Narration of Unity (8 compilations)
Profound style
2023-12-18 08:12:38
Grade 3

Narration of Unity (1)

It's sunny today. The third class in the afternoon is our PE class. Everyone was relaxed and excited to look forward to it. The teacher came and led the students downstairs to the playground. Ah! What kind of activity is it! We are all guessing. "Keep up! If the team is not orderly, don't play football today." The teacher said sternly to us. After we stood up quickly, the teacher's expression suddenly became very soft at that moment. The teacher asked the monitor to get the football and told us some knowledge about football. The monitor took the ball back, so our football match began. The teacher divided us into two teams - the red team and the blue team. To our surprise, I was assigned to the red team with several strong people. There was also my sworn enemy, whom we all called Little Fatty. At the beginning of the game, I was going to grab the ball, but Little Fatty ran over and pushed me. Unfortunately, Little Fatty not only didn't grab the ball, but almost fell down. Then a man from the Blue Team kicked the football from his feet. Before we could defend, the ball was almost kicked into our goal. Finally, there was a chance for me to play football, and the united blue team kept the goal very tight. I took a deep breath, raised my strength, clenched my fists, refreshed myself, and kicked the ball to Little Fatty, who received it and then passed it to other players. In order to avoid defense, he passed it back to me, but the blue team snatched the ball halfway, and finally we were united, Get the ball back. I took the opportunity to kick hard. The ball went into the goal. We won the final victory! "Yeah", everyone cheered. Through this game, I learned to be united and became good friends with the little fat man. This PE class is really unforgettable!

Narration of Unity (2)

When I was eight years old, ants left me a profound enlightenment. That year, out of curiosity about ants, I buried an ant hole with soil and flattened it with my feet. Just as I was thinking, the ants who went out to look for food came back. As soon as they saw their home was buried, they immediately put down their food and dug up their own home. When it was time to dig, the ant king of another ant hole, taking advantage of the danger of "people", wanted to take another's ant hole alone, and immediately sent troops to occupy that ant hole. Most of the workers in this ant hole went to look for food to block the foreign ant soldiers. They did not dare to relax their vigilance. They waited until the remaining workers got through the hole, and the ant hole was finally opened, When about 20 ant soldiers inside attacked the army of the ant king, the worker ants were willing to return to the hole. The ant king refused to stop, so he put a big caterpillar at the gate of the ant hole. After a while, an ant came out and found the caterpillar. It immediately returned to the hole and told the ant king that in a few minutes, a large number of soldiers came out of the hole. They seemed to be fighting with the caterpillar and biting it. But the soldier ants themselves were not much better. They either died or were injured. When the caterpillar was exhausted, the whole army of ant soldiers attacked, tore the caterpillar into pieces and transported it home bit by bit. At this time, the king of that country knew that he could not defeat others, so he had to retreat. Ants let me know that unity is strength!

Narration of Unity (3)

Today, I found a red scarf at school. It is engraved with Wang Yuanzhuo's name.

So I returned to Class 1 (3), but Wang Yuanzhuo was not in the classroom. Chen Yiling told me that Wang Yuanzhuo was on the grass on the playground. After I went there, I saw Wang Yuanzhuo playing with Deng Xueru. I ran to Wang Yuanzhuo and told him, "Wang Yuanzhuo, your red scarf has fallen off." So Wang Yuanzhuo ran over and snatched it in the blink of an eye.

I told Wang Yuanzhuo what happened. Wang Yuanzhuo, Chen Yiling and I became good friends.

Narration of Unity (4)

There are many things around us, let us understand a lot of truth: the tenacity of grass; Selflessness of water; And the unity of ants... The power of one ant is very small, but the power of a group of ants can not be ignored. Today, let me introduce to you how ants are united!

The sky was overcast and it was going to rain. I hurried across the yard to go home. Suddenly I found a group of ants looking for food. I was curious, so I followed the ants to have a look. One of the ants looked around anxiously. Suddenly, he found a small piece of bread crumb in front of him. Although it is only a small piece of bread crumb, it is several times larger than the body of an ant. Therefore, it can not lift the bread crumbs with its utmost strength. After repeated experiments, I thought it would give up. It went straight to the ant colony and touched its partner with its feeler, as if to say: "There is food, boys, come to help!" The group of ants understood all at once. Only see them, you top this side, I lift this corner. Together, we successfully carried the bread crumbs home.

The story of the little ant makes us understand that unity is strength. The power of one person is small, but the power of a group of people is unpredictable. When encountering any difficulty that one person can't solve, everyone will work together and unite. Any difficulty can be overcome and passed.

Narration of Unity (5)

The power of persistence and unity Narrative composition

Whether in school or in society, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise, self understandable language through compression to an open, standardized grammatical structure and external language form that can be understood by others. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is a narrative composition of Xiaobian's strength of persistence and unity, which is only for reference. Let's have a look.

"Persistence is victory, unity is victory"! This is a brilliant exposition of persistence and unity by predecessors.

Recently, I read the bidding document of Robinson Crusoe Drifting, and I got a lot of seeds to tell people not to look up in the face of hardship, but to dare to fight, persevere and unite.

Robinson is an Englishman with adventurist spirit. He doesn't listen to his parents' advice and goes to China for adventure. He doesn't want to be trapped in an isolated island and has a hard life. But he did not abandon hope, and with extraordinary courage and intelligence, he survived on the island. Through his unremitting efforts and his own knowledge and teaching, Yu finally survived through thousands of mouthfuls of sweetness. He also saved and learned from his family "Friday" and became the owner of the island. Finally, after 28 years of waiting, I found the right opportunity to return to the motherland. It is with this strength of keeping and splitting that Robinson stubbornly survives on the island!

"Persistence is victory or harm, unity is success"! It can also be reflected in our real life.

At this mobile meeting, I also personally understood the strength of this force. In the rope skipping competition, I stopped for the second one and watched the first one fall off. My heart was very anxious. When it was my turn, I was not discouraged. After jumping with full body strength, I flew back to the starting point. On the playground, my classmates shouted loudly: "Come on, add oil!" It was this growing force that pushed us forward and supported us, In the end, we achieved good results.

Only persistence and unity can lead to victory!

It is appropriate to insist and unite to win! This concerns not only the collective interests, but also the interests of the group.

Narration of Unity (6)

In the physical education class that day, some "Pi Dawang" in my class sneaked into the grass under the big trees on the side of the playground to play while the teacher was not paying attention. Suddenly, the leader, Xiao Xu, screamed: "Bird, a wounded bird! It can't run away... catch, catch!" I was not far away from them. Turning around, I saw Xiao Xu posing as an eagle catching a chicken. He jumped at a kingfisher with beautiful feathers, flapping its wings, dragging a leg, trying to fly but unable to fly.

Just as Xu was holding the injured kingfisher and his eyes narrowed with joy, his "enemy", Xiao Fang, the environmental protection officer of our class and the head of the bird protection team, suddenly appeared in front of him. Xiaofang kept a calm face and told Xiaoxu in a non-negotiable tone: "Let the bird go, let it go! Otherwise, in case of hurting it, you and I will never finish!"

Xiao Xu climbed the tree and climbed high. Although he was a "hero" in chasing and fighting, he was no match for Xiao Fang. He held the bird tightly in his arms. His face was red, the tip of his nose was sweating, and his lips were trembling. He wanted to distinguish for himself, but he could not utter a complete sentence: "No, no... hurt... let go... die.

Just then, the teacher came, and the students in the physical education class followed. Xiaofang and Xiaoxu stood still, their faces cold, waiting for the teacher to speak. Unexpectedly, the teacher asked everyone to discuss: what should we do, whether the bird should be released or not

As a result of the discussion, everyone was happy: the injured kingfisher was temporarily nursed by Xiao Fang, who was responsible for giving it medicine; The bird's food, such as soybeans, millet, green worms and grasshoppers, is supplied by Xiao Xu and others... The students immediately found a paper box and put it in the corner of the classroom, which can be regarded as a temporary "home" for injured birds. A week later, the kingfisher's wounds were all healed, and the beautiful feathers looked more beautiful. After careful discussion, the whole class performed a solemn flying ceremony to let the recovered bird return to the blue sky. Related topics: [Narrative composition] [Power] [Topic composition]

Narration of Unity (7)

Once upon a time, there was a pencil, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. They lived together in a beautiful stationery box.

One day they were arguing about who was the most useful. The pencil jumped out and said, "I am the most useful because the master wants me to do his homework!" The pencil didn't write a few words, and he wrote a wrong word, "No, no, I am the most useful! Because whenever you use bald, I will help you sharpen, so I am the most useful!" The pencil sharpener said majestically, "No, no, because I can help the pencil erase the wrong words, so my 'most useful'!" The eraser said without weakening. The three brothers argued endlessly and forgot about their homework.

The next day, the host was scolded for not doing his homework. The three brothers still have no regrets, and they still argue. They argue even more fiercely. At this time, their argument was heard by the master, who criticized them and said, "Don't argue! In fact, you all have your own use. Pencil can write beautiful words, and eraser can also be used to erase wrong words. The pencil sharpener can sharpen pencils, so you all have their own uses, and the strength of unity is great. "The three brothers lowered their heads in shame and realized the role of each other. They shook hands and helped the host write his homework together.

Narration of Unity (8)

As the saying goes, "A single thread cannot make a line, and a single tree cannot make a forest." It can be seen that solidarity and cooperation are important in our life. Therefore, if we want to play the music of life well, we must learn and be good at cooperation with others.

I still remember that the teacher assigned the task of cleaning the classroom to our group. After school, the group leader strode to the platform, mimicking the teacher's appearance, and said loudly: "Boys and girls, let's do a big cleaning today. Now, I begin to assign tasks: xx and xx, you are responsible for cleaning the glass. xx you are responsible for cleaning the blackboard... Zhang Hong and Wang Yan are responsible for arranging the table. Let's start! " We were just about to start, when we heard a voice saying unsatisfactorily, "Why do I have to do such a tiring job of sweeping the floor? I want to change it!" I looked at the voice, and it turned out that it was the tallest boy in our class, and he was speaking with his mouth pursed in displeasure. After listening to his words, the group leader said loudly to him, "If every student is picky, how can we finish our cleaning. The boy also picked up a broom and began to sweep the floor.

Look! Every student is so busy. Some students with brooms meticulously clean the garbage on the ground, occasionally dust flew into his eyes, and he did not care; Some students hold clean mops and hum happy songs while dragging; Some students were carefully wiping the glass on the window with a duster cloth, and even the glass frame was wiped clean by her... I was arranging the table with Wang Yan, and we divided the work. I was responsible for arranging the table, and she was responsible for bringing the chair to the table. We went to the first row of the classroom, and I first arranged the desks in a row, and then Wang Yan moved the chairs on the ground to the table. After finishing the first row, we began to arrange the desks in the second row... Because we cooperated very well, we finished in a short time.

At this time, a cry of "Ouch" suddenly spread to my ears. It turned out that a male classmate fell down accidentally. When the other students heard this, they ran to them and asked, "What's the matter? Is everything all right?" The male student blushed and said, "It's all right, I just slipped." Seeing that there was nothing wrong, the students continued to do their own work. After a while, the students finished cleaning. They saw that the classroom was spotless, the rows of tables were as neat as soldiers, even the ground could be seen, and the books on the podium were neatly arranged. Even the corners of the blackboard were wiped clean by the students, and no chalk foam could be seen. Seeing that the classroom was cleaned so clean, the students were very happy, and their hearts were as sweet as honey.

This kind of work often occurs in schools. We should learn to cooperate with others, help each other, care for each other, and strive to do the best.