79 Selected Sentences Praising Apricot Blossom Woman
Desert auspicious clouds
2023-07-15 07:00:34
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1. The afterglow of the sunset on the other side of the mountain spreads to the earth, and the apricot flowers all over the mountains are more beautiful under the sunset.

2. Swallows do not return late in spring, and apricot flowers are cold in the misty rain.

3. The buds of apricot flowers spread their wings like countless butterflies.

4. When I leave Xiaoxiang, my head will turn white, and now I can see the spring of apricot blossom. There should be numerous people who have never moved, and several people in front of flowers—— Zhang Ji's "Presenting Liu Langzhong with Bai Shilang's Apricot Garden"

5. Apricot flowers are dancing in the gentle spring breeze.

6. The garden is full of spring scenery, and a red apricot comes out of the wall. Song · Ye Shaoweng's "Garden Tour Is Not Worth It":

7. Apricot flowers bloom on the night of the spring equinox, just like jade butterflies.

8. Apricots blossom in spring, and the scenery lingers.

9. The nightingale comes first in the forest sky, and the butterfly does not swim in the spring—— Tang Dynasty: Wu Rong's "Apricot Flowers on the Way"

10. Painting Hall in Spring, Apricot Blossoms in the Rain Ming Dynasty: Chen Zilong

11. Apricot flowers are tender. People dare not touch them for fear of breaking them.

12. The bud of apricot flower looks like a shy little girl.

13. The bud of apricot flower looks like a golden wool ball.

14. I walked in the apricot groves, appreciated the beautiful apricot flowers, immersed in the fragrance of flowers, and my thoughts flew.

15. Apricot flower buds are like extraordinary flower fairies.

16. When the clouds are clear and the birds are all over the village in spring, it looks like the old days in Chang'an. Red apricot flowers should laugh at me, I am haggard and ashamed—— Wen Spring Bird by Wei Zhuang

17. Apricot flowers have four to six petals. Before opening, they are small buds, about the size of the little thumbnail.

18. The bud of apricot flower looks like a girl wearing a red skirt.

19. The garden is full of apricot blossoms in spring, and the fragrance blooms in Qimo Spring.

20. See Apricot Flowers on the Way Tang Dynasty: Wu Rong

21. When a red apricot leaves the wall, people outside the wall are worried—— Tang Dynasty: Wu Rong's "Apricot Flowers on the Way"

22. The drizzle drizzles into the crimson yarn, and the lake pavilion eats cold food at Meng Zhu's house. In the Southern Dynasty, Man claimed to be a first-class product. How could the palace body ever be an apricot flower-- Works of Wen Tingyun? Spring Rain

23. The deep courtyard is warm after the rain, and a red apricot opens lonely.

24. The breeze gently lifts the apricot leaves all over the ground and then puts them down. Looking up, the apricot flowers all over the tree stretch and dance.

25. Don't chase the clouds, don't envy the fish, and live in an apricot flower hut facing the sun. The crane chirps and the Chinese watch should be passed on, and the wild geese are lazy to send books in frosty days-- Liu Shang's Two Songs of Returning to the Mountain to Leave My Nephew

26. At the title of Qujiang Yard, the youngest of the 19 people. I can't see you in spring today. Apricot flowers are scattered in front of the temple gate-- Zhang Ji's Cry of Meng Ji

27. Peach blossoms blossom in clusters, which are lovely dark red against light red.

28. The spring scenery is deep in Jiangxi, and eight romantic horses are believed to have horseshoes. The white hair and apricot blossom are well matched, and I envy you for being drunk all day long-- Quan Deyu's Reward for Zhao Shangshu's Apricot Garden

29. The fragrant buds of apricot shoot are broken. Light red faded white rouge-- Butterfly Loves Flowers by Su Shi, a poet and poet of the Song Dynasty

30. When the willow breeze passes, the flowers will bloom in the warm spring, and the peonies are really beautiful.

31. The trees and apricots are blooming, and it is another spring.

32. Scramble red mountain apricot hair and spread new green water apples-- Works of Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty? South Lake Early Spring

33. Moonlight Night and Guests Drinking under Apricot Blossoms Song Dynasty: Su Shi

34. The apricot flower is white and red. Its red stamens are like a drop of blood falling into the snow. It is simple and elegant, with natural charm, and never competes with other flowers.

35. Full of fragrant grass green and apricot flower fragrance-- "Immortals by the River" by Liu Tong, a poet of the Song Dynasty

36. You want to wet the apricot blossom rain when you touch your clothes, and the willow wind is not cold when you blow your face—— Song and Song Dynasties · Shi Zhinan's Juegu

37. The fragrant buds of apricot shoot are broken. Light red faded white rouge—— Song Dynasty · Sushi's Butterfly Loves Flowers

38. Zhu Shuzhen: Apricot Flowers

39. The spring in March is as beautiful as jade apricot flowers.

40. In spring, the pink and white apricot flowers are blooming all over the branches, which looks like a pink ocean from afar.

41. Cloud colored chiffon gauze wipes away tears, and a curtain of spring rain and apricot blossom is cold. When will you meet the mandarin duck couple again, and play Sheng and Cailuan under the moon-- Ten Untitled Poems by Tang Yanqian

42. The beautiful blooming season is fascinating and unforgettable!

43. Liu Chao called Xi Shen to accompany him, to recall the old pool pavilion.

44. The garden is full of spring scenery, and a red apricot is coming out of the wall.

45. The fragrant buds of apricot shoots are broken. Light red faded white rouge. Pale red fades to white: The pale red color fades to light white—— Song Dynasty · Sushi's Butterfly Loves Flowers

46. Tang Dynasty: Wu Rong's "See Apricot Flowers on the Way"

47. In the shadow of apricot blossom, play flute till dawn.

48. The willows are blurred in the dawn fog, and the apricot blossom fog falls at five o'clock—— Shanhuazi by Chen Zilong, Ming Dynasty

49. Song Qi: Magnolia

50. When the spring wind blows, the apricot flowers bloom and people are happy!

51. The grass on the Suxi Pavilion is endless. Who leans on the east wind. Swallows do not return late in spring, and apricot flowers are cold in a misty rain-- The works of Dai Shulun? Suxi Pavilion

52. The tears are wet, and the lonely phoenix is fainting in the morning mirror. Recently, she has been cherishing her youth. Apricot blossom and willow are good every year. I can't bear to look back at the old photos-- Zheng Gu's "Personality"

53. If people are open, spring will be warm and flowers will bloom; If you let go, feel free. Good morning.

54. The bud of apricot flower looks like a big cotton candy.

55. The sun shines in the spring every day, and apricot flowers smell on the slope of the mountain city. When you are in a muddled mood, you can reach the hairspring 100 feet long-- Li Shangyin's Daily

56. Look east at the blue sky, the Zhou Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty, and the spring of the apricot blossom and elm leaf hometown. The wild temple pours cold food and wine, and comes to the scenery at night-- Zhang Yi's Night View of Bazhou Cold Food

57. The spring is warm and the apricot flowers are blooming! Burn the apricot blossom for ten miles, pick one and put it on your heart, that's enough!

58. In the time of sitting opposite peach blossoms, I feel how beautiful the spring is.

59. On an April day in the world, I met a touch of apricot blossom spring color in Changzhongda and made a spring dress of apricot blossom.

60. In the early morning, apricot flowers are like a small bowl with round dewdrops. If you touch the petals, the dew will shake a few times.

61. When a gust of wind blew, the apricot blossom looked like a shy girl. She turned her head and dared not look at the guests, but it brought the fragrance of the mountain.

62. Apricot blossom, implying the love, shyness and suspicion of girls, has a feeling of unpredictable opportunities, and it is also a homonym of happiness, symbolizing happiness and education.

63. This is apricot flower, which is simple and elegant. When quiet, she looks like a gentle and charming girl, and when moving, she looks like a lively little girl, which is very attractive.

64. It is impossible to hide in a good spring, and the pink wall is inclined to reveal the top of apricot flowers—— Song and Song Dynasties, Zhang Liangchen, Random Title

65. It is impossible to hide in a good spring, and the pink wall is inclined to reveal the top of apricot flowers-- Odds by Zhang Liangchen, a poet of the Song Dynasty

66. Wu Rong: Apricot Flower

67. Apricots blossom in the autumn wind, and drunken visitors come near the apricot trees. Stay late at night to listen to a song, and wake up and ride a horse-- Dai Shulun, "Gives Cui Facao after listening to the song"

68. Suddenly, it was like a night of spring breeze, and thousands of trees and apricots blossomed.

69. You want to wet the apricot blossom rain with your clothes, and the willow wind will not blow cold on your face. The apricot blossom will blossom in bright spring.

70. It's spring again. Don't lose the fragrance of apricot flowers.

71. Apricot flowers are not willing to think heartlessly. What is the most heartbreaking thing for a pedestrian—— Yang Liu Zhi by Wen Tingyun, Tang Dynasty

72. Wild flowers grow on the roadside and on the leaves of grass.

73. The skirt hangs with bamboo leaves, and the sideburns are wet with apricot flowers and smoke—— Feng Xiaolian, Tang · Li He

74. Romance is probably a good thing, and lovesickness will be heartbreaking. Clouds are thin, the moon is dim, and the night is cold, and apricot flowers smell through the curtain of light rain-- Han Xuan's Cold Food Night

75. The spring scenery is deep in Jiangxi, and there are eight romantic horses.

76. A gust of wind blows, and white petals fall down, like a snow, like a dream, beating the sleeping heart.

77. Wild flowers on the roadside cannot withstand the "picking" of people.

78. Si Kongtu: Apricot Blossoms

79. Don't pick wild flowers on the roadside, and add luster without complaint and regret, although it is not as fragrant as its flowers, and the greening of the home is in full bloom.