Scholar's Composition (15 in total)
Over the years
2024-05-24 07:14:18

Scholar's Composition (1)

Is this Clivia beautiful? This flower was picked up from the roadside last year.

I learned how to pick up things by the garbage dump and wash clothes in the mall. I learned it from Sanmao. Sanmao wrote in the article that she often picked up some treasures in the desert. The house in the desert is very beautiful.

Me too. At that time, this flower was thrown away and rejected. When I picked it up in the flower bed, there were few leaves and it was very small. Fortunately, I knew it was a flower with ornamental value, so I picked it up. After my careful cultivation and cooking, it is now blooming on the balcony and smiling at me!

Clivia is a kind of precious flower with high taste. Its Latin name means rich, noble, beautiful and magnificent.

China's "Ci Yuan" said that "people with talent and virtue are gentlemen". The name of Clivia means that it has the character and style of a gentleman. The value of Clivia refers to the relationship between the needs of people and the attributes of Clivia, that is, Clivia can meet people's needs in beautifying their homes, cultivating their sentiments, purifying the air, improving their health, and so on, so that your home can show its elegant style, and add luster and charm to enrich and adjust people's lives.

The Clivia I raised myself for the first time has blossomed, which gives me a lot of face. The flowers are huge and beautiful. I like them very much.

Speaking of picking up things, I also picked up beautiful fruit baskets and flower baskets discarded by others near the trash can. I washed them clean and filled them with bouquets. Who says they are not a beautiful scenery? This is called skillful and intelligent.

A few days ago, I also picked up a tall raspberry. Maybe someone thought she was too big and left it at home as a hindrance, so they threw it away. But I just want to buy a tall plant flower. It's not bad to plant it in a flowerpot

Some things may be garbage to some people, but they are not. Like this Clivia, isn't it very happy? Only those who know how to appreciate an object can reflect its value. Just like people, only by appreciating each other can we reflect the friendship and love between people and the wonderful inner world of people.

Life is about whether you have a pair of eyes that can find beauty at any time. And have you found the person who really appreciates you in life?

Scholar's Composition (2)

There are many flowers on my balcony, such as Daphne odora, Little Fortune Tree, Chlorophyte, Rubber Tree, Yushu... My favorite is the Clivia I bought with my mother a few days ago.

From a distance, the leaves of Clivia extend to both sides in a neat manner, in a Y-shape, like fireworks. Close up, the dark green leaves gradually turn to light green from the roots. The roots of Clivia are like pineapples. The leaves feel like there are thin threads running through them. In fact, they are root veins. Each vein is connected with another thin vein, which is like human blood vessels conveying nutrition to each other.

This weekend, I suddenly found a concave place on the tip of the leaf of Clivia. I thought it must be dry and need to drink water. I gently poured a glass of water into its dry soil, and the soil made a "squeak" sound, as if to say: I'm full, I'm full, and my feet will rot if I drink again. My mother likes Clivia more than I do. Every day when my mother is free, she wipes the leaves of Clivia with a cloth. Suddenly, the leaves of Clivia are as bright as a layer of wax.

I like Clivia, I love Clivia!

Scholar's Composition (3)

Although there is no flower in the name of Clivia, it is also a beautiful flower. It lives a colorful life all the year round.


Clivia opened her eyes in the sunlight. The leaves are welcoming the flowers with warm applause. Suddenly, several noble flowers come out slowly. Suddenly, the plant kingdom is boiling up. Many civilians toasted flowers, and some journalists came to interview how they felt after meeting their partners. Ah, what a lively scene.


The hot summer came, and the streets were empty. Many flowers had to go back to the palace for summer vacation, and the shops were closed. The kingdom seems to be a vast desert, quiet.


When the cool autumn comes, the leaves form a tour group to travel to the underground world, which is the only place the kingdom can travel. Every autumn, the leaves will go there to relax.


Winter is the coldest season of the year, but the leaves are not stuffy at home because of this. Their winter is also colorful. In the morning, they will run 30 laps around the field. They sometimes run when they are free, eat some snacks when they are hungry, and set up a bed beside them to sleep when it is dark. They are really a group of strong young men.

A year later, Clivia is still so beautiful and charming!

Scholar's Composition (4)

Of all the flowers, Clivia is my favorite.

Why does Clivia take this name? Because Clivia is very moral and noble. This shows that Clivia has good moral character and great value for preservation, so people named it Clivia.

The leaves of Clivia are very beautiful. Seen from a distance, the leaves of Clivia are like a sword, inserted in a flowerpot. When you look closely at the leaves of Clivia, you will find that the leaves of Clivia are like a symmetrical figure, symmetrical from left to right, like a peacock opening its screen. When the breeze blows, the leaves of Clivia are like a fan, shaking from side to side. If you approach, you will feel a cool breeze and feel very comfortable. Clivia has a very strong vitality. Cut a small piece from its stem with a knife and insert it into a basin. Soon, it will sprout and grow new Clivia.

I like Clivia because it is brave, strong and beautiful. I have learned a lot from it.

Why does Clivia take this name? Because Clivia is very moral and noble. This shows that Clivia has good moral character and great value for preservation, so people named it Clivia.

The leaves of Clivia are very beautiful. Seen from a distance, the leaves of Clivia are like a sword, inserted in a flowerpot. When you look closely at the leaves of Clivia, you will find that the leaves of Clivia are like a symmetrical figure, symmetrical from left to right, like a peacock opening its screen. When the breeze blows, the leaves of Clivia are like a fan, shaking from side to side. If you approach, you will feel a cool breeze and feel very comfortable. Clivia has a very strong vitality. Cut a small piece from its stem with a knife and insert it into a basin. Soon, it will sprout and grow new Clivia.

I like Clivia because it is brave, strong and beautiful. I have learned a lot from it.

Scholar's Composition (5)

In ancient China, people who share the same ideals were called "friends", and those who went to school together were called "friends". Therefore, friends are based on the same morality and justice. The same Tao leads to harmony, and the different Tao leads to division. The so-called "Tao" refers to aspiration, position and viewpoint. Historical experience tells us that friendship based on like-minded and mutual trust can often stand the test of time, while friendship based on snobbery is the most unreliable.

"Guanbaozhijiao" is a friendship with peers. Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya grew up together. Guan Zhong's family was poor. He partnered with Bao Shuya to do business, and each time he made money, he always shared more. Bao Shuya never cared. Guan Zhong was fired several times and became a deserter several times. Bao Shuya didn't dislike him. When Guan Zhong was in adversity, he recommended Guan Zhong to Duke Huan of Qi as a talent for governing the country, helped Guan Zhong find the opportunity to display his talent, and jointly created a glorious history of Qi. No wonder Guan Zhong said, "The parents who gave birth to me are the ones who know me."

In the Chu and Han Dynasties, Zhang Er and Chen Yu changed from sworn friends to parted ways and became sworn enemies because of their different aspirations. Sima Qian said, "When Zhang Er and Chen Yu were poor, they were able to swear to life and death without saying anything else. Later, when they had land and power, they fought with each other. Why did they admire each other so sincerely at the beginning, but later they were so incompatible with each other? Isn't it because of the trouble caused by the intersection of power and interests?"

Guan Ning "resigned" because Hua Xin was rich, Ji Kang "broke off" because of the beautiful mountain scenery, "different ways do not conspire", a friendship between gentlemen.

2、 Confucius said, "Three friends are good for each other, and three friends are bad for each other. If you are honest, understanding and knowledgeable, you will be good for each other. If you are good for each other, you will be good for each other. If you are good for each other, you will be evil." (There are three kinds of good friends and three kinds of bad friends. It is good to make friends with integrity, integrity and knowledge. It is harmful to make friends with flatterers, those who flatter on the surface but slander on the back, and those who are good at rhetoric

A gentleman should make friends based on the principle that it is beneficial to the development and progress of both sides. He should associate with those who are beneficial, and break off those who are detrimental. It is beneficial because both parties have integrity, integrity and erudite personality. They respect each other, understand each other and help each other, so that the friendship can be nourished and sublimated. Bad friends are different. On the surface, they talk sweetly but often talk sweetly. On the surface, they flatter but often stab others in the back. On the surface, they are intimate but often appear to be aloof. Their purpose of even interacting with others is to dig others' corners to fill their own desires.

Therefore, staying with beneficial friends is like entering the room of Zhilan; Being with a bad friend is like being in an abalone shop.

Liu Guanzhang in the Three Kingdoms period, since the marriage in Taoyuan, has shared weal and woe, and joined hands to create a world of Shu people that has been celebrated for thousands of years. The three men became friends because of "righteousness" and became famous for their common cause.

During the Warring States Period, Sun Bin and Pang Juan used to be schoolmates. They learned the art of war by learning from Guiguzi. They were very friendly and became brothers. Later, because of Pang Juan's jealousy and framing, Sun Bin almost lost his life in the State of Wei, and the two became enemies from friends. In the later Qi and Wei wars, Sun Pang fought against each other, and in the battle of Malingdao, Pang Juan was designed by Sun Bin and died of arrows. Pang Juan is a true "bad friend". He cannot tolerate that Sun Bin's ability is better than his own, his power is better than his own, and his prestige is more powerful than his own. On the surface, he calls Sun Bin a classmate on the left and a senior brother on the right, but secretly he wants to kill Sun Bin.

3、 Indifference is valued. "A gentleman's friendship is as simple as water, and a villain's friendship is as sweet as sweet; a gentleman's friendship is as simple as intimacy, and a villain is willing to be unique." Zhuang Zi · Mountain Trees is a kind of realm of making friends. This kind of friendship is free from hypocrisy, rhetoric, drinking together, utility and desire, arrogance, flattery, impatience, ease, free and easy. Page 1 of 2

Scholar's Composition (6)

Cautious solitude "means that when people live alone, they can also consciously be strict with themselves, treat their own thoughts and actions carefully, prevent the occurrence of immoral desires and behaviors, so that morality and justice always accompany the body of the subject. Liu Shaoqi gave a more popular explanation of Shendu. When a person works independently without supervision, he may do all kinds of bad things instead of doing bad things. Whether or not we can achieve "self-discipline" and to what extent we can achieve by adhering to "self-discipline" is an important yardstick to measure whether people adhere to self-cultivation and how much they have achieved in self-cultivation. As a method of self-cultivation, "prudent solitude" not only played an important role in ancient moral practice, but also has important practical value for today's socialist moral construction. Newer explanation [edit this paragraph] This explanation is the opinion of some scholars who specialize in ancient Chinese philosophy and Confucianism. The so-called "prudent independence" or "prudent independence" is to stick to or firmly maintain the moral nature and original intention of oneself. From the perspective of kungfu, "self-discipline" refers to how to "govern the body with heart" in the face of self body and mind; In the face of the external world, how to keep moral consciousness without being influenced by external objects. From a negative perspective, "caution alone" is a process of preventing and restricting the emergence of "self immorality"; From a positive point of view, "prudent independence" is a process of maintaining and guarding the moral nature of "self". The people of the Qing Dynasty advocated that "prudent independence" should be interpreted as "honesty". Accordingly, some people interpreted "independence" as "body". For example, Chen Shuofu said, "When the Doctrine of the Mean says prudent independence, it is honest body." (See Wang Xianqian's Xunzi Collection and Interpretation, Precious Chapter, Zhonghua Book Company, 1997) Unique explanation: The "saying" in the Five Elements chapter explains the relationship between mourning system and inner sorrow, and the poem "The Son of Yan Yan in Poem · Wind · Swallow" says: "If you can send him back, he will be sent far away to the wild. If you look beyond your reach, you will cry like rain." It says: "If you can send him out, you will be sad. If you can send him out, you will be sad. If you send him out, you will not be sad. If you send him out, you will not be sad. If you don't send him out, you will be sad. When a man dies, he is mourning and killing because he is mending his collar. Those who say the most about the inside are not outside. Yes is the only one. He who is independent will give up his body. " In addition, there is also a saying that "giving up the body and being independent" and "giving up five people and being cautious about their heart is called being independent". Clearly define "heart" as "independence", or "heart" as "independence". The chapter of Xunzi Careless: "A gentleman should not be good at honesty when cultivating his mind, and there is nothing else to be done if he is sincere. Only benevolence is to be observed, and righteousness is to change and prosper on behalf of others, which is called heaven's virtue. Heaven does not speak, but people push its height; the earth does not speak, but people push its thickness; the people do not speak at all times, but the people expect it....... This is obedient to life, and it is prudent to be alone. The good is the way. If it is not honest, it is not unique. If it is not honest, it is not unique.... If it is honest, it is the place of the gentleman. And the essence of politics is the highest. " Among the Confucians of the Ming Dynasty, there is Liu Zongzhou: "The sages and sages who talk about noumenon in thousands of words are always cautious and alone, which means the essence of the nature of destiny, and cautious and alone means the study of nature." (Volume V of the Complete Book of Liu Zi, "The Sage of Learning? Prince of Yangming") "There is no noumenon other than independence, and there is no kung fu other than cautious and alone." (Volume VIII of the Complete Book of Liu Zi, "The First Chapter of the Doctrine of the Mean") "The merit of self-discipline is recognized everywhere when it is revealed to the original mind, so that all Yingran and heaven and earth are in harmony." "Every man should be careful in his own way, so as not to lose his way." The chapter of Cheng Zhi Wen Zhi: "Respect and be careful in order to keep it, and those who are involved in it should be careful in their own words, so that they can conform to the heaven.... Therefore, a gentleman should be cautious in six places, in order to worship the heaven." Han Feizi · Xie Lao: "Today's governance of the body and external objects should not disturb their spirit. The true person should be careful in his own way. The virtue of cultivating the body is true." The Way of Being an Official in Shuihudi's Qin bamboo slips: "All the ways of being an official must be clear and honest, prudent and firm, and unselfish." From the above use cases of "caution", we can draw several important views: first, "caution" and "guard" are directly used together, and "caution" can be interpreted as "hold" (or "focus"); Second, "Caution" is used together with "firmness" and "firmness", and "Caution" means firmness; Third, according to the meaning of the sentence, "Caution" can be interpreted as "Shou"; Fourth, "Caution" focuses on people's "heart" and "internality". According to these points, "prudent" of "prudent independence" can be defined from the similar meanings of "maintain", "respect", "respect", "focus", "hold" and "stick", which should be the exact meaning of "prudent independence". Cautiousness in life The cautiousness in people's life is actually a kind of self-restraint. For self-restraint, "cautiousness" is prudence; "Alone" means being alone, that is, standing out and taking the lead; Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "gun strikes the first bird". Cautiousness is the golden mean integrated into people's life. We should be cautious in doing "the first bird". The most prominent thing in our daily life is that we cannot do things in a unit more than leaders, or even sit with leaders. Cautiousness in life is basically a popular hidden rule, which exists in our life, It is also a kind of life philosophy of Chinese people Page 123

Scholar's Composition (7)

Confucius once said, "You can't be complacent without entering.". It means a gentleman who can keep calm and contented no matter what circumstances he is in.

Indeed, in the hearts of the world. A gentleman is a man who is content to live in poverty and enjoy the Tao. Although Liu Yuxi lived in a humble house, he could still have fun in hardship. He said with a smile, "Although it is a humble house, I am virtuous"; Zhou Dunyi broke away from convention and became a lotus school. He went out of the filth of the world of mortals and held a childlike heart, which belittled fame and wealth. An article "Love Lotus" became a classic of a gentleman; Yan Hui only eats a bowl of rice and drinks a gourd of rice.

But are the so-called "gentlemen" really like them, living leisurely and contentedly in troubled times?

Is it really correct for Confucius to measure what a gentleman is by "no entry but no complacency" and by "being safe in any realm"?

I think this must be false.

Let's take Qu Yuan as an example. He is the first Romantic patriotic poet in China. No matter from any aspect, we have to admit that Qu Yuan is indeed a gentleman who "smiles and is proud of the past". However, looking back on Qu Yuan's life, we can't see any sense of complacency, quiet years, only endless cynicism. His eternal life can be summed up in the sentence "Would you rather go to Changliu and bury the middle ear of a river fish, and then be able to cover the secular world with white?". But from Confucius' point of view, wouldn't Qu Yuan, the pure man in the turbid world, not even a gentleman?

A gentleman does not have to be calm and carefree in any environment. On the contrary, if this is true, then the so-called "gentleman" will also become a bloodless person.

Su Dongpo once wrote after his wife's death: "Ten years of life and death are boundless, and I will never forget it... I have no words but tears." This reflects the heartbreak of a couple when Yin and Yang are separated. But if Sushi is the "gentleman" in Confucius' imagination, and only laughs at life and death, then why is it such a masterpiece with deep love between husband and wife? Why do people cry?

It is not a gentleman but a coward that a man is still contented and indifferent when his country breaks down and his family dies; A man who does not shed a tear when he loses his love is not called a gentleman, but a heartless man; A person seeking peace by avoiding the world in the turbid world, rather than trying to turn the tide, is not called a gentleman, but a passive person.

On the contrary, a person is independent in the secular world. He is discouraged and depressed when he sees that the country is going to die. He can be called a gentleman rather than a weak person; A man who has lost his beloved wife can also be called a gentleman with tears flowing down his eyes. He values emotion and righteousness rather than shame; A man who has the courage to scold spies is also a gentleman.

For thousands of years, the performance of the world's gentlemen has broken Confucius's "no entry but no complacency". It turns out that there are many kinds of performances of a gentleman.

Scholar's Composition (8)

It is the heart of a gentleman who is as indomitable as a river, the character of a gentleman who is as firm as a green bamboo, and the mind of a gentleman who is as broad as the sea. From ancient times to today, the word "gentleman" seems to be far away from our pupils, but in fact, everyone can be a gentleman.

I am also a gentleman. Just like the limpid river, it runs forward firmly and never forgets its original intention of running to the sea. I remember when I first started to learn zither in grade two, I was still a young kid who didn't know anything and learned everything in a mess. When encountering difficult tracks, I even cried in a hurry. When I was extremely upset, I still wanted to give up. But at this time, the teacher said, "Pan Jie, it's hard to learn a new skill, so you should be steady step by step, calm down, and not be impetuous. Learning musical instruments is tiresome, but as long as you stick to it, don't give up halfway, and I believe you will achieve good results in the future!" The teacher's encouragement made me more confident, The speed of absorbing new content has obviously become faster, and teachers will be consulted in time if they don't understand. It is the so-called "knowing is knowing, knowing is not knowing, knowing is also knowing." The teacher praised my progress, and my mother gradually smiled. At this moment, I quietly swore to myself that I would learn the zither to the end in any case, and would never retreat from difficulties and play the "retreat drum".

Now, in my sixth grade, Guzheng has learned Level 9. During the National Day, the news came that the Guzheng Central Committee passed Level 8. But I will not be proud of this, because "there are people outside the world, there is heaven outside the world", I will also try my best to sprint for the ninth level examination, to make myself "better"!

When I grow up, I want to be a "gentleman" with perseverance. Come on!

Scholar's Composition (9)

We haven't seen each other for a long time. The evaluation of moral behavior and the changes of the times are different. There is a saying in people's hearts that who is a gentleman, and who is not.

A gentleman is known for righteousness

From Confucius' The Analects of Confucius? Li Ren. It is not that a gentleman does not understand the importance of fame and wealth. It is not that he does not understand that material is the basis. The key is whether he should reach out. And a gentleman has more thinking than others. A gentleman should ask his conscience and heaven in front of material interests. The interests of conscience will not be touched. As the saying goes, "A gentleman loves money and takes it wisely". Maybe some people think this is a big fool. No, it isn't. Sometimes our fame and wealth conflict with material things, whether we should choose. Don't belittle yourself as worthless for the sake of the so-called selfishness. Fame and wealth should be taken lightly. This is a gentleman.

A gentleman is straightforward

From Confucius' The Analects of Confucius. A gentleman has his own mistakes. He blames himself very severely. He doesn't try to win over others. He doesn't deceive others. He doesn't win people's love. He doesn't force you to do what you can't do. If a gentleman disagrees with you, he will not deny your advantages. A gentleman is very decent. He never looks at people's faces, nor secretly gives gifts at night. A gentleman does not harm others. He will try his best to save others, and will not look on coldly. When you make a mistake, you should admit it bravely, instead of just making excuses for yourself. Know how to say everything without hesitation, do not beat about the bush, speak ill of others secretly, and be aboveboard. This is a gentleman.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water

From Zhuangzi. A gentleman has friends, but everyone just comes and goes for a cup of tea. A gentleman has all kinds of difficulties in his family, but he is afraid of looking for someone. The children will grumble again, the wife will grumble again, and the relatives will curse again. He only thinks that there is nothing unique. A gentleman does not want to be successful, but he can't make a start without relying on and support. He can't blame the sky or the earth. "Those who are close to others will get red, and those who are close to others will get black". Don't be too close to friends, nor too distant from friends. While friends are important, the key is how to grasp them. This is a gentleman.

a modest , self-disciplined gentleman

From Yi? Qian. A gentleman is honest and won't say he is poor; When a gentleman does good deeds, he will not publicize them everywhere; A gentleman is diligent and won't complain everywhere; Gentlemen keep a low profile. When you are excellent in the exam or praised, you are not arrogant or arrogant. We should modestly sum up our own shortcomings in order to achieve better results in the future. Not too much publicity, unique in the public, it seems so out of place. It is necessary to show individuality in commonness. This is a gentleman.

One's life is full of ups and downs. I know many people and have experienced many people, among whom gentlemen are the most. It is worth being our model and being remembered for a long time. In modern society, everything is fake, so is a gentleman. However, a gentleman does not boast or show off. A gentleman always thinks he is just good.

The fame and wealth of a gentleman, the righteousness of a gentleman, the friendship of a gentleman, and the modesty of a gentleman. This is a gentleman.

Scholar's Composition (10)

The Book of Songs? Guan Ju says: "Guan Guan Ju Jiu,... a gentleman's good match". Here, "gentleman" is a kind of honorific title for virtuous men; Mr. Lu Xun believed that "gentleman" was a model of observing etiquette shaped by feudal ethics, and a kind of constraint on human nature.

In my eyes, people with excellent knowledge and morality can be called "gentlemen", regardless of gender, age, nationality and nationality. For example, Socrates is a philosopher full of wisdom. His exploration of virtue and pursuit of knowledge make him still respected today when science and technology are developed.

People with knowledge and no morality can only become villains, such as "Qin Hui, Gao Qiu. Qin Zengzhong was a Jinshi, and Gao Qiu was once ranked the third. They are not illiterate, but have low moral character and narrow mind. Such people may have knowledge

There are official positions, but they can never be called "gentlemen".

A person with morality but no knowledge can only become a slave of morality. For example, if someone Guo buried his son, he thought he was a dutiful mother, but how could his wife not love her son, and how could her mother not love her grandson? Could he be the only person with such "foolish filial piety"? And aren't people like him slaves to morality?

Knowledge makes people have inner beauty, while morality makes people have outer beauty. Knowledge is called "ability", and noble morality is called "virtue". Only "virtuous" but modest people can be called "gentleman".

Some people are arrogant and look down on others because they believe they are superior to others. They think that no one is better than themselves, but their arrogance has made them lose to others. Some people have ordinary appearance but high morale. They are unwilling to be demoted. They are not introspecting in the failure of others, but finding fault in the success of others. This kind of person's complacency makes him always stagnate in life and has poor popularity.

Many talented people are very modest, because only modest people will continue to progress, will continue to improve. The cleverness of these people is that they can introspect themselves in others' mistakes and find ways in others' success. They make little efforts, make little progress, and approach success little by little. When they surpass others, they remain sober and not arrogant or discouraged.

In fact, genius is rare, and fools are also rare. As long as you work hard, you will certainly gain. In today's society, we should not only strive to be intellectual talents, but also have noble morality. We should be a modest "gentleman" on the basis of both "morality" and "talent". Such a modest gentleman can better serve the society, and the society will not be cold. I believe that a harmonious and warm society will have more modest gentlemen.

The "gentleman" in my eyes is full of wisdom;

The "gentleman" in my eyes is noble and modest;

The "gentleman" in my eyes is kind and serves the society. They are not constraining people with cold dogmas, but convincing people with "virtue", controlling people with "law", and guiding people with "knowledge".

Scholar's Composition (11)

It still stands quietly in the corner. Its integrity and indomitable quality may benefit me for life

It was a beautiful morning. My father asked me to buy a pot of Clivia. I bought a pot of Clivia smoothly. At first, I thought it was very ordinary, but when I placed it in the middle of other flowers, I found that it was different: other flowers were beautiful, bright, and emitting a thick and light fragrance, while only Clivia had the most leaves, the least flowers, and a slight fragrance. The strong and straight leaves stretch upward from the base of the stem, without bending, while there is only one flower. I carefully observed that the strong and straight leaves stretch upward from the base of the stem, without bending, without bowing. My father told me: "Clivia is a popular flower. Other flowers attract people's attention with their beautiful flowers or fragrance. But Clivia is famous for its beautiful leaves, flowers and fruits. Leaf appreciation is better than flower appreciation. Looking at it, I can't help thinking of something——

I remember when I was in grade three or four, my deskmate was a plain looking Chinese team leader. Once class is over every day, it is crowded here. I remember that at the end of the last class, many people who had not finished learning came to ask the team leader to let them pass the exam directly. His mouth curled and he said seriously, "No!" The students begged him, and some even cried! Crying and pleading with him. But his face remained unchanged. I saw a classmate's eyes turn, as if thinking of some ghost idea. At this time, he calmly took out a 10 yuan RMB note and said, "If you let me pass, I will give you this money, and I will ask you to recite it again in the future. How about that? At this time, I saw that other students also offered to please him. But he was dismissive and shook his head firmly. When those people saw that the soft ones were not good enough, they threatened him: "If you don't let us pass the test, you will oppose you all the time!" He was very angry and said: "If you oppose us, you will oppose us. You have guts! If you don't recite well, you also threaten me! Let's see who will laugh the last!" Those who want to get something for nothing left frustrated. I still can't forget his firm eyes, and his righteous words still affect me... Now when I think about it, I find that he is just like Clivia?

Clivia is a symbol of integrity and indomitable spirit, worthy of being a "gentleman" in flowers! And in our life, there are not such people?

It still stands quietly in that corner. The little flower, the only flower and the green leaves teach me the truth of life all the time. Its ordinary posture has become no longer ordinary. I have looked at it for a long time

Scholar's Composition (12)

My father bought a pot of Clivia at the flower and bird market last year. Its thick and smooth leaves stand like swords. Clivia symbolizes the noble character of being strong, resolute and unyielding. It has the style of a gentleman. A gentleman is modest, gentle and courteous, talented but not arrogant, ambitious but not arrogant, and lives in a valley but not inferior.

Clivia is native to southern Africa and grows under trees, so it is afraid of heat and not cold resistant. It likes a semi shade, humid and ventilated environment. Clivia belongs to Lycoriaceae Clivia. It is a perennial herb flower with thick fleshy roots. Its stems are divided into two parts: rhizome and pseudobulb. They are sword shaped, alternate, orderly arranged, and more beautiful. Scapes are pulled out from leaf axils, and generally blossom when they have 20-25 leaves. The peak flowering period of Clivia is from New Year's Day to Spring Festival, and some flowers bloom between June and July in summer, and can bear a small amount of seeds after flowering. The root of Clivia is milky white, very strong and fleshy. There is a certain correlation between roots and leaves. When new roots grow, new leaves will grow. If the root is injured or necrotic, its corresponding leaves will also wither. If the blade is damaged, the root will also be affected. The leaf base of Clivia forms a pseudobulb with leathery, dark green leaves. There are several and ten Clivia flowers. The flowers are funnel shaped, upright and orange red.

People love Clivia because they love its simplicity and innocence, and place infinite affection on it. It is a higher appreciation of Clivia. Clivia has the spirit of unity and struggle. The roots, stems and leaves of Clivia have different functions. They are closely united and work together to create beautiful looks and give people beautiful enjoyment. The blade is extended horizontally at the upper part of the slope, without bending down or bowing down, giving people a vigorous and strong confidence. Up to now, six varieties of Clivia have been found, namely, Chuxiao Clivia, Dahua Clivia, Fine Leaf Clivia, Stemed Clivia, Strange Clivia and Swamp Clivia. Among them, all Chinese Clivia belong to Clivia grandiflora in Clivia, and the flower color is mainly red and orange. Compared with flower art in other countries, Chinese Clivia is mainly leaf art. According to the classification of flower lines, Chinese Clivia belongs to the red and orange flower lines of Clivia, which belongs to the large flower Clivia.

The flowers of Clivia are not as colorful as roses, nor as fragrant as jasmine, nor as magnificent as peony. But its leaves are green and shiny, its flowers look like torches upward, and its color is orange and red, dignified and generous. It is an ideal potted flower to beautify the environment.

I love you, Clivia. I love you with gentleness and courtesy, I love your ambition without pride, I love your gentleman's style, and I love your talent without pride

Scholar's Composition (13)

Clivia is a plant that is difficult to blossom. Do you know how many years my mother has waited for it to blossom? Wait 15 years! It bloomed just a few days ago, which almost made my mother jump!

The gentleman looks a bit like a torch. The orange red petals look like the holy flame. With its yellowish bottom, it is simply a torch! Its stems are emerald green, and the green ones are about to drip down! How lovely! Seen from the top of the Clivia, it looks like a bottomless hole, with several stamens standing inside the flower, like a little baby, so ashamed that he lowers his head. The petals are not as delicate as roses and roses, nor are they hard. They are still a bit crisp to the touch. The edge of the petal, like a circle of red silk, is already beautiful in color, which is more popular. It is simply icing on the cake! There is a white dot color on the top of it. When you touch it, it is hard, as if it burst. The petals of the fallen flowers are full of pollen. The faint fragrance will come out. Although it withered, it turned into spring mud and made contributions!

Clivia has beautiful flowers and leaves.

Scholar's Composition (14)

In the afternoon, I came home and smelled a faint fragrance when I was doing my homework. I looked up and looked carefully in the flowerpot.

Several Scholar's orchids have blossomed. The leaves of Clivia are like envoys guarding the flowers of Clivia. The flower of Clivia rushes out from among the leaves like a guardian messenger. Some Clivia flowers are still in bud, and the orange buds are like a baby wrapped in cloth. Some Clivia has been slightly expanded, and some have been fully expanded, revealing yellow buds.

Many Clivia flowers show their beauty. Looking at me, I suddenly felt like a pot of Clivia, constantly absorbing nutrition. I was talking to another pot of Clivia while absorbing nutrition. I had absorbed enough and stood there motionless.

It took me a while to realize that I was not Clivia, but I was watching Clivia!

Scholar's Composition (15)

The saying of a gentleman and a villain has been circulating since ancient times, and the saying of "pro gentleman, far away from villain" has not changed since ancient times. Gentlemen and villains have coexisted for thousands of years without separation.

As the saying goes, a gentleman is open and forthright, while a villain is always worried. The villain seems to be very energetic, but in fact, he is very tired;; A gentleman may seem to live a normal life, but he lives a peaceful life. The difference between a gentleman and a villain is not their status and identity, but their soul. The virtue of a villain does not become noble because he is in a high position; The moral character of a gentleman will not be humbled by being in prison. When it comes to gain or loss, it will show the villain's face; In the face of major right and wrong, we can show the demeanor of a gentleman.

The villain calculates his natural enemies all day long; A gentleman often reflects on his mistakes. A small man will be wild if he gets his ambition; A gentleman is also magnanimous when wandering. Small people often regard others' satisfaction as their own pain;; A gentleman regards others' happiness as his own. For petty gain, villains turn against their friends; For the sake of national justice, a gentleman will make friends with his enemies. Lilliputians regard their friends as a ladder to their own advancement; A gentleman regards friends as his life confidants. The best trick of villains is to play tricks on others and slander them in front of leaders; The most common attitude of a gentleman is to sneer at villains and avoid them in life; A gentleman's provocation to a villain is regarded as a clown jumping over a beam; The villain regards the patience of a gentleman as weakness and deceit. The villain is most proud of winning the favor of the master; What a gentleman hates most is to see a villain's face. If there is no right or wrong in a day, the villain may feel bored in every way; A gentleman will feel lucky when he sees no villains in his life. Slander is a trick used by villains; Tolerance is the unique style of a gentleman. A Yu is always the patent of villains; Righteousness is always the high wind of a gentleman. Villains often take advantage of others' difficulties and fall into trouble; Gentlemen often make people beautiful and help them in time of need.

Gentlemen and villains are an eternal topic, but every time a gentleman wins. The ancients did not deceive me. It is the best policy to be close to the gentleman!