Feel the Nature (16 recommended)
Listen to the spring
2023-11-05 00:47:59
Junior 1

Feel Nature (1)

In the morning, I came to the forest in the mountains. The dew is mischievously hanging on the leaves, like transparent little lanterns, welcoming my arrival; The bird stood on the branch and sang happily, as if calling my name.

I am alone in the forest, as if I have become a tree, a tall tree. I heard an elm tree say: "Today is my 28th birthday, and you should all come to my birthday party So I got to know my first friend, Brother Elm. After a while, a bee flew over and fell into the spider's trap - caught in the net. The bee quickly asked for help: "I can't move, who can help me?" I said nothing to save him, but how can I save him? Just as I was thinking hard, Sister Feng came. She blew with her mouth, and my arms waved, breaking the net and saving the little bee. The bee was very grateful, and took out the honey that he had exchanged with his hard sweat to thank me.

It was evening before I knew it. I went to the birthday party of my elder brother Elm. Suddenly an apple fell and hit me on the head. I cried out, and then I knew that what had just happened was not true.

There is endless fun in nature. How I wish I could immerse myself in the fun of nature forever

Feel Nature (2)

When you are upset or sad, you can try to face a clear water. Whether it's windy or windless, whether it's gentle waves or the calm lake, it will bring you a poetic feeling and calm your uncertain thoughts. Only Bihu water can do that!

Out of the mundane worries, only to a lake. Before the Bihu Lake, the heart was released, and all the discontent and pain were released. The green lake is still calm, quietly submerging everything you have released, without a trace. At this time, you are free, leaving all the fetters behind, and no one will interfere. A person indulges in nature to his heart's content. He has already seen all the beautiful things in front of him. He has forgotten everything and is as calm as water.

Facing the continuous waves on the shore, listening to it to describe the historical classics for us, I can't help thinking of the soft Dongting. Those groups of abandoned children of the imperial court were demoted here. When they faced the Dongting in front of Yueyang Tower, their grief and indignation could not help pouring out. The waves of Dongting contained it, which comforted one life after another. Loneliness and sadness relaxed gently, just like the green lake.

When the rain came, it hit the lake gently, like a disorderly drumbeat, splashing with small splashes of water. The water is no longer calm, but still full of poetry, which makes people easy to have endless associations. It is not important whether the immortals are beating green gongs or a group of villains are diving together. What is important is the rich imagination it creates. After the rain, the lake became clearer and bluer. At this time, it still did not change its style. The willows and grass on the bank are all rendered with a kind of delicate air invisibly.

Confucius said, "The wise man likes water, and the benevolent man likes mountain." Because the freshness of water adds a strength and an emotion. Because I fell in love with this green lake, I have more expectations and vitality.

Facing the green lake alone, open your mind, feel the nature with your heart, listen and think. Its lake surface, its ambush, its poetry, will give you different feelings!

Feel Nature (3)

Today, I realized how wonderful nature is.

This afternoon, Mr. Mou showed us a film about nature. Among them, the most interesting ones are the seven star ladybug and the rain.

We've all seen ladybugs, but I've always wondered how they fly. It turned out that the small red shells behind them were split, and a pair of "sparkling" big wings stretched out from the middle and flew up. Like an eagle, flying in the air. When it stopped, a small ladybug climbed onto its back, like his little son. Oh, no! The big one was overwhelmed and fell off the grass

It's more interesting when it rains. A heavy rain fell over a pond. A little frog squatted on the lotus leaf and croaked, as if shouting: "Headquarters! Headquarters! I am 01! I am 01! Our place was heavily bombed by the enemy! Request for support! Request for support!" Another place was also shouting: "Headquarters! Headquarters! I am 07! I am 07! Our department was bombarded by the enemy, many brothers rushed forward, but it was useless! Request for support! Request support! "

Feel Nature (4)

I always like to capture the beauty of nature. I am happy when spring comes, happy when summer comes, playful when autumn comes, and bouncing when winter comes

Last winter I went skiing in Jilin Songhua Lake, where I felt a different scenery from that in the south of the Yangtze River. In the morning, I stood on the top of the mountain and looked around. The sky was tight, and my mouth was on the ground, a world of ice and snow. The pine and cypress are dense, the snow is drifting, and the snow layer accumulates and thickens layer by layer. I looked at the Songhua Lake at dawn. The thick ice was shining under the dawn.

After skiing, the sun began to set, and the glow was colorful against the white snow. The sun gradually turned red, like a hill kissing away, the sun slanted on the cabin, and the sky was also painted colorful red by the westward sun.

Finally, the sun suddenly fell into the cliff, and the light to deep red also faded its gorgeous coat in time. Black came out little by little, and the clouds piled on top of each other. Soon it was dark.

The dawn and sunset of Songhua Lake are simple, but perfect and colorful. They are more literary than any literature and more artistic than any art. The beauty of nature can only be felt when you are in the midst of this wonderful scenery.

Feel Nature (5)

Nature has decorated our surroundings with the most unique way, so that we can feel the beauty of our hearts all the time.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning spreads like the earth, walking on the sunny path, a casual glance, a flower petal, falling on the branch, accompanied by several fallen leaves, fluttering on the ground, the breeze gently blows, bringing them to the far horizon

When we stop in the fragrant forest, there is always a euphemism and beautiful sound of birds, bursts of songs. Birds flying in the blue sky, eagles flying in the open air. They all express their love for nature in their most cordial language, express their thanks to nature in their most tender songs, thank nature for giving them life, and thank nature for giving them a beautiful and happy home.

When you rest beside a quiet pool and look at the dense bamboo forest in the distance, it is really lovely green. A quiet path leads to the distance. Lower your head and listen to the sound of running water under the bridge. It flows happily and quietly, as if you are talking happily with nature and pouring out your thoughts and joy.

In the rustling autumn wind, the leaves floated down to the ground. It falls quietly from the fingers that have accompanied me all my life. It has no complaint because she has devoted her whole life to human beings. In winter, for the rest and breeding of the big tree, it still sacrificed itself, did not compete for nutrients from the big tree, did not add trouble to its mother, fell down from the tree, quietly left, returned to the soil where it was raised, turned into nutrients, and gave everything to the earth.

When we are in front of the vast sea, listen to the breath of the sea, feel the breath of the sea, and experience the kind of aloof, calm, deep power and the beauty of silence of the sea. In particular, it has a broad mind and feelings of containing all things. It treats everything in the world fairly.

When we are in the Yangtze River, and the mother river, the Yellow River. Seeing their yellow blood, eternal vitality, roaring power and broad mind is enough to make every Chinese proud of them. It symbolizes the spirit of our Chinese nation and is the soul of our Chinese nation.

When we stand on the endless Inner Mongolia prairie, when we stand at the foot of the Great Wall, when we stand in the mysterious Budala Palace in Tibet. We will all marvel at the splendid architecture and splendid culture of our motherland! Nature is so mysterious!

The beauty of nature lies in every drop of water, every tree, every flower, every grass and every stone. Feel its weak, strong and beautiful spirit. The beauty of nature lies in the four seasons, realizing the change of its life.

Friend, the beauty of nature needs us to throw ourselves into its broad embrace and fully understand it. Understand its unique beauty, life and philosophy. Then we will have a kind heart, a beautiful heart, a pure heart. Then we will be happy to listen to the sound of nature!

As far as nature is concerned, there are charming colors everywhere. The first light breeze is blowing, which is the spring of thousands of trees, and this is a delicate season; The first time the sun shines, it is the summer when fish leap and lotus blossom. This is a refreshing season; The first golden spread is the autumn of bumper crops, which is a lonely season; The first snowflake falls in the cold and depressed winter, which is a warm season. Naturally, my world is very beautiful.

When the spring rain drizzles, it always touches my heartstrings and brings me into the world like smoke, fog, sand and dust. The drizzle, like drops of dew, let me feel the vitality of life, let me get rid of human constraints, exile mood, run in the void, chase in loneliness.

When summer blows gently, green comes to me. The mountains are as green as green and as clear as a mirror. Wandering among them, you will feel the infinite charm of nature. In my spare time, I like to sit in front of the window, open the window, let the afterglow of the setting sun shine on my face, and let the cool summer wind blow selflessly. No matter how much resentment and sadness you have in your heart, you can let it blow away, leaving only the blue sky of your heart and your thoughts flying. At this time, I can't help shouting in my heart: What a wonderful life!

When the autumn moon sweeps over the earth, I always like to lie on the bed, open the music and listen to a cheerful music. Although the autumn rain is constant outside the window and the night sky is stormy and the clouds are low, my heart has not been touched with any sadness.

When the winter snow slowly falls, the lights inside and outside the house are interwoven with falling snowflakes, like a floating movement, like a beautiful picture, which makes you daydream. After a while, the children will cheer to build a snowman and fight a snowball battle. When I think about the scene of my childhood, a kind of joy comes to my mind inexplicably. If Christmas comes, this snowflake will become the best gift that nature gives us. Looking at the snowflakes outside the window, with the illusion of expectation, your dream will accompany you to the dawn.

Nature is like a gorgeous rainbow, and life is like a cup of rich and delicious coffee; Nature is like a melodious and euphemistic music, and life is like a vast blue sea. No matter whether life is sour, sweet, bitter or salty, my life is full of fun when I look at the beautiful nature.

Feel Nature (6)

On the bank of the Yellow River, there is a beautiful garden of flowers. In spring, I often go there to play, to feel the breath of spring, to feel the colorful colors, to feel the gift of nature.

Blooming flowers are like children's bright smiles; The blooming flowers are just like the beautiful little magic fairy of Balara.

The roses in the rose garden are still dreaming their sweet dreams, the winter jasmine is still blooming so warmly, the crabapple flower is still so brilliant, the white magnolia is still so pure and noble, and the lilac flower that emits wisps of fragrance and refreshes people's hearts.

There are also all kinds of wild flowers that I can't name also wake up. They stretch out their waist, raise their head, and rush to be in full bloom. Red, yellow, blue, white, purple... They are really colorful. Although these flowers are not precious, they adorn the grassland of youth with their little beauty and selflessly contribute everything to the earth.

But suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the petals fell to the ground like a rain. Looking at the petals scattered on the ground, I can't help feeling sad.

The petals that fall on the brick floor are useless. They should fall into the soil. Finally, they can be used as nourishment for trees and flowers.

But the wind is merciless. Like a demon, it treats the light petals as toys for their wanton play, throwing and trampling at will.

I feel sorry for the broken flower. It was intact, but the wind blew it into pieces. It was totally unrecognizable.

How I wish I were Balara, a magic word can let those stray petals return to the flowers that gave birth to her and raised her, and reappear their old charm.

I stood in the rain of flowers flying all over the sky, and my happy mood was also broken like those falling petals.

In the rain of flowers, I understood sister Daiyu's mood of burying flowers. She couldn't bear to let the flowers in the Grand View Garden float all over the place. How could she have the heart to walk around with the broken flowers and petals? Funeral flower is that she puts her heart into the petals, and takes pity on the flower as well as herself.

In the rain of flowers, the whole earth echoed the sad and sorrowful "Song of Burial of Flowers" recited by Sister Daiyu: flowers wither and fly all over the sky. Who will pity when the red flowers disappear.

In the rain of flowers, my heart and sister Daiyu's heart mingled. It seems that I have become sister Daiyu, and my sad and sad mood has been enveloped on my way home.

Han Zewei, the second year of the primary school attached to Northwest Normal University in Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province

Feel Nature (7)

Autumn is coming, the sky is high and the clouds are light. On Sunday, we went to Dazong Lake together under the guidance of our teacher.

Along the way, we breathed the green air of the countryside and talked and laughed happily. When we arrived at the destination, we first came to the bank of Dazong Lake and looked far into the distance. The Dazong Lake was like a crystal, connected with the sky. Close up, the lake is clear and rippling, and fish are jumping from time to time. Although it is autumn, green plants are everywhere in the scenic area. Dazong Lake is really a water green world, with beautiful scenery.

Seeing this, each of us can't wait to go to the lake. The boat is above the blue waves, and the sound of oaring and fishing songs are heard. The reed marsh is vast and beautiful. I stood on the swaying boat and looked far away. The reeds that were more than one person tall were like a natural barrier. It was in this green world of rivers and reeds that the footprints of the New Fourth Army and the revolutionary masses were left, and many moving stories were spread.

Later, we went to more than ten scenic spots, such as reed maze, water promenade, curved bridge, pavilion, pagoda, swimming pool, Longxing Temple, etc. Time passed quickly. It was time to go back to school. We all reluctantly left the lake.

Dazong Lake, with its vast reeds, wide waters and dense greening, has become a natural green ecological scenic spot in Yanfu Water Town. Let us melt in it and forget to return. I love Dazong Lake!

Feel Nature (8)

When we are in the tense learning life, we have always thought of slowing down, going out of ourselves and into nature.

Walk into nature, feel the breath of all things, and feel the happiness of living between heaven and earth. Get rid of ordinary troubles and feel the vastness of the world. When you see the green forest and vast grassland, your heart will be more comfortable than ever before. It felt as if he had merged into nature, and all his pity had disappeared. And when you stand on the mountain, feel your mind expanding infinitely. With the wind blowing in gusts, it hits people's hearts, drying people's worries and dispelling their troubles. It is the reappearance of people's dreams and the revival of the fallen soul. Go out of self, wander between mountains and rivers, purify the soul and sublimate the personality.

The setting sun reddened the sunset, the evening wind swayed the roadside branches, the sunset obliquely wiped the undulating mountains, and the dusk gradually flooded the countryside. Everything is so natural and peaceful. When you really feel the nature, everything is beautiful. The charm of the sunset may be that it can make many literati homesick. Whenever I see a sunset, there is not only a touch of sadness, but also a deep feeling of nostalgia. Yes, the sunset always reminds me of many memories.

Walk into the nature, feel the tranquility of Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence", understand the talent of Li Bai's obsession with nature, and understand the indifference of honor and disgrace. Indeed, when you feel nature, you are relieved of everything. It is also clear that there is no hope for future without indifference and tranquility. I also understand the meaning of giving up. I understand that I am lucky to get, but not my life. As Bing Xin said, "Human beings come from nature and belong to nature. Human beings and nature should be in harmony." All these are given to us by nature. What can we care about.

It is time for us to enter the nature, let us blend into the profound atmosphere of nature, get rid of our own vulgarity, and stick to our own paradise.

Feel Nature (9)

In a vast dark universe, there is a blue planet, that is, the Earth. It is a blue ocean; Green land; A planet with clean white clouds.

How kind she is; How amiable, she raised the blue sky; Baiyun, the trees, animals, flowers, grass and human beings on the land, used to be a war between eating and being eaten. They took the law of the jungle as their way of survival and relied on the earth for their life. In the old age of the earth, her children - spring, summer, autumn and winter - came to accompany her.

Spring girl is like a wind chime. She likes to laugh and sends cool wind to the wheat seedlings in the field. She is always easy-going and never loses her temper. She always blows away the cold winter, melts the ice on the river, makes the fish and shrimp full of vitality, and makes the withered grass and trees green again. Spring girl played music all over the country. Three months later, summer came.

Brother Xia is always hot and has a hot heart. He also uses magic weapons. The wind of strictness and heat also attracts cicadas' comments. Summer is the world of cars and cicadas, but if people hurt the Earth Mother a little, she immediately joined the sea - typhoon, and the human ecology was disrupted at once, a lesson for people to stop harming the ecology. In the midst of Yan Re and the roar of cicadas, the three months of summer ended. Welcome to the cool autumn!

Autumn is coming. It's a red and hot season. The cool autumn wind makes the maple leaves blush and the fruits are red. Grandma Qiu brings sweet fruits to the children, red maple leaves... naughty children go up the tree like monkeys to pick fruit, and Grandma Qiu makes the maple leaves into mats for fear of falling down. Sweet apples, oranges, pears... take one bite, and the juice flows all over the face like a waterfall. The farmers have a good harvest year.

In winter, with air conditioning, you see, where he passed, the snow was flying and the river was frozen. People happily celebrated the New Year, making snowmen, having snowball fights, eating dumplings in every household, children setting off firecrackers, white smoke from every chimney, and celebrating the New Year.

In winter, a layer of "protective layer" - snow will be sown on the rice field to freeze the insects inside, so that the rice can drink enough water and have a good harvest next year. The naughty baby plays snowball. It's not natural. It's wonderful! Carefully hit the tree and became a trembling snowman, ushering in the new year in the snow, bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new.

Feel Nature (10)

In this boundless world, everything has a voice. Let's feel the voice of everything together!

In spring, "thousands of trees stand in the sky, and thousands of mountains ring cuckoo"; In summer, "the mountains are green, the rivers are white, and the sound of Zigui is like smoke"; In autumn, "stay and play the butterfly, dance from time to time, and be comfortable with the chirping of the charming warbler"; In winter, "when the flowers are blooming, she smiles in the bushes."

Listen, the frogs beside the pond are drumming, like drummers of the band and birds in the sky. From time to time, they make clear and bright songs, like performers in the sky. The stones on the ground fall into the water, scaring the birds out of the trees. This sound is like a scene in a martial arts novel. It cuts through the sky and makes the singing of the spring frog suddenly stop. It is also like coming to the Lushan Waterfall and listening carefully. "The Milky Way is flying down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling nine days" is strange, which is puzzling.

In life, sound is also ubiquitous, such as the noise upstairs, the sound of walking footsteps, the sound of answering in class... It's all kinds of voices.

When the wind comes, the crops and leaves rustle. One kilometer away, it sounds like beautiful mountain rain. I want to paint a perfect comma for this summer night. In this quiet summer night, it seems that everything has life and starts to "make a noise", but people are not tired of listening to it because it is "the sound of nature".

The sound of nature can be so wonderful. The mountain rain makes people feel comfortable. The rustling leaves make people lucky to hear the sound of everything. There are many more... For example, the little boy's vigorous singing echoed in the mountains, as if he was telling his ideal; Seagulls flying low on the sea in rainy days seem to be saying homesickness

I love the sounds of nature

Feel Nature (11)

Having stayed in the city for a long time, I am used to the air full of car exhaust. The sky is often gray, and I always yearn for rural life from time to time. The fresh air also carries the fresh soil flavor of vegetables and fruits. So, taking advantage of the May Day holiday, I went into the mountains to find the most simple taste raspberry. Following the navigator, we turned seven and eight and entered a mountain village like a paradise. The mountains are rolling, and the tea fields in Longlong are spreading all over the mountains. The blue sky and white clouds are carefree and close to the mountains. The reservoir at the foot of the mountain reflects the green mountains and trees, flowing quietly. This is a mountain that has not been developed yet. There are no familiar steps, no straight roads, only a rugged path trampled by mountain people.

The path at the foot of the mountain is dotted with red fruits like stars. Yes, my mother said they were raspberries. My mother reached out her hand expertly, and the fruit seemed to fall like an induction, just falling on my mother's palm. We stared at it with envy in our eyes, and quickly let my mother taste it for everyone. "Oh, the taste of childhood is so beautiful!" Mom's words made us eager to disperse.

Nature is so selfless. The raspberries are hidden in the deep grass, emitting red light. I couldn't wait to reach out my hand. "Ah!" I felt a sharp pain in a moment. This thing really pricked people. I quickly took out my hand and saw the prickles. The pricks that were pierced quickly turned into red prints, and blood spots appeared on the red skin, which was really unusual. I blew and carefully pulled the vine aside with my feet, bypassed the interlaced branches and vines, and quietly reached out my hand for fear of disturbing the vine. Take it gently and get it! A bright raspberry looks like a bayberry. A round ball, on which are small red particles, crystal clear, it makes people feel that it is full of juice at first sight, can not help but put it into the import, and it starts to have a little bit of fluff, a bite of sweet juice seeps from the pulp, pure and delicious, fresh sweet taste moistens the whole mouth, and does not dissipate for a long time, it is really the delicious taste of nature!

"Come on, come on, there are many here." Listening to my sister's cry, I quickly looked up, and they had already started to climb the mountain. So he hurried to catch up with his sister and them. The steep hillside, let me not pay attention to the scenery in front of me, only pay attention to the potholes at the foot. It was hard to stand in one place. Look up, wow! The green all over the mountains, dotted with small red fruits, looks like stars lighting up. It is very beautiful, as if it came into a picture. Vines crisscross and intertwine to protect its fruits. Looking at the small red lantern like fruit, the pain of being stabbed has been forgotten nine days away. If you want to know how to not let the thorn pierce your hand, but also pick the big and red fruit, you must avoid the trap like a detective. It must be fast and accurate, and you must have vision. Dad seemed to see through my mind and reminded me, "Don't just focus on the food in front of you and forget about the safety of your feet!" So, along the winding path, first pick the branches that are within reach of the roadside, then grasp the branches that can protect you, and pick the ones that are beyond the reach of the roadside.

The bounty of nature soon brought us a harvest. But it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. When I met myself who was afraid of heights, I beat my drum in my heart and panicked when my feet slipped. Occasionally, I grabbed the pine trees on the roadside and looked at the high and steep mountain. My heart was trembling, and I was even more unstable when I walked. The reservoir at the foot of the mountain was sparkling, shining silver under the sunset. Suddenly, I stumbled and stepped on a loose stone. My feet slipped and slipped. This time, the self created artificial buttocks cableway completed my fear of heights. Unfortunately, my bag of raspberries turned into fruit paste in the blink of an eye, completely burnt. Get up, pat your buttocks, and with the smell of soil all over your body, hurriedly shout to your sister and brother, "Who wants fresh puree!

A gust of wind blew, mixed with the flavor of the mountain, the cool water, the sweet raspberry, and the faint fragrance of honeysuckle at the foot of the mountain... We sat contentedly on the muddy ground near the water, sucking the fresh soil breath, tasting the fruits we picked, chatting, feeling the beauty and gifts of nature, and being happy

Feel Nature (12)

Sunday, July 31, XX Weather: sunny

Today is really a good day for an outing. My parents have been discussing where to go, and finally unanimously decided to go to nature to enjoy the air. Open the door, we can't wait to rush to nature.

I got on the bus and started to leave. Although the road was rough and bumpy, my mood was still smooth. For convenience, we had to get off and walk, but there were big trees to shade us.

In a twinkling of an eye, we came to nature. Ah! My eyes are full of green leaves. Seeing so many tree species, my heart is filled with joy. I immediately asked my mother to help me collect specimens. There are leaves, vegetable leaves and even particles of sorghum in the specimen. Suddenly, a burst of autumn wind blew, and the leaves made a "rustling" sound, which seemed to accompany us, making our mood more smooth!

There are many kinds of trees in this forest, including red willow, white poplar, winter jujube, willow, etc. I have consulted my parents one by one and gained a lot of knowledge from them.

Walking out of the woods and onto the brick paved road, the scenery is more beautiful. Trees and acres of land seem to welcome us and make a sound of "rustling". While I was enjoying the scenery, my mother didn't know what she was doing. I looked back and found my mother picking grass. I was curious and went to take the grass in my mother's hand. "Unexpectedly, the grass is so prickly." I just took the grass in my mother's hand and shouted, "Mom, this may be the grass that Lu Ban, a generation of famous craftsman, met when he invented the saw." Mother said, "Maybe."

We walked on the road and prepared to return. When we saw two neatly trimmed trees, I suddenly remembered that these two trees seemed to "greet guests with two locusts", meaning that new guests had come to the village.

On the way home, I saw sesame seeds growing high and yellow corn.

Feel Nature (13)

Today, our school organized a spring outing. I got up early at 5:00 in the morning. Grandma asked me to have some breakfast, and I said, "I am carsick, I am afraid of vomiting, so I will not eat. Just bring some food." At this time, it was very talented. Grandma insisted on seeing me off, so I came to school with Grandma.

As soon as we got to the school gate, most of the students came and stood in a dark place. Several big cars were parked at the roadside. The teacher asked us to get on the bus and count the number of people before driving. When I first drove, I felt pretty good, but it didn't work anymore. I felt dizzy as I sat down. The students nearby also felt a little dizzy, and several of them vomited. I'm glad I didn't eat this morning, otherwise I would have to throw up a mess.

Finally, we arrived at Lingkong Mountain, the destination of our spring outing. We got off and lined up, singing into the mountain. At the gate of the mountain, the first thing I saw was an old tree. Wow! Such a tall tree has lived for hundreds of years. The student next to me said, "No, it's nearly a thousand years old." I was very surprised. I had never seen such a tall tree that lived for so long. The students are praising the tree, and I am also deeply moved. Only a dozen people can embrace such a big tree. The vitality of this tree is so strong.

We began to climb the mountain. The mountain road is sometimes wide and narrow. It is very dangerous and sometimes flat. Several people can go in parallel. Sometimes only one person can be accommodated. Below is the abyss. People with acrophobia will surely suffer. We all walked carefully.

From a distance, there is a small curved bridge between the two mountains, which is very beautiful. The teacher told us the name of the bridge was Xianqiao. Looking from the Xianqiao Bridge, you can see some strange mountains, some of which are very similar to human faces. The Pudu Bridge is beyond the Xianqiao Bridge. Look down from the Pudu Bridge, wow! There is still thin ice on the river below, thick ice is also formed near the cave, and it is still frozen at 19 degrees above zero. What a spectacle!

After crossing Pudu Bridge, we came to Shengshou Temple. There are many strange murals painted on the walls of the temple, and there are statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva in the middle of the lobby, which are very realistic and detailed. It can be seen how superb and exquisite the painting skills of the ancient working people are. In ancient times, people were very intelligent and very smart. I admire them very much.

Then I started to enter the cave. Looking down from the hole, it's so high! Looking around, people in the distance have become ants. Below is the abyss. I was a little afraid of heights, which made me shrink back into the cave. There are twelve Chinese zodiac signs carved in the cave. The students are busy looking for their zodiac signs. I finally found my zodiac sign - pig. Because it was the last one, I found it for a long time. The road is steep. There is only one iron chain on the right and the abyss on the left. I finally went down one step at a time.

After the picnic, we went to the Peony Garden by car after another bout of dizziness. After entering the garden, I saw endless peonies, red, white, purple and pink. I heard that there were black and green peonies, but I couldn't find them for a long time. Go and smell it. It's delicious! When you come to the flower viewing pavilion, you can have a panoramic view of the peonies in the garden. When she entered the Peony Fairy Temple, there were also many murals painted in it, which was a historical legend. It said that when Empress Wu became emperor, in order to let the world celebrate her becoming emperor, she made an order to let all flowers bloom. When she went to inspect, all flowers bloomed, but only the peonies did not. She was angry, so she ordered people to set fire to the Peony Garden. There was a peony fairy who fled to Guxian County. Later, she and four peony fairies did good deeds for the common people, and people asked them for rain, children, and medicine. The fairies did many good deeds, and the kind people painted them with murals to commemorate them. What a beautiful legend!

As the sun was almost setting, we set out on the way home and could not get home until after eight o'clock. However, when reviewing the experience of this spring outing, we felt that nature was too beautiful. Our ancestors left us so many precious legacies that we could live in harmony with nature and ancient culture. It's true: take the bus - dizzy, climb the Lingkong Mountain - tired, see the peonies - beautiful, and come home - late.

Feel Nature (14)

Feel the nature

Wu Jian, Feel the Wind, Class 6 (2), E-Jing Literature Society, Qianhai Primary School, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province; Feel the rain; Feel the sun; Feel the nature!

·All belong to nature

·But was taken away by scientific materials


·I can't bear it


·What can I do

·I watched it go

·I watched without moving

·I finally

·I saw someone put out his hands

·Save the nature

·I'm lost here

·The nature revolves

·How many people are waiting to save nature

Instructor: Changbing

Feel Nature (15)

Open the window and the sun comes in quietly. Outside the window, the green is spreading slowly in my heart. The apricot rain is stained with red flowers, the spring sun is bathed in blue patterns, and everything is elegant and green. Dancing wings, across the blue sky, weave happiness in the dream of spring

The warm spring sun bathes in the emerald grass. It is so soft and dazzling that it seems to offer all the green it has accumulated for a year. The grass is whispering, and they say: "We are tough and tenacious elves." Maybe the wildfire can not burn out, and the spring wind is born again, which is a good proof of this sentence!

The most sacred and beautiful gift of spring is undoubtedly the colorful flowers. In this season of blooming flowers, would you like to see the charming style of winter jasmine? She is clearly the loveliest little girl! The lower part of the body is wearing a jade like, green silk like skirt, and the upper part of the body is wearing a gold blouse. The spring breeze blows the blouse to welcome the spring, flashing, maybe the stars in the sky are just like that!

I have never seen the clear water. I grew up in Fengjie, Chongqing, a beautiful and rich mountain city. In my spare time, the green river water has become a good tea for me to taste, emitting a mellow smell. In the early morning, the sun shines on the river through the brilliant colors of the morning glow. Maybe the moon the monkeys fished in the water is not as bright as the sparkling light on the river!

Peach blossom is burning, willow trees are full of tender beauty, and tall trees are full of vigorous beauty. At this time, the tree has exuded green luster. Although it does not have the thick shade in summer, it seems to be a combination of tenderness and vigor. It is green all over the body. Maybe this is a kind of warmth brought by spring!

Walk through nature, smell the wind at dawn, open your heart, and interpret the romance of spring

Feel the beauty of nature composition [2]

Nature is an ecosystem full of mysteries.

In spring, birds sing sweet songs, and insects are unwilling to be outdone and sing in unison. The sound of birds and insects is very lively and lively. Flowers are blooming, and roses, chrysanthemums and orchids compete among the flowers. "I am blooming!" They are laughing. "I'm blooming!" they shouted. Butterflies fluttered their wings in the flowers while bees worked hard. Everything seemed so harmonious and cheerful. The fresh air is coming, and the spring breeze is passing by. What a pleasant feeling!

In the summer, cicadas still sing the old tune of "cicadas! Cicadas!" loudly. Its singing is so loud that it seems to be heard all over the world. In the stream, the fish are swimming to their heart's content, as if they are enjoying the cool summer. The dog droops its tongue and is depressed. Whenever in summer, everyone in the swimming pool for a moment of cooling, the feeling of cooling runs through the whole body, just like eating ice cream in the stove.

Autumn, everywhere is golden. At this time, the farmers are very busy. The fruit seems impatient on the tree. When it is blown by the wind, it shakes its head as if it is going to fall. In the woods, there are fallen leaves everywhere. There is a piece of orange everywhere, and the leaves rustle with the wind. They shake back and forth, as if reluctant to let go of the tree. Finally, under the impact of the wind, they reluctantly let go and fell to the ground.

In winter, there is snow everywhere, and the earth is covered with a layer of white silver sand. The tree was covered with snow, bare and gaunt, like an old man standing in the snow. The wind roared wildly, as if cheering and laughing. In the snow, a plum blossom appeared. Its beauty is not commensurate with the surrounding environment. This is "plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". What a strong and arrogant life! How many people are there in life who are indomitable and succeed in adversity?

God has given us such a graceful nature. We should cherish and protect it more. Don't be blinded by interests. We only have one earth, which is too beautiful and fragile. So we should protect it. To treat the earth well is to treat ourselves well. To protect the earth is to protect our future. Let's work together to create our own green home.

Feel Nature (16)

The weather is sunny, the sky is cloudless, and the warm sunshine sprinkles on people, just like a mother gently caressing us. With the gentle breeze and sparkling waves, standing by the beautiful lake, you can enjoy the infinite charm of nature.

It's cloudy, but the seemingly gloomy weather is full of vitality. At this time, the sun was like a shy little girl who refused to show up, which added some fun.

In rainy weather, although people outside hurried home, they were not lonely. The sound of raindrops is not regular, but listen carefully. The cheerful music plays beside your ears, which makes you feel cheerful. Sometimes I want to run passionately in the rain to let troubles and raindrops melt together and evaporate. Nature is the mother of all things. She sends rain water to provide nutrition for plants. With the accompaniment of rain, the plants shake left and right, moving!

In the cold weather, people are all at home with the heating on and watching TV leisurely. Sometimes they will think of the children in the north who are happy to have snowball fights and make snowmen. All of a sudden, a firecracker exploded, and your fantasy was completely "exploded". You were immediately shocked, which is why you will say angrily: "Which bastard did it?"

How beautiful nature is! No matter what the weather is like, your beauty will make people feel different.