Youth Campus Copy
Brother, just take one scoop
2023-07-02 01:16:21
Complete sentences

1. The young man should bear the draft of Long Yingfei and Clear Wind and Bright Moon on his shoulder

2. When the sun flows through midsummer, they will stand not far from me, and they will go far away from me.

3. Sometimes I ask myself, "Can I pass the exam?"

4. I want to walk in every street with you, walk in Zhongshan Park hand in hand, drink in every cafe on Huangshan Road, and rest on your shoulder in the warm afternoon sun.

5. What's a different place? I've been here for the past four years, but I'm afraid of these four years?

6. The seemingly unstoppable day after day will show you the meaning of persistence one day.

7. You must have hired a very good lawyer to live in my heart. He has made a perfect defense for every mistake you made.

8. The sun was just shining, and the wind was blowing through the trees. At that time, we were young.

9. I hope that where you live, the sky is blue enough, the sun is warm enough, the snack bar on the street is clean and delicious, and the light on your way home is always on.

10. Youth is a constant miss and encounter

11. In this life, a person can be not noble, but not shameless; People can not be great, but not mean; The mind can not be clever, but not confused; Life can not be optimistic, but can not be cynical; Friends can not be generous, but can not hurt others.

12. There are always people who are seventeen, but no one is seventeen forever

13. Your pride and dreams are the most remarkable things in you, so no matter how rough the road ahead and how difficult it is to walk through thorns, you should not give up.

14. The dream I guarded when I was young, riding against the ocean current

15. What remains is youth. Don't explain, just calm. True love is what never lets go. The imperfect is called life.

16. There will always be people who will miss their youth until they die

17. How do you remember me smiling or silent

18. You are the past that I have been hiding for many years, unwilling to write. I have kissed the mountain mist in my life, and that fine water will only flow for you forever.

19. Only when the stars meet with each other can they illuminate the night sky. It is impossible to expect that stars and gravel will have a meeting track. One in the sky, the other deep underwater.

20. "I don't know. I'm still far from it, but I still want to try. I want to pass the exam anyway. In this way, I may be able to see the scenery I haven't seen before."

21. We should cherish and enjoy it. We can shout freely in the present time

22. No one can be young forever, but someone will be young forever

23. Cicada chirping is the countdown bell outside the window. The score of the examination paper is the climbing vine

24. No matter whether the world is big or small, it is always difficult to predict the fate of people. Maybe there are people who yearn for meeting each other all the time, but they just can't meet each other. Maybe there are people who are afraid of bumping into each other, but they will bump into each other as they hide from each other.

25. The first step is to raise your head. Step 2: Close your eyes. In this way, tears will flow into my heart. I remembered that I had never disliked you, and the hard words that made you sad were all my lies.

26. Youth is always about meeting and missing

27. Teenager's heart is a wasteland on a midsummer night, which cannot be cut and burned. When the long wind blows, the weeds connect to the sky.

28. No matter how far you have gone, the day of graduation is the starting point of missing.

29. You said that you liked Jay Chou's songs and wanted me to dream with you, but who knows, my dream has not yet awakened, and you have already disappeared without a trace. As expected, the unfinished dream is the most painful one. The dream is broken, and all that remains is the residual temperature and the so-called self deception.

30. They all pretend to be decadent. Don't be fooled

31. Teenagers are teenagers. They don't like the spring breeze, they don't get bored with the summer cicadas, they don't feel sad about the autumn breeze, they don't sigh about the winter snow, they see the wealth, they are lazy, and they don't dare to face injustice because they are teenagers.

32. The sun shines well on every corner, illuminating the youth of teenagers

33. After the story was told, the storyteller folded a fan to edit the first song, which won the applause of the whole audience, while the storyteller quietly wiped his sleeves.