With Dad (16 in general)
Yearning for the flying of eagle
2024-02-05 02:45:04
second grade

With Dad (1)

What is childhood? It is a cicada on a tree, a frog in the water, a short song of a shepherd flute, a hide and seek of friends... In short, childhood is carefree and happy. Whenever I recall the interesting things in my childhood vividly, my face always looks ruddy. After all, the past is just like the sound of gurgling water swirling in my heart. Once it bursts, it will be so endless

One quiet night, my father was lying on his back lazily in bed. My father was fat and fat, with a unique beer belly. My father's belly was plump, like a round leather ball. It was very cute, so he reached out to touch my father's belly. It was smooth and had a good texture, like a stone washed tens of thousands of times by water.

At this time, an idea occurred to me. What a fun thing it would be to turn around my father's belly. At that time, I was very naive.

I did what I said. With great curiosity, I immediately buried my head on my father's beer belly. My father stared at me in surprise. His eyes widened. I pressed my father's stomach hard, and pushed my back foot hard. I accidentally pushed my father's face. I buried my head, ashamed, and my face turned red. I thought my father would scold me. I clenched my fists nervously, With his eyes closed tightly, he took a cool breath and waited for the storm to come. After a long time, Dad finally opened his mouth.

"It's OK. You can play as long as you are happy. I was very happy after listening to it. I continued to turn several somersaults, like a naughty child. Every time I turned a somersault, I always felt my father's belly trembled slightly, but my father's face was filled with this warm smile all the time. Looking back, my father must have been in great pain at that time. Now I really regret it.

I still remember that night, I was noisy about going to see the lanterns, but a lot of people were around there. I was short and could not see, so I was noisy about going to my father's shoulder. I saw a little mouse with a little light, staring at the round black jewel eyes, and holding a big gold ingot in both hands.

I was very happy to see it. I pulled up my father's ear in ecstasy, and tried very hard, but my father was still suffering. But I saw my father biting his lips tightly, and I had been playing with his hair on my way home. At this time, it had become a bird's nest.

Look! How naughty I was when I was young! I see how much my father loves me. No matter how I handle him, as long as I am happy, I will be happy.

With Dad (2)

It rained today. My father and I went to play with water.

We came to the sports center basketball court, the basketball court was full of water. We pushed the bike into the water, and my father asked me to wash the bike with rain. Soon, I cleaned the bike. My father also wants to wash the car, and my father rides my mother's car. After a while, my father also washed the car clean.

Suddenly it rained heavily, so we went to the corridor to take shelter. There are drainage pipes, and water flows down the pipes from the roof. The water flows in a big way. My father and I played with the water from the pipe. My father taught me to drink a big mouthful of water first, fill my mouth, and then spit forward or backward to see who vomited far. It's raining harder and harder. We can go home when the rain is light. Ah! The rain finally stopped, we should go home.

We went home happily by bike.

With Dad (3)

After the final exam, my father said to take me out to relax. I agreed without hesitation. In this way, I began to prepare carefully. I look forward to it every day. I look forward to my father saying, "Go!" Finally one day, my father said, "Go, daughter!" I was so excited that I jumped three feet high. After all, this is my father's second trip with me. However, I am at a loss. Eh! Where will Dad take me? I quickly asked my father, who said, "Keep it secret!" As soon as I left home, I saw a car waiting there. My father said to me: "Daughter, get on the bus!" I found it was my father's colleagues: Uncle He and Uncle Yan.

After two hours' drive, we finally arrived at our destination - Huatian City of Huitang Hot Spring in Ningxiang. Huatian City is a five-star hotel, very large. My father and I lived on the fifth floor. After putting our luggage away, we went to eat. It turned out that many of my father's colleagues were waiting for us in the hotel. In that group of children, I was the oldest. I like playing with a pair of twin sisters very much. When I get along with them, I return to the innocence and loveliness of my childhood. I quickly became good friends with them. After lunch, a large group of us went back to the hotel. As soon as I entered the room, I said without a sigh, "Wow!" There are everything in the room, including a balcony, a large bathtub, and the CEO office. After enjoying it, I put my swimsuit on and prepared to go to the hot spring. We had an appointment to meet in the lobby. After about five minutes, everyone arrived and we rushed to the hot spring center.

The "milk pool" is the first hot spring pool I saw. The milk pool makes me feel that the world can be so quiet and peaceful, with blue sky, green grass and vast land. In that second, there was no noise, no irritability, only silence, only peace. I also soaked in "rose pool", "whirlpool pool", "coffee pool", "mineral pool", "colorful pool", "fish therapy"... What impressed me most is "fish therapy". There are many small fish in a pool. Small fish can bite off our dead skin. If small fish want to itch, you can't help laughing. There is an uncle who has more than 20 fish. It seems that the little fish likes to bite him most.

The heat of the hot spring, the itch of the fish, the fragrance of the milk, and the warmth of my father! I like this trip with my father!

With Dad (4)

Every Saturday morning, when I get up early, I will run to the flowerpot my father planted and help my father "take care" of his beloved flowerpot.

This morning, my father asked me to water it, but I made it look like mud. In addition, our destructor, the husky dog - Huck, shared the "joy of mud" with me, and our flower pots were messed up by us. When Dad woke up, he angrily taught Huck and me a lesson, but Huck was always a dog. He ran to the fields happily and left the disaster on me alone. It was really hateful! It's just a heartless, heartless guy!

To tell the truth, I really have no patience. Every time I water it casually, I run to play ball games and let the flowers stay there "crying", crying all over, but I laugh! What fun! However, as time went by day by day, the flowers never grew up. I began to wonder whether I really didn't pay enough attention? Or too casual? But I can't find the answer.

Later, my father taught me how to water and fertilize flowers. I gradually learned how to take care of them with all my heart. Finally, the emperor won't let the painstaking people down. After a long time, the flowers bloomed! Our garden has become colorful and fragrant ever since. It's really good!

Every weekend, looking at the flowers I care for carefully, there will always be an unspeakable joy. Every week when I am free on holidays, I will share the fragrance of the garden with my family, which also makes the feelings of the family more warm.

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With Dad (5)

This morning, Mingming and his father ran back and forth on the path of the park in their sportswear. There are many people exercising in the park: some are running, some are playing badminton, and some are skipping rope. My father said to Mingming, "Only by exercising every day can we strengthen our body's resistance!" Mingming listened to his father's words and said happily, "I want to run with my father every day to train our body well!"

With Dad (6)

There is a warm corner. The paper is a piece of paper with a circle center and radius; That's what my father and I drew together.

There by the window, the sun was stained light blue by the cold curtains. Once, it was the darkest corner for me because I wanted to study there.

Dad bought that table. Once, the desktop was spotless, with no trace. My father always cleans the table for me after I finish my study. Books and homework books are placed neatly, just like my father's patience with me. Dad always smiles and tolerates my bad habits.

I am not good at mathematics, especially in geometric figures. I feel dizzy when I see those complicated figures. What makes me more difficult is to describe these figures.

When I was in primary school, I had a period of time to learn the knowledge of circles and radii. Every time, I would be very upset to wipe my homework book out of shape. When my father checked my homework once, he finally couldn't help but say to me: "The Chinese is so dense and neat, but the mathematics is always sparse and sparse, like a defeated deserter." Then he pulled up a chair and sat beside me and opened the math book.

My father skillfully drew a perfect circle and patiently taught me the relationship between radius and center, but I always seemed to understand something.

The paper was covered with circles, and my father asked me to draw the radius. I drew a lot of line segments, and my father smiled. After my father demonstrated to me, I drew one radius after another on the paper without the center. Dad was silent for a long time. He sat up and opened the curtains. The bright sun suddenly streamed in, and there was a bright hue in front of the table.

My father said, "Take my hand and try to turn it around." I playfully took my father's hand and happily turned many circles in front of the table.

Later, Dad said seriously, "Dad is like the center of a circle. You are like a radius. The radius revolves around the center of a circle. Without a center, there is no radius.". I suddenly found it very interesting to draw circles, just like holding my father's hand in circles.

The paper began to draw one complete circle after another, with a center and a radius. I got full marks in the math exam.

Now, my father has worked in the field for many years. However, there is still a warm corner, and the paper with a circle center and radius is still pressed under the glass of the table, just like yesterday. I already know, "No matter how big the radius is, it has to go around the center of the circle."

Dad, you are the center of the circle, and I am the radius.

With Dad (7)

I work with my father

Today, my mother was going to learn to drive, my father was going to work, and I was alone at home.

I think if I go to work with my father, I will not be alone. So I called my father: "Daddy, Daddy, will you take me to work together?" My father smiled and nodded.

I went to work with my father. My father's office is great! There are air conditioners and electric fans, and many computers are so comfortable! I do my homework and endorse in the office. It's not hot at all. I want to work with my father tomorrow.

With Dad (8)

Today, my father and I made popcorn together.

We put butter into a bowl first, and then into the microwave oven. After a while, I saw the butter slowly melting into liquid. After taking it out, we put sugar in the butter, then put corn, then stir it, and finally put it into the microwave oven. I saw corn popping out one by one, like fireworks.

When the corn was all popcorn, Dad took it out. I tasted it. It tasted good! Fragrant and sweet!

With Dad (9)

I like to stay with my family. Although we are not rich, we have a good relationship with our family. If we can travel abroad together, my mother will lead my sister, and I will lead my father, it will be a wonderful picture.

Therefore, I most want to travel with my father. I will feel happy if I listen to my father's words and watch his happy smile and hold my father tightly.

As for the thing I want to do most for my father, it is to "sleep with my father". Because my father always sleeps alone, I guess he must be very aggrieved. No one will accompany him. In case of thunder or power failure at night, no one will protect him. How pathetic!

Therefore, I most want to sleep with my father and let him know that he is not alone. There is nothing to be afraid of with my son.

With Dad (10)

It was getting dark. My father, who had worked hard all day outside, came back. He sat down in the sofa exhausted and discussed with my sister what to eat at night. After discussion, he decided to eat vegetable soup.

My father and I came to the supermarket and went straight to the vegetable area. I saw a lot of vegetables, red, yellow, green, very fresh, like just picked from the ground. We chose Flammulina velutipes, carrots, agaric, mushrooms, bean curd skin and so on.

When we got home, my father and I began to get busy. First, we took out all kinds of vegetables from the bag, sorted them, and then chose and washed the vegetables. After washing the vegetables, we began to cut the vegetables when they were ready. Dad picked up the kitchen knife and cut it skillfully. Carrots and mushrooms were cut into pieces, bean curd skin was cut into shreds, onions, ginger and garlic were cut and put aside.

When everything is ready, start to ignite the fire and cook. After the pot is heated, add edible oil. When the oil is 80% hot, add onions, ginger and garlic in turn, and stir fry until fragrant. Then add carrots, mushrooms, and agaric to continue to stir fry. When it is about to mature, add various seasonings to stir fry until it tastes even. Add boiled water that has been cooked in advance, and bring it to a boil. I take a bowl, pour in cornflour, add proper amount of water and stir evenly. At this time, the dishes in the pot are also cooked. Pour the stirred cornflour into the pot to thicken the sauce, and stir it with a spoon constantly. The aroma is overwhelming, the color is perfect, and my mouth is watering.

A big pot of delicious soup has been prepared. How happy it is to cook with my father!

With Dad (11)

Tomorrow is the Spring Festival. In the afternoon, every household was busy pasting couplets. Dad asked me to help him paste couplets, and I readily agreed.

Dad asked me to take the couplets to the yard, and he brought the paste himself. Mother smeared the paste on the back of the couplet, and then Dad picked it up and pasted it on the wall. When I saw how funny it was, I said, "Mom, let me put paste on it." Mom said, "OK!" I was worried that it would not stick firmly. I put a lot of paste on the back of the couplet, and it was all wet. Dad picked up the couplet, and the paste kept falling down. The couplet also became disobedient to his father's words, sticky, and some places were torn. The couplets posted are crumpled, not even at all, and very ugly. Mother said: "The paste is too much, just a few clicks on the edge." Under my mother's guidance, I didn't apply too much paste. Dad first glued the couplets, and then gently swept the couplets from top to bottom with a broom. The couplets were smoothly glued to the wall. In this way, we quickly pasted the couplets.

Looking at that uneven couplet, I thought: it seems so simple to paste couplets, and there is so much knowledge in it!

With Dad (12)

For a long time, learning legal knowledge is a matter for adults, and it has nothing to do with our primary school students. But since the school opened the Law Popularization Education, I know how important it is to learn legal knowledge, understand the law, and abide by the law! After I understood the importance of legal knowledge, I began to care about some legal programs. To my delight, my father supported my practice very much and offered to help me with some good programs!

Today, my father and I watched the program "Legal Online". The content of this episode is as follows: a girl, after her parents divorced, lived with her father and stepmother. The stepmother had abused her all the time, and finally disabled the girl's arm. What an unfortunate and poor girl! The stepmother was sentenced for this. After watching the program, my father and I discussed:

"Daddy, is it illegal for her to hit her own child?"

"Yes, children are also protected by law."

"Then why did her mother break the law?"

"Because she didn't study the law, didn't understand the law, thought it was her family's business to beat her children, and didn't know that she had been doing illegal things."

"It seems impossible not to learn the law."

"Yes, it's easy to break the law without learning the law. Do you want to learn it?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't understand it."

"That doesn't matter. You can ask me if you don't understand."

With that, my father got up and brought a thick book from his study. I saw that it was Basic Knowledge of Law. My father opened the book and found the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors.

"Oh, there are laws for us."

"Of course, the Juvenile Protection Law is to protect the physical and mental health of minors and protect their legitimate rights and interests."

"Then I must have a good look."

I really saw it. The first one......, the second......, the third. I slowly turned it over, and there were a lot of professional terms, such as illegal, criminal, civil, and so on; There are also many legal provisions, such as the Education Law, the Law on the Protection of Women and Children, and the Labor Law.

"Why do we make so many laws?"

"Because our country is a country governed by law, and the rule of law is fundamental."

"I still don't understand."

"That is what we often say, 'No rules, no radius'. Everyone must abide by' rules', and this society will be in good order."

"This' rule 'is the law, isn't it?"

"Yes, the law also gives us many rights and obligations."

"Then let me borrow this book. I will study hard and strive to be a child who understands and abides by the law."

Dad smiled, and I took the book back to my room and read it slowly. I think if we all learn, understand and abide by the law, the tragedy of that girl will not happen, there will be no violations and crimes, and our life will become so beautiful! I hope my wish will come true soon!

With Dad (13)

On Sunday, I was lucky to go fishing with my father.

On the other side of the river, Dad took out the fishing rod from the wooden box and slowly put it on the ground for fear of breaking the slender fishing rod. Then he took out a pair of fishhooks and tied them to the fishing rod on the ground. He hung an earthworm on the fishhook and it was done.

After finishing the fishing rod, my father threw the rod again, and the hook sank. Then the fish floated up and across the river. After a while, the fish floated. Dad suddenly mentioned it again, and a big fish jumped out. I was so excited that I jumped and jumped with the fish into the bag. This time, it's my turn. I took the fishing rod in my hand and swung it. The hook sank into the river. The fish floated. When I lifted it, I found that the fish had disappeared. I tried again, but it had not yet happened. My father standing beside me laughed and said, "You should see the fish floating twice before you could do it. Because when you moved it, you would lift it. The fish had not yet hooked up all, so it would be OK after the fish floated two sons."

After listening to my father's words, it suddenly dawned on me. I decided to try again. I threw the fishing rod, and the fish floated again. I counted, "One, two...", and I immediately mentioned that a small fish appeared. I was very happy. I put the fish in the bag again. Because it was late, my father and I went home.

Although I caught few fish, I learned how to fish.

With Dad (14)

Today, my father and I went to the farm to harvest millet. The regular bus is driving on the busy highway, leaving all the flowers and plants on both sides behind. After a long journey, I finally reached my goal.

The millet is ripe and golden. It seems that a thick layer of gold has been spread on the ground. When the autumn wind blows, the heavy ears of grain are singing rhythmically. A closer look shows that the whole body of the millet is golden, and the ears of the millet are pressing the stalks out of breath. On the hillside, rows of sorghum stand proudly, and the autumn wind blows, like torches of victory burning. Row upon row of corn sticks out a military belly, as if to say: "Look how awesome I am!"

Dad and uncles are busy harvesting. They bent over, grabbed the cereal pole with their left hand, waved the sickle rhythmically, and soon cut down a large area. The sickle makes a "click, click" sound, as if it is a beautiful harvest song. A large group of birds chirped as if to tell them: "Come on, come on, come on, come on..."

How charming autumn is!


With Dad (15)

Today is a weekend; My father let me relax in the intense study and decided to take me fishing.

When I came to the lake, the spring was thick, and wild flowers were everywhere. The ones with names but without names were scattered on the shallow grass beside the lake, like the scarves of a river, giving me a new look!

We got our tools ready. Dad gave me a hook and we started fishing!

We sat on the shallow grass on the river bank. Dad put an earthworm on the fishhook, and then gently threw the fishing line to the middle of the river; Dad sat with his eyes fixed on the center. After a while, small bubbles appeared on the river, which looked like colorful pearls under the sun. It was beautiful! The pre order shook violently. My father knew that another big guy must have taken the bait, so he quickly closed the line. I watched my father's thin face operation quietly, and I couldn't help but pay more respect. "I want to fish too," I yelled. I sat on a small stool, listening to music while fishing. After a long time, the fish still didn't bite. I was depressed and was about to give up when my father told me that I should work hard, persevere, and have perseverance in everything. So my father began to guide me. First, he checked whether the fish were getting in, and then he threw them into the middle of the river. My father told me that fishing is a science, and I must not worry about new comers. I waited patiently for the fish to bite. At this time, my heart was very calm, as if the whole world had stopped flowing. The emperor pays his dues. My efforts are not in vain. The other end of the fishing rod feels heavy. I listen to my father's knowledge, and the fish come out of the water! Wow, I screamed, a big grass carp! At this time, I saw a pleasant smile on my father's face.

It was dusk before we knew it. It was time for us to go home. In the setting sun, the gills of grass carp in the basin vomited and moved. I touched them, and they twisted their big bodies and slowly swam, which was very naughty! We got on the bus, and through the window, I saw the afterglow of Luoyang sprinkled on the river, forming a circle of colored ripples, and the scenery was very beautiful and moving!

The warm afterglow matches on me, warm, just like my father's deep love for me, thick care, warm, always warm into my heart.

With Dad (16)

We installed the line and rod, Dad installed the double hook, and I installed the single hook. When I came to the fish pond, my father helped me put the wriggling earthworm into the hook and started fishing. In a few minutes, Dad's buoy began to swing up and down, left and right - Dad quickly picked up the fishing rod, ah! Two small silvery fish bit a hook respectively, killing two birds with one stone! My heart began to worry.

My eyes were fixed on the buoy. Suddenly, my buoy was "missing"! I quickly used my strength to pull up the fishing rod. I only felt a strong force pull me to the water surface, and I had a great effort to not fall into the fishpond. When I came back to my senses, the fishing rod suddenly became light. I raised it to see that not only the fish I expected was gone, but also the hook. I had to go to lunch dejected.

After lunch, I can't wait to change the hook. Sitting in the sun for an hour or two, I got almost nothing. Just when I was going to put the fishing rod away, the huge pulling force appeared again! I quickly shouted for Dad. My father told me not to worry, and then said to me: "You should first set your own center of gravity and position yourself for fishing!" As I was saying this, I found that the tip of the fishing rod began to circle in the water along with the fishing line, causing ripples. My father asked me to wait and see the change. After a while, the fishing rod stopped moving. I think: the fish must have used up their strength!

I gently pulled up the fishing rod, and my father took advantage of the situation to use the fishing net to catch fish! What a big fish! It is as long as my arm and as thick as my thigh. It is breathing with its mouth open in the net pocket! I shouted with joy!