Future plans (13 articles selected)
Starlight on a moonlit night
2024-03-31 04:37:24

Future plans (1)

When I just entered the middle school, I was always nervous. However, I believe that I will certainly adapt, because challenges are difficult, strive to make progress, strong is my character.

Six years of primary school life is just a small station in life, a test. However, it will also become a bright pearl in my memory and a star in my heart. The campus life of junior high school is the beginning of a new learning life. Three years of middle school study is also a heavy burden, but without wind and waves, it can not show the power of the sail. If you can't drive a boat in the vast sea, you can't taste the pleasure of first bitter and then sweet. I am willing to ride the wind and waves, climb up, and directly hang the cloud sail to help the sea? The brilliant achievements in primary school have also become the past. This new page is striving and struggling. Although it will be hard to walk in these three years, I will make myself more excellent and mature in these three years.

'Wisdom lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation'. I must learn more, accumulate more, and read more like Lenin in the future. I can no longer peep into the sky.

During the three years of middle school study and life, I will unite my classmates, respect my teachers, study modestly, and be a good student who stresses civilization, politeness and hygiene. Take every day's work seriously and carefully. I firmly believe that 'nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb.' There are inevitably some difficulties in life, but there are always difficulties to solve. As long as I use my strength and wisdom to resolve the difficulties and turn them into power, I will approach the other side of success step by step, close to the harbor of my dreams. As the passage in the text "Open a door for you" says, "There is no door that cannot be opened. As long as you spend time and effort, as long as you have the desire to explore and understand the world inside the door, these people will certainly open up in front of you to show you new and wonderful scenery. ' I think this is a good truth to verify and solve difficulties.

In the future, I will speak actively in Chinese class, think hard, ask questions boldly in math class, and use the combination of formula and knowledge to do so; Accurate; In English class, concentrate on listening and consolidate after class; In short, I should treat that subject with my heart and be diligent and inquisitive.

I believe that I will do well and become an excellent student.

Future plans (2)

Today is the day when I got back from the May 4th holiday. I have thought a lot these days. They were all thinking about how to go in the future, and their minds were in a mess. On the evening of April 29, Grandma called to ask me about my future plans. She has been reminding me of the importance of academic qualifications, so that I can not neglect my studies and realize my dreams. I also explained my plan for the future to her. She also talked about family affairs. On the phone, she mentioned to me how the relatives and daughters around her were. Maybe in her opinion, this can encourage me to study hard. But this is undoubtedly a contempt for my strength. Of course, I also aspire to be as excellent as them and become a student bully. In the future, I can have a stable job and do what I like.

After my vacation, my love for learning became stronger and stronger. I am eager to live a good life in the future, and I also imagined my future life state. I will keep a cat, a Samoyed dog and buy a house. There are my beloved people living in it, so that I can live happily for half my life. The rest of my life will be my old age. In my old age, I will enjoy the great rivers and mountains of China with my other half, and appreciate the customs and customs in all fields of China. After traveling to France, let the Eiffel Tower verify my love with him.

At last, it is very happy to see the children get married and have many children and grandchildren. I hope that the life of the next generation will be more like their own, and they will not live more like themselves in this competitive era.

Future plans (3)

I embarked on a new journey - high school life full of sunshine, hope and laughter.

I have missed a lot in junior high school; In this promising high school, I will work harder!

My goal is: learning is a student's primary task. I want to show you a new self, a diligent, rigorous, careful and practical me; I am a thoughtful and innovative person. I want to get rid of my previous shortcomings and constantly improve myself.

Requirements for yourself:

1. Moral character is the most important and basic rational expression of a person. So I should start from morality and small things.

2. My parents are the people who give me life. First of all, I should respect my parents, be considerate of them, help them do some housework within their power, and share their worries.

3. I want to respect teachers and treat people politely. I want to start from every little thing around me, respect teachers, greet and salute teachers, and respect each other, unite and help each other, and treat each other sincerely;

4. I also need to be strict with myself, abide by public morality, keep quiet in public places, observe order, love public facilities, and restrict my words and deeds with the rules of middle school students.

My measures are:

Before class, I should learn to preview, find out unclear problems and write them down so that I can consult the teacher in class; In class, I will concentrate on listening to the teacher, actively think about problems, and actively raise my hand to speak.

After class, I will carefully complete the homework assigned by the teacher and learn to review the knowledge I just learned.

In Chinese, I should read more useful books, expand my knowledge and enrich my mind;

In mathematics, I will do more questions after class, and see more new types of questions;

In English, I will not only memorize new words on a slip of paper at any time to deepen my impression, but also read some simple brochures to expand my reading.

My exercise plan is:

In the morning, I will insist on exercising and pay attention to the nutrition of breakfast; In school, do exercises seriously and have good PE classes; In the evening, I will go for a walk, which not only can exercise, but also can have a proper relaxation for the day's study life.

Finally, I will make a list of what I said above. If I finish one item every day, I will tick that item. If I don't finish it in time, I will punish myself appropriately.

Future plans (4)

I will be a scientist in the future. I will develop excellent genes at all levels, spread truth, kindness and beauty all over the earth, and make the world full of peace and friendship.

The disease eliminating instrument (that is, the instrument that makes diseases disappear) that we have developed can enable human beings to enjoy health forever and enjoy life better in their lifetime.

In the sunshine of the eco city, I opened my eyes when I got enough sleep. Everything in the room was voice controlled. The windows opened automatically, and fresh air hit me head-on. Just open your mouth for simple daily activities, which can greatly improve our quality of life, reduce labor intensity, and improve speed. After having a pollution-free breakfast, I drive a winged light energy sports car to work. When the traffic is heavy on the road, the winged sports car can fly in mid air and reach the destination, You can park your sports car in the parking lot on the top of the office building. Our job is to study how to build our home more prosperous and strong, and how to make human healthy and long-lived. In the afternoon, I want to keep fit and take exercise. Although I have the instrument of eliminating illness, it is also essential to expel unpleasant emotions through exercise and sweating. The body is the capital of revolution. After the rest, I returned home, listened to the soothing music, and fell into a sweet dream.

Ah! In the future, we have no burden, no unhappiness and no time limit. Everything depends on interest.

How beautiful the future is! Let's study hard, dare to explore and work hard for the early arrival of this day!

Future plans (5)

When I get into a middle school, it means I have grown up. So I will try to do better in everything.

First of all, I should learn how to learn. It will help me study easily. Then I will get on well with my classmates and help each other. At last I want to continue my hobbies, such as reading, dancing and playing tennis.

I believe I can.

When I entered junior high school, it meant that I had grown up. So I will try my best to do better in all aspects.

First of all, I should learn how to study, which will make my study easier. Secondly, I want to get along well with my classmates and help each other. Finally, I want to continue my hobbies, such as reading, dancing and playing tennis.

I believe I can do it.

Future plans (6)

The bird has a dream. It wants to fly to the highest mountain in the world; The flower has a dream, it wants to bloom the most beautiful flower to people; The fish has a dream. It wants to swim to the deepest place on the sea floor to explore the secrets of the sea floor. All things in the world have dreams. My dream is to be a writer like Han Han and Mo Yan.

It seems that I have a talent for composition since I was young. Every time I write a composition, my composition book will always be a red "A+excellent". It seems that it is the reason why I love reading since childhood. I gradually liked reading, and then evolved from reading to this dream. I want to be a writer and write a book that makes people feel happy and happy. I want to be a writer and let everyone experience the happy notes in my book. I want to be a writer and let the sentences that come to my mind come to reality. That's why I want to be a writer!

In my small room, books occupy the small room?, Before going to bed every day, I have to read 4 or 5 chapters of a book before falling asleep. Every time I write a composition, I always muster up 100 points to write a good composition. Every time I read a book, I always read carefully and slowly to understand the meaning of the sentence, the meaning of the sentence, the joys and sorrows of the sentence, and the meaning of the words. Every time I finish reading a book, I will write a post about the book. I plan to practice my writing more, read more books, and learn to observe what happens around me more. My goal is to be like Han Han, a great writer, and Mo Yan, who won the "Nobel Prize for Literature"! Become the next "Han Han II" and "Mo Yan II".

My future is not a dream. I will cherish my time and work hard to learn and understand composition. My future is not a dream. I will use my sweat to prove my belief. My future is not a dream. I will use my strength to prove my strength and myself!

Future plans (7)

The passage of time always lets us wait too late. However, the passage of time always makes us feel worried about gains and losses. But we can't say these feelings. Because of the cruel reality, how should we do? Look into the distance and recall the past. This little thing always plays back in our hearts. 1 Maybe it's a sigh of time wasted, but it will let us know a lot. Cherish because of regret; Because of regret, we always go our separate ways between gain and loss! The past is always vivid. Think back to the past, be a good fairy. The only thing we can do is to choose amnesia. Maybe only in this way can we get more! Do well in the present and plan for the future. Because the distant journey in the future still needs us to achieve. We are the only one who can change our destiny! Then do well in the present, try to look forward to this wonderful thing for tomorrow!

Do it now

Perhaps, time is short, but we are always powerless. But the only thing we can change is ourselves. Because they are also unique. Fantasy about the future of tomorrow and cherish all the good times! All the good things come in a hurry. 1 Can we persist forever? Maybe we will always encounter all kinds of setbacks in the way we adhere to, and what we can do is to do well in ourselves and grasp the destiny now. I believe that success will come with us! And we will be lucky. I only wish the original intention was still there. But we have always kept the same! One thing or another is always hard won. It is also as fragile as glass. Maybe our original enthusiasm has already disappeared. It is because of how many things we have experienced, the combination of injury and grievance. Our enthusiasm has long been gone. The only thing to do is to forget the past. Because the past is just memories. It's just a passer-by in life! Go forward boldly, believe that tomorrow will be more happy!

Plan for the future

Perhaps, tomorrow's road is still very long, time is changing, only we remain unchanged. Where is the time when the original intention is combined? I also thought about what happened. But who will really understand their own inner torment? What kind of uneasiness do you have in your heart? Plan for the future, the same original intention. I only hope that with the passage of time, we can do better! I hope that everything in the future will be in my own hands. The future is very far away, and we are looking forward to it! I hope this expectation will not become another disappointment! I hope the future will be more exciting!

Do a good job in the present, plan for the future, and believe that the things you expect will happen better!

Future plans (8)

I have made a good plan for the future. The work I do does not have to have a high salary, but I must like it. I want to make my life colorful and full.

After graduating from the graduate school at the age of 25, he first went to work as a civil servant, starting from a small employee, conscientiously and conscientiously, and first trained himself to be a public servant of the people and society. If this kind of occupation is not suitable, after the age of 25, become a freelance designer and design trendy clothes. Use your pen to draw and outline colorful pictures to decorate people's lives and beautify the social environment. Walking on the street, I appreciate my masterpiece leading the trend of the times. The joy and pride in my heart can not be replaced by any material temptation. This kind of career may not be suitable. So learning from my father to become a businessman and travel in the business world will not only create wealth for oneself, but also benefit the society and others. Not unlike Qiao Zhiyong before, Li Ka shing is not attached to him now. He only works diligently and acts in a regular manner. He has striven for this goal for 10 years and won a place on the rich list. If you don't succeed, learn to cook. As a cook, first of all, you can often cook a few favorite dishes for your family. The family can sit around and talk with each other, enjoy the family and enjoy the family. This is also a landscape of life. If none of these can enrich my life, I will strive for my childhood dream after graduating from college. That is to be an astronaut in space, fly in the endless and mysterious space with a spaceship, find living space for mankind, visit the beautiful Chang'e on the moon, visit her luxurious residence, and fight her lovely rabbit, Standing under her laurel tree, she breathed the attractive sweet scented osmanthus, and cheered with her to let people on earth be guests to see the space scenery.

All of these are my dreams and pursuits in life, but no matter which one needs a hundred times of effort, I should start from now, start from every bit, learn and master various cultural knowledge, and lay a good foundation for the future. Therefore, we should strive for our own design and dreams.

Future plans (9)

For everyone, the future is the most important. In the future, some of us will drive sports cars, while others will beg on the street.

I once read an article that Chinese students are the most diligent students in the world, and also have the highest academic performance among students of the same age; American students are self righteous and think that everything can be easily accomplished. But China's Nobel Prize winners are far lower than the United States.

In the famous "Harvard University" in the United States, students are still reading in the library at 4 a.m. At noon, many students will be seen sleeping with books in the canteen - they are too tired. In "Harvard University", you will feel a strong learning atmosphere.

Each of us is reading with apprehension: not sure whether our grades are good enough; Not sure whether they can enter the ideal university; Not sure whether their future is brilliant.

Those who do not work hard the day after tomorrow become conceited because they have read Einstein's stories and think that they will become a phoenix like Einstein in the future.

I learned an article "Thirteen Years Old". At first, I thought that it was just the author who was lucky. Later, I gradually felt that it was the author's excellent writing style and achievements that made me recognized by a professor of Peking University. Isn't all the glory achieved by the author himself?

We study in the same school, but our achievements are different. Although the teacher said that he would help the students with poor grades, he put most of his mind on good students to make them better.

At school, teachers always like to judge whether students are "smart" by their scores. But have teachers ever thought that their "stupid students" would lose confidence and give up learning because of their own derogatory words.

Here, I have to mention a famous person: Darwin. In his childhood, he indulged in flowers and plants all day long, regardless of his studies. All the elders and teachers thought that he had nothing to do with "intelligence". But in the end, he became a world famous biologist and published The Theory of Evolution.

No one knows what his future will be like. There will be many coincidences and opportunities in the future. If we seize these opportunities to climb up, we will see hope; If you miss it again and again, your life will fall to the bottom.

If you only have two yuan, will you choose to buy a ticket home or an application form to apply? Some opportunities are self created.

When cornered, we would rather fight forward than give up easily. Because you don't know what glory will be waiting for you after you fight and fight.

Your future is up to you; Our life is in our own hands. What we can do now is to do well in the present and plan for the future!

Future plans (10)

Only with a plan can we have a future composition

In study, work or life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is the composition of the future only when we have plans for everyone. It is only for reference, and I hope it can help everyone.

"The sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the east wind warms Tusu." At the beginning of spring, it is also the day when the New Year comes. New Year's new image. Only by making "plans" early, can we not waste a year.

For everyone, they will have their own plans, and even plan their own 'life'.

My plan is just a tip of the ice in the long life. Although it is small, it is the plan that makes the future. If we don't set our goals now, we will only be confused and bewildered when we grow up.

"Filial piety comes first." Filial piety is the most basic moral conduct in China. My first plan is to learn filial piety, respect and understand parents and elders more, help them share housework and work for them more.

My favorite is calligraphy and painting. This is also one of the essence of our country. If you understand, who can not be charmed by this elegant charm and the impermanence of change? I am one of them. In the Year of the Monkey, I will stick to writing and painting every day. I will never stop learning and accumulating experience in the happy process, so that my level can soar to a new level!

All changes are inseparable from their ancestors. To be clear, we belong to the great nature. The nature is all inclusive, and it accepts everything. Without it, there is no self. To put it in my heart, we should be closer to nature, broaden our horizons, and relax ourselves, not to mention enjoying thousands of beautiful scenery and seeing the end of all the rivers and mountains. On the contrary, isn't it a waste of time?

Nowadays, science and technology are developed, and electronic products are also competing for listing. I also like it, but I am not obsessed. I restrain myself in happiness, find myself in happiness, improve myself in happiness, and surpass myself in happiness. In fact, I really want to make progress in my own technology, and even seek defeat alone.

These are my new New Year's resolutions. Only with plans can we have a future!

Happy little reporter class teacher comments: Reading your article is a kind of enjoyment of beauty! I believe you can implement the plan! Better future!

Future plans (11)

When I just entered the middle school, I was always nervous. However, I believe that I will certainly adapt, because challenges are difficult, strive to make progress, strong is my character.

Six years of primary school life is just a small station in life, a test. However, it will also become a bright pearl in my memory and a star in my heart. The campus life of junior high school is the beginning of a new learning life. Three years of high school study is also a heavy burden, but without wind and waves, it can not show the power of the sail. If you can't drive a boat in the vast sea, you can't taste the pleasure of first bitter and then sweet. I am willing to ride the wind and waves, climb up, and hang the cloud sail to help the sea. The brilliant achievements in primary school have also become the past. This new page is striving and struggling. Although it will be hard to walk in these three years, I will make myself more excellent and mature in these three years.

'Wisdom lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation'. I must learn more, accumulate more, and read more like Lenin in the future. I can no longer peep into the sky.

During the three years of middle school study and life, I will unite my classmates, respect my teachers, study modestly, and be a good student who stresses civilization, politeness and hygiene. Take every day's work seriously and carefully. I firmly believe that 'nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb.' There are inevitably some difficulties in life, but there are always difficulties to solve. As long as I use my strength and wisdom to resolve the difficulties and turn them into power, I will approach the other side of success step by step, close to the harbor of my dreams. As the passage in the text "Open a door for you" says, "There is no door that cannot be opened. As long as you spend time and effort, as long as you have the desire to explore and understand the world inside the door, these people will certainly open up in front of you to show you new and wonderful scenery. ' I think this is a good truth to verify and solve difficulties.

In the future, I will speak actively in Chinese class, think hard, ask questions boldly in math class, and use the combination of formula and knowledge to do so; Accurate; In English class, concentrate on listening and consolidate after class; In short, I should treat that subject with my heart and be diligent and inquisitive.

I believe that I will do well and become an excellent student.

Future plans (12)

I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a highly petitive society in which everyone is eager to e out on top. That is not only a petition of physical strength and mental power, but a marathon of patience, faith, and perseverance. Life is not all roses, but with what I am being equipped with by the top teachers in this elite school, I surely deserve a promising prospect.

I sincerely hope to live a healthy and smooth life in the future. Judging from my ability tendency and personality traits, my ideal life style will be as a scientist, engaged in research, lectures and books. As I come from a farmer's family, I especially like to be close to the land. If I can afford to live an idyllic life in the countryside, I will feel blessed. As for social life, "simplicity" is what I want to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. If I am lazy now, all this will be empty talk; To achieve my goal, I must focus on exercising my body and mind. This is a highly competitive society, and everyone is eager to win the first prize. It is not only a competition of physical and mental strength, but also a marathon of patience, confidence and perseverance. Life is not all beautiful things, but with the education I have received from the top teachers of this elite school, I must have a bright future.

Future plans (13)

Time is passing, and we never stop. We will start a new job soon. We need to write a plan for this. I believe everyone is worried about writing the plan again? The following is my senior high school English composition: My future plan, welcome to read and collect.

I always dream of being a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world. Nothing is more important than education to a nation. I'm honored to devote myself to education.

I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher, because teacher is the most glorious profession in the world. Nothing is more important to a country than education. I am honored to devote myself to education.

As far as I know, a teacher can be described as a candle. He's very kind-hearted and generous; He's wise and intelligent; He's diligent and hardworking. He has the willingness to help others, so people always speak highly of teachers.

As far as I know, teachers are compared to candles. He is very kind and generous; He is wise and intelligent; He is diligent and hardworking. He is ready to help others, so people praise teachers highly.

If I could be a teacher, I would be very honorable. After all, my major is English Education. I must take up this career. Now my dream es true, so I will work harder and harder. I believe I can make it.

If I can become a teacher, I will feel very honored. After all, my major is English education. I must take up this profession. Now my dream has come true, so I will work harder. I believe I can do it.