Primary School Composition Climbing the Great Wall (5 in total)
A true hero
2023-11-16 00:18:42
fourth grade

Primary School Composition Climbing the Great Wall (1)

When I was young, I heard the saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a hero". At that time, I thought: When can I climb the Great Wall and become a hero? So I pestered my father every day, clamoring to climb the Great Wall.

That morning, my father smiled and said to me, "Son, today we are going to climb the Great Wall, how about it?"

"Great! I want to be a hero too!". I jumped out of bed and ran out of the house cheering. My heart also flew to the foot of the Great Wall when the car ran on the road. Finally, we came to Juyongguan Great Wall. Seen from afar, it really looks like the book says that the long dragon is the Great Wall! Oh, it sits in a zigzag way between the mountains, so majestic! The beacon towers are connected one by one, much like the scales and claws on the dragon. I can't wait to go!

I held my breath and ran to climb the Great Wall. Unexpectedly, my father was tired and thirsty after climbing for only a short time. I drank half a bottle of mineral water at a stretch and asked me to hold him. Alas! No promise! The mountain is getting higher and higher, and the steps are getting steeper and steeper. My father and I are panting and sweating. It seems that it's hard to be a hero! Suddenly, a breeze blew, and I took a deep breath, ah! The air is so fresh! Parthenocissus kept swaying on the city wall, as if it was cheering for me. Ah! The sky is blue and deep, and the bright sunshine shines on me, which makes me energetic. Suddenly, a hand was put on my shoulder. I looked back and found that it was a foreigner. He said in the Chinese voice, "Come on!" This short word has built my self-confidence. So I drank half a bottle of mineral water and continued to move forward

When I reached the top of the Great Wall, I cheered: "I succeeded!" My eyes flashed with joy. I finally feel from my heart that as long as you are not afraid of difficulties, you will succeed.

Primary School Composition Climbing the Great Wall (2)

When I was young, I heard the saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a hero". At that time, I thought: When can I climb the Great Wall and become a hero? So I pestered my father every day, clamoring to climb the Great Wall.

(Who doesn't want to be a hero? At the beginning, the young writer wrote about his desire to be a hero, which triggered his first action to climb the Great Wall.)

That morning, my father smiled and said to me, "Son, today we are going to climb the Great Wall, how about it?"

"Great! I want to be a hero too!". I jumped out of bed and ran out of the house cheering. My heart also flew to the foot of the Great Wall when the car ran on the road. Finally, we came to Juyongguan Great Wall. Seen from afar, it really looks like the book says that the long dragon is the Great Wall! Oh, it sits in a zigzag way between the mountains, so majestic! The beacon towers are connected one by one, much like the scales and claws on the dragon. I can't wait to go!

I held my breath and ran to climb the Great Wall. Unexpectedly, my father was tired and thirsty after climbing for only a short time. I drank half a bottle of mineral water at a stretch and asked me to hold him. Alas! No promise! The mountain is getting higher and higher, and the steps are getting steeper and steeper. My father and I are panting and sweating. It seems that it's hard to be a hero! Suddenly, a breeze blew, and I took a deep breath, ah! The air is so fresh! Parthenocissus kept swaying on the city wall, as if it was cheering for me. Ah! The sky is blue and deep, and the bright sunshine shines on me, which makes me energetic. Suddenly, a hand was put on my shoulder. I looked back and found that it was a foreigner. He said in the Chinese voice, "Come on!" This short word has built my self-confidence. So I drank half a bottle of mineral water and continued to move forward

(This is the key paragraph of the article. The young writer firmly grasped the unique psychological experience of climbing the Great Wall for the first time, and wrote his own psychological activities very vividly, which is fascinating to read.)

When I reached the top of the Great Wall, I cheered: "I succeeded!" My eyes flashed with joy. I finally feel from my heart that as long as you are not afraid of difficulties, you will succeed.

(At the end of the article, write down your own harvest, which will be improved when things are easy.)

Primary School Composition Climbing the Great Wall (3)

Today we finally want to climb the Great Wall we have been looking forward to for a long time.

At the foot of Juyong Pass, which is known as "the first grand pass in the world", I looked up and saw that the Great Wall was still so grand and spectacular.

When he began to climb the Great Wall, the guide said, "If you think you have strength, you can climb the right side. If you don't have confidence, you can climb the left side." If I didn't catch a cold, I would have asked my father to lead me to climb the right side. Now I can only climb the left side.

When I climbed to the first beacon tower, I was very excited. I set another goal - to climb to the top. When I climbed to the top, I was surprised to find that I was the first one to arrive in the tourist group. Even Zuo Haodong is behind me.

The zigzag Great Wall looks like a long dragon, lying on various hills, but it is very steep inside, and it is hard to climb. It seems that the tour guide is right: "He is not a hero until he reaches the Great Wall, and he will sweat when he reaches the Great Wall."

Maybe I can't feel the hard work of people in ancient times when they built the Great Wall, but I can imagine what they were like when they built the Great Wall, how much they paid for building a section of the Wall, and some people even paid for their lives!

Primary School Composition Climbing the Great Wall (4)

Today we finally want to climb the Great Wall we have been looking forward to for a long time.

At the foot of Juyong Pass, which is known as "the most magnificent pass in the world", I looked up and saw that the Great Wall was still so magnificent and magnificent.

When he began to climb the Great Wall, the guide said, "If you think you have strength, you can climb the right side. If you have no determination, you can climb the left side." If I had not caught a cold, I would have asked my father to lead me to climb the right side. Now I can only climb the left side.

When I climbed to the first beacon tower, I was very excited. I set another goal - to climb to the top. When I climbed to the top, I was surprised to find that I was the first one to arrive in the tourist group. Even Zuo Haodong is behind me.

The zigzag Great Wall looks like a long dragon, lying on various hills, but it is very steep inside, and it is hard to climb. It seems that the tour guide is right: "He is not a hero until he reaches the Great Wall, and he will sweat when he reaches the Great Wall."

Maybe I can't feel the hardships of people in ancient times when they built the Great Wall, but I can imagine what they were like when they built the Great Wall, how much they paid for building a section of the Wall, and some people even paid for their lives!

Primary School Composition Climbing the Great Wall (5)

I have been looking forward to going to Beijing, climbing the Great Wall and being a real hero. My wish for this summer vacation has finally come true!

A few days ago, my father took us to the magnificent Forbidden City, the solemn Tiananmen Gate, the eye-catching Bird's Nest and the Water Cube. On the last day, I finally climbed the world-famous Badali Great Wall!

That morning, from a distance on the bus, we saw that the Great Wall was like a huge dragon made of bricks, stones and tiles. With the ups and downs of the mountain, it was slowly creeping towards the distant horizon.

When we arrived at our destination, we couldn't wait to jump out of the car and scramble to climb the Great Wall. But the Great Wall is full of people. At a glance, there are almost thousands of people on the Great Wall!

At the beginning, we climbed relatively smoothly, "passing three passes and catching up with six generals" all the way. But when we reached the fourth beacon tower, the steps were very high and steep. At this time, my father asked, "What percentage of your physical strength is still available?": "Hmm... 50 percent." My brother and I said in unison. "What about you, Dad?" "I have 80%, haha, more than you! Can you still climb?" "Of course," I said proudly. After a while, my strength dropped from 60% to 10%! I looked up at the hot sun, like a fire falling from the sky, so that people can't hide! I am very tired at this time, but I know better: persistence can win!

At last, my brother and I climbed to the Hero Hill with the encouragement of our father! Holding the stone tablet, I stood beside the stone tablet exhausted, tried to put a beautiful POSS and took a picture: "I finally become a hero!"