Some companions have a long taste (18 collections)
Happy bamboo
2023-11-30 06:08:58
Junior three

Some companions have a long taste (1)

A piece of music at the musician's fingertips is beautiful; A piece of white paper on the tip of the painter's pen will enrich; A dinner at the mother's hands will be rich. With mother's dinner, the taste is long.

When I entered junior high school, my time was tense. When I got home from school, I entered my room without saying a word and started to talk with my parents far away from the classroom. When my mother gave a warm call, I always rushed to the table excitedly, bent down to smell the aroma of the food and began to taste the food.

I don't know when my mother became a chef. Braised spareribs in brown sauce, rich and yellow; Steamed perch is delicious; Deep fried balls, soft and fragrant; The freshly baked biscuit is called crispy

In the quiet night, reflecting the soft light, tasting the delicious food carefully cooked by my mother, watching the peaceful warmth lingering in the room, I can always feel extremely comfortable and comfortable. Accompanied by mother's dinner, even cloudy days are full of starlight.
Whenever I eat delicious food cooked by my mother, I always wipe the corners of my mouth, and then happily say, "How delicious!" A simple and casual appreciation will always leave a knowing arc for my mother's mouth.

One day before the Spring Festival, the whole family was having dinner together. I wondered why, "Mom, why did you seldom cook such a rich dinner for me when I was in primary school?"

My mother gently raised her mouth, "My mother's culture is low. Before you went to primary school, you could still give you guidance, but now I have to do logistics work......"

With my mother's simple words, I suddenly felt that the meal in front of me, around my mouth and in my chopsticks was more delicious.

I once saw a public service advertisement: "A house is not home, but love is home."

Yes, home is a thoughtful greeting from Japanese saying "You are back"; Home is a hot kiss before Americans go out; Home is also mother's way, with love and warm dinner.

With my mother's dinner - it's a long taste.

Some companions have a long taste (2)

When I was 10 years old, I observed a row of yellow uneven roads on the sidewalk.

Only later did I know that it was designed for the blind to walk easily. One afternoon, I walked on the blind road with my eyes closed for less than a minute. Why one minute? Because I can't walk well, and I'm afraid of the strange eyes of passers-by. But I feel lucky because my body is still healthy. But after a few years, I found how decadent this idea is.

When we were young, we learned a text called The Eyes of Eternal Life. It was a summer in 1965. Linda's mother died. The hospital asked Linda's father for permission,

You can donate Linda's mother's cornea. At that time, Linda didn't understand anything. She always complained that her father didn't give her mother a complete body. Years later, her father and her daughter Wendy died unfortunately. Linda signed a consent letter on organ and tissue donation. In tears, she understood her father's decision and the bright inheritance. After reading this text, I decided to donate my own corneas in the future. Maybe a complete body is just for the sake of settling down, but it is absolutely not as beautiful as those eternal eyes.

Helen is the person I can't stay stranded. It seems that in recent years, when I mention blind people, I think of her first. This woman who lost her hearing and vision in 19 months is destined to see less than one meter of sunshine in her life, not even simulated sunshine and imagination. Sometimes, I think, if I were Helen, how would I choose the next life when I gradually have memory, but no matter how I choose, I am doomed to suffer, but I am not her. This unprecedented female writer has created unprecedented miracles. Greatness is no longer enough to represent her experience and colorful legend. Even if you try, you may not understand the taste of darkness.

dark? What a dark word, endless dark night, trembling hands, how cruel a person must be to spend it, alas, I have finished talking about the darkness of a female writer. Let's talk about another female writer, Sanmao.

Recently, after reading Sanmao's works in the Mainland Assembly Edition, when we mention Sanmao, we will think of the Sahara Desert, the place where she has nostalgia in her previous life and is fascinated by her. In fact, I think she has been living in the dark all the time. Sanmao has had a rough experience, lost what she has, could not get what she wants, wandered in reality and ideals, and could not withstand the temptation of the desert, But always sympathize with the mainland. I have been suffering, but I still have to write. In fact, how can these words express the extreme fear in my heart? Even though my heart is bleeding, you still want to make a general statement. Sanmao, you hide the darkness, but only you know the taste.

Well, everyone has experienced darkness, and only they can understand it. With darkness, life is full of twists and turns, and twists and turns will not stop. If you stop, you don't have to live.

Some companions have a long taste (3)

On the table, a bowl of plain fried rice without oil, with golden fragrance, dotted with stars, red and green, reminds me of her

I had a fever that day. The feeling of dizziness is really uncomfortable. Somehow, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the fever subsided, but my body was sore. At this time, she came in, and I only saw her fat body vaguely, but I could not see her facial features clearly. I struggled to open my blurred eyes, only to see that she was dark and not tall. In short, I have a bad impression of her. I can't remember what happened later.

"I got up to eat!" I was awakened by her cry, and reluctantly walked to the restaurant. I was upset and calmed down by a burst of fragrance. When I looked closely, it was a plate of fried rice. I was attracted by it. "This dish of fried rice has no oil!" I suddenly found. But what shocked me was that although it had no oil, it might be because the pan was just right, and the rice grains were not burnt, and they were also distributed evenly. Each rice grain was wrapped with golden eggs, and served with green vegetables and red ham, which made people have a big appetite. I couldn't help taking a taste, which further subverted my understanding of delicious food. In one bite, it is waxy and sticky. Although there is no oil, it doesn't feel a little less. Instead, it has a feeling of fullness and fullness.

I no longer savor it carefully, but eat it in large mouthfuls. At the same time, I have a new view on her. A seemingly greasy and informal person can make a meal that makes me know delicious food again. Looking at her simple smile, the hard shell in my heart seems to be slowly disappearing

In the next few days, we got along very well, and I also had feelings for her. On the day of parting, I begged her to cook another fried rice without oil for me

"Eating!" A shout interrupted my memory. I was just a little angry and found it was her! And the long lost bowl of oil-free fried rice burst into tears. How I wanted to tell her: Thank you!

She is such a simple person, but she can give me such a profound truth: people can not only look at the appearance of communication, but more importantly the inner feelings, or two people get along, maybe just need an opportunity

Some companions have a long taste (4)

Friendship is happy, friendship is beautiful, friendship is sweet.

When I was sad, my friends comforted me, and I slowly walked out of the sadness and became strong again. Friendship is my source of happiness; When I didn't know how to solve this problem, my classmates gave me my patient explanation. I understood the problem and successfully passed the exam. Friendship is my right arm; When I can't find stationery, my friends will lend me stationery to help me tide over difficulties. Friendship is indispensable, she will bring you many, many

"Everyone is for me, and I am for everyone." It is precisely because of this sentence that I understand that friendship is like this. When everyone helps me, I will also help others. They all say, "Give roses to others, and you will find a lingering fragrance in your hand." Friendship brings me endless happiness. I can study and work together with everyone. Even if I work hard, I will continue to work hard.

Friendship has brought me a lot of happiness, which is refreshing. Friendship will make you feel excited and give you motivation. During the running test, Friendship told me: "Don't be discouraged, be brave, do your best and go forward." Other students cheered me on. It was the encouragement of friendship that made me 8. 8. This is the power of friendship. Friendship is indispensable in my consciousness. It is closely related to learning and living habits. The power of friendship is infinite. It can inspire people's power. Part of the power comes from friendship. Friendship is sweet, and people are deeply immersed in it.

Friendship is closely related to me in my life, and it has led me to understand many truths of life.

Friendship is a long taste.

Some companions have a long taste (5)

On the table, a bowl of plain fried eggs with oil-free tomatoes, full of gold fragrance, dotted with red and yellow stars, reminded me of her

I had a fever that day. The feeling of dizziness is extremely uncomfortable. I dragged my tired body to the kitchen to find something to eat. The refrigerator has nothing but a tomato and an egg. But I don't know why. My appetite suddenly disappeared after I saw it. These two things seemed very shabby in the refrigerator. I walked back to my room, and somehow I fell asleep.

A few hours later——

I woke up and my fever subsided, but my body was very sore. At this time, she came in, and I saw the plump body vaguely, but I could not see the facial features clearly. I struggled to open my blurred eyes, only to see that she was very white and not tall. In short, I have a bad impression of her, and I can't remember what happened later.

"I got up to eat!" I was awakened by her cry. I dragged myself reluctantly down the stairs. I was upset and calmed down by a smell. My eyes lit up. It was a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I was attracted by it. "This dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes is oil-free!" I suddenly found. But what shocked me was that although it had no oil, it probably had no paste because it was stir fried properly in the pot, and it was also distributed evenly. Every tomato was wrapped with golden eggs, accompanied by green vegetables and red ham, which made people have a big appetite.

I couldn't help taking a taste, which further subverted my understanding of delicious food. One bite down, sweet, glutinous, although no oil but do not feel a little less, but more a sense of fullness and fullness.

I no longer savor it carefully, but eat it in large mouthfuls. At the same time, I have a new view on her. A seemingly fat, short and informal person can make a meal that makes me know delicious food again. Looking at her simple smile, the hard shell in my heart seems to be slowly disappearing

Although I don't like tomatoes very much, after this incident, I began to like the "fried eggs with oil-free tomatoes".

Some companions have a long taste (6)

Reading is a long way to go. Books also have a taste. So, sweet and sour, bitter and hot... In all these flavors, which is the taste of reading?

Reading is sour? Looking at the living person in the book, either happy or sad, I can't help thinking, if I go through the book, what should I do? I envy Zhuge Liang's clever plan of "knowing three hundred years before and after", Cao Cao and Liu Bei's cozy and heroic "cooking wine and talking about heroes", and Guan Gong's brave and bold "going to the meeting alone"... Sometimes, I also envy that if I could have such a smart brain, free and easy mind, and superhuman courage, how wonderful it would be! What if I met these? Maybe I can't be as calm and calm as they are. Reading is sour, and sour is mixed with admiration.

Reading is sweet? Some stories have beautiful endings, and we all ended up living happily together. When I was young, I liked to read fairy tales, especially those about princesses and princes. No matter how difficult the process is, the ending is always "From then on, the prince and the princess live happily together." The happy ending is always desirable. Even if the hero in the book is not himself, it is a wonderful thing to imagine the happy ending of the characters in the book happily. When I was young, I always liked to listen to a beautiful story before going to bed, as if the dream was sweet. Reading is sweet and intoxicating.

Reading is hard? After closing the book, tears still hung on his face. Why, the ending is like this? Must the protagonist die after defeating the villain? Tears drop to the page, as if even the white paper is stained with bitterness. After tears, I still can't help thinking, can this description more reflect the theme, or can it make the content more exciting? Reading is hard, but the aftertaste is endless.

Reading is hot? The book itself is a hot pepper. Even if you have endless aftertaste, it makes you realize where your mistake lies. Just like I learned the importance of honesty after I read The Death of the Red Rabbit; After Mother's Love Is Like a Mountain, we learned how much our parents love us and how sad they were because of what they did at ordinary times... The book is the best and most popular "hot pepper" in the world. Reading is hot, which makes you realize many truths.

Zhu Xi said, "There are three main points in reading: the eye, the mouth and the heart." However, I also think that "there are four flavors in reading, such as sour, sweet, bitter and spicy." There are all flavors in the world and all flavors in reading.

It's good to have books with you!

Some companions have a long taste (7)

In the stumbling journey of growth, with you, the silent company makes me no longer lonely, the helpless long night no longer long, and the taste of your company is long notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The flowers are fragrant because of the soil, the trees are strong because of the spring rain, and I have changed from an ignorant continued love to a sensible young man because of your selfless love.

Remember? When I went to kindergarten and finished school, you could find me at a glance in the crowd. I would hold your hand tightly and hide under the umbrella, laughing and laughing, but I didn't know that the umbrella was always tilted.

Remember? On the day of primary school, you sent me to the school gate with thousands of instructions, but the small hand and the big hand were always unwilling to let go. I don't remember how many times of instructions and love

I remember that it was a few weeks before the beginning of the simulation, when I was promoted to Grade 6, I was panting under the pressure of "homework mountain", and every time you would argue about my grades, and the relationship was getting rusty in the quarrel.

One night, when I was sitting alone at my desk carrying the heavy "homework mountain" as usual, I was not careful. I found that it was already moonlight outside the window, and everyone was immersed in sleep. Only the bright moonlight accompanied me helplessly, and the cold light shone on my body, and I could not help but shiver.

The home is extremely quiet, and you can hear the clock working tirelessly. When I was about to continue my "hard work", you saw that the light in my room was still on, you quietly pushed the door and entered, saying to me, "Have you not finished your homework? Why haven't you slept so late? Go to bed early!" I nodded coldly, and found that you had already closed the door, so I thought you would not come in. Who knows, you held a cup of hot milk that had just been brewed and said to me, "Drink it and warm up."

I gently took the milk and drank it. Suddenly, a warm current came to my heart. Looking at your chiseled face, it seems that there are some more wrinkles. The black hair is mixed with some silver hair. It seems that it was born for me. My nose can't help getting sour and my eyes are red, as if I knocked over a bottle of Schisandra. Who knew you said to me, "Give me the part of science that needs to be memorized, and I will check some of it?" I nodded and picked up the book, Ask you: "If you recite wrong... will you be punished?"

"No, recite it wrong and read it more times!" Mom said. This sentence seems to make me even more nervous. When I am not familiar with it, you will copy this question and explain it to me. You will write and draw on the herbs and rewrite it until I fall asleep. You are still studying the method of this question in bed and how to tell me. I deeply understand in my heart: because of your company, the night is no longer cold, but infinite warmth.

Because of your mother's company, I have achieved excellent results in my mock exam. Thanks for your earnest teaching, I understand that I should not be arrogant and impetuous in life and work. Because of your company, my childhood has come to a complete end! Because of your company - let my life taste long!

Some companions have a long taste (8)

Gently wipe off the thick dust on the guitar, like the delicate and familiar touch of mother's skin, I thought to myself, how long has it been since I heard the crisp sound of the guitar? Fingers slowly pluck the strings, and the tuneless sound flows out, like whispering, little by little converging into a river.

At the age of eleven, I had my own guitar. At the beginning, I loved this novel thing very much. I worked very hard to practice unfamiliar songs and played familiar tunes again and again. The effort did not go in vain. Gradually, I can play music skillfully. The smooth and beautiful melody slowly flows out from my fingers like a stream. I am intoxicated with it and am proud to appreciate my achievements. Now, when I was in junior high school, I was just like that? Facing the new subjects in junior high school, although my heart is full of expectations and fears, I still have more perseverance and perseverance. No matter how difficult the math problem is, you should also learn it hard. No matter how long the English words are, you should also remember them. You should also master them in many notes. It is this unyielding strength that makes me gradually adapt to the life of junior high school, transforming from a beginner to a Chinese scholar, and stepping into a higher level.

Later, I began to learn more difficult songs. The music is longer and longer, and the fingering is more and more complicated. I can't master a new track as quickly as I used to. My heart began to be impetuous, and I often gave up halfway. I don't know how many times I have played this piece of music. Each note is twisted, which shows my decadence. I plucked the strings hard, trying to suppress my anxiety with the sound. "Pa", my finger was flicked hard, and a long and thin red mark appeared on my hand. I stared at the red mark. It turned out that the string was broken. After a moment of daze, I reached out to touch the broken string and connected it like crazy, but everything was in vain. I lost my favorite guitar, no, it has not attracted me as before. I looked at the broken string angrily, as if I wanted to vent all my anger on it, pulled it hard, and finally lowered my head helplessly. As in the second day of junior high, homework is heavy and difficult. Faced with the failure of exams, I felt more and more worried. I was overwhelmed by my parents' expectations and proud achievements in the first day of the new year. So I made mistakes, lost my composure and lost my heart. I felt like falling leaves floating on the water, light and independent. But I was not willing to give up, so I began to practice again, playing the music again and again, and doing the topic again and again. I played a wrong note. OK, I'll practice it again; I made a mistake. OK, I'll write it down and review it every day. In this way, I can play beautiful melody again after repeated practice and learning bit by bit. This melody not only contains my pride of regaining what I lost, but also has a bright future that I have never experienced. Later, learning became more and more busy, and I had no time to take care of my guitar. In my studies, there will inevitably be ups and downs. At this time, I will think of the broken string and my guitar. In a small guitar, there is my life. Life is accompanied by a guitar. Whether sunny or cloudy, it is the taste reflected in my heart.

Out of the window came a lively waltz, elegant rotating notes, stepping on my dance steps, rippling in my heart. I only heard the melody of the piano, telling the past. I was intoxicated with the long lost sound of the piano, and a lingering smile rippled on my lips.

Some companions have a long taste (9)

In my more than ten years of growth, I have known countless people, who have accompanied me in my constant growth and progress, especially an old grandpa.

I remember that time, I failed the exam. I was afraid of my parents' criticism, so I hid in a small alley alone and dared not go home. Just when I was hungry, an old man selling hair cakes said to me in a gentle voice: "What's wrong with you, young man? Why are you crying here alone? Is it uncomfortable or something?" He sat next to me and stroked my back with his right hand. This move makes me feel so kind and gentle. So I replied, "I, I didn't do well in the exam, and I was afraid of being scolded at home." Grandpa said to me, "What's the big deal? People always make mistakes. We should actively find our mistakes, and the results will be better." Then he said to me, "It's so late, you should not have eaten yet. Take these cakes and fill your stomach." He then put the remaining pieces of cake into my hand, and the warm pieces of cake kept warming into my heart.

The next day, I saw my grandfather on the street again. He was still wearing a black coat, a white apron, and a pair of black cloth pants and black cloth shoes. All his clothes were simple. He took the initiative to say hello to me: "It's you, young man, do you feel better?" I quickly replied: "Mm-hmm. I made up with my parents."

It's Friday, and I have enough free time to communicate. From our conversation, I learned that the grandpa lived alone. His son died in a car accident five years ago. His wife died of extreme pain due to his son's accidental attack. Now he lives alone... During our conversation, the grandpa couldn't help shedding tears. After listening to the old man's experience, I felt very sympathetic to him, and therefore we became "friends who forget their old age".

From then on, whenever I passed his cake stall, he would always give me a few pieces of cake, and I would consciously put a few coins on his stall. We also exchange our experiences every week. He patiently solves my problems in study and life, and I also tell him some interesting things. From primary school to junior high school, there is no exception for a week, so my life is more fulfilling, and I also bring him more joy.

No matter how depressed I am, when I see him, those negative emotions disappear.

Grandpa, it's a long time for me to be accompanied by you when I grow up.

Some companions have a long taste (10)

In the long river of time, only kinship, like a warm fire in winter, warms your heart. Kinship is often the most touching thing in people's hearts.

I don't know since when my grades have gone down like a roller coaster. For the first time, I was at a loss for my achievements, and my fear was unspeakable. It was like a person at the bottom of a well shouting, but there was no reply for a long time.

The journey home was so long and short. I opened the door carefully, and the whole family's expectant smiling faces met me, which further stimulated my restless heart. My mother said directly, "How did you do in this exam? What was the number?" I was like a frightened rabbit and dared not answer. I reported the number in a very low voice. However, I know that what I will face next is not a sunny face, but a storm.

The whole family scolded me immediately, and all kinds of complaints and reproaches wound around my ears. I flung open the door with a bang, and tears could not stop falling down. I ran into my cabin and talked to myself. I realized that I was wrong. Although I didn't try to do well in the exam, I lost my temper and disappointed my parents.

Just as I was going out to apologize, my mother pushed my door open. She walked slowly to my side and sat down, her face less angry but more gentle. "Are you still upset?" she said slowly. I shook my head firmly to show that I was wrong. Mom smiled, "Actually, I'm not right. I haven't paid attention to your study recently. You have been studying all the time. I'm really sorry. But I think that although you didn't do well in the exam this time, it can also be a lesson. You should always warn yourself in future daily life and study and don't make such mistakes again. Besides, I will also pay close attention to your study and improve my grades recently, OK? "

This sentence is like a key, which opens the lock in my heart. What I feel in these languages is not only encouragement, but also kinship.

In fact, kinship is that your mother knows what you like best, your grandparents are always with you, and your father's words sound serious but full of concern. It looks very small, but it is very big when combined, so big that it can fill the whole world.

Some companions have a long taste (11)

In everyone's life, there is one indispensable thing: friendship. Friendship brings us warmth, happiness and endless strength.

"Ah! Are you all right, Pan Yuhao? Which bastard hit you? Tell me, my sister will avenge you." A word of concern floated from the top of my head,

I smiled and said, "Come on, I thank Aunt Chen here. Let's forget about your small size, but thank you for caring about me so much."

"You see, Aunt Pan, you are too weak to be knocked down all the time, aren't you?"

"I don't have it. You've wronged me again!"

After saying that, I jumped up to beat Chen Yuting. As soon as I stood up, I sat down on the ground, and the blood on my knee came out again. I had to look at Chen Yuting pitifully. Chen Yuting sighed helplessly, bent down to lift me up as a "wounded person", and went to the clinic to apply red potion again.

"Ah! Why do you look so thin, but in fact you are so heavy!"

"I am lighter than you. As the saying goes," We are good friends. At present, there is no happiness, only difficulty. Of course, you should join me! " I said angrily.

"Yes, yes, we are best friends, and we will help each other when they are in trouble." After saying that, we looked at each other with a smile.

I used to be an introvert, but friendship has made me lively and cheerful. When I have a topic that I can do, there will always be classmates who will come together to carefully teach me how to do it and train of thought; When I feel sad, someone will always come to comfort me, telling me not to cry, to face difficulties bravely, and to be a strong person. Students use friendship to make me cheerful and lively, and let me integrate into this big family. Friendship brings me happiness and warmth.

The years with friendship have a long taste. With friendship, the road is sunny and sunny, with laughter!

Some companions have a long taste (12)

Spring is three feet deep, willows fly and flowers smile; When the sun is warm for seven minutes, the warblers sing and the insects sing, I look up at the deep blue sky, and carry my luggage. I step forward to my dream step by step because of the long taste of warmth.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

A word of spring anger

The night is deep, and I am still awake. There is a kitten in my heart, which messes up my mood mischievously. The teacher was on sick leave, unwilling to let her go, and did not have the heart to make her tired for us. At this time, the flashing screen brought her message: "You should refuel, no matter what happens, you should be strong, and be an excellent girl!" Every word was exquisite, conveying deep concern.

In this late night, the words on the screen are like smooth loaches rolling on my heart. Her gentle and quiet image shines with love. Her love comes from her mobile phone. In the cool spring night, it suddenly wakes up my heart and sends warmth to my heart.

I am walking on the way to challenge mathematics, with the warmth of my teacher, which is really good.

A warm spring breeze

It drizzled all night, and the ground of the restaurant building was slippery. I took the soup that Aunt Sheng had just served, looked at the egg blossom floating on it and the yellow vegetable leaves, but accidentally fell to the ground, and the soup spilled all over. Looking up is the face of my aunt and her caring eyes. The fear in my heart is like a raging undercurrent, but it is stopped by this look. In this eager and warm look, I seem to find the sunshine that I haven't seen for a long time. When the dark and desperate sea recedes, only the warmth of the sun shines on the shallow beach of the soul: when the cold and dry snowfield melts, in the season of life, I chase the long lost light.

I am walking on the road of rough life. It's really good to have my aunt's greetings.

Smiling Spring

Walking on the way to the examination room, I was confused and confused. She smiled all over her face, and her light ponytail danced happily with her steps. "Come on!" Her words were short and powerful, and there was endless sincerity and kindness between her eyes and eyebrows. "Pa" loud high fives thicken friendship. Suddenly, I felt the strength of my steps and my heart, as if bathed in the warm sun.

A simple concern makes spring more colorful and makes my heart more colorful. Her cheering has paved the way for my confidence, and it's good to walk on the road ahead with her support.

People are always tasting life. On my way to youth, there are teachers' expectations for me, aunts' care for me, and classmates' support for me. It's really good to have warm company. Let me go to the ivory tower of my dream, to a place farther than the sky.

Some companions have a long taste (13)

The sun rises quietly, and the sun lazily sprinkles on the earth, one by one, one by one... until the sun hangs high in the blue sky, and the light illuminates the vast land in a flash. The sun is red, as if a newborn baby is smiling sweetly, and the childish laughter awakens people in their sleep.

In the morning, it is very wonderful in the world of small animals. The fat and round water drops slowly slide down against the edge of the petals, "ding", and lie on the soil; The birds stood on the treetops lightly, showing off their crisp throats and singing melodies; On the grass, the earthworm, standing against a small piece of mud, carefully poked its head out of the ground, afraid of being eaten by birds. When the wind blows, it "snorts" into the soil again.

Early in the morning, the air is always fragrant with earth and green grass. The old people got up early and went downstairs to exercise. Some of them lifted their legs onto the bar and slowly pressed down, loosened, pressed again, loosened again; Yes, while walking and chatting with his wife slowly, he threw his hands to the front and clapped them, and then to the back; Some old men take off their coats, put a white towel on their back, bend their legs down, put their hands behind them, push their feet on the ground, jump up, and then land silently.

It's time to go to school. The children are carrying school bags in groups. Some didn't wake up from their sleep, grabbed breakfast, and even walked unsteadily. They had to hear the school bell to wake up completely; Some ran around alive and kicking, chatting with classmates for a while, and then disappeared.

The early morning of a day is over, and every morning symbolizes the beginning of a new day. "The plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in the spring." Childhood is the "early morning" of life. We should seize precious time, study hard, and improve our ability in the "early morning". Just like sowing hard in spring, autumn can be fruitful and joyful. It's delicious to be accompanied by the morning.

Some companions have a long taste (14)

Long composition with touching accompaniment

In daily life or work and study, everyone must have been exposed to composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words through people's thinking and language organization. How to write a good composition? The following is a collection of long and touching essays collected by my editor for your reference, hoping to help those in need.

Touching is an indispensable part of life. Touching will make people suddenly cheerful and understand the true meaning of some things. How many moves must we experience in life before we can discover the truth? Of course, there will be countless answers. Everything will give us a lot of inspiration, but have we followed the inspiration? There are certainly not many answers.

Moved, let people long aftertaste its original taste, and deeply involved in it, difficult to extricate themselves. I still remember that time, a strange feeling came to my mind, which I will never forget.

Life, how fragile, is also pitiful. I still remember that time when we moved, when everything in the house was about to be emptied, we suddenly found three mice. The family wanted to kill them immediately, but we were surprised that the two injured mice supported each other, while the uninjured mouse had already run away. I wonder why they don't run? oh I was surprised to find that there was a tumor on the mouse's eye. It seemed that it was invisible, and the next mouse was healthy. But in order to protect the invisible mouse, I risked death to support it without giving up any hope. Together with our family, I made a way for them to go out and watch them help each other and support each other. My heart is more and more moved.

Thinking of us humans, we are so much older than them, but we hurt each other, betrayed each other, used each other, and did not know how to help each other. Aren't we really comparable to two little mice?

I would like to appeal to all of you: we should try our best to regard the earth as our home, concentrate on getting along with friends, and not engage in intrigues all day long. Otherwise, people will not be happy and will feel very tired.

At that moment, I was really moved and gave me a powerful shock. At that moment, it was like the east wind blowing through my heart, like the earth after spring rain, giving people a clean and comfortable feeling. Yeah! How can friendship not be clean and chaste? The aftertaste of the touching taste has really inspired me. It is really "a long taste with touching". With touching, I will live an excellent life; If we are touched, we will grow up!

Some companions have a long taste (15)

Long composition with childhood

In daily study, work or life, everyone has written compositions, and must know all kinds of compositions very well. According to the characteristics of writing propositions, compositions can be divided into propositional compositions and non propositional compositions. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a long composition with childhood experience collected by Xiaobian for everyone. Welcome to share it.

Childhood, like an ice cream cone, tastes sweet and infinite; Childhood, like mother together, intimate; Childhood, like warm sunshine, takes good care of us.

Childhood, like drops of water, gently moistens us; Childhood, accompanied by our happy growth.

When I was young, I was carefree and free. There is no worry about homework, no scolding voice from teachers, and no nervousness about exams. Childhood is so free and beautiful.

One day in my childhood, my grandmother took me to the park to play. I grabbed a stick in one hand and walked towards a colorful butterfly. It goes left, I go left, it goes right, I go right. Later, I became impatient and swung my stick at it. The butterfly escaped. I thought, I must kill it. Butterflies dart left and right, which makes me dizzy. Suddenly, it flew into the grass, and I cried, "You're dead!" I took the stick and began to smoke down. "Meow" gave a shrill cry. It turned out that I hit a wild cat right on the ground when I hit it. It jumped up when I was scared, and I laughed foolishly.

Another time, I bought a bicycle in Decathlon, Shanghai. When I got home, I immediately rode in the garden. My mother helped me slowly teach me how to ride a bicycle, and gradually I could ride. I saw that the wild flowers in the garden were not pleasing to my eyes. I immediately squashed one flower on my bicycle, and then another one or two flowers... Suddenly, the bicycle turned 360 degrees, and I fell to the ground and fell on all fours. I angrily said to my mother, "This broken bicycle!" My mother said, "Maybe the wild flowers are revenge on you!" I laughed, Run to the wild flower and say, "Sorry! Wild flower grandfathers!"

Senior childhood life, has been occupied by homework, every day there are endless homework. I really want to return to my childhood and live a carefree life again.

Childhood, let me linger. It's good to have a childhood. You can get happiness and happiness. It's a long experience to have childhood with you.

Some companions have a long taste (16)

Thank you for being with me for three years. We witness the bitterness and frustration of growth together. But with you, even tears are full of happiness.

You don't need to close your eyes to remember the first time I saw you. I just entered the university. Three years ago, facing a bustling crowd of strangers, I said, I like you very much, since I first saw you. Maybe you have just experienced the parting of the last class like us. Sixty ninth graders shouted and hugged, but the one that belonged to you could not be seen in the flying student record. When we saw you, the once snow-white skin was a little incomplete, and the seniors' countdown to the high school entrance exam was still left on their backs. Just like you, carrying such naive us, we spent the first day of school. After school, the students who are not very familiar with the school packed their bags noisily, and then poured out of the door like a group of sardines, leaving the pale golden dusk and empty you. Well, in fact, you are not comfortable. You should stay alone in the dark and cold night until 6:00 tomorrow. Since then, I have always been the last one to leave you, gently turning the new key to say goodbye, leaving a long black shadow disappearing in the corner.

Later, we got to know each other better. The school changed your clothes for you, and we also helped you choose jewelry such as wall newspaper with our modest efforts. You listen to the courses you have been listening to since you were born. I bet if you go to the middle school entrance exam, you will definitely be the top student.

Many students live in communities where you are very close and can meet the dawn and night with you. Every night, all the street lights will go out in a moment. At that time, will you occasionally feel at a loss? What time is it, half past nine? Ten o'clock? Did you sleep then? You know what we call suffering. Sometimes we are really busy, because there will be faint lights flickering until 11:00 p.m. In less than a year, maybe we can't meet again. You are actually very unhappy. No matter how happy or numb others make you, there should be a little red flowing under the rough cement and steel bars. I can't see it, and no one else can see it, so don't you. If you expose your true heart, you will be hurt no matter what. You'd better stand still, I'll miss you.

You know, although we talk and laugh, and even complain that there is no air conditioner, we are very reluctant to part with you in our hearts. Class 22 classroom. Three years of junior high school with you, sweet and bitter taste long.

Some companions have a long taste (17)

That day, it was the day I presided over, but the mottled sunshine and the cool breeze crept into my fragile body. Bursts of pain ran over my head and I felt more and more nauseated. At this time, a familiar figure was lying in front of my desk, looking at... Maybe she noticed the blushing!

"Huh", she looked at the filth I vomited all over the floor and believed that even the branches of the old locust tree became dull at once. "You look like you, how can you host?" After listening to this, I had to wring out a smile to her. She took my small arm in pain, took out a jar of cool oil from her pocket, gently opened the tightly closed bottle mouth, rolled some with my forefinger, and smeared it on my temples. In a short time, the refreshing and cool of mint drove away my unbearable pain. I was tired. After returning to work with her, I fell asleep smelling the refreshing mint fragrance. "Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink," I was stunned. She was acting beside me. "Are you going to be the host? Or you can come back to sleep later!" I looked sideways in the direction of her eyes, and the host card had been glued. Suddenly, the softened heart and her pure and indescribable fragrance are harmonious without publicity. This is what I desire most.

"Pa pa pa" bursts of applause haunted my ears. I started the geography contest with powerful and affectionate words, but I was distracted and got stuck, but when I saw her expectant eyes below the stage, I successfully covered them up. When I stepped down to rest, I also looked at her from time to time, and every time I looked at her, my heart was filled with a pleasant fragrance.

Fragrance is the soul of leaves and the mark of love.

It has a long taste accompanied by mint leaves, which makes the night as dark as ink, and also blends with the broken time into my life. From her to the host, my laughter and emotion were drowned in the activities, and even more in the Wujiang River at dusk.

Some companions have a long taste (18)

I had a fever that day. The feeling of dizziness is extremely uncomfortable. I dragged my tired body to the kitchen to find something to eat. The refrigerator has nothing but a tomato and an egg. But I don't know why. My appetite suddenly disappeared after I saw it. These two things seemed very shabby in the refrigerator. I walked back to my room, and somehow I fell asleep.

A few hours later——

I woke up and my fever subsided, but my body was very sour. At this time, she came in, and I saw the fat body vaguely, but I could not see the facial features clearly. I struggled to open my blurred eyes, only to see that she was very white and not tall. In short, I have a bad impression of her, and I can't remember what happened later.

"I got up to eat!" I was awakened by her cry. I dragged myself reluctantly down the stairs. I was upset and calmed down by a smell. My eyes lit up. It was a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I was attracted by it. "This dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes is oil-free!" I suddenly found. But what shocked me was that although it had no oil, it probably had no paste because it was stir fried properly in the pot, and it was also distributed evenly. Every tomato was wrapped with golden eggs, accompanied by green vegetables and red ham, which made people have a big appetite.

I couldn't help taking a taste, which further subverted my understanding of delicious food. One bite down, sweet, glutinous, although no oil but do not feel a little less, but more a sense of fullness and fullness.

I no longer savor it carefully, but eat it in large mouthfuls. At the same time, I have a new view on her. A seemingly fat, short and informal person can make a meal that makes me know delicious food again. Looking at her simple smile, the hard shell in my heart seems to be slowly disappearing

Although I don't like tomatoes very much, after this incident, I began to like the "fried eggs with oil-free tomatoes".