Composition Milk (7 in general)
What's the pain
2024-05-24 09:09:42

Composition Milk (1)

In my memory, I grew up drinking 'instant boiled milk' with my grandfather's light. I was four years old that year. Looking at grandpa with ignorance of the world. My grandpa was a man who was unsmiling, so I was afraid of him at that time. As long as he had a straight face, I was as cute as a kitten in the corner, and my grandma was not a kind person because she had been mentally stimulated when she was young. At that time, my parents worked outside. They worked very hard because they came from a foreign country. My mother was stubborn at that time, and she was also a stubborn person, She always did the best job she was assigned, and her mother had to grind simple things over and over again, so I went to my grandfather's house for what they ignored.

Grandfather's health was no longer healthy at that time. Asthma made him miserable. Grandmother also tried her best to take care of him. At that time, the family was not rich. It was very happy to have milk to drink, and the mother was a dutiful son. Therefore, part of the monthly salary was left to Grandfather to buy milk. And I naturally looked at it eagerly, smelling the happiness in the subtle milk fragrance. Every time the milkman came, Grandma would use her trembling little feet to fetch milk. I always watched silently, watching the milk pour into the pot, and soon the milk would overflow, while I looked at Grandpa eagerly. When Grandpa finished drinking milk, there would always be a bottom in the pot. Then Grandma would add a bucket of water to mix the milk and water at the bottom of the pot, which became my delicious food. At that time, I was very easy to satisfy myself. Even the "instant boiled milk" I didn't dare to drink it all at once. Although I wanted to do so at that time, I finally drank it with small mouthfuls of water, and then spent the day contentedly.

Day after day, only two years later, my grandfather's body could no longer bear the grinding of time. When he was six years old, my grandfather died. The family sent his body back to his hometown. In my memory, my mother didn't shed a tear, while other aunts cried bitterly. Maybe my mother passed this on to me. I just silently sent my grandfather away with the adults, Just remember that autumn was particularly cold.

I saw my grandpa off, and my grandma went to my uncle's house, and I went back to my home with my parents. But my grandpa's death did not make me forget about "boiling pot milk". When my grandpa was drinking milk, I thought about my toes and looked forward to it, but I never saw the familiar milkman. When I was a child, I didn't cry much, but that time I cried very hard. Later, my mother heard about the "instant boiled milk" from my grandmother, and bought me the milk I had longed for for a long time. Looking at the boiling milk in the pot, my heart was not as excited as before. The milk was still the same as before, but the people who drank it were different. How could the milk drink out of my heart's expectation? Since then, I have never drunk milk again. The memory also fades with the passage of time. Now I think of the children who can see the boiling milk.

The days will get better and better, and I will gradually grow up. I once chatted with my grandmother and recalled the childhood 'boiled pot milk'. I was grinding my grandmother to make another 'boiled pot milk', but I could not taste the taste of my childhood.

'Shabu Pot Milk' in my mind is a childhood, a beautiful and irreplaceable memory. It seems to smell a trace of milk when it is written

Composition Milk (2)

Milk flavored family composition

In the ordinary study, work and life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in their memory in written form. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is a family composition of Xiaobian, which is full of milk flavor. Welcome to share it.

A cup of smooth and strong soymilk was placed in front of the computer, and the hot air from the soymilk cup haunted my eyes. I listened to the song and thought of my father with thin hair. When I was sorting out, I felt an unnamed sour feeling

I have just come to a school of students. It is inevitable that I will not adapt to the school, classroom, teacher and classmates of students. Slowly, my academic performance is getting worse. So my father took the responsibility of tutoring me in my study.

Every night, my father was busy all day and had to work with me. Sometimes I will accompany me to write more than 11:00. Finally, my grades went up, and I ranked in the top 20 in my class after the mid-term exam. But then, complacent, I learned the most difficult problem in mathematics in this grade again. Mathematics has become the root of my pain, whether at school or at home every day. So my father ignored my tired body and the top of my head with only a few hairs, and he was there to accompany me with my questions. At this time, my father often said jokingly, "You went to school but let me go back to school again

To tell the truth, Dad was a good student in his class at that time, and he always ranked top in every exam. And I, no matter how hard I try, I am just a student with average grades. Every time Dad sees me like this, he always half jokingly comforts me and says, "What about that little thing? Just remember that you are my genius's daughter!" Then he starts to dance his own unique "Twist Dance". When I hear this, my face always shows a bright smile

At this time, I held the cup of soy milk in my forehand, looked up and tasted it. Then, go to the living room and let the father taste the milk flavor without losing the sweet and smooth family relationship

Composition Milk (3)

[Chapter 1]

My grandmother is 76 years old this year. It is said that 70 years old is rare, but for my grandmother, 70 years old is a good time to enjoy the sunset life.

Grandma is medium height, her hair is gray, and her round face is inlaid with a pair of small eyes. Although the wrinkles around her eyes have eroded, she still looks so energetic. Grandma has a good spirit, and her waist is not bent. She walks very fast. Everyone who has seen her praises her as a healthy, kind and kind old man.

Grandma believes in Christianity and reads a Bible all day long. Grandma never went to school. When she first started to read books, she was always confused, like reading a book from heaven. But she never gave up learning to read. It is her learning method to let me teach her to look up the dictionary and consult her family. Every word Grandma wrote was like a craftsman carving, meticulous and meticulous. Everything comes to him who waits. After hard work, my grandmother can now understand 1000 words. Sometimes she tells me the knowledge and fun in books and newspapers. I really admire her.

Grandma brought me up and gave me a lot of love. One thing still fresh in my memory. In the fifth grade of primary school, it was raining cats and dogs one evening. The students hid under the eaves like ants on a hot pot, anxiously waiting for their families to pick them up. I also looked into the rain. Suddenly, a familiar figure came into sight: Grandma! She is looking for me, with an umbrella in one hand and clothes in the other. "Grandma, I'm here!" I rushed to hug Grandma. Grandma asked me to put on my clothes and asked me if I was cold. Grandma had an operation less than a month ago, and her clothes were wet. I took my grandmother's hand, and a warm current flowed into my heart. Looking at her slightly tired body, my tears flowed out disobediently.

Now, I have exceeded my grandmother. When I walked with my grandmother, I always held her arm and thought it was the best gift that God had given me.

[Chapter 2]

Grandma is a genuine farmer, but she supported the family with her weak shoulders in the 1960s and 1970s and raised five children with the quality of hard work, plain living, diligence and thrift. They are all promising when they grow up.

Grandma made the children go to school with the money from selling crops and her natural thrift. According to my father, since the late 1970s, in order to improve the living conditions of her family, Grandma has renovated her house every few years, from the original thatched house to the brick house, and from the brick house to the two storey building now. This is not easy for an ordinary farmer, but Grandma did it. She is strong, hardworking and hard-working, so these almost impossible things were achieved by her grandmother's thrift.

Since I can remember, Grandma is a restless person. She has to worry about all the big and small things in the family. Maybe Grandma is too capable, so Grandpa is happy to be idle and has nothing to do with food and clothing. Now life is getting better and better, but Grandma is sick because of her hard work when she was young. She takes more medicine than she eats, and her health is getting worse every day.

Grandma's life is booming now, she has everything to eat and wear, almost everything, but she still maintains the traditional virtue of frugality. When washing clothes in the washing machine, the dirty water from the drainage pipe is connected to a big bucket to flush the toilet. When I was a child, it seemed that Grandma's thrift was stingy. I remember one time, when I came back from school at noon, I was hungry and asked Grandma for money to buy snacks. Grandma said, "Dinner will be ready soon. Don't buy snacks again." Grandma's stinginess made me cry and scream. Now I think I was really ignorant at that time. Isn't this valuable quality of Grandma worth learning from?

Grandma's "wind of thrift" has blown into the heart of the whole family. Now our family is very thrifty. I hope that this wind will keep blowing and continue to blow to everyone's heart.

Grandma, you are amazing!

[Chapter 3]

My grandma's name is Jiang Qiaoyun. She is clever and skillful. She can do things as quickly and well as her name. She can also knit sweaters and repair small furniture. Although she is old now, her hair is graying, her eyes are blurred, and her ears are hard to use, she still loves learning. Every week, she goes to the university for the elderly to learn computer and pesters me to learn English. Although the progress was very slow, and even made many jokes, such as always reading "L" in English into "I" in Chinese, and the progress in learning computers was not fast, she still studied meticulously.

Grandma is very tight to my study. Every day after school, I am asked to do my homework. After that, I checked them one by one. If I didn't understand something, she explained it to me. Grandma cares about my overall development. In order to cultivate my interest, she played badminton with me and played chess with me. Although she knew nothing about these things, playing chess was Confucius's move - always learning (losing), but she never cared. I know it's all for me. How much work Grandma has spent on me!

In life, my grandmother was even more meticulous care for me, food, clothing, housing and transportation, without any omission. At nine o'clock in the evening, I went back to the Zhaohui Garden where I lived from my grandmother's house and had to cross a road. Grandma was worried. She always held my hand and sent me across the road before she went home. Once, it was raining heavily, and there was only one umbrella at home. After crossing the road, Grandma gave me her umbrella and walked home in the rain. I looked at her stooped figure, and tears could not help flowing down.

Grandma's biggest shortcoming is her short temper. When I learned slowly, she swore loudly. Because of carelessness, I often miscalculated math problems, so my grandmother scolded me frequently. Grandma also knew that she was irritable. She had quarreled with many people and suffered losses, but now she is much better.

I love my grandma, who is always learning and caring.

[Chapter 4]

My grandma is 59 years old this year, but she is very young. Her skin is white, her eyes are big and bright, her hair is short, and she is still as black and shiny as before. She looks beautiful, energetic and energetic.

My grandma loves to be clean and cleans the house every morning; My grandma loves dancing very much. Every night she goes to Lanxi Park to do a square dance; My grandma loves delicious food and can cook delicious food; My grandmother is very humorous and often makes everyone laugh; My grandmother loves learning. She knows many folk proverbs and is willing to accept new things; My grandma loves fashion, listening to music, playing games, shopping on Taobao and WeChat with her iPhone every day By the way, my grandma also likes to be beautiful. She dresses up beautifully every day when she goes out.

My grandma doesn't lose her temper. She always smiles at me every day. I remember one time when I was five years old, my brother, sister and sister were playing hide and seek, She only said one sentence: "It doesn't matter. If you lose it, you will never come back. Just have fun." Grandma has said this for countless times.

My grandmother's weakness is that she likes to snore. One day, I slept with my grandmother and was awakened in the middle of the night. That day, I counted countless sheep. Later, I was too sleepy to stand it, and fell asleep with her snoring.

Grandma has many advantages. My favorite food is her cooking. She can cook squirrel fish, braised lion's head in brown sauce, fried crabs with cauliflower, fried bamboo shoots with shredded meat, braised meat in brown sauce, dumplings, etc Stop talking, and I will drool!

This is my grandma. She is not old at all. In my eyes, she is only in her twenties. I love my grandma! Love this fashionable and interesting grandma.

[Chapter 5]

Everyone has a grandmother, but my grandmother, like my mother, cares for me and educates me meticulously.

When I was more than 3 years old, my grandma sent me to Heilongjiang from my grandma's home in Sichuan (she died of stomach cancer). Since then, I have grown up under the care of my grandparents.

When I was young, I was very weak and often fell ill. Grandma held me night and night, cooled me down with wine, and kept close to me. She never let me cry as a child without a mother.

I went to school. Grandma always made me dress neatly and let me study hard. On one occasion, I only got 78 points in a math test. I came home nervous and afraid and told my grandmother about this score. Surprisingly, my grandmother didn't criticize me, but said earnestly: "It's not so easy to achieve good results. Only by working hard can we achieve our goals. I hope you can learn lessons and see your good results next time." My tears suddenly fell down, and I made a decision to myself: Grandma, don't worry!

My grandma is over 60 years old this year, and she is not very healthy. She often has lumbago and leg pain. In order to lighten her burden, I sometimes help sweep the floor, wash my socks, and wash my grandma's feet... Do something within my power, and my grandma is very happy. She often said to me, "If you don't have your mother, your father is not around (my father works in Tibet and can only go home once a year). It is our responsibility and our obligation to take good care of you. You must strive to become a useful person to society when you grow up."

I can't grow up without my kind grandma. She has poured a lot of great love into her study and life. I feel very lucky to have such a grandma!

Composition Milk (4)

Late at night, it was so quiet and dark. In the cold moonlight, I was the only one sitting at my desk. In the face of many assignments, I sighed and wrote quickly.

"Come, daughter. Don't write." Mother smiled and put a glass of steaming milk in front of me. "Drink some milk! Relax."

I was very worried about my homework, so I put aside the cup of milk filled with maternal love and began to do my homework again.

"My son, it's not your mother who said you were too slow to do your homework. My mother hopes you can be more serious next time. Don't be so slow, or it will affect your rest..."

Tired of doing homework, I picked up the hot milk on the table to drink. A mellow and warm milk fragrance seeps into my already dry heart. With the fragrance of milk, the warm scenes will become dense

I still remember that I used to have a stomachache, so I couldn't catch cold. So no matter what to eat and drink, my mother will give me hot food. And I like to push the quilt when I sleep at night, so my mother can't sleep well almost all night. She keeps watch over me and covers my quilt for fear that the cold wind will make me catch cold

"Have you finished your homework?" A warm greeting from my mother drew me back to reality. As I finished the last few words, I answered my mother attentively: "Mom, it will be ready soon. Go to bed quickly, and don't be tired."

After finishing my homework, I sat on the bed and slowly tasted the cup of milk full of maternal love. The mellow milk fragrance with thick maternal love surrounded me in thick happiness

Composition Milk (5)

Of the thousands of beverages in the world, can they be as clear, elegant and fragrant as tea?

Open the "Tea Book", "Tea is the best tree in the south.". I can't help being impressed by Lu Yu's feelings when he wrote this kind of "straight to the point" discourse. Mr. Lu Yu traveled across mountains and rivers and visited all tea producing areas, tea shops and tea houses in China. The nature of each kind of tea, the method of cooking tea, the usage of tea sets, etc. are explained one by one, and a set of classics of tea culture are summarized and summarized for future generations, which is really worthy of being "tea sage".

Tea has taken root in various places in China and Kyushu, and the preference for tea has long been extended to every corner of China.

Hangzhou people take a boat to the pavilion in the middle of the lake and Xiaoyingzhou, and boil a pot of sweet, clear and bubbling spring with the water from Tiger Leaping Spring. Sprinkle several pieces of West Lake Longjing tea, and soon the fragrance of green tea will spread. A plate of hot water shield and a little lotus root. A sense of peace was boiled out.

Wuyi boatman stopped the bamboo raft and walked onto the shoal beside the Jiuqu Stream. Stand up the bamboo chair, start to taste the best Wuyi rock tea, and slowly immerse the shadow of Dawang Peak in the tea.

In Yunnan village, the whole village watched the only TV in the village. Behind them was the tea cake being baked, which was sizzling.

In Xiamen, my family and I took two bags of Tieguanyin in our spare time and took a bus to the seaside teahouse to make a pot of tea. Listening to the sound of the waves, I seem to hear some melody, and looking at the clouds, I seem to see the rules. My father often said, "If you don't drink kungfu tea, you can't be a Xiamen native." In fact, it can also be seen as: "It's not Xiamen's style to work all day without feeling life."

My love for tea is just the sprout on the tea tree under the influence of my parents!

When I am alone, I am also very happy to make a pot of tea and have a look at ancient books; Sitting opposite a friend, I also suggest that the other party drink a cup of tea together, so that the conversation will not dry mouth, not irritable; When I go to school, I often take tea with me to clear my mind and freshen my breath. Sometimes I can't help sighing: "Tea is the best drink!"

But "who gives the same"?

When I walked into the street, all the young people I saw were holding smart phones in one hand and a large cup of milk tea in the other. Every half a minute, move your mouth to a large and clumsy straw to take a breath, inhale a pile of "pearls" and "coconuts" into your stomach, and then continue to play with your mobile phone in silence.

Milk tea, whose nature is no longer consistent with tea, can not be shared with others, but it can not be drunk for a while! Its sweetness corrupts rather than awakens your taste buds, making your spirit degenerate in sweetness.

Yes, milk tea is neither clear nor elegant. It can not be counted as a kind of tea, but a mixture of anesthetics! Tea powder melts in creamer and sugar, taking away the leisure of tea tasting.

Is the real tea dead?

I also know that it is not dead. It is in the tea shop at the corner of the street, so I often go to see him.

I heard him say that he wanted to keep a distance from milk, and he wanted to serve Lu Yu's "people who are thrifty and virtuous" rather than flashy young people.

I support him from the bottom of my heart. Tea and milk should not be together. It's really time to keep a distance.

Composition Milk (6)

Of the thousands of beverages in the world, can they be as clear, elegant and fragrant as tea?

Open the "Tea Book", "Tea is the best tree in the south.". I can't help being impressed by Lu Yu's feelings when he wrote this kind of "straight to the point" discourse. Mr. Lu Yu traveled across mountains and rivers and visited all tea producing areas, tea shops and tea houses in China. The nature of each kind of tea, the method of cooking tea, the usage of tea sets, etc. are explained one by one, and a set of classics of tea culture are summarized and summarized for future generations, which is really worthy of being "tea sage".

Tea has taken root in various places in China and Kyushu, and the preference for tea has long been extended to every corner of China.

Hangzhou people take a boat to the pavilion in the middle of the lake and Xiaoyingzhou, and boil a pot of sweet, clear and bubbling spring with the water from Tiger Leaping Spring. Sprinkle several pieces of West Lake Longjing tea, and soon the fragrance of green tea will spread. A plate of hot water shield and a little lotus root. A sense of peace was boiled out.

Wuyi boatman stopped the bamboo raft and walked onto the shoal beside the Jiuqu Stream. Stand up the bamboo chair, start to taste the best Wuyi rock tea, and slowly immerse the shadow of Dawang Peak in the tea.

In Yunnan village, the whole village watched the only TV in the village. Behind them was the tea cake being baked, which was sizzling.

In Xiamen, my family and I took two bags of Tieguanyin in our spare time and took a bus to the seaside teahouse to make a pot of tea. Listening to the sound of the waves, I seem to hear some melody, and looking at the clouds, I seem to see the rules. My father often said, "If you don't drink kungfu tea, you can't be a Xiamen native." In fact, it can also be seen as: "It's not Xiamen's style to work all day without feeling life."

My love for tea is just the sprout on the tea tree under the influence of my parents!

When I am alone, I am also very happy to make a pot of tea and have a look at ancient books; Sitting opposite a friend, I also suggest that the other party drink a cup of tea together, so that the conversation will not dry mouth, not irritable; When I go to school, I often take tea with me to clear my mind and freshen my breath. Sometimes I can't help sighing: "Tea is the best drink!"

But "who gives the same"?

When I walked into the street, all the young people I saw were holding smart phones in one hand and a large cup of milk tea in the other. Every half a minute, move your mouth to a large and clumsy straw to take a breath, inhale a pile of "pearls" and "coconuts" into your stomach, and then continue to play with your mobile phone in silence.

Milk tea, whose nature is no longer consistent with tea, can not be shared with others, but it can not be drunk for a while! Its sweetness corrupts rather than awakens your taste buds, making your spirit degenerate in sweetness.

Yes, milk tea is neither clear nor elegant. It can not be counted as a kind of tea, but a mixture that can anaesthetize people! Tea powder melts in creamer and sugar, taking away the leisure of tea tasting.

Is the real tea dead?

I also know that it is not dead. It is in the tea shop at the corner of the street, so I often go to see him.

I heard him say that he wanted to keep a distance from milk, and he wanted to serve Lu Yu's "people who are thrifty and virtuous" rather than flashy young people.

I support him from the bottom of my heart. Tea and milk should not be together. It's really time to keep a distance.

Composition Milk (7)

Milk is an indispensable part of nutrition in our life. When we were born, we instinctively began to suck breast milk. The sweet milk accelerated our rapid growth. After weaning, we began to drink pure milk. Just one cup contains many nutrients. It makes people feel comfortable and refreshing after drinking.

If a child continues to drink pure milk to supplement nutrition after weaning, he will definitely grow very tall, not fat or thin, very strong, and white as milk. Eyes vision will also be good. And running and swimming will not easily cramp. The most important thing is that it can also increase immunity, won't get sick, and the body is very good! This is because I drink a glass of milk every day.

If a child does not drink milk to supplement nutrition after weaning, he may grow slowly, his height may be affected, his whole body is soft and not strong, his legs are prone to cramps when swimming and long-distance running, and his body is weak from childhood and often gets sick. This will affect the child's growth and development.

The benefits of milk are countless. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. One thing that happened to me verified these benefits.

I remember that we just came back from Qingdao in the summer vacation, exhausted and limp. After I came back, I didn't even have time to take off my clothes, so I went to sleep. I slept for four hours, and I couldn't even shout, like a pool of mud. After my father shouted at me forcefully, I didn't even open my eyelids for a moment, and talked in a muddle. Fortunately, my mother came up with a good idea in a hurry. She brought a bag of pure milk, opened my mouth and poured it down. The fragrant milk quickly slid down my throat. A fresh feeling flows all over the body. I suddenly got up and stretched as if I had grown taller. I was energetic and energetic. I was like an inflated balloon and began to be active again. This method really works!

Look, this is the benefit of milk. Students must believe in the benefit of milk through me! A glass of milk every day, healthy every day! Let's take action to create a better tomorrow for our motherland!