Crossing the Road Composition (16 practical)
Say goodbye to the past
2024-05-25 02:35:44
primary school

Road Crossing Composition (1)

When I went to kindergarten, the cross at the entrance of the kindergarten was a big turntable. There were no traffic lights, and the traffic flow was very large. When I was three years old, I was over sixty every night. Every time I crossed the road, he would hold me. And I always shout; Hurry, hurry, cross the road. Grandpa would always touch my head with a smile and say; Don't rush, don't rush with the car. When the traffic was scarce, he held me and walked quickly along the zebra crossing. My grandpa often told me to be careful when crossing the road. I still remember the jingles my grandpa taught me; First look left, then look right. No cars cross the road.

I remember when I was five years old, my grandfather could not hold me any more and began to carry me across the road. At the zebra crossing, Grandpa squatted down and let me lie on his back. He struggled to stand up and put his hands around my buttocks, making me more comfortable and walking steadily across the road. At that time, I always looked at the vehicles coming and going on both sides. Grandpa's left car came, Grandpa's right car came; Hearing my words, Grandpa stopped and waited for the bus to pass before crossing the road. I remember that it was a rainy evening. The street lights were dim and the ground was slippery. Grandpa came to the kindergarten to pick me up again. When crossing the road, Grandpa squatted down as usual and let me lie on his back. But this time, no matter how hard Grandpa tried, he couldn't stand up. I insisted on walking by myself, but Grandpa didn't allow me to get down, A kind college student helped Grandpa up. I saw the big sweat dripping on my grandfather's head. When no car passed, I carried me across the road along the zebra crossing. I was in the first grade of primary school, and my grandpa picked me up. Every time I crossed the road, my grandpa would be hungry and told me with a smile that I should obey the traffic rules and not run the red light. When the green light came on, I took my grandfather's hand and skipped across the zebra crossing. Gradually, I learned to read people when crossing the street.

Some people, without the idea of stopping at a red light and going at a green light, will rush across the road as long as they see no cars. As a result, you know that these people are indifferent to safety and have weak sense of discipline; Some people like to grab the yellow light and cross the road whenever they see a yellow light on the motorway. Most of these people like to take advantage of small things, even to the point of ignoring their lives.

In contrast, some people strictly abide by the traffic rules when crossing the road. They stop at the red light and cross the green light. They do not rush to cross at the yellow light, nor ignore the traffic light. It can be seen that these people abide by the law and discipline, and can take every little thing seriously.

Grandpa is over seventy years old, and he is no longer so sensitive when crossing the road. The other day, my grandpa and I went to the street. When we crossed the street, the green light came on. I helped my grandpa slowly across the street. It felt like a long cherished wish that had been waiting for years.

Crossing the Road Composition (2)

During the summer vacation, I signed up for dance and piano activities. Every time I went to class, I had to cross the road. Pedestrians crossing the road should take the crosswalk, which is also called the zebra road. The white crosswalks contrast with the gray roads, which is very eye-catching.

It is always said on TV that we Chinese people like to jaywalk and refuse to obey traffic rules. It is said that the quality of pedestrians needs to be improved. I carefully observed this phenomenon when crossing the road. There are many people jaywalking, but most people who violate the traffic rules cross the zebra crossing when there are no cars or few cars on the road. The traffic lights are just for reference. There are many cases of running red lights together. Those who do not follow will stay alone on the sidewalk. People clearly know that if a person's body collides with a car, it is no doubt that an egg hits a stone. A broken head and bleeding blood are only minor injuries. In serious cases, it will cost life. Then why run the red light? After crossing the road many times, I found the answer: some roads had a green light for too short a time, and when I walked more than half of the way, I changed to a red light. At this time, the cars around me roared past, and I couldn't move forward or back, so my legs were weak with fear. Sometimes when it is clear that the green light is OK, the cars turning right are willing to give way to pedestrians at all. When a large number of cars turning right have passed, it has become a red light again. These problems are very realistic, so China has become a situation of "improvising" to cross the road.

I would like to say: "Cars, you should be brothers, and let pedestrians be brothers, because pedestrians are weaker and more environmentally friendly than you. Pedestrians, you should also abide by the traffic rules, let the car brothers pass smoothly, and ensure the safety of yourself and others." I believe that the harmonious society will bring harmony between cars and pedestrians.

Crossing the Road Composition (3)

Love is everywhere, on the street, at the end of the alley, on the road... I recently saw a moving and loving report in the Cuban Youth Uprising Daily.

On the morning of September 29, xxxx, a group of cute ducklings, led by their mother ducks, walked on the streets of Vancouver. The ducklings are one by one dull, flat mouth, golden hair, very cute. While walking, he still shouted "quack", like a well-trained team, walking on the road. Cars stopped one after another for fear of bumping into ducklings. Just then, tragedy happened.

Just listen to the sound of "plop" and "plop". Several ducklings disappeared immediately. They had fallen into the sewer.

When the mother duck saw it, she fluttered her wings and tried to put her head into the sewer, but she could not reach the duckling. Mother Duck looked up and suddenly saw the policeman in the distance. She ran quickly and shouted "quack" at the policeman. The policeman didn't understand what the duck was doing, so she touched the little duck's head in a friendly way and went on working. Maybe the mother duck knew that the patrolman didn't understand him, so she bit the patrolman's pants with her flat mouth. The patrolman felt that the mother duck was in trouble, so he squatted down, saw the place where the mother duck pointed her head, saw the duckling falling into the water, and understood the mother duck's intention. The policeman had an idea. Seeing the fishing gear beside him, he borrowed a fishing net from the shopkeeper and fished up the ducklings one by one.

The mother duck was very happy when she saw the ducklings. "Gaga ga" shouted to the patrolman as if she were saying thank you.

The patrolman smiled at them and watched them far away... This is love, not only the mother duck's love for her children, but also the police's love for animals. So, love is everywhere, on the street, at the end of the alley, on the road, at

Crossing the Road Composition (4)

On the road of growing up, slowly, I am no longer the little girl who "asks for food and clothes". On this road, I learned a lot of things.

One day during class, I thought: Can my mother pick me up on time today? Don't be late again! Sure enough, just as I thought, my mother caught me late again. The students left the school one by one, and I was the only one waiting for the arrival of the parents. I waited and waited until the gate of the school was closed, so I left the school in a hurry. After a while, when I came to the road, my heart was thumping, and tension and anxiety occupied my heart. Because I was very afraid of those fast driving cars, and even more afraid, I walked through the gap between these cars alone. I was thinking, thinking that my mother once told me that everything should not be afraid and avoid the heart, should be brave to move forward. I think: crossing the street is also true of nature! Just watch the car and walk carefully! I secretly cheered myself up. Similarly, I took the first step carefully, which was as heavy as a stone. But when I took the second step, when I almost crossed the road, I felt extremely relaxed and happy. When I got home, my mother was surprised to see me back. Her eyes were mixed with a few worries, but at that moment, I was covered by surprise again. My mother also praised me: growing up, more brave!

Perhaps, one experience can let me know a lot; Maybe one test can make me brave; Perhaps, an accident can make me grow up a lot; The first time I did something, I must be a little timid, but I really learned to cross the road.

Crossing the Road Composition (5)

One day after school, Xiaolan, Xiaogang and Xiaohong happily left school with schoolbags on their backs. Just at this time, they met an old man on crutches. He thought about the road very much, so he hurried up to the old man and said, "Grandpa, it's not convenient for you to cross the road because you are old. Let's help you cross the road!" The old man nodded repeatedly.

However, cars came and went on the road. After waiting for a long time, Xiao Lan thought of a way. She took a piece of paper and a stick out of her schoolbag, wrote a word "let" on the paper, stuck the paper and stick with glue, and held the sign in her hand. The driver saw it and stopped the car quickly. In this way, they finally crossed the road.

Crossing the Road Composition (6)

On the first day of school, I wore a bright school uniform and a dark red scarf to school.

On the road, I looked at my watch, ah! 7: 27 points! I'm going to be late! I looked up at the red light! I didn't have so many reasons to rush across the road.

Suddenly, someone called me: "Children, it's a red light now!" "I'm going to be late!" "Do you want to die or not be late?" "This......" I was persuaded by the police, so I had to say: "I will never go to the red light again!"

Although I was late, my heart was sweet.

I'll never forget it.

Crossing the Road Composition (7)

As soon as I finished my homework, I went to Sanjiang Supermarket to buy a fountain pen.

Near the gate of Sanjiang, near the road, stood a white haired grandmother, looking around as if she were waiting for someone. I thought to myself: What is the grandma doing? I should go and have a look.

I just got close to my grandma, and she put one foot into the road, but the other foot did not move. It seemed that she wanted to cross the road. I stared in surprise: Grandma can't cross the road? Why don't you cross the street? But what is she doing on the road? I would never massage my feet on the road, would I?

After looking at it for a while, I smiled and asked my grandmother: "Grandma, what are you doing?" "My child, I think, I want to go across the street, but I dare not cross the road." The grandmother said quietly. oh So it is. I want to help Grandma to cross the road first, but I have waited so long that I didn't even buy a pen. Why should I help Grandma cross the road first? On second thought: People are timid when they are old. If I don't help her, the old lady will live with her children. She has also lived on her own. What if she falls?

I adopted the idea behind, so I said to my grandma: "Grandma, don't be afraid, there is me." I reached out to grandma and held her. When the green light came on, I held her firmly and walked carefully to the opposite side. At that time, I was very happy because I did another good deed.

The old granny smiled and said, "My child, you are so cute! You are as sensible as my granddaughter." I felt that the taste of being praised was really good, and my face was red with laughter.

Crossing the Road Composition (8)

The first time, I always feel different. I want to talk about my first time.

One day, my mother let me cross the road by myself. I was afraid, but I had grown up, and I had to accept such a test. My mother told me, "First check whether there are cars on both sides, and then go there."

So I went. As I walked, I thought about what my mother said to me: "First, see if there is a car, then go there." I followed my mother's method. I was walking a step, a car came, I quickly put away my foot, and then I gathered the courage to run to the steps of the road. There are many cars and battery cars in the middle of the road, which are easy to be hit. I looked, No car. So I rushed like lightning.

I said loudly: "I finally come here, come here!" My mother smiled when she saw my complacency. It's so interesting to cross the road!

In fact, many difficulties in the world can be overcome with courage.

Crossing the Road Composition (9)

Have you learned the slogan "Stop at the red light and go at the green light" since you were young? But how many adults do it now?

The recent news broadcast attaches great importance to one link - "Chinese road crossing".

At the beginning, many people ran through the red light. When they saw the traffic police, some people ran away from the scene at a very fast speed; Some people, with a variety of reasons for their own rescue; Some people get rid of the traffic police in an extreme way. Although we all know and understand that you can't cross the road when the red light is on, why can't you do it?

Traffic police and official departments have to take measures because of the phenomenon of running red lights all over the country.

I still remember a picture of several soldiers standing on the side of the road holding a sign with the words "Oppose Chinese crossing the road". Of course, some people have learned a lesson and will no longer run the red light. However, there is another person who still refuses to change his mind. He thinks: "Red light! It's useless! Anyway, the car can't see me, so he will stop to make way for me! I'll just go!" This idea is very incorrect! Even if the car doesn't hit you, it loses time and benefits itself at the expense of others in order to let you. In addition, the car has a sliding force after braking, just like you can't stop immediately when sprinting after running. Therefore, running a red light is very bad!

This also reminds me of the Daiwa nation - Japan. Although Japan once carried out inhuman aggression and killing against China, Japan is indeed our model in crossing the road. There, no one rushed to the red light, even if there was no car, even if they were in a hurry, they would obey the traffic rules.

Later, people gradually realized the importance of traffic lights. You can imagine what our road would look like without this small indicator light. What's a hurry? Is it more important than safety? What is work? Is it more important than peace for a lifetime?

Some people say, "Because there are Chinese roads, we can cross the road in a Chinese way." Yes, this is one reason. The green light time is too short, and some elderly people, even children and adults with moderate speed can't walk across. However, this is just an individual. Too many red lights are run because of the heart, unconsciousness, and ignorance of what the traffic lights are.

Traffic lights are the guarantee of people's traffic safety!

Crossing the Road Composition (10)

Today, my mother took me to the Book City to read books. On the way, I saw a dog across the road. The dog looked left and right. Maybe it was wondering if it was fun across the street? There was no car coming from the left, so he immediately ran to the middle of the road and stopped. Then he looked at the right. The car was coming. Wait a minute. The dog's life is very important. The car is gone, it's coming! The little dog found a white dog and immediately went over and said, "Let's play together.". White dog shook his head and said: No, my mother said not to talk to strange dogs. Alas! Go back to your side! The dog shook his head in disappointment. I told the dog: You should obey the traffic rules. You should take the zebra crossing when crossing the road, or you should take the overpass in front. Dog Crossing the Road 200 words

Crossing the Road Composition (11)

Watch the first class of Wang Zhida

cross the street

In the morning, the sun is shining brightly. The sun rises from the east. Xiaodong went to school after having breakfast. His mother said to him, "Be careful when crossing the road." When he came to the side of the road, it was a crossroads with big disks. There were no traffic lights. Cars passed by one by one, and there was a stream of traffic. When Xiao Dongxing crossed the road in high spirits, he didn't walk on the zebra crossing. He was hit on the ground by a red bus and fell all over with bruises. As a result, he was sent to the hospital. Through this story, I know that we should pay attention to safety when crossing the road.

Teacher's comments:

Shida, you are great! The personified language at the beginning makes the article seem lively. If it can be segmented, it will make the article clear! come on.

Crossing the Road Composition (12)

On the streets of Vancouver, vehicles pass by orderly. A driver suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some yellow dots shaking forward in front of the car. The driver looked out of the window and saw a group of ducks! Excited and curious, the driver said to his friend in the car, "There are ducks in our big city. They are swaggering across the road in front of the car. The driver stopped the car and let the ducklings cross the road smoothly.

Mother duck leaned up her neck and led the duckling across the road with great fanfare. The ducklings are arranged behind the mother duck in order of size, obediently in a straight line. Occasionally, they see some new things around "quack quack". Some passers-by took pictures of them with cameras; Some are whispering about where they come from; Others laugh at their charmingly naive appearance.

At this time, several ducklings were passing a toy store when their mother duck was not paying attention, and quietly slipped to the toy store. Those ducklings who didn't look at the road accidentally fell into the sewer. The ducklings in the sewer raised their heads with short, powerful cries and called for the mother duck. When the mother duck heard this, she ran to the side of the sewer and tried to bite the ducklings that had fallen into the sewer. The ducklings made a sad sound when they saw their mother. When the mother duck found that it was just useless, she could not help but stop. ".? The mother duck came to the patrol police in a hurry, running and flopping, shouting loudly. Seeing that the patrol police did not respond, she bit the patrol police's trousers with her mouth and pulled the patrol police to the side of the sewer. The patrol police saw the ducklings falling into the sewer, so they found a fishing net to catch the ducklings. When the mother duck saw the frightened children, she put them under her wings.

They started on the road again, and other drivers also stopped their cars like the driver just now. Instead of honking their horns to urge the ducklings to move forward quickly, the busy people waited quietly in the car.

Animals and humans have thus composed a moving emotional story.

Crossing the Road Composition (13)

One day, a rural aunt took the little girl to the city to shop. On the street, cars come and go, like galloping horses.

One day, a rural aunt took the little girl to the city to buy things. On the street, a car came and went, flowing like a galloping horse.

Just as the rural aunt pulled the little girl across the road, the cars came one after another. She saw the seams of the car and quickly tried to pass, but the car came again. Thanks to the driver's uncle's quick and quick emergency brake, it didn't hit. The aunt was scared out of a cold sweat and stood still. At this time, Honghong found them and called them back quickly, saying: "Auntie, you should take the zebra crossing to cross the road and stay away from the car. Stop when the red light is on, wait when the yellow light is on, and move forward when the green light is on.

The rural aunt pulled the little girl just to think about the road, and the cars came one by one. She saw that the seams of the car were speeding up and she wanted to go, but the car came again. Thanks to the driver's uncle's quick and quick emergency brake, she didn't hit it. However, the aunt was scared out of cold sweat and stood still. At this time, Honghong found out, hurriedly called them back and said: "Auntie, you need to cross the road by zebra crossing, and you can't run away from the car. Stop when the red light is on; wait when the yellow light is on; go ahead when the green light is on.

When a green light came on the sidewalk, Hong Hong led the little girl and her aunt across the road happily.

When the green light came on the sidewalk, the red lady took the little girl and her aunt across the road happily.

After crossing the road, the police uncle also praised Honghong as a good boy who knows the traffic rules.

After crossing the road, the police uncle also boasts that he is a good kid who knows the traffic rules.

Crossing the Road Composition (14)

In the study, work and life, everyone has tried to write a composition. The composition must focus on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is lax or even no theme. How to write a good composition? The following is a collection of street crossing English compositions compiled by Xiao Bian for reference only. Let's have a look.

Timeflys. A week has been gone. This week I have nothing sepecial except helping anold lady across the road. I left home for school in a hurry on Monday morning,because I had flag-raising ceremony on that morning. When I was nearly arrivedat school, I saw an old lady whose hair is all white and she seemed didn’t movesmoothly. I worried about that she would have accidents without help. So I help her to go through theroad. As a result, I was late for school, but I was very happy.

Time flies. A week passed like this. This week, as usual, I helped an old woman cross the road. I hurried out to school on Monday morning because there was a flag raising ceremony that morning. When I was almost at school, I saw an old woman with white hair, and her actions seemed inconvenient. I'm afraid that she will have an accident without the help of others. So I helped her cross the road. As a result, I was late for school, but I was very happy.

Crossing the Road Composition (15)

Now pedestrians are running red lights more and more. Is it right to run red lights when crossing the road?

The answer is definitely no.

Pedestrians generally run red lights because they have the mentality of following the crowd, have a fluke mentality, and have no safety awareness.

The phenomenon of running red lights is very harmful. There are such data: in China, three out of every four people killed in traffic accidents are weak traffic people, with the death rate of drivers accounting for 13% and 4%, and the death rate of pedestrians and cyclists accounting for 45%. Running a red light is harmful at first. For example, one day when I came home from school and waited for the red light to turn into a green light at the intersection, I saw a lot of things in the short one minute. A battery car was waiting for the green light at the intersection, but at this time, a large truck ran the red light, turned and drove in the direction of the battery car. The battery car immediately prepared to dodge, but its speed was not as fast as that of the large truck, The battery car burst open, and the battery owner was knocked away for several meters and then stopped moving. However, nothing happened to the truck. I stayed for 1 second and ran back immediately, so that the fragments from the battery car didn't hit me. Next is self harm. Last time I read a report: a woman with a three-year-old child ran through a red light, and a truck passed by, and her mother and daughter were killed on the spot. Alas, what a bloody lesson!

When the speed is 60 km/h, how many meters does the vehicle travel per second? 17 meters. If the speed of the car is 80 km/h, it can't avoid the disaster according to the human reaction time! I once saw a news: an old man ignored the traffic lights when crossing the road, and saw that there was no car above the road, so he went straight to the road. A large truck rushed at a speed of 120 yards. Because the truck owner also thinks there is no one on the road. When the old man found out, it was too late and he was immediately crushed under the car.

Let's work together to create a beautiful home and never run the red light again!

Crossing the Road Composition (16)

I remember last week, when I was on my way to school, I saw an old man with white hair and a slight curve on her back who was leaning on a stick. She looked like she was over 70 years old. I saw this old woman standing beside the road, always looking at the traffic coming and going, and dared not pass, At that time, when I saw this scene, I thought of the teacher's teaching that we should learn to help others, because helping others is also a virtue. So I didn't think about it, so I went straight to the old lady and said, "Grandma let me help you cross the road. Be careful," the old lady smiled and said to me, "Thank you, good boy. I've been standing here for a long time. I've seen a lot of cars running in front of me. My legs are not very sharp, so I haven't been there, thank you!" I said, "Grandma, you are welcome. This is what we should do. Respect for the old and love the young is our traditional virtue!"

Then I helped the old woman to look around. Without a car, I slowly helped the old woman across the road. The old woman quickly thanked me. I said to the old woman, "Grandma, you are welcome. This is what I should do. You walk slowly. I'm going to school. Goodbye!" She said goodbye to the old woman, and then turned to run to school. This event has made me happy for three days.

Later, when I came home, I told my mother about it. My mother was also very happy to praise me, saying that I am really a good and sensible child!