He inspires me (collection 3)
Across the world
2024-02-16 04:45:27
primary school

He inspired me (1)

I remember that Sunday, the school organized a large-scale charity sale. Carrying a sack of books and toys, we came to the Culture Square with great enthusiasm.

Put up the arbor, put out the toys and books, and everything is ready. In this hot summer, there are endless people shuttling in the square. I looked at the vast sea of people and hesitated. I'm a big girl in a sedan chair. It's my first time.

Finally, I got up the courage, picked up a book, and walked to a young aunt with great expectation. "Auntie, please buy a book. All the money we earn will be donated to the poor mountain area. You should give your love and buy one!" Unexpectedly, she went straight ahead without looking at it. I reluctantly went back to the stall and sat down on the chair with my head drooping.

Suddenly, a little girl came into my eyes. I didn't know where I was going. I grabbed a doll and walked to the girl. I squatted down and tried to make my voice more friendly: "Little sister, look at how beautiful this doll is, buy one!" The little girl looked up at her mother, and her eyes clearly expressed her desire. "No, who knows if she is a liar!" The mother gave me a white look and whispered. liar? Did I hear you right? I'm a liar? Looking at the back of their departure, the sour taste filled my chest in an instant.

I sat down on the ground and cried like nobody else. The sun was scorching on me, and my tears were very bright. How can you do this business!

In the dim sight, I vaguely saw an old grandpa coming to me, "What's wrong with you, little friend? If you have any difficulty, tell grandpa, can grandpa help you?" His voice was so kind, and he helped me up from the ground. I finally poured out all my bitter water to this grandpa.

The old man touched my head lovingly and said, "Don't be sad, son. You will suffer a lot in your future life! Can crying solve the problem?"

I shook my head silently. The grandpa continued: "Isn't there a lyric? The sun always wipes away the tears after the rain. Then, what should we do next? I'm sure you know."

I wiped my tears hard, raised my head and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, I know what to do."

I ran back to the stall, carried a large bag of goods, walked around the square with my head held high, and looked cold, distrusted, and refused... So I smiled at all this. The first thing I did, followed by the second and third... It seemed that in a blink of an eye, my arms were empty, and I replaced them with a stack of hot RMB in my hands.

When I looked up, I touched a warm look. It was the old man who nodded and smiled at me not far away!

Thank you, my unknown grandfather, you inspired me, you let me regain confidence, let me be reborn!

He inspired me (2)

His words are the brightest star, pointing out the direction to me and encouraging me to grow.

His arrival seemed somewhat abrupt. I don't know why my grandpa and mother would suddenly take such a frail old man home to provide food and drink. I asked many questions, but only told me that I should call him "old lady". And he didn't say anything about my impolite behavior, just smiled kindly.

He is more generous than anyone I knew in my childhood. Although he can't give me anything I want, every time I am scolded by my parents for being naughty, he always protects me behind. After the storm subsides, he will conjure up my favorite snacks from his pocket and let me listen to his simple but influential words while eating.

Soon, I changed from a childish urchin to a primary school student with a red scarf on my chest. The old lady smiled again when she saw my expression

The accident happened again. That time, my parents blamed me for not doing well in the exam. The rain outside the window was rattling, and the rumbling thunder added to the sad atmosphere. When I was scolded, he came slowly from behind the door on crutches and sat on the nearest chair. After a moment of silence, I fell into his arms and cried loudly. And he, also silent, just gently patted my head.

That night, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep all night, thinking hard about what he said: "My child, you may not have done well in the exam this time, so your parents will do this. I know you have been working hard, but you should remember that you learn for yourself, for what you want, for the people you believe and love“

Since then, every night when I read hard and the lights were bright, I wanted to give up when I looked at the pile of books and the unsatisfactory examination papers. He will think of his kind words, so he has infinite power and rises from the bottom. Since then, I have made a vow in my heart: I will study hard and be filial to the old lady!

However, I am too ignorant. I can only see the old woman's smile and encouragement for my progress, but I can't see the old woman's weakened body and the mother's and grandfather's worried expression. It seems that he walked so abruptly and calmly.

I didn't cry. I knelt in front of his tomb and stared at the green stone bricks. I thought about every word he said and the infinite inspiration he gave me

I wander in the world, can't find your heaven, east bottle west mirror put hate can't forget; It's the Qingming rain again, and the chrysanthemum is sent to you to sing your favorite song

He inspired me (3)

When I got off the bus and stood in the crowded city center, I felt at a loss.

After working hard for a year and a half, countless weekends of hard practice only resulted in the dazzling red fork on the test paper. Li Bai can go away and live in seclusion; Zhang Zhihe can also return to the countryside and become a frequent fisherman. What about me? I had no choice but to raise my head, face the cruel reality, and do my best to sing my own songs.

I walked silently, "I smiled..." Suddenly, a series of magnetic sounds passed through my eardrums. Alas, who can turn a full heart of sadness into a smile?

I raised my head and looked closely. A young man in a black T-shirt was sitting in a wheelchair with a guitar in his arms. His short hair looked energetic and his face was intoxicated with his own singing. However, in the wide trouser legs, you can vaguely see the withered legs, like a young tree that has not grown up, and then died. But he doesn't seem to care about all this. He doesn't care about the deformity of his legs, the eyes of others, or even the money in the piano box. He only cares about his own songs and just sings them well. His husky but powerful voice, his devoted application, straight into my heart.

A casual glance when bending over to tie shoes - most beggars look at others with their heads buried low and eyes hidden under their untidy hair, while they sing loudly among the beggars. His rough song of life shocked my tired and numb mind.

"I want a life in full bloom..." Oh, another familiar song floated into my ears.

At the end of the song, some people went up to pay. I also took out a note and put it in the box in front of him. He smiled shyly and thanked me calmly.

I turned around, but the song still echoed in my ears. "What is this little wind and rain?" I thought, and my heart was full of strength.

He opened the broken wings that God had given him and flew in the sky. He has always inspired me: as long as I make efforts, I will certainly get the grace of God.