Snow Sentence Summary
Flowers too fragrant
2023-07-15 11:20:42
Complete sentences

1. It's snowing at home. It's said that the first snow can make a wish. I've been wandering outside for so long. I hope my efforts can be more fortunate.

2. The snowflakes rolled down all over the sky like goose feathers. Gently and gently fall on the roof, on the grass, on the peak. For a while, the earth was white, as if the whole world was silver white, sparkling. The snow fell on the ground, so pure, so crystal, really make people can't bear to step on it.

3. It's snowing. Are you missing from afar.

4. Snowflakes hit my face. It's so cool and comfortable! I looked up and opened my mouth to eat the snowflakes. It was so special. I was reaching out to catch the snowflakes, but it was playing hide and seek with me like a naughty snow doll. When I reached my palm, it melted.

5. One winter morning, it snowed heavily. The roof was covered with thick snow, like a house made of snow. The long branches are covered with thick snow, like a branch made of snow.

6. When it snows, we should make a happy snowman and have a snowball fight with our friends. This is probably the warmest thing in winter.

7. The snow is scattered all over the ground with sadness, and the snow has melted. What's the fetters in my heart.

8. May someone warm your hands when it's cold. I wish you a beautiful person to live in your heart.

9. The moon does not fall at night, and the solitary lamp is longer than the spring river. I send 3000 pieces of snow, and you should send a pair of red beans.

10. Be good to yourself, if no one holds your hand this winter.

11. The snow is still falling, like salt on my wound, but I know this pain is necessary.

12. The snow on the roadside and sidewalk has melted, and only the sunlit roof still has residual snow, just like wearing a small white hat.

13. It's snowing. It's so fast. I haven't felt the day of getting up early and going out in three winters.

14. I looked up and saw that the snowflakes were like white elves, so cute! The snow is the broken jade scattered by the fairy, the colorful falling flowers of osmanthus trees in the moon palace, and the unique "butterfly" in winter. She fluttered down, so beautiful!

15. The earth is silvery white and clean, while the snowflakes are still like catkins, cotton and goose feather floating from the sky.

16. The clamor and brightness of the world, the joy and happiness of the secular world, like a clear stream, in the wind, in front of my eyes, Milu over, hot as springs, I do not have luxury to see, I just want you happy, not sad.

17. In fact, it doesn't matter if it snows. It's just that God is tearing up his winter vacation homework!

18. When I woke up, it was dim and bright outside the window. I thought it was dawn, but it was snowing.

19. The pear flowers flying all over the sky fell on the old tree with no leaves, as if his grandson had put on a snow-white coat for him. I tried to catch the lovely elves with my hands and watched them play in my hands. Everything was so lively.

20. There is no warm embrace after you leave. In this cold winter, it is always cold and shivering.

21. I stand at the head of the building. I love the wind. The seat reflects the curtain wind, and the snow is quiet. Yaochi is like a jade, which can be seen for thousands of years. Ten thousand miles together, time is not good.

22. The city I live in never snows, but my memory is full of cold feelings.

23. The morning in my hometown is really beautiful, especially after the heavy snow.

24. I yearn for fire, forget that I am snow, see my tears, do not know that I am hurting for you.

25. I opened the window to make the snow understand that the world is not so cold, and there is a kind of warmth hidden in it.

26. Snowflakes are like little fairies. When it falls from the sky to the ground, it always turns several times, floats to the right, leans to the left, and then reluctantly falls to the ground, like a fairy.

27. The night will be deep in the wind and snow at the Bell Mausoleum. Sitting on the cold river, you will chant bitterly. Who will ask when you are wandering in the world? Young Qing should know Ziqing's heart.

28. The gray sky is full of lead gray clouds. The cold wind is swishing right into the neck, and the raindrops fall with crystal snow particles. Before long, the small snow grains became small "dandelions", dancing gently in the sky.

29. I can't think of any way to improve each other. It's still cold after the snow stops.

30. In winter, a thin layer of white snow, like a huge soft wool blanket, covers the vast desert and shines cold silver.

31. In the morning, after I got up, I found it was snowing outside. The white snowflakes were falling to the ground in a shower of meteors, making people wish for a better future!

32. The reason why winter is so cold is to tell us how important the warmth of people around us is.

33. Because there is snow in your name, I like snowy days. I think it is like you are confessing to me.

34. The falling pieces are not only white, but also cold. I thought it would belong to me if I held it in the palm of my hand. But as it slowly melts, evaporates, disappears, and also takes away the little warmth in my heart

35. In a few minutes, a thin layer of snow was accumulated on the ground, and the ground was decorated and moistened by the late snow. The snow is falling with the force of spreading the sky and rolling the ground. It is falling more and more fiercely, and it looks like a magnificent picture.

36. Snow, like goose feathers, makes the road white and flat. Look at the trees, covered with layers of snow. People walk on the snow, leaving a clear footprint behind. Snow, like sugar beans, is fluttering in the air, not anxious to land, as if reluctant to live in the ice palace! Small snowflakes are as light as smoke and as clean as jade. They are all flying and falling from the sky.

37. There has always been an inextricable festival in my heart. I don't know whether I think too much or think too much of myself. I always feel that the relationship between each other is like snow. It is big and small at one time, close and distant at one time.

38. When the snow falls on the tree, it will fall one after another just by gently swaying. The roadside weeds were also covered with snow, leaving only a little green at the edge.

39. However, the first thing that people can feel the breath of winter at home is the ice flowers on the windows. Some are like forests, full of mystery; Some are like streams, as if flowing quietly; Some like Santa Claus, as if to give people gifts. Miss Dong is really clever!