600 character biographical composition (5 popular articles)
imbued with supreme heroism
2023-10-25 07:06:16
Junior two

600 character biographical composition (1)

On May 22, a 91 year old man left, but no matter who he was, they all saluted him. When the hearse passed, people lined the way to see him off. He was our grandfather Yuan Longping.

I heard from my teacher that although China used to be a small country, its population ranked first in the country, with so many people. It must need a lot of food, but there are mountains and rivers besides people living here, so we can't turn them into farmers. There is also little land for growing food. So there was a famine in our country. During the famine, people ate everything they saw. It is said that there is also something to eat by grinding stones into powder. Goodbye, how hungry they were. But Yuan Longping also experienced the pain of hunger. He thought of the pain of the people, so he wanted to cultivate new rice. Save people's suffering.

After his research and cultivation, he has developed a new type of rice. For example, in recent years, the planting area of hybrid rice has exceeded 240 million mu, and the annual yield of rice is about 2.5 million tons. This is enough to feed China's 1.4 billion people. His dream is not only to let China plant hybrid rice, but to let the whole world do so. It can be seen that Grandpa Yuan is selfless.

Grandpa Yuan, I hope we can have enough food, but we can't waste food because of good economic conditions. Who knows that every meal on the plate is hard. In ancient times, people knew that it was bad to waste food. Because it is the harvest of the working people. I remember when I had lunch at noon, I saw some students pour the leftovers into the leftovers bucket. It spoils the food. But we need to know that this is Grandpa Yuan and his colleagues' scientific research achievements in recent decades. If we waste it, their efforts and achievements will become worthless and disrespect their research achievements. So we should have a good meal every day and not waste a grain of rice. Don't waste every grain.

Grandpa Yuan, you have a good journey. We will treasure every grain now and remember the saying that every grain is hard to eat!

600 character biographical composition (2)

The glorious name of "Father of Hybrid Rice", I used red pen to mark these words on Thursday. Who would have thought that in three days, the bright red would turn gray? He was born in 1930, and one will die in 2021. In this warm summer, in the prosperous Changsha, the rice will mature, but he can no longer stop to watch in the fragrant rice fields. He is our benefactor, he gave us life, he is academician Yuan Longping.

Many people mourned for him and saw him off. He was a brave man. He let countless countries eat rice, and he let countless people no longer starve. In his 90s, he still worked day after day. Every grain of rice is bought by him through sweat and blood. There has never been a good time, but someone is carrying a heavy load for you. Without food, there would be no technology. Without Father Yuan Longping, there would be no greater China today. He is rice, which seems unimpressive, but is indeed the foundation of heavy industry and high-tech. He never bowed his head against the scorching sun, and he can feed others and live a poor life.

But his death does not mean that the old man Yuan Longping will leave us. If the cardiac arrest and brain death in the West represent the departure, then in the East, he will live forever. The words "live" refer not to his body, but to the spirit of Yuan Longping, the old man, who died for his country. The so-called heroes and legends do not need superpowers, but the spirit of dedication to the motherland and the awareness of dedication to others. Everyone can become a hero, and everyone can become the next "Yuan Longping". History will pass, legends will be passed on, and each of us will have the opportunity to create new glory. Although the process is slow, there will be no mistakes, Because we Chinese, we love our motherland, Yuan Longping has always been at our side, and his spirit will always be attached to our hearts.

When you smell the fragrance of rice, may you rest in peace! I hope that the great man lying in the flowers can rest in peace, and also hope that his spirit can be inherited all the time, so that the legend will never die, so that heroes will never be scarce!

600 character biographical composition (3)

Reflections on biographies

Madame Fan Wenyi Curie, a name that moved the world. Her simple figure is deeply remembered by people from generation to generation; Her inspiring story has also been eulogized again and again. When Madame Curie was born, her motherland Poland was being trampled by the iron hooves of Russia.

Reading Notes of Biography

Helen (the author) was a smart and lively girl when she was a child. She could say some simple words in six months and would walk when she was just one year old. In a word, she is much more obedient and studious than other children.

Reflections on Reading the Biographies of Characters

I was amazed at Gorky's courage: he recalled his dark, dirty and desperate childhood in such detail and even with a self mocking humor. Alexei, a little boy who lost his father when he was young and stayed at his grandfather's house, grew up in all human evils: violence, abuse, revenge and all kinds of nasty things.

Reflections on Reading Biographies

He is short, small and bloated. His appearance explains that he was born with a sporty skeleton. A broad, earthy red face, his skin became sickly and yellow in his later years, especially in winter, when he was confined indoors and away from the fields. The forehead bulges and is extremely broad.

Biography - Father

On January 21, 1968, when it was still dark, a loud cry broke the silence of dawn. A lively and lovely boy came to the big family. He was my father. Because his family was poor at that time, people hoped that he could have splendor and wealth when he grew up, so they gave him a rather vulgar name - "Rongfu".

Biographies of Class Three (I)

Teacher Xie is a very beautiful teacher, with beautiful people, beautiful language and beautiful behavior. And teacher Xie seems to be able to do magic. Class Three is so excellent. It can be said that I love Teacher Xie, and everyone loves and respects him. Little Beauty Thank you, teacher, for being so beautiful.

Reflections on Reading the Biographies of People

Madame Curie, a name that moved the world. Her simple figure is deeply remembered by people from generation to generation; Her inspiring story has also been eulogized again and again. When Madame Curie was born, her motherland Poland was being trampled by the iron hooves of Russia.

After reading biographies of high school characters: Wu Xie

After reading biographies of high school characters: Wu Xie 1977.3.5, you were born in the world, Wu Xie, happy birthday! May the Kirin be here every year from now on, and Wu Xie will be safe all the year round. There was such a person in my heart. He was innocent and smiling. Later, he was as strong as another person. He was calm, decisive, and even determined.

Guangdong Education Press Senior High School Compulsory 1 Unit 2 Composition: Biographical Composition

Composition of Unit 2, Compulsory Course 1 of Senior High School of Guangdong Education Press: A year ago, I had no intention of seeing the TV play "The Night of Spring Wind" adapted from his novel on TV. The exterior scene was in Shexian County, the county town of Huizhou, and I felt very cordial. Yu Dafu really came to Huizhou and left an article titled "A Night Mooring in Tunxi".

Thoughts on reading biographies

After killing Ximen Qing, Wu Song was sent to Mengzhou to be conscripted, and met Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang on the Cross Slope. But these are not wonderful enough. Only in this episode, Wu Song is the most wonderful. In this episode, Wu Song goes to help Shi En recapture the Joyful Forest for personal friendship, and every wine officer eats three bowls of wine on the way. From these two points, we know that he has

Reading Notes of Biography

Helen (the author) was a smart and lively girl when she was a child. She could say some simple words in six months and would walk when she was just one year old. In a word, she is much more obedient and studious than other children.

English composition biographies

The biography of a person is also a kind of narrative style, but the biography of a person is mainly about the lives and deeds of celebrities or great people. Therefore, when writing a biography of a person, we should focus on his birth date, main stories, people's comments, etc.

600 character biographical composition (4)

Sample essay 1 of biographical composition of college characters:

The teacher's eyes not only contained the tenderness of a mother, but also flashed the sternness of a strict father. A pair of bright big eyes can see the students' mind very well. He is easy-going and always has a friendly smile on his mouth.

The teacher gently climbed onto the platform and picked up the chalk, just like the person holding the gold key, "click" to open the door of the treasure house of knowledge, so that we can find it in the treasure house of knowledge. Mr. Cao gently pressed the blackboard with his left hand and held the chalk with his right hand. He was very flexible. Some of the strokes were vigorous and forceful, while others were smooth and lively. The written characters were appropriate in intensity.

After class, he called me to the office and said gently: "As long as you work hard, the lost things will come back. Go! Use your own practice to find the lost things."

Teacher Ding, the head teacher, works hard for us all day long. Teacher's Day is coming, what gift should I give her? By the way, use my hands to make a delicate and beautiful greeting card!

I took out white paper, watercolor pens, art knives, pencils, erasers... and piled a table full of them.

First, I folded a piece of white paper into two rectangles. What's on the card? by the way! Draw some flowers first! I opened the paper, took up the pen, and drew many budding flowers, which looked like lovely smiling faces of students, blooming in the sun! At the same time, I wish Mr. Ding will always be as young and beautiful as flowers. So I drew a group of beautiful butterflies. The biggest and most beautiful one was Miss Ding. She wore a colorful dress, followed by a group of small butterflies that were us. Under the guidance of Miss Ding, we flew freely!

Looking at greeting cards, I always feel something is missing. There is also a blessing message that has not been written, but I can't express my gratitude after thinking about it. Let's use the most direct and simple words: "Mr. Ding, you have worked hard, wish you a happy holiday!" However, this is straightforward and not new enough, can it be a little more strange? Yes, "Open the window"! So I took half a piece of white paper to write a toast, stuck it on the back, and cut a part of the front piece of paper with a knife to make a window. Open the window and enjoy the blessings. Close the window, I drew some smiling faces, which is also us. As long as we open the greeting card, the smiling faces will smile at Mr. Ding! After drawing the card, I quickly finished the cover. Looking at my meticulously made greeting card, it seemed to emerge in front of my eyes: Mr. Ding looked at my card and smiled so happily and brilliantly!

Sample essay 2 of biographical composition of college characters:

In the blink of an eye, the time of primary school quietly passed by me. Among the six years of good memories, there are many classmates that I will never forget. They helped me and left me too many good memories in the six years.

There is a classmate who is a good friend of mine. Every time I think of her, a smiling face always appears in front of me. Her eyes are narrowed and crescent shaped, but she can also clearly see the shining light in her eyes, the corners of her mouth are up, with some mischief and cunning. She is.

She is a good student with excellent character and learning. Every time the teacher mentioned her, he would show a smile. There is a memory between her and me that I have benefited from all my life.

It was a math exam. After the teacher handed out the test paper, I looked at it and found it very simple, so I began to write it. I successfully answered several questions, and was secretly glad that I suddenly stopped writing - I met a "roadblock". There is only ten minutes left to check and calculate. It is too late to catch up, let alone drive away the "roadblocks". If so, I won't do well in the exam. Grandma Li next door praises me every time she sees me. If I fail in the exam, how can I see Grandma Li when I get home! In a hurry, I looked at the examination paper, ah! She did it! Without thinking much, I immediately wrote the topic on the note and threw it at her. At this time, my heart was really 15 buckets of water - up and down, but she just looked at it and threw the note to the ground. I was so angry that I thought to myself, "What a good friend!"! At this time, the team leader came to collect the papers, and I never drove the "roadblock" away.

When school came to an end, seeing that I still ignored her, I said to me with all my heart: "I'm not not helping you, but I'm afraid you cheat yourself. The purpose of the exam is to test how we are doing at this stage. I believe that the teacher wants our real scores, not false scores." After listening to her, I also felt that I was wrong and copied other people's things, If you don't think through your brain, you don't do anything. If you form a habit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

I sincerely thank you for letting me know the harm of plagiarism. The enlightenment you gave me will benefit my life. I will never forget a good classmate like you.

Model 3:

Her neat row of "door curtains" cover her eyes, her long black beautiful hair is neatly tied behind her head, and her square face has a pair of eyes that are not big but are very vivid.

After listening to my description, everyone will surely think that she is a talented woman who treats people politely. If so, you are wrong - her academic performance is not very ideal. Maybe some people will wonder how I can make friends with Qianer? Because she is upright, understands the general situation, and has the courage to take responsibility. He is a woman man to the letter.

Lens 1

During self-study in the afternoon, I was lying on the table with my eyes closed, but I heard a "wow" - something was dropped on the ground. This is often the case. I looked up helplessly and saw that the angry person was Yan Qianqian and the object was Yang Yang. It's strange. What's more, after falling Yang Yang's book, she even cried on the table. When I comforted him in the past, I also found out the truth - Yang Yang beat Yan Qianqian with a whip, so throwing the book was certainly revenge. As for why she cried, in Qian's words, it was painful. But soon Qian turned around and said to Yang Yang, who had been muttering, "I'm going to do something, I'm going to do something big.". At that time, I especially admired Qian. A beautiful woman may not be loved, but a woman who knows the whole story must be loved.

Lens 2

On Thursday morning, it was my turn to be on duty. When I swept to Huang Xiaoming's position, he said from a commanding position: "Sweep well and clean up. You think you can sweep the floor if you don't sweep as well as if you didn't sweep." I was looking for some words to refute. Just as Qian came to me, she asked me what happened. I stared at Huang Xiaoming and said he hit me. Qian rushed to Huang Xiaoming without saying a word and waited for him, scolding him. Finally, Huang Xiaoming came to his senses and whispered that I was wronged. Qian was very forthright and said, "I'll give you a shot. If I dare to bully girls in the future, I'll give you glucose today." Qian is very good at talking, but it's still our girls' "talisman" not to bully others. Can be the female boss of hsh. This is the girl in our class, my classmate and my friend. If she can accompany me through these three years, it will be my greatest happiness.

600 character biographical composition (5)

Model 1 of excellent biographical composition:

During the winter vacation, I read Chen Jingrun, the biography of the world's famous people, and I felt deeply. He risked political risks and faced pressure to develop the "Goldbach conjecture" for 10 years, which has made remarkable achievements, set an example for the confused generation of young people and pointed out the direction of life. Chen Jingrun's contribution to the country and the nation and his extensive and long-standing influence have gone far beyond the academic field. He has influenced a generation and even an era. Chen Jingrun studied very hard when he was young. He usually didn't like talking, but he always raised his hand to answer questions in class. When discussing mathematics, his face was full of intelligence. I didn't like to raise my hand to answer questions before. I thought it would be OK when I met. Sometimes I thought that the teacher didn't necessarily call me when he raised his hand, so there was less opportunity to practice speaking.

After the teacher pointed out this problem to me, I also realized that my expression ability had indeed declined, so I also raised my hand actively last semester, but it was far from Chen Jingrun. I also loved reading books. For example, I read the Thirty six Stratagems several times, but my reading time was not fixed every day, sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes not reading. The types of books selected are also relatively small. In order to practice oral expression, the teacher suggested that I read aloud at home, but I was always embarrassed to read aloud.

My mother said to me, "In order to improve my ability, I must defeat myself." Later, I will read more good books, accumulate more knowledge and exercise more ability. Although I am very young now, my living conditions are much better than Chen Jingrun's when he was a child. Therefore, I will study hard and become a Chinese who will win honor for the country like him in the future.

Model 2 of excellent biographical composition:

The way of looking at people is the same as that of looking at things. Sometimes it is necessary to change the perspective to re-examine yourself, only to see your own shortcomings, and think that you are inferior to others everywhere. Such a mentality can only make you more and more inferiority complex. Looking at ourselves from another angle is a good way for us to know ourselves.

Albert Einstein, a great scientist, did handwork in class when he was young. The teacher asked each student to make a duck. The whole class handed over the duck to the teacher and was praised by the teacher. Only Einstein handed over his manual work slowly. After reading it, the teacher held it high and said to the whole class with a sneer, "Who has seen the uglier duck in the world?"? The whole class roared with laughter. Einstein stood up and said loudly, "Yes, students." He took out a uglier duckling from the drawer and held it up, "That's the first duck I made." If Einstein felt inferior because of the ridicule of his teachers and classmates, and could never hold his head up, could he become a generation of scientists?

One can always outdo others in one place, and there will always be stronger people outdo him in this place. Learning to appreciate everyone will benefit you a lot. A wise man respects everyone, because he knows that everyone has his own advantages, and that it is not easy to accomplish things. All fools despise others, half out of ignorance, half because what he likes is always the worst.

People say: "When God closes a window for you, he must also open another window for you; when something is lost, it must be sublimated on the other hand." Every talent has its corresponding shortcomings. If you yield to it, it will rule you like a tyrant. The way to overthrow it is to see exactly what kind of shortcomings it is. Pay attention to it as those who blame you for your shortcomings do. If you want to be your own master, you must learn to introspect. Once this major shortcoming has surrendered, all other shortcomings will fall with it. Believe that you are "born with my talent and will be useful" Maybe one day in the future, you will also be a shining star!

Model 3 of excellent biographical composition:

"Grateful heart, thank you......" Whenever I hear this song, I always think of a person, the person who gave me life - mother! And I was most afraid of hearing this song when I left home. At that time, I always felt sad and my tears were uncontrollable. People often say: "Father's love is like a mountain, and mother's love is like the sea!" I think mother's love is like the sea, with a love like water and tenderness; Motherly love is like a ship, which raises the sail of confidence for me, encourages and helps me to reach the other side of happiness; Motherly love, such as shore, is the harbor where the daughter's soul is injured!

It has been fourteen years since I asked myself: "What love is eternal?" I could not find the answer until that time, I found the answer. That day was an important day for me - I went to the entrance examination! I am like standing at the first crossroads of my life, surrounded by a stream of vehicles, the red light is on and the green light is on... This cycle, but my choice is only once, there is no cycle. That morning, I heard my mother preparing breakfast in the kitchen early. When I got up, I saw an umbrella, test equipment and breakfast on the table. Because my mother is not free today, she can't accompany me to the exam.

She saw me out of the intersection. On the road, neither of us spoke, but in the misty rain and fog, I still clearly saw the wrinkles on my mother's forehead and the dazzling white hair on her forehead... When I was about to get on the bus, she also repeatedly told: "Put everything down, take the exam with heart, regardless of the consequences, try your best!" I nodded, got on the bus, and looked behind the bus, My mother is still standing at the intersection... I have no feeling of fear today, because I know that my mother supports me silently behind my back. Although she is not around me, I can also feel her care and love for me. I am not afraid because of love

At the moment when everyone was full of hope, a thunderbolt came - I lost. What a blow this news is to me! I was afraid to hear the laughter of my classmates, as if they were laughing at me; I was afraid to touch the eyes of relatives, as if there was a "why" in those eyes... That time, I cried! When I was most helpless, you gave me comfort and encouragement - Mom! You told me: "On the road of life, who has no failure? Who has no fall? The important thing is: know how to stand up again. People who stand up again are heroes!" After listening to this, although I did not speak, I was deeply moved and very clear in my heart: this is just a stumbling block on the long road of life, which is insignificant for the vast future. However, because of my mother's support and encouragement, I didn't fall down - I did well in the graduation exam.

Mother, your love, like a light shining in the dark night, lets me find the direction of this ship that has lost its direction; Your love, like a shower in the desert, moistens my dry heart; Your love, like a ray of sunshine shining in a cold area, makes my endangered flower see hope... I finally understand that the greatest and most eternal love in the world is maternal love! I will treasure this selfless motherly love in my heart. Although time passes by, maternal love comes like a spring! I deeply realize that maternal love is eternal!