Simplicity is Beauty (9 practical articles)
General construction on the road to success
2024-03-26 03:48:07

Simplicity is beauty (1)

"Huh..." An orange sports car flew by, on which sat a "beauty" passer-by with heavy makeup, gold and silver, expensive sunglasses, and long black hair rising with the wind. From time to time, she was surprised and envied. In the season of "wet apricot blossom rain", she is a shining spot. But I looked at her sideways and didn't think so. I prefer simplicity and simplicity to luxury.

Simplicity is a kind of beauty.

In the eyes of many people, the bustling Shanghai, the towering high-rise buildings, and the dazzling Oriental Pearl are all gorgeous representatives, which everyone yearns for. But compared with the noisy city, my favorite is the quiet suburbs, which are simple and simple, but show unspeakable beauty. There is no longer a smoky sky, only the blue sky with white clouds rushing; No more whistles and cicadas, only birds and cicadas; No more dark clouds and acid rain, only green water and trees accompany

Simplicity is nature.

I often hear someone yelling, "I love nature!" I asked, "Do you know what shapes nature? Suddenly, there was silence (giggle). The answer was simple: simple. My love for nature is eternal. It is simplicity that shapes the mystery of nature. All things constitute the natural paradise of creatures, flowers and trees. They praise nature and communicate simplicity.

The big red apple struggled to get rid of the shackles of the branches and returned to the earth with a "snap", kissing the simple nature with tears flowing down its face - it was mature. People are the same. One day, your eyes will shine with affirmation, abandon the prosperous city, and return to nature with awe and yearning.

Although simple is not gorgeous and expensive, it radiates its natural brilliance; Simplicity may be more desirable than magnificence, but it is the root of the natural habitat of all things. Although it is not magnificence, it is more eye-catching, but it radiates beautiful colors from inside to outside!

Grade 4 of Xiangge Primary School in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province: Li Junlin

Simplicity is Beauty (2)

Walking on the familiar path in the countryside, you can feel the warm breeze, the warm fragrance and the warmth of the countryside. Although the small villages are simple and ordinary, they show moving pictures.

Once on the village road, people in the village warmed people in the earthquake stricken area with their true feelings. The red collection box was filled with the enthusiasm of rural people, and even Grandma Wang, the stingy neighbor, came with a bag of money. The lovely little sister of the neighbor came running with her savings pot. The coins were ringing happily in her savings pot, as if she was singing for her own meaning. One figure, one smiling face, sent many sincere hearts.

Along the country road, at a glance, there is a green field, and the fields are the shadows of hard work. Since October, the crops in the fields have matured under the labor of farmers. Looking back, the hometown people's faces still have the sweat that can never be dried, and their calloused hands are still working tirelessly in the field. It is their diligence that has cultivated our generation!

Although the villagers have little culture, they all have a simple heart. They often teach the next generation to be economical and not waste a drop of water, a kilowatt hour of electricity, a drop of oil or a grain of rice. They know that the resources are limited, and they have replaced the electric lights at home with energy-saving lights. They never use disposable chopsticks and always carry environmental bags on the street. They always write a piece of paper full, so they are willing to throw it away. When they eat, they do not leave food or drop food. They use rice washing water to water flowers and washing water to flush toilets. Their sense of saving is beyond the reach of modern people.

At the end of the path, the sweet scented osmanthus tree at the corner of the village came into sight, with refreshing fragrance. Under the osmanthus tree, there are small wooden horses and stone tables and stools made by parents themselves. On the stone bench, the old man and the second man are playing chess. Look, they are laughing happily. On the wooden horse, several children of five or six years old are enjoying themselves. Look at this scene of family happiness, how warm and happy!

Walking along the country road, you can feel the simplicity and ordinary of the country, but it is precisely because of the simplicity and ordinary that you can show your kindness. Its sincerity and simplicity are beautiful!

Simplicity is Beauty (3)

When autumn comes and the autumn wind quietly brushes the yellow leaves of the trees, the whole world boils down to a simple color. The poet will stand under the trees and slowly chant: "Simple, is it not a kind of beauty that makes people shocked?"

Nature is complex and changeable, but the various elements constituting nature are so simple and simple. We often marvel at the ultimate beauty of nature. Seeing the wild geese in the sky, the fish flying at the bottom, the tigers roaring in the mountains, and the camels walking in the desert, we are always fascinated and moved. It is the simplicity of all things that brings them to their respective extremes, gives them a distinctive character, and makes them live in harmony and regularity. If fish can swim deep in the sea, fight in the sky, and climb walls, the world will be in disorder, and there will be many unique landscapes.

Zhu Ziqing said, "A sound sleep is indispensable, and a nap is also unique." Maybe he is also saying that the beauty of rich is indispensable, and the beauty of simple is also unique. Coffee has won many people's favor because of its strong and unrestrained, but some people prefer the quiet and light fragrance of tea. Simplicity sometimes becomes a symbol of ease and randomness. "The lotus leaves are infinitely green in the sky, and the lotus flowers are very red in the sun." The beauty of the beauty is impressive, but the freshness and elegance of "the little lotus just shows its sharp corners, and dragonflies have already stood on top" has also charmed many people. The simple outline of the realm is irreplaceable by the rich.

Some people say that society is a big coordinate paper, and each of us is a point. If we take this point seriously and make it more complicated, we will be more tired, while if we take this point lightly and make it easier, we will be happier. This is a wonderful attitude. People can live a vigorous and vigorous life, but also live a gentle life. Meet Meng Haoran and talk about mulberry and hemp; Dream the Heavenly Grandma and visit famous mountains with Li Bai; Not picking chrysanthemums and tasting tea with Tao Yuanming can also achieve their own unique career? Putting aside fame and wealth, we despise worldly disputes. It turns out that the world is really so simple.

Although Epiphyllum can only simply stay in the world for one night, it shows its unique character; Although the match can only shine once in the dark, it also realizes its greatest value and significance. Simple but not dull, simple but full of romantic and convex temperament, such a simple is the most rare simple and not simple simple.

When the world comes back to simple colors again, I hope we can all feel that simplicity is also a kind of beauty.

Simplicity is Beauty (4)

Simple, perhaps it is a synonym for alternative fashion. Some people say that simplicity is a kind of beauty. I really approve of this point of view. Maybe in some things, simplicity is an inspiration for creation—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

If you stand on the crowded street and look at all kinds of fashionable buildings and fancy clothes, you will have a dazzling feeling. If a white building or a simple dressed person appears at this time, I think you will be relieved and keep your eyes on it, so that your vision can be completely relaxed and you will be nostalgic. This is the simple charm.

For example, the homepage of Google's web page, which is popular around the world and has 150 million visitors every day, is as simple as a keyword input box.

Because Google is free and lives by advertising. When searching sub pages, Google only places a few advertisements without affecting users' use. Because of the large number of visitors, the advertising rent is high, which is also the reason why Google's revenue is far higher than other search engines. Therefore, simplicity can also create wealth.

The charm of abstract simplicity is endless. So specifically, how to understand the meaning of "simple"? Literally, "simple" means "simple"; But the word "clean" in simplicity means "clean and refreshing", which is the original meaning of simplicity.

Just as Zheng Banqiao, a famous painter of the Ming Dynasty in China, had a creative realm of "cutting down on the numerous and simplifying the tree in the third autumn, and appreciating the new February flower", simplicity has become the fashion pursuit of more and more people, and more and more people begin to attach importance to it and pursue it.

In the past, people paid attention to wearing close fitting and formal suits, but now people are looking for loose and comfortable casual clothes; It used to be a big feast on festive occasions. Now we just need relatives to get together and raise their glasses; The original decoration was exquisite and luxurious, but now it is quiet, returning to nature, and pursuing simplicity... It seems that simplicity has penetrated into our lives and integrated into our souls.

Although Chinese painting is not as colorful as oil painting, it is also not as elegant and reserved as sketch. But it is popular in the world with its simple colors and has become a treasure in our national paintings.

Simplicity is also a kind of beauty, a kind of noble beauty—— Postscript

Simplicity is Beauty (5)

There is no flowery words, no cold hot satire, and the simple words of the child make people feel comfortable. Because of childish innocence, there is no light thick touch, strange dress, simple and simple dress makes people look comfortable, there is no strong pungent perfume smell, and a light smell of washing powder, which makes people feel warm when smelling, because there is a mother's love hidden in it.

Simplicity is a kind of beauty. If you step on someone accidentally, you can avoid conflict by saying "Sorry"; Eating delicious food and saying "too delicious" is the greatest reward for the cook; When a friend encounters a setback, although there is nothing to help him, he will not feel lonely as long as he accompanies him quietly.

When parents say "Happy birthday" on their birthday, it is enough to make them happy for a long time. It is a witness of love and a reflection of filial piety.

When you are away from home, call home every other time, send a text message, and report safety. Although there is no way to accompany them, at least let them know that you are living well outside, so that they don't have to worry about us. Paying back your parents is actually that simple.

Simple beauty is not only in language, but also in action.

When you see a bottle on the dustbin, will you stop and throw the bottle into the dustbin; When you answer the phone in public, will you worry about the people around you and lower your voice? When you see a blind person about to hit the railing, will you step forward to help him; When you walk on the street with an umbrella and see a person without an umbrella, will you share your umbrella with him?

A famous person once said: "It is not simple to do simple things well hundreds of millions of times."

How easy it is for water to drop onto stones. However, it is not easy to drop water day and night at the first place. If you do that, over time, water can break through the stone.

The same is true of learning. You can recite 5 words every day, write a diary every week, and learn a little knowledge in each class. As long as you stick to it, you can see that "dripping wears away the stone".

This is how beauty is created. In a word, one action, simple and accessible. In fact, beauty is only one step away from you. Have you achieved it?

Simplicity is Beauty (6)

Tao Yuanming was tired of official life and returned to simplicity; Although Su Shi was demoted, he was simple; Although Zhang Ji failed in the list, it was still simple. They are simple but beautiful!

Live simply. As middle school students, our life is full of various problems that need to be solved. The busy life is our physical and mental exhaustion. How about living simply! Life will become much simpler if you only pay attention to your own food, drink, study, rest and friends every day? Psychologists found that doing several things at the same time is inefficient and of low quality; Look at several things at the same time and remember more than you can. So, simply living will improve the efficiency or quality of our work. Don't we enjoy life? It is most beautiful to live simply.

Simple creation. The desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen. It depicts a picture of dusk beyond the Great Wall. A few simple geometric figures, such as straight lines and round planes, constitute an empty and lonely scene, giving people unparalleled beauty; Zhu Ziqing's article "Back", although simple and plain in language, gives people a fresh and refined aesthetic feeling, depicts a picture of deep feelings between father and son, which can not help but move people; Although light music is less crazy than rock music and less energetic than pop music, it can give people the greatest comfort and enjoyment in spirit. Simple creation is the most beautiful.

Simple is a kind of wisdom, simple is an open-minded, simple is a kind of beauty! Look at everything with simple eyes, everything is not only simple, but also more beautiful!

Simplicity is Beauty (7)

Tao Yuanming was tired of official life and returned to simplicity; Although Su Shi was demoted, he was simple; Although Zhang Ji failed in the list, it was still simple. They are simple but beautiful!

Live simply. As middle school students, our life is full of various problems that need to be solved. The busy life is our physical and mental exhaustion. How about living simply! Life will become much simpler if you only pay attention to your own food, drink, study, rest and friends every day? Psychologists found that doing several things at the same time is inefficient and of low quality; Look at several things at the same time and remember more than you can. So, simply living will improve the efficiency or quality of our work. Don't we enjoy life? It is most beautiful to live simply.

Simple creation. The desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen. It depicts a picture of dusk beyond the Great Wall. A few simple geometric figures, such as straight lines and round planes, constitute an empty and lonely scene, giving people unparalleled beauty; Zhu Ziqing's article "Back", although simple and plain in language, gives people a fresh and refined aesthetic feeling, depicts a picture of deep feelings between father and son, which can not help but move people; Although light music is less crazy than rock music and less energetic than pop music, it can give people the greatest comfort and enjoyment in spirit. Simple creation is the most beautiful.

Simple is a kind of wisdom, simple is an open-minded, simple is a kind of beauty! Look at everything with simple eyes, everything is not only simple, but also more beautiful!

Simplicity is Beauty (8)

In daily study, work and life, we often see the figure of composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So have you learned about composition? The following is a collection of simple and beautiful compositions for everyone. Welcome to share.

Walking on the familiar path in the countryside, you can feel the warm breeze, the warm fragrance and the warmth of the countryside. Although the small villages are simple and ordinary, they show moving pictures.

Once in the village, people in the village warmed people in the earthquake stricken area with their true feelings. The red collection box was filled with the enthusiasm of rural people, and even Grandma Wang, the stingy neighbor, came with a bag of money. The lovely little sister of the neighbor came running with her savings pot. The coins were ringing happily in her savings pot, as if she was singing for her own meaning. One figure, one smiling face, sent many sincere hearts.

Along the country road, at a glance, there is a green field, and the fields are the shadows of hard work. Since October, the crops in the fields have matured under the labor of farmers. Looking back, the hometown people's faces still have the sweat that can never be dried, and their calloused hands are still working tirelessly in the field. It is their diligence that has cultivated our generation!

Although the villagers have little culture, they all have a simple heart. They often teach the next generation to be economical and not waste a drop of water, a kilowatt hour of electricity, a drop of oil or a grain of rice. They know that the resources are limited, and they have replaced the electric lights at home with energy-saving lights. They never use disposable chopsticks and always carry environmental bags on the street. They always write a piece of paper full, so they are willing to throw it away. When they eat, they do not leave food or drop food. They use rice washing water to water flowers and washing water to flush toilets. Their sense of saving is beyond the reach of modern people.

At the end of the path, the sweet scented osmanthus tree at the corner of the village came into sight, with refreshing fragrance. Under the osmanthus tree, there are small wooden horses and stone tables and stools made by parents themselves. On the stone bench, the old man and the second man are playing chess. Look, they are laughing happily. On the wooden horse, several children of five or six years old are enjoying themselves. Look at this scene of family happiness, how warm and happy!

Walking along the country road, you can feel the simplicity and ordinary of the country, but it is precisely because of the simplicity and ordinary that you can show your kindness. Its sincerity and simplicity are beautiful!

Simplicity is Beauty (9)

I believe many people have written compositions, especially the frequently used narratives, such as people's chronicles, diaries, travel notes, legends, news, communications, novels, etc., all belong to the category of narratives. How to write a good composition of this type? The following is the simple narrative of Mei_ Junior High School collected and sorted by the editor for your reference, hoping to help those in need.

Simplicity is also a kind of beauty. This sentence is really classic. Simplicity often gives people a relaxed feeling, just like life. Simplicity is everyone's most basic requirement. But such a life makes people feel happy instead.

I am a careless girl. I always want to live a simple and complicated life. On weekends, every student, including all office workers, even those who do nothing, will feel that it is a rare day for our family to do all kinds of things orderly. Occasionally, I will call other relatives and friends to go on an outing together.

Morning is the most beautiful. Whenever the sun shines into the room, I will naturally wake up. Shout out of the window: Good morning! One day's life begins. I always comb it slowly until my mother asks me to have breakfast. Watching my mother put up the dishes, I feel a sweet taste in my heart. I scampered to the table, pushed out the chair and sat down. At this time, I would always take two chopsticks to clank on the cups and bowls on the table. My mother looked at me happily, and I spat out my tongue to my mother mischievously, feeling that I was a genius composer! When eating, the whole family is holding dishes with each other. You look at me and I look at you. Xinli has a sweet taste. Finish your meal. My father and I help my mother pack things, and we are no inferior in our work. At this time, my mother always reminds me that it's time to do my homework. First, I pout and immediately changed into a smiling face: I know, Mom! My parents will also care about me when I read books: when I am tired, I will have a rest, but not too long, don't know! Go to work for you. Sometimes I really bother them, but I still feel sweet.

In fact, what I want is this kind of life. With parents' nagging and their concern, it would be nice to see your beloved every day! Especially in the evening, when a family grabs the remote control panel in front of the TV, outsiders will also say look! How interesting this family is!

Daily messages give me a sense of security. They leave messages for me when they are on business, and call me back in advance when they go home. This simple life is what I want.

Everyone will encounter something that makes him happy in his life. Simplicity is the ideal life. Every day I see my beloved, living in a warm home, and studying the subject. How happy it is! The elders' nagging may disgust you, but will you get used to it without it?

People should know how to be content. Don't you want to live a rich life even if you can't live the simplest life?

In fact, simplicity is a kind of beauty.