Because you love writing 600 words (16 articles)
The sky is blue
2023-11-03 02:18:54
Junior 1

Because you love writing 600 words (1)

I remember that it was a summer vacation. When I was young, I insisted on pouring water by myself. When I was young, I struggled to carry a heavy thermos pot. Finally, my hand could not support me. "Bang!" The thermos pot fell on the ground, and all the hot water poured on my feet. The plastic sandals in summer never stopped me from burning a little. When I bit my lip, I would cry. You came to me and hurriedly picked me up. No need to add more words. You immediately hold me and apply ice to me. Finally, I feel less pain and my crying mood slowly disappears. You take me to the stool and gently comfort me: "Tongtong, it's OK!" Then you go to buy ointment to help me apply medicine, and gently blow while trying to help me reduce the pain.

After that, you accompanied me when I walked. You said, 'Don't run around without your mother, or you won't know if you fall down'. Because of my mother's care and love, my feet soon got better.

Another time, you were angry because I lied.

It was a math exam, and I didn't get very good results, only 70 points. When you came home, you were cooking in the kitchen. When you heard the door open, you knew I was back. So you stuck out your head and asked me how was my math exam? I stammered: "More than 90 points". You happily said, "Really? That's great. Keep up your efforts!" Then you went back to cooking again. At that time, I thought this would go well, but I didn't expect that after dinner, you would go to my schoolbag and find the true score on the test paper, and then you knew that I was lying. You took the test paper and said angrily, "How can you lie?" At that time, you picked up your chopsticks and pounded at my hand. I was frightened to cry, and I was also beaten to cry. I don't know how long it took to eat that meal. I sobbed and choked, and slowly calmed down. You walked up to me and said, "You almost passed the exam. Mom doesn't care, because you can be more serious.". But you lie, mother is absolutely absolutely unforgivable! Don't do that next time, you know? " I nodded, and my mother went on painfully applying medicine for me.

Although it has been a long time since I lied and was beaten, I know that being beaten is also a kind of love! Because of love, so happy!

Because you love writing 600 words (2)

Rivers can gather into oceans because of rain and dew, and flowers are full of vitality because of butterflies. I can grow up happily because of your love.

When you lose, you are an encouragement in your ear.

The setting sun is slanting on the horizon, but I am alone looking at the sky in a daze. In my mind, I saw the scores of the math exam and the dazzling red meanings, and I cried for another math exam tomorrow. Tears kept flowing down. When you came, you walked quietly, and I seemed unable to hear your voice until you gently held me in your arms, and looked at me and said; Tomorrow's exam will be good. Really? Really, because tomorrow will be better. After saying that, you show a beautiful smile, which is your encouragement and makes me confident.

When cold, you are a warm embrace.

Snowflakes flying in winter is children's favorite. We went into the snow, fought in it, made snowmen and rolled snowballs. You looked at us and laughed. A gust of cold wind blew through my little hands, which were very purple. Suddenly cold swept away all happiness. Suddenly, a pair of warm hands hugged me and held my little hands. They kept rubbing and rubbing. When you saw my little hands rising red, you smiled. It was your embrace that made me no longer afraid of the cold.

When you lose your way, you are a beacon.

The red sun is high in the sky, and I rush to you with ice cream in my face. Why are you so happy? It's so satisfying to buy an ice cream! You said to me with a smile. With a mysterious face, I handed you the money in my hand. I bought ice cream for five yuan, and my aunt recovered my eighteen yuan. Your face suddenly becomes serious, with sharp eyes, as if to say that you must be honest. Later, I returned the money to the owner of Le's shop. It is your guidance that accompanies my growth.

Because of your love, I have confidence, because of your love, I have warmth, because of your love and education, my future will not be confused, because of your love, I can thrive.

Thank you, my dear good mother.

Because you love writing 600 words (3)

Because of rain and dew, rivers can converge into beautiful oceans; The flowers are full of vitality because of bees and butterflies; Because of your love, I can grow up happily.

When you lose, you are encouraged by your ears.

In the quiet night, I was alone on the balcony looking up at the sky. The moonlight was covered by dark clouds, and the stars also went into layers of dark clouds. Without the sound of birds and the laughter of the wind, everything was so quiet. I could not help but shiver, and tears of frustration trickled down one by one, and my little heart was hurt again by the test paper that scored only 79 points. At this time, you came and walked very lightly. I didn't notice your arrival until you put on your coat for me, sat beside me, and hugged me in your arms: "Still thinking about the exam?" I nodded sadly, afraid to look into your eyes. "Don't worry, everything will pass. Don't you always say that tomorrow will be better? You must believe in yourself! This test is not good, we will work harder, and it will be better!" After saying that, your face shows a smile of encouragement, which dispels the ice and snow in my heart and fills me with confidence.

When skating, you are a teacher.

One sunny afternoon, I went to the square to skate and saw two slopes. I thought to myself, I can't skate down. The slope is too steep, and I will fall down if I skate down. At this time, your gentle words sounded in my ears: "Don't be afraid, control the speed, pay attention to adjust the center of gravity, you can do it!" Under your guidance, I gathered the courage to slide down. Although my heart was pounding when I slid down, I succeeded in the end! I finally succeeded because you patiently taught me how to skate so well.

Because of your love, my heart is full of confidence; Because of your love, I have been taught. You are the sunshine in my life, which makes me thrive. Thank you, my favorite mother.

Because you love writing 600 words (4)

Because of love, the world becomes warm; Because of love, life becomes happy; Because of love, learning is full of fun; Because of love, everything around you looks beautiful!

A friendship, let me find the paradise that people yearn for when I am alone; A friendship, let me find a warm haven when I am sad; A friendship, let me not flinch in the face of difficulties, still take a firm and confident step forward; A friendship makes me never lose my fighting spirit even when facing difficulties, because there are so many hands supporting me, so many encouraging eyes inspiring me, and so many familiar figures supporting me.

It is friendship that taught me how to enjoy life; It was friendship that told me; I am not alone, I am a member of the collective, even in school, I can feel the warmth of home; It is friendship that takes me to fly in the sky heartily, so that I know to fight for my dream. It is friendship that gives me confidence. Let me have the courage to find my life, let me have the opportunity to have a colorful childhood, have a beautiful and precious memory!

Love does not mean material satisfaction, but spiritual communication. On your birthday, during the holidays, a friend's bright smile and a sincere greeting have far exceeded those valuables; When you are sick, even if your friend gives you a small bowl of hot soup and a small cup of ordinary water, you can hold him tightly in your hand and let your heart flow with heat. Because in your eyes at this moment, it's not just soup and water. In your opinion, what is in the bowl and cup is a strong love, a sincere love! True friendship is trust and sincere care for each other. Only when there is a solid bridge between hearts can we truly become friends and have friendship!

A sincere and unchanging love constitutes my colorful life. Without love, my world becomes cold; Without love, my life becomes boring; Without love, my study becomes boring; Without love, I will feel that everything around me is no longer beautiful, and love makes everything hopeful!

Because you love writing 600 words (5)

Another night, dancing with the stars, cold and silent. But my heart, like the ripples on the water, cannot be calm. Because of love, it affects my thoughts. After a busy day, he finally climbed out of the sea of inscriptions and lay in bed lazily, intoxicated with poetic words. Suddenly, my mother interrupted my thoughts. Come on, look at the articles my mother wrote for you before.

I was a little impatient, but when I thought that this was the first time I read the article my mother wrote to me and looked at her persistent eyes, I stood up and read. The title is "My Angel". This article tells me some little things in my life from childhood to adulthood. Every word and sentence seems to converge into a gurgling brook, full of maternal love. In the process of reading, my tears began to flow down. After reading the full text, I have become a tearful person. Moved, happy, because there is love. Maternal love transcends the past memory and continues to this day. The winter night was bitterly cold. My windows can't keep out the cold wind.

My hands are stiff with cold. My mother always sends a cup of hot water and a basin of foot washing water at this time. She said gently, "Soak your feet, and then drink a mouthful of hot water, you will get hot all over." Her tone was very light, like a breeze, afraid of affecting my study. In the hot water, I seem to feel the temperature of my mother's love. Seeing that I was warm, my mother turned and left. I saw the back of the lamp disappearing. Ah, what kind of number is that? Her back is more bent than before, and her feet are not as agile as before. My mother carefully closed the door. I can't hear any footsteps outside the door. She has been out for a long time, but I still look at the door and let the tears flow freely. After finishing the homework, the upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

But I also poured a cup of hot water, accompanied by curling steam, gently walked into my mother's room, handed her and said good night. Compared with the article my mother wrote for me, this article is full of her daughter's love for her mother. Because of love, winter nights are no longer cold.

Because you love writing 600 words (6)

Bing Xin once said, "Love is on the left, sympathy is on the right, walking on both sides of human life, sowing and blooming at any time, embellishing the long distance with fragrant flowers and romance, so that people who wear branches and caress leaves will not feel pain when stepping on thorns, and there will be tears to fall, but not sadness."

Because of love, it gives warmth to the cold people. I remember that the snow disaster in 2008 left many people suffering from the cold wind. They had no water, no electricity, and even food and clothing. Due to the thick snow on the ground, the rescue vehicles could not enter for a long time... However, we have a large number of brave soldiers who do not work hard at the front, unblock the flow of people, shovel the snow, and serve the people wholeheartedly; A large number of volunteers actively participated in the rescue, and finally let the weather beaten people taste the warmth

Because of love, it gives health to the dark rural people. In recent years, our country has carried out the policy of medicine going to the countryside and a large number of rural outpatient medical insurance cards have been popularized, which has brought great benefits to people in rural areas, as well as health. In the past, when they were ill, they always thought it was expensive to go to the hospital. Taking a few pills would finish the job, leading to the deterioration of the final condition. Now a large number of medical professionals go to the countryside to open pharmacies and clinics, which not only facilitates them, but also adds a guarantee to their health. Moreover, the development of many public welfare activities enables local people to better understand the basic knowledge of medicine, let them take more care of their bodies, and understand the importance of health

Because with love, the poor people get rich; Because love gives care to people at the lower level... In fact, many of these things happen around us. As long as we try to experience the beauty of the world, we will find a trivial thing and there is love.

Love is a kind of belief, because with love, our home is full of warmth. Let's sow the seeds of love together, let the world taste full of love, and let all people feel the existence of love.

Because you love writing 600 words (7)

Because of love, the ice and snow melted and turned into a river of spring water flowing eastward unremittingly.

Because of love, the flowers bloomed so brightly that they released all the enthusiasm accumulated all winter.

Because of love, even spring is attracted to come ahead of time: see the spring red nestling on the earth, the gentle wind caressing the willow branches, the spring rain moistening the things silently, only with the farmers casting another hope of love.

I picked up a ray of hope, folded it into the paper plane, and let it fly to the place where love and hope are badly needed.

A sudden shock there shattered thousands of fragile hearts, and the whole earth was swallowed up by darkness. "I believe this is not true. My home cannot be destroyed like this!" "Where are you, Dad? Are you playing hide and seek with me? Don't hide, I'm afraid..." "Where are you, my daughter?"

——"I gently hold your face and wipe your tears away. This heart will always belong to you and tell me that I am no longer lonely... I sincerely wish you all the best and wish you all the best." Heard the news of love from all over the world, people rushed to the disaster area enthusiastically to help. Great love has put up a huge protective umbrella for the disaster area, which not only guarantees the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the people in the disaster area, but also saves the hearts that were nearly shattered. "Because of love

Hope blooms. "

Looking back again, it is a reconstructed home, covered with warm love

The paper plane came back to me with a full of happy love. It was a sunny morning when I opened the window: the birds fluttered their wings happily and sang in the sky. The green notes fell on the leaves lovingly, giving the trees a new green dress. This is really verdant. While talking, the treetops quietly dropped a few drops of green, forming a lovely grassland under the shade of the trees, and also inlaid with various flowers, the fragrance filled the whole world. I took a deep breath, and the fragrance of love immediately came to my nose.

Because you love writing 600 words (8)

Love is like a candle in the dark, giving the world infinite light and illuminating people's hope for life—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I am two or three years old and have a big shortcoming - I don't like eating. For this reason, my parents would cook nine meals for me one day, including fish flavored shredded pork, egg tomato, hand shredded cabbage and other special foods. But I, the "little emperor", would not eat anything, even if I was hungry, I would not say a word. Therefore, my parents went to major hospitals to find prescriptions for me, prescribe digestive fluid and nutrient fluid, and went to various outpatient clinics to seek folk prescriptions for me, but they didn't even have any effect. In desperation, he cut my skin, picked my meat and looked at my tongue, but it still didn't work. Seeing this situation, my grandfather was also anxious to get angry. He could not eat or drink for three days. Finally, in the first grade, under the treatment of a folk earthwork, I slowly had an appetite.

With the care of the elders, my childhood can grow healthily.

In the fifth grade of primary school, my friends and I played the game of "chasing after each other and running away". Who knows, I accidentally knocked down a teacher's son and thought that if this was over, I would definitely be criticized by the teacher. When the class meeting was held, the teacher didn't mention it at all. I looked at the teacher with doubts. It happened that I bumped into the teacher's eyes. The teacher's clear look seemed to tell me: It doesn't matter. It's not entirely your fault. Just be careful next time.

With the care of teachers, my self-esteem has been maintained.

Just stepped into the door of the first day of junior high school, facing this strange environment, strange students, for a moment, I felt at a loss. When I was studying at night, I had a relapse, and my legs felt numb and painful. My eyebrows were locked, and a layer of sweat oozed from my forehead. At this time, the students around me noticed my abnormality and looked at me one after another. "Qiao Xiao, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" "Let's take you back to the dormitory." "Let's go to the school clinic to have a look." Looking at the concerned and anxious eyes of the students, I understood their love.

With the care of my classmates, I feel warm when I am in a different place.

Pass on love, because there is love, so I feel warm!

Because you love writing 600 words (9)

Love, like sunshine, warms people's hearts; Love, like spring rain, moistens people's hearts; Love, like a spark, kindles hope.

I still remember that day, when I was sorting out my books, I accidentally found my graduation photo of primary school, so my eyes fell on the serious looking person in the middle of the photo, and my thoughts returned to the campus where the books were loud and clear.

"Chu Yuxuan, why are you late again? I just criticized you yesterday, but today you have made a mistake." The head teacher shouted angrily at me. The first time I saw the head teacher so angry, I was terrified and incoherent.


"Don't explain it to me. Just because you have many reasons, you should enter the classroom immediately." Before I finished, the head teacher continued to roar with an impatient look, and I returned to my seat resentfully.

Since then, I have been against my head teacher in everything. She asked me to do this, but I just wanted to do that. The head teacher seemed to see that I was intentional, so he called me to the office one day after school.

Holding a broken attitude, I came to the office door.

"Report," I cried languidly.

She didn't seem to see me, and she didn't look up. She kept correcting her homework with red pen.

I just stood at the door foolishly, neither walking nor entering.

"Do you know why I asked you to come?" The head teacher looked up at me and said calmly after five minutes.

I stood there in silence, just shaking my head.

"I know that your recent hostility is all due to that day. I was in a bad mood at that time. I say sorry to you." The head teacher said to me with an apology.

In an instant, my pretended strength collapsed and a tear slipped down.

I whispered to the head teacher: "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I also made mistakes. I shouldn't make mistakes all the time, which always makes you angry. I will change it in the future."

After leaving the office, I recalled what the head teacher said that morning, and then gradually understood the teacher's good intentions.

At this moment, I just want to say, because of love, so warm!

Because you love writing 600 words (10)

Rain and dew give love to the forest, where there are green waves; Spring water gives love to the valley; There is a ding dong melody; The sun gives love to the sea, where there is hope for life.

Helen Keller, the author of "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", lost her sight and hearing because of scarlet fever in nineteen months. Soon, she lost her ability to express herself in language. In this dark and lonely world, she used to be angry and helpless because of the "trick" of fate. Here, she could not feel the sun, could not feel love, everything, She was a little upset, but her mentor Anne Sullivan's arrival seemed to save her from the dark world. The presence of the mentor gave Helen a great encouragement. She slowly influenced Helen with love. Gradually, Helen overcame the mental pain caused by her physiological defects with tenacious perseverance. Finally, She shocked the world in a brave way with a unique individual life. She - Helen Keller, a person who lives in darkness but brings light to human beings, who has lived through the eighty-eight years of life, but survived eighty-seven lightless and silent lonely years and months. All these miracles come from love.

It was Professor Sullivan who used love to patiently interpret words over and over again, teach her pronunciation, selflessly sprinkle love on every part of Helen's heart, let the lonely and helpless Helen know the world again, discover the world with heart, and then made the man who conquered the world with pen. Because of love, there was a miracle.

It was the love of her father and mother that helped Helen give her great support and encouragement. Only love was like a jar of wine buried deep in the ground. The more it was hidden, the more mellow it became.

It is the love of all people in the society, which brings Helen countless warmth and power. Even though she lives in a world without light and words, her soul is still sacred and beautiful, and love is like sunshine, lighting up her heart.

Because there is love, there is a miracle.

Because you love writing 600 words (11)

Who warmed up a cup of turbid wine for Du Fu, who said, "There is no word between relatives and friends, but old illness has a lonely boat"? Who is the one who wept and wet his blue shirt for the song girl who was exiled to the Red Lake and sighed, "We are the same fallen people in the end of the world, why should we ever meet each other"? Who held the child's hope with his right hand in the Wenchuan earthquake? Who evaporated sweat and tears into precious nectar in the drought in southwest China? Drunken wordless pay, more noble, love is that warm light. If you ask me what love is? It is considerate, a simple encouragement on the desk; It is caring and a consolation after failing the exam; It is an arc formed by parents' tired and bent cervical vertebrae; It is the sweat that teachers spread civilization; It is the vow of love that one will never part from another.

I marveled at the relatives and friends who took more care of the poor poet. He made Du Fu's miserable life feel the warmth of friendship, so he had the lofty ambition of "building thousands of houses, and protecting the poor people all over the world to be happy". This is the power of love; I marvel at Bai Juyi's sympathy and understanding for the pipa girls and his simple feelings in his articles. Here, we can hear the sobbing pipa voice on the head of the Xunyang River, which tells us that "both are the fallen people of the world"; I exclaimed that Tan Qianqiu, such a selfless teacher, burned his own life to light up the warm life of students, so that there would be grateful and moved people.

Because of love, the best painkiller, friends become less melancholy when they lose; Because of the sunshine of love, life is always warm like spring. I also want to use a beam of sunshine of love to make myself like them to give this beautiful world. The warmth I have makes her light up the world.

The fire of life needs to be lit with love, and the world decorated with love will be wonderful. Because of love, life is better.

Because you love writing 600 words (12)

The flowers are beautiful because of the sunshine; The grass is green because of the wet spring rain; They are happy because of love.

At school, it was time for lunch, and students lined up to rush to the dining room. At this time, an accident happened. Yu Juan, a fourth grader, fell down, which frightened the students behind her, and the team automatically stopped moving forward. You know, Yu Juan suffered from polio when she was a child, and her legs were disabled. She usually walked with a limp. Zheng Ying, who was walking behind, hurried forward to help Yu Juan up and nervously asked, "Is the fall painful? Is it ok?" Other students were also concerned. Yu Juan blushed and shook her head, but Zheng Ying still didn't trust her to walk to the restaurant on the second floor. When she got to her seat, Zheng Ying told Yu Juan, "You sit here and I'll go and cook for you." Xiao Lin also volunteered to cook for Yu Juan. Soon, all the food was ready. Looking at the steaming food, Yu Juan smiled so brightly

By the rice field, Aunt Liu's left hand was tied with a bandage and hung on her chest. She looked at the mature rice in the field with a worried face. Aunt Liu was deaf and dumb. Unexpectedly, when she went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables the other day, she accidentally broke her hand. Isn't that worse? Aunt Zhang, the neighbor who passed by, saw it. She looked at the rice in the field and at Aunt Liu's face, as if she understood something. At noon the next day, Aunt Liu was preparing to eat when Aunt Zhang and several neighbors came with a cart of rice. It turned out that Aunt Zhang saw what Aunt Liu was worried about yesterday and made an appointment with several neighbors that night to collect Aunt Liu's rice this morning. Seeing everyone unload the rice, Aunt Liu opened her eyes strangely. After a while, she seemed to understand and excitedly gestured with her hands, looking at the golden rice and laughing straight

On the bus, a bus full of passengers stopped at another stop, and an uncle came up on crutches. The ticket clerk aunt saw that uncle's legs were not convenient, so she quickly left the seat and came forward to support him. Just as she wanted to ask someone to give her a seat, an uncle had stood up, "Uncle, sit here." He said and carefully helped uncle to his seat. A passenger on the side also reached out his hands to help the uncle walk more steadily. With their help, Uncle successfully sat down on the seat. Before he could put down his crutches, Uncle was busy saying thanks

Love, like the sunshine in winter, warms the heart; Love is like timely rain, which can moisten withered seedlings. I hope that each of us can give a love to make our life better.

Because you love writing 600 words (13)

Love is a kind of understanding, a kind of care, a kind of consideration, and a kind of feeling that penetrates into the bones. Because of love, the world is so beautiful; It is because of love that you mean a lot to me; Because of love, we will have happiness!

There are two kinds of cruel people in the world, one is the one who is loved, the other is the one who has love. A loved person will have two people who have love: one is a lover, and the other is a relative. When love conflicts with kinship, what should the beloved do? He often abandons love because of family affection. The lover was unlucky, but he hated and retaliated for losing love, and became cruel. Because of love, the world can be so beautiful!

There are also two kinds of poor people in the world, one is the one who has love, the other is the one who is loved. The flower has love, but it falls in love with rain and dew. In the next second, rain and dew will die; Earthworms also have love, but they fall in love with the blue sky, but earthworms have no wings, and they can't fly to the blue sky; The fly also has love, but it falls in love with the rabbit. They are born enemies, destined to never be together. It is because of love that you mean a lot to me. Because of love, flowers moved to a dark and humid place to survive in order that the rain and dew would no longer die. Finally, they dried up and the rain and dew disappeared. It was also because of love that the earthworm asked the bird to fly in order to fly into the blue sky, and finally it was eaten. It was also because of love that the fly, in order to make the rabbit no longer afraid of itself, abraded its beak, trimmed its claws, pulled out its fangs, and was finally killed by the hunter. So, I can do anything for you!

There are two kinds of happy people in the world, one is the one who has love, the other is the one who is loved. Those who have love are happy because they can love, and those who are loved are happy because they are loved. The person who has love and the person who is loved are full of love. So, because of love, we are all happy.

Love is a wonderful thing. We can't control it. It comes and goes whenever it wants. Sometimes, it is sweeter than candied fruit; Sometimes, it is more bitter than poppy; But sometimes, it is even more bland and tasteless than clear water.

If I were to choose, I would rather be a person who has love, because I lost everything, at least I still have love

Because you love writing 600 words (14)

Because of love, plain and tasteless life becomes better; Because of love, life will have many beautiful moments.

A ray of breeze can make you feel love; A white cloud can make you feel love; A ray of winter sunshine can also make you feel love. Yes, nature also has a love for us.

Because of love, nature gave us spring. Isn't it a kind of love? Walking in the boundless sea of flowers, Zhu Ziqing's Spring comes to mind: "The wind is gentle and the grass is soft." What a beautiful scene! Standing by the pond, I remembered the beautiful scenery of "To compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup". And the gentle willow trees are beautiful to the mother earth like spring messengers.

Because of love, nature also sent us the vast ocean. The blue sea purifies people's hearts. The boundless sea tells us the truth of broad-minded. When Cao Cao looked at the sea on the Jieshi Mountain, he had mixed feelings and wrote the famous sentence of "if you go out of the sun and moon, the stars will be brilliant, if you go out of it". Nature's love for us is everywhere. It not only gives us a chance to see the sea, but also uses the same vast blue sky to decorate the earth.

But it seems that human beings are ungrateful. They not only cut down trees on a large scale, but also discharge industrial waste water into the sea and exhaust gas into the once blue sky, so the natural environment begins to become bad, and the blue in the sky disappears quietly, replaced by lifeless gray. There are fewer fish swimming at the seaside, and there are floating plastic bags. Let's think about what we have given nature? It is pollution, destruction and injury.

We love life because it gives us beauty; We love our parents because they give us life. Nature has given us scenery. Why don't we love its beauty?

Because of love, nature has given us the most beautiful ecological environment; Because of love, we should use our love to protect nature.

Because you love writing 600 words (15)

Dear father, I have always firmly and proudly believed that you love me. Let's not talk about literati's remarks about love. I would like to say that I saw love - when darkness engulfed the sky, I could see your figure at the entrance of the alley when I came home from school, dressed in black. Oh, Dad, can I tell you that you are like an angel falling from the guardian star, and you will shine when the sun sweeps through the afternoon, You came back drunk after social intercourse and crawled lazily beside me. Your stomach ache suddenly hit your body like a gust of wind, but your trembling hand never meant to shake me. When I woke up, I saw your tight eyebrows, dear dad, how I wanted to tell you, please hold my hand, and I would like to feel with you.

Dear father, your love is not like mine. I live in my own world, disdainful but humble, enthusiastic but dim. I love you, but I don't know the way to love you; I love you, but I don't know how to make you feel; I love you, but I don't know what to do. But you love me not like this. You know everything about me. You will be proud of my advantages, and you will not be ashamed of my shortcomings. My home is shrunken and curled up in a corner, while your love is calm and exists in the whole sunny heart and the whole world.

My dear father, please forgive me for my dull words that can't describe your face. Please forgive me for not creating great love in my writing. Please forgive me for being an ignorant child who is constantly self righteous. Please forgive me for my love is less than your love. But really, Dad, it's just a little bit.

But dear father, I also want to thank you for loving me. Because you love me, the lane home is not dark. Because you love me, I am safe in my sleep without being disturbed. Because you love me, I try to learn to love while being loved.

Because you love writing 600 words (16)

I am stronger because of love 600 words of junior high school composition material I

Dear Mother:


Long time no see. How are you? I'm fine. Although there are many difficulties and setbacks in life and study, I still face them firmly. Because of your love, I will be stronger.

Do you still remember that summer vacation? When I was young, I insisted on pouring water by myself. I was short, and my thin arm struggled to carry the heavy thermos pot. Finally, the hand could not support me. "Bang!" The thermos pot fell on the ground, and the hot water poured all over my feet. The plastic sandals in summer did not cover half of the hot for me. When I bit my lip, I would cry. When you heard the sound, you hurried to pick me up.

No need to add more words. You hold me and wash me under the cool tap water. "Boo..." I put my hands around your neck and cried. You gently stroked my back and comforted me in a soft voice: "Xian'er, it's OK, who hasn't been burned! Come on, Mom, give you a blow --"

Without adding anything more, I stopped crying slightly, although my shoulders were still shrugged. Lower your head, look at your gentle look, drooping eyebrows and eyes, care about me carefully, how can I cry! I should be strong. "The skin of my body is affected by my parents." My carelessness has already brought you trouble. How can I be so weak again and worry you.

I raised a sunny smile and said to you, "Mom, it's OK, it doesn't hurt."

Yes, mother, you always accompany me, care about me and protect me when I am depressed, but I am always so frustrated and frustrated, which makes you worry a lot. Mom, you can rest assured that your love will make me stronger!


Happy every day!

I'm Stronger Because of Love 600 Words Junior High School Composition Material 2

As the saying goes, there is a kind of love in the world, which is the most selfless and greatest. It is like the blue sky and the sea tolerating your mistakes again and again. It is maternal love. There is also a kind of love in the world. It is not easy to express, but it is silently and selflessly dedicated, just like the sea in Senior Three containing your father's love.

I have lived in a special family since I was a child. I live in a single parent family. My father loves me as much as my father and mother do. My grandmother also loves me very much. Although I don't have the love of my mother, I haven't experienced the love of my mother, but I think I can only have my grandmother and father now. But they all say that children without a mother are like grass. Every time I hear about it, only my mother is good, My heart is like a broken one. Seeing that other people's mothers love their sons so much, I admire them silently beside them.

Once, I asked my father, where is my mother? My father hit me hard. I felt extremely regretful and burst into tears because I said my father's pain. My father was very sad when he saw me crying. He hurriedly told me that Ruirui, his mother had left, and he would never come back. You should study hard and not make others look down on us. Although you are a motherless child, we should not make others look down on us, and we should be strong. After saying that, my father's tears fell quietly, and I cried with him. Our tears wet our clothes, and that night, I never asked my mother where she had gone. My father stroked me, and I saw my father's hands. His hands were full of calluses, and he was also working. Usually I asked my father to do less work and rest more. He said, now I am the pillar of the family, how can I rest? This sentence made me praise my father's quality.

Dad, thank you for opening your strong and warm arms for me when I was sad.

A kind of silent love, although ordinary, is very precious, because there is such a father beside me.

I am stronger because of love 600 words junior high school composition material 3

"Look at the results, look at the results, the just issued score sheet, look!" With the loud cry of the monitor, the students rushed up to see how the results of this semester were.

"Wow! Li Qianqian, how come you are the first! You are great!" Zhao Ran shouted at me.

"Really! How wonderful you are!" Another student also praised, so the students began to talk about it. I went to see the results, and it was really the first, really good! Listening to the praise of my classmates, I felt very happy. I looked at everything around me, wore new clothes, and ate and drank every day. Now I will never feel inferior and can study hard!

When did I become so excellent? Why don't I feel inferior?

I vaguely remember that three years ago, I never dared to talk with others easily, let alone actively participate in activities. Because of the poor family conditions, I don't dress well. Every time I see other students talking and laughing together, I can only hide in the corner to play, because rich students will leave me... Therefore, my performance has not been outstanding.

Until that warm winter, I was curling up in the classroom doing my homework, watching others warm their hands with warm hot water bags, and then looking at my own red hands, I could not help but feel a few colds in my heart

"The country has issued a new policy, which is to make up for the living expenses of poor students. Li Qianqian, Zhang Ming... These people take their meal cards and go with me to pay!" Teacher Chen, the head teacher, came in and said to us.

In the midst of confusion, I had 375 yuan more on my meal card. Gradually, I realized that it was the money given by the state to take care of poor students. splendid! In this way, I won't worry about food, and I can live better!

This special treatment is not available to everyone. Seeing the envious eyes of my classmates, I still feel warm and full in my heart. I don't feel any coldness any more. Maybe that is self-confidence!

After returning home that week, I told my parents the good news, and I felt suddenly that their backs had straightened a lot, and their white hair was not so dazzling... The happy ripples rippled on their faces, as if they were much younger

From that day on, I found that I was no longer so inferiority complex, and began to actively talk with my classmates. In class, I occasionally found that my arm stood upright several times, and was so firm that I would never dare to raise my hand because of my inferiority complex again! It is love that gives me confidence!

One afternoon, my father gave me 5 yuan and said, "Save some money. This is my pocket money for two weeks. Don't lose it!" It was really strange. How could he give me pocket money? Could it be that after making up the money, he became rich? By all means!

So I happily got the money. The next day, I went to the street to play and felt my pocket. Suddenly, I remembered that I had 5 yuan to buy things. So, I bought a lot of snacks, a hairpin, a small toy