Compositions with a lot of rubbish (6 in general)
Heroes have dreams
2024-05-12 09:35:49
junior middle school

Compositions full of rubbish (1)

For the future of mankind, we must save the earth and sort garbage.

Since last semester, we have carried out the activity of garbage classification. I also know that the garbage in life is mainly divided into four categories: recyclables, kitchen waste, hazardous garbage and other garbage. Among them, recyclables are uncontaminated paper, plastic products, etc; Kitchen waste includes all kinds of leftovers and perishables; Hazardous waste is mainly toxic and harmful to human body and environment, such as expired drugs, old batteries, pesticides, etc; Other wastes are in addition to the above three categories.

In fact, it is far from enough for us to only understand and publicize these knowledge. What is more important is that we should do a good job of garbage classification meticulously in life. One night after dinner, Grandma was carrying a large bag of garbage to throw away. I stopped her in a hurry to check. As a result, as I expected, this large bag of garbage was completely unclassified. I seriously said to my grandmother, "It's a simple task to classify the garbage, turn it into treasure, and make our home better." While saying this, I began to classify the garbage. Slowly, under my strict supervision, Grandma finally got rid of the bad habit of not classifying garbage.

I believe that as long as everyone works hard, the earth will become more and more beautiful and become the brightest star in the solar system.

Compositions with Too Much Garbage (2)

Do you know what garbage is? How do you classify rubbish in your life? Do you know what kind of classification there are? Do you know the benefits of garbage sorting? Next, I will answer these questions one by one.

Garbage refers to waste materials that have no value to people and cannot be used. In our life, a lot of garbage is produced every day. In order to make our earth a perfect place, garbage classification has been implemented in all regions. In most areas, garbage is divided into recyclable garbage, non recyclable garbage, kitchen waste and hazardous garbage. Recyclable garbage refers to the garbage that can be reused, such as plastic, glass and waste paper. Non recyclable garbage refers to garbage other than recyclable garbage, such as cigarette butts, paint, etc. Kitchen waste refers to the waste consumed in daily life, such as leftovers, eggshells, etc. Hazardous wastes refer to wastes harmful to human health, such as waste batteries, waste lamps, etc. If the garbage is not treated properly, the blue sky and white clouds can only be our dream.

Garbage endangers our health, so for our beautiful home, we should classify garbage!

Compositions with a lot of rubbish (3)

·Today, a grandmother from the community came to my house and handed out ten garbage bags, five red and five green. I wonder why you give me a garbage bag? It turns out that garbage needs to be sorted.

I saw that the green bag was filled with kitchen waste, including leftovers, fruit shells, leftovers of food and meat, and expired food; The red one shows the rest of the rubbish, including cigarette butts, contaminated paper, broken ceramic pots and hard nut shells. I heard from my mother that this is an activity being carried out in the community. Because holding this activity can let us better grasp the garbage classification. We are not as good as those developed countries in the United States and Japan, so we should learn from them that garbage sorting can bring many benefits. Reduce land occupation, reduce environmental pollution, and reduce waste by 50? The hoops are growing? Mang? Cooperation? γ? Heat retention? 1500 tons of waste paper can be exempted from cutting trees used to produce 1200 tons of paper; A ton of cans can be melted into a ton of good aluminum blocks, which can save 20 tons of aluminum ore.

Let's cherish resources and protect Mother Earth.

Compositions with a lot of rubbish (4)

My family lives in the Furun Yaju Community of Xishanqiao, and our community implements garbage classification treatment. Why should garbage be sorted? This must be good! Otherwise, it just brings trouble to people, there is no need to do that!

What are the benefits? Through searching for information on the Internet and consulting with knowledgeable elders, I gradually realized that most of the garbage disposal methods used to be landfills. This method not only occupies valuable land, but also pollutes the environment seriously due to flies and insects flying around the garbage disposal site, sewage overflowing and stink. If the garbage is classified, it will be more beneficial! We actively participate in garbage classification.

Every day, we dump food scraps, vegetable roots, leaves, peel, bones and other kitchen waste into the trash can at the entrance of the community. It is said that the kitchen waste can produce 0.3 tons of organic fertilizer per ton after being treated by biotechnology. This treatment will not only not pollute the environment, but also can be used as waste. You can kill two birds with one stone. Why not!

We also store newspapers, periodicals, books, all kinds of wrapping paper, office paper, advertising paper, paper boxes and other paper wastes together and hand them over to the community workers who collect paper wastes every Saturday morning. The information I saw on the Internet said that every ton of recycled waste paper can produce 850 kilograms of good paper, save 300 kilograms of wood, and reduce pollution by 74% compared with the production of the same amount of paper. Wow, if everyone treats paper waste in this way, it will not only reduce environmental pollution, but also reduce the cutting of trees, so that we can have more greening and a more beautiful environment.

My father, who taught chemistry in school, told me that waste batteries pollute water resources seriously. A small "button" battery can pollute 450000 liters of water after all the pollutants are released. Think about the batteries used in many electrical appliances in our life. If these batteries are not treated scientifically, how much water will be polluted! It's terrible to think about it! Therefore, when my batteries are used up, we store them in a special plastic bag, and send them to a special place for recycling waste batteries.

From the above description, we know that garbage classification has many benefits. We should vigorously support garbage classification, and we should actively participate in garbage classification, so as to make our own contribution to a more beautiful environment!

Compositions with a lot of rubbish (5)

Nature is our friend, and the earth is our only living environment. We should cherish it more and protect the earth and nature. How can we make nature more beautiful? I suggest a garbage sorting.

Garbage can be classified into four types. There are recyclable garbage, other garbage, food waste and hazardous garbage. As long as everyone consciously insists on classifying them, it will not only be beneficial to everyone, but also greatly reduce the workload of sanitation workers. If humans litter, our homes will be seriously polluted by garbage, making it impossible for us to breathe fresh air. The advertisements outside always say, "garbage classification starts with me", but now there are a lot of garbage, so the most important thing is to do a good job of garbage classification, which is everyone's obligation.

Summer is coming, and all kinds of mosquitoes and flies are breeding in large numbers. The accumulated garbage provides a living environment for them. If the garbage on the ground is piled up, it will undoubtedly damage the environment and hurt themselves. When the time comes, these hateful little things will spread bacteria and germs to you, causing serious harm to human bodies.

Waste classification is very important. We should turn waste into treasure and reuse waste as resources, which can not only reduce pollution, protect the environment, but also improve the utilization efficiency of the earth's resources. If we divide the garbage, the environment will be beautiful.

For our home, for our common earth, garbage classification let us start from now, from me.

Compositions with a lot of rubbish (6)

Since last semester, we have carried out garbage classification activities. I also know that the garbage in life is mainly divided into four categories: recyclables, kitchen waste, hazardous garbage and other garbage. Among them, recyclables are uncontaminated paper, plastic products, etc; Kitchen waste includes all kinds of leftovers and perishables; Hazardous waste is mainly toxic and harmful to human body and environment, such as expired drugs, old batteries, pesticides, etc; Other wastes are in addition to the above three categories.

In fact, it is far from enough for us to only understand and publicize these knowledge. What is more important is that we should do a good job of garbage classification meticulously in life. One night after dinner, Grandma was carrying a large bag of garbage to throw away. I stopped her in a hurry to check. As a result, as I expected, this large bag of garbage was completely unclassified. I seriously said to my grandmother, "It's a simple task to classify the garbage, turn it into treasure, and make our home better." While saying this, I began to classify the garbage. Slowly, under my strict supervision, Grandma finally got rid of the bad habit of not classifying garbage.

I believe that as long as everyone works hard, the earth will become more and more beautiful and become the brightest star in the solar system.