Write Courage (18 in total)
Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum
2024-03-31 09:28:27
Junior two
topic of conversation

Writing Courage (1)

There is no impossibility in my dictionary!

More than two hundred years ago, when the French army stood at the foot of the lofty Albis Mountain and looked at the snow and wind, Napoleon firmly uttered this heroic phrase that has been handed down for centuries. Later painters described him as a leader with white horses and war robes. In the painting, the horse raises its front hooves and neighs to the mountain, and marches forward courageously. The hero rides on the horse, gallops with courage, and points his right hand to the zenith. The commander of the army moves forward as if he is declaring war on the sky.

Hundreds of years have passed. When people pay homage to heroes, they only feel the legendary life of Napoleon and his great achievements. But how many people know that in the face of complaints and objections from millions of soldiers, how confident and courageous he is to create a so-called miracle?

What would it be like today if Napoleon decided to give up the impossible task of crossing the Alps by choosing his soldiers? When faced with choices, many people often follow the advice of their predecessors and think that this is the experience of the previous generation, but they never think that these experiences are also the conclusions reached after countless practices. So, why don't you want to try it?

When you fail, you will gain more pain than others, so you know more about learning lessons than others; When you succeed, countless people will follow your example, break the old and move into new fields. Therefore, in the face of unpredictable road ahead, people's sighs can't tell how far ahead, it's just the sighs of losers and cowards. Successful people will not accompany them to sigh, and those who cross mountains and deep sea just have more courage.

When the French army crossed a high mountain and stood at the other end of the mountain, people regarded Napoleon as a god man. The rugged mountain roads and steep cliffs make the abyss meet you carelessly. In addition to the north wind and heavy snow in winter, this mountain has become a forbidden area. Crossing it is just a way to kill yourself. However, the facts outweigh all explanations. When Napoleon passed through the memory of his life, it may be just a small matter in his life. What seems impossible in others' eyes may be that they have never done it at all.

One hundred years later, science and technology are developed, and many hardships and dangers of the past have become insignificant over time, but human nature has never changed. When we face trouble again, we still have the best kill skill. We have never faced difficulties, but we have heard from the old people what kind of monster difficulties are. They always stand in front of success, like a mountain, which is formidable. As a result, someone came up with a way to detour. When encountering difficulties, they would detour. It took a dozen or even dozens of times of time to find the way.

Are we going to detour all our lives?

No, there is a simpler way to turn yourself into a brave person. Any ghost in front of a coward will become a touchstone of courage, because for ordinary people, it is an unattainable mountain, while for brave people, it is just a stone.

Writing Courage (2)

"What is courage? What is courage?"

Courage is like a small boat, which leads us from a narrow place to an infinite ocean. Courage is like the indispensable water in our life. Let's drink it happily. "I used to be an introverted child who did not dare to actively answer the questions raised by the teacher, but now I somehow seem to like to actively answer questions. Every time the teacher asked a question, I always scrambled to answer it. I used to be afraid of answering the wrong questions."

I remember one time, the teacher asked a question, I answered the wrong question, the teacher asked another question, I was hesitant, in the end is raising your hand? Or don't you raise your hand? The teacher seemed to have guessed through my mind and said: It's not terrible that you answered wrong, but that you didn't have the courage to answer. After listening to the teacher, I gradually dared to raise my hand.

Five years in a flash! In the past five years, I have actively answered the questions raised by my teacher. If I can change the "habit" of raising my hand now, it is impossible, because I have regarded it as an indispensable part of my life. Ancient Rome Cicero once said: the heart of a brave person must be full of faith. (Luo Herrick) once said: If you want to get things done, you must put aside your timidity. Anyone who is afraid to ask for advice will not get it. These famous words are deeply engraved in my heart and I will never forget them.

In the end, I would like to say to those who have no courage, you can go boldly in the world, and be careful that you can't do anything.

Writing Courage (3)

In those past years, no matter the success with flowers and applause, or the failure mixed with pain and confusion, it seems that they can not wake up the missing soul - an element called courage.

There is always a picture in my memory: I stand up slowly after being called by the teacher, and answer questions with a voice as thin as a mosquito. Then I was overwhelmed by the teacher's "inaudible!" and the students' overwhelming laughter. At that time, I always felt tiny sweat in my palm, and my face was embarrassed and unnatural.

In fact, it's not that I won't, but I'm too worried that my answer is wrong, and I'm afraid that so many people will say that you are wrong. Worry led to that kind of caution, which eventually developed into the loss of the courage to speak out loud.

Alas, I am too stupid. Sometimes I know the answer is correct, but I don't have the courage to say it. However, it is because of this little courage that we have so many regrets and misses. I hope that in the future, I can give myself some courage and strengthen my belief. No matter what the result is, I will not shed tears of regret. Passing through those confused thoughts, you can ignite the light that jumps in the dark and become the flame of courage, supporting your trust in yourself. Believe in yourself. Don't leave a regret in your life.

What you have done, even if you have accumulated more remorse and depression in your heart, will not help you. Then give yourself some courage to live bravely in the future that seems to be within your reach!

Writing Courage (4)

Courage refers to the courage to act without fear.

Around us, heroes are brave because they dare to face the threat of gangsters; The extreme athletes have courage because they demand more from themselves than usual; Even the most ordinary laid-off workers have courage, because they can face life and start again

Once upon a time, there was a king who was old and wanted to choose one of his sons to succeed to the throne. He asked his minister to imitate a "huge stone" with very light materials on a cliff side road, and then asked his sons to send a secret letter to the general through the road in turn.

A few days later, several sons came back from the border. The king asked them how they got there. Some said they went around the cliff, some said they climbed over the "boulder", and only the youngest son said he ran across the road. The king asked, "Isn't the boulder blocking the way?" The little prince said, and he pushed hard, and the boulder rolled down. "Then why did you think of pushing with your hands?" "I just tried." Later, Prince Xiaowen naturally inherited the throne.

In life, many problems and difficulties are fake boulders. The key is whether we have the courage to try.

The road of life is the road of struggle. Without courage, you cannot move forward. Of course, courage is not blind resistance and adventure, making unnecessary sacrifices; Nor can it be understood that there is no social justice and legal norms just to talk about "fraternity".

True courage is always combined with wit, that is, courage and insight, courage and strategy.

If we want to have a brilliant life, a safe society, and a prosperous motherland, each of us should show some courage!

Writing Courage (5)

In those past years, whether it is harvesting flowers and applause for success, or mixed with pain and confusion for failure, it seems that they can not wake up the missing soul - an element called courage.

In my memory, there is always a picture: I stand up slowly after being called by the teacher, and answer questions with a soft voice. Then he was overwhelmed by the teacher's "inaudible!" and the students' overwhelming laughter. At that time, I, in the palm of my hand, always imperceptibly oozed tiny beads of sweat, and my facial expression was embarrassed and unnatural.

In fact, it's not that I don't know. I'm just too worried about the wrong answer and that so many people will say you are wrong. Worry led to that kind of caution, which eventually developed into the loss of the courage to speak out loud.

Alas, I am too stupid. Sometimes I know the answer is correct, but I don't have the courage to say it. However, it is because of this little courage that we have so many regrets and misses. I hope that in the future, I can give myself some courage and strengthen my belief. No matter what the result is, I will not shed tears of regret. Passing through those confused thoughts, lighting up the light group jumping in the dark, burning as the flame of courage, supporting their trust in themselves. Believe in yourself. Don't leave a regret in your life.

Having done something before, even if you have accumulated more regret and depression in your heart, it will not help. Then give yourself some courage to live bravely in the future that seems to be within your reach!

Writing Courage (6)

One word that I can follow all my life is courage, which turns into a shield and leads me through one hurdle after another.

"Courage" dripped into the long stream of time. Several times I was frustrated. I put fearlessness behind me and cowardice as the pioneer. Once, I was stuck in the mire of mathematics. How could I rack my brains, but I was full of confused numbers and symbols. The whole problem was almost full of doubts and incomprehension. The idea of giving up quietly sprouted, afraid of failure and fear of facing the ignorant "self" and "courage" Where to hide About? Is it behind the door of inferiority? Is it wandering in the footsteps? I found him, shining and shining in the light.

"Yong" defeated the number symbol, and "Yong" shut the fear into the backyard. Sometimes I have no confidence, sometimes I want to retreat, facing the test of entering a higher school, facing the uncertain future, I have a trace of helplessness and fear in my heart, but "courage" has resisted the fear, bravely stepped out every step, bravely chose my own direction, bravely defeated all those who were not brave, and the road ahead is still rough. I stand on tiptoe and try my best to look at the end of the road. Is it a gorgeous rainbow after turning? Or the rainy gloom? In the spirit of a word I can follow all my life - courage, I only know that I can sit down and watch the beautiful scenery with the colorful rainbow; With the continuous rain, I can hold up an umbrella called "Fearless" and continue to walk forward with brisk steps.

One word that I can follow all my life is courage. Hold the shield tightly and keep moving forward, leading to a future called "trust".

Writing Courage (7)

I often see others succeed, and suddenly I want to feel the joy of victory, but I don't know how to do it. When I was in class, I dared not raise my hand when I had the answer to the teacher's question; When I was in the office and faced the teacher, I was like a mouse meeting a cat. I was too scared to be myself

Maybe it's because of the failure of the monthly exam, maybe it's because my cousin is not afraid of the operation, maybe it's because my grandma's stubborn resistance to death, maybe it's because of more reasons that I have changed. I felt as if I had found the most beautiful shell on the beach. I began to be no longer afraid of raising my hand. I began to avoid injections. I began to speak boldly in front of the teacher. I began to understand what is called "courage". I began to slowly learn to accept myself. Now the school has a "student union". I'm a little hesitant. I want to go, but I don't want to go. I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with others. But then I changed my original intention because of my idea, and decided to summon up courage to face all this. I chose to try, and bravely chose to try once. Today, I looked at my cousin lying on the hospital bed and said in my heart: Zhang Xia, you have courage, and you are no worse than my little cousin

"I finally made this decision/how others... love really needs courage/to face rumors..." I love to listen to Liang Jingru's Courage. I often think what is courage? Courage is the earth, nourishes the green trees, is the bee, and spreads pollen.

I hope courage can follow me like time.

Writing Courage (8)

1: Courage

When it comes to the word "courage", we all have our own unique views. For example, some people think that courage is the courage to admit mistakes, while others say that courage is the courage to act responsibly. I think courage is the courage to point out the mistakes of others.

This was a day in the fourth grade when I was in class. This is a Chinese class. No one speaks in class because everyone respects the Chinese teacher very much. Another reason is that the Chinese teacher's lectures are very lively and interesting. So everyone listened with interest in class.

At this time, I suddenly found that the teacher had written a wrong word on the blackboard. This word is not very common, so no one finds it wrong, and I have seen it in books. I was about to raise my hand to tell the teacher the wrong word, but hesitated at the moment when I raised my hand. To put it bluntly, it affects the teacher's class; Don't tell me, it also affects students' learning. These two ideas began to fight in my mind.

In the end, the idea of not affecting students' learning reached the top. So I raised my hand. The teacher noticed that I raised my hand, smiled and said to me, "Shen Chenmin, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, the whole class looked at me. I stood up trembling, pointed to the wrong word on the blackboard and stammered, "Teacher, that word is wrong

Later, the teacher praised me in public, and everyone looked at me with envy. My heart is sweeter than honey!!!

2: Courage

Each of us needs courage. As long as we have courage, we can do everything well. As long as we have courage, we will succeed.

Once, the teacher gave us several questions before class ended, and I finished them in a short time. I looked up and looked around. Everyone was waving their pens. I thought: I will follow when someone goes up. Thinking, I pretended to write. But after waiting for three or four minutes, no one came up. I had no patience, so I had to summon up my courage and walked up slowly

Another time, I couldn't do a question and wanted to ask my classmates for fear that they would laugh at me and ask the teacher. Because I always think the teacher is very strict, but she often says, "Ask if you don't understand." How can I not even have the courage to ask if you don't understand? After thinking about it, I still chose to ask the teacher. Anyway, I would rather finish it sooner rather than later. Thinking of this, I finally got up the courage to walk to the office. When the teacher saw me bravely coming to ask questions, he was also very enthusiastic to teach me. He also carefully explained to me what I did not understand.

How valuable and important courage is! It is the cornerstone of the road to success, and it is the key to open the door of ideals. In the future, no matter what difficulties and setbacks I encounter, I must summon the courage to fight against them, so that I can open the door to success!

3: Courage

I once learned dancing and was always praised and appreciated by my teacher, but I gave up in one class.

At that time, the teacher asked us to stoop down, and I was afraid that I would fall down and I was afraid that I could not do it, so I always ran away. Whenever I saw others, it was easy to finish. I also want to have a try, but I don't have enough courage. In the deep of my heart, cowardice always puts down the pressure of courage. It seems that courage is being surrendered. It was because I lacked courage that I finally gave up.

In class, when the teacher asked a question, I knew the answer, but I didn't have the courage to raise my hand, afraid that I would make a mistake. Courage is always easy to be overwhelmed every day, making the willpower of courage weaker and weaker. In this way, timidity will always be my characteristic.

There is a famous saying that goes like this: If you are a coward, you are your own biggest enemy; But if you are brave, then you are your own biggest friend. Yes, you should have courage in everything you do. Even if you fail, you should have courage in doing things and speak out your ideas boldly, then you have succeeded.

In the future, I must muster the courage to do something. Even if I do it, it doesn't matter because: as long as I do it, I will be successful one day!

4: Courage

Courage is an indispensable thing for everyone on the road of life. Everyone needs him. He has heard such a story.

A young man was trudging on the road of life. When he arrived at a ferry, he had seven backpacks of "self-respect", "self-confidence", "self-reliance", "courage", "beauty", "money" and "honor". When the ferry reached the middle of the river, the wind was surging and danger was everywhere. Xiao Gong asked the young man to lose a backpack. The young man thought a little and threw "courage" into the water. Later, the young man lost everything because he lost one indispensable thing in his life: courage

Maybe many people will say that you can go on without courage, and yes, you can go on without courage. However, when you encounter any difficulties or setbacks, you need courage. Without him, you may not be able to cross the barriers and Taishan on the road of life

Everyone can use courage in his mother's belly. When you came out of your mother's belly, you used courage. Let you come to this colorful world

This is courage, which is indispensable to everyone - courage.

5: Courage

"The brave will win when they meet on a narrow road".

Everything needs full courage. Without courage, you can't overcome difficulties, and you can't succeed without courage. In our study and life; Courage is essential in work.

But I lacked courage.

If I had the courage to change my mother's mind and not drive the duckling away, perhaps it would not starve to death in the street.

If I have the courage to raise my hand to speak in class, many honors will not pass me by.

If I have the courage to stop my father, I will give a dollar coin to the old lady with white hair who is begging from passers-by, and let her eat a bowl of porridge to fill her stomach.

If I had the courage to risk confrontation with several wolves at that time to save the puppy, it might still have a chance to live, but I didn't. I stood there and watched for a long time, ten minutes...... Twenty minutes later, I kept picturing the fight in my heart. I thought how I was so cowardly that I could not save a puppy.

Without courage, people will feel sad. I will temper myself more and correct this shortcoming in the future.

We must muster up the courage to "rush" bravely on the road of life!

6: Courage, responsibility

As a person, you need to have the courage to take on the responsibility. This is a person who is worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of himself.

Now, I face such a thing. I once thought that I should summon up "courage", but I found that courage has many connotations!

Here's the thing. He studied at night and gambled with his classmates repeatedly, but he lost again and again. He didn't want to gamble at all. He read the book carefully, but he refused. I had to answer the question and say "I like you" to XX people who lost. To women, of course. Now my companions dare not. I can read at ease. Who knows to kill Cheng Yaojin? I had to gamble. Unfortunately, I lost the game. I was fooled by this. I was impulsive. It's not good not to go. It's even worse to go. Just sit quietly!

7: Gate of Courage

In life, there are many doors that we cannot see: the door of the soul, the door of the parents' feelings, the door of the literature palace... We seem to be locked in a secret room, surrounded by doors, and we must have everything in each door, but each door is tightly closed, the door of courage composition.

These doors are actually open, but they seem to be closed on the surface. One reason why many people didn't step into the door is that they lacked the action or courage to push, even knock, in person. Most of the time, we are often blinded by superficial phenomena, so many people take detours and lose many opportunities for success. They lack courage and the courage to open the door. Because they did not dare to open the door, they were trapped in the secret room all their lives, and were filled with admiration for success. They failed all day long, and finally ended in depression.

There are many kinds of courage. We need superhuman courage to deal with the enemy. It also requires great courage to stick to our own position in front of friends. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, when Harry, Ron and Hermione want to sneak out at night to stop Quirrell from stealing the Sorcerer's Stone, Neville bravely stands up and stops their actions, believing that they should no longer violate the school rules. Because of this, Neville won 10 crucial points for Gryffindor at the year-end banquet, which enabled Gryffindor to win the Academy Cup, breaking the myth that Slytherin has won the Academy Cup for seven consecutive years.

There are many doors in life waiting for us to open, and the key to open the door is courage. We should dare to open all kinds of doors in life. Many doors that seem to be closed are actually open. As long as you have the courage to break through, any door will be crossed.

8: The wind of courage grew stronger and stronger, and the wind blew yellow sand against a small tree, shaking it around. In the devil like yellow sand, you can vaguely see a blown spider web hanging among the branches, which also sways back and forth with the branches. Charlotte held a strong spider silk and took a cold breath: "God! Let the terrible wind stop quickly!" But the wind seemed to be trying to fight against him. Instead of stopping, a stronger wind blew, which made Charlotte, who was unprepared, come to a "flying spider in the air" and scared him to close his eyes.

A few days ago, at Charlotte's home, his mother said to him earnestly, "Charlotte, you are not too young, and it is time to go outside. Go, the outside world is big! Use the knowledge I taught you to create a home of your own!" "Don't worry, I will take care of myself!" Charlotte walked to the door, turned around, and said with tears in her eyes, "Goodbye!" So in the morning, Charlotte came to the small tree and began to weave a web. Unexpectedly, it was a bad start. When the net was half woven, a strong wind blew and the first scene appeared. Gradually, the wind stopped and the sky cleared up, with several white clouds floating in the air. Charlotte shook the dust on her body and began to weave the net again. He climbed to the highest branch first, spit out a thick and strong spider silk, pulled it to the lower branch, and then spit out a silk that was the same as the previous one, "whoosh" jumped to the opposite branch to form a cross skeleton, and then he spit out a strong spider silk, fixed himself on the branch, and weaved along the skeleton circle by circle. In this way, Charlotte kept weaving and weaving. Seeing that she was about to succeed, suddenly dark clouds were thick, thunder and lightning flashed, and big raindrops accompanied by the wind hit Charlotte. Charlotte had to hide under the branches and watched her hard woven net torn by wind and rain. The small tree was bent by the rain like a sword, and its head hung limply. Charlotte looked at the small tree and her broken spider web. She was very distressed. His tears involuntarily flowed down, thinking: Alas! How unlucky I am! I would have stopped weaving if I knew it would be like this, which made me waste so much effort. Or... I'll stop knitting, so I won't waste any more effort. Charlotte hesitated because a belief flashed in his heart. "Yes! The sun always comes after the rain!" Charlotte shouted, "I must be strong, because only after the rain can I see the brightest sun!" After a while, the storm stopped, and the little figure on the tree began to be busy again. The sunset in the sky is reflected on the spider silk, reflecting colorful light.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone out of the horizon, a new and beautiful big net appeared on the small tree. The glistening dewdrops hung on it like a beautiful pearl necklace, which looked more beautiful against the golden sun.

Writing Courage (9)

Courage is a great asset in the unknown life path. On the way of life, you may encounter many no return roads, which will make you panic, but at this time, you should take courage as a weapon to face difficulties

I vaguely remember that time, I went to play and walked with my friend. Suddenly, my friend accidentally stepped on the dog's tail. Suddenly, the dog roared at me and ran towards us! "Ah --" we both shouted and ran quickly. I thought to myself: this is over, how can our two legs run better than the four legs of a dog? We must not escape from the dog's jaws!

Gradually, I was unable to do what I wanted, and my feet gradually bent down involuntarily. "Ah -" I fell to the ground. At this moment, I feel the cool air coming from my back and the cold sweat falling on my back all the time. My face is stretched like a hard bread, and my lips are white. I swallowed saliva and kept looking sideways: "Dog! Has the dog come? Mom! If you come to save me, I promise that I will listen to you all the time, like a slave; I promise to study hard in the future... Mom! Help!" I cried hysterically in my heart. But what's the use? At this time, my friend reached out to help me. He said, "Hung Jie! Get up quickly!" But the wound seemed to have a grudge against me and began to hurt. I always want to stand up, but I still can't stand up because my heart is weak and my strength is weak!

At this time, the dog came after him, his mouth was wide open and his eyes were angry. All the hairs on its body were stretched, like a devil. My heart drummed, my feet softened immediately, and I forgot the pain. "What! What should I do?" I asked my friend. The friend said, "Did you see that there was a stone and it hit the dog?" I looked at the position of the stone. It was 2 meters long. I saw that we had not found it before the dog bit us.

The more dangerous a person is, the more he can stimulate his potential. I looked around again. There was a stick. I don't know whether to take it or not. My palms are full of sweat. I don't know whether I can afford the stick. At this time, a voice suddenly came out of my heart: "Hongjie! You should have courage. You can't be timid in everything. You should follow your heart!" "This! It's my father's voice. I swallowed my saliva and picked up the stick. I think the stick now seems to give me strength. That dog

Writing Courage (10)

The residual willow swayed unintentionally, the setting sun gave out a devastating afterglow, and the cruel autumn wind mercilessly shook my tearful face

Why? Why? Are the weak born to be excluded and oppressed by others? I'm unwilling, I'm not convinced! But what can we do? Now everything proves that I am a laggard and doomed to be looked down upon! My mood fell into the abyss! The words "weak", "coward", "failure" and "helpless" are so weight-bearing that my head can no longer be lifted. My head is getting heavier and heavier, and my steps are getting heavier and heavier. I can't move my feet any more, nor can I move! Standing on the old bridge at the village head, I am disheveled in this bun, staring at the setting sun blankly

Inadvertently, I found a grass at the end of the bridge. I was attracted by her still green clothes. I approached her and gently touched her tender leaves. How could she be here? The late autumn has arrived, and the flowers and beautiful grass have already passed away. In addition to some dead branches and leaves, there are only dead leaves and dead branches around her! She grew up alone, facing the cold wind of autumn, fearing the solitude of her own life! She is growing like this

Maybe this is a grass that has been eliminated. That's what I thought at first. I looked at her carefully again: she was not tall, but she was stubborn at heart; Her shape is not strange, but there is an intoxicating fragrance in her stem. The afterglow of the setting sun now shines on her leaves and on my face. Her leaves try their best to shine out of my most dazzling glory through the sun, come into my eyes, pass through my mind, and burn in my heart. no no She is not a knockout, she is a brave person, she is a wise person... She has sustained her appearance with her own strength, overcome setbacks with her own strength, and stood proudly in the cold wind. I was suddenly enlightened, such as breaking through the clouds and seeing the sun that I had not seen for a long time. At this moment, I stepped onto a new stage and found my own position.

The setting sun is still the setting sun, but it is a bit more gentle; The remnant willow is still the remnant willow, but it is more angry; The autumn wind is still the autumn wind, but it has gained more

No matter what difficulties and setbacks I encounter, I will face them bravely, because I understand the spirit of "grass". She told me: "Get up where you fall. Sunshine always comes after rain!" The sun is new every day, and I can!

Writing Courage (11)

Courage is the first element of all successful people. In the face of difficulties, if you don't have the courage to try to overcome it, then you will always turn around in front of difficulties. Step by step towards failure, success will become more and more alienated from you, and will not achieve their lofty goals and ideals. However, the goal will become the eternal goal, the lofty ideal will become an empty dream because you have no courage, and success will naturally become unspeakable empty words.

Now I'm taking Chinese medicine. When I first faced a bowl full of black water medicine, I could not help but shrink back. It was hard to drink with a bowl full of medicine, because I knew it was bitter and I could not bear it, so I really did not have the courage to drink it. At that time, my mother was also watching me drink medicine. She said to me a sentence that I remember in my heart: "Good medicine is bitter for illness, and advice is harsh for action." She also said: "A man is a man, how can he be frightened by taking medicine." I also thought: I am a man. When I grow up, I want to build a career, but also to build our great motherland. How can you be so cowardly in front of such a small matter?

So inspired by my mother, I finally closed my eyes, held my breath, mustered up courage, endured hardship, and drank the medicine in one breath. Mother praised me. My heart is very happy, because I can successfully drink the medicine because I have courage, because I have great ambitions and goals. I should have the courage to try to do every difficult thing in the world and overcome all difficulties in life.

In the long road of life, how many things need us to try and how many difficulties need us to overcome. Drinking medicine is just a small part of it.

In this vast world, where can we not need courage? Who doesn't need courage. In retrospect, if the Red Army soldiers of the 25000 li Long March were frightened by every difficulty, they would have no courage to fight the enemy to death on the battlefield. Then will we have today's happy life? No, I dare not even think about it. So courage is of great importance to soldiers. It is related to the rise and fall of the motherland.

When we students have no courage to face difficulties and difficult problems in learning, will students' learning be better? Will the future be strong? No, because the young people who are "strong when they are young" cannot learn well, the motherland will certainly decline in our hands, so courage is very important for us.

All these examples show how important courage is to each of us. Therefore, we must exercise ourselves and refine our extraordinary courage in our daily life. Try to do some difficult things that you think you can't do, and try to overcome some problems in life. He is Chen Wei, a courageous and ambitious communist builder.

Writing Courage (12)

Courage is the spirit of daring and fearless.

In study, life, many times, many things, all need courage. Answering questions in class, making speeches on the podium, taking responsibility, taking the initiative to admit mistakes, and challenging your own limits all require courage as a backing.

In primary school, I always lacked a kind of courage. In class, I didn't dare to actively answer the teacher's questions or speak on the stage. In the eyes of the teacher, I was an introverted student. With the improvement of grade and knowledge, I am gradually overcoming my shortcomings.

In a comprehensive practice activity in the second semester of Grade 5, the teacher selected several student representatives to report on their comprehensive practice activities. According to the report and implementation, the awards will be selected. Teachers, parents' representatives and students will be graded as judges below.

It's my first time to report and perform on the stage, so I'm inevitably nervous. I was the fifth one to come to the stage. When I saw the first few students in the report, some did not speak fluently, and some PPT failed, my heart became more nervous. Next, it was my turn to take the stage. I kept reminding myself in my heart that I must be able to do it. I carried out the practice activities in a solid way. I learned the speech by heart, and I demonstrated the PPT in advance. There was nothing difficult for me. It's my turn to step onto the stage. I walked up to the podium with confidence and head held high. Looking at the eyes of the teachers, parents and classmates who trusted me, I was emboldened. The opening remarks, PPT presentations, and closing remarks thanked me. The whole process was calm, loud, and clear. The judges gave me praise. The final evaluation result was announced, and I was awarded the first prize. The teacher commented on me, saying that my performance was beyond his expectations, and that my future development would have great potential.

Through this event, I understand that we should have courage in everything, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of setbacks. I will face learning and life with twelve points of courage and constantly surpass myself. As the Analects of Confucius wrote, "The brave are not afraid.".

Writing Courage (13)

At the age of 15, I thought my world was black, but because of your presence, it became black and white.

At least, it has always been accompanied by the idea of suicide, but never put it into practice

At the age of seventeen, I was about to take the high school entrance exam, and I was afraid. "Father" said that I could not study if I had not been admitted to a key high school. At that time, I was afraid. Just because of you, I'm not so sure. I'm in a big mess

When I entered high school, I nearly suffocated due to all kinds of maladjustment, learning pressure, and... all kinds of pressure. Fortunately, you gave me a chance to breathe

At the age of 18, I secretly quit school without telling you, but I dare not tell you all the time for fear that you will be disappointed

Later, when I told you, you were still calm... I thought you would scold me, but you said it was okay. You said I was an adult and should try to decide something by myself. You also said that not everyone can make such a decision, after all, it takes a lot of courage

You said that when I took that step, it proved that "I really grew up"

But you don't know, I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't dare to decide until... Later, I was afraid that I didn't have the courage, so I blocked the way and filled in the "drop out" instead of "drop out"

I have just worked for less than a year since I was 19 years old. I am so sad to tell you that I seem to have missed my third opportunity. This time, I managed to win it through a supervisor interview, but I seem to have messed it up again

You are still calm, I said I can't be calm like you

But you said that after we missed it, what we can do is to face it calmly, work harder to enrich ourselves, and always meet the next opportunity

I don't know when I can learn it. You are calm and calm... Maybe you can't learn it

I, perhaps, am the one who disappoints you most

Writing Courage (14)

Life is a long road. Books accompany me on the road of life, and I have become a pair of inseparable good friends with them.

As a child, I was very obsessed with Andersen's fairy tales, which brought me to the wonderful fairy tale world. It made me curious about the world and felt the charm of life with a warm heart.

Since I was in primary school, when I opened the book You Don't Know Me, I always read it again and again. Just like a grass greedily sucking the warmth brought to me by the sun father-in-law.

The main character in the article is Li Yuan, who is a "postdoctoral" and the only girl in her family. Her brother is an extremely boring homestead man and a learning genius; The younger brother is a prodigy, extremely resourceful and bold, and is also loved by his parents. Li Yuan is young, but it has to bear all the housework responsibilities, which can be described as the "little maid incarnation". Time flies. She secretly likes a male classmate at work, but her father scolds her severely when he knows. The tragic Li Yuan was very disappointed. She accidentally learned the reason why her brother dropped out of school and why his brother played truant. She also found her amazing life experience. Finally, she got up the courage to tell her brother and brother what she had experienced, saying that she was sometimes laughed at and ridiculed by her classmates at school, and suffered wrongs at home, but she never gave up her life and study. Finally, brother and brother were deeply moved by Li Yuan. It was this action that changed her "status" in the family, from "little maid" to "Fu girl" shrouded in "love god" and "house god".

From Li Yuan, I learned that we should not lose our temper and act calmly. Only by respecting others can we be respected by others. I also need to know how to share my mother's worries and do housework within my power, although I can't take on all the housework and serve everyone like a "little maid". But I can also beat my back for my mother; Pour water for Dad; Explain the homework for my brother, let my parents always wear sweet smiles on their faces, and make my family more happy!

I think that no matter how many difficulties I will encounter in life in the future, as long as I face them bravely, do not bow to difficulties, and do not admit defeat, one day I will step by step towards success.

Writing Courage (15)

I am an introverted girl. I never speak in class, never say hello to my elders, never play with my classmates, so I have formed the habit of not talking.

In junior high school life, I have always been independent, going to school by myself, and going back after school by myself. One day, my classmate from the next class pulled me home from school. She was a cheerful girl. She talked a lot on the way home from school, but I only replied, "Oh, yeah." As we walked, we came to the bus station.

I saw a worker who accidentally dropped a 0 when taking money. 5 yuan. I called Xiaoyu: "You see that uncle lost his money. You should tell him." Xiaoyu didn't say, but asked me to go. I see it's just a small zero. At 5 yuan, he said, "Stop barking!" Xiaoyu said, "How can you do that? It's only 0.5 yuan for you. Look at the worker." I saw him wearing dirty clothes, tall, thin and black. Must be very poor! I suddenly knew that I was wrong. I was a little ashamed, so I tried to go to the workers, but I returned. I said to Xiaoyu: "Sorry, I dare not shout." Xiaoyu encouraged me to say: "Nothing ', don't be afraid, you are doing a good job." But I still dare not take the first step. I stood there for a few minutes. I didn't know what courage made me so bold. I walked up to my uncle, patted him gently on the shoulder and said, "Uncle, you lost your money." I felt the air congealed instantly. My uncle lowered his head and picked up 0. At 5 yuan, I said, "Thank you." I felt very successful. The passers-by seemed to give me approving glances. When I came just now, I went up with Xiaoyu, and I saw an old woman who had no place to sit. At this time, I didn't hesitate any more, and helped her to sit here. Grandma also hurriedly said, "Thank you." Xiaoyu also said to me happily, "You are good." I was praised by many people and felt full of positive energy. I walked home happily step by step. When I entered the door, I waved to my parents and said hello to my grandparents. I could not do these things before. Since then, I have been as cheerful and optimistic as Xiaoyu.

After that, I often have great courage to speak actively in class, say hello to elders, and help strangers. I learned the importance of courage.

Get up the courage and stride forward. Actually, everyone can do it. As long as you believe you can do it, nothing is impossible.

Writing Courage (16)

There was a boy named Mingming. He was very, very timid. He was afraid of darkness and heights. People would be frightened if they rolled their eyes, even by his own shadow. Once, when he took a walk near the field, the moonlight was silver and sprinkled on the leaves like a silver carpet. There was no breeze in the field. It was very quiet. The leaves stopped shaking, and the insects and frogs stopped barking. Suddenly, Mingming saw a black thing standing in the field, and he screamed: "Ah! There is a monster, help!" He said and ran away. This cry broke the silence, the branches and grass began to shake, and the birds flew away in panic. In fact, that black thing is just a scarecrow. Are you a coward?

Of course, this story starts from here. He ran and saw a bird still standing quietly. He stopped and asked in surprise: "Are you not afraid?" The bird did not answer. He clearly thought that the bird was mysterious. He remembered that he was timid, and asked: "Do you know how to find courage, bird?" The bird said: "I can't, but my friend can. Do you know where my friend is? My friend is far away from here. He needs to cross a mountain, a river, and a forest to get there. " Mingming readily agreed. Then they set off.

When crossing the mountain, the bird's wing was injured. Mingming helped it bandage the wound and carry it away.

When crossing the river, the bird accidentally fell off the boat because its wings were injured and it could not fly. Mingming hurriedly saved it

When crossing the forest, the bird rested under the shadow of a small tree, which was very fragile. The tree fell when a gust of wind blew. Fortunately, Mingming rushed to protect the bird in time, but at the same time, Mingming was also injured.

Finally, they came to a small wooden house and walked in. Suddenly, the bird became a fairy. Mingming was surprised and couldn't close his mouth: "You...... You are......" The immortal smiled: "In fact, I was originally a fairy. A witch turned me into a bird and said to me: 'As long as you can come back with a human, you can remove the magic.' Well, after that, I will send you back." "No! You haven't given me courage yet!" "In fact, you have the courage. When you helped me, you proved your kindness, and the courage went into your body." The immortal said, and clearly found himself in his own yard.

Since then, Mingming has never been timid again.

Writing Courage (17)

It is not a grand event that requires courage, but it also contains courage in everyday little things.

What is courage? Devoting oneself to the truth is courage; To challenge fate is courage; It is courage to dare to declare war on the dark

In fact, courage is reflected in many places. Anything in daily life requires courage. It takes courage to admit mistakes frankly; It takes courage to give advice to the elders; It takes courage to recommend yourself; It takes courage to complete the task assigned by the teacher alone

Xunzi believes that there are four kinds of courage: the courage of pigs and dogs, the courage of businessmen and thieves, the courage of villains, and the courage of gentlemen. However, all "courage" does not mean the courage of men. True courage is the strength of spirit, personality and wisdom.

Having read such a story, I was deeply inspired:

A young man went across mountains and rivers to find courage. It took him three months to find the place of the wise man. He went to the door. The wise man rejected him because it was too late. The next morning, he went to the door again. The wise man rejected him because it was too early. On the third, fourth and fifth days, when young people came to the door, the wise man rejected him for different reasons. On the sixth day, the young man came to the door again, but the wise man still rejected him. The young man was angry and shouted: "Every time I come, you push three or four, when can I find courage?" Then he kicked the wise men away and rushed into the room. Pointing at the smiling face and looking at the angry young man, he said, "No, you have found courage!"

It turns out that courage is the courage to act. The biggest difference between success and failure does not lie in the strength of intelligence and ability, but in whether you believe in yourself, dare to take risks, dare to take decisive action on your own judgment, and dare to show yourself!

Open your courage, open your wings, you can touch the sky, touch success!

Writing Courage (18)

There is a story about a lion and a tiger seeing the same piece of meat at the same time, but turning away at the same time, for the same reason: the lion is not sure to defeat the tiger, and the tiger is not sure to defeat the lion. In fact, the tiger and the lion are evenly matched. In this case, it is courage that decides the victory or defeat. As long as you muster up courage, you can overwhelm the other party in momentum, so as to defeat the other party and eat the meat that makes you want to drop!

The same is true in life. Difficulties are like springs. When you are strong, they are weak, and when you are weak, they are strong. The contrast between strength and weakness does not mean strength, but the contest of hearts, the burst of courage, and the contest of courage. The importance of courage is self-evident. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said: "Courage is the most important trait of human beings. If we have courage, we will have other traits of human beings."

Courage comes from confidence. Whenever the speaker confidently walks to the podium, on the one hand, he must have the courage to face the audience's expectations, and must also have the courage to face the success or failure that will follow. On the other hand, he must have the courage to show his outstanding skills and use his true feelings to infect the audience, win the audience and defeat other opponents.

Courage does not mean blind obedience. A German officer and an American officer ordered their soldiers to make a very amazing move, climbing the flagpole and jumping into the sea. The two officers looked at another Chinese officer triumphantly. The Chinese officer called his sailor and gave the same order, but the Chinese sailor did not execute it. Instead, he asked angrily, "What?! You let me do such a thing! It's ridiculous!" This remark made the other two officers gape, The Chinese officer proudly said, "Look, gentlemen, this is the real courage. A truly brave person will not listen to authority without principles and without thinking.

Courage is the firm will of the ancient Greek heroes when they swam across the strait; Courage is the fearless fighting spirit of the gladiators in ancient Rome when they fight with beasts; Courage is the unyielding belief of the Moscow people who have been besieged for three years

As a brave man, Churchill said: "You must act with all your strength like a real brave man, and then your fear will be replaced by courage." Courage brings you strength, makes you have a tiger in your heart, dare to face challenges, and become more and more brave.