About the World (16 in total)
Plain white skirt
2023-12-02 05:49:11
describe the scenery

About the World (1)

Open the happy border and look up at his face. Suddenly, the smell of spring and the fragrance of flowers spread all over the world.


I thought my father was the best father in the world, but I never thought so before that early spring.

How many times have I cried out of my dreams, held my mother's hand tightly, opened my eyes, and wanted to see the boundless darkness, but could not resist the injustice in my heart.

Noah's big room, only me and my mother.

"Don't you go home again?" "Busy!" "Alas..." "Dudu..." This is the most common conversation on my phone in those days. It's the same. I'm not even bothered to call him "Dad".

He is busy again. He often doesn't go home at night. Every time I put down the phone, everyone would be unable to stop dripping, and what I did most was just secretly wiping tears off my face with my mother's back.

But that night changed everything.

I was awakened by the sound of opening the door. Listening to the sound, I guessed it was him. I was a little surprised, but I was still angry and didn't open my eyes.

I used to wait for you to come home in the middle of the night with a certificate of merit, but now

I won't be so silly.

"Daughter, Dad knows you are awake." His hoarse voice came from his ear. I frowned in surprise, but still stubbornly ignored him. "Dad has wronged you. Dad can't afford to buy a computer. In two days, we can buy it. Dad will be not busy and will come back to accompany you..."

I listened to a man in his forties sobbing at the head of my bed, holding back the tears that would flow out. Just endure, endure, until you hear the sound of a light knock on the door.

At that moment, the memory surged up like a tide. "Dad, everyone else has a computer at home, so let's buy one..." I vaguely remember that I said such casual words while sitting behind him, eating melon seeds.

It turned out that he was for this, and my father was just for his daughter's words

I can't hold back my tears any longer and let them flow down wantonly. At that moment, I finally understood everything, my father's love, his pains, and my father was the most competent father in the world!

At that moment, I heard the sound of flowers blooming. The fragrance spread all over the world. The smell of spring licked all the unhappiness in the past. The dark clouds cleared away, leaving only the gentle sun blooming with bright smiling faces.

At that moment, my world was in full bloom!

About the World (2)

Chapter One

We are in a sound world, playing music from morning to night: soft, loud, light... never stop.

As soon as I left the house, I was greeted by the clear singing of birds. With the sound of wind caressing the leaves, the yard looked very quiet and refreshing. Once on the street, it is quite different. There are noises everywhere: cars leave a beeping sound all the way; The braking sound of the electric car hovers in my ears from time to time; Pedestrians step on the road and make a clatter, and the bus whine is brewing in the air

In the breakfast restaurant, there are shouts of guests, voices of parents, and rumbling of cooking. Some people in the crowd are talking and laughing loudly. In the school, some are noisy and laughing. Morning, so lively!

In the morning, everything quieted down. Lang Lang read a book from the school, and the sound of tapping the keyboard came from the company. The street was peaceful... At noon, it seemed that the world had changed again, and he became more noisy. The beautiful girls in the city wore high-heeled shoes, and walked on the street, kicking and kicking, and a group of disciples followed the sound of slapping at their feet, Hurrying to the restaurant. The air was filled with noise. The sun is baking the earth, and cicadas can't help singing "cicadas, cicadas". What a harmonious scene!

In the afternoon, was there a sound of "clattering, clattering" on the school playground? The cleaning workers played beautiful music with brooms. The falling leaves danced in the air while singing rusty music. In the park, several wild cats also sang, and the camera in someone's hand kept ringing. In the amusement park, there are various mechanical sounds and childish voices. On the square, soft music is played lightly. The afternoon is full of vitality.

When night fell, the peddlers cried, the insects were playing "Moonlight Song", and the footsteps of everyone came out of the park. The birds were stunned and chirped, the wind also held its breath, and the river quietly fell asleep. At the beginning of the night, it was silent. Later in the night, snoring came from the residential buildings, and the night stalls were full of noise. Everyone's face was full of happy smiling faces.

A day goes by like this, and the voice in life changes from one place to another, light, loud, light, loud... The sound world is really not simple!

Chapter 2

Sound is the enjoyment of the beauty of the world, and the natural sound can make people intoxicated. I concentrate on listening to the natural sound, to appreciate the wonderful sounds of nature.

Boom, boom, the sound of thunder is like a drum band playing in the sky. When it rains, the beautiful sound of "tick, tick" always brings back people's beautiful memories. In this world full of perfect rhymes, I was intoxicated.

Sitting under a big tree, the trees can always sing "rustling" when the fresh wind blows. Each leaf has its own unique voice, as if a large orchestra is singing for you alone. The sound will come to your mind. You just need to close your eyes and listen carefully, and you can unconsciously drive away the worries in your heart, and no longer feel insignificant.

The sound of the cooks when cooking is even more strange. "Dong Dong..." This is the prelude to the performance of the cooks. The best cooperation between the pot and the shovel is nothing more than that. These sounds are like the ringing of the bell. When the food is cooked, the music will end.

The musician among insects - cicadas, their playing is absolutely without doubt, and the sound can be called first-class. In the scorching sun, musicians were "creaking, creaking" under the shade of trees, which made people itch and wanted to use musical instruments to play a song with insects.

Applause is the understanding, respect and encouragement that every city needs; Applause is a kind of voice that makes people feel balanced in their hearts. It is always so popular. When someone is misunderstood, give her your heartfelt applause, which is the applause of understanding; When others are satirized and bullied, give her civilized applause, which is respectful applause; When others encounter setbacks, give her the most intense and lively applause, which is encouraging applause.

Sound can purify people's hearts, and more beautiful music can remind people of beautiful times. If the world loses sound, people's hearts cannot be enriched.

About the World (3)

Ordinary is the essence of life. Some people pursue honor and status all their life. In their world, they hate the ordinary, and they want to pursue the high life. But in fact, as Zhang Ruimin said, it is not simple to do every simple thing well, and it is extraordinary to do every ordinary thing well. This is the truth in The Ordinary World

"Ordinary World" is a great masterpiece, which explains the ordinary and suffering for us, and explains the true meaning of life. On the plateau with ravines, there are a group of ordinary people like loess. They interpreted scenes of life and death, joys and sorrows. Or comedy, or tragedy. In this book, there is no gorgeous language, no thrilling plot, and no earth shaking pictures. Some are just ordinary people, ordinary life.

Sun Shao'an, a person who is passionate about life. He loved his family deeply, not only supporting them with a bleak scene, but also taking on the emotional dependence of his family everywhere. In my heart, he is the guardian of benevolence. He transcended the selfishness of farmers and knew how to think of others. It is this simple spirit that makes him shine with extraordinary brilliance in the ordinary.

Sun Shaoping is an aggressive young man who dares to fight for success. Although he was born in the countryside and studied hard, he was still positive and full of hope for life. This novel depicts his experience of study, growth, struggle and maturity. The author recorded an era in the way of historians. From this point of view, one sand, one world. A person is not only a society, but also a microcosm of an era. Because of this, we can see an ordinary world from an ordinary youth.

This is really a very ordinary work. Really? It's too ordinary. It makes me feel that these people seem to live beside me. Every time I read this book, I seem to have a spiritual dialogue with the characters in the book. Mr. Lu Yao wrote: Xiaoxia was taken to the sea by the flood and turned into the daughter of the sea, smiling in the sky. yes! Xiaoxia died, and I heard the voice of heartbreak. What a beautiful person, a great girl who has a prominent position but loves desperately. She died bravely in an interview. Her agreement with Shaoping has not yet been fulfilled. When I read this, I seemed to hear Shaoping's heartbreaking voice. Life, why are you so cruel?

However, the book ended in my reluctant heart. At the end of the moment I was very calm, not too much regret or joy. It is true that everything is dull and over. But the dull ending contains the longing and pursuit for the future. The vast earth, the masses of people, the ordinary world, the extraordinary people.

About the World (4)

Buddha said: One flower, one spring and autumn, one leaf, one bodhi. The cold wind suddenly brings the haze, and the hazy mist clouds the brown dream, gently as if afraid of waking the dream lover.

Vaguely, I saw you standing in front of me. With a sad face, deep eyes staring at me under deep frowns. You don't say anything, so my eyes are hazy.

I don't know whether my persistence is irredeemable and unrepentant? Is the castle that you think is indestructible a beautiful mirage in the desert?

Maybe that's what love is all about, isn't it? One look, one word, love without looking back; It only takes a moment, everything has become eternal

I am a fish from the Arctic. I even sleep with my eyes open, afraid that you will disappear when I wake up. You smiled and held my trembling hand. The temperature of the warm palm made me warm.

In this way, you can nestle quietly in your arms, and the breath of spring is coming. I looked at you tenderly without blinking for a moment. While half of you are in front of me, the other half is in my dream. As the sun shines through the leaves of plane trees and scatters spots on my world, which are clearly visible but can not be mastered

I know I am a fool of love, so silly to guard you. The words bred by missing are in full bloom with tender and slightly sad flowers. And your peace and happiness is the sunshine, which gives the flowers a trace of delicate and beautiful breath.

Heart is the harbor of love. During the difficult journey, I accumulated many feelings and remembered unforgettable moments. Love once stopped here to explain a dying verse. Now, the past is like transparent water. Luck and misfortune are self aware.

I treasure my missing for you in the distance, in the seasonal fragmentary wind. So let my heart, lost in your city. The beauty passing by is enough for me to reflect on my life. Let me treasure my love for you in the deep memory, ok?

Even if everything is just a dream. In the end, I will still be alone. Reluctant to die for love. Watching helplessly, watching the feeling slowly wither. And love has not withered yet. Fang Ming: One love, one wind flower, one love, one snow moon

About the World (5)

I know her, my world is colorful!

Moonlight, or a candle, or a cup of light tea...... The wind gently turns the pages, can not help but tremble. Read the splendid literary scroll at all times and in all over the world, and the scroll is full of a deep love word; Read the world's myriad weather, myriad kinds of customs of the paper pages, the pages are inlaid with the vivid smile.

Apricot Blossoms Soak in Rain and Look Far into the River

A burst of spring rain gently caressed the elegant apricot flowers, and they danced in the drizzle, opening as intoxicating. The slanting wind, the thin rain, bit by bit fell on the eaves, wrapped in my heart, that step will have a little hesitation. Youth is infinite, but I hesitate

At this time, the book told me: "Black hair does not know how to study early, white head square regret reading late."

Clear lotus blossoms and smiles

The afternoon of the holiday is not so leisurely. As a result, the loneliness of the sky and the earth hit, deeply, like a lotus blooming, sometimes wandering, sometimes melancholy, sometimes indifferent.

At this moment, the book encouraged me: "Sometimes I will fly the cloud sail to help the sea."

People in the empty mountain fall in sweet osmanthus

In this late autumn night, the falling osmanthus rain awakens me from my dream. Looking at the fragrant fruits and touching the plump luggage beside me, I can't help feeling happy.

At this moment, the book reminded me: "The road is long, and I will search up and down."

A bottle of cold water counts plum trees

Wang Anshi, a poet of the Song Dynasty, used his wonderful ideas to pick up the fragrance of wintersweet, making people feel the warmth of winter. Looking at the world wrapped in snow, I watched the plum blossom in the corner, and my heart could not help jumping with it. It was a new baptism. Plums are flowers, snowflakes are flowers; Smiles are flowers, tears are flowers. Every moment of life, every step of the way, is a gorgeous flower.

When intoxicated, the book warned me: "Without some bone chilling cold, there is no fragrant plum blossom."

You are a mystery, you can see the beginning, but you can't guess the end; You are wintersweet, whose flowers wither and bloom, inspiring me everywhere; You are a good teacher. You can sweep away my ignorance and leave your heart touched.

Because of you, life becomes wonderful!

About the World (6)

The withered and yellow leaves are withering. It is late autumn. The days when flowers are blooming are no longer here. In the youth, we are at a loss.

The hair bun between the eyebrows is suddenly white, the years are unforgiving, and the youth is infinite. A lonely boat ripples quietly on the river. The lonely people are still lonely, the drizzle is falling, the warm current in the air has become cold, the cool wind is slightly blowing on the beautiful face, but the heart cannot bear to shiver. How cold it is! A voice came from the youth's mouth, and the warm breath suddenly turned into cold.

Flowers are quietly attracting me. I am afraid of the cold. I am walking on the road with leaves rustling. Wild flowers and grass on both sides of the road are becoming yellow and withered, which makes me feel pity. What is time? His face gradually turned from childish to old, and his vitality gradually weakened. Finally, a little bit dissipated between heaven and earth, as if it had never been here before.

What is time?

I not only ask myself, what's wrong with me? Why did I feel powerless, as if I could not grasp everything, even my own life.

The breeze is blowing, and the leaves are fluttering, as light as butterflies, as graceful as moths, with thousands of postures. Thousands of fallen leaves, not anxious, not irritable, freely.

A withered and yellow leaf fell in front of my eyes. I gently extended my hand and let the leaf fall between my palms. My fingers gently grasped the neck of the leaf and put it in front of my eyes. I examined it for a long time, but the cold heart was trembling. Is this the merciless life? Not aware.

I walked into the smoke filled forest alone, and a trace of fresh cool air rushed forward, refreshing, refreshing, relaxed and happy. I looked up at the tall and big old trees. I didn't feel pity for them. There was no doubt who made them old. Their makeup was gradually lost. There was no doubt that it was time and years

After a long time, I still don't understand the true meaning of time, but I don't think about it anymore. May the remaining years live up to the old.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one withering glory.

The setting sun is like snow. Time passes through spring and autumn.

If you read the memory of old people, you should cherish the old people.

Also like the first person, reincarnation will never stop.

About the World (7)

The future world is very beautiful. With the progress of science and technology, everything has changed greatly. In the school, security guards are replaced by robots, who can orderly maintain the order of the campus; The playground has various functions and is ever-changing. As long as you press the button lightly, it can change the scene, sometimes turning into a playground, sometimes turning into a beautiful beach, and becoming a paradise for children.

The future world is very beautiful. The future home does not have to be built on land. It can be hung on high branches, making you feel as if you are in a beautiful forest; It can be built on the clear water surface, and can swim in the water at any time; It can also be suspended in the beautiful sky, allowing you to see the beautiful city under the sky. The future home is not made of wood, nor of cement and steel, but of environmentally friendly materials, which are comfortable and healthy.

The future world is very beautiful. The means of transportation are very advanced. A car not only has wheels, but also has wings and turbines. It can fly in the sky and swim in the water. It can go wherever it wants. The 'functions' of cars are more diverse, fast if you want, slow if you want, stop if you want, and change if you want. There is a pipe like a vacuum cleaner installed at the back of the car. Once the car starts, the pipe "starts". It can not only absorb the harmful gas discharged from the car, but also clean the residual dust on the ground. At that time, sanitation workers were no longer needed to maintain the city's health.

The future world is very beautiful.

About the World (8)

Ten years later, one day, I wore a diving suit and went into the water. I could not help sighing: "What a beautiful ocean world!" It was like a myth that people on earth had never painted.

I tried to swim deep into the sea. Suddenly, two great white sharks came to me. I felt that I was dying. Suddenly, eight dolphins swam to me. One of them dragged me out of the middle of the shark and carried me on his back. I felt his skin, which was as smooth as glass. I firmly grasped his back for fear of falling to the bottom of the sea. But I slipped and sat on a big object. I opened my eyes and looked around carefully. I saw that I was sitting on the back of the blue whale. Now I can relax a little, because the back of the blue whale is a little larger. When I opened my arms and prepared to lie back, I found that the silver below was shining. It turned out that there were pearls and corals. I jumped happily. Just as I was getting ready to take the clam shell, a parrotfish bit the clam shell and swallowed it. I had no choice but to take back the red, white, blue, yellow and other colors of coral. I whistled and several turtles came, which were bigger than I thought. I sit on its hard shell, ride it, I can go home. On the way, I also saw that a group of small fish formed a "big shark", and the other big shark had no choice but to escape! Later, a lot of puffers came. They surrounded me and the turtles, which made me shrink back and forth in fear of being stabbed.

The underwater world is so interesting! Next time I have a chance, I will look for the Sea King Palace.

About the World (9)

Once, I dreamed about the future world in my dream. In the future world, there is a very soft rubber pad around the car, which can be used for both walking on the road and driving on water. This kind of car is very safe, even if there is an accident, it will not be injured. Because there are very soft rubber pads around it, even if it hits people, it will not cause an accident.

And the police of the future. Don't underestimate him. He is a highly intelligent robot. Any organ of his body is hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of times higher than that of human beings. They can fly in the air like robots. Their speed is faster than rockets, and they are the fastest thing in the world. Their eyes are even sharper than those of eagles, and they can see things as big as beans thousands of meters away. When a criminal gang besieges them, you don't have to worry about the criminal gang running away, because the police can "split up". They will change from one to two, from two to four, from four to eight, and so on until the number becomes as large as the criminal gang.

As long as any person is injured or something is robbed in the area under his jurisdiction, he will rush to subdue the criminals and take them back to prison. At that time, the prison was an electronic prison, surrounded by lasers. Don't underestimate these lasers. Even if something the size of a hair touches it, it will give an alarm and release a current that can corona human beings. The key to open the electronic prison is also a remote control, which is not easy to use. Because the password of this remote control is composed of 1000 digits, it was impossible for human intelligence to crack it at that time. The robot has a good memory, which can be recited once.

The handbags of the future are also compressed. Just say "big" to them and they will become bigger. It is as magical as the Monkey King's golden stirrup stick. It only obeys the master's order, and no matter how others shout, it is useless. It is an essential item for home travel.

In the future world, there are only unexpected items, and all items are available. The dream has awakened and returned to reality. I think: I should fight for the future. In order to realize this dream, I should set sail!

Set out like a dream and march towards the future world!

About the World (10)

With a grateful heart, pick up a thanksgiving pen and write a thanksgiving feeling.

There is a saying in my hometown that the shell of swallow's egg can cure cough. When I was a child, I was curious to watch the swallows flying around under the eaves and busy building their nests. A few days later, the nests were built, and the swallows settled down here. With the arrival of the little swallows, the nest often chirped, and the ground under the nest was full of bird droppings. Listening to the noisy bird calls and looking at the dirty ground, I wonder why the adults let swallows build their nests here? Only then did I understand that swallows' nest building is not only a symbol of good luck, but also because swallows know how to repay. It is said that swallows will leave their eggshells to their masters after hatching their eggs. It is said that swallow eggshells are effective in relieving cough, so swallow shells are the best reward for swallows to their masters.

Although it is just a folk rumor, it also reflects a kind of voice of people - gratitude! All the little swallows know how to be grateful for the kindness of the host's "reception", not to mention us! Thanksgiving is a feeling, warm you and me; Thanksgiving is a poem that inspires you and me; Gratitude is a virtue, illuminating us.

Thanksgiving parents

"Who can say that every inch of grass is worth the sunshine", parents' love is higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea, and wider than the sky. They are persistent in waiting, just like the blue sky is persistent in waiting for white clouds; Like a tree clinging to the birds; Like clear water waiting for the fish persistently, we only know that we are greedy and selfish to enjoy the love of our parents, and we have never thanked or returned. When parents are tired, will we offer a cup of hot tea; When parents are sad, will we offer a word of comfort; Whether we will carefully prepare a gift on a special holiday. Are we aware of the strands of silver on our parents' heads and the wrinkles on their faces? Gratitude does not need to be earth shaking. Just a greeting from you, a call from you, and a sense of... can make them happy who love you. Send me a bunch of yellow carnations and my gratitude for my parents' upbringing.

Thank your teacher

"When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry." If parents give us life, then teachers beautify our hearts. They are engineers of the soul. Their love is selfless, silently dedicated, equal and noble. The three foot platform opens a new world for us, and a short piece of chalk writes a new legend for us! Early in the morning, lead us to read early; Class, lead us to travel the ocean of knowledge; In the evening, correcting the homework of each book; After class, prepare the content of the next lesson. They are candles, burning themselves, illuminating others, sacrificing themselves, and feeding generations of students. We should be grateful to teachers, just as bees are grateful to flowers for their generosity; We should be grateful to teachers, just like the trees are grateful for the nourishment of the earth; We should be grateful to teachers, just as birds are grateful to the tolerance of the blue sky. Our gratitude does not need to swallow mountains and rivers. Just a nod, a serious homework, an excellent exam... will make them happy and satisfied. Send me a bunch of sunflowers and a feeling of gratitude for the selfless dedication of the teacher.

Be grateful to friends

"A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world". On the bumpy road of life, you need friends to stay with you through thick and thin. Friends are when you lose, you rely on the solid chest; A friend is a warm hand to comfort you when you are lonely; Friends are the silent smiles that bless you when you succeed. In the face of difficulties, we have also been frustrated, abandoned, and shaken. We are selfless friends around us. We support us, encourage us, and help us, so that we can stand stronger with confidence. We should be grateful to our friends, just as flowers appreciate the moisture of rain and dew; We should be grateful to our friends, just like the sky is grateful for the embellishment of the rainbow; We should be grateful to our friends, just like the moon is accompanied by stars. Our thanks don't need to be broken hearted. Just a blessing, a memory, a help... will make them warm. Send a bunch of white tulips and my gratitude to my friends for their company all the way.

Let us be grateful to our parents, just like fish are grateful for the waiting of clear water; Gratitude to teachers is like bees thanking flowers for their generosity; Gratitude to friends is like flowers to appreciate the moisture of rain and dew; Grateful life is like the sun shining on the earth; Gratitude for the future is like a seedling nourished by the earth. Let's study, work and live with a grateful heart... Let the world be full of gratitude and love!

About the World (11)

Everyone has received love, of course, I have also received a lot of warm love. If you don't believe me, let me tell you slowly.

The first love thing happened on a Saturday afternoon. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and jumped to the bathroom. At that moment, my feet slipped and I snapped. I sat down on the ground and pulled up the flute with a sound of "whoosh -". When Grandpa heard this, he ran to the bathroom with great strides. He picked me up in a panic and asked painfully, "Does it hurt?"? Did you fall anywhere? "

The second love thing happened one afternoon. Jiang Haoyu ran past my desk and accidentally bumped my crayon onto the ground, hitting me on the foot. "Ouch!" I cried bitterly. Jiang Haoyu quickly picked up my crayon and put it back in place. He bowed his head and said, "I can't afford it. Does it hurt? Do you need to go to the clinic to have a look?" I said, "It doesn't hurt at all." Your classmate's love of friendship has driven away my pain.

The third love thing happened when I was entrusted to do homework after class. When I was about to practice calligraphy, I found that my pen had been borrowed by Jiang Haoyu, because he said that my pen was a magic pen. When he was thinking about what to do, Chen Zhuoyang extended his warm hands to me and handed me a pen, which solved my urgent need.

There is love everywhere in our life. As long as you carefully taste and observe, you will find that the world is full of love.

About the World (12)

Love can shorten the distance between people and make conflicts disappear. If there is no love in the world, there is only sunshine left.

Now is the early summer period. The sky is scorching like fire. The sun is not stingy in spreading golden light on the earth, and the sun is also relentlessly baking the earth. People on the street are dressed very cool, but even so, they are still sweating. I walked on the street with a small fan. Suddenly, this scene came into my eyes: a tricycle was parked in front of a grocery store. It looked very old. Although it was red, the dust basically covered every corner of the car, so it was not dazzling. The car body is very hot because it is made of iron. On the bus sat a child who was about five or six years old. The child was dressed in old clothes, and his round face and head showed that he was very energetic. The hair tip was full of sweat beads, and sometimes a few "accidentally" fell off. He wiped the sweat beads on his face with his dirty, fat little hands, and soon became a "cat face". He looked expectantly at the store, as if waiting for someone. Sure enough, an old man wearing a gray coat and sleeves came out with two ice lollies in his hands. He is the grandfather of a child. He is an old man over half a century old. He has a weather beaten face and two deep eyes. He is deep and bright, and looks very intelligent; The hair was neat, but it was all white. He bent his back and handed a popsicle to the child. He leaned against the wall and began to eat. The child couldn't wait to open the package, carefully bit a small piece, put it in his mouth, and his face showed a happy expression. He closed his eyes, as if he was imagining himself on the coast of Hawaii, running happily with the sea breeze blowing... Maybe it was the sound of a car that made him suddenly surprised. He woke up from fantasy, and licked his lips again, which seemed very satisfied, He showed a childlike smile and said to his grandfather, "Grandpa, it's delicious, thank you!" Grandpa also nodded with a smile of common purpose, and the two smiled knowingly

Seeing this, I couldn't help feeling pity. A popsicle gave care to the left behind children, and a popsicle gave happiness to half a hundred old people. Even if it is just a trivial thing in our ordinary world, it is treasured in their eyes. People are born equal, but due to different people's hearts, children who should have a happy childhood suffer from what they should not, and the elderly who should be content to provide for the elderly suffer from what they should not. The world, please care for the left behind children and half a hundred old people!

There is no love in the world, but only the hot sunshine and people's empty hearts

About the World (13)

Since human beings appeared on the earth, there has been a kind of emotion in the world that can not be given up. That's love. Because there is love in the world. So our life will be rich and colorful. There is too much love in our life. Even you can't imagine how many people have devoted themselves to you. Their love is like a strong tree, sheltering our growth. Let you feel the taste of love. Let you not be lonely.

Because of love, when the earthquake occurred on May 12, 20XX, the mother lost her child, the son lost his father, and the wife lost her husband. In the sad pain, because of the existence of love, all people can rebuild their homes; Because of love, poor students can return to school. Because of the protection of love, we are not afraid of difficulties and disasters. As soon as we think of love as our backing, we forget all fears and fears.

The river, winding through the mountains and forests, is the lifeblood of a town and the only means of transportation between people in the town and the outside world. It is because there is a river and a boat that there is a moving story.

His untidy hair, children's bright eyes, and tall nose, which are not very big, are embedded in a wrinkled face. He is really ugly. In addition, he was born unable to speak, so people called him "old mute".

The old man is the only ferry in the town. Every day, we go in the wind and rain to meet the villagers in the town, and never stop. The old ferry full of nameless wild flowers is full of his faltering footprints. The old mute's job was not paid much, and he never asked for anything. People said he was "stupid", and he himself had no complaints.

This spring, I came to the small mountain village again, but the old man disappeared. A few days later, I heard an extraordinary story about the old man from the villagers. The deaf mute ferry man, when he rescued another drowning child, was exhausted and quietly rested in the river where he had ferried thousands of times. When I walked across the ferry again, I stood for a long time, looking at the river, and did not speak. I said softly in my heart: "We will use it and remember you forever, old uncle."

After each story, there will be a beautiful and moving scene. These all come from one word, that is, "love"! Let the world be filled with love!

About the World (14)

About the origin of World No Tobacco Day

Tobacco is a wild plant growing in South America on the World No Tobacco Day. At first, Indians chewed or smoked tobacco leaves into cigarettes. Tobacco has been prevalent in the world for more than 200 years. Until the 20th century, human beings began to realize the harm of tobacco to human beings. In 1977, the American Cancer Society first proposed a publicity and education method for smoking control - No Tobacco Day. On that day, the nationwide publicity of "smoking is harmful to health" was carried out in the United States to dissuade smokers from smoking on that day and stop selling tobacco products in stores for one day. The United States has designated Thursday, the third week of November, as its own smoke-free day. Since then, the UK, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other countries and regions have also established non-smoking days. In November 1987, the World Health Organization of the United Nations proposed that April 7 of each year be designated as the "World No Tobacco Day", which was implemented in 1988. However, since April 7 is the anniversary of the establishment of the World Health Organization, the World Health Organization has to put forward a theme of health care requirements on this day every year. In order not to interfere with the proposal of its health theme, the World Health Organization decided to designate May 31 every year as World No Tobacco Day from 1989, and China will also regard that day as China's No Tobacco Day. Cigarettes contain more than 1400 ingredients. There are more than 40 carcinogens in the smoke produced by smoking, and more than 10 substances that can promote the development of cancer. Among them, nicotine, carbon monoxide and many other metal compounds are the most harmful to human health. A cigarette contains enough nicotine to kill a mouse. The binding capacity of a large amount of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke to hemoglobin is 240-300 times greater than that of oxygen, which severely weakens the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells. Therefore, smoking accelerates blood coagulation, and is prone to cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and myocardial hypoxia. More seriously, smokers also seriously affect the health of others. The research results show that when a smoker smokes, it is more harmful to others than to himself. The tobacco problem has been paid more and more attention by countries all over the world. On May 21, 2017, at the World Health Assembly held in Geneva, 192 member countries of the World Health Organization unanimously adopted the first global treaty restricting tobacco - the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The Convention requires that all countries should at least prohibit misleading tobacco advertising in legal form, prohibit or restrict international activities and tobacco promotion activities sponsored by tobacco merchants, suppress tobacco smuggling, prohibit the sale of cigarettes to minors, use 30% to 50% of the area on cigarette boxes to mark the warning of "smoking is harmful to health", and prohibit the use of "low tar" and "light" Such deceptive words. The number of deaths from smoking and related diseases worldwide each year is 4.9 million. Data shows that the incidence of lung cancer in long-term smokers is 10 to 20 times higher than that in non-smokers, the incidence of laryngeal cancer is 6 to 10 times higher, the incidence of coronary heart disease is 2 to 3 times higher, the incidence of circulatory system is 3 times higher, and the incidence of trachea is 2 to 8 times higher. Passive smoking is more harmful, and one hour of passive smoking per day is enough to damage arteries and blood vessels. Some women who live with smokers are six times more likely to suffer from lung cancer. According to the report of Guangming Daily on December 12, 2017, among the 1.1 billion smokers in the world, there are 350 million in China, and the smoking rate of people over 15 years old is 31.1%. At present, the number of global smokers is about 1.1 billion, which is estimated to reach 1.3 billion to 1.7 billion by 2025. At present, the number of people who die of smoking and related diseases every year reaches 4.9 million, and the annual medical expenses and economic losses incurred exceed 2017 billion US dollars. The number of deaths and diseases caused by tobacco is well documented, but its role in causing poverty growth has not attracted enough attention. 75% of the world's smokers are distributed in developing countries. Their family spending on cigarettes is usually very high, wasting the limited family resources that should be used for nutrition, education and other necessary expenses. Tobacco cultivation also harms the environment. Tobacco crops grab soil nutrients, use chemical fertilizers and pesticides to cause pollution, and flue-cured tobacco needs to consume a lot of forest resources. The latest research shows that nearly 5% of deforestation in tobacco growing countries is related to tobacco processing.

World No Tobacco Day theme over the years

1988: Tobacco or health, please choose

1989: Women and tobacco

1990: Teenagers should not smoke

1991: No smoking in public places and public transportation

1992: No smoking in the workplace

1993: Health departments and health workers against smoking

1994; Mass media propaganda against smoking

1995: Tobacco and the economy

1996: smoke-free recreational and sports activities

1997: United Nations and related agencies against smoking

1998: Growing up in a tobacco free environment

1999: quit smoking. The slogan is "Give up cigarettes"

2017: Don't use recreational and sports activities to promote tobacco slogan "Smoking is harmful, don't be tempted"

2017: Clean air, refuse to smoke second-hand smoke

2017: smoke-free sports - clean competition

2017: Tobacco free film and fashion action

2017: Control smoking and reduce poverty

2017: Health workers and tobacco control

2017: Tobacco consumes life

About the World (15)

In people's eyes, spring is warm, summer is hot, autumn is cool and cold. But in my eyes, it is a white and interesting world.

If spring rain is the messenger of spring, then snow is the carrier pigeon. The first heavy snow of the year before last came suddenly. On the morning of November 15, I opened the curtains. Wow, it snowed. The roof, trees and roads were covered with snow everywhere. At this moment, in my memory, all the words disappeared, leaving only "white". I can't wait to go out to see the world of snow.

Walking on the snow road, the snow covered my calves. The snow was more than a foot deep and made a loud noise when stepping on the snow. The city beautician opened a "single tree bridge" for us. We lined up and walked on the way to school. We can't enjoy the beautiful scenery now. We have to wait until class is over.

The clear bell rang after class. Like flying birds, we rushed out of the classroom and came to the white snow. It was still a quiet playground just now. Suddenly, it was boiling. You see, these students were playing snowball fights here, those students were rolling snowballs, and some good students piled snow under the trees, Against the background of white snowflakes, the playground is more beautiful. From a distance, it looks like cute and bright mushrooms. They have planted a campus full of ice and snow, warmth, health and happiness. They suck knowledge every day in the campus of laughter. Healthy growth. Happy days are always short. After the school bell rings, the playground is quiet again, leaving only the "bullets" that haven't been thrown yet. A few snowmen have not arrived yet and put on beautiful clothes for them. Only the small trees are singing there, because they have had enough to drink. You can wait and see. It won't take many years, They will grow into towering trees.

It not only has unique beauty, but also has the habit of helping others. As the saying goes: "Snow augurs a good year" When snowflakes dance with lightness, they are floating and sprinkling. When it fell to the ground, its white jade like body dressed up the shining silver world. Her pure heart did not hesitate to sacrifice itself to melt life into the land, nourishing the returning wheat seedlings and the flowers and leaves of spring.

That's right. Sometimes it's so cold that there's no escape. Everything is clear. It lets us face those real black spots, those cold winds that cannot be changed. It is cruel, but it teaches us how to face difficulties in learning and how to learn patience in life.

After school, the melodious songs came from the school radio, which made me recall them for a long time. The white snowflakes are flying all over the sky. The snow covers my campus. I walk on the path, leaving footprints in strings. Some are straight, some are curved, some are deep, some are shallow. My friends, think about how to go on the road.

Boys and girls, what are you waiting for? Come and read the 1000 word composition about winter. I hope it can help you!

About the World (16)

People don't know the importance of water at all. The purpose of establishing such a festival is to let people not waste water and cherish water!

Humans have known for a long time that water is colorless, tasteless, odorless and transparent. It is the most common liquid in nature. Ancient philosophers believed that water is the source of all things, and all things return to water, so they have always regarded water, fire, gas and earth as four basic elements, from which all objects in the world are composed.

It was not until 1784 that British scientist Cavendish proved that water was not an element, but the product of the combination of two gases. In 2017, French chemist Geluzak determined that 1 volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen combined to generate 2 volumes of water vapor. Later scientists determined the molecular formula of water: h2o. From this perspective, all water in the world is the same. But in the eyes of Chinese people, water and water are absolutely different. Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty defined water as three levels in his book "The Classic of Tea", "on mountains, in rivers, and under wells"; It is said that he once wrote "Water Tasting" (or "Spring Tasting") to taste famous springs and water in the world, and divided the water suitable for frying tea into 20 grades according to the quality of water. Another commentator, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, even made an anecdote about two of the best springs in the world.

Water includes natural water (rivers, lakes, atmospheric water, seawater, groundwater, etc.) and artificial water (water is obtained by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms through chemical reaction). Water (chemical formula: h2o) is an inorganic substance composed of hydrogen and oxygen. It is a colorless and odorless transparent liquid at normal temperature and pressure. Water is one of the most common substances on the earth, an important resource for the survival of all life, including human beings, and also the most important component of organisms. Water plays an important role in the evolution of life. Human beings began to understand water very early. Water was regarded as a basic constituent element in the simple material concepts of ancient East and West, and water was one of the five elements in ancient China; There is also water in the four element theory in ancient western countries.