Wind Vane Composition (3 refined articles)
Every year is like a song
2023-10-10 03:57:48

Wind Vane Composition (1)

Types and characteristics of this year's college entrance examination composition

After studying the 20 college entrance examination composition questions this year, the outstanding impression is that the composition types are rich and colorful, the difficulty of topic review is reduced, the cultural flavor is becoming stronger, and the content is more concerned with life and self. Compared with previous years, the trend of preaching by topic continues to weaken.

In terms of question type, topic composition is the main topic, and proposition composition and new material composition account for the proportion. In 2006, the country rolled out a material composition of "crows learn from eagles and sheep". When reviewing this year, everyone coincidentally increased the training of new material composition. The number of new material composition questions has also increased significantly since the opening of simulated college entrance examination papers around the country, which shows the prominent guiding role of national papers in college entrance examination review. As expected, a new material composition "Help" was published in Volume II of the country, but the topic composition still accounts for the vast majority of the college entrance examination composition questions ordered by provinces. As the first year of college entrance examination after the new curriculum reform, the changes of composition question types in various places are relatively mild and understandable.

In topic composition and topic composition, the popular "relational topic" in the past few years has obviously ebbed, leaving only "One Step and Life" in Sichuan Province and "Opportunity and Perseverance Spirit" in Ningxia; Word type topics are favored, such as "Pass" in Guangdong, "Mother Tongue" in Hubei, and "Season" in Fujian; Metaphorical questions still account for a certain proportion. For example, in Jiangsu's "Think of the Sky", it is better to write the figurative meaning of the sky. If you lead your thinking to write your own life sky or your own spiritual sky, it will be more profound.

In terms of content, it further reduces the difficulty of examining questions, is self oriented, close to life, and actively reflects social hot spots, which has strong practical significance. Chongqing's "bittersweet talk about the college entrance examination" corresponds to the 30th anniversary of the resumption of the college entrance examination; Shaanxi's "Something Happened" is directly facing the current security issues and social practice; The material composition "Help" in Volume II of the whole country triggered thinking from the perspective of news characters and the moral stories behind them; Guangdong's "Relay" is inevitably inspired by the Olympic torch relay. These topics show us the hot spots, focus issues and livelihood issues of today's Chinese society from different angles, reflecting the value orientation of education in the 21st century that requires students to pay attention to the three fields of human and society, human and nature, and human and self.

Pay attention to spiritual quality and moral cultivation, with a strong cultural flavor. The Hunan volume, entitled "Living Poetically", emphasizes poetry, ideals and spiritual pursuit of life, which has a good guiding significance. The "poetic flavor" here not only refers to the elegance of poetry and painting, but also refers to a kind of life attitude, a healthy and cultural attitude. The composition topic in Beijing is extended from Liu Changqing's "You can't see when the rain is wet, and you can't hear when the idle flowers fall", which is full of cultural charm and bookish style.

Highlight thinking and examination, with strong speculative color. In the Shandong volume Time Will Not Weaken Memories, it is necessary to make clear whether all memories are not weathered, or specifically those important, valuable and precious memories, and what conditions need to be relied on for memory not to be weathered over time. These problems need rational analysis. What is the relationship between "one step" and "life" of Sichuan scroll, and how does one step affect life? Or is life composed of countless steps? What does "walking" mean in Zhejiang volume "Walking in the Vanishing"? Does it mean "progress", "development", or "progress", "disappearance"? Can it be understood as "sublating", "letting go" or "staying away"? Human society is always in the contradiction between development and preservation, reconstruction and sublation. To write this article well, we need to correctly understand the relationship between "walking" and "vanishing", and our attitude to "vanishing" in the process of "walking", which is very speculative.

Wind Vane Composition (2)

Which child doesn't like playing? I love sports, of course, is no exception. But my mother didn't think so. In my mother's eyes, only good grades are qualified to play.

On that occasion, I only got 70 points in my Maths Olympiad exam. When I reluctantly handed my paper to my mother for signature, my mother, who was used to scores like 102 and 105, immediately glared and shouted, "What's the matter? Is it just about playing football again? I tell you, I will not be allowed to play football in the Sports Center next weekend, but go to the Olympic Mathematics cram school!" It's really a injustice. The total score of this paper is only 100, and the difficulty is too high. The highest score is only 86. Her son's ability to get 70 points in the exam is considered normal. How can he be involved in football again? Besides, Liu Jie, the captain of the class football team, is still learning to play football in the sports school every week. This time, he scored 82 points. Even playing football will not affect his study. Alas, in our family, achievements are the wind vane. If you get good grades, you will have a gentle and warm spring breeze; Poor results, the wind is biting.

"Xiao Yi, hurry up, the movie will start at seven o'clock!" Mother urged softly. Eh, why is there a warm spring breeze in my home today? Not surprisingly, because today's "wind vane" says "125 points in the English exam, qualified for the final of the National English Proficiency Competition", of course, my mother sent me the "face is not cold, willow wind". Well, before I started talking, she said she would take me to a movie at the weekend, saying that she wanted me to relax so that I could gather enough energy for the finals. (Here is the revised paragraph. The writing of "Mom will accompany me to watch a movie when I do well in the exam" is based on the perspective of "When I do well in the exam, I will have a gentle and warm spring breeze". In this way, it forms a positive and negative contrast with the first thing, and shows "I" through Mom's different attitudes towards "I" when she gets different scores Worries caused by mother's overestimation of achievements.)

Alas, my dear mother, I really don't understand whether you love me or the cute high score. Do you know that your hot and cold attitude makes me, who was passionate about learning, sometimes grow a little disgusted - because it is they that change your love for me.

Wind Vane Composition (3)

If the trend of society is a gust of wind, then people are the flowers and plants around, and the ranking list in society is the vane. The pointer points in the direction of the fragrance.

Once upon a time, when the ranking list was not transformed from "invisible" to "visible", people were like ants who had gone to their tentacles and wandered aimlessly. Later, some wise person brought the ranking list, and people began to understand their position in the society and gradually understood themselves.

People without goals will eventually become mediocre, and the society without wind vane will eventually lose its vitality in confusion. The ranking list not only clearly points out the direction of social progress, but also inspires the people to move forward.

For students, the red list pasted on the corridor is a kind of ranking list. Most of the motivation for students to study hard comes from looking at the red list and studying in their ideal university. It is an alarm bell, reminding students to constantly improve themselves and surpass themselves. So the enterprising people have made progress, while the indifferent people are still complacent about their previous achievements. Day after day, year after year, the gap becomes significant.

However, the red list is only part of the ranking. It does not represent all the students. Otherwise, it will fall into the misjudgment of judging heroes by success or failure. There are all kinds of ranking lists in society. Combining them in different ways is enough to reflect a person's all-round development. However, at different stages, what kind of rankings should be used as a reference, which will vary from person to person.

However, some people always oppose the league table, believing that it will only bring oppression. This sentiment is common to both top and bottom people. But just imagine, if a student does not take the position on the ranking list as a summary of this round of efforts, then where can he make progress? People need constant self reflection and comparison to develop. After falling into the ignorance quagmire of overconfidence and ignorance about the development of surrounding things, most people will only get deeper and deeper, let alone develop.

The ranking also reflects the cohesive role of the people in social development. The ranking list is the vane of social trends. In other words, it is like the fragrance of flowers and plants spreading in the same direction, so people can smell it even farther away. The influence and cohesion are also reflected here. The ranking list is in the process of continuous updating and progress, and the changes in social ethos and outlook driven by people's development will also be shown here.

What is essential in life is the guidance of the wind vane, which is equally important for social development. The ranking list is always in the society and life, influencing everything around imperceptibly.