Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (General 10)
Wind follows heart
2023-12-04 06:57:20

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (1)

2004 Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province High School Entrance Examination Composition

1、 Composition questions

Read the following text and write a composition according to the requirements.

Li Dazhao's "Today" tells us such a truth: "The past and the future are all present." Yes, grasp the present and have the future; Grasp the opportunity to succeed; Grasp principles and win respect. Grasp kinship and friendship, grasp laws and methods, grasp progress and discretion

Please write a composition on the topic of "grasping".

Requirements: ① Self prepared topic; ② Style selection; ③ Not less than 500 words; ④ The true names of people, schools and places shall not appear in the text.

3、 A brief review of excellent works

[Example 1]

Beethoven told me

Countless stops and hesitations, I really don't want to pry into your initial state of mind when you were deaf, nor to lift up that painful memory I think

So I just listen to your Destiny, Pastoral and Ninth Symphony quietly; Just silently taste, taste the words about you in the Biography of Celebrities. But you told me unreservedly that the fate is in your own hands!

The destiny is in your own hands? I am a little confused: you are deaf, your feelings are broken, your life is sad, and the frivolous music style at that time... Is your destiny still in your own hands?

You seem to see my puzzlement, so tell me

Although you have ear disease, you have music - an ocean that can let your thoughts and feelings run at will. You roam in this vast and boundless sea, capturing crystal waves. Therefore, the Ninth Symphony was born. Its appearance seems to be pregnant with revolution, causing an unprecedented sensation, and you have also been released to master music in your own hands.

Although you live in poverty and sorrow, you have a high head. I will never forget that time when you and Goethe walked in the street and suddenly met a noble team. Goethe takes off his hat to salute, and you stand there, let those nobles salute you! Do you know how many people were shocked by this move? Don't bow to the powerful, you will always hold your personality in your own hands.

Although you have lost all "joy", you have left countless joys to the world. As a person who lost happiness and created happiness, you told me that fate is in your own hands!

Your destiny is in your own hands! I see!

It is not God who creates destiny, but oneself. Many times, we have to face many disasters. At that time, we often complain about the injustice of God. Now it is unnecessary to think about it, because we are the creators of our destiny:

We can't control the weather, but we can change our mood;

We can't change the "generous gift" that God gives us, but we can adjust our attitude towards life;

We can not determine the length of life, but can expand the width of life;

We can't change our origin, but we can control our personality;


The destiny is in our own hands. Each of us should use our own calm in the face of difficulties and our wisdom as the spirit of all things to control ourselves and drive our own ship of life.

[Brief comment]

This composition shows talent in the atmosphere. The author gives play to Beethoven's examples that he is familiar with. Based on the old themes, the author turns out new meanings. The topic is tight, the vision is broad, the thought is active, the thinking is flexible, the literary grace is flying, and the composition is natural, showing keen vision and unique thinking. Focusing on the theme of "grasping the destiny", the full text not only gives examples, but also explains the truth, which can be said to be thorough and thought-provoking.

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (2)

1、 Composition questions

Read the following text and write a composition according to the requirements.

Li Dazhao's "Today" tells us such a truth: "The past and the future are all present." Yes, grasp the present and have the future; Grasp the opportunity to succeed; Grasp principles and win respect. Grasp kinship and friendship, grasp laws and methods, grasp progress and discretion

Please write a composition on the topic of "grasping".

Requirements: ① Self prepared topic; ② Style selection; ③ Not less than 500 words; ④ The true names of people, schools and places shall not appear in the text.

3、 A brief review of excellent works

[Example 2]

Chinese parasol whispers

Autumn is the season when Chinese parasol leaves fall. Standing in the middle of the street, look at the falling plane trees on both sides and listen to their whispers, "Although we can't get rid of the withering fate, we are free at the moment of falling, and we will dance beautifully, which is what we can grasp."

Is it? I walked under the sycamore tree and looked up. A leaf twirled like a ballet, swaying in the wind, like a swan's feather. Is that the four little swans? This changing dance makes me marvel that this weak, withered and fragile life performed the most beautiful dance. The tenderness also contains strength, which seems to be trying to convince me that such beauty is achievable, and such brilliance is in my own hands. This leaves, a sound, finally let me no longer doubt: even if the loss of more, but one thing we can grasp, that is, their own value.

Every time I read Tang poetry and Song poetry, I feel a sense of profound enlightenment. But every time I read Li Qingzhao, the representative of the graceful school, the famous poetess, I have a special feeling in my heart. In her life, she lost a lot of husbands, relatives, friends... She walked silently with the pain of national death and some undeserved condemnation. She could not change the suffering, so she began to create glory. She believes that personality and spirit are always in her hands, so she has the understanding of "life is a hero, death is also a ghost", the sigh of "the curtain rolls the west wind, people are thinner than yellow flowers", and the sad beauty of "sad and miserable"... She used what she has mastered to show her personality and talent, added her tenderness and rigidity, and decorated the Song Ci, It also proved its value when it was lost, just like the plane leaves.

This moment of association made me fall into meditation. Life is colorful, and all kinds of temptations often make us lose our dignity and personality, which are quite important to us originally. We have humble and delicate origins, but personality can be controlled by ourselves. If these are lost, our hands will be empty. What's the difference between human beings and ordinary animals? "Who has never died since ancient times? Let's stay true to history", which is not only a heroic sentiment, but also a heroic song of people fighting against fate!

I don't know when there was a plane tree leaf in my palm. I stared at it. It was no longer a thin, weak, fragile leaf. The withered and yellow leaves had already flashed a dazzling light. In an instant, I heard its whisper again: "The most beautiful dance, this is what we can master......"

Suddenly, my hands felt heavy.

[Brief comment]

The article is ingenious and out of the ordinary. The young writer uses "the Chinese parasol whispers" to talk about his thoughts and feelings on how to grasp the value of life, and uses "one leaf" to make the main idea clear; The style of writing is elegant, fresh, beautiful and fluent, especially the feeling of Li Qingzhao's words in the third section, the combination of description and lyricism, and the flexible use of figures of speech such as metaphor and quotation, which make the article full of cultural heritage and full of appeal It's really commendable that three junior high school students can have such keen observation and innovative writing skills

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (3)

Once, I was an innocent and lively girl, carrying a small and exquisite bag into the beautiful and spacious campus... At that time, how happy I was!

Primary school, in that beautiful campus full of innocence, I grew up carefree. Every year, they are among the best in the exam, winning the consensus of teachers, students and parents! After finishing my homework every day, I have time to listen to some beautiful music or read some world famous works: I wander in "Uncle Tom's Cabin", take a walk in "Wuthering Heights", and find the "Wizard of Oz" with Dorothy and her friends. On weekends, I can visit famous mountains and rivers with my parents, and enjoy myself in the embrace of nature. In communication, I am always handy, and my friends are very friendly together; There were some conflicts with my classmates in life and study, and everyone would smile to remove them... How happy I was then!

However, time went by in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life went by in a hurry. This "hurry" seems to take away the happiness of childhood in a hurry. Gradually, I began to worry about the little things in life: after high school, the learning task gradually increased, in addition to learning or learning, although hard to learn, but now, not to mention the top ten in my class, I may not be able to get into. My parents often remind me of this, always nagging, which makes me very distressed... I really want to return to that happy era!

Looking back, how innocent and happy I was then

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (4)

I feel different with my old friends. My classmates always give me a deep sense of danger, as if I don't know when they will stab me in the back, and the kindness of old friends reminds me of the pure and beautiful time I had with them in junior high school, and there is a kind of happiness in my arms, sweet and warm. Who can know what tomorrow will be like? As long as the arm is hard and the pace is firm, there will be no impassable barriers and endless roads. My iron friends have walked all the way through ups and downs, singing and cheering. The ease of talking and slight complaints will always be brilliant.

There is no way in the world, but when there are many people walking, there is a way. Who would have thought that such a simple place name would become my spiritual pillar. When I stepped into the thorns and wandered into the jungle by mistake, I was at a loss. Those friends who usually sink at the bottom of the water rose to the surface. You and I opened the curtain with a word of encouragement and played a "cradle". I was afraid of being hypnotized, but I accepted it modestly and even sincerely, because this friendship moved me very much. Most of life is so direct. I never expected how great I could be. I knew that I was as ordinary as a piece of paper, which can be seen and touched everywhere.

I can't remember my childishness when I was young. With the absurd dream of flying high and mighty, I madly pursued the goal of reading to the ground. But the dream is just a dream, and there is no place to do it. However, the enthusiasm of the diehard friends is like a surging tide, which has already flooded the reason, and the examination room cannot tolerate fraud. So we put aside the bitterness of youth, immersed in the bombardment of textbooks - -- the miracle was thus earned by a group of lunatics. The teacher said that the gate of miracles is to climb over the mountain to S City, and this "miracle" can only be regarded as the beginning of life. The teacher hid the second half of the sentence in the moment of opening his mouth. Even he doubted whether it was right or wrong. We listened and nodded stupidly. Maybe there are too many people on the way back for this literati, and we will become redundant tourists unconsciously. However, that road is still so ostentatious and charming.

We didn't expect that so many brothers and sisters would come to this school. Our best friends didn't celebrate our bad luck together, because everyone knew how hard we worked, not just talking about it. The silent declaration of no gathering resounded in their hearts. The outside world is so big. At that moment, I admired the life of the city people. But when I think about the expensive living expenses, I know what is true. Money, this vulgar term, when it comes to this, my head will always be involuntarily short of oxygen. Since ancient times, it has been said that "money can make the devil push the mill". Today, we talk about "money can make people push ghosts". Such a change of thinking implies many people's sadness and helplessness.

The world is changing with each passing day, and we have changed beyond recognition.

The outside world is so novel that we use this heart to communicate. However, some of the most attractive things we can't escape are youth. Only when I was a freshman did I know that youth can be desolate. We have tasted the forbidden fruit of youth one after another, but we have shouted that we are forthright. Since then, we have enjoyed the sweetness of youth, lived a comfortable poetic life, forgotten the beautiful days we had been together, and forgotten the heroic words we had promised.

Time goes on day and night like water. Three years have passed quickly through my fingers. I am about to graduate, and we will face separation again. At this time, we remember how precious and pure the friendship was at that time. So we got together again as before, but the teenagers who were young and inexperienced were no longer there. We have been burned by the passionate youth, leaving only the lamentation and heartache of the poor. No one wants to touch those wounds, so our party ended in a silent and depressed atmosphere.

But oh, when we really left, we hugged each other tightly, and then silently shed tears, leaving behind the shadow.

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (5)

Autumn is the season when Chinese parasol leaves fall. Standing in the middle of the street, look at the falling plane trees on both sides and listen to their whispers, "Although we can't get rid of the withering fate, we are free at the moment of falling, and we will dance beautifully, which is what we can grasp."

Is it? I walked under the sycamore tree and looked up. A leaf twirled like a ballet, swaying in the wind, like a swan's feather. Is that the four little swans? This changing dance makes me marvel that this weak, withered and fragile life performed the most beautiful dance. That tenderness also contains strength. It seems to be trying to convince me that such beauty is achievable and such brilliance is in my own hands. This leaves, a sound, finally let me no longer doubt: even if the loss of more, but one thing we can grasp, that is, their own value.

Every time I read Tang poetry and Song poetry, I feel a sense of profound enlightenment. But every time I read Li Qingzhao, the representative of the graceful school, the famous poetess, I have a special feeling in my heart. In her life, she lost a lot of husbands, relatives, friends... She walked silently with the pain of national death and some undeserved condemnation. She could not change the suffering, so she began to create glory. She believes that personality and spirit are always in her own hands, so she has the understanding of "life is a hero, death is also a ghost", the lament of "the curtain rolls the west wind, people are thinner than yellow flowers", and the "sad and miserable". Sad beauty... She used what she has mastered to show her personality and talent, added her tenderness and straightness, and decorated the Song lyrics, It also proved its value when it was lost, just like the plane leaves.

This moment of association made me fall into meditation. Life is colorful, and all kinds of temptations often make us lose our dignity and personality, which are quite important to us originally. We have humble and delicate origins, but personality can be controlled by ourselves. If these are lost, our hands will be empty. What's the difference between human beings and ordinary animals? "Who has never died since ancient times? Let's stay true to history", which is not only a heroic sentiment, but also a heroic song of people fighting against fate!

I don't know when there was a plane tree leaf in my palm. I stared at it. It was no longer a thin, weak, fragile leaf. The withered and yellow leaves had already flashed a dazzling light. In an instant, I heard its whisper again: "The most beautiful dance, this is what we can master......"

Suddenly, my hands felt heavy.

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (6)

[Composition Title]

Long Yingtai said, "A lot of things we used to believe turned into disbelief one by one. Some of the things we used to believe still believe today... We always struggle between believing and disbelieving." What kind of thinking and perception did the above words trigger? According to the materials, draw up a topic and write an article.

Comment: This question directly attacks the soul, interrogates "belief", guides students to dialectically understand themselves and think about life. It is a composition question that can trigger thinking at the spiritual level—— Wang Bofen

[Excellent Composition]

Faith - the sun in the heart

On the long road of life, what grabbed your soul and made you keep moving forward? What warms your heart and makes you no longer lonely? What enriches your mind and makes you no longer mediocre? It is the sun in your heart - faith.

When you are sailing in the sea, faith is a compass in your hand, which makes you walk along the shortcut; When you are groping in the dark, faith is a bright Polaris in the night, which shines your future bright, like hope jumping; When you go home along the path, faith is a bonfire, guiding you to the front

Indeed, if there is no faith, how can poplar trees grow upward on the Gobi Desert; If there is no faith, how can lily flower the purest and most beautiful flowers on the cliff? Zhou Huanfei has no faith, and how can a small wild jujube tree seed produce a crystal clear jujube; If there is no faith, how can Chrysanthemum be independent in the cool autumn; If there is faith, how can Mei be proud in the cold snow

Faith is a strong spiritual pillar, a persistent character to move forward, a pioneer to pursue and yearn for, and a life force and goal to strive for!

Because of his belief, Beethoven, the great musician, was able to create the astonishing "Hero Symphony" when he was deaf; Because of his faith, the lonely Ah Bing can compose the swan song "Two Springs Mirroring the Moon", which sobs ghosts and gods; Because of his faith, Xian Xinghai was able to write a soprano solo "Wind" that touched the world.

Belief enriches people, and makes people forge ahead. Belief may come from the ordinary, but it must breed greatness!

Let alone those people and things far away from us, think again - if it is not faith, how can you have the confidence of King Gou Jian of Yue, how can you have the perseverance to endure hardships, how can you have the courage to march 25000 miles! If it is not for faith, how can there be a life relay in the earthquake, how can there be a firm resistance against Japan, how can there be a strong ability to cross the Sahara Desert with a small apple!

Human survival, social progress and China's rise are inseparable from faith. Sometimes, it is a force, sometimes, it is a hope, and more often, it is an indestructible spirit! Let this spirit inspire us to move forward, let this spirit inspire us to struggle, let this spirit become the sun in our hearts, warm our hearts and illuminate our future road!

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (7)

20xx Zhejiang Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination Composition Fan Wenyi: Write a reply letter/speech

Life needs a goal, and only with a goal can there be a direction of struggle. When you strive for a goal, you will have a kind of fun, a kind of fulfillment. Every time you accomplish something, you will have a sense of achievement, and a strong sense of achievement will further establish your self-confidence.

Life is not always smooth, there are good intentions, there must also be adversity, the more upward you go on the road of life, the more you will find it is full of hardships and frustrations, but also full of challenges and setbacks. When facing setbacks, we need confidence. Self confidence in turn is "believe in yourself" - believe in yourself. Believe in your ability whenever and wherever you are!

Copernicus, a famous astronomer and pioneer of natural science, was the first to question geocentrism, which was deeply rooted in people's minds at that time. He always believed in himself and did not give up easily. After 40 years of dedicated observation and research, he put forward the heliocentric system systematically for the first time, which was finally confirmed. He succeeded! Even in the face of the bloody pressure of being burned alive by the Catholic Church, he never turned back.

Copernicus' self-confidence was scientific, not blind and capricious. Yes, self-confidence does not mean that you will go your own way and will not listen to others' opinions. Admittedly, when the truth is in the hands of a few people, we should believe in ourselves and not follow blindly. When others sincerely raise objections to you, we should also listen to or accept with an open mind.

When the sun rises and a new day begins, are you ready to face new difficulties with full confidence? When the opportunity comes, have you fully grasped the new challenge? Everything in life needs confidence. Only confident people can realize the true meaning of life. A confident person must be happy, because in the face of difficulties, he will treat them with a positive and optimistic attitude and try to solve them. People who are not confident will cough, sigh and feel depressed. For example, when a thirsty person sees a glass of water on the table, an optimistic and confident person will say, "Good, there is still a glass of water!

I remember a great man said: whether a person can succeed depends on whether he has self-esteem and self-confidence. This shows the importance of self-confidence. I believe that only if we have confidence, we will overcome fear and shrink and usher in the dawn of success.

The ship of life is to be steered by ourselves. Only when we lift the confident sail, brave the wind and waves, and cross the dangerous beaches and reefs, can we reach the other side of success. Let's sing all the way: I want to fly higher, fly higher ---- with confidence, wisdom and sweat, to create our brilliant life.

20xx Zhejiang Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination Composition Fan Wener: Write a reply letter/speech

Flowers - there are traces of blooming;

Water -- there is a flowing path;

Love has a brilliant mark;

Looking at this relatively imaginative topic, some people may think that I already have an object, but I tell you that I don't have one, but I'm looking forward to that. I won't actively pursue it, because it's very tired, and everything in the world has a period of decline... No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will wither one day; No matter where the stream is, it will dry up one day; There is also love. Some people say that true love is the longest and will last forever. But I don't think so. There are many differences between people, but I don't deny that there are similarities and differences. However, love is the most vulnerable to decline. Everyone has his own personality. Men and women are difficult to get along with each other very well. Otherwise, the divorce rate in China would be so high. Do you think so, of course, this is just a joke

Sometimes I often think that someone can take care of me when they are around me. Really, because I like the feeling of taking care of people, but how long will it take to find such a feeling? I don't know. I wander around on QQ alone and don't know what to do. Every time I go to QQ, I always feel that I am a failure, Every time I go online, I always expect someone's avatar to flicker on my interface. It's better to see many, many, many people. But every time I go online, I am always disappointed. Not only is no one looking for me, but no one responds to me even when I look for others. Alas, failure... Oh, I feel very pleased to see someone leaving a message and commenting on my log when I wander around the space, It felt like flying into the sky; It's like a fish out of the water suddenly sees the water source, so hungry in the past... Sometimes they are very speechless to themselves, really, I am very contradictory

I am an introvert, but I often do things that non introverts can do. I am shy of doing anything. Sometimes I prefer to stay in the corner of the room and do my own things, even in a daze. Anything I like is good. Really, I don't like being forced to do anything, so I will fight desperately, When I was dreaming, I dreamed that I was in a world full of happiness and no worries. I was really happy there, but when I woke up, everything was empty. After a day of school, I just wanted to take the bus home alone. I didn't like to talk. There were not many true friends around me, and the only friend might be him, There are only a few people in school. I don't like to see through people's hearts, because that is terrible. Who will know what the side of people's hearts is like, and how many real friends I can have in my life. For these friends, I will cherish them. (What I want to say here is that I have only one true friend, not two, and one has died quietly in my life.)

After talking so much, it's really a lot. If I want to think about what I am doing and what I have done for myself in the future, I am a pay type boy. No matter when my love is no better than years of friendship, I often imagine what I will do if I have my own blue sky one day, I've thought a lot about what I'm doing and what career I'm engaged in. Maybe this is the last time I think about it. Sometimes I want to do everything perfectly, but I don't have that ability. I can't do anything about it. Whenever my friends (whether at school or outside) are sad, I always secretly complain about my own mistakes. I always take it for granted, I always thought that everything would pass under my own review, and everything would disappear, but how could this be possible? The way of life needs to be grasped, explored and discovered by ourselves. Over the years, we have paid more or less. The dream of youth needs to be realized by ourselves. It is not possible to realize it by dreaming now. We cannot find our own shortcomings, but we can do things more perfectly to cover up these shortcomings, So I decided to be true to myself in the future, not to cover up anything intentionally, not to cover up my shortcomings intentionally, and to work boldly for my dreams. I should say good bye to the past, let the past go, and the past will never come back. I should put down my burden, boldly move forward, step by step, and not think about the future, Take every step of your own out of brilliance and integrity

20xx Zhejiang Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination Composition Fan Wensan: Write a reply/speech

As for overcoming public shyness, Mr. Carnegie has the most experience, and the most basic experience among his many experiences is: "You should assume that the audience owes you money, and you are asking for a few more days of grace; you are a proud creditor, so you don't have to be afraid of them."

Once, Carnegie attended the graduation party of the training class. At the party, a graduate said to him in front of more than 200 people, "Mr. Carnegie, five years ago, I came to a hotel where you held a demonstration performance. When I came to the door of the meeting, I stopped. I knew that if I just walked into the room and attended the class, I would have to give a speech sooner or later. My hands were stiff on the door handle, and I was afraid to go in; Finally, I turned around and walked out of the hotel. At that time, if I knew that you could teach people to overcome fear easily - the fear that would paralyze the audience, I would not miss the lost five years in vain. "

After listening to his words, Carnegie was deeply attracted by his special appearance and self-confidence, because he was speaking frankly, not across a table, but to many people. This shows that he has completely overcome his shyness in public, and he must be able to use his present expression ability and confidence to greatly increase his skills in handling administrative affairs. Perhaps if he had conquered fear five or ten years ago, he would have enjoyed more and better success and happiness than he does now.

Emerson was right when he said, "Fear can defeat human beings more than anything else in the world.". Because of this, Carnegie believes that eliminating fear and inferiority is one of the best ways for people to master speech and negotiation skills. In this process, Carnegie believes that practicing speaking in public is a natural way. It can not only overcome anxiety, but also help build courage and self-confidence. Because speaking in public can help people control their fears.

In Carnegie's view, to really overcome the fear of public speaking, we must start from the following aspects:

First, find out why you are afraid to speak in public.

In fact, fear of speaking in public is not a person's mentality. Most people have this mentality in varying degrees. Therefore, it can be said that this is the common psychological characteristic of a considerable number of people. According to Carnegie's survey, 80 to 90 percent of college students have a certain sense of fear when they begin to speak on the stage; In the Carnegie adult speech eloquence training class, almost 100% of the students were afraid to speak on the stage at the beginning of the course.

Carnegie believes that a certain degree of stage fear is beneficial for people to practice speaking, because human beings are born with the ability to cope with unusual challenges in the environment. He reminds people that when you notice that your pulse and breath are speeding up, you should not be too nervous, but stay calm, because your body has always been alert to external stimuli, which indicates that it is ready to take action to meet environmental challenges. If this psychological preparation is carried out within a certain limit, the parties concerned will think faster and speak more fluently, and generally speaking, they will speak more incisively and forcefully than under ordinary circumstances.

Generally speaking, even professional speakers never completely overcome their fear of going on stage. They are more or less timid when they begin to speak. Moreover, this timidity will be shown in the first few sentences, but they can quickly overcome this timidity and enter a calm state.

The main reason why people are afraid of speaking in public is that they are not used to speaking in public. Professor Robinson once said: "Fear is born of ignorance and uncertainty.". That's quite reasonable. Because speaking in public is an unknown for most speakers who have just stepped on the podium. They do not understand what public speaking is, so they inevitably feel anxious and afraid. For them, it is a series of complex and unfamiliar situations, which is more complicated than learning to play tennis or drive a car. To make this terrible situation simple and easy, it requires unremitting practice.

In fact, as long as it is the person who gets a successful speech through practice, speaking in public will become not a pain, but a pleasure.

Edward Wigner, a famous speaker and psychologist, used to be very afraid of speaking and making speeches in public. When he was in middle school, he was shocked at the thought of standing up to give a speech for five minutes. But after his efforts, he overcame his fear.

His deeds had a profound influence on Carnegie. Here is the story of his success.

"When the day of the speech approached," he wrote, "I was really ill. As soon as I thought of that terrible thing, the blood would rush to my forehead. My cheeks burned so hard that I had to go to the back of the school and stick it on the cold brick wall to try to reduce the surging flush. The same was true when I was in college. Once, I carefully recited the beginning of a speech, 'Adams and Jefferson have passed away. I barely squeezed out the opening line. I could say nothing but 'Adams and Jefferson have passed away,' so I bowed... solemnly walked back to my seat in thunderous applause. The headmaster stood up and said, 'Edward, we are shocked to hear the sad news, but we will try our best to mourn under the current circumstances.' Then, deafening laughter broke out. At that time, I really wanted to die for relief. Later, I became ill for several days.

Finally, he said sincerely: "The last thing I dare not expect to do in this world is to be a public speaker."

Edward Wigner has been living in Denver since he left university for one year.

During the debate on "free silver coinage", he read a pamphlet, which proposed the implementation of "free silver coinage". Edward Wigner disagreed with this view very much and was very angry, so he became a watch to make money and returned home to Indiana. When he arrived in Indiana, he volunteered to make a speech on sound currency system. In his audience, many of the audience were his former classmates. "When I started," he wrote, "the scene of Adams and Jefferson's speech in the university flashed through my mind again. I began to suffocate, stammer, and was about to be wiped out. However, the audience and I reluctantly survived; my small success doubled my courage, and I continued to talk for about 15 minutes. To my surprise, I have been talking for an hour and a half. As a result, in the next few years, I was the most surprised person in the world, and I even took public speaking as my business. Therefore, I realized what William James meant by "the habit of success". "

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (8)

Chapter 1: How happy we were then

Once, I was an innocent and lively girl, carrying a small and exquisite bag into the beautiful and spacious campus... At that time, how happy I was!

Primary school, in that beautiful campus full of innocence, I grew up carefree. Every year, they are among the best in the exam, winning the consensus of teachers, students and parents! After finishing my homework every day, I have time to listen to some beautiful music or read some world famous works: I wander in "Uncle Tom's Cabin", take a walk in "Wuthering Heights", and find the "Wizard of Oz" with Dorothy and her friends. On weekends, I can visit famous mountains and rivers with my parents, and enjoy myself in the embrace of nature. In communication, I am always handy, and my friends are very friendly together; There were some conflicts with my classmates in life and study, and everyone would smile to remove them... How happy I was then!

However, time went by in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life went by in a hurry. This "hurry" seems to take away the happiness of childhood in a hurry. Gradually, I began to worry about the little things in life: after high school, the learning task gradually increased, in addition to learning or learning, although hard to learn, but now, not to mention the top ten in my class, I may not be able to get into. My parents often remind me of this, always nagging, which makes me very distressed... I really want to return to that happy era!

Looking back, how innocent and happy I was then

Part II: At that time, we

I feel different with my old friends. My classmates always give me a deep sense of danger, as if I don't know when they will stab me in the back, and the kindness of old friends reminds me of the pure and beautiful time I had with them in junior high school, and there is a kind of happiness in my arms, sweet and warm. Who can know what tomorrow will be like? As long as the arm is hard and the pace is firm, there will be no impassable barriers and endless roads. My iron friends have walked all the way through ups and downs, singing and cheering. The ease of talking and slight complaints will always be brilliant.

There is no way in the world, but when there are many people walking, there is a way. Who would have thought that such a simple place name would become my spiritual pillar. When I stepped into the thorns and wandered into the jungle by mistake, I was at a loss. Those friends who usually sink at the bottom of the water rose to the surface. You and I opened the curtain with a word of encouragement and played a "cradle". I was afraid of being hypnotized, but I accepted it modestly and even sincerely, because this friendship moved me very much. Most of life is so direct. I never expected how great I could be. I knew that I was as ordinary as a piece of paper, which can be seen and touched everywhere.

I can't remember my childishness when I was young. With the absurd dream of flying high and mighty, I madly pursued the goal of reading to the ground. But the dream is just a dream, and there is no place to do it. However, the enthusiasm of the diehard friends is like a surging tide, which has already flooded the reason, and the examination room cannot tolerate fraud. So we put aside the bitterness of youth, immersed in the bombardment of textbooks - -- the miracle was thus earned by a group of lunatics. The teacher said that the gate of miracles is to climb over the mountain to S City, and this "miracle" can only be regarded as the beginning of life. The teacher hid the second half of the sentence in the moment of opening his mouth. Even he doubted whether it was right or wrong. We listened and nodded stupidly. Maybe there are too many people on the way back for this literati, and we will become redundant tourists unconsciously. However, that road is still so ostentatious and charming.

We didn't expect that so many brothers and sisters would come to this school. Our best friends didn't celebrate our bad luck together, because everyone knew how hard we worked, not just talking about it. The silent declaration of no gathering resounded in their hearts. The outside world is so big. At that moment, I admired the life of the city people. But when I think about the expensive living expenses, I know what is true. Money, this vulgar term, when it comes to this, my head will always be involuntarily short of oxygen. Since ancient times, it has been said that "money can make the devil push the mill". Now we talk about "money can make the devil move", and this change of pondering implies many people's sadness and helplessness.

The world is changing with each passing day, and we have changed beyond recognition.

The outside world is so novel that we use this heart to communicate. However, some of the most attractive things we can't escape are youth. Only when I was a freshman did I know that youth can be desolate. We have tasted the forbidden fruit of youth one after another, but we have shouted that we are forthright. Since then, we have enjoyed the sweetness of youth, lived a comfortable poetic life, forgotten the beautiful days we had been together, and forgotten the heroic words we had promised.

Time goes on day and night like water. Three years have passed quickly through my fingers. I am about to graduate, and we will face separation again. At this time, we remember how precious and pure the friendship was at that time. So we got together again as before, but the teenagers who were young and inexperienced were no longer there. We have been burned by the passionate youth, leaving only the lamentation and heartache of the poor. No one wants to touch those wounds, so our party ended in a silent and depressed atmosphere.

But oh, when we really left, we hugged each other tightly, and then silently shed tears, leaving behind the shadow.

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (9)

2009 Jiaxing Full Score Composition: Don't Walk an Ordinary Path

Unusual way

Flowers bloom. Flowers fall. Gorgeous. Silence. It is still repeated year after year. The long river of history is flowing quietly, and those who do not take the ordinary way are jumping like crystal waves

In a quiet night, the moonlight is bright, you can sip tea, hold a book and immerse yourself in the stories of the past dynasties. Your thoughts rise and fall like a moment of loss between your fingers, but deep memories flow down

"The Princess is complaining about the sound of the pipa". The ring beating in the ear is mixed with a trace of sand blowing through the desert. Is that the maid? Wang Qiang, since you have entered the palace, you should have been dedicated to serving. But he resolutely chose to marry a foreign country. No matter how reluctant it is, it is your decision after all. You have overcome the long journey, the dusty weather and different customs. He made important contributions to the stability of the Han Dynasty and the border areas. It is a great contribution of a weak woman to serve the motherland.

The comfortable life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain", and the beautiful moonlight of "hoeing with the moon lotus" The world lives in the dark officialdom where "warm wind blows people", and lives in a mask all day long. But you, Tao Yuanming, have chosen a different life. Instead of bowing down for five fights and five fights, you concentrate on cultivating the "bean growing Nanshan", despise the corruption of officialdom, and enjoy the leisure life brought by nature. It is a poet's yearning for a free life to take an unusual road.

The life of "gambling books were so consumed that tea was spiced. At that time, only the way was ordinary" was fascinating. Nalan Rongruo was a distinguished young man at that time, who could enjoy a life of luxury. But he didn't like this kind of frivolity. He and his wife were harmonious and happy, and he made friends with a large number of Jiangnan scholars who chanted poems in their own waterside pavilion. The infinite freedom is enviable. If he doesn't follow the usual path, he will despise the luxury and pursue a higher level of literary spirit.

The long river of history jumps like crystal waves.

After reading, the moonlight is still like water It seems to be covered with a layer of gauze.

A strong voice burst out in the heart: "Don't take the ordinary road, live according to your own wishes."

Unusual way

There is no road in this world. If you walk too much, you will become a road naturally.

These roads are divided into three or six or nine grades, namely, ordinary roads and unusual roads.

On ordinary roads, you can only enjoy the colorful roadside; An unusual road can make you enjoy the unexpected beauty.

The unusual road also has its own unique charm! As early as the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang, the minister of Shu, completed a historic task to break through the predecessors. According to Zhou Yu, it is not easy to get 100000 arrows in three days. The arrow feathers and arrows have been made, and the arrows cannot be searched completely. Zhuge, however, did not hurry. He ate and drank in Lu Su's residence for three days without any sense of crisis, because he had already found a new way for himself. That night, he "borrowed" 100000 arrows from Prime Minister Cao. When he held bundles of arrows and saw Zhou Yu, who was stunned, it was not difficult to find that Zhuge Liang avoided the ordinary road and stepped onto the stage of history.

It seems that the ancients' adventurous spirit and strange, innovative and modern successful people also have their epitome.

In the 20th century, a young man worked everywhere. He overcame many difficulties in life and became an intellectual. He first came up with a whim to go abroad and march towards Microsoft, the giant of information technology at that time. His goal is very clear. He wants to achieve something big. At that time, identity and money could make anyone easy to work. However, he did not give up either of them. He worked as a clerk at Microsoft for ten years and began to study the whole system of Microsoft. Maybe it was unreasonable. No one could understand what he did at that time. The emperor did not disappoint the man who wanted to, and he did so, which made Gates look up to him and he became the president of Microsoft in China. But the story did not end, and he began a new adventure.

Before long, he resigned from his highly paid position and set up a new portal. With years of experience, he successfully started his own business and became the backbone of China's information industry. He is Tang Jun, the king of migrant workers in China.

Faced with the success of others, more or less a little yearning. However, success is like a road. This road is full of flowers and plants, but it is short of strange flowers and trees. We don't need to follow others. If we can create a unique style, we can make the road to success full of beauty.

There is no road in this world. If you walk too much, you will become a road. Don't those ordinary roads also come out?

Unusual way

There is a long way to go. Where is the secluded place where thousands of winding paths lead to? Open the fragrant flowers and trees of the Buddhist temple, search up and down, find the really unusual road, and find the poetic dream in your heart.

The road is wandering on the feet, left and right, choose an unusual road to start, and persistently chase the hope of the sun and the moon in your heart.

The antique Shaoxing has taken an unusual road. It is the magnificent figure who holds high the banner of the New Culture Movement and cries out for China's hope. He studied in Japan to learn medical skills in order to save the wounded Chinese. Until that black and white film portrayed those callous Chinese hearts, he woke up, dropped the scalpel in his hand, and resolutely picked up the pen and ink. What is thick is that the ink fragrance has infected the Chinese people's stubborn heart, awakened the dignity of the oriental lion, and inspired the soul of the Chinese people. He once hesitated, but broke free from the shackles of kites and shouted the spiritual movement of life.

He was Lu Xun, the cultural giant of that era. He did not take the ordinary road, but he used his pen to ring the bell of the times.

The lights of the old Shanghai beach were on, and the colorful neon lights were shining with hypocritical pomp. Quiet your mind in the noise and seek for real existence. Walking into a deep alley, black bricks and black tiles tell her the accumulation of history, engraved with those unforgettable memories. At the bottom of the lane, green vines climb up the white wall of the old style house. The woman who leans on the railing once had a youth, but at the tip of her eyebrows there were a few tears of lovesickness. She refused to be bound by the family, divorced her husband, wrote poems and wrote essays alone, and embarked on the road of cultural talent. She doesn't care about her husband and children, nor does she care about her family. However, she has her love, ups and downs, and endless reverie.

She was Zhang Ailing, the cultural talent of that era. She doesn't take the ordinary road, but she paints the scenery of the times with her pen.

Choice has made many people with lofty ideals guard the empty harbor. Li Bai did not take the usual road, but went out laughing, looking for the wine in the cup and the moonlight in the sky; Gao Juehui, the<<home>>described by Ba Jin, walked away by the waves of blue water... How many people moved, scrupulously bound by the secular world, did not take the ordinary road, to pursue the perfection in their hearts.

Don't walk the ordinary way -- live and narrate with pen. Their poetry flows out of a blue sea; Their dreams are full of flowers.

He is unsound but optimistic. He is not sound, but very strong. He is not sound, but he has found an unusual way of life.

I stopped a rickshaw when I went to Xinhua Bookstore. Instead of going to the main road as usual, the car turned into a quiet path. I was wondering when the driver said, "There are few people here, safe and quiet. It can give you a comfortable riding environment." He was on an unusual road. I smiled and looked at him. He was wearing a washed white vest, and his hair was trimmed with silver. He was about 50 years old.

As I walked in front of the car, I began to wonder that the car body was slightly bumpy on the good road, unlike other tricycles. Looking down, he suddenly found that he had only one leg! What he lost was his right leg. The empty trouser leg was hanging in the air with a knot in its arm. With the frequency of his pedaling, he rushed forward first, paused for a moment, and then rushed forward again. In order to accelerate the speed of pedaling, his hips were always off the seat cushion and he leaned forward to focus all his strength on the only leg.

Looking at the empty trousers, I felt very uncomfortable. I am in my early seventeen's and weigh more than 100 jin... I wanted to get off the bus several times, but I was afraid that I would pollute some holy things.

Ahead is an uphill belt. I said, "I'll get off first and help you push the car over." He quickly stopped "No, no, I can't climb this slope. How can I earn a living? Last time, I swam across Jiaxing with two foreigners on my leg!" Then he smiled happily. He is really a different person. When the car met Tupo, it stubbornly refused to move forward, and even tended to retreat. The driver arched his body and stepped forward, making the car squeak. His dark back neck stretched a muscle. I think his face must be purple at this time, and the ribs under the thin clothes must be numerous.

The cart finally climbed up, and the driver was breathing heavily. At present, he is a social amblyopia group, but in my opinion, he is undoubtedly a strong man. Faced with the injustice of fate, he did not choose depression, but raised the sail of self-confidence. The broken leg doomed him to a special life. He took a different road, just like turning into the path. The rickshaw puller may be a very ordinary job, but for him, he should pay a hundred times, a thousand times more efforts than the normal person!

He left the road behind and the slope behind, earning a comfortable life. He is fighting against himself and fate. The only leg supported the weight of his whole life, the dignity of his whole life, and the unusual road of his whole life.

Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination (10)

2012 Jiaxing High School Entrance Examination Full Score Composition: At that time, we felt different with our old friends. My classmates always give me a deep sense of danger, as if I don't know when they will stab me in the back, and the kindness of old friends reminds me of the pure and beautiful time I had with them in junior high school, and there is a kind of happiness in my arms, sweet and warm. Who can know what tomorrow will be like? As long as the arm is hard and the pace is firm, there will be no impassable barriers and endless roads. My iron friends have walked all the way through ups and downs, singing and cheering. The ease of talking and slight complaints will always be brilliant.

There is no way in the world, but when there are many people walking, there is a way. Who would have thought that such a simple place name would become my spiritual pillar. When I stepped into the thorns and wandered into the jungle by mistake, I was at a loss. Those friends who usually sink at the bottom of the water rose to the surface. You and I opened the curtain with a word of encouragement and played a "cradle". I was afraid of being hypnotized, but I accepted it modestly and even sincerely, because this friendship moved me very much. Most of life is so direct. I never expected how great I could be. I knew that I was as ordinary as a piece of paper, which can be seen and touched everywhere.

I can't remember my childishness when I was young. With the absurd dream of flying high and mighty, I madly pursued the goal of reading to the ground. But the dream is just a dream, and there is no place to do it. However, the enthusiasm of the diehard friends is like a surging tide, which has already flooded the reason, and the examination room cannot tolerate fraud. So we put aside the bitterness of youth, immersed in the bombardment of textbooks - -- the miracle was thus earned by a group of lunatics. The teacher said that the gate of miracles is to climb over the mountain to S City, and this "miracle" can only be regarded as the beginning of life. The teacher hid the second half of the sentence in the moment of opening his mouth. Even he doubted whether it was right or wrong. We listened and nodded stupidly. Maybe there are too many people on the way back for this literati, and we will become redundant tourists unconsciously. However, that road is still so ostentatious and charming.

We didn't expect that so many brothers and sisters would come to this school. Our best friends didn't celebrate our bad luck together, because everyone knew how hard we worked, not just talking about it. The silent declaration of no gathering resounded in their hearts. The outside world is so big. At that moment, I admired the life of the city people. But when I think about the expensive living expenses, I know what is true. Money, this vulgar term, when it comes to this, my head will always be involuntarily short of oxygen. Since ancient times, it has been said that "money can make the devil push the mill". Now we talk about "money can make the devil move", and this change of pondering implies many people's sadness and helplessness.

The world is changing with each passing day, and we have changed beyond recognition.

The outside world is so novel that we use this heart to communicate. However, some of the most attractive things we can't escape are youth. Only when I was a freshman did I know that youth can be desolate. We have tasted the forbidden fruit of youth one after another, but we have shouted that we are forthright. Since then, we have enjoyed the sweetness of youth, lived a comfortable poetic life, forgotten the beautiful days we had been together, and forgotten the heroic words we had promised.

Time goes on day and night like water. Three years have passed quickly through my fingers. I am about to graduate, and we will face separation again. At this time, we remember how precious and pure the friendship was at that time. So we got together again as before, but the teenagers who were young and inexperienced were no longer there. We have been burned by the passionate youth, leaving only the lamentation and heartache of the poor. No one wants to touch those wounds, so our party ended in a silent and depressed atmosphere.

But oh, when we really left, we hugged each other tightly, and then silently shed tears, leaving behind the shadow.