My Experience of "I and My Motherland"
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2023-09-27 16:10:50

Today, I watched the film "My Motherland and I". Before I went to see it, I heard many people say that it was very beautiful, and I cried after watching it... filled with expectation, I walked into the cinema.

After watching the movie, I burst into tears, and my mood could not be calm for a long time. I have many feelings. I don't know where to start. Personally, I think this is a theme movie I have seen. The directors are worthy of being the industry leaders. With their unique perspective and entry point, ordinary and moving storylines, each of us can find our familiar shadow in the film. For the first time, I have deeply felt the closest and sincere connection between every ordinary person and our motherland. Sister Min doesn't want to talk about the plot of the movie anymore. If you want to see it, I suggest you go to see it yourself.

I want to talk about the patriotic complex of ordinary people.

We are not dignitaries or celebrities. As the most common people, how can we love our country? This is a time of peace. We don't need to block the loopholes to experience the bullets, nor do we need to blow up blockhouses like Dong Cunrui to die for our country. We also have no chance to make our own contribution to the founding of New China and the successful explosion of the atomic bomb, as Lin Zhiyuan and Gao Yuan in the film did. We have to face a lot of chicken feathers in our life every day, but I think this does not hinder our patriotic action.

As a student, it is patriotism to read every book, teach every lesson and do every question well. Today you are a huge number of students, and tomorrow you will be the pillars of building the motherland.

As a teacher, it is patriotism to teach every lesson, teach every question and correct every homework. Today's students are like eagles crying for food, and tomorrow they will fly farther into the blue sky.

As an employee, love your job and do your own job well, which is patriotism; As a farmer, it is also patriotic to cultivate every inch of land and plant every grain of food well

Of course, if we see someone doing something harmful to the motherland, we should not hesitate to stand up and stop their behavior.

Therefore, as ordinary people, we only need to do our part, not to give others, not to add trouble to the country, love family, love friends, this is patriotism!