Feelings after reading Hero Story
Diamond Old Man
2023-09-24 19:12:31

Today, I read the book Little Stories of Anti Japanese Heroes, which added a lot to my hatred of Japanese imperialism. I learned more about the crimes of Japanese imperialism against China and the heroic deeds of our army in the war of resistance.

Ji Hongchang, the anti Japanese hero, wrote a poem on the execution ground with great dignity: "I wish I could die against Japan, and leave it for today's shame. If the country is broken, I will not spare this head!" At the same time, he sternly said to the executioner: "I cannot kneel down to be shot, and I cannot fall down even if I die! Get me a chair, and I must die sitting down." Then he said to the enemy, "I died for the resistance against Japan, and I died fair and square. I can't get shot in the back. If you shoot in front of my eyes, I will see how the enemy's bullets killed me." When the executioner raised his gun trembling, Ji Hongchang shouted: "Long live the resistance against Japan!" "Long live China!"

Another little hero, Wang Erxiao, faced the enemy's money and did not lead the way for the enemy; Faced with the enemy's bayonet, he was not afraid. He introduced the enemy into the ambush circle tactfully and bravely. In the process of circling the enemy, he was hit by the enemy's bullets and stabbed by the enemy's bayonet. When he died bravely, he was only 13 years old, and his blood dyed the South River Beach red. After learning the story of Wang Erxiao, literary and artistic soldiers Fang Bing and Jiefu wrote the famous children's song "Singing the Cowherd in the Second Little School", which is still widely sung today.

After reading the stories of these anti Japanese heroes, I was very moved because Ji Hongchang said on the execution ground that he would not surrender to the Japanese even if he swore to die. He also wrote a poem: "If you want to die against Japan, I will save it for today's shame. The country is still so broken, how can I cherish this head! " There is also the little hero Wang Erxiao, who does not want the enemy's money or lead the way, and leads the enemy into the ambush circle of the big army. After the enemy's bullets and bayonets hit him, he died bravely at the age of 13!

The Anti Japanese Hero Stories will encourage me to study harder and cherish the hard won happy life. I will never forget the heroes who gave their precious lives for the victory of the Anti Japanese War. They will live in my heart forever! Always inspire me to move forward!