I am Rain Composition 600. (Selected 10)
Ordinary and valuable
2023-09-19 03:30:12

I am Rain Composition 600. (1)

Hello, I'm Rain.

Although I live in the sky, my growth is closely related to your human beings. The water on the ground turns into steam and evaporates into my "mother" - cloud. My brothers and sisters play games in the clouds - if we collide with each other, we will become big drops of water. When the air cannot hold us, we will fall to the ground.

I travel with extraordinary style and great pomp. Sometimes there are silver arrows to help me find my way, that is, lightning; Sometimes there is a loud noise to see me off. That's Lei. It's so crowded that it's so noisy. Another brother cheered for me, that is, Feng. We went out together. It was really windy and rainy.

Sometimes when I am happy, I send good news to mankind. Some places are dry all the year round. The fields were so dry that several big cracks opened; The seedlings bent limply and listless; Only a few withered and yellow leaves on the trees were tottering in the wind. When I saw such a situation in the sky, I jumped down from the sky in a hurry, and people praised me: "Good rain knows the season, and it happens in spring." Sometimes I came to the world quietly, and people praised me: "sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently."

Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm angry. Sometimes it brings disasters to people. Sometimes for several days, the ground is full of water, and mountain torrents break out, drowning many crops, washing away trees, and even dragging pedestrians into the river. People don't like me and call me a "monster".

When I came to the world, no matter whether I was welcomed or hated, people would not contact me at a distance. People made umbrellas and blocked me out. I hit them and jingled. Although they blocked me, I sometimes hit people and wet their clothes when people didn't notice.

I am the rain, all things of mankind can not do without me, I am your human friend, you all like me! Welcome me! Sing me!

I am Rain Composition 600. (2)

On Sunday, I sat alone in the silent hall, watching TV silently. In countless programs, many people praised the characteristics of rain, so I forgot time and myself in the infinite silence. Slowly, I came to the world of rain.

My companions and I hid in the white clouds on the parade, came to the vibrant spring, came to the garden where all things grow, came to the dense "green carpet" and had a spring rain that moistened all things, looked at the green shoots, and dug out from the soft soil; Looking at the withered and yellow leaves, I slowly drenched them with green; Look at the colorful flowers, and try to grow into fragrant henna flowers. While talking and laughing with my companions on the mountain, a hot wind came in the face, and many big trees continued to absorb nutrition and grew dense sun umbrellas.

I was blown faster and faster. When we were blown to Africa, when we saw the land, I could not help but turn into a storm, which moistened everything on this dry land. So I found my rain companions from all over the world. We bravely rushed to the ground, flowed into the land, and filled the land, The cool rain makes the earth grow green grass to produce fresh oxygen for people.

Autumn came, and all green plants came to the end of life. At this time, I became an autumn rain again. "Tick tock" large lakes became square white keys. We were like fingers gently falling on them. That sound, this sound, formed a happy and soothing music.

In the past of autumn, the cold wind in winter made me fat and let me fall down involuntarily. In the process of falling, I slowly became smaller, and finally I became a snowflake on the ground, paving a snow-white road for children. At this time, a child held me in his hand, and I slowly melted.

In the warm sun, I became steam again, floated into the white clouds on the parade, and became raindrops. I came to the green carpet like mountains again to start a new journey.

I am Rain Composition 600. (3)

I am ordinary and ordinary rain, not as elegant as clouds, not as bright as sunshine, not as light as wind. But my life is still wonderful, carefree and free.

When the day was gloomy, I was about to come to the world. Brother Lei and Sister Lightning played for me. I danced beautifully and sang sweet songs, falling from the sky. To carry out my task.

When I got to the field, I saw the farmers' uncle who was overjoyed seemed to welcome me, "Sister Rain, Sister Rain." Who is calling me? I shook my head and saw that it was Brother Daogu! I said, "You told me to have

What is it? " Brother Daogu said, "I'm too bored. Can you play with me?" I said, "Yes, we played hide and seek. I hid in the rice shop, and my brother Daogu could not find it. After playing for a while, I said to my brother Daogu, "I'm going to visit other places. Goodbye."

When I got to the grass, I saw Xiao Cao's cousin sticking out her head and wearing green clothes, which was very beautiful. I praised Xiao Cao's cousin: "You look very beautiful today." Cousin Xiaocao said, "It is you who moisten me and touch me that I become so beautiful. Thank you!" I smiled and said to Cousin Xiaocao, "In this case, I will come to see you more often. I'll go first. Goodbye."

I came to Big Tree Aunt and looked at the green leaves, as if I had put on a green dress for Big Tree Aunt. I said to Aunt Dashu: "Hello, Aunt Dashu, I'm glad to meet you again. Your tall and straight body seems to be a guardian of the home." Aunt Dashu said to me happily, "Thank you for your praise."

When I was going to visit the campus, Sister Rainbow suddenly came to me and said to me, "Sister Rain, your task has been completed, go back quickly! Back home, Her Majesty the Queen gave me a special gift

I think this visit to the world is very meaningful

I am Rain Composition 600. (4)

I, crystal clear, colorless and tasteless, guess who I am? Pearl, no! Water drop, almost! Rain, right! I am the rain.

I was brought up by Mother Yun. I play with my sister and brother Raindrop in the arms of Mother Yun every day, and listen to her story telling in the evening

One day, Mother Yun asked me to go to the world with my sister and brothers. My sister and brothers were very happy in the car driven by Uncle Feng. We crossed mountains and rivers, and I suddenly found a dry land. I took my sister and brothers to jump down

Who hit the river like a dropped steel ball, splashing high waves? It's me, the naughty raindrop.

In spring, I came to play on the grass and poured a lot of water on the grass. Many grass were drowned. Small animals went to Uncle Lei and Aunt Dian to complain. Oh, fortunately, I'm not in their charge. The little animals were so annoying that they went to complain to Sister Wuyun. Sister Wuyun scolded me and hurt me! But it is not all my credit that the grass in spring can break through the ground.

In summer, I had nothing to do, so I had to stay at home. I was almost a homegirl. Unless Sister Wuyun asked me to go out to bathe the world, I wouldn't go out! But in summer, I am very popular. People say that I will bring them cool.

In autumn, I sometimes sneak out to play and steal vegetables and fruits planted by farmers. This year's apples are really delicious! The juice is sweet and delicious, which is the best of apples. Mmm! This year's corn is also delicious. The golden corn kernels are like gold, but people don't like me because I will wet their rice when I go.

I don't want to go out in winter! It was so cold that I would be shivered by the cold wind when I went out. But I still wanted to go out and have a snowball fight with Sister Feng. I opened the door. It was even colder outside than before. I couldn't help yawning. I also met Sister Xue Hua. As a result, I became little snowflakes. The children used me to make snowmen, which made me beautiful.

ha-ha! This is me - Rain.

I am Rain Composition 600. (5)

Rain is the angel's tears, falling into the bottom of the lake where my heart is calm.

Look, the arm of rain.

On a hot and dry afternoon, a flash of lightning cut through the gray sky, and the rumbling thunder rolled from the top of the head and exploded heavily. Pea sized raindrops smashed down and splashed together with the grayish yellow dust on the ground. Suddenly, they were as dense as curtains. In a moment, the rain converged into a stream, and then the rain poured down like billows. Willow trees on the roadside swayed in the storm, with long branches dancing wildly, while grass still stood proudly and worked harder to grow up in the storm. All these things come into view, with such awesome power. Do you see the strength of rain in the dark sky? That is the arm of youth.

Listen, the rain whispers.

One evening, the sky stopped the warm sunshine, the moisture gradually filled the dry sky, the earth suddenly changed its color, and the autumn rain came slowly, like drops of water, like freezing points, falling in clusters. Occasionally, there were naughty raindrops swirling in the blue sky with the slight wind, finally tired, tired, and gently fell into the pond The stream falls on the roadside and seeps into the soil. The scattered leaves on the branches can no longer catch the passage of life. They spin a few circles in the gray sky and fall gently on the ground, looking up at the rain on their bodies. However, the fallen leaves have no regrets, because the branches have produced rich fruits. Just like the autumn rain without complaint, just to moisten the soil and breed more life in the coming year. Listen with your heart, the "rustling" sound seems to tell people the meaning of life. Have you heard the rustling wind and rain? It's about dedication.

Love the rain, no matter in which season, or smell, or see, or listen; Treasure the rain. No matter what journey, yesterday, today, or tomorrow... I hold a drop of water in my palm, and I see its crystal clear body reflecting the bright sunshine after the rain. In my eyes, my heart reflects the spirit of life

I am Rain Composition 600. (6)

As for rain, I want to say that it is a gift from heaven and nature. It is an emotional and lovely spirit. It gives grass green, flowers colorful, makes the world lively, and also makes me feel comfortable.

"The flower falling people are independent, and the micro swifts fly together". This is about spring rain. The continuous and dense spring rain is the diligent step of visiting the earth. Spring is a season full of waste, and spring rain is the summoner. It calls green willows into shade, it calls warblers to sing and swallows to dance, and the clear sky can't keep it. Well, Spring Rain is affectionate and ruthless. Maybe it is too naughty, always eager to play, infiltrate the earth, let everything recover. The autumn rain is melancholy, with a faint sense of sadness. Cool autumn, cool rain. The autumn rain is not as delicate and soft as the spring rain, not as wild and uninhibited as the summer rain, and not as cold and piercing as the winter rain. The autumn rain is the ethereal and clean "after the new rain in the empty mountain, the weather is late for autumn". No matter how many hazy colors and blurred feelings the rain has, people depend on their own mood. What kind of words are used to describe it depends on people's cultural level. It is true that I am not a sentimental person when I say this.

One of my teachers once asked me about rain. He said, "What will you do if it rains?" I vaguely remember that my answer was, "I like watching the rain." When I said watching the rain, I just hid well and watched it slowly. But as I grew older, I learned how to even watch the rain. I don't like holding an umbrella to look in the rain, or the cat looking at the window in the room.

I like watching the rain while getting wet. I don't know how to describe that feeling in words. It's very comfortable, beautiful and enjoyable! Standing in the rain, let the silver slowly slap on my body, but I slowly catch the feeling of my heart, how comfortable! Do you know that those rivers, streams, lakes and seas are all due to these silver threads!

This is the rain, which I am familiar with! I like watching the rain!

I am Rain Composition 600. (7)

It is rare to see the countryside in the rain or the scenery on both sides of the road. Most of the time, when it rains heavily, people's instinct is to run to their homes, stay away from unfamiliar places, watch the rain in a stable place, and wait for the rain to clear up. Therefore, for the countryside, for unfamiliar roads, and for many places that have never been before, they ignore their appearance in the rain.

It was nearly June, and the fields were flourishing everywhere. All the plants were growing vigorously. Just wait for the rain. Once the rain fell from the sky, the earth would be their stage. They are like sponges that have drunk enough water, expanding and expanding, stretching and stretching, as if they have the potential to cover the world.

The reeds on the roadside are already half a person tall. They are scattered along the ditches and ponds. Along with the weeds of the same height, they spread out in the fields, extending the momentum of a green blanket. Just after the wheat harvest, the stubble is still in the field, and the interplanted corn has grown more than feet high. In the field of Huang Ai, a green suddenly appears. It is believed that it will not be long before the green starts to bloom again, and then slowly moves towards another maturity.

The fields are full of rows of poplar trees, which are dotted in the fields, like rows of guards and barriers, holding the land in their arms. The fields in the rain have a special taste. The rain fog slowly drifts over the fields, and the white smoke like fog constantly surrounds the poplars. There is no sound in the fields. Without wind, the trees stand in order. They are happily absorbing the rain. Any plant knows that in nature, no one can rely on them, We can only rely on ourselves to win the sunshine and rain, and nothing else can help us. On the contrary, they must strive to win more sunshine and rain.

From time to time, some lotus ponds or ditches glide across the horizon. In the rainy and smoky air, they look more beautiful and straight. The rain drops fall on the lotus pond, and the noisy frogs stop, just like waiting for a baptism. Only after this baptism has passed, can they re appear in pink ink.

I am Rain Composition 600. (8)

At half past seven this morning, there was a rain.

The most noticeable change is the sound, which is heard before being seen. From small to large, it shows that the rain is heavy, but this "peak" period will not last forever - the change of historical dynasties has already told you. Slowly, the sound became smaller again, until it finally turned into a few intermittent raindrops, "ding dong ding dong", patted on the iron stairs, playing alone. People with umbrellas in the street walk alone.

Hearing the sound, the vision responds. The opposite wall, irrigated and washed by the rain, is shiny and shiny. But it can't help but remind us that the wall will fall off after soaking for a long time. The rain makes it bright and shed, that is to say, the rain washes away the old and the brilliant. Time passes quietly, but it is always so unforgettable.

Rain is a fair and indifferent arbiter, but he doesn't distinguish right from wrong.

After observing the heavy rain, the raindrops on the car window are thin and like embroidery needles. It is also inclined, in the direction of the wind, uniformly inclined. The rain, the misty fog, has filled the distance between me and the outside world.

After a while, the rain stopped. Large and small puddles have accumulated on the uneven ground, reflecting the blue sky one by one. I think this is the mirror of the girl Blue Sky, and the cloud is her plum makeup. At the moment, the little girl in the blue sky is pasting yellow on the mirror.

The blue sky is also a person with a broad mind. Whether it is muddy sewage or clear stream, it can reflect her beautiful face.

As soon as I walked out of the house, the cool breeze and humid air rushed to my face. The moist air is like an amorous woman in the south of the Yangtze River, coming straight to you. Although she has never been close, everyone can be protected by her with moisture.

The rain, dripping on my face, is cool, like two lines of tears on my beautiful face in the blue sky.

When the rain drips, the playing will not stop until it drips into your heart.

I am Rain Composition 600. (9)

The naughty I hid in Brother Baiyun's "belly", which contained me and many of my good friends. We followed Brother Baiyun around and enjoyed a lot of good scenery. Two uninvited guests, Lei Gongdian Mu, suddenly came to the sky. They were happy, but had no place to vent. Seeing the audience, Brother Bai Yun, they were very excited, so they sang and jumped, "boom --" "stab --" and cooperated very well! But Brother Baiyun was not happy, but was frightened. He froze for a while, then became black, and became Brother Wuyun. Then he cried. I just wanted to comfort him, but suddenly I felt that I was falling. So I started a wonderful journey

Look, as far as you can see, the dense rain is floating towards the earth, like cattle hair, like fine needles, and the whole earth is completely new. We put a thin curtain of rain on the earth. Looking out of the curtain, the world is blurred. The flowers and grass are waving happily in the rain, sucking the rain to their heart's content; The small tree shook its crown, and the rain made the small tree wear a layer of green clothes dripping with water; In the bustling downtown, people are holding colorful umbrellas. When the rain hits the umbrellas, the "tick" sound is extremely clear, turning into notes and jumping into the music of nature; The road is unobstructed, there is no harsh trumpet sound, the flashing traffic lights in the distance are indistinct, and the misty rain brings refreshing, quiet and peaceful to the earth

Unconsciously, I floated to the field with the wind. I look around curiously. Look, the fields are green. Close up, green seedlings swayed to thank me, and far away, a green ocean was gently rolling. This fresh green seems to flow in the rain, into my eyes, into my heart. Under my gentle care, peach trees have blossomed into pink faces. The bright pink does not seem out of place in the green ocean, but adds a bit of beauty. Then, the pear trees and apple trees were unwilling to be outdone, and they opened delicate flowers one after another. One after another, small flowers were colorful, and they welcomed me with a smile. When I saw it, I nodded contentedly

Gradually, Brother Yun stopped crying and returned to white. The rain was getting smaller and smaller. The air is so fresh with the fragrance of flowers and mud. I looked up at the sky and thought: it's time for Rainbow sister to take office next

A rainbow appeared in the sky. We gradually merged into the earth, moistened the earth, and slowly disappeared

I am Rain Composition 600. (10)

One afternoon, my friends and I fell into a primary school. I fell into the hair of a little girl.

Just after school, all the other students went home, but she was still outside the classroom. A teacher passed by and said doubtfully, "Classmate, why didn't you go home?" She said in her trembling voice, feeling that she was about to cry, "I, my parents haven't come to pick me up yet." "Then you just wait and go to the classroom. It's raining outside. Be careful!" With that, the kind teacher left. She listened to the teacher and went back to the classroom. After waiting for more than ten minutes, when Jin Doudou was about to fall down, he saw the head teacher enter the classroom, and immediately held back. The head teacher walked up to her and said to him, "Your parents are still working overtime, and will pick you up later. You have to wait a little longer, and go to the office to do homework tonight, OK?" She said, "OK, teacher!" Half an hour later, her mother finally came. Her mother said to the teacher with regret: "Teacher, I'm sorry I'm late, and I've caused you trouble!" The teacher smiled knowingly and said, "It's OK. The children are worried. Go home quickly!"

When they came to the door, the little girl wiped the rain off her head, and I fell on the railing beside the girl, turning into a condensation bead.

The next morning, two little girls ran to me, bent their thumbs, and picked up water drops with their bent thumb joints. The two girls picked up water from left to right, but failed again and again. A little girl finally received a small drop of water next to me, and said to another little girl in a ostentatious tone: "Why do you think I can't get it!" She spilled the little girl's drops while saying.

The little girl returned to the classroom angrily. Just then, another little girl managed to catch me. She returned to the classroom, and I wetted her homework book