Re read "Back" (3 selected articles)
Give you half a kiss
2024-03-16 08:41:25
third year in high school
reaction to a book or an article

Re reading The Back (1)

Open the Chinese textbook and read Zhu Ziqing's "Back" again. It seems that every time you read this "Back", you will have different feelings and experiences.

I remember the first time I came across this article was in the sixth grade of primary school. When we learned Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry", the teacher gave us a general introduction to "Back View" in order to expand our reading range. At that time, I only got a general understanding of the main content of this article, which is to reflect the great fatherly love, I didn't pay much attention to the truth contained in it. However, today, I learned this article at a deeper level in the classroom of junior high school. Let me more deeply understand the deep feelings of father and son.

I still remember the first paragraph of the article very familiar. The author wrote that the most unforgettable thing was his father's back. When I started reading, I felt curious and puzzled. It was just a figure. Why should the author not forget his father's figure. With questions, I continued to read. The author wrote that at that time, his family was a time of double whammy. In addition, his grandmother died and his father lost his job. The situation of his family was even bleak, which not only made people feel a light sad atmosphere. Therefore, as a father, I have to go to Nanjing to do something, and "I" will go to Beijing to study again. Obviously, "I" and my father will be separated again.

My father was always worried about "me" and decided to see me off at the station himself. The farewell at Pukou Station was full of reluctance and attachment. The father's love for his son spread throughout the station. In order to find a parking space for his son, the father bargained with the porter; Out of love for my son, I asked the tea house to take good care of me when I sent my son to the car. But I "laughed at his pedantry". Although this is true, it shows that the father's love for his son is undeniable.

Before the car started, my father insisted on buying oranges for me. It can be seen that father's love for "me" is called meticulous. Even food was taken into consideration. What touched me most was the whole process of my father buying oranges. The details of how my father climbed the fence, bought oranges, and walked across the railway were very touching. This is the second time that the author wrote about his father's back. Looking at my father's back when he bought oranges, "I" shed tears. This was a moving tear. My father's huge body overcame the difficulties of buying oranges. When I wiped away the tears that could not help but flow, my father walked back with the red oranges in his arms. Putting down the orange for me was very relaxed. The reason why my father felt relaxed was that he was willing to work for his son and did his best to care for his son as a father. The author vividly portrayed his father's back. When his father left, he wrote a sentence in the article - he walked a few steps, looked back at me, and said, "Go in, there is no one inside. ”It can be seen how the father thinks about his son in his heart, which is a kind of reluctant emotion and a manifestation of fatherly love. Until my father's back completely mixed with people coming and going

This "Back" makes me deeply feel that the father in the article is simple, but his love is great. I have long heard someone say that a mother is kind and a father is strict, but the father in the article gives us the image of a father.

In connection with my own life, I thought of my father. When I did something wrong, my father would severely say one or two words to me. I felt very nagging and dissatisfied; Sometimes when I talk back to my father, he can't help but teach me a lesson, so he feels full of grievances... Sometimes, my father will smile and say to me, "Hey, kid, how are you doing with your homework, what are the difficulties? Tell me what you want to eat..." Looking back on these things, I feel happy now. No matter how my father educates me, it is a severe criticism, Or gentle guidance, which is not the embodiment of our father's love for us? Father's love, like a mountain, is great and sometimes deep. Many people praise mother's love. Now, the greatness of father's love can not be replaced by anything.

Re reading the Back (2)

My father's step is very big. You walk side by side with him. If your step is not big, it's hard for you to catch up with him. Gradually, I found that I could hardly remember what he looked like when he walked, just like the chapter about walking in my memory was torn up... Every time, a figure flashed in my heart, always mixed with a little sour.
On the back, I was most moved by Zhu Ziqing's Back. "My father is a fat man, so it will take a lot of trouble to walk there. I was going, but he refused to let him go. I saw him wearing a black cloth cap, a black cloth jacket, and a dark blue cloth cotton gown, hobbling to the railway side, and slowly leaning down. It was not difficult. He climbed on it with both hands, and then pulled his feet up; his fat body leaned slightly to the left, showing an effort. At this time, I saw his back, and my tears soon left... When I looked again, he had already walked back with the scarlet orange in his arms. "
Every time I read this, I would be moved by my father's deep love and could not help shedding tears. Although the son is 20 years old, his father always does things for him. In his father's eyes, the son is always the most important.
I used to think that my father was careless, didn't really care about me, and was always strict with me. I was estranged from him. It was not until that time that I really understood my father.
After high school, I left home and went to a boarding school in the suburbs. There were a lot of maladjustments, but when I thought of my mother's concerned eyes before leaving, I said to myself quietly: We must insist! But I left my English textbook at home, so I had to call my father and ask him to bring the book I had forgotten. There were only a few words on the phone, so I couldn't bear to hang up. Before my father finished speaking, I urged him to hang up. He seemed to sigh and said "OK". Not long after, I saw my father looking at the door of the classroom, calling my name. When I got closer, I found that my father's breath was still breathing, and his silver hair had been stirred by the wind like a play. Only my father's eyes were extremely bright, shining, like a flash of light. My father gave me something and asked: "Are you full?" "Are you still used to it?" I just nodded. My father also brought some chocolate, for fear that I might not eat well. Dad still gave me the thermos bottle that I didn't take for trouble, because he was afraid that I would wash my face with cold water.
Even so, I still urged my father to leave. My father complained that I knew to let my father go. I sent my father downstairs. As he came downstairs, my father replied, "Eat on time, don't use cold water." I turned and ran desperately to the stairs, lying on the railing, looking for my father's back. I saw that there were no heavy objects in my hands when I came here, only a slightly faltering step; The silver hair shakes with the movement, as if to say how successful the conquest of time has been. The straight back is no longer the same year, and has been bent by reality. Watching my father step by step away, my eyes were moist, but I was afraid that my father would turn back, until I walked far away, I could not see any more, and my tears were like breaking the dike
Watching my father's back makes me understand you more clearly. Even though the river flows forward, I hope my father will wait and wait.

Re read The Back (3)

J1807 Zou Xinkai's father still remembers that he first came into contact with this article when he was in junior high school. He also remembers the first paragraph of the article very familiar. The author wrote that what he cannot forget most is his father's back. When I started reading, I felt curious and puzzled. It was just a figure. Why should the author not forget his father's figure. With doubt, I continued to read. At that time, I only got a general understanding of the main content of this article, and did not pay much attention to the truth contained in it. The second time I read Back was when I first entered the university. At that time, I had many similarities with the author. At that time, I also left home for Changsha to go to university for the first time. On the way, my father helped me pick up luggage and buy a ticket, Until he sent me to college. On the way, although my father didn't speak much, he always showed a father's love for his son. Looking at his back, I felt the simplicity and greatness of father's love for the first time. Today, the Chinese teacher assigned homework to give me the opportunity to read Back for the third time, which made me feel completely different. Looking at "Back", my father's back kept emerging in my mind. When I was a child, my father's back was so strong and strong. Until I returned home last Spring Festival, I found that my father's white hair was significantly more, his body was much thinner, and his back was a little bent. Looking at his back, my eyes were moist. Yes, over the years, my father has always kept his habit of hard work and supported the family hard. Every time we let my father rest, he said, I am still active, and labor is good for my health. I know that he does not want to add burden to our children. Now holding Zhu Ziqing's "Back" in my hand, I think of my father again. Now my father is nearly sixty years old. As sons, we should cherish the days with our father and spend more time with him. It's been a long time since I went back to visit him. I decided to go home this Spring Festival.