Compass composition (18 recommended)
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2024-05-12 06:45:26

Composition of Compass (1)

Success is a tree. If you want to grow gradually, bloom beautiful flowers and bear sweet fruits, you must use the water of faith to irrigate.

Success is the sea. If you want to move forward step by step, try the waves of the sea and feel the surging waves, you must use the art of faith to build ships.

Success is a tower. If you want to climb to the top slowly, experience the vastness of heaven and earth, and perceive the insignificance of the world, you must fill your footprints with faith.

Success is also a lamp, and faith is more oil. If you want to light the lamp, you must refuel.

Belief, different people have different understanding, it exists in every corner of life, in terms of learning, different classes have different interpretations.

In Chinese class, the front of belief is success, and behind success is unswerving belief. Alexandre Dumas Jr., a famous French novelist, is the son of Alexandre Dumas, a literary master. When he was young, he worked hard to create and wrote countless articles, but he did not reveal his special identity. What he tried to get was only a letter of rejection, but he never, until the publication of La Traviata, stirred up the whole European literary world and made a great success.

In math class, success must be equal to the multiple power of belief. When the famous mathematician Euclid proved the geometric problem of "Pythagorean Law", even though there was only one small equation, he made tremendous efforts, and the draft paper was filled with hundreds of sacks. I think his success is also supported by these spiritual beliefs, and the power drawn from the beliefs is endless.

In the history class, faith ushered in a new era of success. Goujian, the King of Yue, endured hardships and hardships. He went through countless hardships. In order to succeed in revenge, he paid not only blood, sweat and humiliation, but also how much hardship he paid behind his success.

The above success stories are different, but the nature of belief and success is the same. They always have a causal relationship. A person without belief is just a body. He lost his soul, just like a walking corpse. How can a person who doesn't even have a pillar of spirit experience true happiness?

Remember, as long as you have faith in life, even if you fail, failure will also breed greater success.


Composition of Compass (2)

This morning, we had a STEM course - Funny Compass.

The teacher divided us into groups and began to distribute materials. The bag is filled with materials. It looks and feels very simple. The teacher asked each group to select a team leader to check the instructions, and then we would follow the instructions step by step.

First, we inserted a long pole into the hole at the bottom, and then tied three magnets with a string. This step seemed simple, but repeated several times without success. At this time, the teacher said that each group should choose one student to make a record. I raised my hand with another student at the same time. Finally, the group leader said that I should be the recorder, not to mention how happy I am. I took out a piece of paper and drew the form on it, but we used our best efforts, and finally failed. However, we didn't give up. I recorded the number of failures. Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3... We took a short post and inserted it into the hole of the round magnet. This time, the string fell, but it was still a failure. At this time, the teacher thought of a way to give each of us a toothpick. Put the toothpick on it to fix the string so that it won't fall down.

At this time, we found that the short column was inclined. The teacher said that some of the lines in the instructions were tied on the side, and some were tied in the middle. I read the instructions, and we should be tied in the middle. Repeated failures did not knock us down, we did not give up, but learned from it, and finally succeeded. We put the compass on the table and aimed at the building blocks. How wonderful! How amazing! The compass points where the hanging magnet is inserted. We all laughed happily.

In this lesson, I had a new understanding of the magnetic field and the magnetic pole. I learned that a magnet is not only divided into two ends, but also into two poles. One end is the South Pole and the other is the North Pole. I didn't expect it would be so interesting and happy.

I like such interesting courses.

Composition of Compass (3)

The four great inventions of China are the pride of every Chinese. The compass is one of the four great inventions. Since ancient times, whether we are sailing at sea, flying in the sky, or traveling on land, we all need the compass to guide us. Today I will also make a simple compass.

Our thought books have taught us how to make simple compass. I will draw gourds according to the example. First, I took a needle, then an alcohol lamp, then an iron wire and a plastic cup, and finally a bowl of ice water. These are all necessary materials.

I first wrapped the needle firmly with iron wire, and then put it into the burning alcohol lamp to burn red. Then immediately, put the needle into water to cool and make the needle in the north-south direction. At this time, there can be no mistake. This is the simple manufacturing process of the small magnetic needle.

Then you need to pierce a small hole in the bottom of the plastic cup, and tie one end of the string to the middle of the needle, and the other end goes through the hole. However, the sewing needle was thin and smooth. It slipped away from the bound thread several times. After many failures, I finally found the balance point of the needle, carefully wound the thread, and completed this critical step.

After finishing the procedure of binding the needle, the next step is to carefully pass the needle through the plastic cup and tie the thin thread of binding the needle at the bottom of the cup.

After doing this, I put the plastic bottle upside down, eh? It's really like the textbook that one end of the small magnetic needle points to the south, and the other end points to the north.

Making this compass by myself not only completes my homework, but also improves my practical ability. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

Composition of Compass (4)

"The ancients found a substance that can absorb iron. People dug it into the shape of a spoon and put it on an iron plate with directions." The science teacher pointed to the big screen and patiently told us, "This is the early compass - Sinan."

This is a science class. Today, we become "little scientists" and prepare to make our own compass. The students were excited and discussed their ideas.

The teacher handed out materials to each group of students, including thin blow molding paper, plastic plates the size of fists, shiny silver needles, and magnets for "important guests". While demonstrating, the science teacher said, "Put the needle on the table and rub half of the needle with a magnet. Be careful, don't magnetize the whole needle!" We can't wait to do it. As I pressed the paper, my partner, Ying Le, rubbed it carefully back and forth for fear of hurting his delicate hands.

After magnetization, we move on to the next step - designing the shape of the compass. First, we cut the soft blister paper into a diamond shape, insert the magnetizing needle, mark "Southeast, Northwest" around the paper, and then gently put it into the plastic disk with water. The simple compass is complete.

I close my eyes and look forward to the miracle. Suddenly, Xiaoying shouted, "It moved, and we succeeded! We succeeded!" I quickly opened my eyes and saw the compass rotating on the plastic bowl like a small fish, finally pointing steadily to the south. We cheered, but a little confused, because others are pointing north, our guide. The teacher smiled and explained: "The compass is also called the compass, so your experiment is also successful!"

It turns out that a small inconspicuous compass also contains rich scientific knowledge! This interesting experiment made me plant a big scientific dream. I will use my knowledge to explore the mysteries of science and weave a more colorful scientific dream!

Composition of Compass (5)

During the history class yesterday, the students asked Mr. Wang: Why must the handle of the magnetic spoon in the original compass "Sinan" point to the south? Teacher Wang didn't answer at that time. Let's go home and ask our parents.

I asked my father this question this evening. My father told me the truth of this question. I listened for a long time, but I didn't understand it. My father said, "Well, I'll do an experiment. You can find a big needle and a piece of thin thread." When I heard about the experiment, I suddenly got excited and found the needle and thread to give to my father.

Dad found a small magnet from his electronic parts box, rubbed back and forth on the top of the needle, and said, "This needle has become magnetic, because the magnet just made the magnetic molecules in the needle aligned." Dad tied a thin thread in the middle of the needle, then hung it on the lamp, leveled both ends of the needle, and said, "Touch the needle tip to see."

I used my finger to turn the needle for several times, but it was strange that no matter how the needle began to turn, it always pointed to the south when it finally stopped. What is the reason?

Dad combined with the experiment to tell me the truth, and I finally understand. It turns out that all rectangular objects made of magnets have the characteristics of guiding the pole and pointing to the North Pole. In addition, the earth itself is a big magnet. The south pole is the S pole, and the north pole is the N pole. Because the same poles are mutually arranged and the different poles are mutually attracted, the guide pole of the magnetic needle is attracted by the Earth's South Pole, which means that the North Pole is attracted by the Earth's North Pole. The original compass "Sinan" in history is a magnet like a spoon. Its handle must be the N pole. Due to the attraction of the earth's S pole, it is a guide.

This experiment was really meaningful, which made me understand why the magnetic spoon handle in the original compass "Sinan" always pointed to the south. In tomorrow's history class, I will tell you the truth I learned through this experiment so that everyone can understand it.

Composition of Compass (6)

One weekend morning, I accidentally opened the textbook of Nature and saw the knowledge about magnetic poles and directions. The book tells the mystery of the small magnetic needle. There is a question: where does the free rotating small magnetic needle point when it is still? Curious, I decided to do an experiment to explore.

After saying that, I immediately found a rectangular magnet, a paper clip, a vice, a pencil, an eraser and a piece of cardboard. After getting ready, I began to experiment.

First, I straighten the paper clip with my hand and rub it back and forth with a magnet, so that the paper clip has magnetic force, and then I use a vise to fold the magnetic needle into a symmetrical shape; Then, I took the cardboard and carefully drew a small circle in the center. Then I drew a cross around the circle and marked the east, south, west and north directions; Then put a piece of round plasticine steadily in the center of the marked cardboard, and I looked closely, like a quail egg; Then, I inserted one end of the pencil into the plasticine heavily. After about 30 minutes, I tried to press it, and found that the plasticine had become hard. After gently shaking the pen, it was also fixed. At this moment, my heart was like a pot of hot water just boiling, and I was excited to overflow; Finally, I carefully inserted the magnetic needle into the other end of the pencil. Such a simple compass is complete.

I danced happily. On second thought, a cloud of sadness rose in my heart: Can this compass tell the direction? So, I can't wait to hold the compass and stand in a direction, then turn the cardboard and focus on the direction of the pointer, and sure enough, the magnetic needle starts to slowly turn to the position that coincides with the north and south scale lines on the cardboard. Wow, my compass experiment succeeded!

As the saying goes, "Practice leads to true knowledge.". As long as you have good observation eyes and a thinking heart, you can find many wonderful phenomena in life.

Composition of Compass (7)

In the morning, the sun is shining and the weather is particularly good. As it happens, today is also the day of the small animal math exam. The exam room is on the opposite hillside. Little White Rabbit and Little Fox, a pair of good friends, walked happily hand in hand on the flagstone road in the mountains.

As they walked along, they unconsciously lost their way and walked into a dark forest. The little fox panicked and said, "Little white rabbit, little white rabbit, where are we?" The little white rabbit looked around. There were towering trees everywhere. The environment was very strange, and he could not find the way to the examination room. Suddenly, he knew that he and the little fox were lost. They think left and right, but they can't think of a way out after racking their brains. "Let's see if we have a compass with us? Oh, no, we don't seem to have." The little fox said dejectedly. "Who said he didn't have it?" The little white rabbit patted his forehead and jumped three feet high. "We can find the compass of nature. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so we can tell the direction according to the time." "But we can't see Taiyang in this dense forest." The little fox said dejectedly. "Hahaha, you don't understand. There are many compasses in nature besides the sun! We can see the hole of the ant nest, which often faces south. There is moss everywhere in the forest. The mossy place is in the north, because it likes shade. We can also see the place where trees are flourishing, and that side is definitely south. By the way, there are tree rings. The wide side is the south, and the dense side is the north. Because the south side of trees grows faster than the north side. At night, we can also find the Polaris, which is called the Polaris because it always points to the north. " The little white rabbit said with a smile. "Oh, so it is, you are really an encyclopedia of knowledge!" The little fox patted his head and said admiringly. After identifying the direction, Little White Rabbit and Little Fox went on their way happily again. When they arrived at the examination room, they each completed a perfect test paper. After returning home, Little Fox wrote such an article.

Composition of Compass (8)

The clock said to the compass, "You always point south. How stubborn!"

The compass smiled and replied, "If I pointed in different directions from time to time like you, I would have been thrown away as garbage." This little dialogue, which seems short, actually contains a certain philosophy of life.

From it, we can easily see the spiritual value of the compass in its persistent pursuit and self insistence. No matter what, the compass still points to the south persistently, and has firmly established its own goal, pursued and persevered to realize its own value.

In our learning life, we not only work hard, but also need to practice this spirit. For example, this semester, we set a small goal, and strive to achieve more points in each subject. The goal should not be too high. Only by persistently and firmly pursuing one goal will we eventually achieve it.

It is not feasible to persist stubbornly in self. If the plan we made does not conform to the reality, we need to make adjustments. If we are actually ahead of the plan, we need to do more work on the plan. If we are actually a few steps behind the plan, we should first reflect on our own question: Is it a delay? Are some knowledge not firmly grasped? And make appropriate adjustments.

We should learn the persistence of the compass and make appropriate changes and adjustments at the same time. After all, we are not compass. As long as I find a way that suits me, I will definitely go further.

Composition of Compass (9)

Last Friday, Mr. Chen assigned a special assignment: to find a natural compass in nature. Before class, our reporter interviewed several students.

Little reporter: Cao Jintai, you love observation at ordinary times. You must have found the compass in nature, right?

Cao Jintai: Yes. Lichen is a natural compass. The mossy side of the rock is north, and the dry and bare side is south.

Little reporter: Yang Yi, have you found a natural compass?

Yang Yi: Yes. There are many compasses in nature, and bamboo forest is one of them. The green side of bamboo is south, while the green side is north.

Wow, nature is really a huge treasure house of knowledge and an endless book waiting for us to explore.

Composition of Compass (10)

One day, the little white rabbit was pulling a radish on the hillside, and saw a compass in the radish field.

The little white rabbit said to himself, "Eh! What is this?" Just as a fox passed by the roadside, the fox said to the little white rabbit, "Ah, this is not a little white rabbit. What is it in your hand? Show it to the fox quickly." "No," said the little white rabbit. "Bring it quickly, or I will eat you." The fox said fiercely to the rabbit. "I found this. Why should I show it to you? If you don't give it to me, you won't give it to me." At this time, the fox became angry and said to the little white rabbit viciously: "Don't talk nonsense, give it to me immediately." "Well, you must give it back to me after reading it." "I see." The fox was impatient and grabbed it from the little white rabbit.

Who would have thought that the fox had been playing with it for a long time, but the compass actually spoke, "I am a compass, and I can help you identify the direction." The fox asked, "How did the little white rabbit find you?" The compass replied, "It's a long story. Yesterday, the master put me in his pocket, and then went to the dance. The zipper of his pocket opened while he was dancing. On the way back, I slipped out of my pocket. A little boy picked me up before. He may not think it is useful, so he threw me into the turnip field. It was the little white rabbit who picked me up." Hearing this, the fox never returned the compass to the rabbit.

Since then, no one and no animal have ever said that the compass is useless. The fox swaggered across the market with a compass, showing that he had the ability to distinguish directions.

Composition of Compass (11)

If you tell me what wealth is? I will not hesitate to answer that it is books. If life is as small as a boat, then I think books are the oars on the boat. If you lose the oars, you will lose your way?

Our colorful childhood is inseparable from books, because "books are the ladder of human progress". When it comes to books, many people can think of its benefits. Reading can help you understand that a good book is the precious blood of an artist, and it is life beyond life. It is a good book that accompanies me all the way. Schopenhauer once said that in all fields of knowledge, most of human knowledge is presented in pages and books as human written records. So my soul, which yearns for knowledge, can only be nourished by bathing in the sea of books. In the book, I interpret the society, the world customs, and the classical culture?? Books are my spiritual food. I draw nutrition from books. Without the supply of nutrition, can I still move forward on the road of life? The artistic conception of reading good books has shaped my sentiment. Sometimes people's inspiration for success comes from good sentiments.

In the drizzly afternoon, reading Bing Xin's fresh, bright, meaningful and implicit prose with the beauty of flowing clouds and rivers, let her mind swim gently under her delicate pen, like the music of Bandari playing gently in her ears; Like the beauty of dew in the morning light, like a mountain spring quietly flowing through my heart. This kind of artistic conception of reading is the oxygen for my healthy growth. Books cause me endless thinking, in which I grow happily. Good books make me familiar with composition. Many students will have a headache when they mention writing a composition, but I have never had such an experience.

Good books can help me adjust my mind and purify my soul. In a person's growth years, it is impossible to always be smooth sailing, not always full of passion. At this time, a good book is like a life mentor, giving us the sail of life. Read Mr. Lao She's humorous prose, and appreciate the fun of life in his personalized language; Read the Heart Break and taste freedom in the context of beauty. Looking at the words that move people's hearts and kissing the blue waves of literature, the pure beauty of life and touching love show up in front of me. At this time, I really realized the words of Thomas Kempis: "I used to look for happiness everywhere, but happiness is actually a person hiding in a corner reading."

Book, you make me happy, let me sad, together with you, let my childhood life so rich and colorful. You are my good teacher and my good friend. Thank you for accompanying me to grow. Books, like a pair of clairvoyant eyes, let us understand the world; Books, like a time tunnel, take us back to ancient times and imagine the future; Books are more like benevolent intellectual elders who impart profound knowledge to us. Every good book is like an enlightenment teacher, guiding my way forward, telling me the principles of life, so that I can not judge the beauty and ugliness of people by their appearance; Su Qin, the hero of The First Cantilever Cone, has aroused the spark of my diligent study and will serve the motherland in the future; The little match girl let me see her miserable childhood life and made me cherish the happy life now; Paul, the hero of How to make steel? Kochagin's strong will deeply moved me, and taught me to build confidence in the face of difficulties; A set of The up and down five thousand years series shows a brilliant Chinese history, which makes me see the 5000 year long history of our great motherland, and makes me love our motherland even more??

From reading, I learned that if I want to read good books, it depends on tenacious perseverance and persistent enthusiasm. As Du Fu said, "Reading breaks thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god.". Reading makes me happy, and reading keeps me growing. Knowledge is infinite, and there is no end to learning. I believe everyone understands this truth, and the more important thing is to learn in an endless way. Life is a long process, which extends with the continuation of life. Learning should not stop until life is over. Our life depends on learning to constantly improve ourselves.

Reading has become a great pleasure in my life. It accompanies my growth. In the silent words, I can identify the direction and rush towards the ideal; In the silent words, I learned to be strong, learned to look for light in the dark; In the silent words, I realized the sincere feelings in the world, which made me cherish the people around me more; In the silent words, I saw justice and strengthened the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Therefore, when getting lost, books are signposts; In the dark, books are torches; In the world, books are emotional ribbons, and in the choice, books are "warning signs".

Books are also angels who can fly. They bring me to the beautiful nature. Even if I don't enter the nature with each other, I can experience the surprise and mystery that books bring to me, and the joy and freshness that books bring to me. More importantly, it purifies my soul and enables me to learn to write. Therefore, reading is enough to make me happy, colorful and talented. Reading has grown with me. It was, is and will be.

Composition of Compass (12)

There lived a little white rabbit and a fox on a hillside full of large iris flowers. The fox wanted to eat a little white rabbit very much. So he came up with an idea.

He broke a good compass, and the south became the north, and the north became the south.

The little white rabbit who had just finished the exam was elated and ready to go home. The fox went up and said sweetly, "Little white rabbit! We are neighbors, let me take you home. No, I want to go home too!" Knowing that the fox was not kind, the little white rabbit decided to punish the sly fox by the way.

The fox deceived the little white rabbit into a field and said, "The hillside is in the north, let's go north! You see, the compass points here." The little white rabbit understood that the fox turned north and south, and followed the fox to a tree hole.

This is a dead tree. The little white rabbit lit a fire quietly. The fox said, "It's not here, it's still ahead." The little white rabbit hid in and cried, "Wow! It's so sweet! Tut tut!" The fox said, "I want to eat it too, what is it?" "It's honey!" The little white rabbit said sweetly, "Come out, I want to eat!" The fox cried.

As soon as the fox came in, the rabbit set fire to the tree hole. "Next time I leave the examination room, no one will catch me."

Composition of Compass (13)

China is a country with an ancient civilization and a state of ceremonies. The Chinese nation has a long history of 5000 years, leaving many Chinese people with endless traditional virtues. State owned law, family style. Family style is the moral theme of a family, which reflects the core values of the family, and is also the norm and norm of daily behavior of family members. Family style, like a compass, guides my way in life everywhere.

It is my family's custom to study hard.

There is an old banyan tree in front of my house. When I look at it, I will think of the winter afternoon when I was six or seven years old

That day, I saw my grandfather sitting under a tree, taking advantage of the afternoon sun, laboriously looking at something carefully. Before I left, Grandpa was reading a book with some yellow pages with great interest. I asked inexplicably: "Grandpa, you are old, why bother reading so much? What's good about it?" Grandpa smiled and touched my head, said: "Children, in this life, it is never too old to learn; the ancients said, 'You have poetry and calligraphy in your belly.' Read more to understand the rules, reason and distinguish between right and wrong. You must remember what Grandpa said!" I nodded thoughtfully and read the book in my grandfather's hand. My grandfather said to me, "Look, this section is to teach us to be diligent and thrifty, this section is to let us respect our elders, and this section is......" As the sun sets, the warm sun shines on our shoulders, the older ones are talking seriously, and the younger ones are listening attentively, The old trees nearby looked at us kindly, and even the white clouds in the sky became extremely charming.

Respect for others is my family style.

When I was just in primary school, a father and daughter moved to my house next door. My father is a cleaner. Every day when he comes home, he emits a smell of garbage. I smell it several times and feel sick; His daughter is not yet in kindergarten and often plays near my home.

Once, when I was playing with a newly bought cloth doll at the door of my house, I inadvertently saw a neighbor girl squatting on the ground playing with mud. With a disdainful pout, I turned around and entered the house. Unexpectedly, the doll left at the door. When I rushed out to look for it, I just saw the little girl playing happily with the doll. I was so worried that I grabbed the doll and shouted, "Why touch my things? Your father's hands are so dirty, and yours is not as good as yours!" The little girl was stunned when I yelled at her. She stood still and did not dare to speak. Tears fell from her eyes. At this time, my grandfather came out of the room and shouted at me: "Xiao Yan, what are you talking about? Apologize to my sister!" I immediately lost my mind, stepped back in disbelief, and ran home crying bitterly.

After a while, my grandpa came to me and said to me earnestly: "My son, never discriminate against those whose living conditions are worse than yours, regardless of their occupation, they live by their own labor, and you should learn to respect them!" I wiped my tears and was speechless. Yes, my parents often teach me to treat others equally and respect others, don't they? I bowed my head in shame and went with my grandfather to apologize to my little sister. I also gave her the doll. My little sister was very happy with the exquisite doll in her arms, and my grandpa also showed a pleased smile.


Grandpa's earnest teachings to me, like drops of spring rain, moistened my heart, like bursts of spring breeze, cleaned my heart. This is my family style, which has sowed the seeds of sublimation in my heart, so that I can understand how to grasp the direction on the road of life and be a diligent and honest person!

Composition of Compass (14)

During the history class yesterday, the students asked Mr. Wang: Why must the handle of the magnetic spoon in the original compass "Sinan" point to the south? Teacher Wang didn't answer at that time. Let's go home and ask our parents.

I asked my father this question this evening. My father told me the truth of this question. I listened for a long time, but I didn't understand it. My father said, "Well, I'll do an experiment. You can find a big needle and a piece of thin thread." When I heard about the experiment, I suddenly got excited and found the needle and thread to give to my father.

Dad found a small magnet from his electronic parts box and rubbed it back and forth on the top of the needle, saying, "This needle has become magnetic because the magnet just made the magnetic molecules in the needle aligned." Dad tied a thin thread in the middle of the needle, then hung it on the desk lamp, leveled both ends of the needle, and said, "Touch the needle tip to see."

I used my finger to turn the needle for several times, but it was strange that no matter how the needle began to turn, it always pointed to the south when it finally stopped. What is the reason?

Dad combined with the experiment to tell me the truth, and I finally understand. It turns out that all rectangular objects made of magnets have the characteristics of guiding the pole and pointing to the North Pole. In addition, the earth itself is a big magnet. The south pole is the S pole, and the north pole is the N pole. Because the same poles are mutually arranged and the different poles are mutually attracted, the guide pole of the magnetic needle is attracted by the Earth's South Pole, which means that the North Pole is attracted by the Earth's North Pole. The original compass "Sinan" in history is a magnet like a spoon. Its handle must be the N pole. Due to the attraction of the earth's S pole, it is a guide.

This experiment was really meaningful, which made me understand why the magnetic spoon handle in the original compass "Sinan" always pointed to the south. In tomorrow's history class, I will tell you the truth I learned through this experiment so that everyone can understand it.

Composition of Compass (15)

One day in the summer vacation, I ran around the house happily with the compass that my father bought for me. I ran horizontally, vertically and diagonally, sweating heavily and panting heavily, trying to make it change its direction. However, no matter what I did, no matter which direction I stood in, it was still determined, and the pointer always stubbornly pointed to the direction it was aiming at - the south.

When I was at a loss, my father came back from outside. I went up to ask my father for advice. My father smiled and told me: "Magnetic field can make the compass pointer rotate and make it deviate from the south direction.". I suddenly realized: "Oh, I remember, when the wire is powered on, there will be a magnetic field around, but will it make the compass yield?" Dad encouraged me to say: "You can try it yourself, don't you know?"

I started my experiment by finding a small battery, a coin bead and a wire. According to the science book, I first connect one end of the wire to the negative pole of the battery, and then tie the other end of the wire to the coin. After fixing, put the compass in the middle of the wire, but no matter how I play with it, the compass still points to the south. What's going on? It suddenly occurred to me whether the current was in the wrong direction? Try to change the practice. I changed the direction of the small electric ball and put it on the positive pole of the battery. The small electric ball lit up, and I was surprised to find that the compass finally deviated from the south direction! The experiment was successful, and I finally let the finger "south" needle become my defeated opponent.

Through this interesting experiment, I understand that when a wire is powered on, it can not only generate a magnetic field, but also make the compass deviate from the due south direction. At the same time, I also learned that knowledge is power. If you encounter problems, you should use your brain more, ask for advice with an open mind, do more and practice bravely, so that you can learn more knowledge!.

Composition of Compass (16)

The next day, it was sunny after rain. The little white rabbit carried the small basket and came to the beautiful forest happily. Looking at the lovely mushroom, the little white rabbit thought happily: this time, we can have a full meal! It hummed a tune while picking mushrooms. The little white rabbit picked more and more, and was more and more happy, until he came to the deep forest.

It was almost noon. The little white rabbit was carrying a basket full of mushrooms and was going home. However, it could not find its way home, and only remembered that its home was in the south. What shall I do? The little white rabbit looked at the sky, but the sun was hiding in the clouds. It is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round. Suddenly, the little white rabbit remembered a poem he had learned - "If you lose your way in the wild". He immediately calmed down and looked for a "natural compass" around him. After searching, the little white rabbit found a big tree stump not far away, with rings of growth on it. It thought: The tree ring on the stump faces south on the sparse side and north on the dense side. So the little white rabbit walked south and finally returned to his home.

The little white rabbit happily tasted the delicious mushroom soup and thought: The poet writes very well. If you get lost in the wild, don't panic. Nature has many natural compasses, as long as you observe more and think carefully!

Composition of Compass (17)

I prepared the tools I needed, nails, magnets, transparent plastic cups, wires, and small sticks, and I couldn't wait to start making them.

First, drill a hole in the bottom of the plastic cup with an iron nail, use a line to pass through the hole, and then place a small wooden stick at the bottom of the plastic cup. One end of the line is tied to the center of the small wooden stick, and then use the magnetic pole of the magnet to rub the iron nail in one direction for 30 to 50 times to test whether the iron nail has magnetic force. Finally, tie the other end of the line to the center of the iron nail, and stand the plastic cup upside down, Shorten the line to the position where the iron nail can be suspended, so that the compass is ready.

I handed it to the teacher. After reading it, the teacher quickly nodded and praised it. I was very excited. This was the most unforgettable lesson in my life.

Composition of Compass (18)

The compass has a long needle, one side is white, the other side is green. After a long time of observation, I found that the white needle always faces south, while the green needle always faces north. What is the reason? Of course, this question can't be avoided. I'm curious about it online!

It turns out that the compass is based on the principle that the earth's magnetic field repels the same and attracts the different. The long needle of the compass is made of magnetic material. The green one is the South Pole (S pole), so it points to the north, while the white one is the North Pole (N pole), so it points to the south.

The compass is also one of the four great inventions in ancient China! It is called the four great inventions together with papermaking, gunpowder and printing. It was at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, that is, around 1180, when the Chinese compass was introduced into Europe through Arab merchants, but its name became "compass". Since then, the compass has been widely used in navigation and aviation.

I really like the compass invented by the ancients.