600 words of composition I learned to take on responsibility (5 articles in total)
I want to move forward
2023-09-17 08:43:28

600 words composition I learned to take on (1)

Lift up the sailboat and go against the current.

The sun is silent, but it reflects brilliance; The earth has no words, but it shows its vastness; The sea is silent, but it reveals its mystery. Although I have no words, I have learned to take responsibility.

Classroom - monitor

"Today's homework of Class 73 has not been handed in yet!" Listening to the harsh noise from the school loudspeaker, I couldn't help dividing my mind from the busy work and pricking up two ears like Brother Bajie. Oh, my class was notified. I was so anxious that I slapped my hands on the desk. The classroom suddenly became quiet and watched the explosion of my bomb. No matter what happens, "Hand in your homework!" I hurried to the teaching office to accept the teacher's punishment. The monitor was really suffering.

Every time after that, there was no scandal in Class 73, because I, the monitor, learned to be responsible.

Dormitory - dormitory head

"205, speak again, and all of you will come out and stand!" Listening to the loud and harsh voice of my aunt, I stretched out my head from the bed, twisted my sleepy eyes, and inquired about the surrounding information like the enemy. It turned out that my little sisters were "arrested" for their words, and it was over. I shouted, "Sleep!" The little sisters had to hold their mouths and fall asleep. I dragged my heavy head and fell on the bed when I heard the disorderly breathing. Staying up late is tiring for the dormitory leader.

Every night after that, I could no longer hear my aunt's harsh voice, because I, the head of the dormitory, learned to take responsibility.

Family - King of Labor

"The king of labor, how can there be a mass of sewage?" Hearing my mother's cry, I quickly flew to the bathroom, and saw the facts, which are irrefutable. "Dad, why did you pour water on the ground again?" Dad came out with glasses. "I forgot to wear glasses yesterday and went wrong." Looking at my father's eyes on his nose, I didn't know how to argue, so I had to shake my head reluctantly, pick up the mop and start the labor mode. Looking at the clean house, I collapsed on the sofa.

Every day after that, there was no sewage, because I, the king of labor, learned to take responsibility.

Maybe someone once said that too many burdens in life make me breathless. After learning how to bear them, although it is hard and tired, the fruits of labor are also unusually delicious.

I'm glad I learned to take responsibility. A real sailboat will never be afraid to swim against the current.

600 words composition I learned to take on (2)

People always grow up because they encounter one thing or one person. Through experience, we learn to be responsible and take responsibility.

I clearly remember that I was so naughty and playful when I was young.

One sunny day when I was seven years old, I played under the tree. Suddenly, a burst of thunder sounded, which really scared me. Why did the sun shine just now, and then my face changed. Soon, the big raindrops fell from the sky and fell on the piano key, creating a beautiful melody. I enjoyed the coolness of the rain on my body, and unconsciously walked to the river, left my shoes, ran and jumped happily, and printed my own footprints. I don't know when the feeling of coolness is gone. I look up at the sky. The dark clouds have already dissipated. After the sun hid in the clouds and had a rest for a while, I am stretching my waist, rubbing my sleepy eyes, yawning, looking at me and laughing. I ran all the way, and just arrived at the gate, I saw my father coming towards me. My heart was tight: hey, I have to be scolded again! I still remember the scene of catching a cold in the rain last time. But why don't I have a long memory? I immediately hate myself. Unexpectedly, this time, my father didn't say anything and took my hand and went straight home.

Lying in bed at night, I prayed silently, and I must try my best not to... Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, I was very hot, and I took a temperature, oh, 39 degrees Celsius. Dad went to the clinic with me in his arms without saying a word. As soon as he came in, he kept on talking about my condition. The doctor heard that this time, he had to get an injection. In the past, when I heard about injections, I cried with fright. This time, I said to my father calmly, "It's OK, I'll give you an injection." I clenched my teeth and prepared for the punishment of God. In the process, although I felt very painful, I didn't shed a tear. Because I believe I have the courage. I have grown up and should not cry for such a small thing.

Growth makes you realize that only you can complain!

600 words composition I learned to take on (3)

Today, I read extracurricular reading materials, among which I read Hong Zhanhui's moving deeds, which made me deeply moved. He shouldered the responsibility of taking care of his unknown sister and supporting the family. Over the years, rain or shine, the hardships of life made him become a very strong man. No matter how hard life is, how helpless and how sad it is, you can't be defeated by life, because if you give up life, life will give up on you, and Hong Zhanhui has just taken on the "responsibility".

Maybe, we don't have to worry about food and clothing now, and we will feel that we can't face hardship, don't need to take responsibility, and don't need the spirit of self-improvement. But when we encounter difficulties in our study and life, we need the spirit of self-improvement. Isn't that the spirit of self-improvement? Don't you have to take on any responsibility when your parents are ill or something important happens at home! In fact, there are many difficulties in life, some big and some small, but if we are not strong and do not work hard, even small difficulties can be overcome. Life is a society, woven by family and learning, and we may encounter many setbacks. If we do not stand up and take responsibility, we will fail and lose to the society. From now on, our responsibility is to work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, Learn to overcome difficulties by reading more, practicing more, and exploring more.

unremitting self-improvement

Responsibility is inseparable from difficulties and self-improvement, while life is inseparable from difficulties and tenacity. Because there are always setbacks in life, there may also be accidents, which affect the family and life. What should we do then? We should think calmly and overcome difficulties. At this time, different people will have different ideas. Some will be optimistic and some will be pessimistic. Just like a glass of water in front of us, the optimistic person will say: "Great! There is still half a glass of water, while the pessimistic person will say," Too bad, only half a glass of water! "

I remember a time when I went fishing with my parents and got a good harvest. I caught a lot of big fish. I talked and laughed on the way home. I thought about drinking fresh fish soup in the evening, not to mention how happy I was! To our annoyance, we left the fish in the car. When the car drove away, we remembered there were fish! Everyone was very angry, but I was still very happy, because I had never fished, so I experienced the fun of fishing for a day, and I have no regrets.

Embrace life

Life is so fleeting. In fact, life has a lot of fun. The key is your attitude. Some people can make fun of hardship, and others can find happiness. Life should be the joy that has been excavated. We should embrace life. Life belongs to us. Come on, I believe I can do better!

600 words of composition I learned to take on (4)

The days are as calm as water, and I suddenly feel disappointed at the occasional glance. I don't know what I am disappointed in, myself, people around me or the environment?

After listening to the classic old songs, I suddenly feel that I can look back more than 30 years. I don't know when I got used to memories. I used to say, "When we were...". Time really passed quickly, and I didn't even dare to look at the previous photos. The days are easy to live, day by day passed, and countless people have passed away inadvertently, running straight to "Budou".

After these years, try to recall that there are many footprints in my life, but few people can stop and continue to this day. Either the living environment is different, or people's thoughts are changing, and there are many people who become friends but die of old age and do not communicate with each other. Or living is really like taking a bus. Some people come up at the same station and some people go down. What about the end? Nobody knows the future.

Friends are indispensable in everyone's life, and there are many kinds of friends. Some can play games together, drink and eat together, while others are just for heart to heart communication and honesty. Those who can not stick to details and care for each other forever are valuable friends. Those who do not have distance due to poverty are difficult to be friends. Everyone is an individual, and there are no two identical individuals. Even twins will have their own hobbies and personalities. Therefore, friends should learn to be tolerant and forgiving, and should also be allowed to make mistakes. As long as you have an open mind, you will eventually laugh away from gratitude and sorrow. Friends should also learn to take responsibility, as long as the other party is not malicious, even if they hurt themselves, they should not completely deny. It's fate to meet each other, and we can't uproot the flower seedlings that we care and cultivate all the time because of a breeze. This is irresponsible for our friends and disrespect for our own efforts.

People should always learn to take responsibility. We should learn to take responsibility for our parents, children, friends, friends and relatives as long as we have contacts with ourselves. Taking responsibility is not only for others, but also for ourselves, because we have different responsibilities for those who are closely related to us. We cannot and should not escape from the consequences caused by our own mistakes, and those who refuse to forgive because of the unhappiness brought by others' mistakes. Escape is not a mature person's behavior. We should learn how to face ourselves, but also how to face others.

"The gentleman is open and forthright, while the villain is worried." People should learn to take responsibility.

600 words composition I learned to take on (5)

As time goes by and age grows, more and more things should be undertaken. Bearing is bitter, but also happy.

Teenagers of our generation are the flesh of their parents' hearts and grew up in honeypots. Therefore, when facing their own responsibilities, they always choose to avoid, so that they have a poor sense of responsibility. I used to be like that, but now I have learned to take responsibility in my growth.

Slowly, slowly, I went to high school. Because there was no bus directly to the school, I began to live in school for the first time in my life. Living on campus, as the name implies, means doing your own laundry. One Sunday, I gathered my dirty clothes together for a week. It was really a hill (I stayed in winter). As soon as I put my hand into the water, I was defeated by the icy water. One minute he was ambitious, and the next minute he became a "deserter". Looking at that pile of annoying clothes, I can do nothing. What should I do if I don't wash and have no clothes to wear? At this moment, a decision came into my mind to take the clothes back for my mother to wash them for me.

So I went home with a big bag of dirty clothes. When I came in, I shouted, "Mom, you have washed my clothes". Then I went to have fun. This lasted for several weeks, and I was happy for my cleverness.

It was another Sunday, and everything was still the same as usual. But this time I went to the bathroom first, and then, when I passed the laundry room, I accidentally saw my mother washing clothes for me. I found her hands were red and bright, red and dazzling, red so that I could not look straight at her. When I came near and put my hand into the water, a familiar and uncomfortable feeling instantly spread to my whole body and my heart. I thought to myself, it's not easy for my mother to raise me so big. Does it need her to do such a small thing as washing clothes? I'm afraid of cold water when I wash clothes. Isn't Mother afraid of cold? What's more, my mother is old, but I'm still a teenager. Don't I have any responsibility? I stood for a long time.

I shook my throat and said in a very low voice, "Mom, let me do it myself!" My mother said, "I didn't do it all before. Why do you have to do it yourself now?" I didn't say anything, but I just helped my mother up and slowly washed my clothes. The water was cold and bone chilling, my hands were red and painful, and my hands didn't escape from the water. This should be the responsibility learned in growing up!

Responsibility is something that everyone must learn in the process of our growth. Although there is bitterness in responsibility, there is also happiness. Because only when one learns to take responsibility can he make continuous progress and grow healthily. Only when you dare to take responsibility can you really grow.