600 word composition on trees (4 recommended)
2023-11-11 02:16:35

600 word composition for trees (1)

The trees in autumn take off their green coats, and the leaves on the branches fall and become bare. The leaves blown down by the wind fall into the river and sail freely like a boat. The grass also changed from green to yellow, and the beautiful flowers withered, not as bright as before. The most happy is the farmer uncle. After a year's hard work, the rice in the field is golden.

Although the weather is hot in summer, it is colorful. Autumn is the harvest season. It symbolizes happiness. I like every day of my life.

Autumn has come, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons are reincarnated, which is the most beautiful scenery given by nature. The flowers, plants and trees have changed into new clothes. The four seasons are gorgeous, and the autumn scenery is the most beautiful.

Autumn scenery is beautiful and charming, but each season also has its unique beauty.

In summer, flowers of various colors and shapes are in full bloom. Breezes blow by, sending out faint fragrance, which makes people energetic, and sometimes attracts many butterflies to dance on the flowers; In autumn, the flowers are almost withered and withered, leaving only chrysanthemums and osmanthus blooming quietly, which is the unique beauty of autumn.

In summer, the green grass on the earth covers the hillside like a carpet, and the roadside is really green! In autumn, the grass slowly withers and turns yellow, just like a sea of rice.

Autumn has a lot of beauty, and many poets wrote great words for it. For example, Liu Yuxi, a great writer in the Tang Dynasty, said in a poem: "Where the autumn wind comes, Xiao Xiao will send the geese. When people come to court in the morning, solitary visitors will hear it first." The beauty of autumn itself is also a kind of bleak beauty. Autumn is the season when thousands of trees fall and flowers wither. Autumn is always nostalgic.

Colorful four seasons, the most beautiful autumn scenery. It not only brings people beautiful enjoyment, but also brings people wonderful feelings.

Protect flowers and trees Composition 2:

What do you think the world will be like in the future? Is it a desert or a prosperous and clean city? I think it should be a desert!

Now there are many workers cutting down trees indiscriminately. Without trees, human beings would not be able to survive. Trees have many abilities, and it is precisely because of these abilities that human beings can survive. Do you want to hear about trees? Let me tell you something!

It can reduce noise.

Second, it can beautify the environment, so that people do not feel monotonous and boring.

Third, it can reduce the harm of air pollution to human health.

It can suck in carbon dioxide and spit out oxygen.

Fifth, it can also prevent soil erosion.

In fact, trees have many skills! Students can try to imagine: how can humans survive without the ability of trees? Can human beings survive? Then will there be human beings in the world? Without trees, there would be no human beings.

Now flowers are also on the verge of extinction. This is caused by human trampling at will. Flowers also have many skills. For example, it can be used as medicine; Pollination; Can beautify the environment, and a series of skills. Without flowers, human beings will live in a monotonous life. I believe that we do not want to live in a monotonous life. Then please take good care of them!

Now grass is also on the verge of extinction. This is also because humans trample on it at will. Without the power of grass, human beings would not survive. Grass also has many kinds of skills: First, it has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting water and detumescence. Oxygen is released during photosynthesis. 3. Release moisture and wet air. 4. Greening environment. 5. Absorb heat and lower the temperature. 6. Absorb dust and clean air. 7. Absorbing carbon dioxide, etc. Students, do you think human beings can survive without grass?

Students, from now on, we must take good care of flowers and trees! How can human beings survive without them! Then the future world will become a desolate desert. In fact, protecting flowers, plants and trees is not only the responsibility of students but also the responsibility of human beings, so everyone has a responsibility to protect flowers, plants and trees.

600 word composition for trees (2)

Describe my favorite tree 600 words composition 1:

In front of the teaching building, there is a magnolia tree. She stands there quietly, as if she had never existed.

In spring, she has blossomed white flowers, fragrance overflowing, and when the wind blows, petals fall to the ground with the wind, but the fragrance remains unchanged.

In summer, she grows many green leaves. The wind blows the leaves and makes a "rustling" sound, as if she is whispering.

In autumn, her leaves slowly turn yellow and fall off one after another, looking bleak, but her trunk is still tall and straight.

In winter, there was a layer of snow on her branches. It was shining brightly against the sunlight, which made people want to take pictures of them.

It has been one year since we entered the school. The four seasons have come back again. We have grown one year old, and we have seen its scenery in the four seasons, and gradually become familiar with her. Every day at school, she gently shakes its leaves to say hello and goodbye to us. She will accompany us through three years of junior high school life. I don't know where she came from, let alone how many years she has spent, but these are not important. The important thing is the time she is with us now. She is not impressive, but adds a green color to the campus. She is not beautiful, But she is embellishing our campus with her faint fragrance.

She stood there, motionless, but with her umbrella like body, let us enjoy the shade. Her fragrance is not pungent, but refreshing. When she was free, she went down to the tree and saw the little light shed from the leaves, which gave her a dreamy feeling. But she never attracted attention because everyone was busy, so she no longer existed.

She stood there quietly, as if she had never existed, to welcome the reincarnation of the four seasons.

Describe my favorite tree Junior High School composition 600 words 2:

In front of the teaching building, there is a magnolia tree. She stands there quietly, as if she had never existed.

In spring, she has blossomed white flowers, fragrance overflowing, and when the wind blows, petals fall to the ground with the wind, but the fragrance remains unchanged.

In summer, she grows many green leaves. The wind blows the leaves and makes a "rustling" sound, as if she is whispering.

In autumn, her leaves slowly turn yellow and fall off one after another, looking bleak, but her trunk is still tall and straight.

In winter, there was a layer of snow on her branches. It was shining brightly against the sunlight, which made people want to take pictures of them.

It has been one year since we entered the school. The four seasons have come back again. We have grown one year old, and we have seen its scenery in the four seasons, and gradually become familiar with her. Every day at school, she gently shakes its leaves there to say hello and goodbye to us. She will accompany us through three years of junior high school life. I don't know where she came from, let alone how many years she has spent, but these are not important. The important thing is that she is now with us. She is not impressive, but adds a green color to the campus. She is not beautiful, But she is embellishing our campus with her faint fragrance.

She stood there, motionless, but with her umbrella like body, let us enjoy the shade. Her fragrance is not pungent, but refreshing. When she was free, she went down to the tree and saw the little light shed from the leaves, which gave her a dreamy feeling. But she never attracted attention because everyone was busy, so she no longer existed.

She stood there quietly, as if she had never existed, to welcome the reincarnation of the four seasons.

Describing my favorite tree Junior High School composition 600 words 3:

One child... No, there are three children. One child is eating a peach, and the other child is eating a pear. Because my family is not very rich, I just stand by and watch. The two children finished eating the fruit, so they discussed: since the fruit is so delicious, we should plant the seeds of the fruit, so that we can eat all the fruits without buying them. The two men planted the seeds left after eating, and I picked up the fruit of a bitter lotus tree on the ground and planted it

After ten years, our fruit trees have grown up. Those two people who were once "children" have also grown up like me. Their fruit trees are also full of fruit. The bitter lotus seeds I picked up ten years ago grow very luxuriantly. Because their fruit trees have not been managed manually, although they bear a lot of fruit, they are very green and can't eat. Although my bitter lotus tree grows a lot of fruit, it can't eat, but the main trunk of my bitter lotus tree is strong enough to hold the trunk with one's hands straight. So, I used the bitter lotus tree I planted to make all the furniture for the three of us

——I heard this story from my third uncle, and he wrote it himself, because my third uncle's family was not rich when he was young. This is what my father told me. He said that his hometown was very poor before. I think this story was inspired by my third uncle when he was young. This is just a short story, but it has a lot of educational significance, which is 100 times better than the boring and meaningless Story Club. I wrote this story in the first person. Although the fruit of the bitter lotus tree planted by "I" in the story cannot be eaten, the trunk of the tree is very useful. When the fruit falls to the ground, new bitter lotus trees can grow again, which is naturally more advanced than the fruit trees planted by the two children. Therefore, doing things can not always be satisfied with the status quo, the most useful is the most beneficial.

600 word composition for trees (3)

Trees are very important to human beings. Without them, what would human beings do? Will it go to ruin? Will it continue to damage the environment? Or to protect the environment and nature?

Another hot summer day, a woodcutter was brandishing a sharp axe to cut down trees in the forest and sell it for money. He went to the forest and found a big sturdy and lush tree. First, he took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and smoked while cutting down the tree. He swung his axe and cut down on the tree. Doctor Kazhi's tree was cut with an axe, leaving a big gap. However, the big tree still did not fall, but stood on the ground like a soldier in the frontier.

After a while, the tree began to tremble a little, as if begging the woodcutter to say: "Brother woodcutter, don't cut me, don't damage the environment, or you will regret it, and get retribution!" But the woodcutter ignored the tree. After a while, the woodpecker flew over and saw the woodcutter cutting down the big tree, so he flew to the woodcutter and said, "Hey, it's wrong for you to do this. If you cut down all the big trees, it will cause natural disasters, and then you will be ruined. You will have nothing to regret."

But the woodcutter said, "It's my business to cut down trees. Do you care? Besides, if I don't cut down trees, how can I survive? Then he continued to cut down trees. The woodpecker was very angry, so he pecked the woodcutter's head and said," There must be insects in this wood. "In the future, there are few trees left in the forest. One day the woodcutter went out to sell trees, but when he came back, he found his house had been washed away by the debris flow. He regretted hearing that, but it was too late.

From it, I feel that people should protect the environment, protect trees, and protect the natural environment, otherwise they will perish and cause natural disasters, which will be too late to regret. So I hope you will strive to be a little environmental guardian and protect the ecological environment of the earth. Let the earth better benefit our future generations!

600 word composition for trees (4)

At night, the air was filled with a smell of smell. Although it was hot and stuffy at night, only the air in the zoo was a little fresh, and the smell of smell also disappeared, and the conversation in the dark night began gradually. A thin poplar tree said: "Friends, now the earth is going to die, once the earth dies, human beings will die, we will also be destroyed!" Then a sad look appeared. Many plants were sad when they heard this. Some small trees even sobbed secretly. The branches collided with each other and made rustling sounds. The branches fell down. Although the branches were still bare in spring, without a trace of green, some branches would even climb out of horrible insects, but those trees did not care about these, Their thoughts have drifted to the melancholy of the future. "Alas," a sigh came to disturb their thoughts, and they looked more respectful in that direction. "Elder" a tree bravely said: "Elder, let's save them! After all... "

After a while, a voice full of vicissitudes came, "OK."

Another day, the news of the death of trees came from the botanical garden.

One night, they seemed to return to the past. Everything was beautiful again. There were green mountains and clear waters. Only a few words were written on the earth: Please cherish all these things. All these things were bought by trees with their own vitality. When you were alive, you relied on the trees, and when you died, you would rest in the arms of the trees.