My Self portrait in Junior One (5 in total)
2024-03-12 00:51:28
Junior 1

My self portrait on the first day of junior high school (1)

I have an apple face and a pair of big, watery eyes like two black grapes, which are inset under the willow eyebrows, looking bright and energetic. On that white and red face, there was a small mouth of cherries that could speak fluently. My nose is not high, but I have a pair of small glasses on it. People say I am very knowledgeable!

My hobbies are very wide. I like table tennis, badminton, vocal music, English, chess, art and volleyball, but my two favorite things are writing and reading.

I like writing compositions since I was a child, probably since I was over 6 years old. At first I couldn't write, just like keeping a running account, but my mother didn't think so. She praised me and encouraged me all the time. Somehow, I can recognize hundreds of words and read the composition book. When I wrote my composition, I borrowed some well written parts and recited some good words and sentences. In addition, my mother always reported me to the composition class for guidance from the teacher. No, my composition "Hometown Praise" also won the first prize in the fourth "Tomorrow Star" Cup Composition Competition last June 1!

I also like reading books. In my bookcases, there are a lot of books, such as Five Thousand Years of China, Crime and Punishment, Biographies of Heroes, Education of Love, and Insects. Sometimes, I forget to eat while reading, and I forget to sleep at noon. At night, I always see more than 10 o'clock. Although I worked a little harder, I learned a lot of knowledge that I could not learn from textbooks. My heart was as sweet as honey!

In the eyes of students, I am a very responsible and responsible class leader; In the eyes of teachers, I am an excellent student; In the eyes of my parents, I am a little girl who will never grow up to be coquettish.

This is me, a little girl who loves learning and reading. How about making friends with me!

My Self Portrait Junior One (2)

I am a sunny and handsome boy named Zhang Yanrong. Yan represents peace every day. Banyan is the banyan of banyan. My parents said that banyan is the king of trees, so they hope I can grow up safely and healthily and become a powerful person in the future. That's my name.

My hair is dark and dark, because it is naturally curly. I can only cut a small flat head for being cool, and my watery eyes seem to be inlaid with two black pearls. My eyes can speak in the blink of an eye. I am not tall, but I can run fast. Ordinary people cannot catch up with me. Although I am thin, my strength is not small! Every time my mother goes shopping in the supermarket, I move those heavy things home.

My advantage is that I am willing to help others. On a crowded bus, I will give way to the elderly who are not able to move, and my uncles and aunts who are on the bus will look at me admiringly. Sometimes I would say, "You are really a caring child, little friend!" When my classmates borrowed things from me at school, I did not hesitate to lend them to everyone; The gray haired grandpa went to open the heavy iron gate of the community, and I would rush to help the grandpa open the big iron gate. The grandpa gave me a thumbs up. But I am also the king of carelessness. I can change the right into the wrong in the exam, and regard division as multiplication. I want to get rid of this bad habit.

I also have many hobbies and interests. I like painting. I am the "little painter" in our class. Every time I do hand copying in class, my paintings are excellent, and then the teacher pasted them on the wall for students to watch. Not only that, I am also a drummer, because I like dynamic music and the handsome appearance of playing drums. After hard practice, I went to the gorgeous' stage to perform for people who like music. I am also a good swimmer. I swam freely in the wide swimming pool and felt like a happy frog. In the fierce swimming competition, I exceeded all the children. I am also a military enthusiast. Every time I go to the bookstore, I will read some books about military affairs, and often I am reluctant to leave late. Seeing the military's powerful appearance, I am determined to be a soldier who will defend my country in the future.

After listening to my introduction, do you want to be friends with me?

My Self Portrait Junior One (3)

Name: the same surname as Chen Yi, the founding marshal; That's because my mother wants me to hide beauty in my heart, and the human beauty and soul are more beautiful.

Gender: Same as mother, opposite to father.

Age: Year after year, I have experienced ten beautiful spring, summer, autumn and winter, and had ten happy birthdays.

Education: Grade 4 of primary school.

Appearance: dark hair is often tied into a ponytail, curved eyebrows, big eyes, apple like face; Big hands and big feet like father; Height 1. 50 meters, weighing 36 kilograms, neither fat nor thin.

Favorite person: Mom. Care about me, love me, support me hard, encourage me to study hard, and hope that I can grow up healthily.

The most annoying person: the Japanese invaders. On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army entered Nanjing City and, under the command of fascists, massacred our unarmed compatriots on a large scale for six weeks. More than 300000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were shot and buried alive.

Favorite color: blue. Because it symbolizes peace, harmony and unity.

The most annoying color: black. It represents darkness and makes people feel bad.

Favorite animal: puppy. It is docile, lovely, and human. It can also help people look after their homes.

Most annoying animals: mosquitoes and flies. They suck human blood and bring disease and pain to human beings.

Favorite fruit: strawberry. It is shaped like a chicken heart and red like an agate. In the fruit kingdom, it is a fruit with high nutritional value and is crowned as the "Queen of Fruit".

Most wanted to go to: Paris, France. It is a world famous historical city with many places of interest and historic sites. It is the place I am looking forward to very much.

Hobbies: surfing the Internet, reading books, etc.

Advantages: diligent and eager to learn. I like reading all kinds of useful books, and I am determined to study hard. I often ask my mother some strange questions, which makes my mother a little overwhelmed.

Disadvantages: No patience. Once, when I went fishing with a friend, I dropped my fishing rod and ran to catch tadpoles. As a result, I didn't catch any small fish and was criticized by my mother.

Ideal: to be an excellent people's teacher, to work hard like a gardener, to dedicate oneself silently like a candle, to let those lovely flowers bloom beautiful flowers, and to contribute their modest strength to the great motherland!

My self portrait on the first day of junior high school (4)

Now people are either narcissistic or self confessed, and I will be black!

When I know others, after spending some time with them, they always want to scold me. And I will say to them, now you want to scold, that's because you don't know me enough. After you know me, you will hit me! Now they not only want to beat me, but also want to send me to heaven. To tell the truth, I think I'm stupid. Every time I'm bored at home, I will talk to the wall and hit the wall when I'm worried. The scream of "ah" is the result of my hitting the wall. As for why I talk to the wall when I am bored, it is because I go home with a lot of red cross test papers (of course, I blame myself for not working hard at ordinary times). The first thing I do when I get home is to wear cotton pants to meet the storm. I clearly have a heart to learn, but just a failed life, I am really too difficult!

The word "fat" has already appeared in my life. My father said to me about getting fat: "You don't have Han Hong's life, but you have Han Hong's disease." Of course, every time I stand with my friends, I will jump out of an idea: that is to lose weight! But for girls, there are very few people who can really lose weight. What they can reduce is cruel! As for me, every time I want to lose weight, snacks come to our house to "visit". I really want to pass by before my eyes, and my mouth is ready to move. To put it bluntly, I'm lazy. If you want to compare me with someone who is lazy, I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to compare with you.

Haircutting, for me, is disfigurement. I go to "Youjian" to have my hair cut. Originally, I wanted to shave off the back of my hair. However, the barber's hand might be damaged, and he shaved the head directly above the melon seeds, looking bald. The next afternoon, I went out to play with my friend. She was 5cm taller than me. When I looked down, I found that I was bald. In fact, I tried hard to block it, but failed. "God! Why are you bald? You are not smart, and you are also bald like others?" We were on the street at that time. There were many people on the street. Her cry attracted everyone's attention. At that time, my staring eyes hurt.

To tell you the truth, Zihei is pretty good. I like it very much. Let me tell you another secret. I had an ideal when I was young: to carry excrement on the street, to see who is not agreeable, and to throw a ladle on the head. Of course, think about it at most.

My self portrait on the first day of junior high school (5)

I am a girl named Xue Hanwen. I am tall and a little fat. My personality is cheerful, but sometimes I am a little grumpy. I like musical instruments, cycling, swimming... Is it a little unsatisfactory? Let me introduce it slowly!

I have a pudgy face, a pair of neither too big nor too small eyes quietly embedded in it, thin and short eyebrows lying on the eyes, a neither too big nor too flat nose working hard, a small mouth seems to have endless words, as for my limbs, my legs can only be long from afar, not short or long from near, and my arms can only be said to be fleshy little arms. I think my clothes are just like that. I prefer simple styles with black, blue and white colors. Occasionally, I also like to use pink to change my style. There should be a "girl heart".

My personality is cheerful, generous, lively and enthusiastic. Maybe I'm irritable and terrible in the eyes of others, but don't be confused by this phenomenon. In fact, I like making friends very much. Making friends is a very happy thing. I took the initiative to chat with a new student in my class. She is also a warm and generous girl, also very humorous, and integrates into the big group very quickly, like a small wild cat, jumping up and down, not like a new student. The "woman man" in my class doesn't look at her like that. Ten minutes after a break, we get together and have fun.

I have a lot of hobbies, and the one I like most is Erhu. Although it takes up a lot of my time, it makes my spare time full and interesting. Since I learned Erhu, I have practiced for at least one hour every day, ten minutes each for inner strings and outer strings, and six scales. The exercises and tunes should be played smoothly. Even if I finish my homework at ten o'clock, Erhu is also a must. Three years later, my Erhu teacher asked me to take a grade test. Hearing the news, it was like a bolt from the blue. Since then, I have been practicing for another half hour. My kung fu did not disappoint those who wanted it. On the day of the grading test, I played freely. At the end of the erhu, even the grading teacher applauded me. I was full of joy and got an "excellent". The teacher said that this was the highest grade in the grading test. This gives me great encouragement and makes me look forward to the next grade examination.

I am such a moody girl. All my things are brought to me by life. They make my life no longer boring, but a fun playground.