You will never admit defeat to life. You are respectable. You are a hero in life and a ghost in death. This is your praise for Xiang Yu and your own longing. You are a strange woman in troubled times, and you have lived a wonderful life.

The sadness is constant, and so far I have recited and recited in a leisurely manner, which permeated the whole poem volume in the late Song Dynasty.

It is commendable that the whole world is turbid and pure, and it is not stained when it comes out of the mud. It is a different kind of life to simply adhere to your own calm.