800 words after reading Fortress Besieged
A hurried traveler
2023-08-30 21:10:39

The reason for reading this book is that people in the city want to go out, and people outside the city want to come in. Before reading this book, the understanding of this sentence was: "The people in the city came up with this sentence only because their work or marriage was not ideal, and the people outside the city wanted to go in just because they wanted to look forward to new things." A few days ago, because of curiosity about this sentence, I opened this classic novel that can be called a modern and contemporary novel in China. After reading this book, I feel totally different. It is popular and tells us everything from the trivial things around me. Conversation, eating, making friends, love, work and family are all details of life, very ordinary trivial things.

In fact, this invisible besieged city has always existed, but Mr. Qian Zhongshu has specifically visualized the city in the 1930s, so that we in the 21st century can see clearly the joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows of the people in the book. In fact, it is also to make us see clearly the same besieged city around us. In the contemporary society, the competition is fierce and the experts are like clouds. The open and secret fights and intrigues are more intense and dangerous than those in the book.

Even if I just graduated, every environment of work, family and society is a siege, and every behavior is in a siege. Friendship and competition among colleagues, family affection and pressure in the family, and light and darkness in the society. In fact, life is a besieged city. Marriage and career, learning and entertainment, development and backwardness, success and failure are all colors in this colorful city. Everyone and everything are elements of the city. When all people and things become beautiful because of hard work and optimism, and when the colors in the city are uniform and harmonious, then the besieged city is no longer a terrible constraint and pressure, but a happy paradise. No one would try to leave her. Even Fang Hung chien, who was self pitying and self pitying, would like it. Fake evils and ugliness would also be assimilated into truth, good and beauty. Maybe the world will never become so beautiful, but allow me to always have this beautiful ideal in my heart.

Even though this siege of life still exists, in this era of fierce competition and knowledge explosion, people are trapped in a high and boundless siege, no matter the pressure from study, work or life. If you want to see the wider world outside the besieged city, please give your heart a pair of wings. Put your mind in order to lighten the burden on your soul. Life needs positive energy, and you need to be positive instead of complaining. For interpersonal communication, I think only to be honest with others, and others will be honest with you. So don't complain, don't be negative, Optimism is the attitude that young people should have.

For our own work, in this era of no shortage of talents, I firmly believe that opportunities are reserved for prepared people. No matter how high the siege is, as long as we can give our hearts a pair of wings, we will be able to fly out of the siege, feel the vastness of heaven and earth, and create a better life. Dissolve the siege attack into invisibility.