Composition of Gathering Family Love (6 Collections)
Middle aged
2023-10-03 05:56:04
junior middle school

Cohesion of Family Composition (1)

Composition on Gathering Family Affection (I)

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. When he is thrown into his mother's arms, he cannot enjoy happiness..." Listening to the five year old cousin singing this song in his tender voice, the old scene reappeared before my eyes.

Since childhood, my mother and I have not communicated much. Soon after my birth, I have been staying at my grandmother's home. Both my father and mother are doing business in Hangzhou. My father occasionally comes to visit Wodong while my mother has been staying in Hangzhou. I didn't feel my mother's love since I was young. I remember one time, I called my mother a villain and sang "Only my mother is bad in the world" on my own initiative, which made the whole family laugh and cry. At that time, I hoped that I could get along with my mother day and night and communicate with her more. I really felt the greatness, warmth and sweetness of maternal love, but I couldn't do it. I am still so far away from my mother. Time flies year by year. I am growing up, my parents have returned from Hangzhou, and I live with my parents again. However, it is still far away

On that day, my mother went to Wenzhou, and only my father and I were at home. We are all very happy. I am like a bird just out of the cage. When I am with my father, it seems that I am in heaven. My father is like a big child. We can do whatever we want. It seems that the birds fly freely in the blue sky. We made a mess at home. The whole family was very dirty. Although we were very happy, we always felt restless. At this moment, I just recall that happy time. The days with my mother seemed to be cocktail, colorful and sweet. In the evening, my mother came back from Wenzhou. Although I won't show anything on my face, I am very happy in my heart. The first thing she did when she came back was to scold us face to face, and then carefully clean up our "pig house". You may think that being scolded is suffering, but I regard suffering as happiness, and everyone hates being scolded. But I look forward to being scolded. On the surface, I am tired, but I am excited. I know that my mother scolds me as loving me, and she hates iron. Mother's reprimand made me get rid of many bad habits; Mother's reprimand made me understand that criticism is also a manifestation of love; My mother's reprimand made me understand what the real kinship is. I regard reprimand as love, a deep love revealed in reprimand. I no longer hate my mother. Instead, I think my mother is my dearest person.

Mother may not be beautiful, maybe very nagging, sometimes very annoying, but that is our own mother ah! The feeling of my mother beside me is like the feeling of the sun. Year after year goes by like this. As a young boy, I am no longer free. With the bell ringing at the end of primary school, I walked into middle school with the morning light. I left cable TV, banned computer games, and said goodbye to toys. It seems that all interesting things are getting farther and farther away from me, but those are nothing. What is a mother? Mother is the first person you think of when you encounter pain. Mother is the one who will not shout at you even though you make her mad. Because you are her child, she is afraid of hurting you. When you tell her that you have done something wrong, you are afraid that she will not love you anymore, but you will find that she not only loves you but also loves you more. This is the mother. Beautiful kinship comes from mother's attachment, mother's care, and mother's selfless and endless love!

Composition on Gathering Family Affection (II)

Happiness is like chocolate, what taste, full of imagination.

Milk chocolate

My family has a table with eight immortals. Every evening, six members of my family will happily sit around the table and talk about what they have seen, heard and felt all day. The gray haired grandma would complain: "Today the price of meat has risen again, and I can't see how long it will take for a well-off family to eat it." The full grandfather smacked a mouthful of wine and said, "Don't mention, the factory is busy these days, and my old bones are going to fall apart." My father toasted my grandpa and said, "Dad, don't you want to quit your job? You've been retired for several years and still work. Of course, your health is the most important thing." My mother took a piece of meat and put it in my grandma's bowl and said, "Mom, you should also try to persuade Dad. It's time to think about happiness." "Don't do it this year after we finish it, old man. Let's see how filial our son and daughter-in-law are." Grandma said to Grandpa with some wine. Grandpa said happily; "Alas, I've come back to enjoy the happiness." I said jokingly, "Grandpa, I'm not filial? Grandpa put a big chicken leg in my bowl and said," Filial, filial, my baby granddaughter. "The whole family laughed.

Family love is like milk chocolate, silky wrapped in everyone's heart.

Dark chocolate

I think the most difficult relationship in the world should be the mother-in-law daughter-in-law relationship! Grandma and Mom quarreled because Grandma's scissors were dangerous. In the evening, the atmosphere was very solemn. It seemed that you could hear a needle fall on the ground, but this was the first round of the Cold War. In the second round, Grandma was washing dishes in the kitchen, and Mom was mopping the floor in the living room. Mom said to me, "Tell your grandma to buy a chicken stew today." I ran to Grandma and said, "Grandma, Mom said to buy a chicken stew today." Grandma said; "Tell her, there is bird flu now, don't eat chicken." I ran to my mother to convey her grandmother's meaning. All morning, I, a messenger, ran hard, and finally ended up stewing fish. In the third round, Grandma's mother sat with her back against her. Grandma was folding vegetables. Grandma was washing clothes. Grandma stood up to prepare to wash vegetables. She stumbled to the ground. Mom quickly helped Grandma up and said, "Mom, did you fall down? Do you want to go to the hospital?" "It's OK. I'm old, my blood pressure is high, and my eyes are blurred." Mom helped Grandma to the sofa and quickly poured a glass of water, She took the antihypertensive tablet and said, "Mom, I'm going to take it soon. Did you forget to take the medicine this morning?" "My daughter-in-law still knows me. Take the medicine, take the medicine." Grandma took the medicine at one go. Look, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has finally returned to normal, the earth has finally moved, and the old laughter has returned. The family is always a family, and they will always care about each other.

Family love is like the chocolate that skipped class in the dark. Although it was a bit bitter at the beginning, it was always delicious in the end.

liqueur chocolate

On New Year's Eve, I think it's the warmest moment for my family! The whole family will get together to watch the Spring Festival Gala. When they see the wonderful places, they will laugh with relief. The warmth suddenly blew through the whole corner.

Family love is like wine heart chocolate, which makes people infatuated and intoxicated.

Happiness is like chocolate, which makes people have endless aftertaste!

Composition on Gathering Family Affection (III)

On a gray cold day, the howling wind swept away the only body temperature. It was raining heavily, and the raindrops hit my face like a knife.

My mother and I hurried to the bathroom to take a bath. Finally arrived, many people. We managed to squeeze out a seat and rushed into the bathhouse - so comfortable! After taking a bath, I lay down on the couch leisurely. When the neighbors left, another mother and her daughter came. The mother took an umbrella in her hand, but her clothes were still wet by the rain. Look at her daughter, she is not wet at all. As there was only one vacant seat, the mother motioned to her daughter to sit down first. Her daughter was coquettish and said to her mother, "Mom, hurry up and find slippers for me!" Mother went to find slippers for her daughter without putting down her umbrella. She looked around under her body as if she was struggling. Finally, she found only a pair of slippers. She said to her daughter, "XX, please use these shoes." Her daughter answered.

When the mother saw that her daughter had dragged away her coat, she placed clothes for her daughter again. She folded her daughter's clothes skillfully. She said to her daughter carefully, "Dirty clothes and clean clothes should be separated. Take off your glasses and be careful not to break them.

At this time, my mother peeled an apple for me to eat. I smiled slightly and continued to observe what happened next. The mother has found slippers. But she didn't hurry into the bathroom. She first checked to see if her daughter's things were in place. Then she took out a bath towel from her bag, folded it and spread it on the couch. She said, "X X can sit directly when X X comes out." She put her coat on her daughter's clothes again, for fear that others might take something from her daughter. Then I entered the bathroom with confidence.

Mother packed up and took me out of the bathroom. Wow! What a heavy rain! My mother hurriedly covered the wind and rain for me. I felt warm and suddenly understood something. Then, my mother and I walked in the wind and rain.

The sky is still stormy. But there was no chill in my heart.

Cohesion of Family Composition (2)

600 Words Composition for Gathering Family Love (I)

Passing this snack bar, I remembered that I hadn't eaten that noodles pot for a long time, and my stomach made a "gurgle" sound. I stepped into the strange and familiar snack bar and ordered a bowl of noodles pot.

I still remember when I was in junior high school, my father asked me if I had enough to eat every night when I came home from self-study. I didn't bother my father at all. He said, "I'm a little hungry, and I want to eat noodles." So my father bought noodles for me every time.

One night, it began to rain heavily. I came out of school and walked home side by side with my father as usual.

The dim street lights were vague and could not be seen clearly. Pedestrians hurried past me. In the process of going home, I found that my father tried to tilt his umbrella towards me. I didn't know what to say for a while.

"Are you full at school?" asked the father.

"Hmm..." I wanted not to say I didn't eat dinner, but my stomach was unbearable and my stomach was slightly sore. So I opened my mouth and said, "Dad, I didn't eat dinner." After all, children are not as selfless as their parents. No matter how hungry their parents are, they won't say they are hungry, but children are different.

"How can it be!" Father was angry. "Eat something quickly."

"Hmm..." I made a nasal sound and didn't know how to answer my father.

"Let me buy a noodle pot," said the father.

My father sent me home and then went back to help me buy a noodle pot. After thinking for a long time at the door, I hesitated and said, "Dad, be careful on the way..." My father rubbed my hair like a child and smiled. As the clock slowly turned, my heart became more and more anxious. It was cold and rainy outside. This kind of ghost weather would toss back and forth, and I would definitely get sick. "Pa." The door opened, and the father turned to take off the shoes full of rain and mud, and his clothes were soaked. When my father put the hot noodle pot in my hand, I was stunned. At that moment, my eyes were filled with tears.

"Eat quickly, the noodles are cold," said the father.

"Oh." Look at the pot, pick it up, chew it, and swallow it. Tears flow down silently. Tears are bitter and astringent.

There is a father's taste in the noodles. Let me taste it carefully.

600 words composition for gathering affection (2)

The wind gently stirs the wind bell beside the window lattice. In the long sound, my missing slowly settles down, like making a cup of tea. Instead of raising my neck and drinking, I stare quietly, and the memories of the past reappear one by one.

I still remember you under the scorching sun.

I regretted that day. The hurry before leaving led to such a consequence that you had to send me examination papers. I know it's not easy for you. In such a hot day, there are many sweat beads on your forehead, and your clothes on your back have been soaked with sweat. You hurriedly step onto the motorcycle. With the sound of the motorcycle starting, the clouds of white smoke from the rear of the motorcycle, your figure is getting farther and farther away. Looking at your faraway back, I was disappointed. I wanted to have the ability to fly in the sky at that moment and get the examination paper back, but that was impossible. Sitting in the cool classroom, my heart could not be calm for a long time. After a lesson, you quietly handed me your examination paper. Just wanted to go, but you didn't trust me to turn around and take care of it for a few words. Then you reluctantly left. Dad, someone said that father love is like a mountain, silent, but affectionate. I think you are like that mountain.

I still remember you in the heavy snow.

It snowed heavily last year. Soon, a thick "carpet" was paved on the roof, playground and even the road. Even the bare branches were covered with pear flowers. At a glance, there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, as if entering a fairy tale world. After class, small snowflakes will also fly in playfully and dance around us, as if they are teasing us! It was such a heavy snow that not only brought us fun, but also hindered our steps home. Before the exam was over, my heart had already flown to my home thousands of miles away. Because I was worried, the teacher said that the heavy snow had caused a traffic jam. I called you, and you removed my worries with a hearty laugh, so I was relieved to take the exam. After the exam, you waited outside the classroom on time. Although there was no trace of snow on your body, the snow grains on your hair told me that you had carried your luggage into the car alone. Mom, some people say that maternal love is like a quilt in winter and a shade in summer. It just shows up when children need it. I think you are just like that.

Although things have passed, they will never turn into memory droplets and go with the wind, but will always take root in my heart. The pieces of green leaves and flowers are our love.

My life is so happy because of you. It's good to grow up with you!

600 Words Composition for Gathering Family Love (3)

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw the breakfast that had been prepared for me on the table. While eating it, I recalled the things many years ago.

Many years ago that morning, I opened my hazy eyes and took a dim look at the alarm clock. Do not see do not know, a look startled: God! Why is it half past seven! I rushed to ask Grandma: Why don't you call me after 7:30! Grandma was stunned for a moment, and slowly said, "I forgot..." I hurried to brush my teeth and wash my face. I didn't even eat the breakfast she had prepared carefully, so I rushed out of the house. I vaguely heard Grandma shouting behind me, "Wait! Wait for me!" But I pretended not to hear, and continued to walk quickly

Unconsciously, I looked at the clock. It was still early. So I sat on the sofa and continued to think about things at that time.

I rushed downstairs and walked quickly. Grandma is a little fat, and she is old, so naturally she can't run as fast as me. But I don't know what happened. She caught up with me. She grabbed my hand and gasped for breath, saying, "No, don't run any more, I can't run...", Let her gasp, let her keep calling me, let her

"What are you doing? If you don't go to school, you will be late." Suddenly, a man behind me patted me on the shoulder and whispered to me. I looked back and saw that it was her. I immediately left home and went to school. When I got to school, I lay on my seat and said, "It seemed to be this position at that time..." I fell back into memory

I was extremely hungry, lying on the table, thinking: Ah, it's over, I came here without breakfast in the morning, and I would expect my stomach would ache to death... At this time, a classmate came to me and said: "Feifei, your grandma wants you." After hearing this, I thought: needless to say, it must be to taunt me, I won't go! A little later, the classmate came over again and said, "This is what your grandma asked me to give you." Then he looked at me strangely. I took it over and found it was a box of breakfast. I was surprised and ran out of the classroom, only to see that Grandma had gone out of the school gate.

Back to reality, I felt my grandmother's love for me, and I also know that I need to cherish this love.

Cohesion of Family Composition (3)

In 16 years, I grew up from a little fart child to a graceful girl. In 16 months, you have experienced a change and growth.

You are beautiful! White skin, soft light, big eyes full of love for me. Of course, of course, you also have a pair of hands that can cook cheap vegetables into delicious food. Once, I lived in the countryside with my grandparents for a long time. I followed my grandmother to see you. You see my face is covered with "radish silk", and suddenly put me in your arms, take me to wash my face with hot water, your hands are so gentle. I see the shining light in your big eyes. At that time, I doubted whether I was your daughter. You are so beautiful, but I am just an ugly girl.

You start to get grumpy. You often get angry at me for some trivial hours. For example, I forgot to open the sliding door after going to the toilet, didn't open the window for ventilation after taking a bath, left the quilts everywhere, and didn't know how to wash my dirty shoes, etc. But I'm just a person who doesn't stick to details. They treat all of these with indifference. They just have to deal with the advantages. As usual, it just passed, but you didn't look at me and say why my attitude was so bad. First, I'm stuck. Go on like this. I feel lonely with your sharp voice beside me. You are also very lonely!

You begin to cry. I can't see you talking to him. There is a misunderstanding between you. You sleep in my room. Cry while I sleep. In fact, every night, when you turn your back to me, I can see, hear and feel the ups and downs of your breath, your sighs, your sniffles and your pain. I can't sleep well every night, so can you. You will never talk to him, even if he tries to please you. When I buy a book, you will also go to the law counter to read the red booklet. Three of the words hurt my heart - marriage law. The red book is like a drop of blood from me.

You start to be cheerful. For some reason, you won't sleep with me. Maybe it's Spring Festival? Could it be a change in my study? Maybe you forgave him! I don't want to delve into anything. It's good for you to face life again, isn't it? I am relieved that you love life so much.

When I write these down, I feel like your mother. I must be your mother in the last life. I want to be your clever daughter in this life. Let's be sisters in the next life!

Cohesion of Family Composition (4)

Let go of love, let me connect with your heart.

She has dark and thick hair, which falls down like a waterfall. He is not soft, charming, but healthy and free, and has a kind of simple and natural charm. But with the passage of time and my hard work, wrinkles have somehow climbed up to the corners of the eyes and forehead. This is my mother, a simple and perfect woman.

As I grew older, I became more and more self-centered, so I had a disagreement with my mother. My mother wanted me to study hard. I always fantasize about going out to work and make money. As time went by, my grades got worse and worse, and my mother seemed to see something, so she let me watch the shop at home and work as a worker.

At the beginning, I was very excited, and said with a smile: "Mom, I want a salary!" My mother said seriously: "OK, 20 yuan a day." I readily agreed. In the morning, when I came to the shop, my first task was cleaning. After years of training in school, the cleaning team was a piece of cake for me. I skillfully grasped the handle of the broom with both hands. My left hand was low and my right hand was high. Sweep forward with both hands at the same time, and then you will be done. Then came the mopping, which was soon completed. The sun shines on it, like a mirror. When my mother saw it, she said, "It's pretty clean." When I saw my mother's cold expression, my heart suddenly cooled, but I was still full of passion. The next step is to move the goods and move the induction cooker to the second floor. It's not easy. I'm not surprised to complain secretly. Holding the box with both hands, the box is not too heavy, but the stairs are relatively narrow, so I had to climb up the stairs slowly. I had to climb up the stairs one step at a time, and only moved two of them. My hands were sore, and the sweat was big, and it crossed my cheek. I walked on the stairs, shaking like a goose. I wanted to give up, but in order to prove to my mother, I clenched my teeth, Back and forth on the stairs, I don't know how long it took to finish the task. Seeing that I was very tired, I still kept saying, "I'm tired after doing so. Go to Grandma's house to bring the rice box." Looking at my mother's firm eyes, I slowly got up and walked to Grandma's house. When I saw the box, I found it was taller than my people. It was the hottest time of the day, and even cicadas could not cry. I squatted on the ground, hugged the box, and slowly stood up. "Is there any mistake? My arm is too short, and I only hold it half." Although it is an empty box, it is still very heavy. I moved slowly. The tall box blocked my sight. I could only watch the ground and walk. Only a few minutes later, my whole body was sore. After putting down the box, I was already sweating. After a while, I simply lifted it and walked on my shoulder. It hurt when the box was on my shoulder. I clenched my teeth and tried my best to walk forward. When I got to the store, I put down the box. I lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

In the evening, my mother gave me 20 yuan. When I saw the money, I burst into tears and realized that it was not easy to make money.

There is a kind of love called letting go. My mother's letting go love made me experience life. Only then did I know that everything is not as simple as I thought. Since then, I have cherished this carefree life more, and learned that it is not easy to make money. It is my heart that is closer to my mother's.

Cohesion of Family Composition (5)

Only by uniting family ties can we have a happy family; Only by gathering friendship can there be a warm collective; Cohesion of love will lead to a harmonious society

Kinship is the most natural kinship naturally generated with parents. There is no perfect family, nor perfect parents. No matter what kind of family we were born in, our relationship with our parents cannot be changed. Kinship turns into water and condenses every drop. We enjoy family affection and warmth at home. There are relatives at home. People often say that parents are the backbone of the family. Without one of them, the family will fall apart. Yes, parents pay not only money and material, but also selfless love! Their family ties unite the family as a whole. Without family ties, the family will lose its vitality. If we gather family ties, we will have a happy family.

Friendship is to treat all people with sincerity, live in harmony with the majority, come and go often with a few people, and be intimate with only one person. Friendship does not need friends only in misfortune, because people also need friends to share happiness. In a collective, friends give us warmth, support and strength, and let us feel the beauty of life. In the journey of life, friends accompany us, and friendship lights up our journey. When you are in trouble, your friends will help you. Gather friendship, there will be a warm collective.

Love is a kind of dedication. While bees help flowers pollinate, they also get raw materials for brewing honey from them; While nourishing plants, rain also frees itself from the shackles of dark clouds; While we are devoting our love, we also purify our soul and get happiness from it. We are also working hard to create a harmonious society. After the occurrence of natural disasters, people have offered love to the people in the disaster area; Seeing everyone's positive contribution of love, I think the world is full of love. I hope the people in the disaster area can rebuild their homes as soon as possible. Love is always in your heart. Gather love, there will be a happy and harmonious society.

Condensation is water, every drop becomes a sea; Condensed light, wisps of sun; Gather time, every inch is gold. Only by pooling our wisdom and strength can we overcome difficulties and realize our dreams.

Cohesion of Family Composition (II)

On a gray cold day, the howling wind swept away the only body temperature. It was raining heavily, and the raindrops hit my face like a knife.

My mother and I hurried to the bathroom to take a bath. Finally arrived, many people. We managed to squeeze out a seat and rushed into the bathhouse - so comfortable! After taking a bath, I lay down on the couch leisurely. When the neighbors left, another mother and her daughter came. The mother took an umbrella in her hand, but her clothes were still wet by the rain. Look at her daughter, she is not wet at all. As there was only one vacant seat, the mother motioned to her daughter to sit down first. Her daughter was coquettish and said to her mother, "Mom, hurry up and find slippers for me!" Mother went to find slippers for her daughter without putting down her umbrella. She looked around under her body as if she was struggling. Finally, she found only a pair of slippers. She said to her daughter, "Use these shoes." Her daughter answered.

When the mother saw that her daughter had dragged away her coat, she placed clothes for her daughter again. She folded her daughter's clothes skillfully. She said to her daughter carefully, "Dirty clothes and clean clothes should be separated. Take off your glasses and be careful not to break them.

At this time, my mother peeled an apple for me to eat. I smiled slightly and continued to observe what happened next. The mother has found slippers. But she didn't hurry into the bathroom. She first checked to see if her daughter's things were in place. Then she took out a bath towel from her bag, folded it and spread it on the couch. She said, "You can sit directly when you come out." She put her coat on her daughter's clothes again, so that others might take something from her daughter. Then I entered the bathroom with confidence.

Mother packed up and took me out of the bathroom. Wow! What a heavy rain! My mother hurriedly covered the wind and rain for me. I felt warm and suddenly understood something. Then, my mother and I walked in the wind and rain.

The sky is still stormy. But there was no chill in my heart.

Cohesion of Family Composition (III)

Only by condensing family ties can we have a happy family; Cohesion of friendship, there will be a warm collective; Cohesion of love will lead to a harmonious society; Only by pooling wisdom and strength can we overcome difficulties and realize our ideals.

Cohesion seems to be easy, but it is extremely difficult to do. For example, some parents have disagreements because of quarrels, and they have the idea of divorce, because the family relationship has not been cohered, and the marriage finally breaks down; Some students broke up with each other because of trivial matters, but they died of old age because their friendship had not been united; Some people shake their heads when they see beggars on the street and walk around, not to mention "giving" a little money. What's more, they steal and rob in the dead of night. This is because the social cohesion is not enough.

Once, I went to climb Yuelu Mountain with my father, mother, brother and sister. Instead of taking a smooth road, we chose a thorny path. The path was not difficult at first, but became steeper and steeper later. Our team is old and young. I'm worried about whether we can climb halfway up the mountain. I stopped and looked back: my sister ran in the front, and my father took off his clothes and took the bag at the end. Those who walk in front will stop if they don't keep up. Those who walk behind will hug their sister if they can't climb. Those with good physical strength will not run away without trace, and the small ones will not slow down. Before long, we overcame the difficulties and our family climbed to the top of the mountain. Look: This is cohesion, and this is the power of cohesion.

Many classmates' parents have quarreled. Who has the upper hand in the quarrel between your father and mother? Are you finally reconciled?

My parents also quarreled, but the next day I must shut my mouth and not mention it. Once my father didn't go home at 11:00 p.m. or go to work, my mother made a phone call to urge him to go home, and my mother scolded him while urging him. That situation was even more wonderful than the world war. I didn't understand why Dad didn't hang up. Now I understand: because all the love and being loved are condensed at this time. Through ups and downs, our family has become more and more warm. I understand that this is the strength of parents' feelings. The bright night sky is due to the cohesion of stars, the warmth of home is due to the cohesion of kinship, and social harmony is due to the cohesion of love. Cohesion is a ray of sunshine that warms the heart, and a crow that drives away the darkness. Let's unite all our strength and passion together.

Cohesion of Family Composition (6)

Countless small drops of water condense and cheer as they flow eastward into the sea; Hundreds of millions of stars condense to form a bright star dome in the night. And my relatives and friends use their care to gather the power of love for me. The early morning sun rushed to the bright red June 24 on the wall, while I filled my pen bag with test equipment with dim sleepy eyes. The heart is stuck in the throat, and the anxious cicadas outside the window, together with the chaotic heartbeat, become the soundtrack of this picture of "chaos in war".

I am eager to pass the first pass in my life. Mother pushed the breakfast prepared last night in front of me. "No more." I shook my head blankly, and my brain was blank. "Eat, and make sure that the blood supply to the brain is normal in the examination room." Mother smiled at me and added, "Besides, there is also the lucky medicine I put in it. You can eat it and do well in the exam." The voice is light. I didn't refuse again.

Warm milk slowly flows down the throat, extending to the bottom of my heart and melting into a light warmth. Grandma came out at some time and stood at the table watching me eat and tidy up. She didn't speak for a long time. From the beginning to the end, Grandma said, "Don't forget to take things and take the exam." Her voice was slightly hoarse. I remember that when I came out late last night, the light in Grandma's room was still on... A little unknown emotion slowly poured out. I heard great encouragement and confidence from her voice. I nodded, feeling a little more strength in my cold hands. "Where's my father?" I packed my schoolbag and asked. "Your father went to the parking lot to drive, and he will directly park the car downstairs later." Grandma replied. There was silence in the dining room. The sun shone on the table. Mom and Grandma stood behind me silently and looked at me. There was nothing to say to each other, only the cohesive strength and encouragement slowly brewed in the air, gradually eliminating the icy tension and anxiety in the heart.

Standing at the door, I looked behind me. They smiled at me quietly, with some encouragement and calmness. "Do you want me to send it to you?" Mom asked softly. "No, there is my father." I said with a smile. Then the restaurant continued to be firm and silent, and I knew that they were using this quiet and powerful way to gather a force of love for me, as well as confidence to go to the examination room. Dad has parked his car downstairs. The moment my finger touched the door handle, I heard my mother's warm voice behind me: "You're OK, take a good exam, and wait to hear your good news."

At that moment, I felt moved and a sense of sacred mission. I could not help turning my head, smiling at my mother and grandmother, walked out of the door, and branded the picture of love in the restaurant in my heart. The sun was gentle and bright.

The deepness of the sea is due to the condensation of water drops; The night sky is bright because of the condensation of stars. And this cohesive kinship gives me endless confidence, encourages me, touches me, and accompanies me to bravely walk the road of the future and through the ups and downs of life.

I got out of the car, walked towards the examination room with confidence, smiled and looked up. The golden sunlight under the leaves shines on the world full of love. And I will quietly hide the condensed affection in my heart.

Cohesion of Family Composition II

It turns out that a lot of things go wrong inadvertently—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

When I was young, I would complain about your meeting with me. I always came and went in a hurry. I've always heard the most from you. You must go. See me next time. I don't care, maybe I'm young and ignorant, or I'm used to it.

I remember one day when I was a child, in the kindergarten, a child asked sarcastically, "Why doesn't your mother always pick you up?"

After that, I can't help thinking of you. So, when you came to see me saying that again, you cried and hugged you, asking why you didn't come to pick me up? You let go of my hand and said you were busy. Still left. That time, I cried very sad, but my child, I can't remember anything after crying. Life is like this. Day after day, year after year. Be sensible, and you will be blamed for growing up with your mother like other children, but finding that you are not as happy as you imagined. I know you have gallstones since I lived with you. I never regarded it as anything, because I never knew how painful it was. Finally, you live in the place where disinfected water is everywhere. After the operation, you lay flat on the hospital bed and talked to me. Tears seemed to be coming down, but I tried not to cry and asked you if it hurt, but you still answered me when you were weak, "What do you say?" I said it must hurt. After leaving the hospital, you always said how poor my health was, but you were more serious than me. Sometimes, you would blame you and say, "Take good care of your health. How can you take care of your precious daughter if you can't take care of yourself?" Now, I will love you. Finally, I understand that love is where love is, and it is full of love. Without you, what a pathetic child I would be. So I decided to love you as hard as you love me, but I must love you. Warm sunshine crept into the window lazily, suddenly you were there again, smiling like a star.

It's good to have you. Mom, in fact, do you know? I've always wanted to say to you personally: "It's not easy for you to want me. But you don't ask for the price. I've always wanted to thank you personally. You have always given me strength, no fear, no fear.". Mom, in fact, I love you very much, but I never said it seriously. Do the happiest thing for your mother. When your mother is happy, say to her: "Mom, I love you."

Cohesion of Family Composition III

The world we live in contains love, friendship, family... of which family is the most precious, and it will never change.

From the moment we were born, they gave me all their love and everything. Starting from the cowardice and ignorance of life, with the rare cry, along the way, or torrential rain, or sunny; It doesn't matter whether it is muddy or straight, because we are not afraid of their company. Someone is coming, someone is leaving, stop and go, they will not always accompany you somewhere. But parents will not, they will always accompany you, like a guard, witnessing everything from the past, to the present, to the future. Just stand there, never leave!

Let me tell you a story! In a university, an old professor walked into the classroom with a smile on his face and said to the students, "I was entrusted by an organization to do a questionnaire survey and ask the students to help me." Hearing this, the classroom burst into an uproar: questionnaire? It's much more interesting than class. The questionnaire was sent out, and the students saw that there were only two questions.

(1) He loves her very much. Her thin oval face and curved eyebrows are white and beautiful. But one day, she was unlucky in a car accident. After recovering, she left several big ugly scars on her face. Do you think he will love him as always?

A、 He must be B. He must not be C. He may be

(2) She loves him very much. He is an elite in the business world. He is elegant, calm and brave. Suddenly one day, he went bankrupt. Do you think she will still love him as before?

A、 He must be B. He must not be C. He may be

In a moment, the students will do it. After collecting the questionnaire, Professor I made statistics and found that 10% of students chose A, 10% chose B and 80% chose C in the first question. In question two, 30% of the students chose A, 30% chose B, and 40% chose C. "It seems that the disfigurement of a beautiful woman is more intolerable than the bankruptcy of a man." The professor smiled. "When doing these two questions, subconsciously, did you treat him and her as lovers?" "Yes." The students answered neatly. "However, the question itself does not say that he and she are lovers?" The professor looked at everyone intently. "Now, let's assume that if 'he' in question one is' her 'father, and' she 'in question two is' his' mother. Let you do these two questions again, will you still stick to the original choice?"

When the questionnaire was sent to the students again, the classroom suddenly became very quiet, and young faces became solemn and deep. A few minutes later, the questionnaire was collected, and the professor counted again. The students chose A 100% for the two questions. The professor's tone was deep and emotional: "In this world, there is a kind of love, which is everlasting and selfless; not because of the change of seasons, not because of fame and wealth, this is the love of parents!"

This is the love of parents. They will always be with you and will not change, no matter how you become. Maybe you will grow old and become no longer beautiful, but they will always accompany you. Time is changing, your property is changing, your appearance is changing, your character is changing, your style is changing, and friends around you come and go

Your everything can change, but please remember, eternal, unique, family will never change! In any case, your parents will always support you silently behind your back. When you are happy or sad, you always affect their hearts. Maybe you think it's funny, but when you get old, you will love your children as they do. They are all you have! Relatives are all you have, family will never change, the world is beautiful because of family!

Cohesion of Family Composition 4

It turns out that a lot of things go wrong inadvertently—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

When I was young, I would blame you

When you meet me, you always come and go in a hurry. I've always heard the most from you. You must go. See me next time. I don't care, maybe I'm young and ignorant, or I'm used to it. I remember one day when I was a child, in the kindergarten, a child asked sarcastically, "Why doesn't your mother always come to pick you up?" After that, I couldn't help thinking about you. So, when you came to see me saying that again, you cried and hugged you, asking why you didn't come to pick me up? You let go of my hand and said you were busy. Still left. That time, I cried very sad, but my child, I can't remember anything after crying.

Life is like this. Day after day, year after year.

Be sensible and blame you

At that time, like other children, I grew up beside my mother, but found that I was not as happy as I imagined. I know you have gallstones since I lived with you. I never regarded it as anything, because I never knew how painful it was. Finally, you live in the place where disinfected water is everywhere. After the operation, you lay flat on the hospital bed and talked to me. Tears seemed to be coming down, but I tried not to cry and asked you if it hurt, but you still answered me when you were weak, "What do you say?" I said it must hurt. After leaving the hospital, you always said how poor my health is, but you are more serious than me. Sometimes, you will blame you and say, "Take good care of yourself. How can you take care of your precious daughter if you can't take care of yourself?"

And now, I will love you

Now, I finally understand that kinship is a place with love, and it is full of love. Without you, what a pathetic child I would be. So I decided to love you as hard as you love me, but I must love you. Warm sunshine crept into the window lazily, suddenly you were there again, smiling like a star. It's good to have you.

Mom, in fact, do you know? I've always wanted to say to you personally: "It's not easy for you to want me. But you don't ask for the price. I've always wanted to thank you personally. You have always given me strength, no fear, no fear.".

Mom, in fact, I love you very much, but I never said it seriously.

Do the happiest thing for your mother. When your mother is happy, say to her: "Mom, I love you."