Don't Wait Compositions (Collection of 6)
See people's hearts in the fog
2023-08-06 04:10:07
primary school

Don't Wait Composition (1)

"Teacher, this egg is good for you."

"Teacher, you have eaten before you even bother to eat. I have eaten at home."

"No, students, please eat while it is hot! Don't wait for it to get cold!"

"Teacher, you..."

Words full of true feelings, words full of blessings and care, a pair of watery eyes, a beautiful and pure face, always linger in my ears, echoing in my heart.

Never forget, never forget! It was the Monday morning of the first week of school. We had just returned to the classroom after doing exercises and were still not seated. The head teacher, Mr. He, and the monitor, Kang and his younger brother, came into the classroom with steaming steamed buns and two steaming pots of eggs and milk. I can't wait to pick up the hot egg, put it between my hands, gently knead it for a while, peeled it off, and was ready to send it to my mouth.

"Teacher, please eat this egg. I ate it at home."

"No, no, eat while it's hot. Don't wait for it to get cold. Be obedient."

I suddenly raised my head and saw Zhang Qiaohong and her teacher pushing an egg. The classroom was suddenly quiet. The sound of laughter, conversation, and the sound of banging eggs disappeared. Only the students bowed their heads and looked at each other.

"Students, from today on, the state will provide free nutritious breakfast of 3 yuan per day for each student in the compulsory education stage in our poor areas. This cooked egg, a bag of hot milk, and a piece of steamed bread are the ardent care of the party and the state for our generation! I hope we can learn well, grow healthily, and become useful people in the society in the future. This is also the teacher's sincere expectation for the students. " The teacher continued with great seriousness, "In our class, like Zhang Qiaohong, there are still many students with poor living conditions and financial constraints at home. We must seize this good opportunity to take care of ourselves. Students, eat quickly, and don't wait to get cold!" After that, the teacher stroked Zhang Qiaohong's back, came to the seat together, peeled the eggs for Zhang Qiaohong and cut the milk bags.

Zhang Qiaohong ate it, and all the students ate it. With the teacher's care, she ate it with tears of joy. The food was delicious, the drink was sweet, and her heart was warm.

The teacher smiled, and the students also smiled knowingly, laughing happily and honestly, and their hearts suddenly warmed up.

Grade 4 of Huangchuan Primary School in Sihe Township, Jingning County, Gansu Province: Zhang Wenjiang

Don't Wait Composition (2)

Happiness doesn't like noise and flashiness, and often comes in darkness.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. It's dark outside the window. The wind is blowing harder and harder. It's so cold! I sat by the window, tried to open my eyes and waited anxiously

"Zhi -" Finally, I heard the door open. It was my mother coming back! I welcomed out with joy.

"Mom!" I cried happily, "You're back. I'm so worried!" Mom looked tired and surprised: "How come you haven't slept so late? Tomorrow will be spiritless!" I smiled: "You forgot. I said I would wash your feet tonight!" Mom was stunned, He seemed a little uneasy: "Come on, it's more than 12 o'clock. Go to bed quickly, and I'll wash my feet myself."

Mother hesitated for a while, and finally sat down obediently. She looked a little awkward, like a child. There is still joy in my eyes. In the warm water, I began to wash my mother's feet. "Mom, your feet are so delicate!" I said with a smile. "You said the same last time!" I was stunned. It seems that it was the same last time! I washed my mother's feet twice, but it was all homework. I felt a little ashamed. Inadvertently, I looked up and exclaimed in surprise: "What's wrong with your face? Why are you lumped together?" My mother replied briskly: "It's beginning to grow spots!" "Why grow spots!" My mother's eyebrows tightened for a moment and immediately opened again: "Old! Plus, stay up late at night. There's no way!"

In the dense moisture, my mother smiled happily, but the wrinkles in her eyes and the fading face made the pain rise inch by inch, and she couldn't help crying.

"Well, it's too late to wash. Go to bed quickly!" Mother urged me to go back to bed. "It's so comfortable, much warmer! It's so happy..." Mother said, smiling face as warm as a blooming sunflower plate. Happiness? Why is this called happiness?

I hid under the bed. After a while, my mother came in. While pressing the quilt tightly, she told me: "The quilt should be covered by myself, and go to sleep quickly!" I looked at her quietly, and my heart was surging——

I remember when I was young, I often said: "Mom, I will earn a lot of money when I grow up, and then I can give you a lot of happiness!" Mom just laughed. Today, I learned that happiness is not necessarily synchronized with wealth, status and prestige, especially the happiness of mothers. Don't give your mother a distant promise, because her happiness is not like that. Mom's happiness is too simple. Child, you can do it. Don't let your mother wait for happiness!

Don't Wait Composition (3)

When we talk about the poplar tree, there is a saying that we should live for a thousand years, die for a thousand years, and die for a thousand years. People say this is the spirit of Euphrates poplar: tenacity, and I say this is the pain of Euphrates poplar: lonely waiting.

One hundred years ago, the Populus euphratica stood beside the Tarim River, enjoying the beauty of Lop Nur and the prosperity of the oasis together with people. People here believed it as a divine tree, which grew solid and strong. Today, however, Lop Nur has disappeared, the Tarim River has dried up, and the former holy land has become barren! People have already moved. Only Populus euphratica stands here like a soldier. I know it is waiting for everything to be as new as new.

This is Euphrates euphratica waiting, waiting for Lop Nor, oasis, happy people. Come back to the oasis. Don't let them wait for you.

I once read such a true story by chance, although it is not true. In this newspaper booth, an old woman calls on the public phone every day. When people saw her trembling to the newsstand and taking out a handkerchief from her pocket, they could not help but tremble. Then she would open a layer of handkerchiefs, take out two dimes and a note with a phone number, and hand it to the newspaper booth owner to make the call. Her ears were turned away and she could not hear what was said on the other end of the phone, so she had to rely on the boss to tell her that he was very good, and the boss always said to her, "My son said he was very good, and asked the old lady not to remember." She was also familiar with the boss, and she said that she always called. Her son has gone out to make a lot of money and has not returned for several years. She is over 70 years old. She is not in good health and her days are running out. Every day she waits at home for her son to come back. However, she didn't come for several days because of the weather. The boss found out that the old lady had died for several days after asking. This time, after returning to the newsstand, he drew out the bottom newspaper, which had a picture of the old woman's son. The next title was: "The murderer has killed seven people in a row, and has been arrested and will be executed on a certain day." This was the newspaper two years ago. The old woman's phone number was empty, and his son has long since died.

This is the mother waiting for the criminal son who has gone before her. Why don't you rein in before you commit a crime? Don't let your mother wait for you!

There is always no end to waiting. Everything waiting always leaves hope, but there is no end to it. People who have never waited will never know the pain.

Look back! See if there is anyone waiting for you behind you. Think about how many people have been rejected by you under the excuse that you are busy with work and study? Think about it. How long have you not had a long chat with them to exchange thoughts?

If you have a family, have you ever noticed the wife who left the light for you when you go home and go to bed after your entertainment? Have you checked your child's homework? Yes, you didn't! In your so-called busy work, your wife and children are waiting for you silently in the empty house. They don't want to disturb your work, but they hope you can come back early. Please accompany them more! Don't let them wait for you.

On the contrary, if you are still a child, don't ignore your parents when you encounter something bad, ok? They will worry about you, but for the reason that you are busy with your studies, they can only accompany you when you stay up late and cook a supper for you to talk to you more. They always silently wait for you to turn off the light before sleeping. Take ten minutes from your homework and talk to them more! Don't let them wait for you.

Pay more attention to the people waiting for you silently behind you! Don't let them wait for you.

Don't Wait Composition (4)

Don't wait for the sun to hang high in the sky to enter today. Don't wait for the flowers to wither before you cherish them. Don't wait for the opportunity to go away before you feel sad. Don't wait for the failure before you regret it. You will only wait for our young leaders, and will only let us miss the season of sowing and harvesting.

When I was reading this poem, a friend came up to me and said, "Look, the day has passed like this. After I heard it, my tears flowed down without warning and fell to the ground without trace.". Yes, the day has just passed.

It seems that we just stepped into this strange school yesterday, but today we are in the second day of junior high. In a few months, we will sit in the classroom of the third day of junior high. Counting my hooks and forks, I greet the unprepared future in the almost numb sense. Those former laughter or tears filled past events, in the reincarnation day after day, will eventually wear its face away from us.

Now we look around blankly, what is left around us? I don't know when the evening self-study began. Looking at the bright fluorescent lamps, I have an unspeakable taste, but I feel that the evening self-study is like an endless road. The sadness that I have never had is like a black river, surging and rolling, causing a sharp pain in my heart. With a heavy stride, I returned home and began to do my homework that I could never finish. Mother walked into the room gently, put a glass of milk on my desk, and went out quietly, leaving only the rich smell of milk. Tears rolled down from my eyes again.

One day will pass like this again. It seems that I can't wait any longer. I have to work hard.

Don't Wait Composition (5)

Just entered today

Don't wait for the flowers to wither

To cherish

Don't wait for the chance to go away

Just came to grief

Don't wait for failure

Just came to regret

Wait, just wait for our young head

Wait, it will only let us miss

Season of sowing and harvesting

When I was reading this poem, a friend came up to me and said, "Look, the day has passed like this. After I heard it, my tears flowed down without warning and fell to the ground without trace.". Yes, the day has just passed. It seems that we just stepped into this strange school yesterday, but today we are in the second day of junior high. In a few months, we will sit in the classroom of the third day of junior high. Counting my hooks and forks, I greet the unprepared future in the almost numb sense. Those former laughter or tears filled past events, in the reincarnation day after day, will eventually wear its face away from us. Now we look around blankly, what is left around us?

I don't know when the evening self-study began. Looking at the bright fluorescent lamps, I have an unspeakable taste, but I feel that the evening self-study is like an endless road. The sadness that I have never had is like a black river, surging and rolling, causing a sharp pain in my heart.

I went home with a heavy stride and began to do my homework that I could never finish. Mother walked into the room gently, put a glass of milk on my desk, and went out quietly, leaving only the rich smell of milk. Tears rolled down from my eyes again. One day will pass like this again. It seems that I can't wait any longer. I have to work hard.

Don't Wait Composition (6)

Some readers must have been to Seoul Park. It's really a good place. There are not only beautiful scenery, but also some small pavilions for tourists to rest. Our family is tired of playing there. Dad pointed to an island in the center of the man-made lake and said, "I see the scenery there is good. Let's go there and have a rest!"

There are two small trees in the center of the island, standing beside the trees around, hey! It's wonderful that there are white mushrooms beside here! I wanted to pick two mushrooms as a souvenir, but if no one picked them, they must be poisonous. It's better to move less. But I didn't see it or know it. What is a mushroom? It is clearly a piece of toilet paper inserted in the toilet. It's disgusting! Finally, I found a clean place, but the tree behind it was engraved with words, most of which were "XX people came here for a visit". The words "XX people love and live forever" were relatively rare, and the words "write" were good, but they must be the stuff of male and female thieves in the future, and there were more "rare" words, such as "a dog buried under this tree", which might be more meaningful, But the man who wrote these words, his conscience must have been eaten by the dog. In my eyes, these words are nothing more than saying to the world, "My conscience is buried under this tree", but there is something even more extreme, "Ha! I've put a bubble of shit under this tree, please don't sit down!" God! I really doubt whether he is writing a warning, because it is more frightening than any other sentence. I quickly stood up. If everyone were so quick, the tree would have been carved into paste, and we quickly evacuated from the smoke.

If you don't want to buy a wooden ring in your wedding year, it will cost hundreds of millions of yuan. Why not take the initiative? Develop a good habit, love our home, and become an example to others. Don't wait for others! And I want to warn those who have no love, never bury "conscience" under the tree!