Funny Facts Composition (14 selected articles)
Life is made by oneself
2023-09-30 03:32:23

Funny Facts Composition (1)

As time goes by, many interesting things have been forgotten, but two things have been lingering in my mind, leaving a deep imprint. What is it? Please allow me to explain it in detail.

On my tenth birthday, our family held a unique butter war. The battlefield should be powerful and powerful, but this battlefield is not that battlefield, and there is no smoke.

I remember that one day when I was eating cake, someone said, "It's a celebration to put cream on it!" Everyone agreed with this, but I was thinking: "Fun is fun, but it seems a little uncivilized." Just when I was dreaming, my brother took the lead in attacking, picked up a piece of cream cake, and hit me in the face with a smack, My face was blossoming with flowers. In this way, a cream war started.

I automatically formed an alliance with my sister to deal with my brother. I only saw that I made a fake action. My brother was very sensitive and was really taken in. I hit him with lightning speed, and a cloud of cream appeared on his face like lightning. I made a fake again. My brother didn't fall for it this time. He dodged cleverly. Who knows, I suddenly struck and made a real move. My brother was so scared that he didn't react. A lump of cream was on his face again. No, my brother's universe broke out. I was attacked by him. I couldn't afford to be hurt, so I had to run away.

After this war, I changed from a teenager to an old lady. My brother unexpectedly sublimated from a mortal to Santa Claus. My sister became even crazier and became a snow-white. She was always shot when she was lying down. She was covered with cream everywhere. We call her "snow-white".

The second interesting thing is that when I was six years old, I saw that hens often sat on the eggs and hatched chicks over time. I was curious why eggs could become chickens? Grandma said, "It's because the chickens are warm." I thought, "Since the chickens can, so can I." So I joined the ranks of hens. But my weight is too heavy. As soon as I sit on the egg, it will break. So, the second plan was adopted, using an electric blanket. The eggs were not bad, but the chickens were not hatched after many days. In retrospect, I feel stupid and naive.

Although these two interesting things have passed for a long time, they are always in my mind.

Funny Composition (2)

My mother and I both like playing badminton very much. We always take a badminton racket with us wherever we go. Today, when I came to my hometown Xi'an, my mother still held her brand, like guarding the lost treasure.

Indeed, her racket is very good. I only used it once and fell in love with it at first sight, so I can't wait to find someone to play. It's really a coincidence that my mother is going to play ball. I can't help feeling happy. I hold my mother's racket. I wish my blood was connected with the racket.

Because I have lived in Mrs. Three's house these days, and Mrs. Three can also play ball games, so my mother invited her to play ball games together. You know, I couldn't beat Grandma San last year. This year, I will make a comeback.

ha-ha! The third wife can't beat me this year. I first served a high ball. When I saw Sanpo running to the back court, Sanpo must think that I would play high ball again. It's fun to play badminton. No matter how hard the Third Daughter tried, it didn't help.

I won the first game easily. But for me, the real competition is only beginning now, because my next face is my mother, who is the third badminton player in Wenzhou City, and my mother wants to fight with me. The atmosphere on the court was very tense. When the ball flew out of the court, my mother made a gesture. What? It's out of bounds. Hum, you are a disappointing ball. Hey, I'm a little too nervous. I took a deep breath to relax myself as much as possible. Here is my mother's serve. Wow, it's so high and far. I can't bear to be weak, so I use my milk strength and wave hard. What are you doing with such force? I said to myself. This time, my mother's service behavior was a bit strange. She kept looking at my feet as if to tell me something. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that my mother's service was very close this time. I only cared about the back, so the front could not run up. I lost again and again. I thought, if it goes on like this, I will have a chance to turn over. After my mother served this time, she seemed to know that I was going to serve high and far, so she stood very far behind. But in this way, the front court was unprepared, so she used the ball transfer. Mom suddenly understood my intention, but it was too late and she had to lose a goal. Finally, it was my turn to serve. I was tit for tat, so I served a ball in front of the net. My mother picked the ball high and high, and finally had a chance to kill the ball. I jumped straight ahead of the ball, hit a diagonal line, and scored again. 5 to 20, 6 to 20, 7 to 20, 8 to 20, 9 to 20, I played 9 to 20 with my mother, and only the last ball left for my mother to win. I will not let her succeed. I served to the bottom line this time, and out of bounds again. It's really hateful!

I like playing badminton very much, because it can make me happy, and I have a very powerful opponent - Mom.

Funny Composition (3)

Today, it's time for me to challenge Brother Haohao, a badminton expert in our yard. I have been preparing for this day for a long time!

Brother Haohao came, and he despised me. The two sides started a war. Brother Hao's contempt for the enemy made him make mistakes. I seized the opportunity and came to several "top kills". The score soon reached 6:0. I was ahead of him and couldn't help feeling proud. However, Brother Haohao also quickly got into a state of mind, seized my short stature and inability to catch light balls, and launched a fierce attack on me. At this time, it was my turn to make frequent mistakes, and the score suddenly turned to 7:9. I fell behind, but I was willing to show weakness, and served another ball... Both sides came and went, and the score reached 19:22. Seeing that I was going to lose, Brother Haohao was obviously proud again, Deliberately serve a light ball. It's not easy to win! It was too late to say that it was fast at that time. I took a deep breath and returned it with a side shot. However, Brother Hao obviously didn't expect me to catch it. He thought he was going to win. He didn't care about my flying ball, and finally the ball hit the ground on his court. yeah! I got another point! But after all, Brother Haohao is not a vegetarian. Another side shot winner. I quickly parried. Brother Haohao deliberately "teased" me. He sent me to the left and right. I was like a robot. He "commanded" me to run all over the court. Finally, the ball landed

Brother Hao saw that I was obviously unable to parry, so he advised me to give up altogether. I was ambivalent in my heart: "Give up, the tide has gone, don't bother!" "No, I can't lose easily, insist, insist!" The two voices intertwined in my ears, I hesitated, but finally chose to insist. The two sides continued to "fight".

I caught hold of brother Hao Hao, who liked to make light buckles. He stood in the front, but the rear was relatively weak. After a strong smash, brother Hao hurriedly retreated and fell on the ground, only to catch the ball reluctantly. With a slight flick, the ball flew over the net and touched the ground... Then, I adopted a strategy to punish him in his own way. He also ran all over the court, and the score was 25:24, When it came to my match point, I was totally absorbed and stared at Brother Haohao. I took a deep breath, jumped up, and pretended to smash. Brother Haohao learned the lesson from last time, and quickly stepped back. Unexpectedly, I made a feint shot. With a gentle flick, Brother Haohao saw that there was a fraud, but it was too late. The ball landed in his front court! I won. I successfully defeated the "overlord"

Funny Composition (4)

My mother has been unconvinced since she beat her mother in the doubles with a winning streak. This time, my mother came to challenge me, and I promised.

The rule is three wins in five games.

I first discussed the battle plan: first irritate my mother, make him emotionally unstable, and then defeat her at each level.

I stood one meter away from the center line, and then shouted: "Although we are family members in the family, we are competitors in the competition field! You understand, I will not be lenient, the losers!" As I expected, my mother was really irritated by me, and I began to smile secretly when I saw her unstable mood. In the first inning, I thought that the strength of the irritated mother would be greatly weakened because he was not calm. But, unexpectedly, my mother used a fierce attack at the beginning. At that time, I lost the first round with pride. After suffering, I began to concentrate. In the second inning, my angry mother also used a super fierce attack to hit a soaring "meteor" ball. Fortunately, I stood far away, With a slight jump, I received it and hit back. Because my strength was not as strong as my mother's, I hit in front of the center line. My mother thought that one ball would be the winner, but I didn't expect that I would play back, so we were tied.

In the third game, when I threw the ball, my mother thought it was a far ball and hurried back, but I caught the ball and served a short ball. My mother was confused by me in this game, and I began to laugh faintly. My angry mother became more angry when she saw that she lost this game.

In the fourth inning, I would win if I hit a ball, so I was ready to use a winner. I threw the ball high, jumped gently with my foot and pressed hard with my hand, and the ball flew like a dragon in the air. That's what I said. I knew my mother could catch the ball, because I had served the ball N times before, and my mother already knew how to catch it, but she remembered that it was not far, I was standing very close to the middle line. As I expected, my mother did so. I caught the ball and served a near ball. My mother could not catch the ball in time because she had just caught my remote shot. My mother was still defeated. I told my mother: Don't be angry when you play ball, be calm. Those words were just used to irritate you, so you must be calm.

I really won a narrow victory this time!

Funny Composition (5)

Last Sunday afternoon, my sister and I were downstairs happily playing a pair of badminton that my father had just bought. Looking at the new white badminton racket net, I was very excited.

I started to play. My sister took advantage of my carelessness to play a fast ball. I turned my head, quickly picked up the badminton from the bottom, and then stood up to hit the fast falling ball forward. I was relieved. My sister hit back the ball I had played, and the ball was about to land, so I had to do the same, picking and hitting again. This time, my sister won't obey me. She angrily said to me: "How can you be so naughty?" I had to say aloud: "I didn't mean to, who told you that your playing skills were so bad." My sister let my sister stop messing with me, and then we began to play again.

After a while, my sister almost forgot all about her anger, and we both played ball again. My sister hit the ball left and right at one time, which made me run here and there. I was tired and panting, but I didn't let her run less. Although we were sweating all over, the feeling of being comfortable after exercise was much better than doing homework.

It seems that playing badminton can not only enrich our after-school life, but also enhance our friendship! This is really a meaningful sport.

Funny Composition (6)

Alas, there is too much homework, which makes me do homework every day. How I wish there were miracles! Let my homework be swept away! "Son, go to play badminton." This sentence of my mother shocked me - my mother was kind-hearted. I jumped and jumped with joy.

But I know that it's not easy to deal with my mother, a master of the feather forest, so I have enough strength to prepare for this fierce battle. I saw my mother proudly walked onto the smoke filled badminton court, proudly holding a feather racket like a few waves, only to hear the wind blowing.

As for me, I just trotted to the badminton court and pretended to wave some insects flying in the sky with my racket.

My mother laughed when she saw that I was so weak. She came here with a ball, and I wanted to give her a shot. I swung my arm, but I threw the badminton racket far away! Alas, the war has not started yet, but the armor has been lost.

I was so angry that I blushed and fought again. I threw the ball with my left hand, and the badminton flew up. With my right hand, I stroked hard. The ball, which I praised as the "unicorn ball", was finally launched, like a shooting star. But my mother took it easy, gently raised her arms and beat me back to the original shape. Seeing that the situation was not good, I hurried back, but badminton was far behind me. In this game, I am willing to give up.

This time, we must use a stratagem to achieve the goal of defeating the strong with the weak. I threw the ball with my left hand and pretended to hit it with my right hand, but my mother could not catch it, so she hurried back. This time, my mother was tricked. At the moment when the ball fell, my right hand gently patted and the badminton flew out. My mother ran towards the badminton at a flying speed, but she retreated too far to reach it. At this time, the badminton is spinning and falling gently in front of my mother. Mother gasped, kneaded her waist, and was convinced.

In this way, a fierce offensive, a skilled fraud, the warm sun, badminton flying in the air, laughing everywhere.

At the last game, it depends on who wins or loses. At this time, my mother thought that the winner was in the bag. But at this moment, I succeeded in sneaking attack and sent a deadly ball, which my mother could not save. Now, game over!

On that day, my mother cried because she didn't defeat me, which also tells us a truth: no matter what you do, you can't be proud, or you will never achieve anything!

Funny Composition (7)

Life lies in sports, and health lies in sports. Only sports can put the best state into study and life.

Recently, on a whim, I always ask my mother to play badminton with me. Today is no exception! After dinner, I went home to the supermarket. I can't wait to pick up the racket and badminton and pull my mother to run to the open ground cheerfully. When we reached a street light, our mother and daughter began to fight. Maybe because the light is too dark, I can't handle it. I always couldn't catch my mother's serve, so I was so angry that I stamped my feet. It seems that my mother is not discouraged, but has been encouraging me. Time flies! But I still can't get back to my state. My mother hurriedly changed the venue. The effect is really good! When my mother jumped the ball high and waved the racket forcefully, just listening to the "whoosh", I was not a fuel saving lamp, and I immediately waved the racket, and the ball was accurately hit back! ha-ha! We couldn't give in to each other. We were all sweating and out of breath. Although I lost this game, I didn't lose heart. I thought: failure is the mother of success. Come on!

"Persistence is victory, persistence is victory..." At the beginning of the second game, my mother served first, and I grabbed the racket and posed for the battle. I think: I want a tooth for a tooth. When my mother picked up the ball and waved the racket, I also picked up the racket to a door buckle. Ah! Mom is too tough! What surprised me was that she came to "catch the moon in water". I had to outwit. I found my mother was always aggressive. I picked up my racket and hit a low ball deliberately and gently. My mother saw that I played a low ball and quickly stepped forward to catch the ball, but she did not cross the line. ha-ha! I beat my mother! My mother was stunned, and suddenly she was dumbfounded. I held the racket and danced to celebrate the victory. I said proudly to my mother: "How about losing!" My mother made a face at me.

If green leaves cling to trees, if sunlight misses the lake, I love doing sports. Sports not only bring me happiness, but also bring me health. I sincerely hope that students can often exercise, looking for happiness, looking for health! Through the recent whim, I have learned a lot about being a man: setbacks are inevitable in real life, but as long as you don't bow to difficulties, never give up, and persevere, success will wave to you one day!

Funny Composition (8)

On Saturday morning, I went to Nanshan Zhonghan Badminton Gymnasium with two classmates to learn badminton. In the future, classes will be held every weekend morning for two hours each time.

When we got there, there were already many children in the museum. Our coach first asked all the children to stand in line. There were more than 30 students, a female coach and four assistants. The coach asked us who was coming to learn basketball for the first time, and I raised my hand. The coach divided the group according to the situation of the students. We beginners first practice bouncing the ball on the racket. The coach told us that the ball should be bouncing as high as possible. We should not flip the ball from high to low, or run from side to side. I think it's very interesting.

Because this is my first time to learn badminton with my coach, I am a little nervous. My classmates told me that the coach was very strict, so I was afraid when the coach came to me to correct my mistakes.

After a while, the assistant began to teach us how to hit the ball, and I learned very hard. After that, the assistant taught us how to practice the serve. Let each student stand one meter apart and practice serving facing a wall in the museum. Because my posture was incorrect, I was "relegated". My other classmate, Qi Qi, started to practice "serving" on the court because of her good basic skills. The act of serving seems simple, but after the coach taught me this time, I realized that the original posture was wrong. After I practiced for a while, I was approved by the coach to pass the exam. Start the training of the next link, the fixed point turn back run on the diagonal. The coach instructed us to stand on the central axis of the field, and practice catching and running along the diagonal at four points: left front, right rear, right front and left rear. Run three times in total, 12 points in total. Because I play with my left hand in the opposite direction to other students.

A class passed quickly. In order to let me have water to drink when playing, my father specially filled me with two milliliters of water. As a result, I killed more than half of a large bottle of water after a class. It can be seen how tired I am in badminton class! I sweat a lot. Although learning badminton is very hard, I really learned a lot of skills in two hours, which is very valuable! Although the teacher is very strict, it is for our good.

I like playing badminton very much. I will persist in learning badminton to make my movements more standard and serve more forcefully. I hope I can become the "second Lindane" in the future!

Funny Composition (9)

One Sunday, the weather is sunny, sunny and full of spring. My father and I went straight to the fitness park.

Stepping into the paradise and gazing intently at it, children had already surrounded the shaking board. I ran to the crowd, squeezed into the crowd, and climbed onto the rocking board shelf. After careful observation, I saw that the rocking board was connected by pieces of wood about 1 meter long and 20 cm wide. The two ends were fixed on the iron frame. Below was a wide net, which was specially used to catch people who fell from the rocking board. It looked very safe. Some children are walking happily on the shaking board. How enviable!

I strode up and shook the board. The board immediately shook up and down, swinging from side to side. Look! The boys are all like drunkards; The girls all jumped into a free disco. My mood suddenly became tense, and I really wanted to back down. My father seemed to see through my mind, so he encouraged me to say: "Think about the source, walk boldly, and pay attention to the balance of the body.

Suddenly, several big men jumped up, and the plank shook more severely. Although the children held me and I held you, some of them fell down. Some fell on their feet, some played upside down, and some rolled over backwards... It's really "ugly". ha-ha! I'm still safe, standing on the board! Unexpectedly, a little sister behind me also fell down and yanked me down, so I fell into the net. At this time, the children in the net look at me and I look at you, laughing happily.

I scrambled up the rocking board and pulled the little sister up. We helped each other and walked slowly forward. The plank kept shaking to the left and right. I quickly adjusted my posture to keep my balance. After hard work, we finally reached the destination smoothly. At this time, my father's face showed a satisfied smile, and I was more than happy.

Funny Composition (10)

The words written in the front

Reading is closely related to composition. Reading can broaden our horizons and accumulate materials; It can enrich the thought and improve the realm; We can learn from methods and expressions. Therefore, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, said: "Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god." The composition compiled in this issue is based on students' own reading. These compositions not only express the author's understanding of the works he has read, but also express his own understanding in connection with real life. The value of these compositions is that we can see how the author can obtain writing materials from reading and absorb ideological nutrition. Read more to write a good composition, which is the theme of this composition. Of course, being good at conception, ingenious in conception and good at expression is also something worth learning in these compositions. (Liu Yuxin)


Reading is a "fun" thing

Guan Di, Grade 2, Beijing No. 80 Middle School

"Reading is a 'fun' thing". Why do you say that? Let me introduce a person to you first.

This man is Zhao Yuanren, one of the "four mentors" of Tsinghua Institute of Chinese Studies. Linguistics is his deepest focus. The greatest happiness in his life was that he went to many parts of the world, and the local people recognized him as a "fellow townsman".

After World War II, he went to Berlin to chat with people in German with a Berlin accent. The neighbor said to him, "God bless you, you have escaped this disaster and returned safely." He went to France to attend the meeting. At the Paris station, he spoke the local language of Paris to the porter, who thought he was a native Parisian, and sighed, "You are back. Now it is not as good as before. Paris is poor."

Known as the "father of Chinese language", this wizard is proficient in many languages. He once told his daughter that he studied linguistics for fun.

This expert had nothing to do with me. I knew and liked him from reading Zhao Yuanren: More "Funny" Language. From then on, I learned that reading can also be fun.

There is a lot of meaning behind the faint "fun".

Reading is fun - "It's not utilitarianism, it's not fishing for fame, it's not sensationalism, it's not huge profits with one capital." I prefer reading.

School Record is a memoir of Mr. He Zhaowu. He Lao said in his book that seven years of study in Southwest United University was the most comfortable and memorable time in his life. The teachers of the United Nations General Assembly are absolutely free to lecture. What and how to speak are under the control of the teachers themselves. The vitality of learning lies in its freedom. If a teacher follows the script and becomes an announcer, without the cadence of an announcer, what flavor does the student have? I sometimes laugh when I look at the stories that Mr. He told me. He also said that some teachers like to ramble in class, which he thinks is very good, because there are teachers' styles, teachers' interests, and many ideas, which can broaden students' thinking and help students form their own judgments. Well, if I could have such a class, how interesting it would be!

Looking at the memories of He Lao, such as chatting with friends, is easy, humorous and interesting. What flows into my heart in the "fun" is the vicissitudes of time and the precipitation of thoughts.

Common Sense is also a "fun" book that I like. It makes me understand another kind of "fun". Most of the current books begin with self boasting. Liang Wendao alone lists the drawbacks of the current review book at the beginning; Other people's books are bound in colorful ways, and his books face the sky in black and white; Others try their best to play with depth and pretend to be experts. He is only willing to be a "pamphlet" writer and conscientiously become a common sense popularizer in an era when common sense is scarce; I feel that I have just taken advantage of the changes of the times and the differences between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits—— Modesty is not pretending. The whole book tells the truth from beginning to end. It is a skill to calmly "ponder" the merits and demerits of others. It is really "fun" to be willing to "ponder" yourself.

Reading is really fun. It can expand your vision, open your mind, and make you a person with conscience and interest.

Reading is "fun". Don't be too utilitarian, as long as you have something in mind.


With a "play" mentality, read and savor.

This article is not a feeling after reading a book, but a profound understanding of the reading experience and interest of a high school sophomore. It is also a vivid "reading case of high school students".

Nowadays, there are many voices in the society calling for "let students read", but what really enables students to read is probably their own reading feelings, their own judgments, and their own appeals. "Reading is a fun thing", which expresses my understanding of reading "fun" level by level in a relaxed and plain language, which is the greatest beauty of this article.

Through reading, the author got to know Zhao Yuanren, the "fun kid". From the moral and French stories, the emotional "fun kid", and then grasped the teacher's advice, the true meaning of reading "fun kid" was suddenly understood. The reading of School Record also led the author into the "most comfortable" reading time of Southwest United University, which ignited the author's desire for "fun" teaching. Here, the interesting "fun" has been added to the "open and free" element. Then the author pushed the meaning of "fun" to a new level by thinking about the book "Common Sense": the high level of "fun" is to pretend that something is not "fun" and to "savor" yourself. So far, this article has become a "fun" with fun, interest and reason.

Being able to write this article shows that the author has a realistic and interesting heart. Let us remember the advice of the author, don't be too artful, don't be too eager for quick success, take a natural and relaxed heart, and go to the "fun" reading to grow up healthily!

Comment on the border of teachers

(Comment on the border of teachers: Beijing Senior High School Chinese Teacher, former Director of the Middle School Chinese Teaching and Research Section of Beijing Xicheng District Education Research Institute)

Funny Composition (11)

In life, work and study, we always have to touch composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is the interesting composition in the classroom organized by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

Time flies. In our hip-hop joke, we have reached the last step of the third day of junior high. Looking back, we saw that the road we had walked for two years was full of our laughter.

Junior high school life has brought a lot of fun to all students, because from time to time there will be many funny and funny things happen frequently around you.

Unit tests may be something that annoys many people when we first entered junior high school, but we did unexpected things when we were in the first day of our class. I remember that the first exam was math. As soon as the paper was handed out, some students might be confused because they didn't adapt. Then some people's eyes began to squint at 45 degrees. At that time, most of us were not nearsighted, and our eyesight was very good, so it was clear at a glance. After that, nearly half of them began to cooperate with each other and were very busy. Sometimes someone volunteered to be a sentry to see if the teacher came. Although it was very successful that time, it was revealed in the second science exam. It turned out that when someone was rushing to write, he copied other people's names, so our class had two ××. Of course, it is easy for teachers to find out that after that, everyone will gradually adapt to the environment and start to compete by strength.

At the second day of the junior high school, our class had a sharp brother again. He was fat and always wore a malicious smile. You'd better stay away from him, because he may play a trick on you. Once, he followed a classmate, and then winked at him. Needless to say, this time there was another partner. Sure enough, they rushed up and took off XX's pants. Many girls shouted on the spot. Look at those two, they have already escaped.

Life in the first and second days of junior high gives us a lot of fun, but these are just for us to relax temporarily, because we are waiting for, as well as the tense study in the third day of junior high

That day was the first day of our class's duty week. At the morning meeting, we stood guard at the gate of other classes. Listen to the radio and make an inventory of this morning's "water overflows the golden mountains", which will be humorous

The students in this class all motioned to each other to ask me who did it. They pulled the corners of their clothes. The weather is good today!

But it's really a big deal. In the morning, the weather was cool. A group of watchmen and the head teacher were all blowing cold air at the school gate, leaving only a few people in the class. Suddenly a huge and scary water spray appeared near our class, and the students poured out. Before I reached the class gate, I saw that those students who had just gone out had already folded back to get mops... Why, why? The flood fell from the sky!

It was not easy to get to the door, and everyone stood on tiptoe. The corridor was in a mess. It's terrible. Our classroom should not be flooded! The students who ran back to get mops just now have begun to take off their shoes. I was shocked by such a large scale... All the other students in the class came, some were nervous about us, and many were giggling at the theatre.

In fact, the fire hydrant beside the pool is the most disappointing one, which is almost moldy at ordinary times. But now... the universe can't stop the fire hydrant from exploding. The headmaster and teachers came to see us for several times. First they were confused, then they were full of dislike to our class

In such a severe and dangerous situation, our security uncle sacrificed his life for righteousness, and could be said to have jumped into it. Those present were stunned, so handsome, so brave. The gushing fire hydrant finally calmed down!

But there are still people who can't rest. They are the first ones to grab mops and broomsticks. They stood in a row, in an unprecedented order, holding various tools in their hands to deal with the water flowing into the class, relaxed and relaxed, and defended our class!

Finally, the sewage can be said to be... air dried?

But there is a small episode in the process.

There is always a smiling expression among people who are busy in and out? Still full of irony

Funny Composition (12)

"Tink, Tink..." With a clear and pleasant bell, the happy break we were looking forward to finally came. Two naughty eggs in our class immediately came out and picked up a small rubber to get ready. With the whistle of the referee nearby, the "war" began.

Du took the initiative, picked up a small rubber and threw it at Xiao with the force of nine bulls and two tigers. It seems that the speed of the rubber is faster than the wind, just like a small rocket flying towards Xiao. Unfortunately, Xiao was so quick with his eyes and hands that he just closed the rubber and imprisoned it.

Later, Xiao immediately picked up the rubber and made a fake move to throw it, which fooled Du perfectly. Then, Xiao seized the opportunity and threw it away. Then Du reacted and hurriedly took out his fortifications to resist. But it was too late, and the rubber quickly hit his clothes. We laughed and couldn't close our mouths. At this time, Du wanted to take the opportunity to strike back quickly, but the bell for class had already rung, so he had to give up.

After school, the scene of this "war" has been in my mind. I wonder if I would succeed in defense? In short, I think this is really fun!

Funny Composition (13)

The story goes like this: once, I went to Han's house with some good friends. After a while, several people went back to their homes to find their mothers. We are bored. We just want to play games (Han's parents are not here). I forgot who it was, and we all agreed to play the "makeup" game. Stone, scissors, cloth, whoever loses should be the "makeup" person. In the end, we had to leave it up to us.

Han took out her sister's cosmetics.

We won't give the flat mirror, for fear that she will see it and won't let us get it.

Ping likes green. Eye shadow and lipstick are green. You can imagine what green lipstick looks like! Ghost~~

We put some mascara on our flat eyelashes. Just look at the eyes. It's a bit human!

I don't know where Han got the shining little golden star. He rubbed it on his flat face. The little star twinkled and looked pretty good.

I helped her comb her hair, which was very impressive - the bangs in the front were stuck in the back, and those that were not long enough stood up, as if they had just exploded! A normal braid was tied at the back, but other hair let me braid it. From the front, I can only see the braid on a noisy braid, which is really "beautiful"!

Man scattered a little bigger golden stars on his flat braid, and his hair was shiny!

Hanhan doesn't know how to make her face green. It doesn't seem to be lipstick. She refuses to say it. How mean!

After that, Ping used the mirror to look at it. We took this opportunity to run outside. Ping looked at it and immediately chased it out. After walking a few steps, I bumped into Ping's mother! Ping's mother stared at the "alien daughter" with wide eyes. She was surprised, didn't say anything, and even laughed. Ping glared at us. We didn't want to laugh, but we laughed at her "ghost like", and Ping ran to wash his face.

Some of the things that are difficult to wash off never come down. They remain on her face. Her mother has no patience and asks her to go home to wash them. Ping's house is about 300 meters away from Han's house. There are many women chatting on the road. When they see Ping, they also "giggle" and ask what happened to Ping. Ping is almost ashamed and runs home.

Although it was a bit damaging, we couldn't help laughing every time we mentioned it, and Ping also smiled shyly.

Because of this, our relationship is even better. Ping always said that it would be better if the person being punished was not her!

Funny Composition (14)

I was mesmerized when my deskmate Du Huimin said to me, "I heard some boys say that Zhang Yunfeng broke her classmate's eyes with a knife!!" I said, "Glasses? Does he have glasses?" She said, "No, eyes!" She also said that Cao Xianchuang lost a lot of blood. I listened and ran into the corridor immediately.

There are many people there. The boys in our class are listening to how the teacher "educates" Zhang Yunfeng at the door of the office.

Peng Hao, the teacher's son, came out of the office and alarmingly said to us, "There is a lot of blood on the desk!" We were so frightened that our hair stood on end.

Peng Hao said to the boys, "Let's look for" criminal evidence "- knife."

The boys all went with them.

After a while, Zhang Yunfeng came back and saw the boys looking through his schoolbags. She was in a bad mood and cried loudly. The boys were still indifferent.

Cao came first. We saw that his eyes were all right, but there were some scratches nearby. We asked him, "Why are your eyes all right?" He said, "Zhang Yunfeng pulled my bench, and my eyes hit the table and scraped a little. Peng Hao made up those words!" We couldn't laugh or cry. What about the boys? They all went to Peng Hao to settle accounts.

It seems that there must be real evidence to make a conclusion about anything.