Cute Ant Composition (Collection of 20)
Can't forget
2023-10-12 00:32:32

Cute Ant Composition (1)

Everyone must have seen ants! Today, I will open your eyes and make ordinary ants cute!

Now, let me introduce the appearance of ants. The body of the small ant is divided into three parts: head, chest and tail. The little ant has six long legs, a pair of short antennae, and a pair of bright big eyes to make a cute little ant.

The little ant's character is really strange. Call him naughty. He is really mischievous sometimes. For example, if something on your hand accidentally falls near the ant hole, they will immediately rush under the lost thing with lightning speed and carry it back to the hole, or divide it into pieces and carry it back to the hole. The mind of the little ant is sometimes unpredictable. For example, the ants sometimes climb east, sometimes west, sometimes this smell, sometimes that smell, you can't see for a long time what it is doing.

One of the biggest characteristics of small ants is that they are united and hardworking. Once, when I put a heavy biscuit on the ground, a small ant ran to touch the biscuit carefully with its tentacles and turned back. I thought to myself: Don't ants like biscuits? After a while, I was surprised to find a large group of giant ants around the biscuit. "Ha! So that little guy moved to the rescue". I saw a big biscuit moving forward with their joint efforts, and finally was carried back to the hole.

Well, after listening to my introduction, does the little ant look more lovely in your heart!

Cute Ant Composition (2)

In the afternoon, it was sunny. My mother and I decided to go downstairs to observe the ants. We prepared delicious bait - sugar and biscuit crumbs.

When I came to a row of trees, I found two leisurely ants and spread the bait in front of them. The little ants seemed surprised at the "falling from the sky" food. They first circled around the food a few times, then stepped back a few steps, and then rushed forward, lifted the huge biscuit crumbs for them, and quickly entered the next cave. It was the first time I saw ants moving things, and I felt very strange!

The little ant is really smart and cute!

Cute Ant Composition (3)

It has been raining all day, and the little earthworm can't stand it! It immediately came out of the ground to breathe. Just then, it saw the ants storing food for winter. Some carried, some pushed, some held, and some carried. The little earthworm felt very strange. What are they doing? Then he ran up to him and asked, "What are the ants doing? It seems that it takes a lot of effort." The ants calmly replied, "We are preparing for winter. You see, winter is coming soon. If we are like you, we have nothing to do all day long, and we still need to be hungry in winter, I advise you to prepare for winter quickly!" After hearing this, the little earthworm said angrily, "You underestimate me, and I will never pay attention to you again." Then he walked away without looking back.

Winter came, and heavy snow fell one after another, covering the earth. The little earthworm was extremely hungry. It waddled to the house of the little ant and said hesitantly, "The little ant begged you to give me something to eat. I'm too hungry to ignore your advice." "It doesn't matter, we will give you something to eat." "Really, thank you very much." Then the little ant gave the little earthworm something to eat.

Later, as long as the small earthworms felt cold, they began to store food.

Cute Ant Composition (4)

The head of the little ant is small, the body is short, and the belly is like a mini football. It's very funny.

Little ants like to live in dark and wet places. Moreover, they have a clear division of labor. All ants bear a great responsibility. The responsibility of the worker ants is the most important besides the queen ants. Their work is divided into three categories: one is to look after eggs; One is looking after pupae; Another is to look after the larvae. Look, two workers are tired, and they are lying beside the larvae. When the larva does not grow into a small ant, they will watch the larva day and night without stopping. They are really responsible!

I love ants! And their language is also very interesting, and their antennae shake several times to express different meanings. They don't run or jump. Their movement is crawling. And the house they built is a crystal palace! The little ants are too big and cute.

Cute Ant Composition (5)

Today, I caught some ants and put them in the jar. The little ants have a pair of antennae and three pairs of feet. They wear a black coat and have three parts of their bodies.

Some of them can be flexible. Those who run up and down seem to try to escape; But some of them don't like to move at all. They lie lazily on the biscuits and wolf down. Look, they seem to be practicing long-distance running: it avoids all ants and hurries onto the bottle cap. After circling around the bottle cap for several times, it rushes down and surrounds an ant, as if it is proposing to her: "Look, how fast I run, please marry me..." Now, look at those ants who are lazy on biscuits. Although they are lazy, they seem very smart, It revolves around one of the largest biscuits, making others unable to approach it, as if that is its chassis.

"Get out of the way, this is my chassis? It turned out that two big ants and a small ant were fighting for food. One of the two ants is dragging its antennae and the other is helping. The little ant struggled hard, but it could not use its strength. The big ant put it aside and went to enjoy the delicious food by itself. The little ant did not give up, but went to fight for the biscuit, and the result was conceivable. I really can't bear to watch it. Why not unite now, but fight?

Cute Ant Composition (6)

I like ants since I was young. As soon as I learned to toddle, I would lie on the ground and watch ants move and look for food.

Once, I saw with my own eyes a small ant dragging a small insect several times larger than its body to move to its home. Hey, hey, it's a long way to go. When I got home, I moved into the cave to share delicious food with everyone.

My mother told me that ants can predict the weather. If it is going to rain heavily, they will move their homes to high places in groups to keep them from flooding.

So now I like ants more. Although it is small, I learned a lot from it.

Cute Ant Composition (7)

Yesterday, I caught a cute little ant at my grandma's house. The little ant was very naughty and cute.

It has a pair of short antennae and six sturdy feet. I took a little water from the cup, poured it on the ground, and put the ants on it. The ants are struggling desperately there. Maybe they want to escape from this place! I think: ants may find their partners and fight together!

I caught the ants, and then I quickly took a bottle of milk and poured some out. After a while, the ants might feel too fragrant, so they hurried out to see it. They worked together and walked to the milk to drink. This scene scared me.

I wonder why ants are afraid of water and milk?

Cute Ant Composition (8)

The little ant is a cute little animal. Although they are small, they are very smart.

Once, I saw a small ant. So I put a small biscuit near the ants. After a while, it smelled the smell of food and came to carry food. But the strength of a small ant is too small to move. What should we do? So the little ant left. At first, I thought the little ant gave up, but later, it found a group of ants to carry food together. Finally, they worked together and finally dragged the food to the ant nest. But the food is too big. What shall I do? These ants divide the food into small pieces and then transport them to the hole one by one. In this way, soon all the food will be transported to the ant nest.

The little ant is really a smart little animal! Don't underestimate these little creatures. Sometimes their actions will surprise us! Their wisdom and collective solidarity are worth learning from.

Cute Ant Composition (9)

On Sunday, my mother took me to the park to play. I saw several ants carrying food.

These little ants used all their strength, but the biscuit still didn't move. The little ant shook its feeler, as if to say, "Friends, here are some sweet and delicious food. Come and help!" Soon, a group of ants scrambled out.

The ants moved up with great enthusiasm. Some carried the grain on their backs, some carried it with three ants, and some made a cart and pulled it to the hole.

I think these ants are really amazing.

Cute Ant Composition (10)

In the past, I only thought it would be hard for ants to climb on their bodies. One day, I changed my mind.

One day, I sat under the flower bed in the garden to eat snacks. Suddenly, I found several ants around me. They were busy looking for food. I saw that they had been looking for food for a long time, but they didn't get anything. So I tore a large piece of bread from my hand and threw it on the ground. The ants soon found the food. First, they kept touching it with their antennae, then they carried a few small pieces of dough and left. I wondered in my heart: why didn't they eat the bread by themselves, instead, they just carried a few small pieces of bread and left? They didn't go back to move "rescuers", did they?

Sure enough, after a while, a lot of ants came at once. They first cut the bread into small pieces. Some ants moved one piece, and some ants moved a large piece together. They "crossed mountains and mountains" and moved the food into the hole.

The ants are selfless and so united, which is really worth learning from.

Cute Ant Composition (11)

There are a group of cute ants on my windowsill. They have a pair of black tentacles and a yellow figure, and their small buttocks are very cute.

Every day, they get up very early to eat the rock candy and candy I prepared for them. They are surrounded by candy, happy and intoxicated with these delicious food. Look - they are squeezing me and you are squeezing me to share the delicious food, and they also make rustling sounds from time to time. Sometimes when they are full, there is still a big piece of candy left. At this time, they will work together to turn this big candy into small particles, and then move them into the cave one by one. How hard they work! Sometimes I deliberately hurt them and cut them off with a drop of water. They quickly split into two groups, as if to say hello to each other. They hurried back and moved things together after the calm.

I went to school these days, so I didn't have time to prepare "ant milk" for them. I think they have no delicious food and must have moved. Today, my teacher gave me this question. As soon as I finished school, I went home to see if they were available. Unexpectedly, they didn't move away. They were still walking leisurely on the windowsill. I touched them with my finger. A brave ant kissed my finger! What a lovely ant, what a lovely black elf! I have to continue to prepare food for you!

Cute Ant Composition (12)

There is a small ant nest under my parasol tree, and there are many lovely ants in it. Ants are divided into three parts: head, chest and abdomen. Ants have a pair of long antennae, which are used to convey information. There are six legs, and the colors are brown, white, gray, etc. I usually like to observe them.

They are very disciplined. Usually, when going out to look for food, there is always a neat line. There is a big ant in front of the line. Maybe it's the head of the ant. That long line is like a bicycle chain, one after another. It's very orderly! What's more strange is that if anyone falls out of the team and wants to stay and play, the leader or his partner will touch those little naughty people with their tentacles, as if to say: "The naughty people are left behind, catch up quickly."

They are very united. Look, they found a big insect and soon surrounded it. But insects are huge in the eyes of ants. How can they move away like mountains? Don't worry. The ants have their own way. Some of them hold the feet of insects, and some carry the body of insects. The number of ants gradually increases. Dozens and hundreds of them worked together, "one - two - three", and finally lifted the big insect up and slowly moved to the nest. They worked together, united and loved each other, and exchanged their labor for abundant food.

Cute Ant Composition (13)

The little ant living in the cave is very cute, although it is very inconspicuous. It is also a weather forecaster!

Small ants can recognize races, but are they also smart? Once, I took a small piece of bread and put it at the hole. An ant came out along the fragrance, hugged it with his hands and feet, but it didn't move. Such a small piece of bread is like a mountain to them. After a while, a group of ants came out again and raised the bread together. But when the bread was moved to the cave entrance, a new problem appeared. What if the bread is too big and the hole is too small? The ants have a way. They use their own "big pliers" to clamp the bread into pieces and transport the bread into the hole.

Ants are not only clever, but also can forecast the weather. On a quiet night, a large group of small ants, carrying bread crumbs and other food, walked under the eaves in groups. So they are moving! Then why did they move? I was wondering. After a while, the sky flashed and thundered, and it began to rain heavily. I hurried home. But I want to see those ants again to see if they are caught in the rain. I looked carefully and found the ants hiding under the eaves. Ha! The little ant is still hiding from the rain! I went home and checked the books. It turned out that ants can forecast the weather. It's going to rain when ants move. Ha! This little ant really deserves to be a weather forecaster!

The little ant is so smart and our weather forecaster. It's really cute. I really like this cute little ant!

Cute Ant Composition (14)

Teacher Yang asked us to go to the playground to observe the animals. What to observe? I thought as I went down the stairs. By the way, look for the ants!

When I went downstairs, there were people beside the grass. So I ran to the garbage dump near the sandpit and began to look for ants carefully. Because I vaguely remember seeing ant caves there.

"Ha ha, I found ants!" My heart was filled with joy. Next to a cake box, I found a group of small ants coming out in a neat line to look for food. I squatted down and looked at them carefully. They have three dark bodies and three pairs of feet, and a pair of white and transparent antennae. Look, they are concentrating on looking for food and ignore me. So I decided to give them some "color" to see. I put a pencil that I took downstairs across the front of the ant "army". "Bad, there is an obstacle in front of me. If I can't get past it, I will stop right away." The little ant that "runs" in the front will immediately transmit the information to the little ant that follows me with its feeler, and the second one will transmit the information to the third one in the same way... just like a domino. In less than two minutes, the whole "team" stopped. Hey, it seems that some "military strategists" ran out of the team and turned left and right beside the pencil, but they didn't find a better way after turning for a long time. They returned to the "team" to discuss "countermeasures" again. After a while, five or six slightly larger ants, estimated to be "elite soldiers", ran out of the team and began to prepare to "break through", turning over from the pencil. In the face of this "giant" falling from the sky, the little ant in the front walked very slowly, but it was firm and slowly rising. The little ants behind all lined up in an orderly way, surrounded closely, showing an expression of fear that the first ants would be eaten by this "monster" as soon as they set foot on it. What a tangle!

There were a few ants on the side. They were so worried that they seemed to say to me, "Please, come and help us!", There is a kind of heroic spirit of looking at death as if returning. I looked at it and whispered "Hail to you, hero!" Slowly sent it back to the team and took away my pencil. It looked at the pencil in my hand and turned its feeler as if to say, "Thank you!" It continued to look for food!

What a cute little ant! Brave and united, we want them to be the same!

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Cute Ant Composition (15)

On Friday night, my mother brought me back an ant home. It was like a rectangular box with transparent blue glue inside. My mother said it was called "sodium alginate". Ants built their own home there. It was fun. Sure enough, the next day, the little ant dug several "tunnels". Wow, I like the cute little ant so much.

Cute Ant Composition (16)

On Friday night, my mother brought me an ant home. It was like a rectangular box with transparent blue glue inside. My mother said that it was called "sodium alginate". Ants built their own home in it. It was very funny. Sure enough, the next day, the little ant dug several "tunnels". Wow, I like the cute little ant so much. Mother said that gel provides water and nutrients for ants to maintain life, and it is also the material for ants to make nests. Therefore, without feeding and bathing, ants can live in their homes for a long time. They open "tunnels" inside. I can clearly see ants' communication, tunneling and other living conditions from all angles. I can't see them clearly, but there is a magnifying glass. I love plants and small animals. I have raised flowers, grass, onions and garlic. Small animals have also raised small turtles, goldfish and birds. I also like insects. I raised silkworm babies and mantis in kindergarten. In fact, I especially like small ants, but I have never raised them. They are too small and I don't know how to raise them. However, I often squat in front of the ant hole in the yard to observe the small ants. Their activities are very interesting. I watch them move, fight, and communicate with their tentacles, which often fascinates me. They are busy all day long. They are hardworking, strong and united. They like to live in groups. In cartoons, we often see how their organized and disciplined teams can defeat powerful enemies. Raising a group of cute ants is my long cherished dream. Now, thanks for my mother's gift, which made me realize my dream for a long time. These lovely ants are now in close contact with me!

Cute Ant Composition (17)

After a while, there was no movement on the ground. I said to myself, "Alas! Why haven't the ants come out yet? It seems that I must use some tricks!" Then I scattered a piece of bread crumbs on the ground and waited patiently for their arrival.

Sure enough, after a while, the ants poured out of the nest. They were dressed in black, and their bodies were divided into three sections, like three round balls connected together. Their heads have a pair of slender sensitive antennae and a pair of black pearl like eyes. Sometimes a pair of big teeth like pincers will be exposed. There are three on each side of the middle part of the body, and four on each thin leg. Its belly is bulging, and there are many patterns on it. It looks like it is painted on it. When the ant started to walk, his antennae shook and his big belly shook, which was very cute.

They form a "long snake formation" and march towards bread crumbs! Once they arrived at the destination, their "general" commanded the ants to work together to carry the "food" in. "General" stood at the front of the team, with his hands crossed, commanding and plotting. He was an excellent leader at a glance. It turned around and shouted to its companions behind: "Brothers and sisters, we found a delicious" huge "food, and today we can have a good meal!" When the ants behind heard the news, they cheered up and lined up in an orderly line waiting for the leader to give orders. "Follow me, let's carry the food home!" At the command, the ants are like well-trained soldiers. You carry one piece, and I carry one piece. In a short time, a large piece of bread crumbs disappeared without a trace. Standing beside me, I was shocked. The ant family was so united. Although they were weak, they knew how to work and cooperate. Everyone worked hard for a goal in their own posts. They didn't care about every detail, but only worked hard and made sincere contributions. How admirable!

It's interesting to watch ants! It also made me understand that as long as I watch carefully in life, I will find many interesting things. I must be a conscientious person in life!

Cute Ant Composition (18)

From morning till night, when they see them, they are usually transporting food. Although they are small and exquisite, if they are united, even a fat man weighing several hundred kilograms can lift them. However, they sometimes encounter danger when transporting food. They are often trampled by other animals or caught by humans. However, because they are very small, they can often escape from the palm of human hands.

Look, a little ant was caught by a big brother. I can guess that it must be saying, "Help! Help!"

The other ants said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we have come to save you!"

The captured ant said, "Hurry up! Hurry up! Or I will lose my life!"

So those little ants who were not caught immediately climbed into the big brother's trouser legs. The big brother felt very itchy because the little ants climbed into his trouser legs, so he hurriedly released his hand to grasp the little ants and was busy scratching. The little ants quickly took the opportunity to escape.

The captured ant was very moved and said to his friends, "Thank you, thank you! Without you, my life would be lost!"

The little ants' companions all said with one voice: "You are welcome. We are all good brothers. It is proper for brothers to help each other."

Cute Ant Composition (19)

This morning, when I went upstairs to have breakfast, I saw an ant smelling something on the ground and ran home. When I was halfway there, I met another ant. The ant touched the antennae of another ant and seemed to say, "Go ahead, there is a lot of delicious food.

They finally arrived, and they smelled the fragrance. One ant seems to be saying, "It smells so good, I want to eat so much." The second ant seems to be saying, "You are like a big holding cat, thinking about eating every day." Its leader said, "You two have quarreled, go and eat!" They began to eat. I think ants are really cute!

Cute Ant Composition (20)

Ants! It is a kind of insect with special alertness and intelligence. They use their antennae to transmit information

On an autumn morning, the leaves of the maple tree have become fiery red, and the sun in the sky will not be as sunny as that in summer. The red sun shines, leaving spots of sunshine under the maple tree, and you can clearly see the ants running and moving. One side ran forward, the other side ran backward, carrying a message. We ran to the direction of the ants, and saw a group of ants transporting things, including leaves, some rotten apples, and some eaten meat bones. They use the collected food as food for winter. All the ants carrying food went in. A small ant hurried to the guard outside the door and said, "I found a treasure land with rice and sausages in front of me." One ant ran over again and I followed.

After a look, the surrounding trees became overcast, the ground was paved with stones, and there were several buds. Isn't this the place where I often vomit and can't eat food? An arrow just like a broken string flew over.

They seem to make a big noise together: "Yeah! Find food!" They get together and twist their buttocks, dancing. They worked together to move the food back to the food they had served as the branch and ate it slowly.

Ants - The loveliness of ants lies not in their appearance, but in their concerted efforts. If people are united, Mount Tai will move. A broken chopstick. A bundle of chopsticks keeps breaking.