Reflections on the great cause of building the army
Heart piercing rose
2023-10-27 00:24:02
fifth grade
impressions of after reading

The Great Cause of Building the Army is a patriotic film that describes the building of our army. The film mainly focuses on the important historical event of the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, describes the great chapter of building the army of China, and shows the glorious history of the people's army. Today, the smoke of war has gone, but the revolutionary spirit will always follow. As a member of the Party, we should think about something and have everything: first, full of patriotic enthusiasm. How hard it was for our party and country to go all the way. Those soldiers, for the sake of national liberation, went to the front regardless of themselves and sacrificed themselves for peace. At this moment, the country is developing step by step, and has constructed its own Chinese dream. We should cherish, feel grateful, and always think about it. Second, the spirit of brave sacrifice. Every battle, every siege, with the sound of the charge, everyone rushed forward with the fear of death. Those who rushed in front fell down, and those behind rushed to the front. Are they really not afraid of death?
no They have integrated themselves and the nation together, and sacrificed for the party, the country and the people with honor. Today, we are lucky to live in the peaceful times, but our spirit is not as good as before. So we need to cultivate our own spirit of sacrifice, service, conscientiousness and initiative, which are all spirits.