Never give up composition 600 (collection of 14)
No ending
2023-12-02 00:58:08

Never give up composition 600 (1)

Today is another difficult training for the freshmen in the military training. In the morning and noon, everyone stood in the standing position for nearly an hour, jogging, squatting, flat support, and ladder steps, which is not bitter, which is comfortable! On the way home, my ankle was swollen, painful and swollen, and could not move back and forth; The sole of the foot is more like stepping on an electric soldering iron, which really hurts. However, no one slowed down and gave up. Yes, we didn't give up. Therefore, we passed the belief and confidence assessment.

When one arrives at the whole world, he should prove to the whole world that I am down-to-earth and live truly. Only when he proves this, can he be proud to say that he has never lived in vain in his life when he returns to nature again! One's life can not always be smooth, more or less there will be some hardships and setbacks. The world is often divided into the strongest and the weak, because the former one said: "I am always not easy to give up!"! The latter one said: Forget it, I give up!

Never say give up, it is a kind of faith training, it is a kind of spiritual essence that is not only bitter, but also tired. Only then can failure become the mother of success. Never say give up. It is a firm belief, a stubborn pursuit of perfection, and a precious confidence. Never say give up, it is a kind of courage, but also a kind of possession. With this kind of courage, all difficulties can not stop us from moving forward. We should rely on this kind of courage to develop our own life path and outline our own grand blueprint for tomorrow.

There is a long way to go in the future. How to go in the future depends on yourself. But one thing, according to the new military training, everyone knows that no matter what happens in the future, everyone should not say give up; No matter what difficulties we will encounter in the future, everyone will walk down with a clang step

Never give up composition 600 (2)

In a twinkling of an eye, the five-day volunteer sand platoon ended. In these five days, we have shed sweat and gained joy, but in just five days, I have felt too much

What impressed me most was the match between Brazil and Austria. I heard from a classmate that Brazil was the champion of sand volleyball last year. I could not help sweating for Austria and secretly sympathizing with Austria's misfortune.

The game was held at noon, when the sun was scorching the earth, and the hot sea breeze was constantly coming at us. Even though I wore long sleeves and hats, I always felt the dryness and heat of my skin, while all the players on the field only wore pants. Vests, but they put these aside.

At the beginning of the game, Brazil and Austria had a fierce competition, and finally Brazil won the first game by virtue of their superb skills. As it is a preliminary round, the second round has a vital role. It involves which team can stay and which team will be eliminated. Therefore, the Austrian team is unwilling to fall behind, and is on a par with the Brazilian team. The Brazilian team knows that the other team is good, and tries its best. At this time, a ball from the Brazilian team hit the Austrian player No. 2 in the face, You should know that the strength of the volleyball player's arm should not be underestimated. What's more, it is a team with similar strength like Brazil. Sure enough, the Austrian player was hit directly by the ball and fell to the ground, and his sunglasses were all thrown away. He thought that the Austrian player would lie on the ground for a while in pain, but he resolutely put one hand over the hurt face and the other hand up, His partner immediately went to ask about the situation. He shook his head slightly, muttered a few words, and then continued to play like an innocent person. But I clearly heard the heavy sound of the ball hitting him in the face... In the next game, he worked harder and harder, and every time he threw the ball to his partner, he looked even greater, Every movement of him reveals his sportsmanship

Although the match was over, the Austrian player was strong and never gave up.

Although the volunteers have to face the hot weather, the pain after sunburn and continuous hours of work, the experience is still happy. It not only let me know that we should have the spirit of teamwork, but also let me know that we should not give up easily and be defeated by a little setback. I really appreciate the experience of being a volunteer this time!

Never give up composition 600 (3)

Growth is like climbing a lofty mountain. The road to the top of the mountain is steep. Some people retreat from difficulties. It seems easy, but they can only be a frog at the bottom of a well. Their vision is always narrow; Some people move forward in spite of difficulties. The process of chasing dreams may be hard, but when you really reach the top, the feeling of "being the top of the mountain, seeing all the mountains are small" will make you relaxed and happy, and the former fatigue will disappear.

After watching Forrest Gump, I will never forget his persistence.

Forrest Gump's IQ is low, and his physical development is not particularly good, so he needs to wear a foot covering. His mother has made every effort to let him go to a normal school. There, the students bullied and insulted him. One day, he found his specialty - running, day after day, year after year of hard work, he became an excellent football player, and realized his college dream through running. When he joined the army, he worked hard and became the bravest soldier. When catching shrimp, do not be discouraged by the empty net of the month; When I was in love, my persistence in Jenny's love... persistence made Forrest Gump.

When I was young, I always envied those talents. I could learn knowledge without much effort. How unfair God is! But now think about it, you don't have to have a high IQ to succeed. Sometimes intelligence and talent are not necessarily good things, just like hurting Zhongyong. He was talented when he was young, but because he did not learn, he could only live a normal life; Mental retardation is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can succeed.

When learning, I am not afraid of being slower than others, but as long as I persist and work hard, I will become the person who climbs to the top.

Let us always walk on the road of struggle and never give up.

Never give up composition 600 (4)

Efforts may not succeed, but giving up is doomed to failure. Persistence is a symbol of victory. Before the last moment, everything is unknown. We have no way of knowing who will win. When we encounter setbacks, we can only face them and strive to the last moment. Even if we fail, we will not be ashamed of this.

Frustration is the test of life. Never giving up is a character, a tenacity, and an incomparable perseverance!

In our opinion, the wild geese flying south is just an ordinary thing, but in their view, it is the key to decide whether they can survive. The wild geese flying south have no idea how many setbacks they will experience on the way. Without food, they can only continue to fly by relying on the only fat left in their bodies. In the face of the rapidly coming cold every day, whether they can have tenacious perseverance, whether they have the character of not afraid of setbacks, Is the key to life and death!

Eagles are also common creatures in nature. Their nests are built on steep cliffs. They live here for generations. When their young birds are born, eagles will catch food for them and feed them at all costs. At this time, they are gentle, but they are cruel. When their young birds grow to a certain extent, The eagle will make the final parting with its young bird, and finally push the young bird down the cliff without hesitation. The young bird floats in the air. At this time, they can survive only by shaking their wings, overcoming difficulties, and learning to fly. Otherwise, they are dead bodies under the cliff!

These stories illustrate the true meaning and great role of never giving up. Only with this character can we become the person who has success!

Never give up composition 600 (5)

Having experienced the pain of failure and the tears of frustration, I understood the hardships of success. Although there is no success now, I believe that one day it will belong to me, because I never give up.

Edison, the "king of invention" of the United States, has made invaluable contributions to the progress and development of human civilization. He has made many inventions in his life, and the electric light is one of his masterpieces. Before the invention of electric light, people lived in darkness at night. In order to find a suitable material for filament, Edison studied hard and stayed in the laboratory all day. Even if he fails thousands of times, he will not be discouraged because he firmly believes that he will succeed. He has a famous saying: "Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable to me as success. Only when I know the way to do everything badly, can I know what the way to do a good job." Facts show that he is right.

Gou Jian, the King of Yue, became a prisoner of the State of Wu after his defeat. The King of Wu deliberately refused to kill him and humiliated him, but he endured humiliation. Every day when he was a prisoner of the State of Wu, he lay down on a hard and sharp pile of firewood when he slept, and tasted the gall before eating. Although his body was hurt, his heart was very strong. He vowed that one day he would rally, defeat the State of Wu and restore his homeland. After ten years of sharpening the sword, he finally succeeded.

If Edison gave up halfway, there would be no day of success; If Gou Jian muddles along, he will not have the reputation of "painstaking people, the sky never fails, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu".

The darkest before dawn, the most desperate before victory, and the most elusive before success. But as long as you persist, whether it is dawn, victory or success, it will become a reality.

Never give up composition 600 (6)

This is the so-called never give up! At the critical moment, he resolutely left me! I thought that this time I could be forever, but the facts proved to me; People are so realistic! The so-called "never give up" in a lifetime is just a false lie, and our promise of "never give up" is just an illusion. When I drag my sick body everywhere to find my destination, you are too busy. I am ignored like air in cold rainy days. In this rainy day, a person who is not good at communication with me is ignored at this time. Looking for the way to go in the future, I ran around. I was too sick to take care of myself. Suddenly, I felt sleepy, as if the whole world had nothing to do with me. Neither he nor I cried. My thoughts have occupied my mind; Our feelings were so fragile that even a passer-by could not match them. I forgot to cry in pain. The feeling of being forgotten is really hard. I thought you would find me lost. I thought you would come back to me. I thought you would comfort me at the first moment. You don't have. You mercilessly left me behind. My heart was hurt, really hurt. What I thought was' sincere 'was just what I thought!

Maybe it's time for me to reflect on myself. Why do I always look everywhere for "sincerity"? Is there really something I want in my life circle? The tears finally came down. I began to hate myself and even dreamed of your sincere apology. I really failed in my life. Your giving up has hurt me many times. I've been hurt to pieces. What do I still expect? What else can I expect? Once the pledge is not the pledge, once forever is not forever, once self righteous but only self righteous. I heard your voice: give up! You have given up on me, what else can I do. Tears also flow in frustration, still thinking about never giving up.

Never give up composition 600 (7)

Hard work does not necessarily lead to success; But if you give up, you will fail. Persistence is victory. Before the last second comes, the result will never be known

In life, we can't avoid setbacks, we can only face them. It is important to persevere in setbacks and never give up until you defeat them. I still remember Liu Xiang's never giving up speed, the Chinese women's volleyball team's never giving up tenacity, Edison's never giving up courage. They have a common feature, that is, they firmly believe that setbacks are the test of life. It does not depend on your skills, but on perseverance. Whether you have perseverance is the key to success or failure. All this tells us that never giving up is a kind of character, but also a kind of tenacity. People who never give up will always win.

The eagle is one of the most tenacious animals. Soon after a baby eagle is born, it will undergo a test of birth and death. The parents of the young eagle will throw the young eagle from its nest on the cliff at an appropriate time to let it learn the key to being an eagle - flying. If the adjustment is improper, the baby eagle will be in danger of life. In the time when the young eagle falls, the young eagle must learn to fly. The young eagle is making the last effort. It struggles and flaps its wings hard. If the young eagle gives up at this time, it will fall off the cliff and die. But it made a final effort to overcome the difficulties. Finally, it felt that it had floated in the air. It learned to fly, and it flew freely in the air. It thought: It's great to never give up!

Those who never give up will always see hope; And the person who gives up easily, waiting for his result will only be despair.

Those who never give up will always have an optimistic and comfortable mind; Those who give up easily are full of troubles and live in misery and pessimism all day long.

Those who never give up will often enjoy the joy of victory and success; For those who give up easily, failure is always a shadow that cannot be erased from their hearts.

If you are enjoying food and life comfortably at home, please take time to think: if there is no Edison's never give up, life will not be bright; Without the revolutionary never give up, we will not be happy; Without scientists' never giving up, we will have no technology

In short, never give up will be a victory! Come on!

Never give up composition 600 (8)

Go ahead! Never give up—— Chinese teacher

I know that I am a "bad student". Because I don't know his name.

For a long time, I think he has paid attention to me. At the beginning, I knew that I had achieved good results as expected. Gradually, I became more and more stupid, since I made him disappointed. Because I listen more and more carelessly. I didn't know that I had hurt his heart before I realized that he didn't give up. Oh! I've made so many mistakes.

In the critical period of learning, I ignored the original complex heart and tried my best to catch up with others and firmly grasp the teacher's steps.

I know it's time to catch up now. Otherwise, I will be dead.

Once, I deeply stepped on the trap set by others (speaking in class). This makes me confused. I don't know how to save myself. When I saw his sharp eyes, I knew I could not give up myself. So I tried my best to climb up. Although my hands had been cut by the sharp stone in the pit. But as soon as I smelled the "never give up" on him, I knew that life is wonderful, and it has to experience wind and rain. Therefore, the pain of skin and flesh is not equal to the heartache that hurt him.

So far, I know that I am on the road to success, and I have stepped forward step by step towards the bright door! From his eyes, I saw the beautiful rainbow waiting for me.

Go ahead! Never give up—— My Chinese teacher

Now, I gradually understand the truth of your "never give up", but I can't fully understand it! Finally, I will understand!

Never give up composition 600 (9)

Grasp every minute of your life, like clouds in the sky, coming and going. This brings about yesterday, today and tomorrow, and also the colorful life and the chaos of life. Today is the fruit of yesterday and the flower of tomorrow, whether yesterday is exciting, quiet or sighing. Sad, have become a thing of the past; Although there are infinite yearnings and longings for tomorrow, they are all illusory dreams after all. Although dreams make people linger, they can only leave sadness after waking up, which becomes a psychological burden.

Only today is the real time. On today's life track, yesterday's success and failure are pale and dim. Today can erase yesterday's pain and tears, so that yesterday's ideal can be realized. If you plant the seeds of hope in today's fertile soil, tomorrow will be full of flowers, and the day after tomorrow will be full of fruits.

A sober life may be a kind of misfortune, because it will be full of ups and downs and mud, but it is a kind of temper of the will. ups and downs are the road to a flat, mud is the darkness before success. As long as we know ourselves clearly, temper ourselves, and struggle in a sober way, life will be free of resentment. No regrets. No regrets. Because life belongs to everyone only once, time can't be stored like money for a rainy day. All we can use is the moment we are given, that is, today and now. For example, if we cannot make full use of today and let time pass in vain, it will never return. The so-called "today" is the "tomorrow" in the "yesterday" plan; This precious "today" will soon disappear into the distance. For each of us, the only thing that can survive is that the past has already disappeared, while the future has not yet arrived. Yesterday, it was an invalid check; Tomorrow is an outstanding promissory note; Only today is cash, a thing of value in circulation.

Never give up composition 600 (10)

"Not for the fireworks, not for the glory of the moment, only the persistent belief turned into non-stop running, burning dreams in the heart, keep walking, refueling, athletes of the sports meet!" The loudspeaker on the playground broadcast loudly.

It turned out that today was the school's autumn sports meeting. The playground had already been crowded with people. The students were excited and full of expectations for the sports meeting. The athletes who took part in the sports meeting ran like arrows leaving the string and wild horses running out of control, and the students watched closely. Liu Yunhua in our class lived up to the expectations of the public, and was always the first in the lead. But later, he gradually slowed down, as if he was exhausted, and suddenly he was left behind

The second place of the noodles was surpassed, and the students suddenly raised their voices, so they stood up and shouted: "Liu Yunhua, come on, Liu Yunhua, come on..."

He seemed to hear our cheering, so he immediately adjusted, reorganized his pace and caught up. He is like a bird just out of the cage, flying freely in the air and experiencing the beauty of freedom. There are only a few steps left, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters... He is desperately chasing after him. When the last step is over, the dust settles and he is regretful to win the second place. However, the students are still very happy to cheer because he has won the honor for our class. No matter what, just do your best.

Time passed quickly, the day passed in a flash, and the sports meeting was over, but the students seemed very unwilling. Although we did not achieve good results, it was good to try our best. Only if you have worked hard, worked hard, and insisted, you will not go back to the sea, because you have already paid, no matter what the result is, at least we have not given up, we have fought, and insisted, This is the best.

Never give up, we can do better next time.

Never give up composition 600 (11)

Perhaps it is precisely because Mei and Ju have noble spirit that families in the old society like to use them as their daughters' names, hoping that they can be as strong as them. But I think there is such a plum blossom soul in our national soul, such as the Olympic athletes who have the courage to fight, the countless angels in white who stick to their posts in the fight against SARS, and the armed police soldiers who formed the Great Wall of flesh and blood in the fight against floods. Think about it, if they give up, if they encounter setbacks and retreat, then where can we live a happy life, where can we come from physical and mental health, where can we come from the honor of our motherland and even the pride of our nation?

In the face of setbacks and misfortunes, what we need is not just self abandonment, but a spirit of advancing in spite of difficulties. "When we fail to make our first speech on the stage, we increase our courage; When we didn't win a prize in the first composition contest, we put in the first plow of pen ploughing; The first time we argued with our teacher about mistakes, we proved our strength... Isn't it "a blessing in disguise?"

In this vast sea of people, we are just a common pebble. When we never stop our steps, never lie down on the past success to make a living, never fall down and cry silently, we will find ourselves so beautiful. As middle school students, we are bound to encounter setbacks and failures in our study and work. However, we must deal with them in a strong attitude, never flinch, keep working hard and never give up. This will show not only our true youth, but also our great national spirit!

Never give up composition 600 (12)

Among the countless animals, I only know and admire one thing - ants. It impressed me. You can see that it has twice its own rice on its back. It stops at a small mound, hovers for several circles, and starts to climb up. I hold a small bamboo stick. Every time when it climbs half way up, I will pull it down mischievously. When the rice falls, it does not walk, but continues to climb up. Go up and down again and again, but don't give up. Finally, it successfully climbed to the top of the "mountain" and got into its own "nest". I admire its spirit of "never give up until you see the Yellow River". Every time I think of this little thing, I can't help thinking of us humans. The little ant has succeeded with its own persistence; We can also use our own persistence to achieve our goals and pursue what we want. In addition to admiration, I am ashamed, because not everyone can persist, and everyone can succeed. Some people will regard the setbacks in life as a kind of pressure. They will fall down because they are depressed all day long. Today, I redefined these two words - persistence. It is not expressed in words, but felt in the heart. Now we should be persistent for our own ideals, but also for our own lives! Those who never give up will always see hope; The person who gives up easily, waiting for his result is only despair. Those who never give up always have an optimistic attitude; Those who give up easily are always full of troubles and live in pessimism all day long. Those who never give up can often enjoy the joy of victory and success; For those who give up easily, failure is always a shadow that cannot be erased from their hearts. Spread your wings, raise the ideal sail, be down-to-earth, face bravely, never give up!

Never give up composition 600 (13)

In the eyes of others, I am undoubtedly a stupid bird, unwilling to fly first, comfortable in obscurity and mediocrity. But my father's seat changed me and gave me the belief that I would never give up. Even if the difficulties in the way ahead stop me, I also try to fly up.

As early as the first grade, my parents were not around me, so I could not take care of me. My life is all helped by my grandmother, and all kinds of bad habits accompany me. My grades were average. My words were the most troublesome thing for my teachers. My classmates were gradually away from me, and some even despised me. I also muddle along. I thought: Well, let's just muddle along. Anyway, I'm just like everyone else.

One day, my father suddenly came to talk to me. I listened carelessly, but I still remember a phrase that is still fresh in my mind: "stupid birds fly early into the forest, and stupid people learn early to become useful. Don't be willing to be unknown and mediocre. It's still too late, son, fly!"

Since then, I have never been willing to be mediocre again. I have been working hard day by day. My desk is full of review books, which I have turned over and over again. Every time I meticulously completed my homework, and then I tried to review and brush the questions. I believe that hard work will be fruitful. Sure enough, after a semester of hard work, I rose from the previous 30 to the eighth in the class. At that time, I made up my mind, grasped my faith, never gave up, and studied hard. From then on, there was another young man studying late at night. The darkness of night lengthened his figure. He did not yield to sleep and practiced calligraphy again and again. He also has faith in learning.

The unyielding mediocrity on the way of years is my bone joint. It was his father's words: "Stupid birds fly early into the forest, and stupid people learn early to become useful. Even stupid birds should try their best to fly to a higher sky.

Never give up composition 600 (14)

He is a sunshine boy. He is full of longing for life and curiosity about the world. He has a wish to visit every corner of the motherland. He wants to look up at the sky, he wants to overlook the earth, he wants to look around the mountains, he wants to travel in rivers


He has no time to fulfill his wish. I covered my face and cried. The memory was pulled back to the past

When I was in junior high school, I was the top liberal arts student in the school, but my math score was always unsatisfactory, which made me extremely distressed. He is my neighbor and the top science student in his school. Although we are separated by a wall, we seldom talk and can't touch it at ordinary times. Once the school held a math test, I still got a unsatisfactory score back, and my mood was extremely depressed. I lowered my head and thought about how to go home. Suddenly, there was a "bang" - I knocked down a solid thing, and the paper in my hand slipped down. I squatted down reluctantly, just about to pick up the test paper, the other hand also stretched out, two hands pulled - "hiss" the test paper in half. I looked up angrily: "You don't have eyes! I'm in a bad mood today if I didn't see my girl! Don't offend me!" "Sorry, I didn't mean it!" "Oh, you meant it!" "No, no, no! I'm really sorry! I'm really sorry, or I could help you mend your paper." He said with a good temper.

He said to me, "You're not good at math, are you?" I nodded helplessly. After a while, he handed over the completed paper and said, "I have seen your paper, and these questions are..." He simply analyzed the paper for me, and I wanted to listen without tears. Don't mention it. After what he said, I understood all the wrong questions. I smiled and said thank you. He gently raised a beautiful arc around his mouth and said, "I would be honored if you could ask me if you have any questions in the future! Ha ha!" I nodded in embarrassment.

After that day, I went to consult him when I encountered a problem that I didn't understand, and he always patiently explained it to me and taught me how to do it. Gradually my math scores improved, and I became more and more familiar with him. He is very cheerful and never gives up easily. He always works hard to do everything well. From him I saw strong, but also from him I learned strong.

But suddenly one day, I could not see his familiar figure and his bright smile. He left, forever, leaving only one letter. I can't remember the content of the letter clearly, but I remember the last sentence of the letter: Don't give up easily, or I'll be sorry!